View Full Version : Build a Stronger Coffin?

Rowan Arquest
2011-11-16, 10:57 PM
My friend is playing as a Vampire. He already has a couple tricks to get around during the day, like Unseen Servant to carry his coffin, Darkness in case of emergencies, and the feat that allows him to survive sunlight for a couple rounds. But how should he go about fortifying his coffin against attacks and magic, all while keeping within the confines of Unseen Servant?

2011-11-16, 11:07 PM
put the coffin in a bag of holding or a glove of storing. The former will work whether he's in it or not (since he doesn't need to breathe) and the latter will work while the coffin is empty.

2011-11-16, 11:15 PM
He'd need to do something like that anyway since the Unseen Servant has a Strengh of 2. Lots of thing would be better than an unseen servant though. charmed Commoners, zombies, party members.

Try putting the coffin in an unassuming cart covered in mundane goods.

Rowan Arquest
2011-11-16, 11:20 PM
Just to keep things on track, concealment is not the problem. Right now, we are thinking worst case scenario. Someone has dropped him to 0HP, he goes back to his coffin, they gain access to it with intent to slay. How do we stop them from accessing the inside of the coffin. This can be done through materials, magic, and locks on the inside. What would be the best way of doing this?

2011-11-16, 11:28 PM
Adamantine coffin. Explosive Runes written on an outer sarcophagus. Hold Portal (ups break DC by 5 or 10, I think?) on the cover of the coffin.

Nuke scenario: Contingency Extended Prismatic Sphere set to go off on you once you return to your coffin in mist form. 20 min/level duration.

2011-11-16, 11:29 PM
well, what level are you? that helps us determine what magic you might have access to kit out your coffin with.

2011-11-16, 11:36 PM
Hey, I'm the vampire guy.

Basically, my character is a gestalt Illumian Vampire Spawn/Battle Sorcerer at level 4. This character is still in creation, and I have 5000 gold to throw at it.

My friends and I discussed a bag of holding, but there were a few issues that popped up; If I went to gaseous form, I wouldn't be able to get into the bag, someone would have to pull the coffin out. If the bag was on me, the bag is gas, too. My friends like to troll, and therefore if they felt it, they'd leave the bag closed to be jerks.

We did, however, come up with a way for the unseen servant to get around. Pushing the coffin is one main way, making it easier if the coffin were on wheels, and having a small cardboard box that can contain my gaseous form is another way.

I just need to figure out what to make the coffin out of, and what to put on it to avoid it breaking in dire situations.

Rowan Arquest
2011-11-16, 11:37 PM
We are running a Gestalt campaign, starting at lvl4 due to my ECL(Half Rakshasa 8P). The Vampire that my friend is playing uses the Vampire class progression from Libirs Mortis i believe. And he's an Illumian Vampire Spawn/Battle Sorc. He will obviously be taking other classes soon 8P.

2011-11-16, 11:40 PM
Well, that nixes Prismatic Sphere and Explosive Runes :P

2011-11-16, 11:54 PM
HMy friends and I discussed a bag of holding, but there were a few issues that popped up; If I went to gaseous form, I wouldn't be able to get into the bag, someone would have to pull the coffin out.

Well you do have 2 hours to get to it. so as long as the person holding the bag isn't dead and will let you in, you're fine.

But with only 5000gp to work with, you don't have a lot of options.

Eventually you'll want a pair of Ring Gates. Then you don't have to carry your coffin with you. Just leave one ring near your coffin in an insanely secure location, and have the other in the pouch of an ally you can trust. You can use it even if he's dead.

2011-11-17, 12:01 AM
It may also be good to mention that in this campaign, reality is falling apart. So we can switch locations, planes, even worlds, in the blink of an eye.

2011-11-17, 12:42 AM
And ring gates only work within 100 miles. Some sort of contingent spell or, if you can get a message to the unseen servant while dead, give it a bracelet of friendship keyed to you and have it pull then charm when you go gaseous, though that would be for a higher wealth. Though you wanted ideas on the coffin itself. Adamantine is too expensive, as would be most other materials or heavy duty spells. With that one of better options might be to limit their access to the coffin in the first place. Any chance it can just be concealed, with illusion magic or something?

2011-11-17, 01:20 AM
Obdurium from the Stronghold Builder's Guide.If you have access to it, it cost about 6,000 for a "free standing" wall of the stuff that's 10x10 by a few inches thick. Twice the hardness of adamantium. Usually used for building strongholds.

Combine that with a hardening spell if you can, and find a craftsman who can make you a coffin out of the stuff. Should probably cost less than the wall component as it'll require far less material.

For reference, adamatium free standing walls, 10x10x3 inches, 3,000 IIRC AFB.

Also i believe the Base break DC was somewhere around 50 for it before adding inches of thickness modifiers.

2011-11-17, 01:27 AM
If you're friend's characters would "troll" you by murdering your character that's pretty ****ty unless everyone's agreed to play a cutthroat game.

So, do you want to try to kill/escape enemies that defeat your allies or delay them until the fight is won?

Without alot of gold adamantine is out buy you could still have an iron coffin with both magical and nonmagical traps on it. You could also put the coffin in a cage in a cart trapping it at every layer.

Why not a bag of holding on a loyal minion rather than a pc possibly a noncombatant that poses as a victim or one that can run away using teleportation, flight or stealth.

2011-11-17, 01:33 AM
If you're after indestructible coffins, riverine is your best bet. Otherwise, consider placing a permanent Silent Image over the opening of the coffin to create the illusion of an empty coffin. Of course, when they stab in anyway, you won't be there, because the real coffin is inside a portable hole on the false bottom of this coffin.

2011-11-17, 01:37 AM
As a vampire your friend is immune to poison and fort attacking spells. Welcome to the wonderful world of multiple identical coffins filled with symbols of madness, pain, death, etc. and coated in black lotus extract. The coffin is inside a potable hole at the bottom of one of the coffins, protected by several layers of adamant.

Doc Roc
2011-11-17, 02:16 AM
Or use stronghold builder's guide to make yourself a obdurium\prismatic wall flying coffin. How pimp? So pimp.

Your coffin is an indestructible death-dealing rainbow.

2011-11-17, 02:40 AM
You could just buy a chest with a MWK Lock, a cart, a donkey, some trade goods and hire an Expert to peddle your goods for you as you travel from town to town.

Your biggest problem would be Rogues, and most of THEM don't want a dead body, anyhow.

2011-11-17, 03:34 AM
I recommend buying Coffin Hideaway (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/dx20021031x), for safe resting, but as it's quite expensive, you might want to ask your DM if you can get one with some user restrictions to lower the price (like works only for vampire ect.).