View Full Version : 3.PF Gestalt Character Help

Hunter Noventa
2011-11-17, 08:13 AM
Hello all, I've decided that it would be a good idea for me to have a backup character ready in a current campaign I'm in.

It's a fairly high-powered gestalt campaign, but in the last encounter we effectively lost two and a half characters (someone's cohort was sent to the elemental plane of earth and may or may not get back. And our druid/ranger/ninja was sent to the plane of Death by Awesome(TM). And our Gunslinger//Cavalier got sent to Elysium and likely won't come back even if they could.)

Currently I'm playing a Swordsage//Soulknife(PF Variety0 And it's worked out very well, I'm not too worried, but I like to be prepared.

The current surviving members are as follows-

A four-armed elf Rogue//Binder who's pretty ineffective. Not to mention the player got pissy when they couldn't hit the last boss, which is partly my fault since I've got a fairly absurd to-hit bonus.

A yuan-ti Warblade/Beguiler with the Monk cohort who was sent to the plane of Earth.

As for the dearly departed, I'm not entirely sure what they're coming back as, all I know is that our former Gunslinger laughed like an evil genius every time he mentioned what he had in mind as backup. No idea about the former Druid.

The current rules are as follows-
Level 15
PB Point Buy (46pts)
Any race.
Any ONE template, applied to one side of the Gestalt progression.
Any PF/3.5 classes.
Any alignment.

Currently I have my backup as Hman Warlock//Spellthief, with the Spellwarped template from MM3 taking up 3 levels on one side. the flavor is important here, so the template is set, and I'm pretty married to the warlock class. What I'd like is a suggestion of what to do with the other side instead of Spellthief. Full casters are kinda out, due to LA and the level of optimization the rest of the party shows. I'd still like something somewhat thematic. I was thinking of Factotum, but i wouldn't have enough feats to make effective use of Font of Inspiration, even if I'd mostly be using inspiration for the odd spell and ability boost more than doing massive sneak attack damage.

I haven't looked into going hellfire warlock, though it wouldn't be inappropriate, and a class that could help to mitigate the con damage involved would be nice if that route were taken.


2011-11-17, 09:43 AM
(Synthesist (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/summoner/archetypes/paizo---summoner-archetypes/synthesist)) Summoner (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/summoner) 20// (Dawnflower Dervish (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/bard/archetypes/paizo---bard-archetypes/dawnflower-dervish)) Bard (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/bard) 4/ Warblade (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20060802a&page=2) 16.

Race: Silverbrow Human (for the Dragonblood subtype).

Flaw- Dragonfire Inspiration
1st- Multiweapon Fighting (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/multiweapon-fighting-combat)
Human- Extra Performance
3rd- Song of the White Raven
5th- Words of Creation
7th- Improved Multiweapon Fighting
9th- Song of the Heart
11th- Greater Multiweapon Fighting
13th- Experimental Spellcaster (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/words-of-power) (Accelerate (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/words-of-power/effect-words/accelerate))
15th- Whatever
17th- Whatever
19th- Whatever

Warblade Bonus Feats: Whatever.

All of your Eidolons evolution points should be spent on gaining more and more arms, except at level 8, when you should increase your size to large. All of your arms should be wielding masterwork kukris, ignore magic weapons.

The Dragonfire Inspiration (which requires the Dragonblood subtype) feat turns all of your +x's from the Bards Inspire Courage into +xd6's of extra damage on every attack you make. The Dawnflower Dervish archetype doubles your Inspire Courage bonus, but at the price that it only applies to you. Song of the Heart increases your Inspire Courage by another +1, and Words of Creation doubles the resulting score. Song of the White Raven makes your Bard and Warblade levels stack for determining your effective bard level for Inspire Courage. This results in you getting +20d6 damage to every attack you make.

The Accelerate wordspell allows you to gain an extra move action every turn for several rounds, and is only a 2nd level spell.

The Warblade levels are there so that you can gain two particular maneuvers; White Raven Tactics (which allows you to gain an extra turn as a swift action), and Time Stands Still (which allows you to take two full attacks at once).

So, your combat rounds would look like this.
1st Round- Cast Accelerate (standard action), begin Bardic Performance (move Action), initiate White Raven Tactics (swift action).

2nd Round (gained with White Raven Tactics)- Move towards enemy (extra move action), initiate Time Stands Still (full-round action).

You get 146 attacks, each with +20d6 bonus damage.

Hunter Noventa
2011-11-17, 10:21 AM
(Synthesist (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/summoner/archetypes/paizo---summoner-archetypes/synthesist)) Summoner (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/summoner) 20// (Dawnflower Dervish (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/bard/archetypes/paizo---bard-archetypes/dawnflower-dervish)) Bard (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/bard) 4/ Warblade (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20060802a&page=2) 16.

Race: Silverbrow Human (for the Dragonblood subtype).

Flaw- Dragonfire Inspiration
1st- Multiweapon Fighting (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/multiweapon-fighting-combat)
Human- Extra Performance
3rd- Song of the White Raven
5th- Words of Creation
7th- Improved Multiweapon Fighting
9th- Song of the Heart
11th- Greater Multiweapon Fighting
13th- Experimental Spellcaster (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/words-of-power) (Accelerate (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/words-of-power/effect-words/accelerate))
15th- Whatever
17th- Whatever
19th- Whatever

Warblade Bonus Feats: Whatever.

All of your Eidolons evolution points should be spent on gaining more and more arms, except at level 8, when you should increase your size to large. All of your arms should be wielding masterwork kukris, ignore magic weapons.

The Dragonfire Inspiration (which requires the Dragonblood subtype) feat turns all of your +x's from the Bards Inspire Courage into +xd6's of extra damage on every attack you make. The Dawnflower Dervish archetype doubles your Inspire Courage bonus, but at the price that it only applies to you. Song of the Heart increases your Inspire Courage by another +1, and Words of Creation doubles the resulting score. Song of the White Raven makes your Bard and Warblade levels stack for determining your effective bard level for Inspire Courage. This results in you getting +20d6 damage to every attack you make.

The Accelerate wordspell allows you to gain an extra move action every turn for several rounds, and is only a 2nd level spell.

The Warblade levels are there so that you can gain two particular maneuvers; White Raven Tactics (which allows you to gain an extra turn as a swift action), and Time Stands Still (which allows you to take two full attacks at once).

So, your combat rounds would look like this.
1st Round- Cast Accelerate (standard action), begin Bardic Performance (move Action), initiate White Raven Tactics (swift action).

2nd Round (gained with White Raven Tactics)- Move towards enemy (extra move action), initiate Time Stands Still (full-round action).

You get 146 attacks, each with +20d6 bonus damage.

That's...ludicrous. I think my DM would cry, and then drop rocks on my character if I ever tried anything like that. This is actual character theme and RP going on in this game, even if it's gestalt, and the rest of the party might physically choke me if I brought that in.

I'm pretty married to the current concept, being a warlock with the spellwarped template, I'm just looking for something to better complement that.

2011-11-17, 11:59 AM
This is actual character theme and RP going on in this game, even if it's gestalt
One does not exclude the other.

2011-11-17, 01:05 PM
One does not exclude the other.

It does if it totally overshadows the other players in a fight.

Honestly, what do the other characters do? Go full defensive and wait it out?

2011-11-17, 05:51 PM
Do you have to overshadow them?

2011-11-17, 06:14 PM
Do you have to overshadow them?

With this build, kinda, yeah.

2011-11-17, 08:29 PM
You could be a gish: Make the other side a rogue or possibly a sneak attack fighter, and use eldritch glaive. That lets you deal sneak attack and eldritch blast damage to the people you attack. I'm not sure if you can power attack with an eldritch glaive, though.

If you want a simple build to rule the world (though this is much higher power than you'd like) than be a wizard 5/incantrix 10//archivist 5/dweomkeeper 10 and then destroy everything with metamagic and int-based casting. (You can pick up arcane disciple to qualify for dweomkeeper, since they need magic domain.)

Also a full caster, but less powerful and can fit with warlock is warmage/rainbow servant. One good part to it is it doesn't have to dominate: you can buff and heal whenever necessary and help out the party with just the right spell at the right time. And if you get seperated from them, you can proceed to buff yourself into nigh-invincibility and then blast/fight your way to safety.

If you can power attack with an eldritch glaive, you could try to convince your DM to make it a spell that lasts 24 hours rather than a blast shape invocation (only so that you can rage with the eldritch glaive) and then go barbarian/frenzied beserker on the other side, for the supreme power attack stuff. Alternatively, see if you can let him make a rage mage's spell rage work for warlock invocations as well as spells, and dip one level into it. Essentially, use the warlock side to provides all day buffs and you can fight either from a distance with your blasts or up close with a two handed weapons: Being able to use invocations while raging is just a plus.

You could make the other side scout and get skill points and skirmish, which is great since you'll only be making one blast per round if you fight from a ranged, so you'll apply skirmish damage on almost every blast.

2011-11-17, 11:16 PM
Personally, I'm fond of monk/magus, orcale of battles/magus/theruge or magus/druid. Full attacks while spellcasting? Yes please!

Edit: also, any combination of Barbarian, Hyde alchemist, and shapeshifter ranger. +8 str? Yes please!

Edit 2: master of many styles/dervish dancer bard. Take panther, crane, an possibly snake style. run across the battlefeild, take ALL the opportunity attacks and deal them all back with interest.

Hunter Noventa
2011-11-18, 08:02 AM
You could be a gish: Make the other side a rogue or possibly a sneak attack fighter, and use eldritch glaive. That lets you deal sneak attack and eldritch blast damage to the people you attack. I'm not sure if you can power attack with an eldritch glaive, though.


Also a full caster, but less powerful and can fit with warlock is warmage/rainbow servant. One good part to it is it doesn't have to dominate: you can buff and heal whenever necessary and help out the party with just the right spell at the right time. And if you get seperated from them, you can proceed to buff yourself into nigh-invincibility and then blast/fight your way to safety.

If you can power attack with an eldritch glaive, you could try to convince your DM to make it a spell that lasts 24 hours rather than a blast shape invocation (only so that you can rage with the eldritch glaive) and then go barbarian/frenzied beserker on the other side, for the supreme power attack stuff. Alternatively, see if you can let him make a rage mage's spell rage work for warlock invocations as well as spells, and dip one level into it. Essentially, use the warlock side to provides all day buffs and you can fight either from a distance with your blasts or up close with a two handed weapons: Being able to use invocations while raging is just a plus.

You could make the other side scout and get skill points and skirmish, which is great since you'll only be making one blast per round if you fight from a ranged, so you'll apply skirmish damage on almost every blast.

Not bad ideas, though the barbarian/berzerker/rage mage stuff isn't really the character's style, she's a bit more calculating then that.

What book is Rainbow Servant in though? I've heard of it before and I'm away from my books atm so i can't go digging for it, but Warmage/Rainbow Servant wouldn't be too bad, and with the LA from spellwarped on that side it would keep me from totally overshadowing the rest of the party, i just don't know how the build works. If someone has a link that would be delightful.

And i have actually thought of doing warlock/scout before, so that too is an option, especially if I were to pick up flyby attack...

EDIT: And I found the Brilliant Gameologists thread about it, I'll just send that to myself and cackle evilly.