View Full Version : Negating Cover and Concealment?

2011-11-17, 08:50 AM
With ranged combat, cover and concealment can be very irritating. Equally irritating is when concealment and cover begin to appear in melee combat and against spells.

What are some creative ways of dealing with:

1) Concealment in ranged and melee combat?

2) Cover [including total cover] in ranged and melee combat?


2011-11-17, 08:58 AM
the easiest way for ranged weapons is the Seeking (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicWeapons.htm#seeking) enchantment.

2011-11-17, 09:01 AM
If you want to play an Archer charachter, the Deepwood Sniper PrC allows you to reduce cover bonuses.

2011-11-17, 09:02 AM
MIC has the following items:

Goggles of Foefinding: ignore all but total cover
Bracers of Accuracy: ignore cover/concealment ~1/day (based on a charge system).
Crystal Mask of Insight: ignore concealment

2011-11-17, 09:08 AM
A Soulbow's (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20060403a&page=2) phase arrow attack can ignore both and is usable at-will (though it takes a full-attack action to fire each one.) Pump your Wis, add appropriate damage increasers (e.g. Collision) and you'll have a psionic railgun.

2011-11-17, 09:35 AM
Magic missile (SRD): ignores partial cover/concealment
Seeking Ray (PhBII): ignores partial cover/concealment
Urban Shield (RoD): Only in a city, get +4 AC +2 reflex, enemies never benefit from cover from any city part.
Guided Shot (SC): No range penalty to distance, ignore AC bonus and miss chance from cover/concealment.
Mark of the Hunter (SC): ignore AC bonus and miss chance from cover/concealment from favoured enemy.

Buzzing Bee (SC): Annoying bee hovers near enemy allowing you to pinpoint it.

Those are spells that help directly.

Better ways of negating cover and concealment is fireball, and other such spells with an AoE.

The Succubus
2011-11-17, 09:56 AM
The easiest way is Empowered Meteor Swarm, assuming the dust and rubble doesn't count as concealment afterwards.

2011-11-17, 10:16 AM
1) Concealment in ranged and melee combat?

Faerie fire, Torch Bug Paste (25 GP, Complete Scoundrel), Stormfire Ring (4000 GP, MIC).

2011-11-17, 10:16 AM
You don't have to look very far. You have Improved Precise Shot in Core for ranged combat.

2011-11-17, 12:04 PM
True Strike?

2011-11-17, 09:04 PM
I'm seeing a lot of things that apply specifically to ranged combat, so that's cool.

Now my focus is negating total cover in melee. Thoughts/tips?


2011-11-18, 03:00 AM
I'm seeing a lot of things that apply specifically to ranged combat, so that's cool.

Now my focus is negating total cover in melee. Thoughts/tips?


A 5-foot step?

2011-11-18, 06:27 AM
Total cover?


Or disintegrating the cover :)

2011-11-18, 07:59 AM
One of my points of interest is bypassing the spell Wing of Cover. I believe it is from Races of the Dragon, though it may be from Dragon Magic. It casts as an immediate action.

Though I personally like the spell, my DM has raised contentions about the spell, viewing it as a "you loose" button.

Seeing that it will likely be used against me in the future, I would like to find a way around it, in part to prove that it isn't all that insane.

2011-11-18, 08:08 AM
Attack twice. Or attack many times.

WoC will usually work, but if enemies can adjust to it, it may work only once.

They can ready attacks. One enemy launches a seemingly dangerous attack, while the caster (or whoever poses the most dangerous threat) holds back. Once Wings of Cover has been used, the most dangerous attack is launched. Or use quickened spells to shoot one spell first and then follow up with another.

The spell's text implies that the first attack may even not be lost, but may be directed at someone else:

though he could decide to take any other action, including choosing to attack one of your allies instead, or take a full attack action that grants him additional melee attacks against you in this round

2011-11-18, 08:37 AM
You can also counterspell it, assuming you have a way to counter as an immediate action. This would form a stack of actions similar to countering a counterspell in M:TG. Depending on your DM's view of concentrating though, you may need the help of another caster or your familiar.