View Full Version : "Alchemical Weapon" Ability, PFS Grenadier question

2011-11-17, 03:26 PM
[Question #1] - The wording for the Alchemical Weapon ability description is kind of confusing.


Alchemical Weapon (Su): At 2nd
level, a grenadier can infuse a weapon or piece of ammunition with a single harmful alchemical liquid or powder, such as alchemist’s fire or sneezing powder, as a move action. This action consumes the alchemical item, but transfers its effect to the weapon in question. The alchemical item takes full effect on the next creature struck by the weapon, but does not splash, spread, or otherwise affect additional targets. Any extra damage added is treated like bonus dice of damage, and is not doubled on a critical hit. The alchemical treatment causes no harm to the weapon treated, and wears off 1 minute after application if no blow is struck. At 6th level, a grenadier can use her alchemical weapon ability as a swift action. At 15th level, this ability becomes a free action

It says that the Alchemist infuses a piece of ammunition with an alchemical item. In order for this to happen, though, would the Alchemist be required to have both of the said items in hand?

Or is this, like the alchemist's extracts and mutagens, a catch-all action that involves fetching the required materials and performing the appropriate actions as part of the ability?

Assuming in using a longbow, one fires the arrow and then draws the next in hand as part of the attack action - Could I move action to imbue the arrow with the item, and then use my standard to fire?

[Question #2] - Likewise, with the Explosive Missiles discovery, it states that despite detonating as if a bomb was thrown, "the ammunition is otherwise unaffected."

Does this mean that, logically, I can use Alchemical Weapon to lace an arrow, then imbue it with my bomb and fire it as a standard?

Since this ability only lasts a minute, and goes up to a swift/free action, it seems obviously meant to be used the heat of combat. However, if you need to have both items in hand in order to utilize it, that seems entirely way too clunky, unless you are also utilizing an Adventurer's Sash/Haversack/Belt Pouch.