View Full Version : [3.5] Empowering Spells such as Exhaustion and Eyebite

2011-11-17, 04:00 PM
Hi everyone,

Certain spells don't list any numerical effects for the Empower Spell megamagic; two of them being Waves of Exhaustion and Eyebite.

Waves of Exhaustion doesn't list the numerical effects of the spell, instead merely stating that each target becomes exhausted. Being exhausted, however, does have numerical effects. Thus, could an empowered Exhaustion spell cause some sort of improved exhaustion, with -9 to Strength/Dexterity and -75% move speed?

Eyebite, on the other hand, is like sleep spells in that it affects targets by HD. Could Empower Spell (or any such feat) change the HD targets of the spell's effect?

Thanks in advance.

2011-11-17, 04:04 PM
Saving throws and opposed rolls are not affected, nor are spells without random variables.

Any spells without random variables are not affected by empower.

2011-11-17, 04:06 PM
Any spells without random variables are not affected by empower.

Ah, which means other spells such as Bestow Curse could also not be empowered.

And I assume there's also no way to increase the HD allocated for a certain spell.

Pity, I was brainstorming some ways to improve some sub-optimal spells.