View Full Version : Skill Optimization Challenge [3.5]

2011-11-17, 08:58 PM
This is a challenge that my GM (we share this account) made to me and I thought it would be fun to extend it to the playground.

Objective: Pick a skill and optimize the hell out of it.

Goal: To make your skill as useful as possible, without making your character incompetent. Points will be rewarded for combat, role playing, and utility capability.

Points: Each build will receive a score from each judge. You can earn 0-10 points in each of the 5 categories: Combat, Role playing, Utility, Creativity/Originality, and Difficulty. Points are awarded based on the build as a whole not the skill individually, but if the skill is not what makes your character able to do any of these categories (ex: Your skill doesn't contribute to combat at all, but you're still useful because of your build) you can only earn a maximum of 5 in the category even if you can slay gods. Each judge is able to add or subtract 5 points from the total score for reasons not listed in the categories, but must give an explanation as to why.

Combat- Does having this skill optimized help out in a fight? Do you die during the first round or hide in the back while you're party does the job (without your aide)? Points awarded based on damage, field control, buff/debuff, survive-ability, ect.

Role Playing- How does your skill add to the social dynamic in the game? Does your build make sense as a character or do you have an elaborate story to try and explain why you changed alignment three times? Points awarded based on character development, role-playing practicality, etc.

Utility- What can your skill do for you? Can it give you out of sticky situations or are you a one trick pony with a very mild trick? Points awarded based on versatility, practical application, etc.

Creativity/Originality- How amazing is your overall character and use of the skill? Were you creative and fun with it or did you copy and past the Jumpomancer? Points awarded based on name, back story, personality, creative combos, and overall pizzazz.

Difficulty- How difficult is it to optimize your skill? Did you try to optimize appraise or did you choose diplomacy/iaijutsu focus? Points awarded for based on how difficult the judge feels your skill is to optimize.

The Build: Any race or template (no LA buy off), 20 levels using any WotC official D&D 3.5 book, web enhancement, or errata (most updated). For this challenge the Swordsage only gets x4 skill points at first level.

Rules: Any one may enter. All builds will be posted November 27th. Do not post before hand as to avoid copies. No discussion of builds, but questions may be posted during before the post date. No post, besides builds, on the 27th. After that day, starting at midnight, any one may post comments and discuss their opinions of peoples builds. Each judge (may not enter) will post the score of each build per category on December 2nd with an explanation of why they gave that score (use spoiler boxes to conserve space). No one but judges may post on this date. The build with the highest total score from all four judges is the winner.

Format: start by stating your skill choice in bold. Then, in a spoiler, post your build as a level by level progression. Include race, class, feats, skills, and anything else vital to you build (spell/power/maneuver choice). Then, in a separate spoiler for each, explain how your builds aptitude each category. Feel free to include character story in the Creative/Originality category. You may then give a conclusion to sum up your character and say any thing you feel the judges should know (not require).

If you would like to be a judge please private message me.

2011-11-17, 10:03 PM
I'm willing to participate. Will there be a trophy or award for the winner?

2011-11-18, 01:39 AM
Are Diplomacy and UMD (UPD) allowed? Because those would probably destroy all the others. (Well, they might lose at originality, but still.)

Intimidate is a bit of a 1-trick pony.

2011-11-18, 01:50 AM
There's, um, an obvious choice here.

2011-11-18, 01:55 AM
There's, um, an obvious choice here.

Any of them plus Exemplar? Jumplomancer can be done with any skill, really. Heck, do all of them with Omniscifier?

2011-11-18, 02:20 AM
There's, um, an obvious choice here.

Ooh, ooh! I totally know this one!!

...Lucid Dreaming?

2011-11-18, 04:48 PM
if the build recieves a 0 in any category then you are disqualified. originality and skill choice would prevent using the exemplar diplomacy trick and easy skill choices like UMD or diplomacy.

a reward sounds like a good idea. although i haven't thought of one yet.

2011-11-18, 04:57 PM
this sounds like a lot of fun. here's the table that we've been using over in iron chef so people don't have to worry about formatting:

{table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Feats|Class Features

1st|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

2nd|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

3rd|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

4th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

5th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

6th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

7th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

8th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

9th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

10th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

11th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

12th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

13th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

14th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

15th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

16th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

17th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

18th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

19th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

20th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities[/table]

Are there any skills that are banned? you seem to have implied jump/diplomacy will be, and that's reasonable enough, we've already seen those and it's hard to do anything new with them. is there anything else?

I think that I would like to compete. do we PM entries to you?

2011-11-18, 06:20 PM
Thank you for the table, i'm sure that will come in handy.

I didn't think that i would have to come up with a list of skills that are actually banned. All the ones that would be are pretty obvious. Any skill that has already been optimized or is easily optimized is going to score you a 0 in skill choice or originality and would thus disqualify your build.

Tentative list of skills you shouldn't choose.
diplomacy, UMD, UPD, iaijutsu focus, intimidate, jump

Tentative list of tricks you shouldn't choose
exemplar's "use any skill as diplomacy", chaos shuffle (or other feat retraining methods. note: no feat retraining), no item familiar.

All entries are to be posted on the given day, for public display. Please no other posts on that day so that all builds are post next to each other.

Hint: Being able to do epic (literally) skill checks is ideal

2011-11-18, 06:28 PM
Thank you for the table, i'm sure that will come in handy.

I didn't think that i would have to come up with a list of skills that are actually banned. All the ones that would be are pretty obvious. Any skill that has already been optimized or is easily optimized is going to score you a 0 in skill choice or originality and would thus disqualify your build.

Tentative list of skills you shouldn't choose.
diplomacy, UMD, UPD, iaijutsu focus, intimidate, jump

Tentative list of tricks you shouldn't choose
exemplar's "use any skill as diplomacy", chaos shuffle (or other feat retraining methods. note: no feat retraining)

All entries are to be posted on the given day, for public display. Please no other posts on that day so that all builds are post next to each other.

Hint: Being able to do epic (literally) skill checks is ideal
you're quite welcome.

okay, see, that was what I meant. for new people to the game, "already been done" might not be something that they know (jumplomancer is a little old, new players might not know it) and easily optimised is subjective, obviously (not that there's anything wrong with that, it's your contest, judge it how you like, just tell us the rules first) it would be a shame if people made builds only to get 0s

okay, so no diplomacy, intimidate, iaijutsu focus, jump, UMD/UPD. is that all?

exemplar's obvious, but thanks for saying what's specifically disallowed so I don't build it, so you don't get a bunch of...epic escape artist exemplars, shall we say

2011-11-18, 06:36 PM
Also i would like to avoid the basket weaver. See my sig, but that is just a bunch of silly nonsense anyways. I'm questionable on truename skill because for one it's already been optimized fairly well, but its still not a good skill even at the highest level of optimization. So if you think you have a spectacular idea for a truenamer then go for it, but I recommend against it. Also anyone who chooses control shape and actually does it well, huge kudos.

2011-11-18, 07:33 PM
Do we have to bring the full build to 20th level or can we attempt to showcase a skill with fewer levels?

2011-11-18, 07:40 PM
Should we be focusing single-mindedly on a single skill, or combinations of skills? For instance, if I can do really well with, say, both Autohypnosis and Knowledge: Architecture and Engineering on the same character, does that count in my favor? What about skills that naturally work together-- Hide and Move Silently aren't nearly as useful without optimizing both, for instance.

2011-11-18, 07:54 PM
If you want to showcase a skill at a lower level or try to optimize more than one skill in a single build then a judge may use their 5 indeterminate points to give you more points. This is a way to get a nice bonus, but is not a deal maker.

2011-11-18, 11:41 PM
Item familiars are banned, right?

The Gilded Duke
2011-11-18, 11:47 PM
It sounds like we send entries to you. I think this might be more fun with completely open posting, and discussion on builds as they go.

2011-11-18, 11:50 PM
Where is that Lightning Thief build when you need it?

2011-11-19, 03:09 AM
Correct no item familiar. I'll add that to the list of tricks.

The builds are posted directly to this thread by the user on the given day. Please no other post on that day so that all builds may be viewed next to each other.

The Gilded Duke
2011-11-19, 03:53 AM
Can we talk about build ideas ahead of time?

2011-11-19, 03:59 AM
No, talking about builds on this thread makes it harder for people to be original. If you have a question that might reveal your build then ask me in a private message.

Also I would still like for there to be more judges. If you're interested then please private message me.

The Gilded Duke
2011-11-22, 01:38 AM
Any new updates on this? When will we be posting our builds? Have one kinda funny one ready, not sure if I will do a big fancy IC writeup, but should be able to do a decent skeleton of a build.

2011-11-22, 02:40 AM
How's this contest feeling about custom Competence items? If they're going to be penalized, I want to steer clear, but I also don't want to be the only guy without a +30 item in the lineup...

2011-11-22, 02:46 AM
How's this contest feeling about custom Competence items? If they're going to be penalized, I want to steer clear, but I also don't want to be the only guy without a +30 item in the lineup...

Seriously, it's not that hard to get an obscene bonus by sinking your entire WBL that way.

Also, is this just based on skill, or will other parts of the build (Damage, Spells, abilities) come into play and be judged?

2011-11-22, 02:57 AM
Seriously, it's not that hard to get an obscene bonus by sinking your entire WBL that way.

Also, is this just based on skill, or will other parts of the build (Damage, Spells, abilities) come into play and be judged?

Depends what you mean by "obscene." Somebody with a +30 item will pretty consistently have a skill check about 30 higher than somebody without...so if they're allowed, they're going to be pretty important for this challenge. And they're not your entire WBL, they're about 12% of your WBL at level 20.

Judging criteria are described and categorized up in the OP; they include the whole build, including how the skill used fits into the rest.

2011-11-22, 02:59 AM
Seriously, it's not that hard to get an obscene bonus by sinking your entire WBL that way.

Also, is this just based on skill, or will other parts of the build (Damage, Spells, abilities) come into play and be judged?

Or... You could be an Archivist >:D

2011-11-22, 06:41 AM
Where is that Lightning Thief build when you need it?

Right here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=142080). Thanks for remembering!

It's only 15 levels, though... should I enter it?

2011-11-22, 07:29 AM
Any new updates on this? When will we be posting our builds? Have one kinda funny one ready, not sure if I will do a big fancy IC writeup, but should be able to do a decent skeleton of a build.

As per the OP, we should all post builds on November 27th. Additionally, we're not supposed to make any posts besides builds on that day. Admittedly, it seems easier to follow the Iron Chef pattern, where contestants have until that day to PM their builds to the contest chairperson, who then posts all submitted builds in one fell swoop.

Also, is this just based on skill, or will other parts of the build (Damage, Spells, abilities) come into play and be judged?

The OP contains the scoring guidelines the judges will be using. While this is about optimizing a skill, we want it to be one that has some bearing in combat, role-play scenarios, etc.

2011-11-23, 03:59 AM
As per the OP, we should all post builds on November 27th. Additionally, we're not supposed to make any posts besides builds on that day. Admittedly, it seems easier to follow the Iron Chef pattern, where contestants have until that day to PM their builds to the contest chairperson, who then posts all submitted builds in one fell swoop.

This was my first thought, but I have pretty unreliable internet access and I didn't want the builds to not get posted on time just because i couldn't get online.

As far as the personalized +30 competence bonus magic item goes: If a person was specializing in a skill, and the way they fought/made money/interacted with people was surrounding that skill I don't see why they wouldn't try to find someone who would make them an item that would improve it. Is it unoriginal? Yes. Is it unreasonable? No. Would I (not speaking for other judges) penalize you for it? No.

2011-11-24, 02:03 AM
Build finished, formatted, and ready to post. I am excite.

2011-11-24, 02:25 AM
Hmm maybe 10 days was too much time. But I wanted to make sure people had time because of Thanksgiving and what not.

2011-11-26, 11:02 PM
Lyssa and Lintra: The Two-Edged Blade - A study in the use and abuse of Sleight of Hand


The BuildRace and AbilitiesRace: Dvati

Abilities (32 point buy):
Str: 8
Dex: 16 > 20
Con: 14
Int: 16
Wis: 8
Cha: 14

Abilities (including items):
Str: 8
Dex: 30
Con: 14
Int: 24
Wis: 8
Cha: 22
Progression{table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Skill Tricks|Feats|Class Features

Level Adjustment +1

1st|Factotum 1|
+0|Balance 4, Bluff 4, Concentration 4, Hide 4, Iaijutsu Focus 4, Move Silently 4, Perform (Sing) 4, Sleight of Hand 4, Tumble 4||Flaw (Shaky), Flaw (Inattentive), Skill Focus (Sleight of Hand), Improved Initiative, Darkstalker|Inspiration, Cunning Insight, Cunning Knowledge, Trapfinding

2nd|Swashbuckler 1|
+0|Balance +1, Bluff +1, Iaijutsu Focus +1, Tumble +1|Nimble Charge|Weapon Finesse (b)|

3rd|Rogue 1|
+0|Concentration +1, Hide +2, Iaijutsu Focus +1, Move Silently +2, Sleight of Hand +1, Tumble +1, Use Magic Device +1||Quick Draw|Sneak Attack +1d6, Mimic 1/day

4th|Rogue 2|
+0|Concentration +2, Hide +1, Move Silently +1, Sleight of Hand +2, Tumble +1|Hidden Blade||Evasion

5th|Rogue 3|
+1|Concentration +1, Hide +1, Iaijutsu Focus +2, Move Silently +1, Perform (Sing) +1, Sleight of Hand +1|||Sneak Attack +2d6, Penetrating Strike

6th|Swashbuckler 2|
+1|Concentration +1, Iaijutsu Focus +1, Tumble +1|Sudden Draw|Daring Outlaw|Grace +1, Sneak Attack +3d6, Dodge Bonus +1

7th|Swashbuckler 3|
+2|Hide +1, Iaijutsu Focus +1, Move Silently +1, Tumble +1|||Insightful Strike

8th|Swordsage 1|
+4|Concentration +3, Hide +2, Iaijutsu Focus +1, Move Silently +2|||Quick to Act +1, Discipline Focus (Weapon Focus, Shadow Hand)

9th|Factotum 2|
+4|Concentration +1, Hide +1, Iaijutsu Focus +1, Move Silently +1, Sleight of Hand +2, Tumble +3||Craven|Arcane Dilettante (1 spell)

10th|Factotum 3|
+5|Concentration +1, Hide +1, Iaijutsu Focus +1, Move Silently +1, Perform (Sing) +2, Sleight of Hand +2, Tumble +1|||Brains Over Brawn, Cunning Defense

11th|Marshall 1|
+7|Perform (Sing) +5|Acrobatic Backstab|Skill Focus (Diplomacy) (b)|Minor Aura (Motivate Dexterity)

12th|Uncanny Trickster 1|
+7|Concentration +1, Hide +2, Iaijutsu Focus +2, Move Silently +2, Perform (Sing) +1|Nimble Stand (b)|Staggering Strike|Favorite Trick (Acrobatic Backstab)

13th|Uncanny Trickster 2|
+7|Concentration +2, Hide +1, Iaijutsu Focus +1, Move Silently +1, Perform (Sing) +3|Twisted Charge (b)||Favorite Trick (Sudden Draw), Sneak Attack +4d6, Uncanny Dodge

14th|Uncanny Trickster 3|
+8|Concentration +1, Hide +1, Iaijutsu Focus +1, Move Silently +1, Perform (Sing) +1, Tumble +4|Mosquito's Bite (b)||Favorite Trick (Hidden Blade), Tricky Defense

15th|Rogue 4|
+8|Concentration +1, Hide +1, Iaijutsu Focus +1, Move Silently +1, Perform (Sing) +1, Sleight of Hand +2, Tumble +1||Shadow Blade|Sneak Attack +5d6

16th|Rogue 5|
+8|Concentration +1, Hide +1, Iaijutsu Focus +1, Move Silently +1, Perform (Sing) +1, Sleight of Hand +2, Tumble +1|||

17th|Rogue 6|
+9|Concentration +1, Hide +1, Iaijutsu Focus +1, Move Silently +1, Perform (Sing) +1, Sleight of Hand +2, Tumble +1|||Sneak Attack +6d6, Improved Uncanny Dodge

18th|Rogue 7|
+9|Concentration +1, Hide +1, Iaijutsu Focus +1, Move Silently +1, Perform (Sing) +1, Sleight of Hand +2, Tumble +1||Master Pickpocket|Dodge Bonus +2

19th|Rogue 8|
+9|Concentration +1, Hide +1, Iaijutsu Focus +1, Move Silently +1, Perform (Sing) +1, Sleight of Hand +2, Tumble +1|||Sneak Attack +7d6, Skill Mastery (Concentration, Hide, Iaijutsu Focus, Move Silently, Perform (Sing), Sleight of Hand), Grace +2[/table]
SkillsItalicized skill ranks in table are cross-class.

Final skill ranks: Balance 5, Bluff 5, Concentration 22, Hide 22, Iaijutsu Focus 22, Move Silently 22, Perform (Sing) 22, Sleight of Hand 22, Tumble 22, Use Magic Device 1

Skill Tricks (Favorite): Nimble Charge, Hidden Blade, Sudden Draw, Acrobatic Backstab, Nimble Stand, Twisted Charge, Mosquito's Bite
Maneuvers and StancesManeuvers: Ruby Nightmare Blade
Cloak of Deception
Shadow Blade Technique
Shadow Jaunt
Mountain Hammer
Emerald Razor

Stances: Island of Blades
Gear:WBL at ECL 20: 760000

Gear: Sleight of Hand item +30 (90000)
Sleight of Hand item +30 (90000)
Manual of Quickness of Action +4 (110000)
Tome of Leadership and Infulence +2 (55000)
Tome of Clear Thought +2 (55000)
Gloves of Dexterity +6 (36000)
Gloves of Dexterity +6 (36000)
Cloak of Charisma +6 (36000)
Cloak of Charisma +6 (36000)
Headband of Intellect +6 (36000)
Headband of Intellect +6 (36000)
Total: 616000

The rest can be spent on armor and weapons, as you see fit.
Sources Dragon Compendium Volume I (Dvati)
Dungeonscape (Factotum, Penetrating Strike ACF)
Unearthed Arcana (Flaws)
Lords of Madness (Darkstalker)
Oriental Adventures (Iaijutsu Focus)
Complete Warrior (Swashbuckler)
Complete Scoundrel (skill tricks, Daring Outlaw, Uncanny Trickster)
Exemplars of Evil (Mimic ACF)
Tome of Battle (Swordsage, Shadow Blade)
Champions of Ruin (Craven)
Miniatures Handbook (Marshall)
Complete Adventurer (Staggering Strike)
Eberron: City of Stormreach (Master Pickpocket)
The Trick
Sleight of Hand DC 80: Make an adjacent, willing creature or object of the character’s size or smaller “disappear” while in plain view. In fact, the willing creature or object is displaced up to 10 feet away—make a separate Hide check to determine how well the “disappeared” creature or object is hidden.
Any Sleight of Hand check normally is a standard action. However, you may perform a Sleight of Hand check as a free action by taking a -20 penalty on the check.
This build represents a pair of Dvati who focus on using epic Sleight of Hand checks to teleport and hide one another as free actions during combat, allowing them to deliver enormous amounts of sneak damage and bewilder their opponents as they dart around, flickering in and out of sight.

Sleight of Hand check (level 19):
10 (take 10)
22 (ranks)
6 (Motivate Dexterity)
7 (Brains over Brawn)
2 (Bluff synergy)
3 (Skill focus)
30 (custom competence item)
Total: 90 (enough to succeed with Master Pickpocket feat)
CombatLyssa and Lintra in combat function as a sneaky melee DPS team with an exceptionally large array of ways to reliably deliver their damage.

Sources of damage (level acquired): Iaijutsu Focus (level 1, improves steadily over the build)
Sneak Attack (level 3, improves steadily over the build, works on sneak-immune targets thanks to Penetrating Strike)
Int to damage (level 7)
Various maneuvers (level 8)
Dex to damage (level 15)

Ways to make opponents flat-footed (for Iaijutsu Focus, Sneak Attack): Stealth: The build is Dex-focused, takes Darkstalker at level 1, and keeps Hide and Move Silently maxed. Starting at 10th and 11th level, respectively, it also gets Int and Cha to both skills. Lyssa and Lintra should generally get a surprise round.
High initiative: It's a Dex-focused build with Improved Initiative from level 1. It gets another +1 at level 8 from Swordsage. In addition to the surprise round, you should usually act before your opponents in the first regular round of combat, getting you more flat-footed goodness.
Skill tricks: Hidden Blade, Sudden Draw, and Acrobatic Backstab all let you treat opponents as flat-footed. Thanks to Uncanny Trickster, you get to use each of them twice per encounter (per twin).
Ruby Nightmare Blade: Self explanatory, gained as one of your Swordsage maneuvers. Concentration stays maxed or close to maxed throughout the build.

Other sources of sneak attack: Flanking: As Dvati, you're especially good at this, getting a +3 instead of +2 on flanking attacks. You also pick up the Island of Blades stance at level 8, allowing you to qualify as flanking as long as both twins are adjacent to the same opponent, regardless of exact position. And once the Sleight of Hand trick comes online, good luck maneuvering out of flanking position; each twin can teleport the other 10 feet as a free action, meaning they can rearrange each other to get into perfect positions to flank.
Cloak of Deception: Swift action Greater Invisibility, gained as a Swordsage maneuver at level 8.
Sleight of Hand trick: By making a willing, adjacent creature disappear, the twins basically have Hide Other In Plain Sight. Each round, the twin whose action it is gets to hide and teleport the other one as a free action. When the other twin's turn comes along, they're already hidden...Sneak Attack away!

Debuff: Staggering Strike: Thanks to this feat, starting at level 12, anyone you sneak attack becomes terrible.

Survivability: In this category, you're basically relying on your respectable AC (dex-focused, Swashbuckler dodge bonus, Uncanny Dodge), decent saves w/ evasion, and excellent stealth to stay alive. This is not a strength of the build, though (it generally isn't for rogue types); you should not be tanking damage.
Role-PlayingThe flavor of this build all flows together fairly nicely: It's a stealthy but focused combatant. Fighting against Lyssa and Lintra, you should never really feel like you have any idea of what's going on, as they dart around you, flicker in and out of sight, and deliver devastating blows from angles you were never expecting before fading back into the shadows, leaving you never sure they were even there (except for all the blood). Which, let's be honest, is a totally badass combat style.

The Dvati thing should add some interesting and unique role-playing opportunities. Also, their "serene" side fits well with the "focused combatant" aspect of the build (Iaijutsu Focus, Swordsage), while their "intellectually energetic, and curious" side fits well with the dependence on skills for combat effectiveness.

The only thing that doesn't flow particularly with the fluff is the level of Marshall. Ah, well; such are the sacrifices we make for skill optimization.
UtilitySleight of Hand has two main uses in combat: The teleportation trick discussed above, and the ability to steal somebody else's weapon. The former serves as essentially the capstone to the build, allowing an additional means to reliably deliver sneak damage, and an effective way to escape combat should the need arise, greatly increasing survivability. The latter has the potential to be extremely useful against many melee builds; anybody who depends on Power Attack and a two-hander for damage, for instance, is going to be much less effective without the two-hander. Thus, an effective way to open many combats would be to steal the enemy's weapons before they even become aware of the threat.

Outside of combat, the uses of Sleight of Hand are obvious: How often are the PCs faced with a situation in which somebody has something they need? What if somebody in the party had a Sleight of Hand check high enough that they were practically guaranteed to be able to get that item without getting caught? Problem solved.
Creativity/OriginalityThorgrim didn't even see them until the first blow fell: Pale furies out of some hell, lovely and cold. Armed and armored. Long, light hair. Eyes like ice. Their knives found seams in his armor he would have sworn no Dwarven craft should possess, and he felt blood flow from half a dozen deep cuts as he raised his shield. Half dead and only now ready to start the fight, he thought. Who are these shadows?

As he took a mighty swing at one of his assailants, her companion cast a corner of her cloak between them and his intended victim seemed to fade into the night, her snow-white face but a trick of the moonlight. His axe swung true, but its blade parted only air from air, as where instants ago there had stood a woman there now were only shadows.

Thorgrim hefted his shield to turn aside a lightning-fast strike from the remaining assassin's blade, but before he could answer with a blow of his own, a whispered rustle in the wind warned him of peril behind him. Far to late to turn and face the danger, he lowered his head and charged forward, sending a silent prayer of thanks heavenward as he heard a knife blade whistle by the back of his neck. The woman in front of him calmly sidestepped his clumsy rush, slashing another wound into his side as he passed.

The dwarf turned to face his foes, and they each took a hasty step backwards. That's right, he thought, now I'm ready for you. He strode forward, ready to make blood answer for blood. As he closed, though, the twins opened their mouths and sang, in eerie unison. The sound of their mingled voices seemed to fill Thorgrim's head, blocking all sound, all thought, and he involuntarily lifted his hands toward his ears. As he shook his head to clear it, one of his foes danced across the grass in front of her double, and when the swirl of her cloak had passed, only one opponent stood before the dwarf. Undeterred, he swung his axe in a deadly arc. The dagger raised to turn the blow aside could only alter its course so far, and the dwarf shouted a triumphant "Ha!" as he felt his blade bite into flesh.

Thorgrim's elation lasted for perhaps half a second. The last thing he felt was the knife sink into his back.

(With apologies to Roger Zelazny.)


I developed the basics of this build when I looked through the Epic Skills page (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/skills.htm), saw the top-level use for Sleight of Hand, and went, "woah, I'll bet you could use that in combat." Then somebody came along and posted a link to that damn Lightning Thief (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=142080) build. *sigh*

Okay, so I'm not the first person to ever think of optimizing Sleight of Hand. However, I'd like to think that this build incorporates the epic Sleight of Hand trick more completely into a thematically unified build. Lyssa and Lintra are not a one-trick pony; instead, the Sleight of Hand trick serves as a capstone ability that synergizes with the capabilities already in place when it is acquired.

Furthermore, although I did pick a single skill to optimize to truly epic levels, I also tried to make the entire build centered on the use of skills in combat. Practically everything Lyssa and Lintra do relies on skill use: Sleight of Hand is obvious.
Iaijutsu Focus delivers bonus damage based on a skill check.
Hide and Move Silently are crucial to delivering Sneak Attack and Iaijutsu Focus damage.
The other ways the build has for delivering Iaijutsu Focus damage are also skill-dependent (skill tricks, and Concentration for Ruby Nightmare Blade)
Whenever you don't have anything better to do with your move actions (like when you're already at melee range but you want to deliver a standard action maneuver), you can make a Perform (Sing) check to gain combat bonuses against your opponent.
In addition to optimizing a single skill to epic levels, I've tried to optimize the use of skills in combat in general as a central theme of this build.
DifficultyAs is plain from the build I linked above, I'm not the first to think of using Sleight of Hand in combat. However, I'm hoping the extensive use of additional skills in combat will serve me in this category.

Plus, you know, I'm not a Jumplomancer :smallwink: .

The Gilded Duke
2011-11-27, 01:45 AM
Forge the Warforged

Crafting quickly to make lots of gold

Forge the Warforged makes things.
He makes things 24 hours a day without resting.
He makes things forever.
Forge likes making suits of MW Tiny Sized Armor Spiked Adamantine Full Plate for cats.
They look so cute in their spiky armor.

Forge likes to make write Brelish Epics.
He writes them very quickly.

Forge likes to make Forge.

The Build:

Forge the Warforged
Neutral Warforged Artificer 20
Craft Armorsmithing 23
Craft Writing 23 (Races of Stone p. 31)
Use Magic Device 23
Knowledge Arcana 23
Linguistics: Draconic

1.Wand Bonding (City of Stormreach p. 119)
B1. Scribe Scroll
B2. Brew Potion
3. Wand Surge (Magic of Eberron p. 51)
B3. Craft Wondrous Item
B4. Craft Humunculus
B4. Extraordinary Artisan
B5. Craft Magic Arms and Armor
6. Extend Spell
B7. Craft Wand
B8. Wand Mastery
9. Persistent Spell (Complete Arcane p. 81)
B9. Craft Rod
12. Heroic Spirit
B12. Craft Staff
B12. Legendary Artisan
B14. Forge Ring
15. Dragon Prophisizer (Magic of Eberron p. 46)
B16. Craft Construct
18. Prophecies Artifex (Magic of Eberron p. 50)
B20. Extra Rings

Notable Abilities:
Artificer Item Creation
Metamagic Spell Completion

Forge spends 25 gp, and 5gp per level per month to join an Arcane Guild, to get a 10 percent discount on making magic items. Cityscape p. 87

Trick 1: Forge the kitten armor fabricator

Fabricate is usually a higher level spell.
Trapsmiths get it as a 3rd level spell (Dungeonscape p. 53) that they can cast at 3rd level. Artificers can create magic items at a CL of 2 lower then their minimum. Forge can make scrolls of Fabricate starting at first level.

But scrolls aren't that much fun.
At level 7 Forge can make wands instead.

Tiny Sized MW Spiked Adamantine Full Plate Cat Barding normally costs 16,550 gp. As Forge is an Extraordinary Artisan he treats the cost as 12,412.5 gp instead. The raw materials for crafting are only 1/3rd of the cost. It costs Forge 4137.5 gp worth of adamantine to make the armor.

Fabricate's material component is the amount of material required to craft an item in this case 4137.5 gp.

Forge wants to make a CL 1 Wand of Fabricate (kitty armor)
The base cost is 1125 gp, with an additional 206,875 gp for the material component. This wand has a starting cost of 208,000 gp or 156,000 gp for Forge. When crafting he only has to pay half price or 78,000 gp. Being a member of an arcane guild further lowers the price to 70,200 gp. 7,488 xp is required.

After he makes the wand Forge starts to mass produce and sell kitty armor. While he uses 49 of the charges to make up for the costs involved in the wand construction he always makes sure to leave one charge leftover.

Selling the 49 kitty armors gives him 405,575 gp.

Instead of using the last charges, Forge uses Wand Bonding. Wond Bonding lets him sacrifice an infusion of the same level to cast a spell from a wand without using a charge. Every day Forge uses all of his 3rd level and higher infusions to create kitty armor that he sells for 8275 gp each.

Trick 1-B: Perpetual Kitten Armor Generation

Once Forge reaches level 11 he can really step up his kitten armor production. First, he buys or makes a wand sheath and stores his fabricate wand inside it to keep it close at all times.

Forge buys or creates a scroll of Unfettered Heroism. He uses Metamagic Spell Completion to cast it as a Persistant Spell, lasting 24 hours. For the next 24 hours Forge has a single action point to spend per round. He uses wand surge to use an action point instead of a charge to use his fabricate wand to cast more kitty armor. There are 14,400 rounds per day. Casting Unfettered Heroism takes only a single round. Forge can cast fabricate 14,399 times per day.

That comes out to 1,191,511,725 gp per day.

Trick 2: Perpetual Forge Generation.

Forge uses his billion gp per day profit to buy a series of magical items to suck the juice out of and build up his crafting pool. Forge is going to make a Staff of Sirmaculum.

Creating a Sirmaculum of Forge with 10 HD requires 1,000 xp, and 1,000 gp. Creating a staff costs 28,875 gp + 50,000 gp, +50,000 xp. The costs of the item comes out to 26,620.4 gp and 52,366.25 xp

Forge uses 49 charges of the Staff to make 49 duplicates of himself. As the body is copied, the wand sheath and the fabricate wand might be copied as well. If not, he can always make more wands.

Forge then uses a persistant scroll of unfettered heroism to cast Sirmaculum twice a day and create two new simulacrums of himself per day.

Trick 3: Thousand Writing Unseen Crafters

Despite making over a billion gold per day, Forge isn't being as efficient as possible. He still has some swift actions available! Forge creates a wand of Unseen Crafter. He can use infusions of second level or higher to power the Wand instead of using charges. Forge enters a state of prophetic revelation, and in that state he can use wands as a swift action. Each round while fabricating, he also makes an unseen caster. Unseen Crafter lasts days / CL, and the CL is boosted by using Wand Bonding.

He has his Unseen Crafters all work on using craft writing to make epics that can then be sold for additional money.

2011-11-27, 07:51 AM

Illumian Dragonfire Adept 1/Archivist 11/Urbant Savant 8
{table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Feats|Class Features

1st|Dragonfire Adept 1|
+2|Know (arcana) 4, Know (architecture) 1, Know (Dungeoneering) 4, Know (geography) 4, Know (history) 2, Know (local) 4, Know (nature) 4, Know (religion) 4, Know (planes) 4, Spellcraft 1|Entangling Exhalation, Dragontouched|Breath Weapon 1d6, Dragontouched, Least Invocation (Draconic Knowledge)

2nd|Archivist 1|
+4|Know (arcana) 5, Know (architecture) 2, Know (Dungeoneering) 5, Know (geography) 5, Know (history) 2, Know (local) 5, Know (nature) 5, Know (religion) 5, Know (planes) 5, Spellcraft 1|Scribe Scroll|Dark Knowledge (Tactics) 3/day, Scribe Scroll

3rd|Archivist 2|
+5|Know (arcana) 6, Know (architecture) 2, Know (dungeoneering) 6, Know (geography) 6, Know (history) 2, Know (local) 6, Know (nature) 6, Know (religion) 6, Know (planes) 6, Spellcraft 2|Draconic Aura (Insight)|Lore Mastery (arcana)

4th|Archivist 3|
+5|Know (arcana) 7, Know (architecture) 3, Know (dungeoneering) 7, Know (geography) 7, Know (history) 2, Know (local) 7, Know (nature) 7, Know (religion) 7, Know (planes) 7, Spellcraft 2||Dark Knowledge 4/day

5th|Archivist 4|
+6|Know (arcana) 8, Know (architecture) 3, Know (dungeoneering) 8, Know (geography) 8, Know (history) 2, Know (local) 8, Know (nature) 8, Know (religion) 8, Know (planes) 8, Spellcraft 3||Still Mind

6th|Archivist 5|
+6|Know (arcana) 9, Know (architecture) 4, Know (dungeoneering) 9, Know (geography) 9, Know (history) 2, Know (local) 9, Know (nature) 9, Know (religion) 9, Know (planes) 9, Spellcraft 3|Favored|Dark Knowledge (Puissance)

7th|Urban Savant 1|
+8|Know (arcana) 10, Know (architecture) 5, Know (dungeoneering) 10, Know (geography) 10, Know (history) 2, Know (local) 10, Know (nature) 10, Know (religion) 10, Know (planes) 10, Spellcraft 5||Urban Savvy (Strengths)

8th|Urban Savant 2|
+9|Know (arcana) 11, Know (architecture) 6, Know (dungeoneering) 11, Know (geography) 11, Know (history) 4, Know (local) 11, Know (nature) 11, Know (religion) 11, Know (planes) 11, Spellcraft 6||Urban Empathy, Breath Weapon 2d6, Least Invocation (Endure Exposure)

9th|Urban Savant 3|
+9|Know (arcana) 12, Know (architecture) 7, Know (dungeoneering) 12, Know (geography) 12, Know (history) 5, Know (local) 12, Know (nature) 12, Know (religion) 12, Know (planes) 12, Spellcraft 8|Draconic Archivist|Continuing Education +1

10th|Urban Savant 4|
+10|Know (arcana) 13, Know (architecture) 8, Know (dungeoneering) 13, Know (geography) 13, Know (history) 7, Know (local) 13, Know (nature) 13, Know (religion) 13, Know (planes) 13, Spellcraft 9||Urban Savvy (Weaknesses), Breath Weapon 3d6

11th|Urban Savant 5|
+10|Know (arcana) 14, Know (architecture) 9, Know (dungeoneering) 14, Know (geography) 14, Know (history) 8, Know (local) 14, Know (nature) 14, Know (religion) 14, Know (planes) 14, Spellcraft 11||Eyes of the City (low-light vision), Lesser Invocation (Humanoid Shape)

12th|Archivist 6|
+11|Know (arcana) 15, Know (architecture) 10, Know (dungeoneering) 15, Know (geography) 15, Know (history) 8, Know (local) 15, Know (nature) 15, Know (religion) 15, Know (planes) 15, Spellcraft 12|Knowledge Devotion|Dark Knowledge 5/day

13th|Archivist 7|
+11|Know (arcana) 16, Know (architecture) 11, Know (dungeoneering) 16, Know (geography) 16, Know (history) 8, Know (local) 16, Know (nature) 16, Know (religion) 16, Know (planes) 16, Spellcraft 13||Lore Mastery (religion)

14th|Archivist 8|
+12|Know (arcana) 17, Know (architecture) 12, Know (dungeoneering) 17, Know (geography) 17, Know (history) 8, Know (local) 17, Know (nature) 17, Know (religion) 17, Know (planes) 17, Spellcraft 14||Dark Knowledge (Foe)

15th|Archivist 9|
+12|Know (arcana) 18, Know (architecture) 13, Know (dungeoneering) 18, Know (geography) 18, Know (history) 8, Know (local) 18, Know (nature) 18, Know (religion) 18, Know (planes) 18, Spellcraft 15|Draconic Prophesier|Dark Knowledge 6/day

16th|Archivist 10|
+13|Know (arcana) 19, Know (architecture) 14, Know (dungeoneering) 19, Know (geography) 19, Know (history) 8, Know (local) 19, Know (nature) 19, Know (religion) 19, Know (planes) 19, Spellcraft 17|Craft Wand|Bonus feat

17th|Archivist 11|
+13|Know (arcana) 20, Know (architecture) 15, Know (dungeoneering) 20, Know (geography) 20, Know (history) 8, Know (local) 20, Know (nature) 20, Know (religion) 20, Know (planes) 20, Spellcraft 19||Dark Knowledge (dread secret)

18th|Urban Savant 6|
+14|Know (arcana) 21, Know (architecture) 17, Know (dungeoneering) 21, Know (geography) 21, Know (history) 10, Know (local) 21, Know (nature) 21, Know (religion) 21, Know (planes) 21, Spellcraft 20|Prophecy's Artifex|Continuing Education +2, Breath Weapon 4d6

19th|Urban Savant 7|
+14|Know (arcana) 22, Know (architecture) 19, Know (dungeoneering) 22, Know (geography) 22, Know (history) 11, Know (local) 22, Know (nature) 22, Know (religion) 22, Know (planes) 22, Spellcraft 22||Urban Savvy (Methods), Lesser Invocation (Voidsense)

20th|Urban Savant 8|
+15|Know (arcana) 23, Know (architecture) 23, Know (dungeoneering) 23, Know (geography) 23, Know (history) 11, Know (local) 23, Know (nature) 23, Know (religion) 23, Know (planes) 23, Spellcraft 23||Eyes of the City (Pierce Deception), Breath Weapon 5d6


Archivist Spells per Day (spoilered for length)
{table=head]Level|0-level|1st level|2nd level|3rd level|4th level|5th level|6th level|7th level|8th level|9th level

Knowledge Checks by Level (spoilered for length)
{table=head]Level|Ranks|Sigil|INT|Draconic Knowledge Invocation|Insight Aura|Absent-Minded Trait|Lore of the Gods cast|Total (before rolling)


Dragon Magic
Heroes of Horror
Complete Champion
Magic of Eberron
Races of the Dragon

You start off life like any dragonfire adept--spamming entangling breath weapons. However, as you enter into Archivist, you gain a usage for those wasted move actions in Dark Knowledge. You can maintain a decent position, give your enemies a bonus on attacks through a knowledge roll, and cast spells or breathe on your foes. Of course, there are plenty of spells available to you for blasting or ranged attacks: Cloud of Knives and Hunter's Eye is a favorite combo of mine, as it allows you a free action attack (possibly with Sneak Attack) every round.

As you enter Urban Savant, we expand the usefulness of our move-action knowledge checks. For creature types that Dark Knowledge doesn't work on, we have Urban Savvy for humanoids, monstrous humanoids, vermin, and oozes. Aberrations are interesting, though--if you feel like burning two move actions, you can gain the bonuses for Dark Knowledge AND Urban Savvy against them. Around level 7, we have a +35 to Knowledge checks before rolling. This ensures that we are guaranteed the most favorable result from our Dark Knowledge or Urban Savvy and, at later levels, an automatic +5 bonus to attacks and damage from Knowledge Devotion. Luckily for us, Urban Savant also progresses your breath weapon and invocations, so we have a handful of useful at-will abilities for when our spells run out (or we don't feel like burning one).

Later levels allow us to use Dark Knowledge against dragons and constructs, meaning we can STUN dragons. You can basically go home then. Of course, we're not satisfied to stop there; Divine Power and Knowledge Devotion give us the ability to get in the fray, and Humanoid Shape allows us to gain alternate movement speeds (fly, swim, burrow, etc.). Spell Compendium has some swift-action spells that affect our breath weapon, allowing it to rebuke undead, blind enemies, function on the Ethereal Plane, dispel magic, change energy types, and stun our foes. All of these are sorc/wiz spells, but an Archivist can pick them up. Some are necromancy or abjuration, which can be learned from a Divine Magician cleric. The others are transmutation, so we'll have to find someone w/ the Hexer PrC (MotW) who casts them as divine spells in order to learn them. The flavor of this actually fits nicely, since Hexers are painted as magical shamans. Who better to teach you about dragons? This also obviates the reason most people stay single-classes Dragonfire Adepts; you don't have breath effects, but these spells are much nicer than sickening or slow breath.

I don't think I need to explain how Knowledge can help roleplaying. You can become your DM's friendly plot reminder to the party, learn about everything and everyone you encounter, and so on. Furthermore, ranks in Knowledge: religion allow you to work within the power structures of a church in case your DM is big on the politics of power.

Urban Savant lends to this, allowing you to use Knowledge in place of Diplomacy with creatures you find in an urban environment (like humanoids). Basically, you get max ranks in one of the game's best skills without actually investing a single rank in it. As a capstone, you are able to see through disguises of any sort, mundane or magical, and a Spellcraft check (in which you also have max ranks and many bonuses) allows you to know what spell was used if it's magical.

Once again, this class is all about utility. Not only can you know what your enemy will spit out, which can help your party better prepare, but this knowledge rises to metagame levels, by RAW! You can learn not just that something has DR, but what you'll need to overcome it. Not just that they're strong, but that their Fort save is +12 while their Will is only +4. This information can help your party choose the proper tactic.

Some knowledges serve no purpose in combat, but pay off in spades in utility. Architecture allows you to scope out buildings and strongholds for weaknesses, and it also allows you to put together the crew required to build a boat--even a whole armada!

Why would you want to build a boat, you ask? Because Knowledge: Geography makes you the best pilot on the seven seas! You know the way to mythical or legendary locations with auto-success by level 7, and you auto-succeed on navigation checks in the open ocean during a gale or hurricane by level 10. Simply put, you know where your party needs to go for anything and you have the skills to get them there.

Fairy tales, they tell me! Child's fables, the say! All over Sharn, people have stopped believing in dragons, but not I. I have sailed the sea to Argonnessen, and I have seen the mighty beasts. I have felt the breeze of their wings even here in Khorvaire, as the Chamber secretly tries to push events into order to fulfill the Prophecy--at least, their version of it.

I have learned many things from the Dragons, but the one thing that means most is the words of the Prophecy itself. They spill out of me, and I know not what they mean. Even my extensive hours of study cannot make clear the obscured meaning. I toil endlessly, often losing sleep, but I am still no closer to the answer. The dragons seem to know, so I follow in their shadows, hoping to glean any information I can. Perhaps if I could sneak into a meeting of the Conclave...

-Last journal entry of Tamantha before her death

It may seem easy at first, but it is exceptionally difficult to optimize all 6 of the Knowledge-Devotion related knowledge skills, while keeping respectable ranks in utility knowledges and Spellcraft. It is worth noting that Tamantha reaches the levels she does without the use of ANY items or the oft-used Collector of Stories skill trick. Instead, she focuses on things that boost ALL of her knowledges in order to achieve auto-success on a DC 36 as soon as possible (Dark Knowledge and Urban Savvy only require a DC 35 for their best results, but Knowledge Devotion requires a 36). Additionally, she focuses on the ability to hit these Knowledge checks consistently throughout the day. The only bonus that isn't "always on" is the +10 bonus for Lore of the Gods (as she worships a Knowledge God). However, it's a second-level divine spell with a duration of 10 minutes per level, so she'll be able to use it for all encounters and as needed out of combat. Even without Lore of the Gods, Tamantha is auto-succeeding on her Knowledge checks by level 15, two levels before she gains Dread Secret.

If your DM doesn't want to use the option listed in Cityscape of having you enter Urban Savant with 2 ranks in Knowledge: History, we have some other options. If they are kind enough to allow Lore to qualify you in place of Bardic Knowledge, you could be a dragonfire adept 1/archivist 11/paragnostic apostle 1/urban savant 7. While it unfortunately loses the ability to pierce deception and see people's true forms, you pick up Bardic Knowledge and one of the Knowledge is Power options.

However, if they require the class feature to be NAMED "Bardic Knowledge," you'll have to dip bard. Illumians can use any class as their favored class, so a dragonfire adept 1/Archivist 11/bard 1/urban savant 7 would work without multiclass penalties. Some DMs dislike characters with that many base classes though, so going bard 1/archivist 11/urban savant 8 loses only your awesome breath weapon. Invocations are replaced by 9 levels of bardic spellcasting, and you pick up bardic music 1/day. Since you've got no use for entangling exhalation now, you could drop it for Extra Music.

If your DM allows flaws, you want to pick up two of them for the feats Draconic Archivist and Archivist of Nature. This allows your Dark Knowledge to cover constructs, dragons, giants, and fey in addition to the normal options. You'll notice that Draconic Archivist is already present in the build; if we take it as a flaw feat, we can instead take Draconic Prophesier at 9th level, leaving 12 or 15th level available for Prophecy's Shaper. This feat allows us to Empower 1 spell/round for free while in Prophetic Favor, and allows us to blast nicely with minimal investment.

In conclusion, it is important to remember that we are trying to optimize a skill, not just maximize it. While there are things we could do to boost our knowledge checks even higher, after a certain point it just becomes frivolous. The most apt analogy I can draw is that of computers. Some people optimize their system to meet their needs; it may not be the fastest thing on earth, but it meets their needs to the best of its ability. Others maximize their computer, overclocking processors to get them as fast as possible on benchmark tests. Yes, the numbers are astronomical, but they often don't see that much of a difference in performance. The trick to optimizing a skill in D&D is not to sink as much as possible into raising your check, but to find a skill that can do the most without having to invest too much. Knowledge is just that skill, as I've hopefully demonstrated.

2011-11-27, 09:12 PM
Too much fluff can't find crunch. Anyone care to

2011-11-29, 02:25 AM
A little sadden by the small number of entries but examining is being done non the less. I'm pretty fond of all the builds. Mikey, my DM who shares this account and will also be a judge, likes yours better than the ones we came up with.

The Gilded Duke
2011-11-29, 11:11 AM
What builds did the two of you come up with?

Also I was thinking of doing a super stealth build.
Chaotic Neutral Warforged
Rogue 6 / Hellbreaker 1/ Trapsmith 1/ Unseen Seer 4/ Hellbreaker 8

Every Day would drink a potion of Undetectable Alignment.
Also use a wand of Nystul's Magic Aura.

Feats something like:
1. Darkstalker
2. Combat Expertise
3. Improved Feint
6. Undo Resistance
Other Feats to Taste

Darkstalker gives immunity to Stealth, Blindsight, Blindsense
Being a construct gives immunity to Lifesense.
Hellbreaker's Telepathic Static cuts off Mindsight

Trapsmith gives some really nice spellcasting. Unseen Seer continues the spellcasting and throws in more sneak attack. The last few levels of Hellbreaker allow some spellthieving, and telaportation piggybacking.

The real highlights for any sort of scout though are:
Clairvoyance as a first level spell.
Dimension Door as a second level spell.

Didn't have enough time in the end to do a second submission though.

2011-11-29, 12:05 PM
Bluff and use rope would seem to be candidates. Five levels of factotum, three levels of scarlet corsair if you're going bluff. I don't have time to do it up now, but there are possibilities.

Piggy Knowles
2011-11-29, 12:25 PM
I was thinking of trying to put together a Diamond Mind Concentration build, probably a dwarven Unarmed Swordsage/Deepwarden/Fist of the Forest, with five levels of Shadowdancer for Defensive Roll (so I can use Reflex saves to avoid damage - Shadowdancer was on the mind thanks to the recent Iron Chef). But I couldn't quite get it to come together into anything really impressive.

The Gilded Duke
2011-11-29, 01:00 PM
I was thinking of trying to put together a Diamond Mind Concentration build, probably a dwarven Unarmed Swordsage/Deepwarden/Fist of the Forest, with five levels of Shadowdancer for Defensive Roll (so I can use Reflex saves to avoid damage - Shadowdancer was on the mind thanks to the recent Iron Chef). But I couldn't quite get it to come together into anything really impressive.

Maybe you could fit a level or two of binder in there as well? Delhver-Nar for the half con bonus to ac? Would get you 2.5 con to ac in the end. Also that much con screams to me Incarnum.

Another build I was thinking about but didn't have the time to pull off...
Get Forgery as high as possible.
I think it had to hit at least DC 70 or so?
Study an infernal contract (perhaps sign one yourself)

In 17 weeks forge an additional section of the Pact Primival, make sure that it effects all standard races, especially gnomes. Make it speak of death and life, and most every other portfolio. Have the Pact state that it comes not of authorship, but direct inspiration. Imply in the pact that being ascended to a god would resolve some if not all of the problems of the pact. Make sure to get a 70+ on your forgery roll.

Garl Glittergold can only hit DC 68 or so on forgery rolls. Garl Glittergold can see 17 weeks into the future when it effects gnomes, and can observe those events from the past. Other Gods will be able to do the same. Garl Glittergold is the only god actually trained in forgery, and thus the only one to worry about actually seeing through your forgery.

Hopefully one of the Gods will fall for it and ascend you as a god a full 17 weeks before you even forge the document. Then write more documents to advance even further in divine rank.

As far as getting forgery that high...
Human Human Paragon 1/ Artificer 19
Forgery as Class Skill

Scroll of Guidance of the Avatar +20 Competence Bonus
8 Item of +15 competance Forgery (22.500 gp each)
180k total

Item Alteration to get:
+15 Deflection bonus to Forgery
+15 Dodge bonus to Forgery
+15 Enhancement bonus to Forgery
+15 Insight bonus to Forgery
+15 Luck bonus to Forgery
+15 Morale bonus to Forgery
+15 Racial bonus to Forgery
+15 Resistance bonus to Forgery

+9 Circumstance from Skill Enhancement

+149 from Magic Items and Spells
23 from Level
+2 Circumstance from MW Tools
+5 from Int
+179 Forgery

Could probably get higher if you bring in possession rules, or some other way to get profane or divine bonuses. Or if you are willing to spend more money, you could go with +20 items instead of +15.

Doughnut Master
2011-11-30, 01:09 AM
I know it's a little late, but I'd still like to submit.

Zero the Mad
AKA: The Kobold Spider Ninja Comet

A Little Story
Many years ago, before most could even remember, the Kobold ruled the land, led by their most fearsome commander, Zero the Great. Capable of seemingly impossible tasks, he inspired his troops to greatness on the battlefield and commanded great reverence off of it. However, one solder alone cannot turn the tide of battles, and eventually, the once proud nation was forced underground, cowering like rats before the tall folk. These tall ones pursued the Kobolds mercilessly, slaughtering them in their homes and taking their meager possessions. At the end of the war, before all was lost, Zero offered himself up in exchange for the protection of his people. For decades now, he has waited, but he is no prisoner. The tall ones do not know. They have all forgotten-

"Gaius, stop reading that crap and do your job!"
The soldier looked up from the tattered tome, "Sorry, commander." He surveyed the squalid room, spying the wretched creature in the corner.

"Commander, do we really have to do this? The thing looks like it'll die any minute now."

"You have your orders, soldier." Commander Lucien blocked the door. "Execute the prisoner."

Gaius sighed, unsheathing his sword, "Well little buddy, time to put you out of your misery." He raised his arm high and brought it down upon the poor creature's neck. But the sword merely struck stone.

"What the--" The space was empty. Gaius looked around frantically, but the creature was gone. Then, a hissing above him. The creature was perched upon the ceiling, claws dug into the stone. The commander tried to draw his short sword, but the creature was already upon him, tearing at his throat.

The creature skittered outside and Gaius pursued. As he reached the exterior of the prison, he observed the countryside in the early morning mist. There, he saw the creature, flying-no, running, balancing on the droplets that hung in the air. It darted up and through the mist, finally disappearing into the sky.

"This is gonna be a problem."

The Basic Idea
When it comes to MAD, the general advice is to avoid it. Find ways to put all of your features into one ability score. For an exercise like this, though, that may not always be the best choice. I've attempted to investigate the power of channeling multiple abilities towards the same end. The results, I believe are promising.

The plan with this build is to use Dexterity, Wisdom, Intelligence, and Charisma as fuel for a host of skills. Now, this is my first attempt at participating in one of these things, so if anyone notices anything illegal or has suggestions for ways to improve the build or make it more elegant, please speak up.

The skills in question are: Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Tumble, and, to a lesser degree, Jump. With these skills, Old Zero can climb perfectly flat vertical surfaces, walk on clouds, fall from an infinite height with no damage, crawl through an opening that's 1/2 of an inch wide, and even slip through a wall of force. On a more mundane note, he can also jump about 23 feet in the air.

Bon Appetite.

Race and Abilities

Venerable Dragonwrought Kobold
-4 Str +2 Dex -2 Con
Small Size
Slight Build
Darkvision to 60 feet
Land Speed of 30
+2 Racial bonus on Craft (Trapmaking), Profession (Miner) and Search
+1 Natural Armor
Light Sensitivity

Skinny and Quick


32 Point Buy.

Final Stats, including items:
Str: 10 (0)
Dex: 32 (11)
Con: 12 (1)
Int: 24 (7)
Wis: 24 (7)
Cha: 24 (7)

Zero the Mad
{table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Feats|New Class Abilities

1st|Factotum 1|
0|Balance +4 Climb +4 Escape Artist +4 Jump +4 Tumble +4|Dragonwrought (Shadow)|Inspiration, cunning insight, cunning knowledge, trapfinding

2nd|Factotum 2|
0|Balance +1 Climb +1 Escape Artist +1 Jump +1 Tumble +1||Arcane dilettante (1 spell)

3rd|Factotum 3|
1|Balance +1 Climb +1 Escape Artist +1 Jump +1 Tumble +1|Willing Deformity|Brains over brawn, cunning defense

4th|Factotum 4|
1|Balance +1 Climb +1 Escape Artist +1 Jump +1 Tumble +1||Arcane dilettante (2 spells), cunning strike

5th|Factotum 5|
1|Balance +1 Climb +1 Escape Artist +1 Jump +1 Tumble +1||Opportunistic Piety

6th|Factotum 6|
2|Balance +1 Climb +1 Escape Artist +1 Jump +1 Tumble +1|Deformity: Gaunt|

7th|Factotum 7|
2|Balance +1 Climb +1 Escape Artist +1 Jump +1 Tumble +1||Arcane dilettante (3 spells)

8th|Factotum 8|
2|Balance +1 Climb +1 Escape Artist +1 Jump +1 Tumble +1||Cunning surge

9th|Factotum 9|
3|Balance +1 Climb +1 Escape Artist +1 Jump +1 Tumble +1|Agile Athlete|Arcane dilettante (4 spells)

10th|Factotum 10|
3|Balance +1 Climb +1 Escape Artist +1 Jump +1 Tumble +1||Opportunistic piety (+1 use)

11th|Factotum 11|
3|Balance +1 Climb +1 Escape Artist +1 Jump +1 Tumble +1||Cunning breach

12th|Factotum 12|
4|Balance +1 Climb +1 Escape Artist +1 Jump +1 Tumble +1|Mountaineer|Arcane dilettante (5 spells)

13th|Monk 1 (Cobra Strike)|
6|Balance +1 Climb +1 Escape Artist +1 Jump +1 Tumble +1|Dodge (Monk), Improved Unarmed Strike (Monk)|Escape Artist Bonus, AC Bonus

14th|Monk 2 (Cobra Strike)|
7|Balance +1 Climb +1 Escape Artist +1 Jump +1 Tumble +1| Mobility (Monk)|Evasion

15th|Marshal 1|
9||Savvy Rogue, Skill Focus (Diplomacy) (Marshal)|Minor Aura of Motivate Dexterity

16th|Thief Acrobat 1|
9|Balance +1 Climb +1 Escape Artist +1 Jump +1 Tumble +1||Fast Acrobatics, Kip Up, Steady Stance

17th|Thief Acrobat 2|
10|Balance +1 Climb +1 Escape Artist +1 Jump +1 Tumble +1||Agile Fighting, Slow Fall

18th|Thief Acrobat 3|
11|Balance +1 Climb +1 Escape Artist +1 Jump +1 Tumble +1|Epic Skill Focus (Balance)|Acrobatic Charge, Defensive Roll

19th|Thief Acrobat 4|
11|Balance +1 Climb +1 Escape Artist +1 Jump +1 Tumble +1||Skill Mastery

20th|Cloud Anchorite 1|
13|Balance +1 Climb +1 Escape Artist +1 Jump +1 Tumble +1||Climb Speed, Wisdom of the Mountain[/table]

Balance Item + 30 (90,000)
Escape Item +30 (90,000)
Tumble Item +30 (90,000)
Climbing Item +15 (22,500)
Boots of Striding and Springing (12,000)
Belt of Magnificence +6 (200,000)

Total Cost: 504,000 GP

The Skills
Balance- 121
Thief: take 10
Savvy: 2
Factotum: 12
Dexterity: 11
Intelligence: 7
Wisdom: 7
Ranks: 22
Motivate: 7
Synergy: 2
Epic Skill Focus: 10
Competence Item: 30

Climb: 103
Thief: Take 10
Savvy: 2
Factotum: 12
Dexterity: 11
Intelligence: 7
Wisdom: 7
Ranks: 22
Racial (Cloud Anchorite): 8
Motivate: 7
Mountaineer: 2
Competence: 15

Escape Artist: 122
Take 20
Skinny: 1
Monk: 2
Factotum: 12
Dex: 11
Int: 7
Wis: 7
Ranks: 22
Racial: 2
Motivate: 7
Deformity: 2
Competence: 30

Tumble: 103
Take 10
Savvy: 2
Fact: 12
Dex: 11
Int: 7
Ranks: 22
Motivate: 7
Synergy: 2
Competence: 30

Jump: 93
Take 10
Savvy: 2
Speed: 8
Fact: 12
Dex: 11
Int: 7
Wis: 7
Synergy: 2
Ranks: 22
Motivate: 7
Competence: 5

Final Notes
This build is strictly focused on the skills, so I left a lot of things out. Some things to note:
1. Numerous Monk variants may be chosen. I chose Cobra Strike because I like the idea, but the build should work regardless. Decisive strike might also be a good option.
2. This build does not require a dragonwrought kobold, but it makes things much cleaner. I did it earlier with a goblin, which required flaws to get the necessary skill points.
3. With regards to flaws, they can be taken to provide extra oomph. Weapon finesse, Elusive Target, or, if you want to keep pumping Jump, Leap of the Heavens are good choices.
4. On utility, each of these skills is pretty useful in their own right, but when you combine them, you have a character that pretty much cannot be contained. Moreover, just about any dexterity skill you have will be pretty disgusting as well. You have lots of skill points to spend, and you'll get Intelligence and Charisma bonuses to all of them.
5. You can also do some fun tricks like cloud balancing and then falling on an enemy using your tumble to take no damage. Same can't be said for your target.

2011-11-30, 06:59 AM
This build will receive a score. This is due to a lack of entries, but it will be marked down.

Note to the optimize not maximize, this was what many party members attempted but it wasn't anything too good.

I (the DM) tried to make a handle animal optimization. It was fairly successful but it didn't do what i wanted it to do. The basic idea was to cast hold monster and then handle animal the beast. Great way to end encounters. The build ended up only being able to do it to creatures with 15 HD or less.

One party member did a sneak build but it was surprisingly boring. Greatly maximized but didn't do much with it.

Another maximized autohypnosis which is an amazing skill, but it doesn't do much when it's maxed out. was still a really good build of a character, but the skill use was unimpressive.

I got introduced to a class that I never payed attention to before. Its called zephrim spy (I believe, its from a Fearun book) it raises disguise and bluff by an amount based off of your craft/profession skill. The class specializes in disguising itself as specific identities. His build maxed craft, which has it's obvious benefits, which made it so he could disguise himself as some one of any other humanoid race and be of a different gender and change his height and weight by 50% more or less then he did. And even after applying all of those negatives the spot check was still a little under 100. The best part of this is that no magical means what so ever could reveal him otherwise. The class also requires that you forge documents to prove your new alter ego's identity. The build also included leadership shinanagens.

A very cool build was the one kulosle did himself. It was an artificer that optimized skills. It was very meta-gaming and would have been marked down for it if they were being graded under the same rules. I can't remember the exact levels but it was a factotum, marshal, chameleon, uncannny trickster. had cha and int to almost all of his skills (all the good ones) and several skill tricks. He tried to put in as many skill combo tricks as he could. One of them was jumping onto cloud (balance) and then jumping down on his enemy. Each day he could shuffle around what he did and just come up with the best combination of skills to have optimized for the time. highly interesting.

These builds weren't posted because we started constructing them before kulosle had the idea to present the challenge to the playground. The rules were slightly different and we didn't score them. So I thought it would be wise not to post them.

2011-12-03, 08:06 AM
Sorry for the late post. I was experiencing some technical difficulties. The first post is by me and the second is my DM. No other judges were found.

Lyssa and Lintra: The Two-Edged Blade - A study in the use and abuse of Sleight of Hand

Combat 8
The build is very strong in combat can deliver very strong blows, but sometimes is unable to deliver the damage and is easily killed.
Role playing 6
The characters personalities and overall charm is high and the majority of the classes work well together, but I'd imagine that it would be difficult to role play two people
Utility 8
There are few situations that this build couldn't get out of. It would take a battlefield control wizard to manage it.
Creativity 4
Similar builds have been made, but you did put a new spin to it.
Difficulty 5
Slight of hand is an alright skill and there is not too much difficulty in optimizing it.

Total 31

Forge the Warforged

Crafting quickly to make lots of gold

Combat 6
the build relies on magical items to help it accomplish anything, the character itself isn't a large threat but he makes everyone around him a larger threat by supplying them with magical gear.
Role Playing 7
This character is a essentially a trader for role playing purposes and can create more goods than anyone could ever possibly buy. Regardless this is a strong character role and it is one many parties would enjoy having.
Utility 8
You can make several magical items almost instantly. The utility purposes are obvious and plentiful. There is only a small handful of situations that it can't get you out off, but most of this ability comes from your build not the skill itself.
Creativity 5
It's a straight artificer build. Not too much creativity there, but the item choice is hilarious .
Difficulty 4
craft has obvious choices for optimization and uses. You didn't expend on the uses of craft much.

-2 lack of format.

Total 28


Combat 8
Your an archivist so you're obviously powerful, and the skill optimization adds a big amount to that.
Role playing 8
Who doesn't love a know it all? Being a scholar is a strong role in a community. And it
Utility 6
the build has versatility but very little of it is due to the skill
Creativity 6
You used more permanent, less popular ways of increasing all your knowledge skills.
Difficulty 6
Knowledge skills have it's two obvious choices, but it's not the easiest to do because you have to focus on several skills.

Total 34

Zero the Mad
AKA: The Kobold Spider Ninja Comet

Combat 5
the build can hold it's own in combat, but doesn't appear to be anything special.
Role playing 6
The skill monkey is an odd character to actually role play. Why/how did someone become so good in so many different skills, but the story you offered before does offer some insight as to how you would do it. Crazy kobold is fun but still not the best character.
Utility 9
What situation can't this build deal with? very few and it is mostly due to the builds skills.
Creativity 7
I enjoyed the story and you managed to find a way to raise several skills to epic levels, but you did it using all the conventional methods.
Difficulty 5
some of the skill choices are really easy and others not so much, but you raised several.

-5 late entry and lack of formating

Total 27

2011-12-03, 08:14 AM
Wow I didn't think much of this when it came out, but I am AMAZED. Great builds, with amusing uses. Also haven't you used Tamantha before, at the least the name?

2011-12-03, 04:50 PM
Sorry I was suppose to post write after kulosle did. We share this account, but I had fallen asleep after failing several times to get the router working again.

Lyssa and Lintra: The Two-Edged Blade - A study in the use and abuse of Sleight of Hand

Combat 7
While have two combatants instead of one technically makes this build more powerful, they only have a few tricks, although they are very good ones, and it isn't completely reliable amount of damage. The build also lacks some surviveablitity.
Role playing 7
Two characters makes for several interesting role playing options and the build mostly flows well together.
Utility 8
Displacing yourself 10 feat has several uses and can get you out of a lot of sticky situation. It would take a considerable degree of field control.
Creativity 2
It's not exactly the same of similar builds but there is definitely not origional, but you gave the characters class and style.
Difficulty 5
Slight of hand is a decent skill to begin with and has some obvious advantages.

Total 29

Forge the Warforged

Crafting quickly to make lots of gold

Combat 6
The character isn't going to outshine too many people in combat but it does do a considerable amount of aid by giving the party magic items.
Role Playing 6
Traders are interesting and important characters, but this build makes more armor than anyone could possibly buy, hard to fit that into the story.
Utility 7
This build is similar to a use magic device character, but you could reliably have the magic item you need on hand. Magic items can get you out of several situations, but the majority of you utility comes from being an artificer and not your craft skill. Your craft skills main utility is infinite gold.
Creativity 4
Your an artificer who specializes in the craft skill, not unlike the majority of artificers. But you gave it a more fun and interesting spin.
Difficulty 3
It's craft and you used it in the original manner. It isn't too difficult to optimize craft to break WBL

-2 lack of format.

Total 24


Combat 8
You have the majority of the power of an archivist and it obviously gains power and can aid the party better for having high knowledge skills.
Role playing 6
A know it all is usually annoying. There wasn't much insight as to your characters behavior, so I left to guess. Still a scholar is an important character and people appreciate knowing what they are fighting
Utility 5
The build has versatility but very little of it is due to the skill
Creativity 7
I like the fact that your knowledge is always high.
Difficulty 5
An archivist with knowledge devotion has it's obvious uses and is done often, but it isn't too easy optimizing several skills.
+1 your comment on maximize versus optimize

Total 32

Zero the Mad
AKA: The Kobold Spider Ninja Comet

Combat 5
nothing too impressive combat wise, but it can hold its own and has high chance of having the field advantage.
Role playing 6
Skill monkeys are my favorite character to play, but even so the role playing aspect of a skill monkey is hard to incorporate. Mainly because no one really tries to be so amazing in so many different areas. Plus your a crazy kobold, not too many roleplaying options there.
Utility 8
As your story clearly illustrated there is many uses to being a epic skill monkey. DM's end up having to specifically think of all of the things your character can do when thinking of problems you will face.
Creativity 7
The character development in the story is very enjoyable. Nothing too surprising with how to go about raising several skills, except the solid acceptance of MAD
Difficulty 5
You optimized several skills, some are easy others not so much, but you did choose several skills.

-5 late entry and lack of formating

Total 26

2011-12-03, 05:04 PM
Good stuff. Nicely done, OMGPonies, Tamantha is an awesome build.

Kulosle (both of you :P ), curious what you think would have been an improvement to Lyssa and Lintra's damage reliability, since you both commented on it. I tried to overcome the unreliability of sneak damage in as many ways as I could think of. (Not trying to argue the scores or anything, just wonder what you think would be better.)

*edit* Oh, and thanks for hosting/judging! Sorry you didn't get more of a turnout, but I guess it's a bit of a niche contest theme.

The Gilded Duke
2011-12-03, 05:43 PM
One thing to note, Forge isn't actually focused on making magic items. He uses Fabricate to mass produce really expensive mundane items. Fabricate lets him shape a cubic foot per round. He still needs to make the craft checks to produce the items. He could use a similar strategy to mass produce magic items through a staff of wishes, but he wouldn't have to make any craft checks, and thus it would no longer tie into the challenge.

2011-12-03, 06:10 PM
And here I was going to boost Handle Animal to push a titanic warbeast fleshraker (with appropriate feats so he can obliterate Tokyo) or a master trapster kobold with Leadership for a den of Tucker's Kobolds.

Alas, I am too late.

2011-12-03, 08:56 PM
Good stuff. Nicely done, OMGPonies, Tamantha is an awesome build.

Kulosle (both of you :P ), curious what you think would have been an improvement to Lyssa and Lintra's damage reliability, since you both commented on it. I tried to overcome the unreliability of sneak damage in as many ways as I could think of. (Not trying to argue the scores or anything, just wonder what you think would be better.)

*edit* Oh, and thanks for hosting/judging! Sorry you didn't get more of a turnout, but I guess it's a bit of a niche contest theme.

Trying to make sneak attack and iaijutsu focus reliable sources of damage is something i've been working on for a long time. I love skill monkeys and it often involves using sneak attack/iaijutsu focus. The main problem is that the DM likes to specifically make fights that make it difficult for me to do so. I actually enjoy it though because every time someone tries to prevent me from using it I usually learn a new trick. Although I haven't gotten to actually play a game, as a player that is, in a while.

Doughnut Master
2011-12-03, 10:07 PM
Cool stuff. Congratulations to OMG PONIES!

Although, my personal favorite was Forge. I still giggle at the idea.