View Full Version : Yu-Gi-Oh PbP Exhibition - ELC v. Mistral

2011-11-18, 11:12 AM
A tall woman dressed in crimson robes, flowing about her like the wings of a bird, enters the arena calmly. Flames wreathe her right arm, forming a duel disc. She smiles slightly at her opponent. "It seems I have found another interesting mortal. I am Zhu Que, the Vermilion Bird of the South, and I will not lose."

2011-11-18, 11:13 AM
Init: [roll0]
Draw: [roll1]
Reroll: [roll2]

Fires of Kunlun: 40 cards
1. Cyber Valley (LIGHT Machine 1; 0/0)
2. Cyber Valley (LIGHT Machine 1; 0/0)
3. Cyber Valley (LIGHT Machine 1; 0/0)
4. Elemental Hero Avian (WIND Warrior 3; 1000/1000)
5. Elemental Hero Avian (WIND Warrior 3; 1000/1000)
6. Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (FIRE Warrior 3; 1200/800)
7. Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (FIRE Warrior 3; 1200/800)
8. Elemental Hero Clayman (EARTH Warrior 4; 800/2000)
9. Elemental Hero Clayman (EARTH Warrior 4; 800/2000)
10. Elemental Hero Bubbleman (WATER Warrior 4; 800/1200)
11. Elemental Hero Bubbleman (WATER Warrior 4; 800/1200)
12. Elemental Hero Lady Heat (FIRE Pyro 4; 1300/1000)
13. Elemental Hero Stratos (WIND Warrior 4; 1800/300)

14. A Hero Emerges
15. A Hero Emerges
16. Bubble Illusion
17. Bubble Illusion
18. E - Emergency Call
19. E - Emergency Call
20. Fusion Gate
21. Fusion Gate
22. Fusion Gate
23. Heavy Storm
24. Hand Destruction
25. Hand Destruction
26. Hand Destruction
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Mystical Space Typhoon
29. Mystical Space Typhoon
30. Terraforming
31. Terraforming
32. Terraforming
33. Upstart Goblin
34. Upstart Goblin
35. Upstart Goblin

36. Chain Material
37. Chain Material
38. Chain Material
39. Solemn Judgment
40. Torrential Tribute

Elemental Hero Electrum (LIGHT Warrior 10; 2900/2600)
Elemental Hero Electrum (LIGHT Warrior 10; 2900/2600)
Elemental Hero Electrum (LIGHT Warrior 10; 2900/2600)
Elemental Hero Absolute Zero (WATER Warrior 8; 2500/2000)
Elemental Hero Gaia (EARTH Warrior 6; 2200/2600)
Elemental Hero Gaia (EARTH Warrior 6; 2200/2600)
Elemental Hero Great Tornado (WIND Warrior 8; 2800/2200)
Elemental Hero Nova Master (FIRE Warrior 8; 2600/2100)
Elemental Hero The Shining (LIGHT Warrior 8; 2600/2100)
Blaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird (FIRE Pyro 8; 2800/2300)
Blaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird (FIRE Pyro 8; 2800/2300)
Blaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird (FIRE Pyro 8; 2800/2300)
Ignition Beast Volcannon (EARTH Machine 6; 2300/1600)
Super Dreadnought Cannon Express Gustaph Max (EARTH Machine 10; 3000/3000)
Super Dreadnought Cannon Express Gustaph Max (EARTH Machine 10; 3000/3000)

2011-11-18, 12:17 PM
"A Chinese goddess, eh?" Nighthawk repeated, the skull tattooed on his face twisting into a devious grin. "You're a long way away from home. This is buzzard country right here!" The brawny Navajo whipped his duel disk in front of him, loading his Death Valley deck into it.


Init [roll0]
Draw [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] [roll4] [roll5]

Death Valley
1. Mist Valley Soldier
2. Mist Valley Soldier
3. Mist Valley Falcon
4. Mist Valley Falcon
5. Mist Valley Falcon
6. Mist Condor
7. Mist Condor
8. Mist Condor
9. Sangan
10. Summoner Monk
11. Summoner Monk
12. Zephyros the Elite
13. Zephyros the Elite
14. Genex Ally Birdman
15. Genex Ally Birdman
16. Genex Ally Birdman
17. Reborn Tengu
18. Reborn Tengu
19. Reborn Tengu
20. Dark Simorgh
21. Terraforming
22. Terraforming
23. Terraforming
24. Divine Wind of the Mist Valley
25. Divine Wind of the Mist Valley
26. Divine Wind of the Mist Valley
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Mystical Space Typhoon
29. Mystical Space Typhoon
30. Solemn Warning
31. Solemn Warning
32. Dark Hole
33. Heavy Storm
34. Icarus Attack
35. Icarus Attack
36. Monster Reborn
37. Pot of Avarice
38. Foolish Burial
39. Dark Core
40. Dark Core

X1. Stardust Dragon
X2. Stardust Dragon
X3. Stardust Dragon
X4. Black Rose Dragon
X5. Black Rose Dragon
X6. Black Rose Dragon
X7. Dark End Dragon
X8. Dark End Dragon
X9. Ancient Fairy Dragon
X10. Ancient Fairy Dragon
X11. Scrap Dragon
X12. Scrap Dragon

2011-11-18, 12:40 PM
"Then I will indeed 'come on'." Sparks fly from the flames around her right arm.

Draw: [roll0]

"I'll begin with Upstart Goblin (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Upstart_Goblin), granting you a fraction of the eternal life I possess. You gain 1000 Life Points, and I in turn draw a card.

Upstart: [roll1]

[color=DarkRed]"I see. I will now use Hand Destruction (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Hand_Destruction). I discard two copies of Elemental Hero Burstinatrix, while you discard two cards of your own, and we both draw two more."

2011-11-18, 12:45 PM
Hand: [roll0] [roll1]

"It will suffice for now to set three cards and end my turn."

3. Facedown card
2. Facedown card
3. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Elemental Hero Clayman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Elemental_Hero_Clayman) (EARTH Warrior 4; 800/2000)
2. Mystical Space Typhoon
3. Torrential Tribute

Graveyard: 4
Upstart Goblin
Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (FIRE Warrior 3; 1200/800)
Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (FIRE Warrior 3; 1200/800)
Hand Destruction

Banished: 0

Hand: 2
A Hero Emerges
Fusion Gate

Main Deck: 31
1. Cyber Valley (LIGHT Machine 1; 0/0)
2. Cyber Valley (LIGHT Machine 1; 0/0)
3. Cyber Valley (LIGHT Machine 1; 0/0)
4. Elemental Hero Avian (WIND Warrior 3; 1000/1000)
5. Elemental Hero Avian (WIND Warrior 3; 1000/1000)
>. Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (FIRE Warrior 3; 1200/800)
>. Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (FIRE Warrior 3; 1200/800)
6. Elemental Hero Clayman (EARTH Warrior 4; 800/2000)
>. Elemental Hero Clayman (EARTH Warrior 4; 800/2000)
7. Elemental Hero Bubbleman (WATER Warrior 4; 800/1200)
8. Elemental Hero Bubbleman (WATER Warrior 4; 800/1200)
9. Elemental Hero Lady Heat (FIRE Pyro 4; 1300/1000)
10. Elemental Hero Stratos (WIND Warrior 4; 1800/300)
11. A Hero Emerges
>. A Hero Emerges
12. Bubble Illusion
13. Bubble Illusion
14. E - Emergency Call
15. E - Emergency Call
16. Fusion Gate
17. Fusion Gate
>. Fusion Gate
18. Heavy Storm
19. Hand Destruction
20. Hand Destruction
>. Hand Destruction
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Terraforming
24. Terraforming
25. Terraforming
26. Upstart Goblin
>. Upstart Goblin
27. Upstart Goblin
28. Chain Material
29. Chain Material
30. Chain Material
31. Solemn Judgment
>. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 15
Elemental Hero Electrum (LIGHT Warrior 10; 2900/2600)
Elemental Hero Electrum (LIGHT Warrior 10; 2900/2600)
Elemental Hero Electrum (LIGHT Warrior 10; 2900/2600)
Elemental Hero Absolute Zero (WATER Warrior 8; 2500/2000)
Elemental Hero Gaia (EARTH Warrior 6; 2200/2600)
Elemental Hero Gaia (EARTH Warrior 6; 2200/2600)
Elemental Hero Great Tornado (WIND Warrior 8; 2800/2200)
Elemental Hero Nova Master (FIRE Warrior 8; 2600/2100)
Elemental Hero The Shining (LIGHT Warrior 8; 2600/2100)
Blaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird (FIRE Pyro 8; 2800/2300)
Blaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird (FIRE Pyro 8; 2800/2300)
Blaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird (FIRE Pyro 8; 2800/2300)
Ignition Beast Volcannon (EARTH Machine 6; 2300/1600)
Super Dreadnought Cannon Express Gustaph Max (EARTH Machine 10; 3000/3000)
Super Dreadnought Cannon Express Gustaph Max (EARTH Machine 10; 3000/3000)

OOC: Oh, dear, I just realized a huge mental glitch. I accidentally entered A Hero Emerges (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/A_Hero_Emerges) instead of A Hero Lives (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/A_Hero_Lives) for this deck. It doesn't even make sense to have Emerges as a spell card in either case. Is it OK if I switch it out?

2011-11-18, 01:22 PM
OoC: That's cool. I hope you don't mind if I edit my posts instead of making new ones as I keep going ^_^

Nighthawk chuckles as he discards two of his cards to the graveyard. "Haven't even had my first turn and you're already feeding my Mist Condor and my Dark Core to the buzzards," he jokes.

"Well then, I guess I'll draw two more then."

[roll0] [roll1]

A wry smile crosses his skull-faced visage. "Now I'll begin my turn by drawing my sixth card."

"First, I'll set these two cards face-down."

"Next, I Normal Summon Reborn Tengu in Attack Position."

"Then, I'll return Reborn Tengu to my hand to Special Summon Genex Ally Birdman from my hand and another Reborn Tengu from my deck. And since Reborn Tengu is a WIND monster, my Genex Ally Birdman gains 500 Attack Points!"

"Your turn, babe."

Life 9000

Face-up - 2
- Reborn Tengu ATK
- Genex Ally Birdman ATK (1900)
Face-down - 2

Icarus Attack
Solemn Warning

Hand - 3

Reborn Tengu
Foolish Burial
Pot of Avarice

Graveyard - 2

Mist Condor
Dark Core


1. Mist Valley Soldier
2. Mist Valley Soldier
3. Mist Valley Falcon
4. Mist Valley Falcon
5. Mist Valley Falcon
6. Mist Condor
7. Mist Condor
8. Mist Condor
9. Sangan
10. Summoner Monk
11. Summoner Monk
12. Zephyros the Elite
13. Zephyros the Elite
14. Genex Ally Birdman
15. Genex Ally Birdman
16. Genex Ally Birdman
17. Reborn Tengu
18. Reborn Tengu
19. Reborn Tengu
20. Dark Simorgh
21. Terraforming
22. Terraforming
23. Terraforming
24. Divine Wind of the Mist Valley
25. Divine Wind of the Mist Valley
26. Divine Wind of the Mist Valley
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Mystical Space Typhoon
29. Mystical Space Typhoon
30. Solemn Warning
31. Solemn Warning
32. Dark Hole
33. Heavy Storm
34. Icarus Attack
35. Icarus Attack
36. Monster Reborn
37. Pot of Avarice
38. Foolish Burial
39. Dark Core
40. Dark Core


X1. Stardust Dragon
X2. Stardust Dragon
X3. Stardust Dragon
X4. Black Rose Dragon
X5. Black Rose Dragon
X6. Black Rose Dragon
X7. Dark End Dragon
X8. Dark End Dragon
X9. Ancient Fairy Dragon
X10. Ancient Fairy Dragon
X11. Scrap Dragon
X12. Scrap Dragon

2011-11-18, 01:27 PM
OOC: damn: can't edit rolls into a post, eh? Well I guess it helps with loop holes ^_^ [roll0]

2011-11-18, 01:57 PM
"Not synchro-summoning or attacking? I do hope you don't have cause to regret that."

Draw: [roll0]

A faint hint of a smile plays across her face. "I set one more card and end my turn."

3. Facedown card
2. Facedown card
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Elemental Hero Clayman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Elemental_Hero_Clayman) (EARTH Warrior 4; 800/2000)
2. Mystical Space Typhoon
3. Torrential Tribute
4. Chain Material

Graveyard: 4
Upstart Goblin
Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (FIRE Warrior 3; 1200/800)
Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (FIRE Warrior 3; 1200/800)
Hand Destruction

Banished: 0

Hand: 2
A Hero Lives
Fusion Gate

Main Deck: 30
1. Cyber Valley (LIGHT Machine 1; 0/0)
2. Cyber Valley (LIGHT Machine 1; 0/0)
3. Cyber Valley (LIGHT Machine 1; 0/0)
4. Elemental Hero Avian (WIND Warrior 3; 1000/1000)
5. Elemental Hero Avian (WIND Warrior 3; 1000/1000)
>. Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (FIRE Warrior 3; 1200/800)
>. Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (FIRE Warrior 3; 1200/800)
6. Elemental Hero Clayman (EARTH Warrior 4; 800/2000)
>. Elemental Hero Clayman (EARTH Warrior 4; 800/2000)
7. Elemental Hero Bubbleman (WATER Warrior 4; 800/1200)
8. Elemental Hero Bubbleman (WATER Warrior 4; 800/1200)
9. Elemental Hero Lady Heat (FIRE Pyro 4; 1300/1000)
10. Elemental Hero Stratos (WIND Warrior 4; 1800/300)
11. A Hero Lives
>. A Hero Lives
12. Bubble Illusion
13. Bubble Illusion
14. E - Emergency Call
15. E - Emergency Call
16. Fusion Gate
17. Fusion Gate
>. Fusion Gate
18. Heavy Storm
19. Hand Destruction
20. Hand Destruction
>. Hand Destruction
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Terraforming
24. Terraforming
25. Terraforming
26. Upstart Goblin
>. Upstart Goblin
27. Upstart Goblin
>. Chain Material
28. Chain Material
29. Chain Material
30. Solemn Judgment
>. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 15
Elemental Hero Electrum (LIGHT Warrior 10; 2900/2600)
Elemental Hero Electrum (LIGHT Warrior 10; 2900/2600)
Elemental Hero Electrum (LIGHT Warrior 10; 2900/2600)
Elemental Hero Absolute Zero (WATER Warrior 8; 2500/2000)
Elemental Hero Gaia (EARTH Warrior 6; 2200/2600)
Elemental Hero Gaia (EARTH Warrior 6; 2200/2600)
Elemental Hero Great Tornado (WIND Warrior 8; 2800/2200)
Elemental Hero Nova Master (FIRE Warrior 8; 2600/2100)
Elemental Hero The Shining (LIGHT Warrior 8; 2600/2100)
Blaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird (FIRE Pyro 8; 2800/2300)
Blaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird (FIRE Pyro 8; 2800/2300)
Blaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird (FIRE Pyro 8; 2800/2300)
Ignition Beast Volcannon (EARTH Machine 6; 2300/1600)
Super Dreadnought Cannon Express Gustaph Max (EARTH Machine 10; 3000/3000)
Super Dreadnought Cannon Express Gustaph Max (EARTH Machine 10; 3000/3000)

2011-11-18, 04:05 PM
"Look above us!" he shouted as he pointed to a pair of vultures circling above them. "I have don't need to regret anything as long as they hover over my head!"

"I'll draw for my turn."


"Now I'll Synchro Summon Black Rose Dragon, and feed everything on the field to my buzzards!"

Waiting for response if any

Life 9000

Face-up - 2
- Black Rose Dragon (Effect pending)
- Reborn Tengu
Face-down - 2

Icarus Attack
Solemn Warning

Hand - 3

Reborn Tengu
Foolish Burial
Pot of Avarice

Graveyard - 2

Mist Condor
Dark Core
Reborn Tengu

Banish - 1

Genex Ally Birdman


1. Mist Valley Soldier
2. Mist Valley Soldier
3. Mist Valley Falcon
4. Mist Valley Falcon
5. Mist Valley Falcon
6. Mist Condor
7. Mist Condor
8. Mist Condor
9. Sangan
10. Summoner Monk
11. Summoner Monk
12. Zephyros the Elite
13. Zephyros the Elite
14. Genex Ally Birdman
15. Genex Ally Birdman
16. Genex Ally Birdman
17. Reborn Tengu
18. Reborn Tengu
19. Reborn Tengu
20. Dark Simorgh
21. Terraforming
22. Terraforming
23. Terraforming
24. Divine Wind of the Mist Valley
25. Divine Wind of the Mist Valley
26. Divine Wind of the Mist Valley
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Mystical Space Typhoon
29. Mystical Space Typhoon
30. Solemn Warning
31. Solemn Warning
32. Dark Hole
33. Heavy Storm
34. Icarus Attack
35. Icarus Attack
36. Monster Reborn
37. Pot of Avarice
38. Foolish Burial
39. Dark Core
40. Dark Core


X1. Stardust Dragon
X2. Stardust Dragon
X3. Stardust Dragon
X4. Black Rose Dragon
X5. Black Rose Dragon
X6. Black Rose Dragon
X7. Dark End Dragon
X8. Dark End Dragon
X9. Ancient Fairy Dragon
X10. Ancient Fairy Dragon
X11. Scrap Dragon
X12. Scrap Dragon

2011-11-18, 04:11 PM
"Hmmph, not bad. I have no response."

2011-11-18, 04:19 PM
"Hard to believe an old buzzard like me can hold his own against a phoenix like you, eh?" he jokes.

"Now, I'll set one face-down card, normal summon Reborn Tengu, and attack your life points directly for 1700 damage!"

Life 9000

Face-up - 2
- Reborn Tengu
Face-down - 1

Solemn Warning

Hand - 2

Foolish Burial
Pot of Avarice

Graveyard - 2

Mist Condor
Dark Core
Reborn Tengu
Reborn Tengu
Black Rose Dragon
Solemn Warning
Icarus Attack

Banish - 1

Genex Ally Birdman


1. Mist Valley Soldier
2. Mist Valley Soldier
3. Mist Valley Falcon
4. Mist Valley Falcon
5. Mist Valley Falcon
6. Mist Condor
7. Mist Condor
8. Mist Condor
9. Sangan
10. Summoner Monk
11. Summoner Monk
12. Zephyros the Elite
13. Zephyros the Elite
14. Genex Ally Birdman
15. Genex Ally Birdman
16. Genex Ally Birdman
17. Reborn Tengu
18. Reborn Tengu
19. Reborn Tengu
20. Dark Simorgh
21. Terraforming
22. Terraforming
23. Terraforming
24. Divine Wind of the Mist Valley
25. Divine Wind of the Mist Valley
26. Divine Wind of the Mist Valley
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Mystical Space Typhoon
29. Mystical Space Typhoon
30. Solemn Warning
31. Solemn Warning
32. Dark Hole
33. Heavy Storm
34. Icarus Attack
35. Icarus Attack
36. Monster Reborn
37. Pot of Avarice
38. Foolish Burial
39. Dark Core
40. Dark Core


X1. Stardust Dragon
X2. Stardust Dragon
X3. Stardust Dragon
X4. Black Rose Dragon
X5. Black Rose Dragon
X6. Black Rose Dragon
X7. Dark End Dragon
X8. Dark End Dragon
X9. Ancient Fairy Dragon
X10. Ancient Fairy Dragon
X11. Scrap Dragon
X12. Scrap Dragon

2011-11-18, 04:27 PM
"We'll see. You're strong, but you lack elegance."

Draw: [roll0]

"I set one more card and end my turn."

3. Facedown card

Life Points: 6300

3. Solemn Judgment

Graveyard: 8
Upstart Goblin
Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (FIRE Warrior 3; 1200/800)
Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (FIRE Warrior 3; 1200/800)
Hand Destruction
Elemental Hero Clayman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Elemental_Hero_Clayman) (EARTH Warrior 4; 800/2000)
Mystical Space Typhoon
Torrential Tribute
Chain Material

Banished: 0

Hand: 2
A Hero Lives
Fusion Gate

Main Deck: 29
1. Cyber Valley (LIGHT Machine 1; 0/0)
2. Cyber Valley (LIGHT Machine 1; 0/0)
3. Cyber Valley (LIGHT Machine 1; 0/0)
4. Elemental Hero Avian (WIND Warrior 3; 1000/1000)
5. Elemental Hero Avian (WIND Warrior 3; 1000/1000)
>. Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (FIRE Warrior 3; 1200/800)
>. Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (FIRE Warrior 3; 1200/800)
6. Elemental Hero Clayman (EARTH Warrior 4; 800/2000)
>. Elemental Hero Clayman (EARTH Warrior 4; 800/2000)
7. Elemental Hero Bubbleman (WATER Warrior 4; 800/1200)
8. Elemental Hero Bubbleman (WATER Warrior 4; 800/1200)
9. Elemental Hero Lady Heat (FIRE Pyro 4; 1300/1000)
10. Elemental Hero Stratos (WIND Warrior 4; 1800/300)
11. A Hero Lives
>. A Hero Lives
12. Bubble Illusion
13. Bubble Illusion
14. E - Emergency Call
15. E - Emergency Call
16. Fusion Gate
17. Fusion Gate
>. Fusion Gate
18. Heavy Storm
19. Hand Destruction
20. Hand Destruction
>. Hand Destruction
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Terraforming
24. Terraforming
25. Terraforming
26. Upstart Goblin
>. Upstart Goblin
27. Upstart Goblin
>. Chain Material
28. Chain Material
29. Chain Material
>. Solemn Judgment
>. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 15
Elemental Hero Electrum (LIGHT Warrior 10; 2900/2600)
Elemental Hero Electrum (LIGHT Warrior 10; 2900/2600)
Elemental Hero Electrum (LIGHT Warrior 10; 2900/2600)
Elemental Hero Absolute Zero (WATER Warrior 8; 2500/2000)
Elemental Hero Gaia (EARTH Warrior 6; 2200/2600)
Elemental Hero Gaia (EARTH Warrior 6; 2200/2600)
Elemental Hero Great Tornado (WIND Warrior 8; 2800/2200)
Elemental Hero Nova Master (FIRE Warrior 8; 2600/2100)
Elemental Hero The Shining (LIGHT Warrior 8; 2600/2100)
Blaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird (FIRE Pyro 8; 2800/2300)
Blaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird (FIRE Pyro 8; 2800/2300)
Blaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird (FIRE Pyro 8; 2800/2300)
Ignition Beast Volcannon (EARTH Machine 6; 2300/1600)
Super Dreadnought Cannon Express Gustaph Max (EARTH Machine 10; 3000/3000)
Super Dreadnought Cannon Express Gustaph Max (EARTH Machine 10; 3000/3000)

2011-11-19, 08:18 AM
"In case you haven't figured it out, I ain't an elegant kinda guy." he replies as he draws his card for the turn.


Another devious grin crosses his face as he looks at the card he drew.

"I'm feeling a bit generous today, so I'll let you live just one more turn. But just you don't get any ideas . . . Reborn Tengu! Attack her life points directly again!"

OOC: Damn! I thought I quoted my post >_<

Life 9000

Face-up - 1
- Reborn Tengu
Face-down - 1

Solemn Warning

Hand - 3

Foolish Burial
Pot of Avarice

Graveyard - 7

Mist Condor
Dark Core
Reborn Tengu
Reborn Tengu
Black Rose Dragon
Solemn Warning
Icarus Attack

Banish - 1

Genex Ally Birdman


1. Mist Valley Soldier
2. Mist Valley Soldier
3. Mist Valley Falcon
4. Mist Valley Falcon
5. Mist Valley Falcon
6. Mist Condor
7. Mist Condor
8. Mist Condor
9. Sangan
10. Summoner Monk
11. Summoner Monk
12. Zephyros the Elite
13. Zephyros the Elite
14. Genex Ally Birdman
15. Genex Ally Birdman
16. Genex Ally Birdman
17. Reborn Tengu
18. Reborn Tengu
19. Reborn Tengu
20. Dark Simorgh
21. Terraforming
22. Terraforming
23. Terraforming
24. Divine Wind of the Mist Valley
25. Divine Wind of the Mist Valley
26. Divine Wind of the Mist Valley
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Mystical Space Typhoon
29. Mystical Space Typhoon
30. Solemn Warning
31. Solemn Warning
32. Dark Hole
33. Heavy Storm
34. Icarus Attack
35. Icarus Attack
36. Monster Reborn
37. Pot of Avarice
38. Foolish Burial
39. Dark Core
40. Dark Core


X1. Stardust Dragon
X2. Stardust Dragon
X3. Stardust Dragon
X4. Black Rose Dragon
X5. Black Rose Dragon
X6. Black Rose Dragon
X7. Dark End Dragon
X8. Dark End Dragon
X9. Ancient Fairy Dragon
X10. Ancient Fairy Dragon
X11. Scrap Dragon
X12. Scrap Dragon

2011-11-19, 10:30 AM
"Tch. If I can't pull off something soon..."

OOC: No response.

2011-11-19, 10:45 AM
"Your move, lovely."

Life 9000

Face-up - 1
- Reborn Tengu
Face-down - 1

Solemn Warning

Hand - 3

Foolish Burial
Pot of Avarice

Graveyard - 7

Mist Condor
Dark Core
Reborn Tengu
Reborn Tengu
Black Rose Dragon
Solemn Warning
Icarus Attack

Banish - 1

Genex Ally Birdman


1. Mist Valley Soldier
2. Mist Valley Soldier
3. Mist Valley Falcon
4. Mist Valley Falcon
5. Mist Valley Falcon
6. Mist Condor
7. Mist Condor
8. Mist Condor
9. Sangan
10. Summoner Monk
11. Summoner Monk
12. Zephyros the Elite
13. Zephyros the Elite
14. Genex Ally Birdman
15. Genex Ally Birdman
16. Genex Ally Birdman
17. Reborn Tengu
18. Reborn Tengu
19. Reborn Tengu
20. Dark Simorgh
21. Terraforming
22. Terraforming
23. Terraforming
24. Divine Wind of the Mist Valley
25. Divine Wind of the Mist Valley
26. Divine Wind of the Mist Valley
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Mystical Space Typhoon
29. Mystical Space Typhoon
30. Solemn Warning
31. Solemn Warning
32. Dark Hole
33. Heavy Storm
34. Icarus Attack
35. Icarus Attack
36. Monster Reborn
37. Pot of Avarice
38. Foolish Burial
39. Dark Core
40. Dark Core


X1. Stardust Dragon
X2. Stardust Dragon
X3. Stardust Dragon
X4. Black Rose Dragon
X5. Black Rose Dragon
X6. Black Rose Dragon
X7. Dark End Dragon
X8. Dark End Dragon
X9. Ancient Fairy Dragon
X10. Ancient Fairy Dragon
X11. Scrap Dragon
X12. Scrap Dragon

2011-11-19, 10:48 AM
Draw: [roll0]

"I play Cyber Valley in attack position and end my turn."

3. Cyber Valley (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Cyber_Valley) (LIGHT Machine 1; 0/0)
3. Facedown card

Life Points: 4600

3. Solemn Judgment

Graveyard: 8
Upstart Goblin
Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (FIRE Warrior 3; 1200/800)
Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (FIRE Warrior 3; 1200/800)
Hand Destruction
Elemental Hero Clayman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Elemental_Hero_Clayman) (EARTH Warrior 4; 800/2000)
Mystical Space Typhoon
Torrential Tribute
Chain Material

Banished: 0

Hand: 2
A Hero Lives
Fusion Gate

Main Deck: 28
>. Cyber Valley (LIGHT Machine 1; 0/0)
1. Cyber Valley (LIGHT Machine 1; 0/0)
2. Cyber Valley (LIGHT Machine 1; 0/0)
3. Elemental Hero Avian (WIND Warrior 3; 1000/1000)
4. Elemental Hero Avian (WIND Warrior 3; 1000/1000)
>. Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (FIRE Warrior 3; 1200/800)
>. Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (FIRE Warrior 3; 1200/800)
5. Elemental Hero Clayman (EARTH Warrior 4; 800/2000)
>. Elemental Hero Clayman (EARTH Warrior 4; 800/2000)
6. Elemental Hero Bubbleman (WATER Warrior 4; 800/1200)
7. Elemental Hero Bubbleman (WATER Warrior 4; 800/1200)
8. Elemental Hero Lady Heat (FIRE Pyro 4; 1300/1000)
9. Elemental Hero Stratos (WIND Warrior 4; 1800/300)
10. A Hero Lives
>. A Hero Lives
11. Bubble Illusion
12. Bubble Illusion
13. E - Emergency Call
14. E - Emergency Call
15. Fusion Gate
16. Fusion Gate
>. Fusion Gate
17. Heavy Storm
18. Hand Destruction
19. Hand Destruction
>. Hand Destruction
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Terraforming
23. Terraforming
24. Terraforming
25. Upstart Goblin
>. Upstart Goblin
26. Upstart Goblin
>. Chain Material
27. Chain Material
28. Chain Material
>. Solemn Judgment
>. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 15
Elemental Hero Electrum (LIGHT Warrior 10; 2900/2600)
Elemental Hero Electrum (LIGHT Warrior 10; 2900/2600)
Elemental Hero Electrum (LIGHT Warrior 10; 2900/2600)
Elemental Hero Absolute Zero (WATER Warrior 8; 2500/2000)
Elemental Hero Gaia (EARTH Warrior 6; 2200/2600)
Elemental Hero Gaia (EARTH Warrior 6; 2200/2600)
Elemental Hero Great Tornado (WIND Warrior 8; 2800/2200)
Elemental Hero Nova Master (FIRE Warrior 8; 2600/2100)
Elemental Hero The Shining (LIGHT Warrior 8; 2600/2100)
Blaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird (FIRE Pyro 8; 2800/2300)
Blaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird (FIRE Pyro 8; 2800/2300)
Blaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird (FIRE Pyro 8; 2800/2300)
Ignition Beast Volcannon (EARTH Machine 6; 2300/1600)
Super Dreadnought Cannon Express Gustaph Max (EARTH Machine 10; 3000/3000)
Super Dreadnought Cannon Express Gustaph Max (EARTH Machine 10; 3000/3000)

2011-11-19, 11:29 AM

Nighthawk closes his eyes and scoffs at the Cyber Valley. "Well lookie there: you just bought yourself yet another turn," he taunts as he draws for his turn.

"I'll just let my Reborn Tengu attack your Cyber Valley and end my turn.

Life 9000

Face-up - 1
- Reborn Tengu
Face-down - 1

Solemn Warning

Hand - 4

Foolish Burial
Pot of Avarice
Mystical Space Typhoon

Graveyard - 7

Mist Condor
Dark Core
Reborn Tengu
Reborn Tengu
Black Rose Dragon
Solemn Warning
Icarus Attack

Banish - 1

Genex Ally Birdman


1. Mist Valley Soldier
2. Mist Valley Soldier
3. Mist Valley Falcon
4. Mist Valley Falcon
5. Mist Valley Falcon
6. Mist Condor
7. Mist Condor
8. Mist Condor
9. Sangan
10. Summoner Monk
11. Summoner Monk
12. Zephyros the Elite
13. Zephyros the Elite
14. Genex Ally Birdman
15. Genex Ally Birdman
16. Genex Ally Birdman
17. Reborn Tengu
18. Reborn Tengu
19. Reborn Tengu
20. Dark Simorgh
21. Terraforming
22. Terraforming
23. Terraforming
24. Divine Wind of the Mist Valley
25. Divine Wind of the Mist Valley
26. Divine Wind of the Mist Valley
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Mystical Space Typhoon
29. Mystical Space Typhoon
30. Solemn Warning
31. Solemn Warning
32. Dark Hole
33. Heavy Storm
34. Icarus Attack
35. Icarus Attack
36. Monster Reborn
37. Pot of Avarice
38. Foolish Burial
39. Dark Core
40. Dark Core


X1. Stardust Dragon
X2. Stardust Dragon
X3. Stardust Dragon
X4. Black Rose Dragon
X5. Black Rose Dragon
X6. Black Rose Dragon
X7. Dark End Dragon
X8. Dark End Dragon
X9. Ancient Fairy Dragon
X10. Ancient Fairy Dragon
X11. Scrap Dragon
X12. Scrap Dragon

2011-11-19, 04:58 PM
"I also draw another card by activating Cyber Valley's effect. We'll see just how much we have left to go."

Valley: [roll0]
Draw: [roll1]

She nods slightly. "Indeed. You fought well, but not well enough. Now, I show you the power of the Vermilion Bird, ruler of the South, avatar of the Summer Fires! I activate my first card, Fusion Gate (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Fusion_Gate), opening the path to my seat of power. My second card calls upon an eternal hero. By draining half of my life points, A Hero Lives (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/A_Hero_Lives) brings Elemental Hero Bubbleman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Elemental_Hero_Bubbleman) to the field, and his special power, Bubble Illusion (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Bubble_Illusion) lets me activate one trap card from my hand. Now, the last card in my hand, Chain Material (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Chain_Material), lets me use any cards in my deck or graveyard for fusion material, in addition to the cards on the field."

Flames begin to rise around her, growing towards the heavens. "This is my true strength! I remove Elemental Hero Lady Heat and Cyber Valley from my deck, summoning Blaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Blaze_Fenix%2C_the_Burning_Bombardment_Bird). Its effect activates, and with two facedowns, Fusion Gate, Blaze Fenix, Tengu, and Bubbleman adding up to six cards on the field in total, it inflicts 1800 damage to you. Now, I remove it and my second Cyber Valley for a second Blaze Fenix, which inflicts another 1800 damage through its effect."

"Now, with all three of my Cyber Valleys banished, you might think I'm done, but my flames will remain eternal. I remove Elemental Heroes Burstinatrix from the Graveyard, Bubbleman from the field, and Avian, and Clayman from my Deck, summoning my ultimate hero. Elemental Hero Electrum (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Elemental_Hero_Electrum) descends, restoring all banished cards to the deck. Now, I remove Lady Heat and Cyber Valley again from my deck, summoning a second Blaze Fenix for 2100 damage, and I remove Blaze Fenix and a second Cyber Valley for a third Blaze Fenix and another 2100 damage, for 7800 damage in total. I then fuse Blaze Fenix and Stratos from my deck for Nova Master, and fuse the Burstinatrix from my Graveyard along with Avian, Bubbleman, and Clayman from my deck for a second Elemental Hero Electrum, who returns all banished cards to the deck anew."

"My final move is simple. I could easily summon my restored Blaze Fenix to destroy you, or recycle the two on my field using Nova Master and my remaining Electrum. However, I have another solution. My two Elemental Heroes Electrum now unite. With them, I xyz summon my final weapon, Super Dreadnought Cannon Express Gustaph Max (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Super_Dreadnought_Cannon_Express_Gustaph_Max)! Its effect activates, inflicting 2000 damage directly to you, and finishing you off."
LP: -9800

OOC Turn Summary:
1. Play Fusion Gate, A Hero Lives (summoning Bubbleman), Bubble Illusion, and Chain Material (from hand)
2. Activate Fusion Gate, summoning Blaze Fenix (1) = Lady Heat + Cyber Valley (2)
3. Blaze Fenix (1) activates, dealing 1800 damage (Gate + My FD + Your FD + Reborn Tengu + Bubbleman + Blaze Fenix)
4. Activate Fusion Gate, summoning Blaze Fenix (2) = Blaze Fenix (1) + Cyber Valley (3)
5. Blaze Fenix (2) activates, dealing 1800 damage
6. Activate Fusion Gate, summoning Electrum (1) = Burstinatrix (Grave) + Avian (deck) + Clayman (deck) + Bubbleman (field)
7. Electrum (1) activates, returning Cyber Valley (1,2,3), Blaze Fenix (1), Burst/Avi/Clay/Bubble, and Lady Heat
8. Activate Fusion Gate, summoning Blaze Fenix (1) = Lady Heat + Cyber Valley (1)
9. Blaze Fenix (1) activates, dealing 2100 damage (Gate, 2 FD, Tengu, Electrum (1), Fenix (2), and Fenix (1))
10. Activate Fusion Gate, summoning Blaze Fenix (3) = Blaze Fenix (1) + Cyber Valley (2)
11. Blaze Fenix (3) activates, dealing 2100 damage
12. Activate Fusion Gate, summoning Electrum (2) = Burstinatrix (Grave) + Avian + Clayman + Bubbleman (all deck)
13. Electrum (2) activates, returning Cyber Valley (1,2), Blaze Fenix (1), Burst/Avi/Clay/Bubble, and Lady Heat
14. Xyz summon Gustaph whatsits = Electrum (1) + Electrum (2)
15. Detach Electrum (1); Gustaph inflicts 2000 damage

Field: Fusion Gate (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Fusion_Gate)
2. Blaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Blaze_Fenix%2C_the_Burning_Bombardment_Bird) (FIRE Pyro 8; 2800/2300)
3. Super Dreadnought Cannon Express Gustaph Max (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Super_Dreadnought_Cannon_Express_Gustaph_Max) (EARTH Machine 10; 3000/3000) (1 Electrum (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Elemental_Hero_Electrum))
4. Blaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Blaze_Fenix%2C_the_Burning_Bombardment_Bird) (FIRE Pyro 8; 2800/2300)
3. Facedown card

Life Points: 2300

3. Solemn Judgment

Graveyard: 9
Upstart Goblin
Hand Destruction
Elemental Hero Clayman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Elemental_Hero_Clayman) (EARTH Warrior 4; 800/2000)
Mystical Space Typhoon
Torrential Tribute
Chain Material
A Hero Lives
Bubble Illusion
Chain Material

Banished: 1
Cyber Valley (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Cyber_Valley) (LIGHT Machine 1; 0/0)

Hand: 0

Main Deck: 29
1. Cyber Valley (LIGHT Machine 1; 0/0)
2. Cyber Valley (LIGHT Machine 1; 0/0)
3. Cyber Valley (LIGHT Machine 1; 0/0)
4. Elemental Hero Avian (WIND Warrior 3; 1000/1000)
5. Elemental Hero Avian (WIND Warrior 3; 1000/1000)
6. Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (FIRE Warrior 3; 1200/800)
7. Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (FIRE Warrior 3; 1200/800)
8. Elemental Hero Clayman (EARTH Warrior 4; 800/2000)
>. Elemental Hero Clayman (EARTH Warrior 4; 800/2000)
9. Elemental Hero Bubbleman (WATER Warrior 4; 800/1200)
10. Elemental Hero Bubbleman (WATER Warrior 4; 800/1200)
11. Elemental Hero Lady Heat (FIRE Pyro 4; 1300/1000)
12. Elemental Hero Stratos (WIND Warrior 4; 1800/300)
13. A Hero Lives
>. A Hero Lives
14. Bubble Illusion
>. Bubble Illusion
15. E - Emergency Call
16. E - Emergency Call
17. Fusion Gate
18. Fusion Gate
>. Fusion Gate
19. Heavy Storm
20. Hand Destruction
21. Hand Destruction
>. Hand Destruction
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Mystical Space Typhoon
24. Terraforming
25. Terraforming
26. Terraforming
27. Upstart Goblin
>. Upstart Goblin
28. Upstart Goblin
>. Chain Material
>. Chain Material
29. Chain Material
>. Solemn Judgment
>. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 12
Elemental Hero Electrum (LIGHT Warrior 10; 2900/2600)
Elemental Hero Electrum (LIGHT Warrior 10; 2900/2600)
Elemental Hero Electrum (LIGHT Warrior 10; 2900/2600)
Elemental Hero Absolute Zero (WATER Warrior 8; 2500/2000)
Elemental Hero Gaia (EARTH Warrior 6; 2200/2600)
Elemental Hero Gaia (EARTH Warrior 6; 2200/2600)
Elemental Hero Great Tornado (WIND Warrior 8; 2800/2200)
Elemental Hero Nova Master (FIRE Warrior 8; 2600/2100)
Elemental Hero The Shining (LIGHT Warrior 8; 2600/2100)
Blaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird (FIRE Pyro 8; 2800/2300)
>Blaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird (FIRE Pyro 8; 2800/2300)
>Blaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird (FIRE Pyro 8; 2800/2300)
Ignition Beast Volcannon (EARTH Machine 6; 2300/1600)
>Super Dreadnought Cannon Express Gustaph Max (EARTH Machine 10; 3000/3000)
Super Dreadnought Cannon Express Gustaph Max (EARTH Machine 10; 3000/3000)

2011-11-19, 07:01 PM
"Tsk tsk!" he mocks her as he waves his finger in front of him. "For a lady of such elegance, you sure love to indulge in the excess Fusion Gate and Chain Material"

"The Gate can stay, but I'm afraid I'm gonna give ya a Solemn Warning for that Material trap."

Negating Chain Material with Solemn Warning: Pending Response

Life 9000

Activated - 1
- Solemn Warning @ Chain Material
Face-up - 1
- Reborn Tengu
Face-down - 0

Hand - 4

Foolish Burial
Pot of Avarice
Mystical Space Typhoon

Graveyard - 7

Mist Condor
Dark Core
Reborn Tengu
Reborn Tengu
Black Rose Dragon
Solemn Warning
Icarus Attack

Banish - 1

Genex Ally Birdman


1. Mist Valley Soldier
2. Mist Valley Soldier
3. Mist Valley Falcon
4. Mist Valley Falcon
5. Mist Valley Falcon
6. Mist Condor
7. Mist Condor
8. Mist Condor
9. Sangan
10. Summoner Monk
11. Summoner Monk
12. Zephyros the Elite
13. Zephyros the Elite
14. Genex Ally Birdman
15. Genex Ally Birdman
16. Genex Ally Birdman
17. Reborn Tengu
18. Reborn Tengu
19. Reborn Tengu
20. Dark Simorgh
21. Terraforming
22. Terraforming
23. Terraforming
24. Divine Wind of the Mist Valley
25. Divine Wind of the Mist Valley
26. Divine Wind of the Mist Valley
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Mystical Space Typhoon
29. Mystical Space Typhoon
30. Solemn Warning
31. Solemn Warning
32. Dark Hole
33. Heavy Storm
34. Icarus Attack
35. Icarus Attack
36. Monster Reborn
37. Pot of Avarice
38. Foolish Burial
39. Dark Core
40. Dark Core


X1. Stardust Dragon
X2. Stardust Dragon
X3. Stardust Dragon
X4. Black Rose Dragon
X5. Black Rose Dragon
X6. Black Rose Dragon
X7. Dark End Dragon
X8. Dark End Dragon
X9. Ancient Fairy Dragon
X10. Ancient Fairy Dragon
X11. Scrap Dragon
X12. Scrap Dragon


2011-11-19, 07:10 PM
"Tsk tsk!" he mocks her as he waves his finger in front of him. "For a lady of such elegance, you sure love to indulge in the excess Fusion Gate and Chain Material"

"The Gate can stay, but I'm afraid I'm gonna give ya a Solemn Warning for that Material trap."

Negating Chain Material with Solemn Warning: Pending Response

Life 9000

Activated - 1
- Solemn Warning @ Chain Material
Face-up - 1
- Reborn Tengu
Face-down - 0

Hand - 4

Foolish Burial
Pot of Avarice
Mystical Space Typhoon

Graveyard - 7

Mist Condor
Dark Core
Reborn Tengu
Reborn Tengu
Black Rose Dragon
Solemn Warning
Icarus Attack

Banish - 1

Genex Ally Birdman


1. Mist Valley Soldier
2. Mist Valley Soldier
3. Mist Valley Falcon
4. Mist Valley Falcon
5. Mist Valley Falcon
6. Mist Condor
7. Mist Condor
8. Mist Condor
9. Sangan
10. Summoner Monk
11. Summoner Monk
12. Zephyros the Elite
13. Zephyros the Elite
14. Genex Ally Birdman
15. Genex Ally Birdman
16. Genex Ally Birdman
17. Reborn Tengu
18. Reborn Tengu
19. Reborn Tengu
20. Dark Simorgh
21. Terraforming
22. Terraforming
23. Terraforming
24. Divine Wind of the Mist Valley
25. Divine Wind of the Mist Valley
26. Divine Wind of the Mist Valley
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Mystical Space Typhoon
29. Mystical Space Typhoon
30. Solemn Warning
31. Solemn Warning
32. Dark Hole
33. Heavy Storm
34. Icarus Attack
35. Icarus Attack
36. Monster Reborn
37. Pot of Avarice
38. Foolish Burial
39. Dark Core
40. Dark Core


X1. Stardust Dragon
X2. Stardust Dragon
X3. Stardust Dragon
X4. Black Rose Dragon
X5. Black Rose Dragon
X6. Black Rose Dragon
X7. Dark End Dragon
X8. Dark End Dragon
X9. Ancient Fairy Dragon
X10. Ancient Fairy Dragon
X11. Scrap Dragon
X12. Scrap Dragon


That will not work. Chain Material does not itself summon, it merely alters how the summoning is done.

2011-11-19, 07:16 PM
That will not work. Chain Material does not itself summon, it merely alters how the summoning is done.[/QUOTE]

OOC: Damn ... for a moment there I thought it was Solemn Judgment lol.

GG Mistral.

2011-11-19, 07:52 PM
OOC: Damn ... for a moment there I thought it was Solemn Judgment lol.

GG Mistral.

OOC: You did pretty well, too; I pretty much topdecked at the end in drawing both Bubble Illusion and a second Chain Material back to back through Valley and my turn draw. If not for that, I probably would have lost. My first Chain Material would have let me win earlier, but your use of Black Rose Dragon blocked that by destroying it before I could activate it. Also, Solemn Warning could have blocked A Hero Lives, which would have bought you another turn, but I would have used my facedown Solemn Judgment in that case.

Looking back, it looks like you hit some pretty bad draws at the end. It's probably worth noting since it's not on the card per se, but Pot of Avarice does work on all monsters, and doesn't have any implicit restrictions to only main deck monsters: synchro and fusion monsters can be targeted and be sent to the extra deck using it. You could have used Foolish Burial on a monster, then Pot of Avarice to recycle your Tengu and gain two new draws; that might have helped out a little.

2011-11-19, 08:01 PM
OOC: Actually, Cyber Valley (and Solemn Judgment) did me in >_< I had Terraforming, which I could have gotten Divine Wind of the Mist Valley. Then I could have Foolish Burial putting Zephyros the Elite into my graveyard, bouncing Tengu for Falcon, then normal summon Tengu and proceed with my OTK (Falcons bouncing Wind Monsters for more Falcons). Any suggestions you have?

2011-12-01, 10:59 AM
OOC: Sorry, I missed the question at the end originally. I'd probably reduce Zephyros to 1; you can only activate his effect once in the game in either case. Dark Core is generally subpar compared to other cards like Fissure, Smashing Ground, or Book of Moon, despite its flexibility, because it requires an additional discard as a cost. Terraforming at 3 might also be a bit of overkill; it usually gets run at 1 or 2. Other than that, I cannot think of much. Pot of Duality might help add consistency, and I'd also suggest adding three more cards to your Extra Deck to fill it out (either synchro or xyz), since it can't hurt, and it might help in certain specialized cases.