View Full Version : Statting League of Legends champs/characters? 3.5/PF

2011-11-18, 04:37 PM
Just a thought I had; going to leave this here for the moment and come back when I actually think of something.

Jump in and start sharing any ideas you have.

Edit: Well, just to try and get some creative juices flowing, let's try to pick out the simplest (most easily translatable) champions. Jax comes to mind; he's basically a really, really good fighter who can dominate with any weapon, is very good at dodging attacks, and has some way to (magically?) empower his weapon. My first thought is Warblade, with feats like weapon focus, weapon specialization, exotic weapon proficiency, etc, to go with weapon aptitude, and probably a lot of Iron Heart (with things like that one counter that lets you use your attack roll for your AC, and Iron Heart Surge) and maybe Diamond Mind. He'd need some way to stun enemies, and something to represent his 'leap strike' (maybe just leap attack).

I have no idea what race he is though, but I'm just going to assume that it's not significantly statistically different from a human.

Anyway, others who might be easy are Annie (something like a child human sorceress with very powerful, exclusively fire-using, spells), and Ashe (seems like there are a couple spells in Champions of Ruin, like Bloodfreeze Arrow for her ult, that would work well for her, but that assumes that she's a ranger).

2011-11-18, 08:08 PM
I think this would be particularly difficult to do because the majority of the LoL characters that have very specific and unique abilities that d20 systems don't really have.

on the other hand some characters are really simply like Annie is just a straight sorcerer. not even a PrC. and Brand is an elemental savant (or whatever is the name of the class that turns you into an elemental at the end.)

But my favorite is Vlad. i don't think he's a doable character. I am unaware of a life stealing spell, a way of turning into a pool of blood, an attack that increase healing done to you, or a way of increasing damage done to all opponents in an area

2011-11-18, 10:35 PM
DotA is much better :P

I've thought about trying to translate characters from DotA, close enough to LoL, into a 3.5 character but alas I could not. My friend managed to do a pretty good build that was like Rikimaru but, without the 3x AGI to damage, it's just not the same.