View Full Version : Needing some answers for psionic troubles...

2011-11-18, 11:09 PM
Ok, here's the deal, I'm going to a 3.5e D&D session tomorrow and need help creating a character. I could normally do this myself (being a DM I would be a sorry one if I wasn't able to make a standard character :/ ) but I'm dealing with psionics, which is not in the core rule books (what i normally work with) D:

So, I need anyone who is able and willing to tell me what I can get for a lv. 10 character from the expanded psionics hand book for 400k gold. Don't ask how we (the group) got that absurd amount for lv 10, but rather what can I get for this amount and still be strictly in the Expanded Psionics Handbook. When I say strictly I mean keep it to the EPH but you can get need to have feats from other sources as well as items and such, but try to keep it in the EPH & core books. IE the ones i can actually look up. XD
AH yes the class you say? Psion Kineticist, true neutral, 6'0", big teeth and kinda gangly. :smallbiggrin:
This is being run in a primarily evil setting so this guy will be blowing a lot of stuff up, if that helps at all.
Any and all help will be much appreciated. Thanks! I hope I can help you guys with anything you need int he future!

P.S. i would like some minor dabbling in mind control or generally being the "face" of the group, considering the current face is an undead psychopath npc :smallannoyed: with a probable 18 in cha. and a person with social skills would be nice.


2011-11-18, 11:22 PM
My advice is, buy and equip like you were a wizard. Cognizance Crystals are Pearls of Power, Dorjes are Wands, etc.

Only major difference is you don't suffer from ASF, so your only obstacle for gear is non-proficiency penalties, which usually aren't that bad or are even negatable entirely.

2011-11-18, 11:29 PM
Well, with that much GP you have a lot of options. First of all, you need to get yourself a Torc of Power Preservation and some Cognizance Crystals. Get like four 9-PP Cognizance Crystals and fill them with any PP you have left over at the end of the day; that's four bonus 5th level powers per day (or augmented lower-level powers), right there. I'd also recommend getting some +1 Manifester Shuriken; fifty of them cost about 18,000 GP and give you effectively fifty extra 3rd level powers per day, so you'll never run out of low-level powers. (Remember, you can only manifest from one source per power so you couldn't take PP from more than one shuriken at once; that's what keeps it from being broken, since it just stops you from not having juice to manifest low-level powers instead of allowing you to be running at full all day.)

Also, I recommend getting some dorjes of useful, low-level powers, a couple power stones of powers you'll rarely need, and some form of psicrown. Pick which one you like; Great Dominator will help you be a face, but the others are all nice, too.

Gloves of Object Reading are pretty cool, might want one of those. Third Eye Conceal is crazy expensive, but also awesome. A Psionatrix of Psychokinesis could be nice, for you. Psychoactive Skins can be pretty sweet; Proteus is the best one.

2011-11-18, 11:36 PM
Ok, about half of that got through to me. I don't have any of the expansion books (except for the Scoundrel) and don't have the time to go and look them up, so if you guys could please explain at least where to get them (from the books) i could just look up the pdf's online and go from there. also i'd need feats too.

Thanks much.

2011-11-18, 11:41 PM
I assume the rest of core is allowed as well, right? As in, MMI, DMGI, and PHBI?

Also, get a Torc of Power Preservation. Probably the most powerful item available to you.

And a Dorje of Energy Missle at ML 20 costs 15k, has 50 charges, deals 20d6+/-20, and can target Ref or Fort. Totally worth picking one up for emergencies if you can. Additionally, a Dorje of Energy Ray costs half the price, but is useful for when you only need to take down one person.

2011-11-18, 11:44 PM
Ok, about half of that got through to me. I don't have any of the expansion books (except for the Scoundrel) and don't have the time to go and look them up, so if you guys could please explain at least where to get them (from the books) i could just look up the pdf's online and go from there. also i'd need feats too.

Thanks much.

Everything we listed is in the XPH.

For feats, you'd want to take things like Twin, Split Psionic Ray, Quicken, Extend, Burrowing, and Empower Power. Again, they're all in the XPH. Depending on how much you're using rays, Split may or may not be a good choice. Twin is expensive, but awesome. Quicken is great, too, just like for arcane casters. Extend is always, always great, even for Kineticists. Empower is nice, and usually more effective than Maximize. Burrowing is unique to psionics, and it's awesome- it lets you make a Spellcraft check to manifest a power through barriers, for +2 PP and expending focus.

Speaking of focus, you'll want Psionic Meditation, too- using metapsionic feats costs your psionic focus, and you don't want to have to waste an entire turn getting it back. For similar reasons, you'll want Psicrystal Affinity and Psicrystal Containment- psicrystals are awesome, and can take feats, and Psicrystal Containment essentially gives you another psionic focus.

2011-11-18, 11:51 PM
And these feats and items can all be found in the DMG1 PH1 and EPH? just a list of the items and feats and corresponding books would be nice.
Have i stressed ho much this is helping me? No? Well it is. Thanks! I owe you guys much, and sorry for being so picky and such.

2011-11-19, 12:41 AM
And these feats and items can all be found in the DMG1 PH1 and EPH? just a list of the items and feats and corresponding books would be nice.
Have i stressed ho much this is helping me? No? Well it is. Thanks! I owe you guys much, and sorry for being so picky and such.

<--- THIS GUY=(or greater than) the stoopidest person in the world. just realized you SAID MULTIPLE TIMES that they were in the XPH. FACEPLAM. ftw. Anyways thanks!

2011-11-19, 12:19 PM
Do you already have your DMG basics (Bag of Holding/Handy Haversack, Con and manifesting stat booster, save booster, Cloak of Minor Displacement, etc) taken care of? If not, get those first; the psionic items are cool, but still less important than having the fundamentals.

(Also, helpful resource: The XPH was released as part of the SRD files, which means you can browse it online in a helpfully indexed and linked format at the Hypertext SRD. (http://www.d20srd.org/indexes/psionicItems.htm) Link to psi-items page.)

More nifty psionic stuff:
Third Eye: Sense- Clairvoyance at will and pretty cheap. Excellent for all kinds of information-gathering from the simple and dungeon-applicable ("I use my clairvoyance to check around the corner before we get there") to the grand and DM-annoying ("I retreat to a secluded hilltop for a year and use my clairvoyance to survey a new map of the world.)

Gleaming armor property: gives concealment. A bit redundant with a Cloak of Minor Displacement, but handy if your DM doesn't allow combining items or slot rearrangement so you can have a Vest of Resistance or a +X Cloak of Resisting Displacement.

Linked armor/shield property: Normally I'd say the whole party should get this- it's cheap and it lets you telepathically communicate with each other up to 10 miles away, so you can communicate secretly and split the party and still stay in contact- but you mentioned playing an evil game so you'll want to restrict it to the members you like/and or trust well enough.

Parrying weapon: Was changed in the Magic Item Compendium, but if you're not using that version the XPH original is a huge deal- gives Insight bonus to your AC and saves for a mere 8,000, which is a really good price for one of the 'exotic' bonus types that will stack with almost all other items.

2011-11-19, 01:08 PM
The best Psion Handbook (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=10238.0)

Check the "Equipment" section about 5 posts down.

2011-11-19, 01:29 PM
Forget the cognizance crystals. Get some pearls of power, instead. They act exactly like cognizance crystals and cost the exact same amount.

The difference is that they fill themselves up every morning, rather than requiring that you do so, which is OVER 9000!!!!% better.

Also? Even pearls of power suck. They're WAY too expensive for what they do. I prefer to avoid them whenever possible, and sell them forthwith when I get them in-game, in exchange for +1 manifester arrows or shurikens, and rely on intelligent use of low-level powers outside of combat to get around higher level challenges. It makes using high-level and fully-augmented powers inside combat much easier.

2011-11-19, 03:07 PM
The best Psion Handbook (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=10238.0)
He's right about that being the best Psion handbook, because it is.

Forget the cognizance crystals. Get some pearls of power, instead. They act exactly like cognizance crystals and cost the exact same amount.

The difference is that they fill themselves up every morning, rather than requiring that you do so, which is OVER 9000!!!!% better.
They also don't apply to psionics, even under transparency rules.

2011-11-19, 03:56 PM
They also don't apply to psionics, even under transparency rules.Ahem. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/basics.htm#magicItemsForPsionicCharacters)

2011-11-19, 04:00 PM
Ahem. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/basics.htm#magicItemsForPsionicCharacters)

It explicitly says to treat it in all ways the same. So you can't gain any unique benefit from it.

2011-11-19, 04:05 PM
It explicitly says to treat it in all ways the same. So you can't gain any unique benefit from it.

This. In other words, you can manually charge up and manifest from a pearl of power exactly as if it were a cognizance crystal; nothing there says it recharges on its own.

2011-11-19, 04:31 PM
This. In other words, you can manually charge up and manifest from a pearl of power exactly as if it were a cognizance crystal; nothing there says it recharges on its own.So...they suck even worse, then.


2011-12-15, 07:26 PM
Guess who just got 1Mill gold.../sigh. our co-DM does not know what he is doing...then again we DID take over half of a country.
Anyways, does this change the list (for items) at all?

As always thanks!!!

Big Fau
2011-12-15, 07:52 PM
Guess who just got 1Mill gold.../sigh. our co-DM does not know what he is doing...then again we DID take over half of a country.
Anyways, does this change the list (for items) at all?

As always thanks!!!

There is a term for this: Monty Haul.

Unless the DM has an extensive understanding of real-world economics, your party should divide this as evenly as possible. And then you need to use your share on Crafting magic items yourself (doing so effectively doubles your GP, and the XP replaces itself very quickly).

Once you've done this, go up to the Handbook listed above and craft as many items listed as being useful as you possibly can.

2011-12-15, 08:06 PM
Guess who just got 1Mill gold.../sigh. our co-DM does not know what he is doing...then again we DID take over half of a country.Build yourself a huge, ostentatious castle, with airship docking bays, tall spiraling towers and the works.

2011-12-15, 08:20 PM
Commission an airship!

You can never have too awesome an airship.

2011-12-16, 06:12 PM
TOO LATE! With the remainder of his 1.4 Mill (.4 coming from our last little Dm hiccup) , my little undead "friend" of the group (although we have about 5/6 people in the group being undead so ya. :/ forever alone) has made a house using an expansion book (will get the name at the next session) that can teleport 1/day and hover at a fixed position forever. That cool ability being explained the house looks for all medieval purposes to be like a white trash trailer home. We might be getting an anchor, the jury is still out on that one.

Anyways, any other ideas? For travel I have Plane Shift and Astral Travel, and have Contingencie'd Planar Travel just in case my evil party decides that they don't like the fact that they have a True Neutral member that is the most pwerful caster in the group that could near wipe the party if not for the genie ring the ****ING undead /b/tard troll SOMEHOW managed to buy(:smallfurious:). (And, yes, I DO love the air ship idea; however, I don't want to spend it all at once on something I don't truly need. Don't worry though, when we're keeping tarrasque heads from different planes in out mobile home then, and only then, will I think about getting teh airship and floating Minecraft-esque home on a demi-plane that only people I deem worthy may visit)