View Full Version : Ideas for a Christmas Session

Slayer Lord
2011-11-19, 12:41 AM
On Halloween this year, my group did a one-session attempt at Tomb of Horrors. While we didn't get very far before breaking off (amazingly without casualties), we decided that it'd be fun to make holiday sessions a "thing" for us, with a different person DMing each time. I have been designated for the Christmas DM and I thought I'd fish for ideas here on the forums. It can be anything from official adventures like Tomb of Horrors was, anecdotes from your own campaigns, or just any random thing you can think of. As of now, though, the only thing that I've really decided on is that it should be a humorous session.

Thanks in advance.

2011-11-19, 12:46 AM
Well, Santa's elves clearly need to be Svirfneblin. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/gnome.htm#svirfneblin) His reindeer are Dire Elk, and the big man himself is... an Artificer? Maybe a Swordsage, for hilarity.

Ninja Santa is funny, right?

Check Frostburn for ideas for the North Pole as an environment.

2011-11-19, 12:58 AM
Well, is Christmas a thing in your setting? If not, have the PCs chilling in the tavern or whatever, when suddenly (Listen checks) there are footsteps on the roof, and a man pops down the chimney holding a large sack. Go from there.

2011-11-19, 01:06 AM
Santa's workshop, taken over by demons or something. Animated toys, possessed svirfneblin, haywire magical machines, and of course the big man himself (suitably demon empowered or something). As Grey said, check out frostburn for some arctic ideas, just stay away from the war moose, them be dangerous.

2011-11-19, 01:35 AM
... just stay away from the war moose, them be dangerous.

I assume you mean the MEGALOCEROS GIGIANTEUS.


Taller than a man at the shoulder, with an almost 20-foot antler 10-foot wide antler rack.

D&D considers this an appropriate challenge for a 4th level party.

2011-11-19, 01:38 AM
I assume you mean the MEGALOCEROS GIGIANTEUS.


Taller than a man at the shoulder, with an almost 20-foot antler rack.

D&D considers this an appropriate challenge for a 4th level party.

Yeah, that looks about CR 4 to me. Besides, doesn't it say its antlers are only 10' across?

2011-11-19, 01:40 AM
Yeah, that looks about CR 4 to me. Besides, doesn't it say its antlers are only 10' across?

Yep. I am indeed a failure at the mathematics.

2011-11-19, 01:44 AM
Same breed, but the stats for the ones bred for war are in the prestige class section. CR 7 I think.

And if you used metres like anyone who isn't an american, you wouldn't have these math problems.

Frostburn also has the polar bears straight from the His Dark Materials trilogy. And Domovoi. And icemen. In fact, Frostburn is full of good stuff.

2011-11-19, 01:48 AM
Same breed, but the stats for the ones bred for war are in the prestige class section. CR 7 I think.

And if you used metres like anyone who isn't an american, you wouldn't have these math problems.

Wouldn't you, though? If you use meters and read the book in feet, shouldn't that make it harder?
And plenty of Americans (scientists) use meters. I've been using the centigrade scale and meters for years, and I'm only seventeen. It probably has to do with the science classes.

2011-11-19, 01:56 AM
BBEG wants to take over Christmas Lifeday by replacing the toys with MIND CONTROL TOPS (A show would NEVER get away with that today).

2011-11-19, 01:58 AM
Exactly, the scientists use metres, but most regular folk don't after learning it in school. But my comment was mainly directed to just being able to read straight from the picture rather than having to convert, therefore taking out all the math.

2011-11-19, 02:03 AM
BBEG wants to take over Christmas Lifeday by replacing the toys with MIND CONTROL TOPS (A show would NEVER get away with that today).

Yes, then Chewy can come in at the end of the adventure and say "RAWR, RAWR RAWR!" (Happy Life Day!)

I would just smash the entire world with a Dire Winter that last the entire day :smallamused: and because of it Christmas is cancelled (No way in hell is Santa flying in this crappy weather!) so its up to the players to journey to the north pole, convince Santa to let them deliver the presents, and then Deliver all the presents within the night or Christmas will be ruined! :smalleek:

2011-11-19, 02:06 AM
And people are trying to steal the presents on the way? Just to throw some combat in to a mainly travel campaign.

2011-11-19, 02:07 AM
And people are trying to steal the presents on the way? Just to throw some combat in to a mainly travel campaign.

Sure, this works as well, bar the Wizards from teleporting and make Santa's Sleigh have some super overland flight on it or something

2011-11-20, 06:15 PM
have them meet santa claus, WotC statted him up a couple years back, have them help him deliver toys or break into the BBEG's lair to put coal in his stocking. many lulz will be had


lord pringle
2011-11-20, 06:21 PM
If you have star wars d20 stat out the sleigh as a spaceship with a present gun. Have the players gun down enemies with mounted present cannons. Make dependent and independent Clause jokes somewhere.