View Full Version : The Lydian Option inspired psionicists extermination camp campaign?

2011-11-19, 02:13 AM

I am falling in love with The Lydian Option webcome (featured in the above adds), but need some advice and motivation.

By the way, my players please stop reading here!!!

OK, back to business.

The initial background of the campaign:
-Currently in my D&D setting/cosmology, which is Spelljammer heavy as this campaign could become, has two major Spelljammer factions (among many) that are currently locked in a revolutionary war of sorts. These factions are the Arcane Order (from official fluff), and the rebelling new faction the Psionic Order.
-The Psionic Order has retrofitted a seized fraction of the Arcane Order's Spelljammer armada to work under psionic power.
-In my second-to-last campaign the PCs helped the Psionic Order and gave them a foothold in the "known sectors". Until then they were roaming and hiding, and seemed to be losing the war. Now they have a fighting chance.
-In an older campaign the PCs actually helped the Psionic Order get the means to compete with the Arcane Order's Wizards Council's near omnipotent power (I run low-magic, and semi-low-psionics).
-And while in my cosmology magic is definitely much stronger than psionics, it is very rare and the Wizards train new apprentices (if at all) in the span of millenia, not years. However, psionics can be mastered such as magic can, but within a mortal's lifespan.
-The REAL nod in psionics favor is that while it can be learned, some are born with innate talent for psionics. So while magic is more powerful, the Wizards' Council for once fears something besides the gods and the dragons, although they will never admit it. For although it could take thousands of near-epic psionicists to take on a wizard, they could potentially reach those numbers. And while a full-out war would dwindle the numbers on both sides, who would most likely repopulate quicker?

So the premiss of this campaign:
-The Arcane Order has voted that a "cure" must be found for this psionic "defect".
-They have retrofitted a large prison asteroid from the days of Humanity (now mostly extinct) and named it "Shattered Crystal".
-While criminals of all types are being sent to this maximum security prison,it's true purpose is to contain psionicists who have been brought here from Arcane Order space on what ever charge the authorities could come up with.
-The general populous is told that strange crystals on this asteroid naturally suppress the psionic talent, but in truth dangerous potions are used to suppress the powers of the prisoners (5% chance each weekly dose of killing the individual).
-Essentially, think German Nazi death camps, but with the extra bonus of experiments being performed to find a "cure" for the naturally born psionicists.
-The emblem of Shattered Crystal is a potion bottle with flames coming out of it's top as it falls on and shatters a crystal beneath it.

My ideas so for for how to run this:
-First, I would need to plan the layout of this complex for WEEKS. I am considering running the whole thing inside the complex. However, an escape with the PCs fleeing (maybe with some rescued psionicists they felt pity for?) is also possible if the PCs want that route instead?
-The PCs will each have a magical bracelet on their wrists. These are Arcane Order issued so the general populous would know they are convicts. They can be taken off, but doing so sends a message to all the other braclets (including the one being taken off) to inject a save-or-die poison into the arms of the wearers (DC:16 Fort Save). Think the Last Chancers from 40K here.
-There will be an old PC of mine there as a psionicist prisoner (one fo the most powerful ones in existence currently), but in truth is working with an old wizard friend/rival (think the Elf and Dwarf from Lord of the Rings relationship here) who disapproved of the Arcane Order's actions, and along with the psionicist wishes to see the war end. Secretly aiding them will also be an old Human wizard (the last one!) that was disguised as a prisoner on the island the whole time with a falling apart old pipe.
-As a final part of a hopefully long campaign, I plan to have everthing revealed as a fleet from the Psionic Order "mysteriously" found the coordinates to this prison, and begins an attack to save the people as a portal opens revealing a wizard with a spell book coming to pick up the psionicist PC of mine, and them throwing witty comments at each other as they part the scene (the wizard was actually the PC of a player of mine when we had a joint DM).

So, what do you all think?

Any advice?

Do you think it would be enjoyable for the PCs?

Issues I am having:
-How can a whole campaign last in a prison colony/death camp? Am I hoping for too much?
-How do I get the PCs involved in wanting to help the psionicists being tortured, drugged, and experimented to death there?
-Should I start the game off with the PCs being admitted to the prison as "normal" inmates and getting their bracelets off? Or something mroe interwoven into the plot? if the later, what?
-Tons more I am not thinking of probably.

Many Pikas in advance for the help!

2011-11-19, 02:21 AM
First of all, it is possible to run the whole campaign inside one complex. World's Largest Dungeon is an example, though I have heard it got somewhat repetitive after a while. If you make the prison large enough though, it could essentially be a world in and of itself. You could have towns, and let the prisoners roam semi freely (sort of like Sarlona in Eberron, just using magic instead of psionics). Have the potions be delivered each day/week at a certain time or something, which keeps the PCs on their toes, but still gives a regular schedule they can plan around (if they still have their bracelets on).

Your players already seem like they want to help out the psionics team, based on previous campaigns you described, so it shouldn't be too hard to motivate them (especially if they are in the camp with all these people).

And instead of save or die, save or cripple may be better. That way if a PC fails a save their is now a quest to help them recover, rather than a reroll.