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View Full Version : Clever/Powerful Ways to Use Plant Control

the humanity
2011-11-20, 02:20 AM
my GM told me I have the most powerful character in the party, but I need to learn to use him more.

How does a relatively normal, if very smart man with growth, movement, and wilting control over plants and rose seeds in his arms take on a bunch of dangerous bad guys?

Sgt. Cookie
2011-11-20, 07:15 AM
Lots and lots of carnivorous plants. Have the very grass beneath their feet cause them to trip. Hell, go the whole hog and have a forest literally out to kill them.

2011-11-20, 07:33 AM
my GM told me I have the most powerful character in the party, but I need to learn to use him more.

How does a relatively normal, if very smart man with growth, movement, and wilting control over plants and rose seeds in his arms take on a bunch of dangerous bad guys?

Go to you tube, put in some search terms along the lines of batman and poison ivy for inspiration.

or, more in line with standard tabletop tactics, you have a lot of potent options:

divide and concour: create walls of plants to split up your foes, keeping the dangerous ones penned in as best you can. make it so your allies can make pass between the walls. this lets you control the battle, which effectivly means you've won.
and remeber to put the roof there too

trip/grapple/repeat: an expansion of what the seargeant said: trip them with grass (every 5ft of grass gets an attack of oportunity to try it :smallamused:) then have a tree or to drop on them (more weight than they can lift)/then send in vines to start grappeling then chocking the pinned soon-to-be-plant food

drop a tree on them: I shouldn't need to explain. control tres/plants to attack. even if it dosen't do much, it's funny :smallbiggrin:

night of the living plants: gro sentient plants, unleash your waves of minions on the foe. There's nothing stronger than the action economy, and even the most badass something will eventually loose to an endless wave. Make sure the plants are carnoverous/highly potent as well. extra points if they can make minions as well

2011-11-20, 09:43 AM
How does a relatively normal, if very smart man with growth, movement, and wilting control over plants and rose seeds in his arms take on a bunch of dangerous bad guys?Have plants grab their feet to slow or block movement. Trees may wrap them up in a crushing grapple. Your rose bush may wrap and rip with thorns. And did you see the Mythbusters episode where they grew bamboo through a body (ballistics gel)? Sped up appropriately it makes a straight forward attack.

2011-11-20, 12:10 PM
Take a look in some D&D druid spells, that control plants. Plenty of inspiration.

2011-11-20, 03:30 PM
I read this on Tvtropes but a guy with plant powers was hired out as an assassin because on average people tend to have a couple seeds in them at all times because of food. Hell, if you want to be really sneaky, offer a guy some strawberries or something a day before you plan to kill him.

2011-11-20, 05:04 PM
Don't forget Aeon Flux, lots of plant based weaponry there. The scene where they run through the garden should give you some nice ideas of what you can do.

Lord Raziere
2011-11-20, 05:15 PM

That is all.

the humanity
2011-11-20, 05:20 PM
I read this on Tvtropes but a guy with plant powers was hired out as an assassin because on average people tend to have a couple seeds in them at all times because of food. Hell, if you want to be really sneaky, offer a guy some strawberries or something a day before you plan to kill him.

0_0 that's awesome.

the living plants could be cool, but mechanically a lot of rolling for a lot of attacks that are gonna fail, which would get really boring (though awesome if I ever became a BBEG). maybe one or two small living plants for scouting and running messages, or even to stand watch at doors.

stuff I came up with myself was mainly practical. like lockpicking, spider man style swinging, getting places by flinging myself with trees, gliding with giant leaves, then landing in a large soft pile, imprisoning people, having a constant supply of food.

Tanuki Tales
2011-11-20, 07:17 PM
I can one up the seed assassin.

Swamp Thing can kill people because your intestines have microscopic plant life in the lining and he can cause it to grow into something as large as a tree or rosebush if he wishes.

Or he can regrow his entire 6 foot+, easily over 300 lbs, body in your intestines.


2011-11-20, 07:40 PM
cactus attack! Just getting punched by a large cactus would probably kill outright, if not, make the cactus hug them.

Instant barbed wire in the form of thorn bushes

tripped by tree roots

hanged by hanging ivy

eaten by giant venus fly trap

Skunk cabbage

stinging nettles

pelted with pinecones

Pelted with pineapples

bombed with coconuts

Pelted with apples, wizard of oz style.

the humanity
2011-11-20, 11:25 PM
human flora.

in the lungs. in the intestines. in the eyes. in the nether region.

this is gonna be fun.

2011-11-21, 02:45 AM
Throw a rose hip covered in a stcky sap sort of thing at him (those little fruit things that grow on rose bushes).

Glare at him.

Rose hip => Rose bush. On his face.


2011-11-21, 02:54 AM
Who needs Obscuring Mist when you can engulf your enemies in a cloud of pollen?

Better yet, throw an acorn at them… and have it grow in mid-air.

Would you like some mustard on that burger…*or maybe several dozen huge mustard trees growing out of your intestine?

2011-11-21, 03:08 AM
I think some more information might be useful. When you say "dangerous bad guys", do you mean regular humans with guns, other people with supernatural powers, giant armor-plated demons, or what?

Against mostly normal foes, just fast-growing thorned/spiked plants will get you pretty far, even more so if you can transpose or enhance features such as poison. If you can grow plants fast enough, you should be able to immobilize someone with just grass. On the other extreme, if your foes are straight-up superhuman, then you'll have a hard time doing more than delaying them.

Also, can you only control plants, or can you talk to them / see through them? If you can do those, then you have effectively a giant spy network in most areas.

2011-11-21, 05:36 PM
Also, if you're up against a larger organization and your character's ethics are ok with it, a bit of economic warfare could be devastating.

2011-11-21, 09:11 PM
Poison Ivy.


Never underestimate the power of constant discomfort and itching.

the humanity
2011-11-22, 02:58 PM
I think some more information might be useful. When you say "dangerous bad guys", do you mean regular humans with guns, other people with supernatural powers, giant armor-plated demons, or what?

Against mostly normal foes, just fast-growing thorned/spiked plants will get you pretty far, even more so if you can transpose or enhance features such as poison. If you can grow plants fast enough, you should be able to immobilize someone with just grass. On the other extreme, if your foes are straight-up superhuman, then you'll have a hard time doing more than delaying them.

Also, can you only control plants, or can you talk to them / see through them? If you can do those, then you have effectively a giant spy network in most areas.

if the Avengers would fight it, so would I. it's a Marvel Superheroes game. I can feel through plants, and can try to get tremorsense in a fashion through the roots, but it is hard to pull off without utmost concentration.

My character, by being a hero, gets in game benefits for not killing a foe.

2011-11-22, 04:50 PM
Animating plants to grapple (go-go-gadget arms) or as minions/golems
Poisons/Hallucinogens/Medicines/General buffs & de-buffs delivered by spores/thorns/oils on leaves
Aid/inhibit/disease plant growth/crops to support/destroy villages
Using plants for fast travel, to cover your tracks, to impede movement
Instamatic shilleleagh/spears

Basically, you're a terror in any forest/jungle/plains environment. You have problems in barren or urban environments, though, unless you can find some greenery or if you are the greenery and have a tree growing out of your forehead like Harold.

I once had my PCs fight a combination of Poison Ivy and Audrey II. They didn't do so well and were well on the way to a TPK until the cleric remembered that he was a damn Sun cleric and he got smart.

the humanity
2011-11-22, 08:04 PM
My characters current toolbox:

-Venus Flytrap (3 seeds) trapping people
-Razorgrass (100 seeds) cutting tool, protection
-California Redwood (1 seed) wood
-Poison Ivy (3 seeds) rash heavy vines
-Ironwood (10 seeds) wood, dense
-Yew (1 seed) wood, flexible
-Briar (10 seeds) thorny bushes
-Kudzu (3 seeds) vines
-Pitcher Plant (1 seed) acidic pot
-Angel Trumpet (5 seeds) memory eraser for next couple of hours
-Stinging Nettle (1 seed) really painful but not damaging crowd control
-Rafflesia (3 seeds) disgusting smell
-Orange, Navel (5 seeds) food
-Potato, Russet (20 seeds) food
-Soybean (10 seeds) food
-Opium Poppy (5 seeds) keeping people out of shock or pain

keeps this in a messenger bag. along with numerous papers and books.

2011-11-26, 05:53 PM
I would suggest having your group do community out reach, and plant more trees in the city, not only would it be good PR, but also it would increase your access to plants.

Maybe you want to control one tree which is just big enough for you to ride in, and use it as a mount to get around the city?

2011-11-27, 02:14 AM
May I introduce you to the most painfully poisonous plant in the world - the gympie-gympie! (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendrocnide_moroides) It's a tree completely covered (trunk, leaves, fruit, you name it!) in fine silicon hairs covered in a deadly neurotoxin. Well, only deadly if you have a fairly large dose, but bloody painful. And, better yet, the toxin can last for centuries in the hairs while the pain can last for months in the body! It's basically the sadism tree.

2011-11-27, 02:06 PM
Are you familiar with the game Plants vs. Zombies? Make your RPG into a tower defense game. :smallwink:

2011-11-27, 02:30 PM
human flora.

in the lungs. in the intestines. in the eyes. in the nether region.

this is gonna be fun.

Moss spores,my friend. The key is moss spores.

2011-12-01, 04:04 PM
Remember: many of humanities medicines are based off of plants.
So are a good chunk of its poisons.
Look up floridian or australian flora, plenty of carnivorous, poisonous, and sharp plants here.

the humanity
2011-12-01, 11:49 PM
Moss spores,my friend. The key is moss spores.

flora is already there. I could kill someone in an iron man suit just by filling their chest with wooden basketballs.

2011-12-02, 03:35 AM
Have you heard of the sandbox (http://www.cracked.com/article_17561_6-things-that-shouldnt-explode-but-did-anyway.html) tree? It's quite a nasty tree. It's leaves and bark are toxic. It's covered with spikes. But the best thing about it is that it's fruit explodes. The tree's fruit naturally explodes to spread the seeds.

It's nature's hand grenade.

2011-12-04, 11:24 PM
Grow Moringa trees and wipe out famine and malnutrition in the kingdom of your choice (it's a real tree being used for this in Africa).

2011-12-04, 11:42 PM
-Long range communication (plant hormones, defense signals)
-Dehydrate an environment
-Insect swarms
-Make people pass out (limit the oxygen production of all plants in a radius)
-Huge variety of toxin and nausea inducing odors
-Terrain destruction/manipulation

2011-12-05, 05:28 AM

Bamboopunk will get you FAR.

2011-12-07, 03:42 PM
If you're allowed to stretch plant control to fungi, you're set. (Personally, I prefer a character who exclusive controls fungi- it's a lot less common.)

There are plenty of toxic plants, however, which is the most direct route to incapacitating somebody. Western Water Hemlock is the most toxic in North America. I wouldn't use carnivorous plants, though- frankly, mammels larger than a rat should be able to deal with any of the methods used regardless of how much you scale it up. There are a few crazy effects- processed dust from the Angel Trumpet is absorbed through the skin (blow it in somebody's face) and causes a person to remain concious but not be aware of anything they're doing. Mala Mujer is a thorny plant with a sap that causes irritation. Getting it in somebody's eyes can cause long-term damage, and it's sometimes used in place of barbed wire.

Most of this was just from a quick search- you can read more here (http://www.popularmechanics.com/home/improvement/lawn-garden/4331026) if you want.

2011-12-11, 01:59 PM
-Make people pass out (limit the oxygen production of all plants in a radius)

This would only work in a completely sealed environment, and very, very gradually. You might have a better time setting a trap by encouraging trees to hyperventilate in an enclosed area and setting off an incendiary device when your opponents come through.

2011-12-11, 06:02 PM
What's the tree that produces an autoigniting oil on its leaves?

2011-12-11, 08:44 PM
What's the tree that produces an autoigniting oil on its leaves?

Eucalyptus trees.