View Full Version : 3.P Compatability?

2011-11-21, 07:21 PM
After a couple years' hiatus I'm finally back into gaming and it's good to be back. I pretty-much fell in love with PF at 1st sight. That being said I don't want to just dump all of my 3.0/3.5 stuff. In that vein, is there a compatibility guide between 3.5 & PF? It'd be nice to know what needs to be reworked.

Doc Roc
2011-11-21, 07:50 PM
It's mostly compatible, but in many areas PF fixes nothing, so be careful when allowing spells and feats.

2011-11-21, 07:56 PM
here you go ( http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/v5748btpy89m6)

It's free too

Belril Duskwalk
2011-11-21, 07:58 PM
I haven't played either system too extensively, but I've dabbled in both. From what I've seen large portions of any given class/monster/feat list/spell list etc. could be copied wholesale from one system to the other and nobody would ever know it if they hadn't seen the source materials. There's a decent number of tweaks and fixes applied here and there in PF, but for the most part if you have an old source you liked in 3.5 it can be worked into PF with little to no effort.

2011-11-21, 08:05 PM
Thanks Psi, that's about half of my questions answered (probably). I'm guessing some feats (Able Learner (Always wanted to try a Chameleon), etc.) are totally bunk now. Wondering if it's worth redesigning it.

2011-11-21, 08:05 PM
Biggest changes are in the skill consolidation, which means you might have to adjust old class skills (but they're pretty straight-forward). Biggest problem is the lack of Concentration-skill in PF which is a skill some non-caster classes use (for purposes other than defensive casting); in PF casters simply use their casting stat and level to cast defensively.

You'd have to reintroduce the skill (which is frankly fine) or move those dependencies over to another skill (which is likewise fine) to keep those things as is.

Using premade Monsters would require you to calculate their CMB and CMD, though that's very fast and easy (about the same as calculating an attack roll). Also, things that affect combat maneuver checks (Trip & al.) of course would have to affect CMB and CMD for that particular maneuver instead, but that's again a trivial change. Power Attack modifiers would have to work with the new power attack, which makes them all significantly weaker. Little to change about that other than reintroducing the old PA though.

For Skill Prerequisites, it's very straightforward to simply cut 3 from the max rank (since nowadays it's a bonus, not actual skill ranks) though this means skill prerequisites are no longer an exclusive ability of classes with those skills in class.

Could use the 3.5 Skill Prerequisites with an additional note that the +3 from having that skill as a class skill counts towards the prerequisite. Probably best way to maintain the intent of skill prerequisites being easier for characters with that skill as a class skill.

Nothing much changed with regards to spells (they still define the game) except the Polymorph-line got redone so you'd prolly have to rework any Polymorph-type effects in line with the new ones.

Able Learner was never anything but stupid feat tax (though a fine feat in the system but that's 'cause the system was stupid). You could just remove it and the game would still be just fine. Maybe require Jack-of-All-Trades instead (as it's a similar, equally stupid feat tax).

2011-11-21, 08:38 PM
Its compatible but many PF DMs only allow PF material. Also you almost have to houserule how to use old stuff.