View Full Version : Thoughts on this build

2011-11-22, 12:21 PM
Totemist 2 (blink shirt totem bound)/ Passive Way Monk 2 / Unarmed Swordsage 3 / Telflammar Shadowlord 4 / Unarmed Swordsage 9

Combat controller build made to teleport to wherever he is needed the most, lay some smackdown, keep the target prone, then move on to the next while the sneak attackers and other damage dealers do the rest of the work.

What Feats would you select to work with this?

The previous build that this thread started with.

Factotum 8 / Montebank Prc 6 / XX 2/ Montebank Prc 4

Montebank Prc can be found here as to not confuse it with the Monetebank base class that I've heard of http://kahdnd.pbworks.com/w/page/40423599/Mountebank

2011-11-22, 12:25 PM
The only redeemable feature of that PrC is Sideslip, and even that has a very limited daily cap. You would quite literally be better off with Factotum 19/Wizard 1 (Conjurer with Abrupt Jaunt).

2011-11-22, 12:43 PM
The only redeemable feature of that PrC is Sideslip, and even that has a very limited daily cap. You would quite literally be better off with Factotum 19/Wizard 1 (Conjurer with Abrupt Jaunt).

The at will usage of Alter Ego, and the ability to sideslip would fit perfectly into the campaign I will be starting in a few weeks. It centers around political intigue, sabatoge, and possibly a civil war.

2011-11-22, 12:50 PM
Well, how about Factotum with a wand of Alter Self, CL whatever? It would pretty much do the same thing, give you an unlimited number of alter-egos and give you other ways to use skills and a sneaky character.

2011-11-22, 12:56 PM
In an intrigue setting, someone's going to be running around with Detect Magic or Dispel. And then they'll notice that you're lit up with a Transmutation spell, dispel you and bye bye goes your disguise. You are far better off with straight Factotum and using a spell or item for Divine Insight or Guidance of the Avatar to pump Disguise checks.

2011-11-22, 01:06 PM
In an intrigue setting, someone's going to be running around with Detect Magic or Dispel. And then they'll notice that you're lit up with a Transmutation spell, dispel you and bye bye goes your disguise. You are far better off with straight Factotum and using a spell or item for Divine Insight or Guidance of the Avatar to pump Disguise checks.

Would the ability to alter self used by a Doppelganger/Changling be placed in the same boat as the Alter Ego feature?

2011-11-22, 01:09 PM
Would the ability to alter self used by a Doppelganger/Changling be placed in the same boat as the Alter Ego feature?
No, the Su ability Change Shape cannot be dispelled, and lasts forever. Just stay out of Antimagic Fields or similar, because the Disguise skill won't help you when your natural form is a gray blob.

2011-11-22, 01:09 PM
What I had in mind was a character that would walk around the city in one form, teleport (in a sense) once out of view, then change to a different form and walk back in/attack. The DM has already OK'd me having a Swordbow to help with the "Man with many faces" type concept.

2011-11-22, 01:14 PM
That's totally not suspicious at all.

There's a spell, Mislead (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/mislead.htm), that renders you invisible while an illusory double runs off. Then you get Greater Invisibility for rounds/level. Why have a secret identity at all when nobody can see you beat dudes up, and if anyone asks, you were the one running away?

2011-11-22, 01:26 PM
That's totally not suspicious at all.

There's a spell, Mislead (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/mislead.htm), that renders you invisible while an illusory double runs off. Then you get Greater Invisibility for rounds/level. Why have a secret identity at all when nobody can see you beat dudes up, and if anyone asks, you were the one running away?

That is true. I guess I'm just caught up on the concept of a shape changer. I've always wanted to play one, but have yet to play a campaign (other than this one) where it made sense to me

2011-11-23, 06:45 PM
Bumping it up