View Full Version : juggernaut

2011-11-22, 04:59 PM
If the X-Men's Juggernaut were to exist in our lovely d20 3.5 world, what would his build consist of?

say, lvl20 cap.

All books are game.

2011-11-22, 05:12 PM
Half-Ogre War Hulk 10. It doesn't really matter a whole lot what those other eight levels are, except that the first five have to be full BAB to be able to enter War Hulk. Half-Ogre is in Races of Destiny, War Hulk is in the Miniatures Handbook.

2011-11-22, 05:29 PM
Going in an alternative way:

Human Cleric 8/Bone Knight 2/Legacy Champion X.

With Troll-Blood and proper divine buffs he will be unstoppable.

2011-11-22, 05:39 PM

2011-11-22, 05:44 PM

Uberchargers are kind of (relatively) glass cannons, though, since Shock Trooper tanks your AC. Juggernaut is a Sherman tank.

2011-11-22, 06:24 PM
Half-Ogre Dungeon Crasher Fighter 6/War Hulk 10/Whatever.

Now you can bullrush people into things extremely hard, and then play like an actual character afterwards!

2011-11-23, 12:11 AM
Don't forget a helmet with third eye conceal!

2011-11-23, 12:34 AM
Going in an alternative way:

Human Cleric 8/Bone Knight 2/Legacy Champion X.

With Troll-Blood and proper divine buffs he will be unstoppable.

what is legacy champion out of???

2011-11-23, 12:44 AM
what is legacy champion out of???

Weapons of Legacy.

2011-11-23, 03:24 AM
I'd go for a Powerful Build race (Goliath or half-giant) Dungeoncrasher fighter 6/Monk 2(overwhelming attack)/Goliath barbarian with knockback, improved overrun, improved sunder, Shock trooper, Combat brute... etc

2011-11-23, 03:31 AM
Uberchargers are kind of (relatively) glass cannons, though, since Shock Trooper tanks your AC. Juggernaut is a Sherman tank.

His AC *IS* crap. You can't possibly miss him. Hurting him? That's something else entirely. He's got DR from heck and back again. But AC? Yea, he's tanked that.

So yea, shock trooper, dungeoncrasher... bog-standard Warforged Ubercharger with Adamantine Plating and Warforged Juggernaught. Stack on Ironsoul Forgemaster for even more ridiculous DR. When you've got DR 20/-, that TWFing Unarmed Swordsage with Trollblooded can't do enough damage in a single hit to get through.

2011-11-23, 03:33 AM
Frenzied Berserker

No wait, that Hulk, but it still wouldn't hurt what with Deathless Frenzy.

Doc Roc
2011-11-23, 04:54 AM
Ardent 10\Slayer 10

Mantles: I'm, The, Juggernaut, Bro.

Go Elan, take Improved Elan Resilience, throw in any-of-many power point recovery schemes.

2011-11-23, 05:42 AM
I know you said 20 levels, but I couldn't resist mentioning the Legendary Dreadnought (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/prestigeClasses/legendaryDreadnought.htm). It might not be a strong class, but the imagery is awesome!

Doc Roc
2011-11-23, 05:47 AM
I know you said 20 levels, but I couldn't resist mentioning the Legendary Dreadnought (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/prestigeClasses/legendaryDreadnought.htm). It might not be a strong class, but the imagery is awesome!

It'd probably still be weak if you could get in by 8th, if it didn't get epic feats.

2011-11-23, 11:46 AM
It'd probably still be weak if you could get in by 8th, if it didn't get epic feats.

It doesn't really even get the powerful ones, too.

2011-11-23, 03:59 PM
Going in an alternative way:

Human Cleric 8/Bone Knight 2/Legacy Champion X.

With Troll-Blood and proper divine buffs he will be unstoppable.
He doesn't much cast spells, though.

Let's see....

... actually, Troll Blooded + Bone Knight-4 does most of it. Add a way to be immune to Fire and Acid (like, say, the Energy Immunity spell from Spell Compendium), and he just... doesn't take damage (immune to fire and acid. All other types are converted to nonlethal, to which he's immune). Going all the way to Bone Knight 10 also takes out most of the normal ways to kill someone without damage ... although he's still vulnerable to certain things that are "save or lose" effects (which he is in the show, too; once you get that helmet off - which is effectively a third eye conceal, apparently - his mind can be messed with - it's just hurting him that's effectively impossible).

2011-11-23, 06:07 PM
He doesn't much cast spells, though.

Let's see....

... actually, Troll Blooded + Bone Knight-4 does most of it. Add a way to be immune to Fire and Acid (like, say, the Energy Immunity spell from Spell Compendium), and he just... doesn't take damage (immune to fire and acid. All other types are converted to nonlethal, to which he's immune). Going all the way to Bone Knight 10 also takes out most of the normal ways to kill someone without damage ... although he's still vulnerable to certain things that are "save or lose" effects (which he is in the show, too; once you get that helmet off - which is effectively a third eye conceal, apparently - his mind can be messed with - it's just hurting him that's effectively impossible).

When adventuring in a forgotten jungle Cain Marko found a mystical relic of an ancient god. Upon obtaining it he was transformed into a psuedo-avatar of the divine being.

In the reality of most D&D settings he's a divine caster.