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View Full Version : How do you actually use a Module?

2011-11-24, 03:07 PM
I bought the Module The Twlight Tomb for dirt cheap on craigslist locally, (among a spattering of other modules), but I am trying to understand the flow of such a thing. The last one I can remember trying was Dark Sun back in 2.0? I believe it was.

As the DM, do I just read through it, and mold the adventure into my own campaign when the party is ready for it? (as of now all level 1s so I'll hold off until they are a bit stronger)

Then I just guide them? It seems fairly straight forward, just want to make sure before I hop into it head first hehe.

2011-11-24, 03:14 PM
Yeah, usually you want to read it first. Most modules have encounters and descriptions and hooks and stuff, so there's not too much work to do when you decide you want to get it involved in the campaign. But definitely read it first and think about how your players will handle things.

2011-11-24, 04:14 PM
If you're going to use the module in an existing campaign like that, you may have to change a few details to make it fit in. But most adventures come with plot hooks and give you all the information you need to run it, so it's not too hard usually. Reading the entire thing is a great idea because when you know what's coming up in the adventure it is easier to improvise when the PCs go off the beaten path.

2011-11-24, 07:47 PM
Read it. Twice.

You can modify modules. Lower the CRs or make them higher according to your needs. It's possible to use them in your actual campaign with slight modification like KillianHawkeye said.

If you don't like something in the module just change it. They're guides, not actual rules.

2011-11-25, 06:36 AM
Read, think about how it might play out with the party involved (that particular module is very, very, undead heavy), and adjust to taste.