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2012-02-03, 10:53 PM
Getting tired of standing out in front of the lair Khorvaine starts to grumble

"Well this is stupid, we should do something." he turns to Furywing

"What did you see? Anything worth our trouble or can we walk in?"

2012-02-03, 11:14 PM
"Just a ballista. Wouldn't be worried about that. We have the initiative, so let's attack. You won't win a rebellion by just staying still and waiting for the oppressors to attack you."

2012-02-03, 11:27 PM
Nodding he starts toward the opening and activates his invisibility as he reaches the entrance.

Let's rock...

2012-02-04, 12:16 AM
Riding Salah, Khankhe draws his lance and shield. Muttering a phrase in Asherati, he gets ready to fight. "So I assume you've got a plan, right?" he asks Furywing.

2012-02-04, 01:32 AM
As you enter the cavern:

If you have darkvision:A trio of ogres enters the hallway, from the split to the left and right. They stop, and face toward the entrance. Their features are decidedly draconic, and they have wings folded across their backs. The lead one then speaks.

All: You hear a voice from down the corridor, deep and gravelly... "Gaurifas sends his regrets, but he is currently unavailable to receive guests. If you bring tribute, and wish to see Alistral, simply turn right at the ballista, and the path will take you to where he rests. You would be wise, of course, to leave your weapons with myself... Alistral is in a most foul mood, and would not look kindly on any weapon in his presence."

2012-02-04, 02:25 AM
All right guess we got in then Teo casts Glibness on himself and then walks towards the ogres

" Yes you see that part about leaving our weapons with you might pose a problem because the Weapon ARE the Tribute you see most of them are Magical and finely crafted. We where hoping to present them to him ourselves... of course what difference would it make a simple sword or Lance in front of the power of our Magnificent Lord Alistral?"


2012-02-04, 02:54 AM
The ogre replies, "In that case, you may leave your weapons in our care, and we will present them to Alistral on your behalf. I am afraid Lord Alistral is quite clear on the matter. Any who do not bear the blood of the white, and enter his presence bearing weapons, shall be sentenced to death. I assure you, any weapons, even a tribute, will mean your doom."

2012-02-04, 09:46 AM
Furywing florished his wings and shot a lance of freezing breath up in the air. "I am the Blood of the White. These guys are with me. Any of them so much dares as unsheathing these offerings in Mighty Alistral's presence and I'll personally kill them."
He paused, then added in draconic So speaks the Wing of Fury, here to pay homage in the name of my progenitor."

a decent bluff I think, but without the ranks... [roll0]

2012-02-04, 10:02 AM
The two ogres in the back look impressed, but the one who has been speaking, replies, "Perhaps you are. Perhaps not. You ask me to stake my life on that claim, and for this, I need proof. Stand apart from your comrades, that I may test your blood to my satisfaction."

2012-02-04, 10:19 AM
I think I know what he has in mind... Put 4 Essentia in Frost Helm, rest in Basilisk Mask.

Fury entered a wide stance and waved his companions contemptuously aside without looking back. "Suit yourself. Normally I'd kill someone for questioning my blood, but your watchful obedience to your master is noted and appreciated."

2012-02-04, 10:49 AM
The half-dragons inhale mightily, letting loose a torrent of icy breath, directly into Furywing's chest.

Mechanics:Breath: [roll0] cold damage, reflex DC 17 half
Breath: [roll1] cold damage, reflex DC 17 half
Breath: [roll2] cold damage, reflex DC 17 half

Resistance applies seperately to each.

EDIT: Wow. Them's some decent breath rolls.
EDIT2: Passing this means emerging unscathed to the cold. Even a small amount of damage will be noticeable. You need to seem as if you are immune to cold.

2012-02-04, 12:09 PM
You have energy resistance 30 cold BTW, from my MASS Resist Energy
so only the first one is of any concern

2012-02-04, 02:32 PM
Alexander walks carefully through the passage, his hand never far from his blade. When challenged from the dark he nearly draw and casts, but restrains himself. Hearing his companion's bluffs, he is content to let them handle the talking, though he remains ready.

2012-02-04, 04:28 PM
oh, neat. Forgot about that buff. Guess Frost Helm doesn't need Essentia since the resistances don't stack

Only first one is any concern then. Use Action Before Thought to autosucceed

The torrents of cold energy washed over Furywing, and he took it without any sign of fear or doubt, emerging unscathed. "Satisfied?"

2012-02-04, 10:33 PM
The ogre looks at you and replies, "Yes, I am. You have the blood of the white, and should be able to bear your weapons into Alistral's presence. If you wish to present the tribute alone, that will be enough.

However, I am Alistral's kin, and I will die if I bring a non-white into her presence bearing weapons. Do you really think you will fare any better? If your servants are to enter her presence, they must surrender their arms."

2012-02-05, 06:01 PM
Furywing nodded. "Fine. Fleshlings, hand me the weapon offerings, I'll carry them myself. Any of you so much as brings a knife past here... Well, you remember what happened to the last two disobeying me. What was it again, Kragnu and Myf-something? Never seemed worth the trouble learning that strange name.""

2012-02-06, 12:44 AM
The ogres observe you take up the weapons, then escort you to the ballista, then past it, to a large, open room.

After visible weapons are collected:It appears to be circular room, about 50 feet in height, from the floor to the ceiling. The ground slopes up slightly as it leads to the center, and, positioned at the center of the room, a cloudy cylindrical ice wall extends 35 feet up. From somewhere in the room, the steady sound of breathing echoes around.

The lead ogre speaks now, saying, "The ones you sent for have arrived, my lord. Will you require anything else?"

A low rumbling chuckle emanates from all around you, as it replies. "That will be all, Brax. No doubt Gaurifas detected these fools bumbling about at the entrance, also. I can't imagine he'll be longer than a couple minutes arriving. When he arrives, would you be so kind as to direct him to me?

As for you... How foolish do you take me for? Not even a week past Gaurifas's demise, and you storm my lair? Do you not realize the futility of your task? Did you think me daft enough to blithely welcome your kind here for tribute, were it not a ruse to allow more time for my son to return?

Lay down your arms, and surrender to me, and I shall allow you your lives. You will not enjoy the labor, or the punishment, but you will remain breathing. Take up arms, and surely, you will all die this day."

Mechanics:echoes in the room are making it difficult to pinpoint location. Listen checks are allowed, but while the DC required to hear sounds isn't affected, the DC to discern direction and pinpoint location within this room is raised for all parties, due to the wall's echoes.

2012-02-06, 08:25 AM
Alexander's head whips around, unable to trace the echoes. "So it's a trap. I thought we got in too easy. Let's find our foe and strike." He reaches to Furywing to reclaim his blade.

I presume a move action to get his sword back, swift to cast haste (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/haste.htm)(should get everyone) 13 rounds (+1 dodge/ref saves, +30' move, +1 attack on a full attack) (Alexander gets 50% miss, 40% targeted spell miss, effect is EX for him), and standard to cast mirror image [roll0] images), 13 minutes

2012-02-06, 12:44 PM
Khankhe begins to glow, illuminating the room. "Salah! Antikwan astedade ilquotal!" he calls in Asherati to his mount, grabbing his weapons from Furywing. Salah moves closer to his master and lowers himself to prepare.

Move action to grab weapon
Free Action to activate Body Lamp ability (illumination in 60', shadowy illumination in 120'). I'm fairly certain that a Free Action takes less time than a Swift, but I'll change it if need be.

Move action to get closer to Khankhe

And yes, the Asherati phrase is a bastardization of Arabic.

2012-02-06, 12:47 PM
Still invisible Khorvaine casts a spell he knows will penetrate the veil of illusion before them.

I hope this works! He thinks to himself as he whispers the divine words to the powerful prayer of revealing and then he reaches into his robes to grab a container of ointment he continues to rub the purplish paste into his eyes.

Cringing slightly from the searing pain he opens his eyes and scans the room.

He casts True seeing.

2012-02-06, 05:48 PM
".... Time to disappear... good luck guys... "

And then he banishes.

Standard action to Cast Greater invisibility on myself

2012-02-07, 02:17 AM
"So it was a trap... Who cares. We just had to get close to you and take our chances after that." Fury rose into the air after leaving the weapons with their original owners.

Fly to +35
3 Essentia Wormtail Belt, 4 Basilisk Mask

2012-02-07, 03:06 PM
@True Seeing:You see nothing new. Evidently, it's not magic hiding the beast.

2012-02-07, 04:10 PM
With the dragon not immediately presenting itself, Alexander takes a moment to magically protect himself, his form blurring and splitting before advancing into the cavern. "Proceed with caution. If the dragon chooses not to fight openly, then there is a reason."

mirror image [roll0] for 13 minutes
12 rounds haste remaining

Are the squares 5' or 10'? Are the altitude changes abrupt or sloped? IE can we walk up them or does it require climb/jump checks or flight?

After I know that I will post ending square for movement. ed- K19

2012-02-07, 04:18 PM
Khorvaine is somewhat surprised at the non detection of the beast, apparently the thing was actually hiding. Shruggin he continued to cast another spell.

He casts Fly on himself.

Current buffs:
Fly (personal)
Mass Resist Energy (Resistance 30 cold)(everyone)
Mass Snowshoes (everyone)
Mass Conviction (+4 to saves)(everyone)

2012-02-07, 04:54 PM
Khankhe climbs onto Salah and saddles up. "Salah, yimink alshear alwahesh?" he says, readying his lance.

Move action to mount Salah
Standard Action to Ready Against Charge

Salah has Tremorsense 60 ft, so he might have better chances at detecting the dragon. Maybe.

2012-02-07, 05:23 PM
"Why are you waiting for your son to arrive? Afraid you cant take us now?!"

Teo asks loudly to Gaurifas's voice.

Then when Gaurifas answers (If he does) Teo tries to pinpoint where its voice is coming from.


2012-02-07, 08:12 PM
With the dragon not immediately presenting itself, Alexander takes a moment to magically protect himself, his form blurring and splitting before advancing into the cavern. "Proceed with caution. If the dragon chooses not to fight openly, then there is a reason."

mirror image [roll0] for 13 minutes
12 rounds haste remaining

Are the squares 5' or 10'? Are the altitude changes abrupt or sloped? IE can we walk up them or does it require climb/jump checks or flight?

After I know that I will post ending square for movement.
@Stack:Squares are 5 feet x 5 feet. Ice wall is an abrupt change. Other changes are gradual, and may be walked up or down (though up costs double movement, much as stairs would).

Move action to mount Salah
Standard Action to Ready Against Charge

Salah has Tremorsense 60 ft, so he might have better chances at detecting the dragon. Maybe.

@GFawkes:Salah does have better chances. In fact, Salah knows. Getting that information from Salah, however, is a bit more difficult.

"Why are you waiting for your son to arrive? Afraid you cant take us now?!"

Teo asks loudly to Gaurifas's voice.

Then when Gaurifas answers (If he does) Teo tries to pinpoint where its voice is coming from.

@Misaat:That listen will be enough to hear the response, not to pinpoint.

@All (round status):Surprise round is resolved. Need action for Furywing to begin round 1 update.

2012-02-08, 12:59 AM
fly to M20+35, ready action for Entangling fire breath if dragon is in range

2012-02-08, 01:36 AM
Player action Resolution

Teo holds his location at (???), speaking to the dragon.

Korvhaine stays where he is at, at (???), casting another spell, and lifting inches above the ground.

Furywing launches itself into the air at (???) sailing well upwards, before leveling off and flying forward into the room. It tenses itself, looking for the slightest sign of the dragon. (M20, +35)

Khanke swings himself astride his massive mount, and steels himself for the dragon's possible assault. (L23-N25, Mounted)

Alexander utters a brief incantation, and darts around the ashworm's body, entering farther into the room (K19).

@Players:If you've not listed your current location, please do so.

Player actions resolved. Writing up dragon action.

2012-02-08, 01:59 AM
Dragon Turn

A deep chuckle echoes around the room. "Afraid, little one? Let us see who has the heart for this battle. You may have killed my son, but I am no bumbling brute."

The first to see the dragon is Furywing, as it climbs out of the ice wall's interior. Even so, the creature used the wall cunningly, and Furywing didn't even see the creature until it was finishing mounting atop the wall.

Furywing's breath scorches into the creature (Roll needed), and is answered in kind, by an almost reflexive frost breath back. The blast covers much of the entryway, enveloping Furywing, Khanke, Salah, and anything within 20 feet of Khanke and Salah. With the breath comes an unmistakable feeling of dread. It then readies itself, jaws parted slightly in what almost looks to be a grin.

Mechanics:Dragon climbed out of the central pit, to L16-N18. As the dragon got fully out, it lost its cover (that it was using to hide), and Furywing saw it, triggering his ready action.

The dragon let loose a breath weapon as a Free Action, a 50 foot cone of cold at most of the southern part of the room, dealing [roll0] cold damage, Reflex DC 36 half. This attack triggered the dragon's frightful presence, which covers the entire room, and then some.

All not immune to Frightful Presence need to make a Will save, DC 25. Failure means you are Shaken (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#shaken) for [roll1] rounds.

The dragon then readied an action.

End Dragon turn.
Players post actions (and locations, if you haven't already).

New initiative order, due to readied actions:Teo

2012-02-08, 02:04 AM
[roll0] halved

2012-02-08, 02:10 AM
Readied action resolution

The blast of fire washes over the creature, but leaves behind no trace of the entangling wisps, as the dragon seems completely unscratched by the flames.

Mechanics:Creature failed save vs breath weapon (natural 1).

Damage (14) completely prevented by either energy resistance or immunity.

2012-02-08, 08:16 AM
He shakes his head, clearing the momentary fear that was crawling up his spine. Now we have our foe. No more hiding, a straight fight. Only another dragon. Let's see how you stand. A brief word send him climbing into the air, flecks of snow and ice falling from his feet as he takes a ready position.

will [roll0] (includes mass conviction)
standard to activate boots of flying
move to H-19 +40

Cold resistance negate any damage from the breath, if he was in it.

2012-02-08, 05:26 PM
Khorvaine sees the Dragon rear itself out to the mound in the middle of the chamber, smiling ruefully he stays put. He knew that if his next spell worked he would need his companions to be in between of him and the dragon.

Waggling his fingers and chanting a short prayer he casts two spells in rapid succession.
The last word he spits on the floor and it sizzles and pops with acidic power, the green liquid roils and flys upward and toward the dragon.

Casts Assay Spell Resistance as a swift
Cast Blood to Water, Empowered with Divine Metamagic.
[roll1] x1.5 = 7
Fort save for half (3)

UGh...not so great...

2012-02-08, 06:04 PM
Shaking from both mild fear and the cold, Khankhe guides Salah forwards, regretting the terrain being too solid to burrow through. Temporarily sheathing his lance, he holds his arm out, allowing a javelin of force to materialize in it. Aiming at the dragon, he throws it.

When Salah reaches the wall of ice, he begins to secrete a sticky gel, allowing him to climb up the wall.

Salah does a full move, going to L17-N19. He has his climb speed doubled thanks to haste, so that helps. He's currently 40' below Alistral, and 5' downwards/south/the way he came from.

Khankhe puts his lance down, for now, and uses the Gauntlets' power.

Attack Roll

In the event that Salah gets attacked, here's a Ride check to attempt to negate the damage. If this is higher than 25 (7 if it's a Touch Attack), it's the new AC for Salah

2012-02-08, 08:37 PM
Teo starts singing and the arcane energy's from his words transform his body into a winged creature.

Then he kicks the floor trying to jump as high as he can.


2012-02-09, 02:29 AM
drat, some form of fire resistance and max cooldown roll...

Essentia from Basilisk Mask into Frost Helm
DC 24 Will or stunned for [roll1]

2012-02-09, 11:29 AM
Dragon Ready Action

As Korvhaine begins to cast his second spell, Alistral exhales, and a thick fog envelops the area in front of him, blocking the dragon from view.

OOC:Any player that has not listed location needs to, in their amended actions. Future actions by players without locations will be automatically amended to: "Delay until location is known".

Need updated actions for everyone, and Teo's next round actions.

New Initiative:
Teo - ???
Dragon (readied action taken in response to Blood to Water)
Korvhaine -Assay, Blood to water casting began, ???
Khanke - ???
Alexander -???
Furywing - ???

Mechanics:A cloud of fog spreads 20 feet in every direction from M23/N24 (+25 to +45), blocking LOS between the dragon and most players. This location may be amended, if Korvhaine's location has LOS, as the SLA ready action is performed to do that.

2012-02-09, 04:14 PM
("I gotta get closer to this thing if i want to bring it down")

Teo thinks as he flaps his wings and flies upward.

What's the maximum i can move upwards on one turn?

The Raptoran has a flight speed of 40ft(Average)

2012-02-09, 08:30 PM
@Misaat:Base speed for flight is 40 feet. You have a +30 enhancement from Haste, which makes it 70 feet. Since you have average maneuverability, it costs you x2 movement to go upwards, which means you have up to 35 feet of vertical travel.

As of the start of your move, you are in square (K20, +5 altitude).

As a 5HD Raptoran, you may fly for (Constitution modifier) consecutive rounds, which for you is 2 rounds. After that, you must use a different movement mode for at least 1 round, or accept that further flying (3-4 rounds) will fatigue you.

@Furywing: Just noticed that your character is in the fog cloud.
The fog around you is icy cold, and clings to your wings, restricting your movement. It is the following ability:

Freezing Fog (Sp)

An old or older white dragon can use this ability three times per day. It is similar to a solid fog spell but also causes a rime of slippery ice to form on any surface the fog touches, creating the effect of a grease spell. The dragon is immune to the grease effect because of its icewalking ability. This ability is the equivalent of a 5th-level spell.

I'm treating snowshoes as sufficient to protect vs the grease portion. Since you're interacting with the fog, you get additional information.

@Khanke:Clarify intended movement. Are you attempting to burrow into the ice walls at K17, L17, M17, and M18? Are you attempting to climb atop them?

2012-02-09, 08:38 PM
Got it then I'll move 35 upwards using the first round of flying

2012-02-09, 10:34 PM
If they can be burrowed through, then yes, and going upwards within them. Salah's tremorsense should point him towards the dragon

2012-02-10, 01:38 AM
how would Grease affect me anyway when flying? :smallconfused:

Does the Frost Helm totem bind require LoS on the enemy? It is a radius effect.

2012-02-10, 01:44 AM
@Thefallenone:The solid fog effect was the one I'm sure you're more concerned about. However, I included the grease overcoming for general purpose.

As for the Frost Helm effect? It's a targeted SLA, which would normally indicate that yes, you'd need LOS. However, in cases where there's only one foe in range, I'll waive LOS requirements.

2012-02-10, 02:02 AM
ammended turn:
shift Essentia, use Frost Helm as above
fly 5 ft south to M21+35

2012-02-10, 02:23 AM
Player Combat Resolution

Korvhaine, seeing the intended target of his spell disappear behind a cloud of smoke, glides upwards a short distance. (ends, N25, +15)

Khanke rides Salah into the wall, a bare 15 feet below the dragon's foreclaws, and hurls a javelin upwards, into the smoke.

Alexander flies around, giving the fog a wide berth, as he attempts to reach the dragon again.

Furywing lets loose a piercing trill, hoping to stun the creature through the fog.

Teo ascends, up into the fog, and abruptly stops moving upon entry (at K20 +25). Fighting forward, Teo manages to make it a bit higher (K20 +30).

@Teo:The fog is a bone chilling Solid Fog.

Dragon action coming shortly.

2012-02-10, 02:41 AM
Dragon Action

@All except Teo and Furywing:The dragon moves 10 feet west, then skitters down the icy wall as if it were level ground, to end up quite near Khanke. (Dragon at H17/J19). It then issues a bellowed roar to Khanke, in lieu of an attack.

Intimidate (on Khanke): [roll0] (this is opposed by Khanke's modified level check (1d20 + character level or Hit Dice + target’s Wisdom bonus + target’s modifiers on saves against fear)

Afterwards, the dragon seems to grow even more fearful to the nearby ashworm and its rider, as it activates a [I]second fear aura.

Khanke and Salah need to make DC 23 Will saves or escalate fear again.

@Teo/Furywing:You hear a bellowed roar, so loud that it is easily pinpointed at H17/J19). It seems quite intimidating.

Dragon actions resolved. Need opposed rolls from affected players, and player actions.

2012-02-10, 08:51 AM
His allies disappeared into the fog, Alexander takes his sword in both hands and, having no alternative, shoots forward. His mystically guided blade lashes out as he streaks past the dragon, ebon edge seeking white scale. Illusory doubles dance about as he passes mirroring his strikes.

Swift action to cast wraithstrike, Starting at k-19 +40, ending K-11 +40 (should have enough move left to get there while turning around, bounding assault to not take AOO's from dragon

attack 1 [roll0] (17 + 2 for magebane -3 power attack)
damage [roll1] (wielding 2-handed) 10+2 for magebane +6 PA)
swiftblade bonus damage for moving 10+ ft [roll2]
magebane bonus damage [roll3]

attack 1 [roll4] (12 + 2 for magebane -3 power attack)
damage [roll5] (wielding 2-handed) 10+2 for magebane +6 PA)
swiftblade bonus damage for moving 10+ ft [roll6]
magebane bonus damage [roll7]

May take an immediate action to cast wings of cover to negate an action if the dragon has one readied. Between miss chance and mirror image, probably won't waste the action unless he identifies a spell as save or die/lose.

2012-02-10, 12:13 PM
Khorvaine moves upwards some more, making sure he could see the dragon at hand.

Stopping, his fingers gesturing wildly and his low voice incanting a guttural prayer he unleashes his most powerful spell at the beast.

Move up another 15'
Empowered Destruction (cause I'm sure she'll make her save)
Fort save DC 24 or Die
or take [roll0] x 1.5 = 49

2012-02-10, 12:18 PM
Teo calls forth the forces of darkness summoning a powerfull wind that swips the fog away!

Shadow evocation to use a Gust of wind to disperse the Solid Fog away.

What do i see then? I could glide towards the dragon and have another round of flying left right?

2012-02-10, 05:06 PM
@Belgareth:Need Spell Penetration for your Destruction spell.

2012-02-10, 09:07 PM
Seeing the dragon up close, Khankhe begins to steer Salah away, the roar still ringing in his ears.

Yeah, I'm gonna be pretty useless for the next 12 rounds. Panicked + Burrowing Speed = being really far away really fast

Move to -5' at F17-H19

2012-02-11, 01:18 AM
@Teo:You've used a standard action to cast your spell. You have a move action still, which you could use to glide OR fly (gliding requires a move action). Note that it takes 1 full round for the solid fog to dissipate, per spell description.

Need remainder of player action for update.

2012-02-11, 01:22 AM
If i glide do i still have 1 round of flying without being fatigued afterwards? . If so then i Glide towards the Dragon

2012-02-11, 01:27 AM
@Misaat: If you glide, you have 2 rounds of flying until fatigue. Also, note that until your turn next round, the fog is still there. It takes 1 full round to go away. That means that your glide speed is 5 feet, and your fly speed is 5 feet, until next round.

2012-02-11, 01:50 AM
Got it. I glide 5 feet towards the dragon then

2012-02-11, 05:25 AM
hm, not much I can do, and I notice I moved in the wrong direction last turn... Double move to K21+35

2012-02-13, 06:15 AM
Player Resolution

Korvhaine casts a powerful spell upon the dragon, but the dragon resists the worst of it. Wounds open up along its body from the destructive energies. Korvhaine then flies up, entering the cloud at +25, and finding his movement slowed to a crawl by the numbingly cold cloud. (Fog is treated as Solid Fog).

Khankhe flees the dragon, and the dragon takes a snap at Salah, to drive the point home.

Dragon Bite: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Alexander darts toward the dragon, thrusting his blade. Even as he closes, the dragon's second aura encompasses him, filling Alexander with dread. His first attack, however, strikes true, parting the dragon's scales for a telling blow. The strike does slightly less damage than expected however (dragon has minor DR effective against this attack). His second strike, however, goes wide, as the unexpected resistance to the first hit throws him off balance (Natural 1, auto-miss. No further penalties - no crit fumbles)

Furywing struggles against the fog, moving 10 feet for his troubles.

Teo then casts a spell, and the fog cloud roils from fierce winds passing through it (in 1 round, the fog will be gone). Afterwards, he glides a short distance towards the dragon.

Player Actions Resolved.

Dragon Turn coming shortly (after response from Alexander).

@Alexander: Need a DC 23 Will save, otherwise you are Shaken (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#shaken) for [roll2] rounds.

@All:The fog will disperse 1 round from Teo's action. Since he acts just before the dragon, that puts him last in this cycle. If players in the fog wish to act without the fog's hindering effect, state that you're delaying until after Teo, then post actions normally.

Player Positions:Korvhaine (N25 +25)
Khankhe (F17-H19 -5)
Alexander (K11 +40)
Furywing (K21 +35)
Teo (J19 +25)

Dragon position: H17/J19

2012-02-13, 08:12 AM
will save [roll0]

2012-02-13, 08:36 AM
@Stack:Well, that saved you from a 3 round frightened status. If you were shaken, he'd have intimidated you into running away.

Dragon Action

The dragon, visibly hurt from Korvhaine and Alexander's blows, stops to assess the situation for a moment, then springs into action. It takes wing, flying west and north, banking east as it goes, around the pillar, and out of sight of most of the group.

@Alexander:It continues around the pillar, landing at N6-P8, and tenses, as if preparing for something.

Dragon turn concluded. Player actions commence.

Current Initiative Order:
Fog Disperses; Teo

2012-02-13, 08:59 AM
As the dragon drops behind the wall, Alexander calls out and points. "There, just beyond the pillar"

Should be enough to let everyone check the location in your previous post, right?

Without waiting for the others to respond, Alexander races across the top of the pillar, feet not touching, before dropping from view, his sword raised.

starting at K11 +40, ending at U10 +max height that can hit the dragon

Swift action to cast wraithstrike, should have enough move left to get there while turning around, bounding assault to not take AOO's from dragon

attack 1 [roll0] (17 + 2 for magebane -3 power attack)
damage [roll1] (wielding 2-handed) 10+2 for magebane +6 PA)
swiftblade bonus damage for moving 10+ ft [roll2]
magebane bonus damage [roll3]

attack 2 [roll4] (12 + 2 for magebane -3 power attack)
damage [roll5] (wielding 2-handed) 10+2 for magebane +6 PA)
swiftblade bonus damage for moving 10+ ft [roll6]
magebane bonus damage [roll7]

2012-02-13, 09:33 AM
@All:Due to Alexander's information: Dragon is on the north side of the pillar, slightly to the east, and next to the pillar.

@Alexander:Assuming your reach is still 5 feet:

I understand you start at K11+40, and are descending to +20, heading east, making an attack, and continuing to U10 +20. Precisely which square are you attacking from, when you make the attack vs the dragon?

2012-02-13, 09:53 AM
@All:Due to Alexander's information: Dragon is on the north side of the pillar, slightly to the east, and next to the pillar.

@Alexander:Assuming your reach is still 5 feet:

I understand you start at K11+40, and are descending to +20, heading east, making an attack, and continuing to U10 +20. Precisely which square are you attacking from, when you make the attack vs the dragon?

Attacking from O9, then P9, both +20

2012-02-13, 12:37 PM
Shuddering from the bitter cold Khorvaine saw what was going to happen and decided to wait for his companion to clear the air.

He waited and prepared a spell, knowing that he must be on the offensive and not let up.

His fingers waggling again and his breath steaming with the words of another powerful spell he let's loose another stroke of his divine wrath.

Ready a spell when Dragon is visible

Casting Empowered Moon bolt (Auto hit, str damage, Fort for half)
[roll1] x 1.5 = 18
Fort save for half, DC 21 (9 Str damage with successful save)

2012-02-13, 01:00 PM
Dragon Ready Action resolution:

@Alexander:As you thrust from O9, the dragon releases another thick fog, surrounding you. The fog clings to you, slowing your arms and legs, holding you in place.

Treat as Solid Fog (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/solidFog.htm)

@Khorvaine:When you act, you won't see the dragon, from your position. Feel free to amend action. If you like, you may save your moon bolt rolls for the next time you cast the spell

2012-02-13, 02:11 PM
damn, wanted to use Basilisk Mask, but it's a full round action... I really need a better back-up offense for the breath weapon cooldown turns

Furywing burst forth once the fog surrounding him dispersed, swiftly gliding to the other side of the ice fortress and readying himself to counter the dragon's offense.

delay until fog is gone
fly to O9+35
ready action: use Ring of the Forcewall if dragon targets anyone but itself with an attack or effect. Place wall of force in a way that block LoE if this occurs

2012-02-13, 02:19 PM
@Furywing:From your vantage at +35 altitude, you see over the 30 foot ice cylinder to see the top of a second cloud of fog even with the top of the ice wall, centered at P6-Q7.

Does this alter your turn?

2012-02-13, 02:20 PM
sadly I don't have much better to do, so no. Lowers my chances to actually see an attack in time, but can't think of anything better

2012-02-13, 02:36 PM
Khankhe continues fleeing underground, tunneling beyond the boundaries of the cave.

And I am outa there!
Currently 30' beyond the map heading West/Left. 30' outside the borders.

2012-02-13, 03:13 PM
@Teo:Teo has no LOS to the second fog cloud. It's not 'in front of him'.

2012-02-13, 08:28 PM
" Let's see Where did that monster go... I better prepare myself just in case "

Teo mutters some arcane words and suddenly his body feels lighter as he glides forward looking around for the Dragon...

Casting Freedom Of Movement and then Gliding 30' feet forward

2012-02-13, 10:17 PM
@Misaat:There are 8 cardinal directions, not counting up and down. Please clarify what you mean by "forward".

2012-02-14, 01:23 AM
In the map it would be North or Up in the grid same letter but on a lower number

2012-02-15, 07:37 AM
Player Resolution / Recap:

Alexander calls out a warning, and darts in again on the dragon, scoring two telling hits, even as the constricting fog wraps around him. Both hits do less than expected.

Beneath the sand and running blind, Khanke flees for his life.
Not wanting to be trapped in the mists again, Teo casts magic to free him, and glides north, and clockwise around the pillar. (to H14 +20 -descent mandatory when gliding)
Khorvaine stands fast when the fog clears, spell at the ready.
Furywing flies north, and readies himself to shield his companions. (O9 +35)

Player Positions:Korvhaine (N25 +25)
Khankhe (Random position nearby, and underground)
Alexander (O9 +20)
Furywing (O9 +35)
Teo (H14 +20)

Dragon position (Only Alexander sees):N6-P8, on the ground

Dragon action posted shortly.

2012-02-15, 07:51 AM
Dragon Action

Alexander: From the fog, the dragon utters in a low growl, "Your time has run out, insect!"

It then closes its eyes, attempting to sense which of the many images is you. Alistral then lunges for you, striking unerringly at your location!

Bite: [roll0]
Miss chance: [roll1] [roll2] if either is a 2, the attack hits
Damage: [roll3] 29 -2 = 27 ** miss concealment **

Claw: [roll4]
Miss chance: [roll5] [roll6] if either is a 2, the attack hits
Damage: [roll7] 24-2 = 22

Claw: [roll8]
Miss chance: [roll9] [roll10] if either is a 2, the attack hits
Damage: [roll11] 23-2 = 21

Wing: [roll12]
Miss chance: [roll13] [roll14] if either is a 2, the attack hits
Damage: [roll15] 20-2 = 18

Wing: [roll16]
Miss chance: [roll17] [roll18] if either is a 2, the attack hits
Damage: [roll19] 16-2 = 14

Tail: [roll20]
Miss chance: [roll21] [roll22] if either is a 2, the attack hits
Damage: [roll23] 31-2 = 29 ** miss concealment **

Furywing:You hear fierce combat below you, and speech from the dragon (DC 11 Hears):"Your time has run out, insect!"

Dragon action concluded.
Player turn commences.

Initiative order:
Khanke (panicked)

2012-02-15, 09:03 AM
Alexander, reeling from the blows, pushes back away from the dragon, struggling to move in the fog.

activating belt of battle to get an extra actions (1 move is enough to get clear, full round to get two moves if not), moving as far away from the dragon as possible using up to 4 move actions heading directly south until clear of fog (5' per move action until clear), using wings of cover to block any AOO's

Maintaining altitude.

2012-02-15, 09:13 AM
Dragon Response:Dragon takes an AoO (you can't use an immediate action for wings of cover, as immediate actions during your turn use this turn's swift, not next (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/actionsInCombat.htm#immediateActions), and you've already used your swift for the turn with the belt).

Tail: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-02-15, 09:14 AM
@Alexander:Concealment roll: [roll0] [roll1] if either is a 2, the attack hits

2012-02-15, 11:39 AM
"Dammit where the hell is it..."

Teo keeps gliding around the pillar while concentrating and trying to pinpoint the dragon's new location.


2012-02-15, 02:43 PM
@Misaat:Apologies. From your position in H14+20, you can see fog in M6 (+10 to +25). you barely have LOS to the westernmost edge of the fog. Does this change your action?

2012-02-15, 02:47 PM
@Misaat:Apologies. From your position in H14+20, you can see fog in M6 (+10 to +25). you barely have LOS to the westernmost edge of the fog. Does this change your action?

2012-02-15, 04:43 PM
@Misaat:Apologies. From your position in H14+20, you can see fog in M6 (+10 to +25). you barely have LOS to the westernmost edge of the fog. Does this change your action?

So i have Line of sight MMMM... But am i close enough to cast Gust of Wind and dissipate it?

2012-02-15, 05:06 PM
when you say 'below' me, I assume that's also the general direction the sound is coming from, not just descriptive. Might change action if others give me new information on dragon's location

Furywing sank close to the ground next to the fog cloud and, hoping the dragon prepared only for fire, breathed writhing electrical energy into the middle of the cloud, trusting his hearing and instincts to find the target.

fly to I7+5
fire straight east, [roll0] halved, reflex 27 halves again(weapon drawn as free as part of move)

the dragon is 15x15x15, right?

2012-02-15, 09:15 PM
@Teo:Technically, you only dissipate in the area of the wind, but I'm ruling that if your wind passes generally through the center of the cloud, it'll work on the whole thing. Based on that, you're not close enough prior to your turn to dissipate it.

@Furywing:Yes, I mean below you. Alexander was directly below you, when the attacks were happening, and the dragon wasn't far off.

When you get west of the cloud, you'll see that the fog doesn't run all the way to the ground. When you get to I7 +5, you see most of the dragon's body, resting on the ground, in N6-P8. Does this alter your action?

Yes, the dragon occupies a 15x15x15 cube.

2012-02-15, 09:59 PM
@Teo:Technically, you only dissipate in the area of the wind, but I'm ruling that if your wind passes generally through the center of the cloud, it'll work on the whole thing. Based on that, you're not close enough prior to your turn to dissipate it.

@Furywing:Yes, I mean below you. Alexander was directly below you, when the attacks were happening, and the dragon wasn't far off.

When you get west of the cloud, you'll see that the fog doesn't run all the way to the ground. When you get to I7 +5, you see most of the dragon's body, resting on the ground, in N6-P8. Does this alter your action?

Yes, the dragon occupies a 15x15x15 cube.

Can i Use a move action to fly over there and then a Standard one to Cast the spell?

2012-02-16, 03:44 AM
change the location of my breath line to ground level. If I can see that part I can be sure to avoid friendly fire this way

2012-02-16, 05:22 AM
Can i Use a move action to fly over there and then a Standard one to Cast the spell?

@Teo:Your Fly speed, after haste, is 60, so yes.


@Furywing:Gotcha, hit dragon, avoid friends, electricity breath, 15 damage, reflex 27 half, and entangle.

2012-02-16, 08:34 AM
Teo Fly's towards the Fog and begins one's again to chant the spell to break it apart!

Flying towards the Fog and Casting the Gust of Wind Shadow Evocation

2012-02-16, 02:01 PM
Khorvaine flies to the right, seeing Alexander he hoped the man would move to him, he was to far away and he would not get too close to the dragon, not again.

Moving to the right and near the edge of the wall he readied to blast the dragon with a bolt of pure moon energy,

Let's see how much you like this! he thought preparing to cast the spell if the smallest amount of the dragon appeared to him.

Ready a spell when Dragon is visible

As before
Casting Empowered Moon bolt (Auto hit, str damage, Fort for half)
18 Strength damage
Fort save for half, DC 21 (9 Str damage with successful save)

2012-02-16, 03:21 PM
Player Action Resolution

Alexander limps out of the cloud, nearly on death's door, struggling to evade the dragon's onslaught.

Khankhe flees farther underground, stumbling into.... ?

Teo moves north, to (i-7 +20), blasting away at the fog again, with shadowy wind.

Khorvaine flies to (W-19 +25), releasing a bolt of energy at the dragon, sapping its strength.

Furywing glides down to buzz the ground, and lets loose a crackling torrent of electricity into Alistral... Unlike the fire, it actually has an effect, though a very minor one. Still, it's enough to work its way into the dragon's muscle and sinew, slowing the beast down.

Player actions resolved. Dragon action coming shortly.

Player Positions:Korvhaine (W-19 +25)
Khankhe (?)
Alexander (O11 +30)
Furywing (i7 +5)
Teo (i7 +20)

Dragon Position:N6-P8

2012-02-16, 03:28 PM
Dragon action

The dragon ducks its head under the fog, spitting a series of short arcane words, and a black ray shoots from its claw, straight at Khorvaine!

Afterwards, its powerful claws dig it just a little into the ground.

Mechanics:Ranged Touch attack on Khorvaine: [roll0]
If hit: [roll1] strength penalty.

If the strength loss pushes you to medium load or higher, you are unable to fly, and fall 25 feet, taking [roll2] damage.

EDIT: That should put you over maximum load, if it's successful. You're considered Overloaded, which means moving 5 feet is a Full round action, and you do not benefit from dexterity to AC.

The dragon then digs 5 feet down, exiting the solid fog entirely.

Dragon Action resolved. Player turn.

Initiative order:


2012-02-16, 04:03 PM
Seeing that lightning did penetrate Alistral's defenses, Fury activated the wand integrated in his shield, and this time the cackling energy he spat forth became a blindingly bright pure-white.

3 Essentia from Basilisk Mask to Elder Spirit
blinding breath [roll0] and blindness.
Reflex 27 halves and negates blindness. -2 reflex save from entanglement


2012-02-16, 04:29 PM
Alexander moves closer to Khorvaine. "I could use some assistance, if you are able. I need to get back into the fight." He winces as he speaks, the pain of his wounds all too evident.

double-moving to get just above Khorvaine
move to W-19, -15

2012-02-16, 04:53 PM
Is the dragon also falling? Because i thought that was what Entangling did to the Dragons. Anyway

" So you like Necromancy uh? Let's see if you like THIS! "

With that Teo begins to empower his spell with an song of arcane lore and lets loose a Crackling ray of Dark Energy towards Alistral.

Arcane Song and Enervation!

Touch Attack: [roll0]

Spell Resistance:[roll1]

Level's Drained: [roll2]

2012-02-17, 01:32 AM
@Misaat:Dragon isn't falling, because it was already on the ground. That said, entangle only really makes flying creatures fall if they can't maintain minimum forward speed while flying.

2012-02-17, 01:32 AM
Khorvaine smiles as he sees a glimpes of the dragon and his formed spell bursts from his palm unerringly guided to its target.

The smile was short as the dark beam of energy sapped his strength right from him and he began to fall like a rock. His armor felt so heavy, his hands were like large mallets that he could barely move.

Oh gods!

He hits the ground with a soft thump, as his feet land against the icy floor, at least his prior enchantment was still holding.

Looking at his hands he thinks I'm going to have to do something about this

And then Alexander was above him, wounds seeping and bleeding.

Of course my friend And he reaches up with all his remaining strength speaking a word of prayer, white energy erupts within Alexander and his wounds vanish like old rags.

Oh shucks. Darn Dragons, getting all tricksy.
Spellcraft to ID spell [roll0]

Sacrifice 6th spell slot (Energy Immunity) to cast Heal on Alexander.
Heal 142 HP's (130 from Heal + (6 * 2, Augment Healing))

2012-02-17, 05:16 AM
@Khorvaine:Spell was Ray of Enfeeblement.

2012-02-17, 05:32 AM
Player Action Resolution

Alexander flies over to Khorvaine, beseeching him for healing.
Khankhe continues fleeing...
Teo hurls a blast of necromantic energies at the dragon, landing a blow on it, from the relative safety of his invisibility.
Khorvaine, practically immobile, nonetheless manages to summon the strength to touch Alexander, restoring him to the picture of health.
Furywing's blast hits the dragon, but the brunt of it is negated.

Player action concluded. Dragon action coming shortly.

2012-02-17, 05:49 AM
Dragon Action

Alistral takes to the wing, flying 15 short feet before taking a snap at Furywing... But not quite in the way that would be expected, as he attempts to grab ahold of Furywing to carry him along! Afterwards, he dives into the earth, claws tearing apart the ice as he burrows into the ground...

Mechanics:Dragon flies 15 feet west, and makes a touch attack to initiate grapple. If furywing threatens from 10 feet, you may make an AoO.

Touch attack: [roll0] (-2 entangle, -1 negative level -4 from reduction in Strength)
Opposed Grapple: [roll1] (-2 entangle, -1 negative level, -20 not considered grappled, -4 reduction in strength)
If success: [roll2] damage, and you're grappled

Regardless of success, it dives into the ground, travelling 20 feet into the ground, completely under.

Dragon action concluded. Player action commences.

Initiative order:


2012-02-17, 05:54 AM
[roll0] +2 Girallon Arms

2012-02-17, 08:08 AM
His strength returned, Alexander thanks his friend and moves toward where the dragon and Furywing disappeared to, flourishing his blade as he climbs. Best find our little dragon before the big one has a chance to play.

Is there a visible tunnel, or did the passable fill-in?

Double-move to get directly above where they disappeared (not certain on position, I presume around L-7, climbing back to 30' (180' on a double-move, should reach easily)

Listen [roll0]
Spot [roll1]

2012-02-17, 08:16 AM
Alistral's mighty claw took hold of Furywing, but by pushing his shield upward at an angle he managed to make it slip off. "Look at Mighty Alistral, cowering beneath the ice instead of facing some pathetic pinkskins. Your wretched kind is the strongest this world has to offer, and yet you are nothing but a weak coward."
He swept sideways, hovering directly above the hole the dragon dug. "I will cleanse this world, end this sorry existence. No ashes, no blood, no tears, not even a shadow on the wall will remain. Nothing will remember when dragons ruled. Now, disappear with the thunder."

[roll0] and blindness as before

forgot ongoing damage before

I'm at +25 above the hole
Essentia from Elder Spirit into Basilisk Mask

2012-02-17, 08:30 AM
@All:Unless noted in a monster entry, burrow leaves no trail or usable passage. This means, among other things, there is no LoE to the dragon currently.

2012-02-17, 11:24 AM
Smiling weakly in response to Alexander he watches as the man flies off to deal with Alistral.

He was unable to move, barely, and decided against it, he would prepare his mightiest spell in hopes of dealing a deadly blow to this dragon.

Delving into his prayer's he chose a spell that would allow him to unleash the power of light upon this beast of destruction and misdirection.

Waggling his fingers as he said a short prayer, a mote of light appears of thin air, another and then another until he was surrounded by a nimbus of light, it converged and melded into a literal aura of light spreading light out like a bright bonfire in the ice cave.

Staying put, casting Light of Lunia

Evocation [Good, Light]
Level: Celestia 1, cleric 1, sorcerer/
wizard 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target and Effect: You and up to
two rays; see text
Duration: 10 minutes/level (D) or
until discharged; see text
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes; see text

You invoke the powers of good and you begin to glow with the silver light of fabled Lunia, the first layer of the Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia. The silvery radiance created by this spell emanates from you in a 30-foot radius, and dim light extends for an additional 30 feet.
Beginning one turn after you cast this spell, you can choose to expend some or all of the light of Lunia as a ray of light. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack with the ray to strike a target. You can make a single ranged touch attack that deals 1d6 points of damage, or 2d6 points of damage against undead or evil outsiders, with a range of 30 feet. Spell resistance applies to this attack. This dims your silvery radiance to half (15-foot light, with dim light for an additional 15 feet). You can choose to fi re one additional ray with the same characteristics either on the same round or on a subsequent round. Firing the second ray quenches your radiance and ends the spell.

EDIT: just a note, he's setting up for Lucent lance.

2012-02-17, 06:06 PM
" Oh no you wont escape that easily "

Letting himself fall to the ground Teo points his finger at the patch of Snow where the Dragon disappeared and a green ray of light stretches from it.

Casting Disintegrate at the Snow where the dragon Burrowed Disintegrate Destroy's a 10ft Cube of Non-living Matter which should leave the Dragon Exposed.

2012-02-18, 01:46 PM
Player action resolution

Alexander, freshly healed, flies towards the dragon's last location (L7, +30)

Khanke continues his retreat!

Teo glides to the ground, and disintigrates a patch of ice, exposing the dragon partially (K6-L7 is the hole, extends down 10 feet. Dragon is visible in the bottom 5 feet of the hole.

Furywing again blasts the dragon with lightning, and again, it shrugs off most of the blast.

Khorvaine stays in place, and casts a spell, radiating light.

Player Positions:Alexander: L7 +30
Khanke: ?
Teo: i7 +0
Furywing: K6 +5
Khorvaine: W-19

Dragon action shortly.

2012-02-18, 01:52 PM
Dragon Action

Alistral hesitates only a moment, before diving deeper into the ice.

Khankhe:The dragon emerges in the area you are at, prompting you to retreat farther.

Dragon action resolved. Consider yourselves out of combat, for the immediate moment.

2012-02-18, 07:17 PM
Khorvaine sighs as the dragon disappears under the ice. He wanted for all the world to just sit down and rest, he was having problems holding himself and his muscles were shaking from weakness.

He went to sit down as a thought came to him, standing, albeit slowly he shouts to his fellow companions.

"Does anyone have a spell to grant me strength? I have the ability but lacked the foresight to prepare such a one, if I could gain a semblance of my strength back and put some of this equipment away"

He turns to put his shield and mace into his bag of holding.

If no one is able to cast such a spell then he will simply drop the bag of holding onto the floor."No Items are worth my life" he says as he drops them.

Removing the bag of holding, weapon and Shield will allow him to be below his heavy load, allowing him to move @40ft with Fly.

2012-02-19, 08:42 AM
"That damn coward", Furywing cursed, and it wasn't clear whether he was referring to Alistral or Khankhe.
"Any way we can follow the dragon? If we sit still too long they'll come at us with full force. I'd rather stay on the offensive." He swept down, picking up the stuff Khorvaine discarded in his weakened state.

2012-02-19, 12:58 PM
" Guys... I dont know how to say this kindly but... LET'S TELEPORT THE HELL OUTTA HERE! We lost the element of surprise and are severely weakened. Besides he can escape us any moment he can and he might even come back with his son... We lost this one "

Teo says while looking at his teammates on the ground.

2012-02-19, 01:06 PM
Khorvaine felt a little better with less of his equipment not weighing him down.

He brings his hand to his forehead as he floats in the air, "You may be right, But are we to leave Khanke to the winds? There is no honor in that, the dragon is doing something and will most likely come back to finish us off. I say we take the offensive, let us leave this chamber and take to the hunt, it can't be far and there must be a way to her."

He felt sore and weak, but his mind refused to give up now, while they were so close.

"I would see this dragon dead at our feat or die trying," Looking to Teo "I still have a most powerful spell at my disposal, I needed to set it up but she fled before I could release it upon her. Either we leave and let Khanke fend for himself for which I am against or we move and finish this thing, but staying here is not something we should do."

2012-02-19, 02:30 PM
"We must finish this. Even if we all escaped, I would not leave a wounded dragon in our wake. That would leave us vulnerable, open to scrying and pursuit. If we cannot follow directly, we must look for other avenues to explore." Alexander makes a quick sweep around the room, looking for other passages.

2012-02-20, 12:46 AM
@Alexander:Only one obvious visible exit exists, and that's the one you entered.

2012-02-20, 08:10 AM
Alexander returns to a spot near Khorvaine. "I see no other rooms. The dragon must just tunnel to any other chambers. A fair defense, I should say. If we are going to wait until Khanke returns, perhaps we should at least get you up on the ice wall, off the floor. I have no trust of the snow under our feet anymore, I would not have anyone carried away under it."

Suggest Alexander and Furywing carry Khorvaine up the wall, if he can't go himself. Not sure on his present load.

2012-02-20, 08:58 AM
"I do wonder why a bit of snow is protected by that big ice wall. Maybe just Alistral's resting place, but maybe... something else." Furywing swept over the center of the room, and blasted downward a flaming cascade.

not much I can do in 11 turns, so let's just see if maybe there's something beneath the snow
fly to N13+30, blast straight down
[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

2012-02-20, 03:49 PM
The snow begins to melt away. A full 5 feet of snow melts into water, and begins to steam with the second hit. Below, is solid ice.

2012-02-20, 11:33 PM
Seeing that no consent would be found and knowing the thing to come back he flies to the apex of the cavern and readies a spell for when the Dragon would come back.

He readies another Moonbolt.

2012-02-21, 07:55 AM
"The guards have not come in. Seems odd that they would stand out in the hall while their master fights. Should we see to them? They may know something of use."

2012-02-21, 10:14 PM
Calming down, and getting Salah back under control, Khankhe heads for the surface. Breaching, he lands near the party. "Is the dragon gone? She bit Salah as we left but I didn't get a good look at what happened afterwards."

2012-02-21, 10:28 PM
" There Now we are all here. I still think it would be a God idea to bolt out of here . But if you guys really wanna take this thing to the end. We'll need a plan "

Teo says as he strums the cords of his lute.

2012-02-22, 07:46 AM
"Hit and blast it until the beast rolls over dead, then blast it again just to be sure." Furywing hovered in the air, getting ready for Alistral's return.

2012-02-22, 07:59 AM
"Khanke, with your return we have means to prevent her from escaping underground again. Furywing has the right of it, we strike as hard and fast as possible. My spells are of little use directly, but my blade drew blood, though less than I would have expected. Something was preventing me from striking too deep."

Going to have to refresh haste as soon as the dragon comes back, which unfortunately precludes wraithstrike that round.

2012-02-22, 12:53 PM
Why dont you just cast it now? :smallconfused:

" All right then i will try to keep lowering his defenses whit my Dark ray's of energy"

Teo says resigned.

2012-02-22, 02:35 PM
You hear an echoing rumble from the distance. It sounds almost like a horn, accompanied by irregular drumbeats.

2012-02-23, 09:00 AM
"What the hell is that?" Furywing burst out.

any skill checks applicable to identify what this might be?

2012-02-23, 09:17 AM
"That doesn't sound like a dragon. Be ready to leave if this goes bad. We can teleport away if needed, just stay close to one of us who can."

will cast haste when the sound seems to be about 1 full round away.

2012-02-23, 09:37 AM
@Furywing, Alexander: Listen checks will identify more about the sound and distance.

Knowledge (Nature) checks might identify more.

2012-02-23, 01:59 PM
Khorvaine's eyebrow raises at the noise coming from somewhere else, it was plain to him that the dragon was doing something to throw the weight of the fight back onto her side.

"Mayhap she is sending in distractions and then she will appear, I know if I was an evil dragon my ogre kin would mean nothing to me."

2012-02-23, 08:18 PM
Teo hears the beast coming, and is able to identify when it is close... With that, Alexander is able to place his haste spell in time.

(Choose where each of you is in the room, and after that:)
An elephant comes crashing around the corner, trumpeting and stamping, as it tramples into the room.

Same initiative checks, elephant acts at the end of the round. Elephant is at M23-O25.

2012-02-23, 09:04 PM
Alexander position M-18 +30

Alexander is momentarily startled by the beast's entrance. He casts a quick cantrip and scans the newcomer, then the rest of the room. "May be a diversion, let me check for arcane traces."

detect magic
spellcraft if needed to identify elephant [roll0]

2012-02-23, 09:26 PM
"Its been transformed! Could be the dragon, could be one of the half-breeds. Could be a mouse, no way to tell. Well, maybe one way." He shoots forward, blade flashing out as he passes.

spring attack starting M-18+30, ending M-27 +max height allowed by entering tunnel

attack 1 [roll0]
damage [roll1] (wielding 2-handed)
swiftblade bonus damage for moving 10+ ft [roll2]

attack 1 [roll3]
damage [roll4] (wielding 2-handed)
swiftblade bonus damage for moving 10+ ft [roll5]

2012-02-23, 09:42 PM
Getting a little frustrated with the strangeness of the situation, Khorvaine lets loose a Tower of flame that erupts around the elephant.

Cast's Flame Strike
[roll0] (half divine)
DC 22 Ref For half

2012-02-23, 10:31 PM
" I think i'll just go out for a while ... "

With that said Teo mutter's some arcane words and banishes into thin air.

Also: Casting Greater Invisibility

Alrighty then Spellcraft it is


2012-02-24, 06:50 AM
"Don't waste ressources, Alistral just wants to soften us up!" Furywing glided over the elephant and tested its mental defenses, emitting a resonating screech that hurt the ears.

delay to act right before elephant
glide to O21+35
4 essentia frosthelm, 3 wormtail belt
Will DC 24 or stunned for [roll0] turns

2012-02-25, 06:12 PM
"If Alistral wishes to challenge us, then I say we give her a good showing! Come, Salah! Ielileman!" Khankhe says, aiming his lance at the elephant while Salah rides forward and swings his stinger at the animal.

Start centered at R18 (Q17-S19), charge to N22-P20.

To Hit
[roll1]x3+[roll2]+1 Con damage, Total 49

Salah using Heightened Sting
To Hit
DC 19 Fortitude Save or [roll5] Strength damage

2012-02-26, 01:41 AM
Player Action Resolution

Alexander, from his position in the air, utters a brief incantation, and scans the elephant. (Detect magic standard action, spring attack not legal, as you don't have the actions to take it after detect magic)

Khankhe and Salah charge the elephant, scoring two solid hits. The elephant is hardy, however, and the sting has little effect on it. (two hits, full damage, elephant saved vs poison)

Teo utters a few words, and vanishes. (greater invis)

Khorvaine calls down fire from above, scorching the elephant. The hit from Khankhe, however, has knocked it somewhat out of position, and the flame doesn't hurt it as badly as it normally would. (22 damage, elephant passed save)

Furywing glides in above the elephant, letting loose a screech, with devastating effect on its sensitive hearing. (Elephant failed save, stunned)

Player Actions Resolved.

Player Locations:Alexander: M18 +30
Teo: I-7 (Greater Invisible)
Khorvaine: T-13 +45 (True Seeing Active)
Furywing: O21 +35 (Gliding)

Enemy Locations:Dragon: ???
Elephant: M23-O25

OpFor Actions soon.

2012-02-26, 01:59 AM

The elephant stands there blankly...

And the thick fog fills part of the room again, billowing out 20 feet, from M13/O14, from +25 to the ceiling.

Opposition action concluded. Player actions are up.

@Khankhe:In the future, charges must be to the first square you can attack from. Since your lance has reach, that means you stop 10 feet away.

2012-02-26, 12:03 PM
" Oh no you won't! "

Teo says as he chants a few arcane words to change his shape

Casting alter self again

Then he gives a jump and start's flying towards the incoming fog.

Move action to M13

2012-02-26, 07:42 PM
@Teo:Between I-7 and M13, there is a 30 foot tall ice wall. Flight could get you up high enough to go over it, as could climbing, but walking through the wall isn't an option. Please revise.

2012-02-27, 08:43 AM
Alexander chooses to ignore the elephant for the moment and gain altitude, always a valuable commodity when fighting a dragon.

climb to the ceiling, M-18+45 (45 is the ceiling, right?)

2012-02-27, 09:52 AM
@Alexander:+45 is the ceiling. That means to go to +45, you'd have to burrow into the ceiling. +40 is the highest a medium character can go without running into the ceiling.

2012-02-27, 11:59 AM
4 Essentia Basilisk Mask, 3 Wormtail Belt
fly to N20+35, ready action to use entangling acid breath if I become aware of dragon's location through sight or hearing

2012-02-27, 01:33 PM
Khorvaine readies a Lucent Lance for when he see's the dragon. Staying put.

2012-03-18, 05:18 PM
Player Action Resolution

Alexander gains altitude, looking for the dragon.

Khankhe and Salah assess the situation, delaying. (no actions given)

Teo casts Alter Self, flying up and over the wall, entering the Fog. However, he only makes it to M11(+30) this round (movement limit reached)

Khorvaine readies a spell, searching for the dragon.

Furywing adjusts his position, readying to blast the dragon.

Player Action Resolved.

Player Locations:Alexander: M18 +40
Teo: M11 +30 (Greater Invisible)
Khorvaine: T-13 +45 (True Seeing Active, Ready Action)
Furywing: N20 +35 (Flying, Ready Action)

Enemy Locations: Dragon: ???
Elephant: M23-O25, stunned

Area Modifications: Fog Cloud filling the center. All squares within 20 feet M13-N14, from +25 to the ceiling.

Opposition Actions soon.

2012-03-18, 05:28 PM

The elephant stands there blankly, again...


Teo: You feel a blast of gas rolling over you from below, numbing your limbs and sapping your strength.

8 Strength Damage, Fortitude DC 36 Negates.

Failure will reduce you to Strength 2, and above double your Maximum Load. This will render you unable to move, due to encumbrance, and will also cause you to be unable to fly and fall to ground level, taking [roll0] lethal damage and [roll1] nonlethal from the fall.

If this save fails, you will see, after falling:Dragon is in M11-O13, standing on the packed snow.

Opposition Action concluded. Player actions are up (include any rolls needed with actions).

2012-03-18, 06:24 PM
Khorvaine -
Seeing the fog cloud filling the area he moves to the side flying just below the ceiling his hand trailing on the cold surface as he does so.

"Where is this damn beast?" he spoke aloud, this accursed hide and seek games where wearing thin on his patience.

But that was the idea, he thought again. This dragon was no fool and she was delaying us to either wait us out for her child to return or to pick us off one by one.

Something had to change and soon.

"We need to get out now, she is picking us apart and we cannot defeat her like this, let us withdraw and come at her again, but here and now is not happening, she is no fool and we are ill suited to counter her maneuvers." he says yelling to the others, he sees all of them and then looses sight of Teo.

"Where is Teo? I do not see him."

2012-03-18, 08:04 PM

The elephant stands there blankly, again...


Teo: You feel a blast of gas rolling over you from below, numbing your limbs and sapping your strength.

8 Strength Damage, Fortitude DC 36 Negates.

Failure will reduce you to Strength 2, and above double your Maximum Load. This will render you unable to move, due to encumbrance, and will also cause you to be unable to fly and fall to ground level, taking [roll0] lethal damage and [roll1] nonlethal from the fall.

If this save fails, you will see, after falling:Dragon is in M11-O13, standing on the packed snow.

Opposition Action concluded. Player actions are up (include any rolls needed with actions).

Teo breathes the poisonous Gas and feels the strength being zapped from his body... The thing's he's carrying start to feel really heavy and he start's plummeting to the ground... thankfully the magic from his ring saves him from crashing loudly into the ground... The only thing he can think to do now is alert his teammate's of the incoming danger.


2012-03-19, 07:05 AM
Hearing Teo's warning, Alexander tries to break any enchantment near the snow-mound.

To Khorvaine, "We flee now and we will start over, our capabilities known. A moment longer to see if we can reveal our foe."

area dispel magic on the mound, dropping to +20,

dispel magic [roll0]

2012-03-19, 08:14 AM
Trusting Teo's words, Furywing took a blind shot through the mist blocking his view, choosing acid this time expecting the dragon might now be prepared against the lightning he previously used.

fly to N18+40
the wall and fog make it hard to cover that many potential locations... but I assume Alistral isn't squeezing, so I just need to hit the center
Entangling acid breath diagonally down, hitting N13-10, N14+0, N15+10, N16+20, N16+30, N17+40

[roll0] halved, Reflex 26 halves again

2012-03-22, 11:13 PM
Khankhe rears back Salah when the elephant doesn't move. Looking around, he tries to find the dragon.

2012-03-22, 11:50 PM
@Alexander: The square you're in (M18) has a Ice Wall extending up to +30. That makes 30 as low as you can go, without burrowing.

It's possible to hit the entire area below. You'll catch several possible spell effects. I need 6 more dispel checks.

I will resolve checks in this order:
1) All area effects
2) All enemy units in area, beginning with highest CR, working down.
3) All allied units in area, alphabetically.

Please let me know what altitude you're centering the effect at.

2012-03-23, 07:03 AM
Only moving to +35 then. Centering Dispel on M13 +20

Dispel checks:[roll0]

2012-03-23, 06:12 PM
Partial Player Resolution

Alexander drops down, lobbing dispelling magics at the area... and the fog disappears.

@Khorvaine, Furywing:The dispelled fog reveals the dragon, on the ground, at M11-O13. Since it is before your action, your previous round's ready action is available, should you choose to take it. If you do, your turn order next round will change to first and second, respectively, and you will lose the action you posted for this round.

Amended actions can be posted, if desired.

2012-03-23, 06:26 PM
I would, but with the ice wall in the way and the snow within being at -10 I'm pretty sure I lack LoE

2012-03-23, 06:38 PM
@TFO:As you're at +35, and close to the edge, you do. I've traced LOE for it. The dragon is 15 feet tall as well, after all.

2012-03-23, 07:13 PM
in that case, ready action away
[roll0] halved

2012-03-28, 10:31 PM
Khankhe looks around for the dragon, seeing as the elephant has stopped attacking. "Salah, llewn ib slri nemsha," he says to his mount. Salah pauses for a moment, then moves north through the ice wall, stopping with just the tip of his head poking through. Seeing the dragon, Khankhe readies his lance.

Move to M17-O19 @ -10
Ready action to tunnel downwards to -40 if Alistral attacks Salah/Khankhe

2012-03-30, 01:06 AM
Player Action Resolution

Khorvaine's spell strikes true, injuring and blinding the monstrous beast below.
Furywing's breath lashes out, sizzling into the dragon, melting into his hide. Still, again the dragon avoids the worst of it. (Reflex save passed)
Khankhe moves north, extending just slightly out of the ice wall, and readies for the attack.
Teo's Frantic shouts ring out, as his weakened limbs struggle just to keep him on his feet.

Player Action Concluded.

2012-03-30, 01:20 AM

The elephant recovers from its stupor, but sees no foes to attack, and readies an action.

Alistral roars defiantly, evidently tired of skulking for the moment.

"You think yourselves clever, but all who oppose us shall meet this fate!"

It then lashes out, over and over, brutally, at the invisible mage at his feet!

Mechanics:Full Attack on Teo.

Bite: [roll0] vs Teo's Flat-Footed AC (Overburdened)
Miss Chance: [roll1] [roll2] if either is a 1, attack hits.
Damage: [roll3]

Claw: [roll4] vs Teo's Flat-Footed AC (Overburdened)
Miss Chance: [roll5] [roll6] if either is a 1, attack hits.
Damage: [roll7] **Miss Total Concealment**

Claw: [roll8] vs Teo's Flat-Footed AC (Overburdened)
Miss Chance: [roll9] [roll10] if either is a 1, attack hits.
Damage: [roll11] **Miss Total Concealment**

Wing: [roll12] vs Teo's Flat-Footed AC (Overburdened)
Miss Chance: [roll13] [roll14] if either is a 1, attack hits.
Damage: [roll15]

Wing: [roll16] vs Teo's Flat-Footed AC (Overburdened)
Miss Chance: [roll17] [roll18] if either is a 1, attack hits.
Damage: [roll19]

Tail Slap: [roll20] vs Teo's Flat-Footed AC (Overburdened)
Miss Chance: [roll21] [roll22] if either is a 1, attack hits.
Damage: [roll23] **Miss Total Concealment**

Dragon Action concluded, Commence player turn.

Initiative:Khorvaine (moved due to ready action)
Furywing (moved due to ready action)

2012-03-30, 08:33 AM
Hearing the sounds of battle below, Alexander darts forward. Now able to see the dragon, he descends slightly, blade striking out as he sails past. He touches down on the ice wall, turning to ready for another strike.

Swift action to cast wraithstrike, Starting at M18 +35, ending M9 +30 (dropping down 10' to get in reach, then flying back up 5', bounding assault to not take AOO's from dragon

attack 1 [roll0] (17 + 2 for magebane -3 power attack)
damage [roll1] (wielding 2-handed) 10+2 for magebane +6 PA)
swiftblade bonus damage for moving 10+ ft [roll2]
magebane bonus damage [roll3]

attack 2 [roll4] (12 + 2 for magebane -3 power attack)
damage [roll5] (wielding 2-handed) 10+2 for magebane +6 PA)
swiftblade bonus damage for moving 10+ ft [roll6]
magebane bonus damage [roll7]

2012-03-30, 07:28 PM
Teo start's to take off his chainshirt.

" Dammit... he is gonna kill me if this keep's going on... "

2012-03-30, 10:27 PM
Khorvaine grimaces as the blinding beam of light smashes into the dragon and then watches as it, unfazed, moves onto Teo and unleashes it's fury on him.

Sighing with the heaviness of prolonged combat but realizing that when this dragon finally died, it would affect the realm so and equally the lives in the realm. This dragon needed to be put down into the after life, and he was going to be the one to do it.

Summoning his strength, or what little was remaining, he intoned the words to a spell he had recently cast and empowered it with the divine energy of his patron, his Lord Kelemvore.

He casts an empowered Flame Strike on the dragon.

[roll0] * 1.5 = 67
Ref save Vs DC 22 for half
Divine Damage = 33 (16)
Fire Damage = 34 (17)

2012-03-31, 10:33 AM
"Cease your gibbering", Furywing answered flatly, preparing to place a barrier to hinder the dragon's next assault.

fly to N12+30
ready action to use Ring of the Forcewall if the dragon attacks, casts a spell requiring LoE or tries to leave the enclosure

2012-03-31, 02:53 PM
Khankhe urges Salah forward, pointing his lance at Alistral. He makes several jabs at the dragon, while Salah whips his tail to sting.

5 foot step to M16-O18

Full Attack
Attack 1
To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + 1 Con Damage
Attack 2
To hit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] + 1 Con Damage
Attack 3
To hit: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5] + 1 Con Damage

Heightened Sting
To hit: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]
DC 19 Fort Save or take [roll8] Str Damage

2012-04-07, 01:34 AM
Player Action Resolution

Khorvaine drops a column of flame upon the dragon again, and again, most of the damage is evaded. The dragon seems impossibly nimble for its size.

Furywing prepares for the dragon's possible assault.

Alexander's blade lashes out twice more, finding its mark each time, inflicting heavy damage.

Khankhe strikes with his lance, several times. Only the first hits, but it lands solid, sapping the dragon's lifeblood.

Salah's tail lunges in to an opening created as the dragon bats aside Khankhe's lance thrusts, striking the dragon solidly. The poison doesn't seem to find purchase; this beast is remarkably resilient; however, the would itself is grievous, and the dragon collapses under the blow, breathing, but no longer conscious.

Mechanics: Dragon is reduced to -2 HP.

This dragon was built around the idea of having melee power and rock solid saving throws (several feats invested in fortifying them). Primary vulnerabilities were in touch AC, SR (good but not insurmountable), and lack of ability to heal itself. It made use of a couple metabreath feats, such as Heighten Breath, but was otherwise not incredibly remarkable.

XP Rewards:Encounter XP: CR 15, vs ECL 13 party of 5 = 7800 xp / 5 players = 1560 xp each

Story XP: Goal met:
1st Overseer defeated: 5000 xp each (one time bonus, don't expect this for every Overseer)

Total XP earned: 6560 xp to each player.

Treasure Rewards (once Khankhe directs you to the windfall he found):The room Khankhe located contains a mountain of coins, nearly a dozen assorted precious gems the size of a human fist, encased in ice, and about a half dozen assorted items strewn throughout.

Exact totals:

10,250 gold coins
1,140 platinum coins

Gems: six gems valued at 2,500 gold, two gems valued at 5,000 gold, one gem valued at 1,000 gold, and one gem valued at 500 gold.

Items radiating magic auras:
a small cylindrical container of ointment (about the size of an Icy Hot container) with a screw on top (70% full)
a small leather pouch, filled with teeth, jerky, and bits of hair
a pair of bronze bracers, simply adorned
a pair of knee high maroon and copper-toned leather boots
a pair of ankle high black boots, shaped almost like a cylinder
a pair of bright red boots, made of a thin and supple leather
an ivory amulet, depicting a skull atop a black enamel shield

The elephant also reverts to a small ivory statue, about the size of a human hand, after being beaten down (which I assume is forthwith).

2012-04-07, 11:31 AM
" He...he help me... "

Teo mutters as he crawls on the ground towards his teammates.

Ending the Invisibility and alter self spell on teo

2012-04-07, 11:48 AM
Khorvaine watches as the beast is felled by the blow from their new found friend.

Ah, yes. It seems he overcame his fear and came back to us, I shall have to prepare something for him on our next sojourn. he thought to himself.

He floated down and thought on the matter of his prayer choice, he would have to change some of the choices he made, he felt he had chosen his prayers somewhat secular. It seemed this encounter had taught him a lesson, a lesson he would take to heart.

He moved to Teo and saw the man crawling on the floor. Knowing he was unable to help the man with his strength loss he knew he could at least heal his wounds. "Come to me, let me heal your wounds." he says as he kneels down barely with his own strength and places a hand on him.

Casts Cure critical wounds, sacrificing Mass Aid

Khorvaine then stands and moves to the mighty dragon that was still barely alive. He whispers something to it as he touches it ever so gently.

Uses Death touch Domain power instantly killing the Dragon.

As the others come closer he turns to them.
"Is anyone else in need of healing?" He simply says.

2012-04-07, 12:28 PM
"No", Furywing answered simply, cocking his head while he inspected the corpse of the dragon. Suddenly, his arm shot forward, ripping out Alistral's left eye.

"I am not satisfied with the bloodshed. The ogres are still alive, and Gaurifas might yet arrive."

2012-04-07, 02:39 PM
"Salah is a bit injured, if it would not be too much trouble." Khankhe says, dismounting and walking near the head of the dragon.

"I apologize for my earlier withdrawal. It seems there is something about dragons that simply inspires a primal fear in all living things. Though the flight was not without its benefits. I did manage to find the hoard of this beast. Since this one," he indicates the now dead Alistral, "will no longer need it, I suggest we make use of it."

Seeing Furywing rip out the eye, Khankhe flinched slightly. Fighting a dragon to the death was one thing, but that was beating a dead horse. Even if it was a dragon, it deserved peace in the afterlife.

2012-04-09, 05:44 AM
((Assuming the following actions are taken by party))1) Track down and kill half-dragon ogres
2) Fetch Alistral's treasure from the room below
3) Combine with choice bits from Tribute that was within Furywing's bag
4) Leave, ideally prior to Gaurifas returning
5) Return to the lair of the Frost Giants

The group manages to accomplish what it set out to, gathering up the spoils of Alistral's lair, and evading any further dragons.

Once there, you're greeted by the giant that Khankhe knows as Thaig, who seems to be one of the military commanders here. Seeing your return, he congratulates you on your success, and guides you to the Frost Giant Elder, who seems to be expecting you. He speaks up as you enter.

"I must say, I wasn't expecting you to return; perhaps there is more hope for you than I first thought. The dragons will undoubtedly respond, once they are aware of Alistral's demise; however, we have solved the problems of today. Tomorrow's problems can wait for tomorrow.

In thanks for your task, I can offer you several things. First, so long as you do not bring the notice of the dragons upon this tribe, you shall be welcome here as you wish. Second, in exchange for modest payment, you may happily store any valuables you wish here. Thaig knows what gems and metals we need, you may work out the specifics with him.

Third, I can offer you what I know of other dragons. Khankhe himself came through a portal to a desert domain, housing a family of blue dragons. Second, there is another portal, quite nearby, to the lair of a brood of black dragons. Their domain is a marshy one, steamy and hot, and full of natural predators. The final portal I know of leads to a land with a single brass dragon ruling the domain, with numerous half-dragon spawn.

In addition, there are two domains I know of that are reachable via traditional travel. There's a system of caverns a day's march from here, that leads deep into the earth, into territory ruled by dragons of darkness and shadow. Also, it's a long flight, but there is a mountain pass presided over by several silver dragons.

Finally, we have collected a few items of magic over the years, and I can fashion most wands and scrolls, provided they stem from the magic of the gods. Again, I can make them available to you for certain gems, coins, and the like."

2012-04-09, 07:37 AM
"Another monster dead. And we all stand." He look visibly weary.

Alexander says little as they dispatch the ogres and gather the treasure, teleporting back to the giant's. Once returned, he spends some time studying the recovered magic items.

spellcraft checks:
[roll0] a small cylindrical container of ointment (about the size of an Icy Hot container) with a screw on top (70% full)
[roll1] a small leather pouch, filled with teeth, jerky, and bits of hair
[roll2] a pair of bronze bracers, simply adorned
[roll3] a pair of knee high maroon and copper-toned leather boots
[roll4] a pair of ankle high black boots, shaped almost like a cylinder
[roll5] a pair of bright red boots, made of a thin and supple leather
[roll6] an ivory amulet, depicting a skull atop a black enamel shield

To the giant, "I think I have need of a wand. I know an enchantment that let's me strike the dragons despite their scales. Not having to worry about depleting my arcane reserves to use it may prove helpful. Could you modify my sword to hold such a wand?"

hopefully can buy a wand of wraithstrike and get a wand chamber for his sword

2012-04-09, 08:15 AM
Furywing displayed the eye he ripped from the corpse of their enemy. "I need someone who can fuse the dragon's flesh to my metal shell. Alistral's senses will enhance my own, and more dragons will fall when they can't escape the sight of my eye like the coward tried to do."

I don't expect that high a chance they have a Wyrmcrafter, but one can try...

2012-04-09, 07:38 PM
While the hoard is being bought up from the cave below Khorvaine will tend to the wounds of everyone, making sure all are healed.

Looking to the Dragon his eyes linger as he casts the greater teleport spell. "It is a shame we cannot harvest such beautiful scales, would make some wonderful armor." he muses as they all vanish in thin air.

Listening to the Elder, Khorvaine pays attention eagerly.

"I do believe we might need help identifying the magical items we have procured from the Dragons lair. And maybe a wand or two, we will, of course pay for them and any services."

He turns to the others "I think our best chance is against the lone Brass. It will be alone and take us far from here, keeping what ever magical scouts the dragons have away from our beneficent friends."

He would like to buy a Wand of Lesser Restoration and Lesser Vigor (or 2, or 3).
@ the group: These can come from the group loot? (i'm assuming all loot is group loot right now, due to the general lack of magic-marts)

What kinds of Gems are there? Any Diamonds? (or spell component kind of gemstones)

2012-04-10, 12:53 PM
" We should rest a little before we head out though... Im not exactly at the top of my arcane ability's after that close fight we had "

Teo comments to the group while sitting against one of the walls...

2012-04-11, 10:03 AM
Khorvaine turns to Teo and nods his head,
"Agreed, several of us our out of our primary spells and suffered the spell affects of the evil thing." He thinks for a moment and continues "And maybe you will recall something about these dragons with a rested mind and a full belly?"

While we rest can the Elder start making the wands? Or does he already have a few made?

CL 1 Wand of Lesser Vigor
CL 1 Wand of Lesser Restoration
Min CL Panacea (? AFB right now)

2012-04-13, 03:49 AM
hopefully can buy a wand of wraithstrike and get a wand chamber for his sword

I don't expect that high a chance they have a Wyrmcrafter, but one can try...

He would like to buy a Wand of Lesser Restoration and Lesser Vigor (or 2, or 3).
@ the group: These can come from the group loot? (i'm assuming all loot is group loot right now, due to the general lack of magic-marts)

What kinds of Gems are there? Any Diamonds? (or spell component kind of gemstones)

The Frost Giant Elder replies to the questions before him, "I have a modest store of weaker wands, that I can make available. As for your spell, little one, I regret that I cannot craft the wand you seek on my own. If you tarry here for a time, and assist, however, I can provide my knowledge of wandcrafting with your knowledge of the spell you seek.

Regretfully, the practice of infusing bodies with dragonic body parts is not known to us. Indeed, the rarity of such parts would mean that nearly everyone with such a skill would almost have to be, at one point, allied with dragons."

Any cleric level 2 or lower spell is available in wand form, at full charges.

Any higher level cleric spell is available, but must be crafted.

Arcane wands can be made, but they require collaboration.

No Wyrmgrafters within the Frost Giants.

Knowledge on the rolled dragon types has been provided in the OOC.

Gems: You may assume that if I give you a gem valued at X gold, it can be whatever gem you would like it to be, so long as that gem doesn't have any unusual inherent or magical properties.

2012-04-13, 07:23 AM
"A few days rest for proper preparations may be wise. I will offer whatever assistance I can. But before that, I agree that rest is in order." Alexander lets his shoulders droop visible, more than ready to sleep off the days exertions.

2012-04-14, 04:30 AM
Frost Giant Outpost

Time passes.

Specifically, 5 days. (time needed to craft a level 2 arcane wand of wraithstrike)

Panacea Wand can be crafted, if you like, whether or not you are here. Regardless, it will take 21 additional days to craft.

All wands and/or scrolls can be purchased at market value, using any coin/gems you have.

Determine in OOC what you're getting, deduct it from current hoard earnings, and then pick up with what happens after rest and purchase.

2012-04-26, 10:05 AM
At the portal to the desert

Cold winds bite at you as you stand on a barren plains, in front of a seemingly empty area. It's remarkable that the giants can even lead you here... The place has no landmarks, no identifying features. Still, the guide points out the area of space to walk into, and wishes you luck.

2012-04-26, 10:18 AM
Alexander takes a moment to look around, trying to cement the location in his mind. Finished, he stands in front o the portal. "So, shall we seek allies, or drive directly to confrontation?" His face shows that he does not believe this to be a question. Despite his reluctance to sit any longer, charging in when potential allies lie nearby would be foolhardy, as he has said repeatedly over the previous days.

Can never have too many places to teleport to.

2012-04-26, 11:32 AM
Khorvaine looks to the area and raises an eyebrow, What else do these giants know of? He thought to himself.

Looking around he really couldn't tell where they were, he doubted his teleport prayers could get them back here, the distance was probably too far.

Turning he listened to Alexander, he had come to appreciate the man, even if he used to be a dragon guard, he was a most capable warrior and knew common sense. Something most people didn't.

"I would suggest we move to acquire allies, these Frost Giants have proved invaluable, if we can garner more in a different area, it would help to defeat those dragons in that area. And then those bastards would have two areas to contend with instead of one." He looks to the others "Let those who are trodden on look up and see those that help us are free and strong, it will be only a matter of time before other groups start to do the same, rumors and songs travel for free and our deeds, whether told wrong or not, will be sold to all the ears of this world."

Commune is a 5th level spell! GAH!

I have Find the Path as a domain spell, that should be sufficient. Also wind walk to travel fast.

2012-04-26, 02:20 PM
"I would recommend that we find other Asherati. We know the sands better than most. I'd say we could find my family, but that would be the same as finding the dragons first." Khankhe said, keeping a hand on Salah.

2012-04-26, 02:53 PM
"Very well, can you guide us? You know the land better than we."

"We must also remember to prepare properly before facing the dragons. Perhaps a meal before we go, in case we encounter them unexpectedly?"

Heroes feast on this side of the portal, just in case.

2012-04-26, 09:06 PM
"Sure thing! "

Teo says happily as he takes out his Horn of Plenty and activating it's magical powers

2012-04-27, 02:24 AM
The feast passes without incident.

@Khankhe:You're familiar with this region, as of 6 months ago. The setup is tribal, with nomadic groups of about 50 traveling between various water sources in the desert. Each water source is settled by a small town of about 1000 people, with as many as 10 nomadic groups in at any one time, swelling up to 20 on the day of tribute. There are four such settlements that you know of. Each specializes in glass and fabrics, as well as raising some of the hardier forms of life (camels, ashworms, most pack animals that can survive in desert climates).

Notable dangers in the region are:
Other hostile groups (raiding the supplies of another isn't uncommon, to make the paying of tribute easier).

Most dangerous time of any month: Tribute days. Dragons tend to kill on sight any tribal group wandering, on the reasoning that they are evading giving tribute, and thus showing defiance of rightful rule of the dragons.

2012-04-28, 10:07 AM
Finishing his meal, Khankhe gets up. "We had best be on our way," he says before turning to Khorvaine, "Do you have any magic that could protect us from the elements? I know I can survive mild heat, but even I have limits and I'm not sure how well protected the rest of you are."

2012-04-28, 11:34 AM
Khorvaine smiles at Khankhe "What a surprise! A traveler who is polite in asking for aid!" he bellows out.

Stepping forward he places a hand on him and intones a quiet prayer "But of course."

He does so for everyone else in the group. once he done he turns back to Khankhe and nods "Do you have a destination in mind?"

Cast's endure elements on everyone

2012-04-28, 11:51 AM
"I can vaguely remember where the nearest oasis was to when I left, but it's been a few months and I'm hazy on the detail. What I can remember is that there was always a settlement where there was water, since dehydration is one of the biggest threats out there."

2012-04-29, 07:05 AM
The other side of the portal (open after discussion over, and you go through):You have to stop to get your bearings for a moment, because you left in the morning, but when you arrive, the sun is high in the sky, its position indicating noon. The heat is oppressive, but tolerable, with the magical protections you currently have. The air shimmers, as you look out, distorting anything away a couple hundred feet so severely, that it's all but invisible.

Sand dunes impede travel for all not accustomed to the desert,though flying is actually somewhat easier, due to updrafts. Periodically, large rocky formations jut out of the sand. These can be seen at greater distances, due to size, perhaps up to 700-800 feet.

OOC/Mechanic:Treat heat condition as Severe Heat (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/environment.htm#heatDangers).

Burrow speed automatically bypasses, otherwise, the soft sand in the area imposes difficult terrain to all creatures on the ground.

Between 10 am and 6 pm, gliding creatures need not go down. They can maintain altitude without penalty.

2012-04-30, 08:19 AM
Alexander blinks as they step from the portal. Intense brightness was no stranger, snow reflecting just as much glare as sand, but the shimmering of the air was unfamiliar on such a scale. He was instantly glad for the magic protection, knowing the heat would have been a great trial otherwise.

"So, where do we start?"

2012-04-30, 11:53 AM

"Well then, let us proceed. I am sorry but I did not receive the magics to help us move easier on this soft sand. I shall have to prayer some more and ask of Mighty Kelemvore for aid on the latter." he turns to Khanke "If only we could all travel upon your mighty steeds back I would think it would speed up our travel."
Waving his hand he continues as he steps through the portal his breath is nearly knocked from him as the intense furnace like heat assaults him, the magic taking affect only a second later, cooling his skin and making it tolerable. Once again he thanked his lord and continued to step through the soft sand.
"Well then, lead on."

2012-05-02, 12:37 PM
"I believe we could all fit on Salah. However, we'd be travelling above the surface, and be vulnerable. Though it would still be safer than travelling by foot," Khankhe says, climbing on to Salah. "Anyone need a hand getting on?"

2012-05-02, 01:17 PM
Alexander climbs aboard as best he is able, trying to mimic what he has seen of Khankhe movements, unsure of the strange beast. Once settled he tries to look more optimistic about the whole affair. Magic wouldn't have carried me all day, so I have to make the best of it. Fascinating creature, though I would have preferred to appreciate it from farther away. "My thanks. We shall assuredly reach our destination faster this way.

2012-05-02, 01:54 PM
" I .. I think I'll need a hand...hehe "

Teo says while trying to jump and hold on to the Giant creature.

2012-05-02, 02:17 PM
"Here, let me help you up," Khankhe says to Teo as he moves back along Salah. He reaches down and grabs Teo's hand, pulling him up onto the ashworm's back. "Don't be afraid to grab on to his plates, Salah's taken worse blows before."

2012-05-02, 02:24 PM
"I think I can manage myself", Furywing said, soaring into the air above the ashworm showing no intention of landing on the beast's back. Providing an airial lookout, he scanned the endless rolling sands in each direction for signs of life.

2012-05-02, 11:24 PM
@Furywing:Your aerial scouting reveals a large group of humanoids numbering perhaps 30, in loose clothing, using the dunes for cover from the portal area, and scattered out well. As the dunes swell and melt, they flow with them, moving almost as if they are a part of the sand. None are mounted, but the distortion of the heat waves prevents any further details.

2012-05-05, 06:25 AM
"We have company", Furywing said flatly. "About thirty, and it seems they try not to be seen. They seem to know the land well, perhaps they are worth a look. Maybe the people here have more spirit than those cowards we met before."

2012-05-05, 12:23 PM
"If they had that much spirit, they would be dead. But we should speak with them all the same." Alexander rests a hand casually on the pommel of his sword, not expecting trouble, but always cautious. We'll see if the desert breeds different men that the ice.

2012-05-05, 01:02 PM
Khankhe saddles up and readies his lance and shield. "True, though make sure to keep an eye on all of them, and check your bags after they leave. Raiders aren't unknown out here."

2012-05-05, 11:05 PM
Khorvaine is slightly surprised that they were not alone, he had thought they would be days until they met other people, but it came as common sense to him that a known portal location would be watched.

Apparently they must know of it, or at least he thought they did.
Why else would they be?

Turning to Teo "Well then, sounds like a job for the party diplomat?" he says with raised eyebrows and a grin on his face.

2012-05-06, 10:29 PM
Teo Grins back still trying to hold on to the beast's saddle.

" I'll handle it! ... Should we approach them now? "

2012-05-07, 07:25 AM
Alexander nods. "If you thought you could talk a dragon in circles, the these fellows should be no trouble." I hope he has half the silver tongue he seems to think he does.

2012-05-07, 09:50 AM
Khorvaine nods to Khanke, "Then let us ride out to meet them, I wouldn't want Teo to meet them alone."

2012-05-07, 10:27 AM
@Riding out to meet them:Cresting the nearest hill, you see the closest group of them, numbering about three. The lead one wears a hooded robe, concealing partially armor of smooth hide of some sort, but supple and light, and his hand rests upon a straight blade, fashioned much like a machete. The back two are dressed only in light robes, hooded as well. The lead calls out in a loud voice, "Stop! You trespass in Ankari territory. You will lay down arms and consent to search, else be sent back from whence you came."

@Khankhe:The Ankari are one of the more aggressive tribes of asherati. Their primary strength lies in their bloodline, as they breed many with the natural affinity for magic, and have several master alchemists. They are also one of the few tribes that have never been culled for lack of tribute, perhaps mostly attributed to the fact that they take what tribute they need from other tribes. The Ankari control the watering hole farthest to the south, and have built a fortified town up on a natural rocky formation near it. Few tribes deal with the Ankari willingly; but the Ankari do not press overly hard on the other tribes. They don't seem to have ambition for conquest.

2012-05-07, 01:34 PM
"Best do what they say. The Ankari aren't exactly the most friendly tribe," Khankhe says to the party, lowering his lance and shield.

2012-05-07, 03:39 PM
Teo sings a couple of arcane words to give him a "magical" sort of charm before stepping up to meet with the leader of this group.

"Greetings! We will submit to your customs without any problem..."

He says lying his weapons at their feet.

" We have come from a far away place! And i must say we are also looking for aid "

Casted Glibness... but still not bluffing since i haven't told a lie XD

2012-05-07, 06:46 PM
Several more of the Ankari glide into view, on different sides. They are in groups of three, and 15 total become visible on the ground. The Ankari who spoke previously states, "That is good to hear. It is our custom to tax anyone who comes into the lands of the Ankari without our prior knowledge. Surrendering a small tribute as a sign of good faith will enable us to allow you passage through our lands this month without further incident, as well as the right to enter the lower ward of our settlement. Let's say, any inks or dyes you may have, in addition to a reasonable sum in gold or gems... A thousand coins of gold or equivalent value should suffice. It shouldn't be a great difficulty; most of those entering our realm from this area do so with plenty of precious gemstones."

2012-05-07, 07:22 PM
A princely sum. Alexander whispers to his fellows from the back of the great worm, "They would certainly take less, if we chose to deal with them at all. It may be worth our time to find other tribes. They do not know our strength, or they would not be so bold."

2012-05-07, 07:45 PM
Khorvaine rests his weapons on the floor, he took little care in the act, knowing his real power was himself being the conduit between this realm and his patron, the Lord of death.

He almost winced at the price when he heard it, and fingered the gemstones he had taken from the dragons hoard. They were important and not to given off to tribute willy nilly.

Whispering back to alexander "I say we kill them all, It is a good day to send their souls to be judged."

He almost shocked himself as he said it. Where they alike to those who had captured him? Where they the same? He thought to himself, but perhaps they were part of the same clan...

Subconsciously he flexes his fingers as if to prepare in casting a prayer.

2012-05-08, 10:16 PM
"We would love to. But we don't possess that kind of money right now. Would it be okay for us to pass through your territory ow and pay you TRIPLE the Next time we meet? "

Bluff Check:[roll0]

2012-05-09, 12:31 PM
the following is done only if Teo's proposal is rejected. While OOC for Furywing to not react so immediately, I don't want to invalidate the bard's efforts

strictly OOC, it may be worth to part with 1000 GP instead of raising attention by killing this group. Not that Fury agrees, mind you.

"I was hoping the fleshlings here have more guts than the ones we met before. How funny they turn out to have so much of it it's more akin to delusion than courage", Furywing said, swooping through the air. "For foolish indeed it is to give us insult by demanding tribute." He paused, turning to Khorvaine. "I trust you prepared the ability to speak with the dead. If they insist on giving offense, a corpse may answer our queries just as well."

2012-05-09, 12:38 PM
The Ankari leader sighs at Teo's words, and speaks again. "Unusual for passing groups to be so impoverished this close to the tribute, but no matter. Your inability to pay tribute to Astrya shall no doubt be dealt with by her. If you cannot pay a thousand gold, perhaps two hundred? For that, I could allow you passage through our lands this month, but with no guarantee that you would not be stopped by another of the Ankari during that time. Obviously, it would behoove you to avoid our settlement, in that case."

2012-05-09, 05:35 PM
" It just so happens that the only money we have on ourselves right now is for Astrya's tribute. We could give you some of it... but then Astraya might want to come here and take back what is hers afterwards... In that case i really hope for the safety of your people..."


2012-05-09, 07:27 PM
The Ankala tribesman smiles, as he says, "So you DO have coin. Very well. Two hundred gold and you may pass. Pay nothing, and travel back from whence you came. If you fail to bring the tribute you owe to Astrya, or allot additional funds for travelling costs, then the fault for that lies with you. Astrya cares not why her subjects do or do not give tribute... She cares only IF her subjects give it. This is a lesson that the Ankala know quite well, and the reason we have prospered where others suffer the wrath of the scaled ones. So what will it be? A few hundred paltry coins, or shall you attempt to see how well Astrya's wrath is placated by excuses?"

2012-05-12, 07:41 PM
That sounds fair enough my good man.Here you go!

He says as he separates 200 gold pieces for each of them and hands them over to the leader of the Ankala.

2012-05-13, 12:55 AM
The Ankala bid you good day, and begin to depart, after accepting your offering. As they depart, parts of their conversation can be overheard. Evidently, from what you can tell, tribute day is 5 days hence, and for the last two months, all three dragons have shown up for tributes, with the matriarch circling while the two younger dragons land and collect offerings.

@Khankhe: This is a fairly recent development, as that wasn't the custom when you left.

2012-05-14, 07:11 AM
Awaiting player actions. Specifically, players have been informed of several places of interest in the desert, the rough time of tribute pickups, information on dragon habits for those pickups, and have met a group of humanoids that could likely provide further information.

I need to know what you are doing, whether it's one of the above, wandering randomly in the desert, heading back through the portal, or something else entirely.

2012-05-14, 07:14 AM
Alexander watches the men recede into the distance. "If all come to collect, then they have gotten word of our activities. I fear we cannot take them all at once, even less so when they stand ready for resistance, though the thought of every dragon in the land scrambling to protect their tribute does give some satisfaction. Let us continue on our errand to seek allies."

2012-05-15, 11:22 AM
"Killing all at once is likely beyond our current abilities, but now we know how to make contact. From there it is only a matter of finding a way to discreetly track or follow them to one of their lairs. Turning into or magically enslaving a flying animal could do the trick."

since we should easily find out where they pick up the tribute and the direction in which they initially take off we might get decent directions by repeatedly using Speak With Animals on birds whose territory the dragons passed through. Cheap first level spell and we can UMD it. How about we get a wand for 750 GP and then start checking out wildlife if the group we seek out doesn't know the location of the lairs?

2012-05-15, 12:50 PM
Find the Pathing

The spell tugs at Khorvaine's mind alerting him to the route to the destination.

Magic Tom Tom, go! Destination input successful.

Travel east on [Open Desert].
Bear right at [Vultures Circling carcass of camel].
Enter [Cave] at [Rocky Outcropping].
Speak [Passphrase] to bypass magical alarm.
Exit Cave, on other side.
Township is 0.7 kilometers ahead, in ravine.
Destination reached. Magic Tom Tom powering off.

If route is followed: The township is spread out, built into walls in the narrow ravine. It would be possible for a dragon to fly in, likely, but the maneuverability would be tight in the passage. Further, it appears that the township is built into the walls in such a way as to be concealed from aerial view by the rock face above it. The town is apparently deserted, but the building faces show good worksmanship, and are apparently undamaged by time or assault.

@Khankhe:The area of the desert, the rocky outcroppings and caves: They are traditionally avoided by the desert people, known as "Death's Pass". Rumors abound, ranging from haunting, to a land sacred to the dragons. Regardless, people disappearing happens with uncommon frequency here, and so it is avoided.

2012-05-15, 01:16 PM
Khorvaine steps away from the group a few yards and raises his hands, intoning the words to a powerful divination.

When he is done he can feel the tell tale sensation of a direction known, but not seen. Smiling he nods to the group.

"It would seem it has worked, let us go forth with haste and see the fruits."

He then casts another spell and touches them one at a time, once touched they turn into a swirling mist able to float and fly at will.

Lets go.

2012-05-15, 01:18 PM
@Flight:Upon reaching the ravine after the cave, you descend to the ground. Flight is seemingly not possible within the township area.

2012-05-15, 01:27 PM
does this include nonmagical flight from my wings?

edit: if yes, can I Iron Heart Surge the effect off me?

2012-05-15, 01:36 PM
Touching back down, Alexander comments, "They have some protection here. I wonder what other magics will be inhibited? A reasonable precaution and a good sign that they may be powerful enough to aid us, if they are willing to listen."

spellcraft to identify what would cause the descent [roll0]

2012-05-15, 02:07 PM
@TFO:Natural flight is impeded, as well.

Iron Heart Surge does not remove the effect.

@stack:Alexander has no idea what the spell could be.

20 + spell level: Identify a spell that’s already in place and in effect. You must be able to see or detect the effects of the spell. No action required. No retry.

As you can see, that just means it's more powerful than a level 0 spell.

2012-05-15, 02:33 PM
When they were unable to find purchase on the air, Furywing furled his wings again on his back. "A most formidable defense against dragonkind. If the people we seek are the originators of this effect they'd make useful allies."
Using his feet for once, the construct walked on with heavy thuds everytime his steel body made a step. "If such magics are at their disposal they may already be alerted to our presence. But it would do well to give a signal to them if not; we have more pressing matters than walking aimlessly through ruins."

anyone got Dancing Lights?

If not I can shoot a 65 ft column of elemental energy in the air, bet that gets their attention

2012-05-18, 05:56 AM
@Signal Flare:The breath shoots high into the sky, and you see nothing, at first. However, after about a minute, you see a humanoid figure emerge from one of the dwellings, about 60 feet up a cliff face, and about 150 feet down the corridor. It's adorned in a hooded cloak, and has a rather stout looking longbow in one hand, resting one tip on the ground, in a relaxed posture.

2012-05-18, 07:13 AM
Alexander slowly draws his hand away from the hilt of his sword. "Well friend, looks like you get to take point again." he says to the bard while trying to look nonthreatening.

Too much talking, but I have no choice. All life outside of combat seems to drag on...what am i becoming that I get bored by anything that cannot kill me in an instant?

Not commenting on the game, just a little characterization for the resident speed-head.

2012-05-18, 10:25 PM
" Got it. I'll get right on it "

Teo says before approaching the hooded figure with his hands held up.

" Greetings! May we, a humble group of lost adventurers, ask you some questions? "

2012-05-19, 12:14 AM
The figure on the rise calls out, "As long as you don't mind if I do the same, feel free."

2012-05-19, 06:59 PM
" It fair enough "

Teo says bowing.

" Might we ask who you are first? "

2012-05-19, 11:27 PM
"I fail to see how that is relevant, unless you are searching for me. Tell me, are you searching for someone, and if so, to what purpose?"

2012-05-20, 04:14 AM
"To help us kill all the dragons in this wretched world", Furywing answered promptly. "Of course, just the blue ones here is good enough for now. We already got the Whites from behind the nearby portal, and this is as good a place as any to continue. Join us if you want the beasts gone instead of just hiding from their shadow. Tell us what you know, the location of their lairs, their defenses, and the oppressors will fall, one and all."

2012-05-20, 06:32 AM
The humanoid pauses a moment, before stepping off the cliff edge, gliding down slowly to the ground.

"You've managed to slay some of the dragons? Then you are likely being hunted. If you have a moment, I would be happy to provide you with a great deal of information. Not a lot on the dragons currently ruling this patch of land, but a great deal concerning the time before the dragons, and the fall of mankind. I even know a fair amount on the dragons as a whole. If, after hearing what I have to say, you're willing to help us here, then I suppose we would be willing to help you in turn."

2012-05-21, 03:38 AM
"The dragons did not always rule over mankind. They were once servants, experimented with, bred for warmongering. In fact, at the height of the age of man, the greatest mages created artifacts that granted mortals control over dragons. The ruins you may have seen here and there are remnants of that empire, and several of the more powerful effects, such as the wards upon this valley, are echoes of the magic from that age. In fact," he says, gesturing at Furywing, "you were likely created from remnants of the knowledge granted from dragonic experiments. But the dragons did not take this lightly. There were two dragons in particular, a Brass named Eloax, and a Red named Ragnok, that were instrumental in the fall of humanity. Eloax escaped from captivity, and survived to a quite old status, mastering the greatest magics that humanity knew. It was he that developed the spell that sealed off the most powerful magics, across the entire empire, and he that devised the items that shielded dragons from the influence of the artifacts.

It was Ragnok that brought war to humanity. Even then, he was among the largest of the reds, and his breath melted stone, and reduced the strongest metals to glowing slag. He freed other dragons from the control of man, and laid waste to the great floating cities. Without their most powerful magics, the humans could not stand against their former slaves. The cities fell, one by one. The dragons destroyed every implement that humanity used to enslave them, and in turn, enslaved humanity. Ragnok took the seat of head councilor, establishing the Council of Wyrms, a position he has held for three millennia. Eloax, to my knowledge, has perished, of old age.

How is this known, you may wonder? Well, I was there, in those times. You may have heard of this valley, that it's haunted. It is. This was the first stronghold that Ragnok assaulted. The enchantments held firm, protecting the stone and the buildings from his breath, but the people were not so fortunate. We were tortured for information, and it was not a quick process. Days we suffered, and after we perished, we could not move on. Not until Ragnok is dead. And so, my request. Kill Ragnok. As long as he is alive, we cannot know peace. In exchange, well, many of the spirits in this place have extensive knowledge, and skills. The creature I am possessing can serve as a conduit, allowing us to exert those talents. We are quite adept at working most magics, and imbuing materials with enchantment, and we are more than happy to make our knowledge available to you, if you can deal with Ragnok."

2012-05-21, 04:00 AM
"You ask us to kill what must be the most powerful and well guarded dragon in existence", Furywing answered after the tale. And indeed I desire to utterly destroy this creature, and use its ancient blood to fuel my artificial body, giving it more strength. But unable are we or anyone of assaulting Ragnok before the dragons' society falls apart, and for that we need to kill more of their overseers, spread chaos and uprising over the world. You speak of the power humanity once held, and maybe the pathetic cowards living now will redeem themselves by finding their old way again. Once the dragons lose dominance of the world, the heart of their power is ready for the taking.
But, once we have accomplished that, once we are ready to kill Ragnok himself, we won't need your help anymore. So you need to give your compensation for our help up-front, help us overcome the other dragons as well, not just Ragnok.
I do desire to kill the one you wish dead, and if you have the capabilies to make a magically binding oath or see the truth of my words you are welcome to do so. But there are other steps that need to be taken first. Help us with the Blues, and we are one step closer to the end of Ragnok and the shackles binding you to this world."

2012-05-21, 05:02 AM
"I anticipated this. I have no illusions that Ragnok will be the next dragon you slay. He is among the most powerful dragons alive. He is not, however, the most well-guarded. When you are ready, Ragnok will not be difficult to draw out. He has always been the type to lead from the front.

However, I can appreciate your quest. The empire of dragons was the work of Ragnok, and destroying that which he built is a noble goal. My people can assist you in that goal, so long as you understand that we are unable to leave, and that Ragnok's death is the eventual goal. While our condition lets us exist over millennia, it does have the drawback of being bound to the place of our death."

2012-05-21, 05:59 AM
"Then the terms are acceptable to me. We can use crafters to turn the hoards we capture into weapons and tools to slay other dragons. We also need to establish a place impervious to longrange magical means of detection. We need to fight the dragons on our terms, if they can track us they'll attack with overwhelming force or worse, send out their human tools instead of risking their own hides.
Now, what do you know about the Blues? We know there are three of them, and they occupy two hidden underground lairs. We know they use illusions and a bit of each one's abilities, as well as them usually picking up their tribute personally, all together. What we need is a way of attacking them while they are separated. Even if you don't know current events, you know the lands, and chances are they used preexisting underground caves for their lairs."

2012-05-21, 06:43 AM
"Your best bet against being hunted is to keep moving. I know of nowhere that's as magically protected as you describe. As for the current dragon rulers? I know little about them specifically. This area is seldom visited by anyone, which makes it of little interest to the dragons. In fact, the last dragon that came here was possessed for two weeks, before the Claws of the Council showed up to free it.

That said, there is a rocky shelf near the southeast corner of the region, with numerous cave systems in it. A few thousand years can alter any rock formation, but when we governed this area, that was the area we penned the dragons in."

@Rocky shelf:The area he's described is situated squarely inside Ankala territory.

2012-05-21, 07:40 AM
Ooh, backstory! Giving shape and focus to our killing spree, very nice.

Alexander listens to the spirit's words carefully. "So, the magic of these artifacts was sealed, not destroyed, by a powerful spell, and the dragons have artifacts to shield themselves individually. Do all dragons have such artifacts, or only the most powerful? If we were able to break the spell and control even the lesser dragons...is this possible? Where would we look for such things?"

2012-05-21, 08:52 AM
Ooh, backstory! Giving shape and focus to our killing spree, very nice.

Alexander listens to the spirit's words carefully. "So, the magic of these artifacts was sealed, not destroyed, by a powerful spell, and the dragons have artifacts to shield themselves individually. Do all dragons have such artifacts, or only the most powerful? If we were able to break the spell and control even the lesser dragons...is this possible? Where would we look for such things?"

"The artifacts, if they still exist, would be closely guarded by the dragons. Perhaps the Council of Wyrms holds them; perhaps they entrusted them to the Claw of the Council. I know not. What I do know is that to this day, the greatest circle of magic is locked away, by a spell of that very circle. I do not know if the dragons even make the shielding items any longer, as the artifacts which enslaved them have not been seen in over three thousand years.

I said you were being hunted, and you are. The overseers are but one facet of the dragonic control. Their purpose is to administer the humanlike races, and keep them subservient. There is also the Wing of the Council, messengers, tasked with relaying information throughout the dragon realm. Then there is the Claw of the Council, tasked with seeking out threats to the Council, and quelling them. This is usually rogue dragons, but they have been called to act against humankind from time to time. If you have slain an overlord, then they most certainly are aware of who you are, if not where. Finally, you have the Council of Wyrms. I do not know how large it is, only that it is equally balanced between good and evil, at all times, and that no more than one dragon of each breed may hold a seat on the Council. Thus, Ragnok is the only Red on the Council."

2012-05-21, 09:16 AM
"So let me see if I've got this straight: we've got a couple thousand dragons to kill, without the aid of the strongest magics, at least two dragons that are at least 3000 years old, and every dragon knows that we've killed some and are likely to do so again," Khankhe states, "I suppose the only real question I have is are there any non-Blue dragons in the area? I remember some childhood tales of others, but I have a feeling that they were just there to scare me."

2012-05-21, 09:29 AM
"Well, as far as I know, only one is thousands of years old; Eloax died some time ago. It's also not likely that every dragon is aware of you. Certainly the Claw is, but other dragons may not be informed if doing so would destabilize the confidence in the Council.

As for others? As of last year, the youngest blue didn't know of any non-blues living here. Two weeks is a long time to work divinations, and we worked a great many to learn what it knew."

2012-05-21, 09:50 AM
Alexander speaks to his companions. "It seems to me that finding some of these artifacts would aid us greatly. We can of course still strike at the blues here, but it makes a worthy long-term goal. Certainly more likely to succeed than randomly striking and hoping for insurrection."

"I presume, then, that the blues here would be loathe to return to this valley, knowing that there is something here of danger to them? Otherwise we could have attempted to lure them here to be more easily dispatched."

2012-05-21, 02:54 PM
Khorvaine nods as he listens to the tall tale from the possessed being. It was all quite remarkable reall, and he was finding it hard to believe. At first.

But as the man kept on talking, he found himself becoming more and more convinced. Perhaps this place truly was inhabited by ghosts, and perhaps they were willing to help?

Turning to Alex "I agree, these artifacts will most likely elevate this battle we bring to the dragons by several levels. Although, I must admit, I would assume they are deeply guarded."

He turns to FuryWing, "Why do we not use this place as our sanctum? IT seems safe enough, and with out the ability to fly, any dragon would be a fool to attack us here."

He turns to the Ghost. "You say you are knowledgeable in many arts? Would you be able to craft weapons that hurt the dragons specifically? I have heard of such weapons against other species, but it seems the dragons have removed the knowledge to do so against them."

2012-05-21, 03:11 PM
"We know the arts of some enchantments which are particularly effective against dragons, yes. The enchantments themselves are fairly basic; we could show anyone with the knack for crafting magical gear.

I would caution you against feeling too safe here, however. The dragons couldn't fly when they attacked us here, and the result of that is plain. Four dragons is all it took, to lay this fortification low, in the very height of our power. If they have a mind to hold us in abeyance whilst engaging you, I would not doubt they could, flight or no.

That said, you are welcome to fortify as you see fit."

2012-05-21, 03:24 PM
"Would some additional host bodies be helpful to you? I'm sure we'll clash with some lowlifes serving the dragons soon enough, and maybe being used as tools to vanquish their overlords is a more apt punishment than mere death.

What else did your divinations reveal about the youngest dragons and the others? We know the youngest is resistant to magic, the oldest has a mighty breath weapon, and the middling is a wild beast striking from the shadows."

2012-05-21, 03:36 PM
"Would some additional host bodies be helpful to you? I'm sure we'll clash with some lowlifes serving the dragons soon enough, and maybe being used as tools to vanquish their overlords is a more apt punishment than mere death.

What else did your divinations reveal about the youngest dragons and the others? We know the youngest is resistant to magic, the oldest has a mighty breath weapon, and the middling is a wild beast striking from the shadows."

"I didn't have a mind towards killing the blues, but I will say this. It was only after we possessed the young one that we could even affect it with magic. From what we gleaned, the mid one prefers to augment its physique magically, and blind its foes, before attacking. The eldest is much the same, blinding and attacking. From what we gathered, it aspires to be part of the Claw."