View Full Version : I need a backstory

2011-11-26, 04:33 PM
I like to make characters ahead of time to be ready if I get into a campaign, but I often have trouble making backstories. Can anyone make a backstory to fit these vague character concepts?

Cloudmind (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11998346&postcount=1443) Factotum. Basic idea is an inspiring/protecting spirit.

Cloudmind (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11998346&postcount=1443) Psion, in case someone won't let in the Factotum. The basic idea in this case would be a tinkerer. What he tinkers with should be fairly obvious.

Try to keep it fairly setting-ambiguous, with the abillity to make it specific if possible.

Thank you in advance.

2011-11-26, 07:24 PM
Um, with just a race and class, there are an infinite number of possibilities. You need to focus your ideas a bit more. I tend to start with one of three methods (with an example from each):

Pick some important personality trait(s) and decide how the character would be affected (I once played a wizard who was cripplingly shy -- made for a very different sort of character and easy to remember and play)

Pick an important event in the character's life and decide how that would affect them (I once played a paladin who had fallen and atoned in his backstory (it was a fairly high-level game) -- obviously this had a huge impact on how he saw the world).

Pick an image for a character and go from there (I had a paladin who I based around the image of a mother -- she cared about people and would do anything to protect them, but also gently pushed people to be their best and not lie/steal/etc).

I'm happy to help with backstories, but I'm not going to write one for you -- I find that characters are much better if the player comes up with something they find interesting instead of just being handed something.