View Full Version : Unseen Seer/Divine Oracle help!

2011-11-26, 05:58 PM
Hullo playground! Been a while since I've been a player and some friends invited me to join their sessions! (joy!) The party is level 3 and already has a Barbarian, a Monk, a Cleric, a Warmage and a Rogue (btw most sessions are missing someone).

I've been thinking about playing a Wizard (Divination specialist) going for Unseen Seer and Divine Oracle.

1) How should I take my first 3 levels (bearing in mind that I'll be going for those PrCs)? 1 rogue/2 Wizard? 3 Wizard? Can I skip rogue entirely?
2)Any hints about interesting races? Or should I stick with human?

If someone would be so kind to point me to a handbook about this kind of wizard I'd be grateful :smallbiggrin:

2011-11-26, 11:45 PM
Playing tomorrow! Please forgive my shameless bump :smallfrown:

Elric VIII
2011-11-27, 12:09 AM
Okay, the best way to do Unseen Seer without rogue is by being an elf.

Forestlord Elf (Dragon Magic or Races of the Dragon) gets hide as a perpetual class skill.

Elf Wizard sub levels (Races of the Wild) get Search as a class skill at levels 1, 3, and 5 (although you don't want to take the 5th sub level, it's bad).

At level 6, grab 1 level of Ruathar (also RotW) for +1 CL and access to Spot as a class skill (then grab all of your ranks there).

You can now take your 1st level of Unseen Seer at level 7, having lost no casting.

I can help you a bit more if you provide info on allowed sources and how much Unseen and Divine Oracle you want in the build (obviously you cannot have all 10 levels in both).

2011-11-27, 12:11 AM
Spellthief can be a better non-wizard class than Rogue for an Unseen Seer style of build. With Master Spellthief, you get the ability to cast in light armor, plus your Spellthief levels stack with your other caster levels for stealing spells. Spellthief 1 / Wizard 4 / Unseen Seer 10 / Arcane Trickster 4 is a standard build for a sneak attack caster; you could probably just replace Arcane Trickster with Divine Oracle if you wanted to.

Elric VIII
2011-11-27, 12:16 AM
Spellthief can be a better non-wizard class than Rogue for an Unseen Seer style of build. With Master Spellthief, you get the ability to cast in light armor, plus your Spellthief levels stack with your other caster levels for stealing spells. Spellthief 1 / Wizard 4 / Unseen Seer 10 / Arcane Trickster 4 is a standard build for a sneak attack caster; you could probably just replace Arcane Trickster with Divine Oracle if you wanted to.

This works too, but if you want to just be stealthy/cast-y, you can avoid SA entirely.

I actually had a build that was meant to be an Elven Spymaster that ignored SA and Hunter's Eye in favor of just skillpoints and utility casting.

Forestlord Grey Elf, middle-aged:

Wizard 5*/Ruathar 1/Unseens Seer 6/Divine Oracle 1/Unseen Seer +4/Ruathar +2/Wizard +1

*I used Elf Sub level 1&3, Spontaneous Divination (since he's a spy), and the Domain Wizard variant from UA.

2011-11-27, 12:26 AM
Half the fun of Unseen Seer is getting your paws on sweet Ranger-only spells, many of which work great with Sneak Attack. Being a level of casting behind in exchange for all the goodies you get from Spellthief 1 + Master Spellthief is actually a bit of a decision. I would even consider topping off with Spellwarp Sniper for some fun divination-powered blasting.

2011-11-27, 12:34 AM
Here is a handbook that may be of some use to you: Sneak Attacking Spellcasters: God's Shifty-Eyed Cousins (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=1240.0)

2011-11-28, 07:40 PM
I ll be human (already played the first session as one :smallsmile:) I banned evocation and specialized in Divination. My first level is Rogue. For feats I am set on Able Learner (skilled! and prereqs for Unseen Seer) and Collegiate Wizard. Spellwarped Sniper really looks good for my build but is it worth it? I mean I 've already banned evocation, what spells would be worth "raying"?

I rolled for stats: 8 17 13 17 11 13
1)What should be my 3rd feat?
2)I 've got 5k gold to spend! Fire away!
3)Any suggestions for spells (I ve got 14 1st levels to get in my spellbook)

Really thanks for the handbook :smallcool:

2011-11-29, 08:33 PM
Last Bump! :smallredface:

Elric VIII
2011-11-30, 03:31 PM

What material is allowed? setting up for Easy Metamagic/Arcane Thesis with Quicken or Persist is always a nice way to go.

Collar of Perpetual Attendance (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fools/20030401c) is one of my favorite mid-level items. At-will Unseen Servant for 2000gp.

Rope of Stone (MIC, 800gp) is a 50ft rope that can become completely rigid on command. Get creative with your Collar of Perpetual Attendance (makeshift bridge, structural support for shelters, etc).

Survival Pouch (MIC 3300gp) lets you get a whole bunch of useful things like shovels, rations, campfires, and pack mules 5/day.

Sending Stones (MIC, 1400gp) lets you cast sending 1/day to the other stone.

Horn of Fog (DMG 2000gp) gives you at-will CL 3 Fog Cloud.

Amber Amulat of Vermin can be useful, depending upon the variety.

Hand of the Mage (DMG 900gp) gives at-will mage hand.