View Full Version : Color Coded Character Sheets

2011-11-26, 06:40 PM
Hi guys,

I made these character sheets a long time ago, and they got pretty popular. Recently, I finally got around to updating them; fixed whatever bugs they had.

If you would like a copy, just follow the link.

Character Sheets - Write In (http://rpggeek.com/file/download/nu2tzhdh6e/D%26D_3.5_-_Character_Sheet_-_v2.pdf)
Character Sheets - Fillable (http://rpggeek.com/file/download/nudcuqbfjw/D%26D_3.5_-_Character_Sheet_-_Fillable_-_v3.pdf)
Spell Sheets - Write In (http://rpggeek.com/file/download/nudh2esvno/D%26D_3.5_-_Spell_sheet.pdf)
Spell Sheets - Fillable (http://rpggeek.com/file/download/nudlb567b3/D%26D_3.5_-_Spell_sheet_-_Fillable.pdf)

Character Sheets - Write In (http://depositfiles.com/files/vhm67174a]http://depositfiles.com/files/vhm67174a)
Character Sheets - Fillable (http://depositfiles.com/files/zdqqgex1e]http://depositfiles.com/files/zdqqgex1e)
Spell Sheets - Write In (http://depositfiles.com/files/o7jvhtke4]D&D 3.5 - Spell sheet.pdf)
Spell Sheets - Fillable (http://depositfiles.com/files/m89yhseoe]http://depositfiles.com/files/m89yhseoe)

Character Sheets - Write In (http://rapidgator.net/file/fdff7d00f4ec3cfa4445d7a37594ea5b/D&D_3.5_-_Character_Sheet_-_v2.pdf.html)
Character Sheets - Fillable (http://rapidgator.net/file/616bcc52b7afe852c86507aa6d4bfa10/D&D_3.5_-_Character_Sheet_-_Fillable_-_v3.pdf.html)
Spell Sheets - Write In (http://rapidgator.net/file/4f566b10ace63ae33d35401e89778281/D&D_3.5_-_Spell_sheet.pdf.html)
Spell Sheets - Fillable (http://rapidgator.net/file/8ce978ceb9d16d5d4fb30aeb3cbbcc67/D&D_3.5_-_Spell_sheet_-_Fillable.pdf.html)

Enjoy them, and spread them about if you like them.

2011-11-26, 07:06 PM
Pretty cool, I'm not sure I would use them but I can see their utility.

2011-11-27, 12:16 AM
I am thinking about making a set for pathfinder. Who knows. I never made a page specifically for casters; a spells known, plus how many can cast page. If I ever have the time I might get to it.

2011-11-27, 04:53 PM
Thanks, I always love utilities like this but never know who to thank for them.

2011-11-28, 08:21 AM
Definately interested in a pathfinder set - don't think our group will ever go back to 3.5, and 4 isn't getting much love at the moment.

2011-11-28, 11:07 AM
I can't change anything on the fillable character sheet.

2011-11-28, 11:39 AM
Thanks for sharing. :smallsmile:

2013-06-23, 02:54 PM
Updated links. Send me a PM if you would really want to see things sheets for pathfinder.

Uncle Pine
2013-06-23, 03:13 PM
The links don't seem to work for me :smallfrown:

2013-06-23, 04:19 PM
I wish there was a better place to download these. I have to wait two hours before that site lets me download the other sheets.

2013-06-23, 04:23 PM
I wish there was a better place to download these. I have to wait two hours before that site lets me download the other sheets.

Are you kidding me?! I will take any alternative file hosting system. Scribd kept banning them. Any suggestions? PM me an email, and i can email them.


2013-06-23, 07:58 PM
I've noticed a site called Sendspace around. It only requires a couple clicks and unchecking a box without waiting and filling in captchas, at least when I've used it. I think the new version of Mega(upload) is running but I don't know if you can share files without jumping through some kind of hoop.

The sheets do look nice, but I find myth weavers sufficient for all my needs. Good choice of paler colors so they don't stand out so much you can't see what they're about though.

2013-06-24, 05:45 PM
You could put them up on the rpggeek.com site under the D&D 3.5 game's listing at http://rpggeek.com/rpg/243/dungeons-dragons-3-5-edition

2013-07-14, 08:25 PM
Good idea Kerrin,

I added the RPGGeek links at the top.

2013-07-14, 08:47 PM
+1 for Pathfinder sheets. They really look good. That's pretty cool work you did. Right now I use Myth-Weaver sheets (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=552805), but I find they lack room for feats + racials + class features + other special abilities and equipment + items and all the spells known a caster might end up with (ran out of room with a Sorcerer).