View Full Version : Lycanthropes, suggestions, fixes?

2011-11-27, 02:00 PM
So, I've got this afflicted werebear barbarian. He's level 3, so I'm using a savage progression track for him.

So... Any suggestions? I've never been a lycanthrope before.

2011-11-27, 02:06 PM
Werebear is pretty decent. It gets you into Warshaper, gives you tons of Strength and generally beats people up. The LA is a little painful, but not as bad for you as it would be for many other characters, since your Strength makes up for the lost BAB and your Constitution is a decent substitute for HD. Make sure you have the Spirit Lion Totem Barbarian sub level from Complete Champion, and maybe the Wolf Totem from Unearthed Arcana as well.

2011-11-27, 02:32 PM
Warblade levels would not be out of the question either.

Though Crusader might serve you a bit better, as they have more survivability.

Can we get a stat block? And perhaps a general outline of your level breakdown? We can refine it from there.

2011-11-27, 02:40 PM
If you really don't like it I'm sure you could beg you DM for a homebrewed fix.

2011-11-27, 02:42 PM
Or just get the lycanthropy cured.