View Full Version : D&D football

2011-11-27, 04:55 PM
I'm a huge D&D nerd, as well as a big college football fan. Sometimes, during boring games (like this weekend's Wisconsin Penn State snoozefest) I like to combine the two.

I often imagine what football would be like if each player had access to a single 1st level spell 1/game as a spell-like ability.

Imagine if the quarterback could use true strike once per game.
Or if a running back could use expeditious retreat.
Imagine the trick plays that could be the result of a properly used silent image.

Anyone else ever daydream about it? What SLA would you want? And how would it change the game?

2011-11-27, 05:04 PM
Freedom of Movement whist being dog-piled?

2011-11-27, 05:10 PM
Freedom of Movement whist being dog-piled?

Well, I did say 1st level spells. Any higher than that and I think it would affect the game too much.

2011-11-27, 05:10 PM
Abrupt Jaunt would be lulzy for the ball carrier to have once a game.

2011-11-27, 05:24 PM
Grease. Mount. Cause Fear. Expeditious Retreat. Disguise Self. Enlarge Person. If cantrips are allowed, touch of fatigue might work. And that's just from glancing at the SRD.

The game will need... significant revision.

2011-11-27, 05:26 PM
Bloodbowl (http://www.bloodbowl-game.com/), anyone?

2011-11-27, 05:37 PM
Charm Person: "Hey man, let me hold that for you"
Mount: "Now I'm on a horse!"

2011-11-28, 12:11 AM
I don't have thoughts on the actual purpose of this thread, but I want to say that I am hugely glad to find someone else who's passionate about football and D&D. Especially B1G football!

2011-11-28, 12:56 AM
Warning Shout and Shock and Awe.

2011-11-28, 01:23 AM
Enlarge Person. Oh gods, Enlarge Person. It would only last a minute, but what a minute that would be.

This is coming from a person who knows next to nothing about football, of course.

2011-11-28, 03:39 AM
Benign transposition would be hilarious. Get any guy with it in the endzone and that's a touchdown for the guy holding the ball at the time. Passing plays become obsolete and the quarterback sits on the bench and sighs after he's used his for the day and they switch him out for some rookie who took the Magic in the blood feat to give him the SLA 3 times a day.

Tenno Seremel
2011-11-28, 04:39 AM
Charm Person: "Hey man, let me hold that for you"

"This charm makes a humanoid creature regard you as its trusted friend and ally (treat the target’s attitude as friendly)." It will not work as friends play quite well against each other :}

2011-11-28, 04:50 AM
Benign transposition would be hilarious. Get any guy with it in the endzone and that's a touchdown for the guy holding the ball at the time. Passing plays become obsolete and the quarterback sits on the bench and sighs after he's used his for the day and they switch him out for some rookie who took the Magic in the blood feat to give him the SLA 3 times a day.

Well keep in mind that Benign transposition is only medium range. Assuming they all were casting at CL 1, it couldn't be used from anywhere on the field. Other than that it would be awesome though.

I can see how some rules might have to be changed to keep the game interesting if this happened.

2011-11-28, 05:06 AM

2011-11-28, 05:35 AM
Buzzing Bee. Cast it on the quarterback.

Second wind. Removes fatigue and gives bonuses to con checks. Nice for an athlete.

Protective interposition. Switch places with a team mate.

Fountain of Stone. Bonuses to resist bullrushes. For linemen.

Inhibit. Makes someone delay until next round. 6 seconds is a long time in a football game.

Sanctuary (the clear winner). Walk to the endzone.

Confusion, Lesser. Confuses someone for 1 round.

Heralds call. creatures of 5hd or less within 20 feet are slowed. How many hit dice do football players have in this hypothetical scenario?

Ironthunder Horn. Intense vibrations trip those in the area. 30 ft cone reflex save to avoid. (also a good one).

Color spray. Again, what is their hypothetical hit dice.

There were a few other good ones but they had already been said.

I listed a bunch because there are lots of players on the field and for the best results different positions should have different styles of SLA's.

I left out summon spells because you can only have a certain number of players on the field without penalty.

And I left out damaging spells because it seemed like bad form.

2011-11-28, 09:05 AM
Grease. Mount. Cause Fear. Expeditious Retreat. Disguise Self. Enlarge Person. If cantrips are allowed, touch of fatigue might work. And that's just from glancing at the SRD.

The game will need... significant revision.

Of course!

It would be all kinds of funny the guy suddenly with a horse all over the place!

And wouldn't an arcane armor be useful if the guy is with the ball? Like running and the magic field protecting him from the guys chasing him?