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2011-11-27, 05:32 PM
The War of the Spider Throne
IC Thread

Player Character Roster:
#Raptor - Gray Elf Rogue 1 - Akiano Morashra (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=12213)
ToySoldierCPlus - Human Spirit Shaman 1 - Saul (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=348179)
mootoall - Human Wizard 1 - Avantus Marianne (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=348062)
cd4 - Human Ranger 1 - Longbow (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=218493)
Cohuge - Human Paladin - Jaime (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=347867)
distant quasar - High Elf Bard - Ruaer Verwyn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=348271)

[OOC] The War of the Spider Throne (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=12286122#post12286122)
Rukan Campaign Setting
Initial Recruitment Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=223650)

2011-12-03, 10:46 PM
The One Legged Gnome

The One Legged Gnome is an inn in Andirith, at which most travellers, adventurers, and mercenaries stay while passing through. Its proprietor, Bartleby, is indeed a one legged gnome, his other leg replaced with a strange metallic leg which moves as though it is real. Magic, he says. At the One Legged Gnome, an adventurer can find out about persons who are hiring help, hits, mercenary work, and caravan work from Bartleby, who has his nose in everyone's business.

It is here that we begin, as the party comes into town, having completed an escort trip and now searching for the group of bandits (whoever they are) who have been pillaging towns...


The Inn is the same as perhaps many other inns that you have seen in your short, or long, lives, depending on your relative years, but its proprietor and some of its clientele can often be unique. The tables are roughly hewn wooden tables, benches, and chairs, and the lighting in the room is bright, but shadowed around the walls and corners to allow for privacy when necessary. A great hearth fire blazes on either end of the great room, and the bar is on the center wall opposing the entrance. To either side of the bar, staircases go up, presumably to guest rooms.

Bartleby, the proprietor, happens to be at the bar, preparing for the evening crowd, as the evening approaches on this cold, pre-winter night, and he looks up as the party enters, and gives them a nod.

There is a scattering of people in the inn at various tables and the bar, a few barmaids, but for the most part, the inn is not exceptionally crowded as of yet.

2011-12-03, 10:54 PM
Come lads, I could do for something to wash out all the dust from the road. Jaime quickly walked up to a seat at the bar. He wanted to take the seat that was in the best shape, he hated squeaking chairs.

distant quasar
2011-12-04, 04:32 PM
"Some good food and drink does sound delightful my friend, but what is this dust you speak of?" Ruaer's eyes sparkle slightly as he says this. A quick glance will show that his clothes are indeed completely clean (thanks to that handy prestidigitation). He looks around the bar as he settles into a chair with its back to the wall (the better to see everything). "Perhaps this bar will have some music later, you think?" he asks no one in particular.

2011-12-04, 04:57 PM
Jaime glares at Ruaer. You know what I mean. he says as he is waiting for the barkeep. Jaime chuckled, Ruaer had chosen a squeaky chair. Perhaps we will be graced with music.

2011-12-04, 05:09 PM
As the party gets settled, you can see that on either end of the room is a raised platform of sorts. On one end is a stage, empty, upon which, presumably, music is performed. Upon the platform on the other end is a long, mahogany table with elaborate chairs about it. A High Table, or sorts, for distinguished guests, perhaps.

A rather tired, homely looking, barmaid wanders by and turns her eye on the two who have seated themselves. "Drinks? A meal? What can I do for you?"

(If anyone wishes, they may roll spot checks to notice anything else significant about the establishment or its current denizens)

2011-12-04, 05:25 PM
Akiano takes his seat next to the others. "A glass of water for me please." he says to the waitress, then he looks around in the room, to get a idea of its architecture and the clientel.

[roll1] To catch on what people at the tables next to him are talking about.

2011-12-04, 05:54 PM
Some wine please. said Jaime, flashing a smile at the barmaid. He looked around the room taking in the details.
Why not.
Spot: [roll0]

distant quasar
2011-12-04, 06:14 PM
Ruaer laughs at Jaime's gaze, "Well, sort of. I guess." Then he wiggles around in his squeaky chair for a moment, to best get comfortable. *squeak-squeak*
Turning his attention to the barmaid for a moment. "Some wine please. And by the way, do you know if anyone will be performing this evening?" he gestures towards the stage.
After she replies he surveys the room with the others.
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2011-12-04, 08:48 PM
Saul seats himself with the others, turning eyes glinting like those of a bird of prey upon the barmaid and room. "I don't suppose you have any morning dew? No, not likely. Some, mead, then, if you would, please."

Spot [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2011-12-04, 11:45 PM
Everyone except Akiano make special note of the triad of academic looking fellows sitting at a table near the center of the room. Dressed in fine clothing, and all armed, none of them look particularly threatening, none of them look like they belong here, and all of them are drunk. They are insulting passerby and laughing uproariously, and the proprietor, who is currently bartending, is giving them worried looks, as they heckle the half orc sitting at the bar.

"So, that was a water, two wines, and a mead... coming right up, then. And yes, actually, I believe that there was supposed to be some new bards performing tonight; in fact, they should've... ah! There they are!" she says, and gestures at the stage as she turns to leave and fulfill the drink orders.

Onto the stage walk a bumbling man and woman, perhaps clumsy, perhaps inebriated, both a bit outlandishly dressed, in ridiculous styles and colors.
As they begin to sing, it becomes readily obvious to all present that neither of them was born with a talent for music. In fact, if there is something that is the polar opposite of talent... they both have it.

2011-12-05, 12:30 AM
He looks back to his companions, as everything seems normal except for the so-called bards. He never had much interest in making music, but even he was aware that even a drunk ogre could do better. "I think you need to teach those humans how to properly make music." he says to Ruaer while trying to cover his ears. "If that is possible for them at all."

2011-12-05, 05:51 AM
Longbow who has been quietly watching everyone now speaks. "Indeed that is some of the worst music I've heard, I'm surprised the bartender let them play here"

Spot Check [roll0]
Listen for anything else which is being spoken under the cover of the music [roll1]

distant quasar
2011-12-05, 01:16 PM
Initially excited at the idea to observe another performer, Ruaer soon began wincing at the performance. He looks at Akiano, "Yes, I agree. I don't fancy the idea of being deaf tomorow, which is surely what will happen soon here..." he walks up to the bartender and gets his attention.
"Excuse me, I'm afraid I'm being rather rude, but would you mind if I had some time on the stage this evening? My companions and I are passing through town and I probably won't have another chance. he then follows the bartenders gaze towards the table of academics getting steadily drunk. He raises his eyebrows and asks, "They look like they're liable to get themselves in a situtation. If you don't mind my asking, who are they?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]
Would it be a Gather Information for finding out about the people at the table? If so: [roll1]

2011-12-05, 04:19 PM
Jaime's face turned green at the bards' performance. He hoped his wine came soon. How could they be so... untalented? I have heard better sounds come out of an outhouse, if you do not mind me saying. Jaime said. Covering his ears, he studied the group that was getting drunk, seeing what was happening with them.

Spot: [roll0]

Edit: I forgot, would I need a sense motive roll?

2011-12-05, 07:49 PM
"You want me to get them off the stage? A couple of flames would drive them away..." Saul says, offhandedly. He continues studying the triad of rude academics in the center of the room. "Should we do something about them? They're more annoying than the music."

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Sense Motive: [roll2]

2011-12-05, 07:57 PM
Akiano raises a brow as he looks at Saul. "About who are you talking? And whoever it is... I can not imagine them being more annoying than them." he says, squinting at the musicans.

2011-12-05, 08:36 PM
"The fancy ones over there." Saul points to the trio at the center table.

2011-12-05, 09:38 PM
Jaime did not want it to come to violence. He thought that he may be able to talk to the group about Heironeous and his works. Jaime voiced his thoughts to his party.

2011-12-06, 10:50 AM
Akiano turns around towards the trio which apparently didn't catch his eye before. "Oh. Didn't notice them." he observes them for a few secounds and then says to Jamie: "I don't know if you can convince them... but for as long as you talk to them at least they can't provoke the half-orc." he says with a worried look.

2011-12-06, 01:28 PM
Hmm, Could be troublesome. If you can calm them down then it would be helpful. I don't like to be involved in barfights. Longbow said after also noticing them for the first time.

2011-12-06, 02:51 PM
The bartender looks conspiratorially at Ruaer. "I'm fairly certain you couldn't do any worse. I'll make it happen... as soon as we can get rid of these guys."

"Oh, the kids over there? They're students from the College of Politics in the capitol. No point to that place except for the rich to send those who aspire to become professional idiots, in my opinion... anyway, that bunch comes through here traveling on the King's Road a few times a year, and every time, they stop in here, looking for trouble, and cause problems for my other customers."

The gnome serves up some other drinks, and then turns back to Ruaer. "What are you and your friends doing here in town? Are you here visiting? Looking for work? Traveling through?"

The students have quieted down, at this point, whispering among themselves, and now one of them, a blonde haired, large fellow, points at the musicians and yells "You up there. Sit down and shut up before someone makes you!"

distant quasar
2011-12-06, 03:35 PM
Ruaer looks at the blonde haired man in disdain at his disrespectful remark for a moment before he answers Bartleby's question.
"Actually, we're looking for a party of bandits. They destroyed the village of a few of my friends over there, and we've joined together to search for them. The last we heard they were near this area. Would you happen to know anything that could help us?"

2011-12-06, 03:38 PM
Jaime started to take a sip of his wine, only to realize that he did not have it yet. "If they start up again, I will go talk to them." he said.

2011-12-07, 06:57 PM
The barmaid brings the drinks whisking over, as if in response to Jaime's actions, apologizing for the delay due to the increasing amount of people drifting into the inn as the evening comes closer.

Bartleby: "Well, I couldn't tell you if this is related, now, but in the last week or two we've had quite a few people... well, disappearing in the area of the old Marston Mines... out the north end of town down the King's Road, the entrance to them is out that way... travelers on the road and a couple who was foraging in the woods, and a couple of kids who play out there fairly regularly... all of them, vanished. No signs, no blood... just gone. I've heard people talk about monsters, but I reckon that's silliness; it could as easily be this group of bandits you're referring to, or hell, anything really." He polishes another glass as he talks, "You might want to have a chat with an officer or the commander of the town guard if you're going out there though, there's a bounty for information, or the capture or killing (with proof, of course) of anyone responsible, or the return of the missing. Might as well not miss out if you're doing that...." Bartleby trails off midsubject as the blonde at the center table stands up, obviously drunk beyond judgement, and hurls a mug at the woman on the stage. The mug connects solidly with her temple, and she keels over to the stage, out cold. An immediate and momentary silence hushes the entire bar, as many of the patrons snap around to look at the commotion, and lay hands on weapons.

2011-12-07, 07:11 PM
Seeing the woman collapse, Saul immediately runs up onto the stage, ready to administer aid.

Making Heal check to stabilize if necessary. [roll0]

Once the performer has been taken care of, Saul turns his attention to the person who threw the mug, fingers twitching, ready to cast at a moment's notice.

"What did you do that for? Sure she was annoying, but you didn't have to throw your mug at her! Apologize, right now! To her and the mug!"

2011-12-07, 09:31 PM
"Nice throw." Jaime said under his breath as he cautiously stood up and headed towards Saul and the fallen performer, easing his sword and shield from his back.

2011-12-07, 10:46 PM
Akiano looks on with disbelief of what just happened. As he notices his friends getting up, he reluctantly stands up too, following Jamie but not drawing his swords yet. He whispers to him they walk "Are u sure we're going to need our swords? Maybe this situation could be calmed without a fight." He looks at him worried, obviously not too happy at the thought that a swordfight could ensue from this.

2011-12-08, 06:28 AM
Longbow stands up but doesn't draw his bow or move until he sees what happens next. Hmm, this could get ugly he mutters.

2011-12-08, 06:58 AM
Jaime realized that he looked like he looked like he wanted to fight, and hastily shoved his sword back into its sheathe.

2011-12-08, 09:00 AM
The rest of those at the center table stand, at look around at the rest of the bar patrons. The half orc that they have been troubling is standing at the bar now, a club in hand. The blonde, again, speaks, directing his comments at Jaime and the others.

"What. You wanna fight? Over that?"

He and his friends draw their own weapons, not afraid, it seems, to look belligerent.

The gnome sighs and whispers to the girl next to him behind the bar, who ducks through into the kitchen and races away. He then fetches a very gimmicky looking crossbow from behind his bar and holds it up. "I don't want any trouble, here... not again..."

distant quasar
2011-12-08, 01:04 PM
Ruaer blinks as the events unfold before his eyes faster than he can react to. He quickly gathers his wits and speaks calmly, not wanting a fight.

"No one wants to fight anyone over anything. I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding. Please, put your weapons down; I'll handle the entertainment for the rest of the evening, since you seem so violently displeased with the other options." he speaks calmly, holding his hands up in clear view and sweeping his gaze around the room.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2011-12-11, 01:25 AM
Several of the people who are watching the ongoing situation focus on Jaime, slightly relaxing as they see someone attempting to diffuse the situation; but some do not, so much.

Perhaps we should roll initiatives, so that everyone has a chance to act in case hostilities break out, etc.

So, roll while you do any last freeform.


Remember, guys, I'm new to DMing in a PbP setting, it really is quite different from tabletop - already I've noticed that the story progresses in quite a different manner and pace. Also, not used to rigidly checking GITP all the time yet. Thanks for being so understanding!

PS - While bar conflicts are amusing in and of themselves, this one (regardless of how it ends) does serve a purpose too, I don't just like getting people drunk and beating them, muahaha

2011-12-11, 07:10 AM
Longbow carefully sits down while preparing for any fight.

Initative: [roll0]

What a time to get a 20, on just an Initative roll.

Though it would probably help if the fight doesn't start is to use these roll for the next fight that we actually get into.

2011-12-11, 08:58 AM
Standing between Saul and the group, Jaime prepared himself for what was to come.



distant quasar
2011-12-11, 10:42 AM
Initiative: [roll0]

2011-12-11, 11:41 AM
Although he hopes no hostilities break out, Akiano mentally prepares himself for a fight.

2011-12-14, 10:29 AM
Initiative: [roll0]

2011-12-16, 08:37 PM
Initiative Order:

Bartleby (Gnome Bartender)
Bar Denizens

(Act from the situation as it stands, and if an action is made that does not seem to necessitate a response from me, just carry right along)

2011-12-17, 03:43 PM
I think Longbow will delay until after the other patrons start an actual attack.

distant quasar
2011-12-18, 05:35 PM
Ruaer catiously walks towards the stage. He gets near Saul, then whispers very softly as he bends to check on the woman.

"Bartleby said those charming people are academic types. I'd be more concerned for them than us if things ignite here, but all the same I'd rather keep from violence.
Once this is cleared up, I think I have a lead on the bandits we're after."

he straightens up, waving his arms, where a fiddle pops into place.

Casting Summon Instrument.

Then he launches into his musical number.

Perform (sing): [roll0]
Perform (string): [roll1]
Perform (dance): [roll2]

I guess use whichever roll is higher.

And here's the song (to the tune of Swinging On a Star):
Would you like to fight in a bar
carry your teeth home in a jar
because you got beat into tar
or would you rather do a dance? (Ruaer starts dancing on stage)
A dance is a thing that make you look like a fool
but only if you don't know how to do it cool
if your legs are stiff and your step is slow
then might not want to couse you'll feel down low
but if you don't want be kicked right in your pants
you'll probly have to do a dance

(not writing anymore unless you want me to. and as a warning, don't expect this often, I just felt the random impulse.)

EDIT: sweet a 20! wonder what good that'll do for me.

2011-12-18, 07:57 PM
At this, Bartleby and the half orc at the bar both laugh out loud, as do several of the bar's other denizens.
The rude students at the table sit, hesitantly; one even begins to laugh at the dancing bard, and is promptly slapped in the head by one of his friends. They appear a bit annoyed at this abrupt change in targets, and have not yet said anything when the door to the bar opens.

Two men in dressed in black pants and shirts, with longswords belted on, and the symbol of the town guard etched over their chests, step into the bar. One of them gestures at the players as he looks at Bartleby.

"Are these fellows giving you trouble? I got a tip that they were in here, selling contraband substances and attempting to stir up trouble, at the same time."

Bartleby hesitates in confusion. "Them?"

2011-12-18, 08:06 PM
Saul straightens when the students sit. He climbs off the stage as the men in black enter the bar. "Well, it's not us. We haven't got any contraband, and we're not looking for trouble. Just bandits."

2011-12-19, 08:05 PM
Jaime, relieved that it did not come to blows, started back towards the table. "Do you think he means us?" he said to Saul.

2011-12-19, 10:15 PM
The guardsman looks at them askance.

"You're the ones I was reported to about, or at least, a group matching your descriptions." He says, directing his comments at Saul and the others around him.

2011-12-19, 11:42 PM
"But why us? We haven't done anything wrong."

2011-12-20, 09:34 AM
As the inn slowly begins to go back to what they are doing, while keeping an eye on the guardsmen, the academics get up and stumble to the door. Bartleby gestures the PCs back to their table, and comes over himself.

Bartleby looks at the guards "Gentlemen, I think you've been misinformed. I don't personally know these fellows, but they haven't really done anything wrong that I've seen." He stomps his metal leg on the wooden floor with a thud. "Those brats, though, they were about to start another fight." He gestures as the students leave. Incidentally though, you were asking me about some bandits. Maybe these guardsmen could help you better?" he says, as he gets up to go visit another table.

distant quasar
2011-12-20, 10:35 AM
Ruaer ends his dancing number as Bartleby beckons them back to their table.

He nods at Bartleby's comment, then speaks to guards as he leaves. "We haven't been doing anything wrong, my good sirs. Although, we were inquiring -or rather I was- about a party of bandits that we're looking for. Do you think you could tell us anything that might be helpful? Or do you perhaps need to take us in somewhere for questioning first?"

Not sure if I need rolls or not. Just in case:
Diplomacy: [roll0]
Gather Information: [roll1]

If you don't need/want them, feel free to ignore them entirely :smallsmile:

2011-12-20, 10:41 AM
The first guard frowns, shaking his head, "Nah... that won't be necessary... Bartleby usually knows what's going on. The girl that stopped us on the street was shifty looking though, someone probably paid her to report you to cause you problems... have any enemies here? Been in town long?"

"In any case, I can tell you some about the bandit trouble we've been having in these parts, but if you're really looking for information and would like to come back to the town guard office, the captain would be able to explain in more detail. Up to you, I'm headed back there now to turn in a report anyway. If not, though, then we'll be on our way, and sorry for any inconvenience, just doing our jobs."

distant quasar
2011-12-20, 10:53 AM
"Oh, it's no bother, we understand. Althogh, I wouldn't have thought we'd made any enemies, as we did just get to town recently. Except for perhaps those students just now, but they couldn't have done anything while they were all in here... Ruaer frowns, then picks up again.
"Yeah, talking to the captain would be nice. I'd like to finish my wine first though, I haven't had a chance to even start it yet." he picks up his glass off the table, then looks at his companions.
"Anyone want to go now, or should we wait a bit and go together?"

2011-12-20, 02:45 PM
Saul returns to the table, seats himself, and picks up his mug of mead. "If it's all the same to everyone else, I'd also like to finish my drink."

2011-12-20, 03:49 PM
Sitting back down onto his non-squeaking chair, Jaime said "I'd like to finish my wine before we go.". He then took a sip of his wine savoring it.

2011-12-21, 06:14 AM
I'm ready to go when you are. Longbow replys just sitting calmly.

2011-12-21, 03:25 PM
Pleased with the way events turned out, Akiano sits down again, sipping on his water. "So... close one, huh? Good thing we managed to calm the situation." he says with a smile. "Though I wonder who gave them that tip."

distant quasar
2011-12-21, 04:09 PM
"Yeah me too," Ruaer said, settling down in his squeaky chair again and doing his best to get comfortable.
"Maybe we can find that out from the captain later."
he takes another sip of his wine.

2011-12-22, 06:54 PM
The guard nods in response as he and his men leave, reminding the party to feel free to find them at their offices later.

Bartleby shakes his head as he begins cleaning up the mess the students left behind.

2011-12-22, 08:11 PM
Akiano sips down the remaining water in his glass and eyes bartleby, wondering if now would be a good opportunity to pay for his drink.

2011-12-23, 02:09 PM
Finished with his wine now, Jaime waited to pay as well.

2011-12-25, 11:40 PM
Noticing several of the party appearing to be waiting, the barmaid wanders back by. "Do you gentlemen want anything else, or would you like to go ahead and pay your tabs?"

Incidentally. I've never been one for petty change, unless it's large quantities or affects the story. If you'd like to pay specific amounts for things like drinks, feel free to do so, or tell me to stop slacking. Otherwise, I have often just... not counted your silvers.

2011-12-26, 09:57 AM
Jaime paid the barmaid for his wine, stood from his chair, and waited by the door.

2011-12-26, 10:31 AM
"I think we're good, thanks." Saul handed the barmaid some coins and a few acorns, and then stood up to wait with Jaime by the door.

2011-12-27, 05:37 AM
Seeing the others getting ready to leave Longbow follows silently.

distant quasar
2011-12-29, 10:18 AM
Ruaer smiles and pays, leaving with the rest of the group.

2011-12-29, 07:15 PM
Akiano leaves quickly with the others, curious to learn what information the guard captain will have for them.

2011-12-30, 10:44 AM
Seeing that the others were gathering at the door, Jaime asked "So... does anyone know where the office is? Or should we ask around?".

2012-01-01, 12:38 PM
(Knowledge Local would give you automatic insight; you could also ask a guard, walking down the road a ways would give you a high probability of finding one, or you could ask any passerby with a reasonably high chance of success as well)

distant quasar
2012-01-01, 07:02 PM
Knowledge (local): [roll0]

EDIT: I assume that'd be good enough.

"I saw it as we came in, I ought to be able to lead us back there."

2012-01-01, 10:08 PM
"Then we follow you." Saul follows Ruaer toward where the latter saw the guard house.

2012-01-05, 07:07 AM
Jaime followed the other two into the streets.

distant quasar
2012-01-06, 03:30 PM
Let's cut the chase and get there.

2012-01-06, 05:40 PM
Indeed. I thought this was supposed to be active one. :(

2012-01-07, 07:19 AM
I have just been waiting for Corrino to post that we get there and don't need to mention that I am looking or anything.

2012-01-07, 11:05 AM
Sorry, I've been gone for the last two days and failed to notify anyone.

As you arrive at the guard office, a rustic looking, not incredibly sturdy, building made almost entirely of wooden planks, a man leaning on the porch rail outside looks up at you. He is a tall, lean looking elf, with blood red eyes, and a wide brimmed hat on his head, wearing leather armor, and the patch of the guard sewn on the breast.

"Can I help you? One of my men said that I could expect a group who were looking for bandits. That you?"

distant quasar
2012-01-07, 02:24 PM
Ruaer nods and says, "Yes, sir. I am Ruaer, and these are my friends Akiano, Jaime, Saul, and Longbow." he gestures to each in turn. "May we inquire as to your name?"

2012-01-08, 12:47 AM
"You can call me Therox." He straightens his hat, seemingly oblivious to his very non-elven demeanor. As the party approaches him, you can see that he is also festooned with weapons. He has a hand crossbow on each thigh, a longsword on his left hip, a short sword on his right hip, and the handle of something wicked sticking up above his right shoulder. "As luck would have it, for better or worse, we do indeed have a pack of bandits marauding about here. I was actually just considering that problem... you see, I believe they've taken up residence in the old mine just north up the King's Road. Basing out of there, they have been attacking passerby on the road... might be the same group, might not."

He puts a cigar in his mouth, and eyes the PCs carefully.

2012-01-08, 05:51 AM
"Might be the same group that destroyed my home, but I don't like bandits anyway. I will go and get rid of them for you and probably the others will join me as well. What can you tell us about the mine and surrounding terrain?

2012-01-08, 03:39 PM
"Well... " the man says, idly twirling his knife, drawn from some hodden sheath, between his fingers, " I was a pretty decent adventurer myself at one time, it is why they made me the Captain of the guard here, or the sheriff, depending on who you ask, but clearing out that stronghold might give me pause... anyway, seems to be mostly humanoids, humans, half breed orca and ogres, the like. Used to be an old iron mine, now its more like a series of caves and tunnels, really. The main emtrance is just off the main road, quarter mile or less, and the area all around is wooded fairly heavily. Whether or not these are the guys you are after, the town would offer a reward for proof of the death of their leader, guy who calls himself the Fox."

sorry about typos if any am using my phone today

distant quasar
2012-01-08, 03:58 PM
"Sounds like an adventure enough for me," Ruaer grins. "I imagine we'll be up to the task."

2012-01-08, 05:04 PM
Saul's eyes quickly flick to a spot above Therox' head, and then back down to Therox' face. "I will go as well. I am not abandoning my companions to face these bandits without my aid."

2012-01-09, 02:08 PM
Akiano takes a short nervous look at his companions "Ah, but... err, what about the Girl?" Although he usually isn't the one that speaks up first in any conversation, he decides that by this point he might as well inquire about the girl himself and explains what happened to the elvish guard that introduced himself as Therox. "There was a girl that sent two of your guards after us, she claimed we are making trouble at the one-legged Gnome... perhaps we could have some sort of description of her, or even a drawing?"

2012-01-09, 02:34 PM
"Ah..." Therox shrugs, dismissing the importance of the issue. "I suppose you could ask the guard who she reported to, he was one of the ones that came into the Inn. Yurik, he's called. All he told me was that this girl came from the Inn, he thought she worked for Bartleby, and that she fingered the lot of you for trying to start a barfight with weapons. Obviously, she was lying, or misjudged the situation. Why, you think there's something connected with your chase there?" He asks, a contemplative look on his face.

2012-01-09, 05:20 PM
Red-faced, Jaime muttered "My bad.", raising his voice, "My thought on it is that the girl was just frightened as well."

distant quasar
2012-01-09, 07:40 PM
Ruaer thinks for a moment before voicing his own opinion.
"I hadn't really thought too much about it; it just didn't occur to me that there might be a connection between the two. But still, it couldn't hurt to look into it just in case. Better safe than sorry, right?" he glances at Akiano, then turns his gaze back to Therox. "Do you know where Yurik will be about now? Or should we wait until the morning to investigate this?" he turns to his companions as well.

It just occured to me that Therox sounds like a prescription drug. :smallbiggrin:

2012-01-10, 07:46 PM
Therox shrugs. "He should be at the barracks now, having just finished up his shift, I would wager. Then he won't be back until morning, but he'll be there at dawn, should be."

2012-01-13, 11:17 PM
Saul looks off into the distance. "I don't think we need to worry about it. We can always investigate some more when we get back to town. I say we go after those bandits."

2012-01-14, 07:54 AM
Indeed we can and hopefully we will win. Longbow says thinking about what could happen.

2012-01-14, 12:17 PM
Therox gestures at the King's Road, which, in town, is the main street, but continues out of town to the North and South. "Well, head North, it's not very far out of town, and there will be a trail cutting east into the woods. That'll be your mine. If you need anything before you leave, pick it up, but hopefully you won't be out there long one way or another, it's not that far off. Good luck, and come see me if you're successful."

distant quasar
2012-01-14, 03:54 PM
Ruaer grins, and says "I can hardly wait!" very excitedly. "In fact," he says, looking at the sun, "Do you think we could make it there aroung nightfall, and try to catch the bandits while most of them are sleeping?"

2012-01-14, 04:58 PM
Possibly if we leave soon." said Jaime glancing at the sun. "I believe that we would have an easier time dealing with them. Getting rid of them would make it easier for defenseless travelers."

2012-01-14, 08:15 PM
(By the position of said setting sun, you can tell with relative ease that it is only early evening, as dusk is only now about to fall. The mine, if it is as near as Therox says, should be relatively easy to reach by sometime soon after nightfall, for sure.)

2012-01-15, 06:01 AM
"I think that it might be a good idea to carefully move through the woods and see if we can spot any sentrys they have. Hopefully I can take them out with my bow before they see us and give the alarm." Longbow says. "Does anyone need to buy anything before hand?"

2012-01-15, 01:36 PM
No, I am ready when the iohers are," Jaime said to Longbow.

distant quasar
2012-01-15, 08:59 PM
"I'm ready and eager!" Ruaer exclaims.

2012-01-19, 06:39 PM
"Then let us be on our way."

2012-01-20, 12:20 AM

To propel the game, since we're sort of stalling, I'm just going to direct you a bit more, and not necessarily wait each time for everyone to respond when not fighting, etc. If you object to something, please, say so - I'm not trying to be rude, at all, I promise. Just trying to keep it going.

As you head out of the town, you note that, as it gets dark, the moon is up, and therefore, while on the King's Road, you can see moderately well, even when out of the town. However, you might note that the forest is becoming more and more dense, especially the overhead canopy, so when you must turn off of the wide King's Road, you will probably need some source of light, although it can't be much, if you're being stealthy.

After walking for a short time longer, with no incident, you see a trail ahead forking off to your right, and a wooden sign lying next to the road, one side sharpened to a point, as if directing users as to what lies down the path. However, the sign is faded and cannot be read, if it ever even could be.

A) How would you like to proceed - re, sneaky, just walk in, light source/not, move silently, hides, etc? Talk tactics for a brief minute if needed
B) Or, just march on in, let me know who's first, etc, and walk till you see the mine entrance or encounter something.

2012-01-20, 02:35 PM
I think it might be best if we move forward carefully and try to spot any sentries. Hopefully we can take them out long before they see us. My bow will be helpful for that.

I think that we should more silently while hiding until we spot something and then analyse the target and eliminate it quietly to avoid waking the others. To further this here is my first checks:

Move Silently [roll0]
Hide [roll1]
Spot [roll2]
Listen [roll3]

If the others decide to just walk in then I will follow carefully still keeping an eye out.

distant quasar
2012-01-21, 01:13 PM
Ruaer nods. "I agree. Akiano, you and anyone else stealthy want to go along with him?"

2012-01-23, 07:11 AM
Jaime said, "No thank you. I am not that good at tiptoeing around."

2012-01-28, 04:38 PM
This is kind of dying off again...
You guys need to be able to form a consensus of what you're doing in these situations? From the above I don't really know.

Longbow wants everyone to advance quietly (with him in front, ready to snipe?), Akiano agrees, Jaime refuses this idea, and no response from anyone else.

And that was days ago?

If no one's interested in really starting this game, I'd appreciate just being told. It won't offend me.

2012-01-28, 04:46 PM
I think that I will stop playing. Just going a little to slowly. Sorry.

2012-01-28, 05:06 PM
Unfortunately, Cohuge, I agree that it's been slow. It gets frustrating.
Good luck elsewhere though.

distant quasar
2012-01-29, 04:42 PM
I was waiting for a response from Akiano... but I believe this has officially died. :smallfrown:
I am still interested in the idea though, and if anyone else is I'd suggest starting a new recruitment to fill in the lost players, and then start over.

2012-01-30, 01:30 PM
I was waiting for a more of a response to see how the group stood before carrying on. I still check the thread but was waiting on other people.

2012-02-02, 07:27 PM
So, if everyone didn't already assume, I'm calling this over for now. I might PM everyone who was semi active and try to rekindle this later.