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2011-11-28, 06:40 AM
Luc and Maxillon

You have been having nightmares for several nights, now. Until last night, they have been vague and you can't quite recall them when you awaken. Last night was different.

You found yourself the observer of a great man, standing in one of the town squares of Malgoyne. He towered over the buildings some fifty feet high. All around him, a storm rages, wind and rain surging about him, roofs and debris flying here and there.

He holds a stone made of some strange material. It is jet black and shiny, like metal, but it's edges are organic, like a rock. Holding it aloft, the storm seems to center around him for a moment. As it does so, he starts to shrink, as his power is leeched away by the storm.

Before long, the man is worn away and the storm continues to rage out of control.

Wil and Adrik

You had a dream last night that deeply confused you. In the great temple at the heart of Malgoyne you see four great humanoids. You immediately recognize three as the gods of Malgoyne, Lonn, Ark, and Yeg. Standing with them and on equal terms is another.

This entity is dressed in the same flowing toga, and carries with him the same might and authority. The four are talking animatedly about a stone, which lies on the alter between them. You can not understand the elaborate tongue they are speaking in, but it seems as though two are for whatever they are discussing, while two are against it.

As the dream fades out, you are left with many questions.

Halkad and Sterix

You had a strange dream last night. A great gateway made of some jet black material stands in a field of stars. You watch as it gradually gets old, rusty and decrepit. Suddenly, it bursts outwards and a dark purple mist begins to pour from it.

The shards of the gate fly across the field, and you notice one in particular land on a bright sphere.

Your view shifts. You are now standing in a square in the midst of Malgoyne. From the sky, you see a shooting star. It lands near you, and a man approaches it, picks it up, and takes it to the great temple.

You awaken from your dream feeling anything but rested. You have been taught that all dreams have meaning, they have significance -- but none are more important than the dreams of a New Year's Eve.

Looking outside your modest upperclassman dormitory room, you can just see the first rays of dawn breaking through a cloudy, overcast sky. A sharp rap jars you from your reverie, and a red envelope is pushed underneath your door.

It bears a thick wax seal with the Ensorcelled Spire on it; an official document.

The dream still nagging at your mind, you open the envelope and find another surprise! You are hereby summoned to the Headmaster's office, due to report at high noon. Needless to say, this is quite jarring. The Headmaster is a mysterious figure -- his very existance is occasionally debated. This gives you some four hours to yourself before your meeting. What do you do?

Your dorms are located on the east of the main campus, a large stone and wood building where you and the other upperclassmen each have rooms to yourselves. You have no classes because it is the New Year's Day Holiday. The Headmaster's office us in the center of the grounds, at the top of the Ensorcelled Spire itself.

2011-11-28, 08:47 AM
Wil woke up with quite a yawn, not feeling as if he had enough sleep. He couldn't help but wonder what the dream was about. Why would gods fight over something as silly as a stone? The knock on his door awaking him from his thoughts, he found and opened the envelope. More questions poured into his mind. What did the headmaster want? Could it be about his dream? Just how...before he could finish that last question, Wil felt a rumble in his stomach. Realizing he had a few hours to kill, he decided to first get some breakfast, making sure to take his equipment with him.

I'm assuming this place has a mess/cafeteria of some sort

2011-11-28, 08:55 AM

Maxillon splashes water in his face from the washing pitcher to shake himself out of the dream. The magical energies present in it were terrifying...the massive storm...the giant man wielding powers that destroyed him...it was all very strange.

The dwarf grunted, and picked up a small stonewrought comb, and began combing out his beard. When he was done, he braided it, and tucked it into his belt. As all dwarves, he was proud of his beard, which had been trimmed, but never cut down.

Now well groomed, he shoulders his pack of supplies and artificer's tools, and puts his hammer in the loop of his belt, and heads down to the common areas for breakfast.

2011-11-28, 12:05 PM
Halkad, Kalashtar Psion


I'm up, you had the dream too?


We are not the same. You are merely a partition of my mind used to deal with stressful situations. You want to do something? Chew on that dream for a while and leave me alone.

A thick envelope slides under the door as Hal gets to his feet, rubbing his temple slightly. Breaking open the seal, Hal sees that he has been summoned, and a chime of the clocktower tells him that he has a few hours yet before he needs to go.

Hal brushes out his hair, then ties it back to keep it out of the way. Turning to face the sun, Hal opens his window for some fresh air. The cool breeze feels good against his skin, and the little voice inside his head sighs before descending into a bout of manic giggles and screaming. With a slight effort, Hal silences the voice to a buzz, then tilts his head as he senses some of the other students in his dormitory stirring.

Silent as a whisper, Hal changes into fresh robes and slides some slippers onto his feet. The buzz of the other students' thoughts is a comforting background noise in Hal's mind. Hal grabs his quarterstaff out of habit and heads down to breakfast, hoping that the stray thoughts of his classmates can drown out the insanity lurking within his head.

2011-11-28, 05:29 PM
You find the common area hearth cold, with a few scant embers giving off a small amount of light. There is a bit of noise coming from the kitchen and dining area; it looks like the servants are getting an early start on New Year's breakfast.

2011-11-28, 06:18 PM
Adrik awakens, deeply troubled. He lies in bed for a moment, staring at the ceiling and running the dream back through his head, before getting up to inspect the note. He nods to no one in particular as he sets it down and dresses for the day; he combs and braids his beard, dons his simple scale armor, and gingerly puts his holy symbol around his neck. He drops to his knee and murmurs a prayer...

"Lonn, Lady of Winter, on this New Year we pray that you bring justice to the dead, comfort to the dying, and courage for those left behind. Grant me the wisdom to enact your will, and the strength to face death in all its forms."

Adrik dons a warm cloak, dyed in the colors of Lonn, and hefts his axe. He sets into the common area for breakfast before attending to church duties for the morning.

2011-11-28, 06:50 PM
Sterix awoke calmly and blinked the grit out of his eyes while his mind chewed on the dream. He had always had strange dreams but this one was something more. Still none of his training had given him the tools to decipher it, so he merely began his morning routine.

Just as he finished the first 50 push-ups a note was slid under the door. He was somewhat puzzled by it's contents, but concluded that it was important. He cut short his exercising and cleaned and prepared his equipment just in case. He then went down to the kitchens to request some travelling food.

2011-11-28, 07:07 PM
Halkad, Kalashtar Psion

Hal makes his way toward the noise of people and the smells of food, all the while extending his senses out for a friend.

[Sterix - I received a summons from the Headmaster. What do you think it means? I also had an extremely vivid dream that I'm sure you and your friends in the 37 step program would love to dissect. Meet me for breakfast?]

2011-11-28, 08:33 PM
As you begin to filter into the common area, one of the dormitory servants, named Lonnah, if you are the type to care about a servant's name, enters the room. She is a short, average girl about twenty or so, and has served you all for a few years. She drops a quick curtsey and says,"Good morning to you, milord, and happy New Year. Care for a bowl'a porridge?"

2011-11-28, 08:42 PM
"That would be nice Lonnah, thank you", Adrik says in a soft voice as he sits down at a table. He turns to Wil and nods. "Were you summoned to the headmaster's office as well, Wil? I wonder if he has need of servants of Lonn, of if he has summoned multiple students...strange, at any rate."

2011-11-28, 08:49 PM

"I'll need something a bit stronger than porridge, lass, something to kick this cold morning, and ease ill dreams."

Maxillon sits down next to the others. "Happy New Years to you." He breaks open the sealed letter and begins to read it while waiting for his drink.

2011-11-28, 08:56 PM
"Well, a bowl of porridge, seems just right. I would appreciate it, thank you," Wil replied. In his years there, he still couldn't get used to receiving any foramlities.

As he turned to reply to Adrik, he wished a Happy New Years to Maximillion as well. Taking note of the others, he made his reply "Indeed I have been invited to the headmaster. But it seems that it might not just be us servants receiving invitation. What of you, friend? Were you summoned as well?"

2011-11-28, 09:00 PM

"Probably just needs a magical infusion of warming for his bed. There are no grand jobs here for a tinkerer like myself, it is always mundane tasks. Dwarves are not suited for such things, we make useful things, true, but we like to make grand works to be remembered by, right Adrik?" The dwarf snorted. "Though I don't want to know the kind of tragedy that would have to befall the Headmaster if I'm to be remembered for magically heating his bed or chair."

2011-11-28, 10:02 PM
Lonnah sets out warm bowls of porridge for everyone, happily eavesdropping on the conversation as she does so. When the headmaster is mentioned she frowns and says, "Oh, I'm not do sure 'e wants anything so small as that. I 'ears from me gran that 'e never sees no one. Way she tells it, 'e just sets up in 'is tower, doin gods know what. She served in the teachers' tower for all 'er life an' never once sawr 'im."

2011-11-28, 11:46 PM

[Halkad - Yes, I too received a letter and experienced a particularly vivid dream. Until now I thought it symbolic of my desires to overcome obstacles and see my star rise, but if you shared it then the meaning must be deeper.]
Sterix was less accomplished at mind speech but was capable of answering a direct connection.
[Yes, breakfast would be wise. Whatever the Headmaster wants it's unlikely to be easy.]

He made his way to the dining hall where he observed a small group forming. He recognized the others as over-achievers at their perspective fields and made a point of joining them.

2011-11-29, 12:45 AM

Halkad enters the room, slipping in just behind another student. He sees Sterix taking a seat and makes his way over to the same table, noting that at least one other student bears a similar envelope to his own.

Hal eyes a seat between two dwarves, who seem to slide just enough to the side to accommodate Hal's slender frame. Did I move them, or are they just being polite? With a slight smile, Hal nods to the other students before starting in on his porridge.

A quick glance around the room tells Hal that at least 4 of the other students in the room, Sterix included, have the mixture of satisfaction and anticipation that one would expect from a summons to the Headmaster.

2011-11-29, 03:35 PM
The porridge is a rare treat; it is seasoned with actual spices - not prestidigitation. Most chefs own a simple pair of gloves that allow them to magically season their dishes. The taste is noticeably different, and justifies the expensiveness of spices in Malgoyne. You taste cinammon and nutmeg, and it is delicious.

You are all free to dictate what you would like your character to do until it is time to go to the headmaster's as well as talking amongst yourselves. Letme know when you're ready to move on

2011-11-29, 04:30 PM

The dwarf moves to another table, and takes out his warhammer. It is decorated with all sorts of strange wires and small shards of gem. Maxillon carefully takes these all off, inspects the whole lot, and reassembles them on his warhammer again. He then gently hammers on the table, frowning. He takes the whole mess apart, and reassembles it three more times, before the strike sparks against the table. This causes him a brief smile, and he continues to tinker with the hammer until it is time to meet with the Headmaster.

2011-11-29, 05:57 PM

Hal looks at Maxillon's efforts and the smallest of smiles appears in his eyes.

[Maxillon - You have a great talent for your craft. Do not sell yourself short. I am sure the Headmaster holds you in high esteem. Are you not curious as to why he is interested in meeting with such a variety of us?]

With that, Hal finishes his porridge and makes a polite bow to excuse himself from the table. On his way to the door, Hal hands his bowl to one of the kitchen staff "Thank you for the meal. It was of the highest quality.".

With another bow of his head, Hal heads out of the dining hall and toward the Hall of the Five Precepts to practice his weakest skill - telekinesis.

2011-11-29, 05:57 PM
It wasn't terribly long before Wil had finished his porridge. He wasn't quite as devout as Adrik was. Or at least he didn't see like it. But to Wil, he let his weapon speak for his faith in Lonn. Though he usually paid a visit to the Church before Adrik began his daily workout. "Well, I think I'm off to train some before we meet with our headmaster. You just about ready Adrik?"

2011-11-29, 09:57 PM
Luc Octavio

Luc awakened with a start. His head pounded as the images from his nightmare raced through his mind: the giant, the storm, the stone. It was all so vivid. He shook himself from thought as he saw the letter slide underneath his door, confusion crossing his face. He stood and approached the letter, grabbing it and opening in one fell swoop he read the summons.
A summons from the headmaster is odd to say the least. Perhaps my greatness has finally been recognized.

As Luc washed himself he continued to think.
My talent is expansive, but why would it go unrecognized until now? It seems to be an interesting time to call for my skills. Perhaps it is my prodigious knowledge, or maybe the need for my charm... Perhaps there's a new quest that requires my assistance.
But as he finished cleaning himself Luc realized it may not be him, but his dream. Perhaps his vivid night terror had attracted the headmasters attention...


As Luc stepped out his door, cleaned and dressed, he smiled. Though he'd gotten a late start, he still had time to eat. Perhaps some of his colleagues would have some insight. He smiled and whistled as he walked the halls and entered the mess. He sat near those that had already begun discussing their notes and sighed. He had forgotten that he'd never really made any friends...

2011-11-29, 10:21 PM
Adrik smiles and nods at Maxillon's wish of a happy new year, and makes room for Halkad at the table. He eats quietly, clearly worried by Lonnah's words. Thanking her for her service, he stands up and hefts his axe again. "I am prepared for training, Wil, yes. And it occurs to me that, given the...oddness, of the letter, perhaps we should all exercise discretion concerning the headmaster's wishes, until we better know what they are."

2011-11-29, 10:30 PM

Sterix observed the things going on around him in an affable silence. Nodding slightly to Halkad and taking in the general direction of conversation. No one was showing apprehension at the summons which he thought odd. He would have been more surprised had they not all been notable students considered some of the best in their respective fields.

"Wait, you've all experienced meaningful dreams last night?" He addressed the remaining students. "Perhaps we should compare them?'

2011-11-29, 10:45 PM
Wil nearly stops mid-step before pivoting back around. I wasn't aware we all had meaningful dreams. Or perhaps it was just me being self-centered. In any case, you might be right. As much as I hate skipping my training, comparing notes might be in order. So, who wants to go first?"

2011-11-29, 10:46 PM
Adrik faces Sterix and nods. "Perhaps so. That we all had strange dreams on the day we are summoned to meet the mysterious master of this academy cannot be a coincidence.

In my dream, cold Lonn, fair Ark, and dusky Yeg were in the great temple, arguing amongst themselves. Amongst them was another, a man, strong and proud and dressed in the same finery as they. They seemed to be concerned with a stone which lay on an altar between the four of them. I could not understand their divine words, but I felt that two of the Gods were allied for a cause, and two of them stood against it.

Adriks face is troubled as he muses, almost talking to himself. "Dreams on a day such as today carry special meaning. But I find it disquieting that it was not clear to me what Lonn was fighting for, so that I might know what to fight for when the time comes. And equally disquieting that this strange, unknown being might draw a wedge between the trinity of our faith." He finally snaps out of it and turns to address his classmates, particularly Wil. "What of the rest of you? What did you see?"

2011-11-29, 10:53 PM

"I saw a great black gate among the stars. Before my eyes the ravages of a thousand years attacked it. Then it broke like a dam and spilled a dark purple mist. Then one of the shards flew through the stars until it hit a bright spherical object. After that I saw a park in the City. A shooting star fell into it and then a man came and took the star toward the Temple."

2011-11-29, 11:39 PM
"I wonder if that could be the stone the gods were arguing about in my dream," Wil responded. In it, the gods were arguing about a rock. What made it even odder was there was a forth, one that stood on equal terms with the other three. It was unclear just what they were saying. But with regards to the rock, it was clear then two disagreed with the others about it.

2011-11-30, 12:56 AM

A stray thought flicked across Hal's mind as he was leaving the dining hall. He paused for a moment and closed his eyes. Images of the black gate filled his mind once again as he tried to fix his inner eye on the face of the man with the shard. Frustrated, and somewhat lost in thought, Hal is jarred back into reality as the dining hall door swings back to hit him squarely on his backside.

Through the small opening of the door, Hal hears the others discussing their own dreams, and he decides that he might make better use of his time listening in. He ducks back in and finds a seat near the others, realizing, coincidentally, that he had left his quarterstaff propped against the wall near his recently-vacated seat.

In a pause in the conversation, Hal addresses the others. "I dreamt last night. The same as Sterix. The black gate. The shard. The man." Again, Hal tried to fix his inner eye on the man's face, but felt his dreamsight sliding out of focus.


Shaking his head in frustration, Hal retakes his seat at the table and listens to what the others have to offer.

2011-11-30, 01:41 AM

"Combined with my dream, that makes a dangerous series of events." Maxillon says, still tinkering with his hammer. "A great man was standing over the city, in his hand a strange stone, it seemed like it was summoning a storm. The storm consumed him, and raged to destroy the city."

2011-11-30, 05:07 PM
You talk away the morning, musing over the strange dreams you all seemed to share. Before you know it, the bells are chiming and it is nearly time to go and see the mysterious Headmaster.

Making your way through the frost-choked walkways on your way to the Spire, you marvel at the beauty around you. The gardens and pathways are always in good repair, and are now decorated with the ribbons, streamers, and natural frost of the holiday.

It does not take long to reach the Spire, and you are grateful for the warmth of its hearth. Still, you waste no time and begin to ascend to the dizzying heights were the Headmaster's office is located. As you mount stair after stair, the ambient holiday noise begins to fade. You are soon surrounded by a blanket of silence, like a funeral home or cathedral, as grim faced teachers and aides pass you by in the stairwell.

At last - and before the noon bells ring -- you find yourself before the intimidating dark wooden doors of the Headmaster's office. The entire level is reserved for him, and you feel your stomach tightening in spite of your efforts to remain calm. The silence in the air is deafening, and it somehow seems wrong -- seems profane -- to break it. A voice from inside calls to you.

"Enter." it commands.

2011-11-30, 05:28 PM

Maxillon enters quickly, standing at attention just inside the door.

2011-11-30, 05:56 PM
Wil enters with similar speed as maxillon. His posture is straighter too, as if startled by the voice. The truth is that he was, which was quite unusual. Though, today seems like a day to experience the unusual.

2011-11-30, 05:58 PM
As you enter the room, the hair on the back of your neck stands up. There are enchantments in air so thick you can taste them in the back of your throat, sweet and syrupy. The air is perfumed by a censer, but beneath the musky scent you detect a tang, like vinegar.

Your footsteps make no sound on the thick carpet as you enter the room. Behind a massive mahogany desk, polished to mirror like brilliance, sits the Headmaster of the Ensorcelled Spire.

He truly does look old enough to have laid the stonework of this school, with skin thin and dry as parchment and wispy hair as white as the snow outside. He has scant hair on his head, long and thin strands like a cobweb drifting down his neck and shoulders. A long fu Manchu mustache gives him a sagely appearance. Is robes are thick and visibly layered with spells, sigils, and runes in a golden thread on lush black silk.

The Headmaster's eyes are what draw you in, though. For but a moment you are able to meet his gaze, looking into two globes deep and black as the night sky. His intense gaze rests on each of you in turn, but he utters not a sound.

As you take in the rest of the room, you discover item after item of wonder. The lavishly decorated office is a treasure trove of arcane implements, tomes, and trophies. One in particular draws your attention, however.

You see a clear crystal box, like a case, full of swirling purple mist. It pulses and churns like storm clouds. For a brief moment, it appears to part, and you catch a glimpse of a shiny black stone, but then it is engulfed by the mist once more.

Looking back at the Headmaster, you can tell that he is not the man from your dream.

"There is a storm coming," he says suddenly, in a strange, sibilant voice that over pronounces each word. "As it came in the past, so shall it come again, and with great vengeance, for it was thwarted once before. Long has it been foretold.

"Heroes shall rise up, as they always do, and they shall be the ones to ride the storm, and enter the eye, and set right the wrongs of their Father's Fathers.

"You are each champions of your races and disciplines, this you know. Many have come before you, but you have both the Gift and the Spark and you shall need both in nights to come. For there will be dark nights, and there will be much death." he pauses for a moment, his words hanging in the air with a strange weight.

"You will be tested. Not like other Magicians have been, for there is no precedent for a group so large as this, no, you will be tested as one, and you. must. succeed. Your Malgoyne, your Spire, your gods, your very souls depend upon it.

Go now. Go to the Catacombs where Magicians are made and meet with Ingrid the Taskmistress. She will instruct you further. Report directly to me when you are finished.

Go, and may whatever powers you believe in guide you."

2011-11-30, 06:36 PM

Hal slips into the room behind the others. His eyes widen as they catch sight of the stone and the mist, and only continue to do so as he absorbs word after word from the Headmaster. The voice in his head, for the first time in weeks, goes completely silent, as if it too were listening.

With the final words uttered, Hal finds his heart full of trepidation and excitement. Hal turns toward the door and begins the long descent to the catacombs, wishing that he could spend even just a few more seconds in the presence of such a powerful mind.

2011-11-30, 07:25 PM
It wasn't every day the avenger felt quite nervous. But at the same time, he was quite excited. He saw it as an opportunity to test himself, find out just what he was made of, or what Lonn made of him. He followed Hal in suit.

2011-11-30, 09:21 PM
"We will not fail you, Headmaster." Sterix intones solemnly, before executing a turn with military precision. If anybody were to examine his face they would see iron hard determination and just a glint of satisfaction in his eyes.

If anybody were to view his inner person the impression would be different. This is it my big chance to prove just how good I am. I can't mess this up. I have to succeed nothing can be allowed to stop me!

2011-11-30, 09:29 PM

The dwarf artificer stares in wonder at all the stuff in the Headmaster's room, but says nothing, and follows the others out.

2011-11-30, 09:53 PM
Luc Octavio

Luc shuddered, was he up for this? Of course he was! He was Luc Octavio, Bardic Prodigy!
We will not fail you Headmaster.
He bowed his head and then left the room, he'd felt uncomfortable under the speculation of those bottomless eyes and this new task would surely take planning to execute properly. He followed those out the room and as they were all exiting he spoke.

Well my new comrades, I feel that if we are to work together we should at least be familiar. I am Luc Octavio, Bardic Prodigy. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.
Luc bowed slightly and smiled, he'd seen these other students several times before. Did he perhaps recognize any of them? He didn't think so... He really hoped they were truly the tops of their classes. Otherwise this would be a difficult journey...

2011-11-30, 10:10 PM

Hal made a small bow to Luc as a smirk crept across his face.

[Luc - It is good to meet you. I believe I have enjoyed your music before, but I have not had the pleasure of your company. I look forward to working with you in this endeavor. And yes, I really am top in my class.]

Hal then proceeds to make similar introductions with the other students, except for Sterix, with whom he was already familiar.

2011-11-30, 11:39 PM
Leaving the Headmaster's office, the door shuts behind you. The silence does not seem quite so oppressive, so stagnant, and the excitement of what awaits you burns in your chest. Under normal circumstances, students like yourselves would not be tested to become Magicians (or any other graduate career) until half a decade of apprenticeship.

Some of you may be head strong enough to believe that it is because you are 'just that good' but the more reflective of the bunch might feel differently.

Do you head straight for the test and catacombs, poke around in the teacher's commonroom, or something else? The choice lies before you.

2011-12-01, 01:25 AM

Sterix wastes no time, merely stopping by his room for supplies and equipment before heading to the catacombs and his test.

2011-12-01, 08:50 AM
The avenger was always prepared, perhaps part of his training, but he always had his equipment. He made his introductions to the others as well, but nothing so grand. All really said, with a friendly tone was I'm Wil. If you're all ready, we can get going.

2011-12-01, 11:21 AM
Having no reason to dally, you make your way across the grounds to the catacombs. Here, there is a large underground complex where some research is done, and it is where students are tested when they are ready to become Magicians. There are several entrances to different areas of the complex, and you see a lone, dark figure standing before one of them.

Ingrid Goldstein is a faculty member you have seen around. She normally teaches students of the arcane, and has an interest in architecture, as many of her race do. Her skin is fair, and her hair tied into a stern, yellow bun. Looking at you all with little patience, she greets you when you approach her.

"Good afternoon, students, and Happy New Year." she says it humorlessly, with a dour look on her face. Perhaps it is the cold, but there might be something else bothering her. "I have been tasked with performing your examination, and I must say, the Headmaster was quite strict in his specifications. Inside this door you will find several rooms, each with a challenge. There will be deadly traps, constructs, and you can expect lethal force from the moment you step inside. Your goal is to reach the final chamber and lay claim to an amulet. Once you have it, you are to return to the Headmaster. I should tell you that this is a team trial, so you can all expect to be judged by the actions of your peers."

You are familiar with the concept of this test because it is similar for all Magicians, but deadly force is not authorized. The amulet at the end is meant to be a sort of personal emblem, and it becomes a crest or signet for the Magician in question.

The door she gestures to is made of heavy stone, and is set at an angle into a stone frame. It likely leads to a staircase descending into the earth. It is scrubbed clean of all snow and frost, and stands dark and ominous in the field of white.

2011-12-01, 12:12 PM

"I have never met a dwarf afraid to go underground, and i'm not going to set a precedent. Come on, you lot." The Artificer walked forward towards the stone. "Is the door part of the test, or will you open it, ma'am?"

2011-12-01, 12:52 PM
"Good to see some eagerness in you, and I like the way you think. But no, I shall open the door for you, the test lies inside."

2011-12-01, 01:06 PM
Once inside the door, you make your way down some rough stone steps. The air is cold down here, and your footsteps echo down the flight. After descending about thirty feet, the stairway comes to an end and you find yourselves in a room.

You see three doors, each carved out of stone and each with a different symbol on them. You recognize the symbols to mean, in turn: mind, body, and spirit. In the center of the room is a large apparatus built into the floor. It has an altar of sorts with three separate key holes, and appears to open into a stairway leading down when the keyholes are engaged. Above each keyhole you see symbols corresponding to the three doors. Naturally, it is currently disengaged.

The walls of the room appear to be covered in graffiti, scrawled by generations upon generations of Magicians-to-be. Some notes are carved into the walls, others painted there. The messages vary in language and seem to mostly consist of names and years, with short phrases like "the hedge master" and "top of his class" "waited too long for this" and "stay on your toes"

2011-12-01, 01:22 PM

Hal glances at Sterix before moving to stand in front of the door that is clearly marked with the symbols of the Mind. He extends his senses to cover the door, taking in every mark, scratch, groove and bolt. With his eyes closed, he begins to paint a picture of the door's essence in his mind, doing his best to ensure no detail is left out. He pushes his senses into the keyhole itself but finds it unyielding.

[Sterix - any ideas? I don't appear strong enough on my own to turn the lock. Has your training allowed you to manipulate your form yet? Or to create objects? My thought is that if you create a key, I can work with the lock to accept the key.]

Hal focuses his mind on the door once again, reaching further into the lock, trying to envision the creator of the lock and what their intentions would be.

Not sure if we make the checks or not. if so, here's mine.

Arcana check to try and open the lock using psionics.

With a sigh, Hal turns, looking for Ingrid, "Are these doors part of our test?"

2011-12-01, 02:05 PM
"I believe we are to go through the doors to retrieve the keys that go with the centerpiece," Wil said, his voice revealing a bit of confusion as well as to what they were to do.

2011-12-01, 02:37 PM
Actually, Imgrid has left you alone to go through your challenge.

yes, checks like this should be rolled by you. Nice roll.

You find that the door is relenting, and with your telekinesis, it clicks unlocked. You imagine that the key to the apparatus in the main room is behind this door; you will probably require all three keys to unlock the stairwell leading further down.

As you open the door, you see a short hall that ends abruptly after about ten feet. At the end of the hallway you see a statue of a man, chin on his hand, lost in thought. His bald head shines in the torchlight. The base of the statue has a plaque, upon which those in the party with low-light vision can read:
"Two men passed me by in a wood,
and I was told thusly,
'a thinking man never would
pass o'er yonder bridge so brusquely'
As a thinking man I would
discount such a tale,
and finding bridge made just of wood
I strode across and wailed,
'Alas, I see now - but too late
the thinking man's true folly'
Upon my stone cold pate,
inscribe the lesson you have learned from this story."

2011-12-01, 07:34 PM

Clearing his throat, Hal addresses the group, "Pardon my intrusion into your minds, but from what you've all been thinking, I believe that we have a consensus. Would anyone care to do the honors? I can't see well enough to write in here."

2011-12-01, 09:35 PM
Luc Octavio

Luc thought for a second,
The pervasion of my thoughts will take getting used to, but if we are on the same page...

He smirked,
I can't see that well in here, I'd rather not make our answer sloppy.

2011-12-01, 09:57 PM

"Before we just start writing, perhaps we ought to double check for traps of any sort. You know take the advice we've just given ourselves."

Sterix voice was calm but quizzical. When told to expect lethal force, he found riddles somewhat suspect. He was unlike most of his fellows in the Psionic studies group in that he hated riddles. While most psions enjoyed mental gymnastics, his mind was more a hammer than a set of thieves tools.

"I just don't trust this room. Where is this lethal force we've been told to expect?"

Not sure whats best here so...
Dungeoneering [roll0]
in order to catch something we're missing.

2011-12-02, 12:33 AM
Adrik had been strangely quiet since meeting the headmaster (for those that know him well, perhaps not so strangely; Adrik is a quiet soul), seemingly in awe upon meeting the headmaster. He uttered only a barely audible "In the name of Lonn, it will be done" before leaving and solemnly following his companions to the crypt.

Now he stands with his allies, staring thoughtfully at the statue. He says in a low voice ""Sterix is correct. There is most likely more to this puzzle than meets the eye"

Not sure this will get me much, but Religion check on the poem to see if it rings any bells as far as having divine significance

Religion: [roll0]

2011-12-02, 01:51 AM

"You realize that you are doing the exact opposite of the moral." The artificer rubs his beard. "We were told to expect mortal danger, and you are expecting mortal danger. We do not know there is mortal danger here, but being frozen in inaction because of it. You clearly haven't been blown up enough times to know true wisdom. Let me show you true wisdom."

He takes up his hammer, and chisels into the plate:

The wise man knows he knows nothing

"Now, let's see if I get to learn if there is something else I do not know."

2011-12-02, 02:02 AM

Hal smiles broadly as the tinker chisels an answer into the plate. "And now we wait."

2011-12-02, 02:54 AM
As the chisel strikes the final letter into the statue's head, a spell is activated. The statue animates, and extends its hand, open palm up, with a steel key in it.

"There is wisdom in you all.
Just as there is a time for caution
So too is there a need for action
Rely on one another for the balance
That will separate you from the chaff."

2011-12-02, 03:02 AM

"Alright, chaff, let's go on to the next one." The dwarf smirks, taking the key, and heading off to the body room, carefully watching for any signs of traps.

2011-12-02, 03:05 AM

Hal starts to reach for the key, but hesitates and watches Maxilon snatch it instead. He turns to follow the dwarf back to the main hall, clapping his hand on the man's shoulder in congratulations. To the others, each in turn, he thinks,

[Body or Spirit? Where should we head next?]

2011-12-02, 07:57 AM
"Body"? Wil suggests, merely picking one over the other and having no particular preference of the two.

2011-12-02, 11:28 AM
"Well done indeed, Maxillon. I would suspect Body will require more physical skill. We may as well tackle it while we're all prepared"

2011-12-02, 02:20 PM

Hal looks nervous as the group approaches the door to the room marked with signs of the Body. He's physically fit, sure, but muscles are not how the strength of a Psion is measured.

Hal makes sure he has a firm grip on his staff and readies himself to enter the room, hoping that one of the stout dwarves takes the lead once again.

2011-12-02, 05:44 PM
Wil decided to take a closer look at the door labeled "body". He wasn't terribly strong either, but perhaps a different approach could be taken. He tested the door, gently attempting to open it. He figured it may not actually be locked, and that using one's body to open the door might be as simple as this. Along the way, he took the time to examine the door, looking for a clue to its entrance.

Perception: [roll0]

2011-12-02, 06:45 PM

"I'm quite aware that their is much knowledge beyond my scope. That I treat the unknown with caution before curiosity does not make me 'chaff'." Sterix replied to Maxillion, sounding a bit annoyed.

Sterix was naturally suspicious but knew very well that his strengths were in taking direct action. As they approached the next door, he made it his goal to stand guard and react quickly to any sudden dangers. He let the others be proactive but was prepared to aid them when it would be needed.

Perception check to catch any hidden dangers ahead of time.

2011-12-02, 07:09 PM
After testing the massive stone door, you find it to be quite heavy and difficult to open. A more cautious examination of it reveals several things:


The door is built into a device that triggers when you open it, you can't quite tell what it does, but it is magical in nature (failed arcana check)
You do note, however, that there is also a mechanism for the door to automatically shut, perhaps when a tripwire or pressure point is activated from within the room.
It is not locked, just heavy. Two people could move it with some elbow grease.


The door is rigged with a trap that activates several mechanisms in the room once you open the door. They are all magical in nature:
An effect that resonates with Necrotic energy
An effect that radiates Radiant energy
And, an effect that pulses with both Necrotic and Transmutation energy.
You may attempt to disable them each separately with Thievery checks, or point them out to someone else if you would rather have them make one.
A failed check on any of the effects will activate that particular effect.
You also notice everything that Wil did

2011-12-02, 07:21 PM
"Stop! That door is heavily trapped with several magical and physical effects! I can sense both radiant and necrotic as well as transmutation. I'm pretty sure its meant to trap you inside and make you face some kind of badly stacked confrontation. I'm pretty sure a good trapsmith could disable it, does anybody have those skills?"

The battlemind's voice started out panicked then grew calmer and more rational as his warning gave way to analysis.

2011-12-02, 07:21 PM
Wil decided to back off, letting someone else who might no how to handle this door deal with it, unsure of how it might hurt him or his comrades.

2011-12-02, 08:01 PM

"I'm no trap springer, but maybe I can tease out the workings and help someone else understand it better." The dwarf runs his hands along the door, feeling and sensing the magical energies present.

[roll0] (trying to give someone a bonus to their thievery roll

2011-12-02, 09:01 PM
Success! After some work, the artificer's aid, coupled with Sterix and Wil's keen insight, will give anyone who feels lucky a +5 to thievery checks on the three traps.

Note that each trap is separate, and a failure will spring the trap:

Necrotic trap

Radiant trap

Necrotic and Transmutation trap

(you could always also just open the door and try your luck if you don't want to attempt to disarm the traps.)

2011-12-03, 12:19 AM

Hal exudes a sense of calm as he approaches the door. [Your knowledge will serve me well. Do not despair.] Reaching out with his mind, he caresses the traps, trying to use what the others have told him to determine which trap may be easiest to attempt.

He takes his quarterstaff and, wincing slightly, pokes it against the edge of the trap marked with runes for Necromancy and Transmutation. The voice in his head cackles with delight as the tip of the staff releases the trigger.

None of us are really dextrous, so I might as well give one a shot :smallbiggrin:

Disarm Necrotic/Transmutation Trap

2011-12-03, 01:11 AM
Adrik has his axe at the ready, and is also prepared to quickly administer healing to anyone who falls victim to a trap. "I'll leave it to more dextrous hands, then. Be careful my friends."

2011-12-03, 02:14 AM
With the aid of his fellows, the necrotic / transmutation trap is successfully deactivated.

2011-12-03, 11:14 AM
Luc Octavio

Please, allow me a hand at this. I studied traps for a semester with an old ex-adventurer, I know a little.
Luc draws his wand and uses it as tool to diffuse the trap.

Thievery to Diffuse Necrotic Trap.

If I succeed,
Thievery to Diffuse Radiant Trap.

This'll be my last post before I leave this weekend. Probably.

2011-12-03, 12:33 PM
The enchantments of the remaining traps fall off, leaving the door. There seems to be nothing else that will trigger upon opening the it.

2011-12-04, 03:31 AM

"Excellent work everyone!" Sterix declares happily before stepping up and swinging the door open wide. He is still careful not to step into the entryway at first though.

2011-12-04, 12:59 PM
After waiting several moments after they traps have been disabled, Wil says I realize the last room told us to tread with caution. But it didn't tell us to be paralyzed by it. Though I suspect it might take more than one of us to actually open the door. He stepped forward to volunteer for half the pair.

2011-12-04, 01:29 PM
Wil and Sterix open the heavy stone door with no small amount of effort. As the room is revealed, a metal creature wearing ceramic armor stands up from a sitting position in the center of the room. It's body is long and thin, like a skeleton, and shines dully in the torchlight. Four glowing eyes appraise you, and it steps on a large button on the floor.

The automaton looks mildly surprised when the button does nothing, stepping on it and it's two fellows repeatedly. It gives up after a moment and regains its composure a small amount.

"Impressive: managing to disarm me before the battle has even begun. Annoying: I find myself with few tricks left up my sleeves. Patient: now that my element of surprise is squandered, you may take your time entering the room and taking positions. Cautious: we will begin the sparring excersices on my mark. Curious: have you any queries before we begin?"

The room is wide, but not very deep. There are several alcoves built into the wall with resting corpses in them, embalmed and wearing simple leather armor. You also see two large contraptions that appear to be disabled, one on either side of the automaton.

I'm posting from work, so we'll need to wait until I get home and get my dice out to actually start the fight, but feel free to ask questions or just wait 'til the evening and I'll lay out a map of the room and we can get started.

2011-12-04, 01:35 PM

"Only one question from me: what would the traps have done?" Sterix asked simply while stepping confidently into the room. It was in his mind to take a central position and have the others fan out beside and behind him as befitted their respective fighting styles.

2011-12-04, 02:06 PM

Hal slips in, once again, trying to avoid notice. He takes a spot near the door so that he can survey the room and make best use of his abilities. He closes his eyes for a second or two, and a careful observer would notice his eyelids flutter briefly.

So it appears that we have a fight on our hands . . . do you want to take over?


A manic grin crosses Hal's face and his eyes flash open, the irises and pupils having turned to white.

2011-12-04, 09:02 PM
Wil drew his sword, ready for the oncoming battle.

2011-12-04, 09:39 PM
Adrik looks quizzically at the automaton as he pulls his axe into a ready position. "Ah, but will you answer honestly? Tell me, automaton, what are the contraptions next to you? And whom did the remains in those alcoves belong too?"

2011-12-04, 10:53 PM

"This is either going to be very fun, or not at all." The artificer readies his hammer, and enters the room, standing over one of the bodies in the alcove, ready to smash it to bits should it move.

2011-12-05, 03:03 AM
"Naturally: The traps would have allowed me to activate these devices, aiding me for the duration of our combat, while simultaneously activating the undead surrounding the room. Regretfully: Your disarming of the traps will give me a significant disadvantage.

"Mysteriously: The remains were previous challengers who failed to make the cut. Conceitedly: As students of the Spire, I'm certain you know your bodies become state property upon your demise?

"Ultimately: Let us begin the battle - do try to survive."

Dark Gray Circle: Corpses in alcoves
Light Gray Circle: Automaton
Gold Circle: Homonculus

Dark Green Pent: Maxilon
Dark Gray Pent: Adrik
Dark Blue Pent: Hal
Light Blue Pent: Sterix
Red Pent: Wil
Light Green Pent: Luc


Wil 15
Adrik 13
Maxilion 13
Gato's Homunculus 10
Gato the Automaton 8
Luc 7
Gato's Homunculus 6
Halkad 6
Max 5

2011-12-05, 07:54 AM
Will draws in a deep breath as he lifts his heavy sword. He moved forward, staring down the construct as he did. He swung his sword mightily at the automaton, hoping to use his divine power to punish those that mobilize against him.

Move: L4
Minor: Oath of Enmity on Gato.
Standard: Avenging Echo against gato. wis vs. AC. On a hit, 1[w]+wis mod, any enemy that ends its turn adjacent to me or attacks me takes 8 radiant damage.

attack rolls (oath of enmity, take highest): [roll0];[roll1]
damage: [roll2]

2011-12-05, 12:38 PM

"Alright ye metal beastie, lets see how your hide reacts to this." Maxillon touches a green gem wired to his warhammer, and surges forward. The hammer glows green with magical power, and he brings it down on the chest of the construct.

Move: move from G6 to J3
Standard: Scouring Weapon [roll0] [roll1]
Secondary Effect: Target takes -2AC penalty until EOMNT

Stupid question; if the power says 2[W]+3 acid damage, is the whole thing considered acid damage or just the +3?

2011-12-05, 02:23 PM
"Very well. Thank you for answering my questions. We'll make this quick and clean". Adrik strides forward, swinging his axe in a wide arc, the symbol of Lonn on his axe glowing faintly as he does so. As the axe connects, he shouts to Sterix, ""fight, with the strength of the Gods!"

Move: To K4
Standard: Righteous Brand on the automaton, +7 vs. AC, 1d12+4; if hit an ally (Sterix) within 5 gains a +3 bonus to attack rolls until the start of my next turn.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Brutal/"High Crit" roll, if necessary: [roll2]

2011-12-05, 07:49 PM
The fight begins as the heroes rush Gato, the automaton.

Wil rushes in first and connects with a solid blow from his sword.

Maxillon's hammer, too, hits the construct squarely, weakening its ceramic armor.

even with Maxillon's aid, Adrik's weapon swing is evaded by Gato.

One of the wolf-like statues flanking Gato comes to life and bounds for Maxillon, the nearest hero.
the left homunculus moves to I3, flanking with Gato
Attack vs AC on Maxillon, hits for 8 dmg.

The automaton takes a few guarded steps back and makes a series of gestures that ends in him blasting a thick, green smoke from his hands. The more hardy of the four effected are able to shrug off its effects, but the other two suffer from a sharp pain in the lungs.
shift to K2
Blast 3 includes Max, Sterix, Adrik, and Wil as targets.
Vs F, hits Wil and Max, misses Sterix and Adrik
10 poison damage to hit heroes.

Luc is ready to act.

Dark Gray Circle: Corpses in alcoves
Light Gray Circle: Automaton
Gold Circle: Homonculus

Dark Green Pent: Maxilon
Dark Gray Pent: Adrik
Dark Blue Pent: Hal
Light Blue Pent: Sterix
Red Pent: Wil
Light Green Pent: Luc

Wil 15
Adrik 13
Maxilion 13
Gato's Homunculus 10
Gato the Automaton 8
Luc 7 <---------- Active Player
Gato's Homunculus 6
Halkad 6
Max 5

2011-12-06, 06:37 PM
Luc Octavio

Luc sighed as battle began, it was not in his nature to instigate violence but the test was clear.
I don't want to do this friend, but I will fight you. And we will win.
Luc stared down Gato and took steps to position himself just past the obstruction in the middle of the field, then he conjures a golden violin and plays a piercing note with his wand. As the note reverberates visibly towards Gato, the sound of a thousand thunderstorms focused into that single sound. The violin vanishes and Luc smirks.
Truly, a concert of combat is about to begin. This note ought to set you in your place.

Move Action: Luc moves to O2.

Standard Action: Staggering Note on Gato.

Attack: [roll0] vs Will
Damage: 4 Thunder
Effect: Push Gato to I2, during this move Maxilion makes a melee basic attack on him.

Power Info:

At-Will ✦ Arcane, Implement, Thunder
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: Charisma modifier thunder damage, and you push the target 2 squares. As a free action, an ally of your choice can make a melee basic attack against the target before, after, or during this forced movement.

2011-12-06, 07:40 PM
Gato is pelted with more attacks, getting driven back further. Maxillon takes advantage of the opening provided by Luc and hits the construct squarely.

The second lion shaped statue springs to life and places itself squarely in the melee.

Luc and Max hit Gato, bringing him down in hp but not yet bloodied.

The second homunculus springs into action, moving to L3 and attacking Adrik.
It misses, however.
It takes 8 damage from ending adj to Wil.

Halkad's turn


Wil 15
Adrik 13
Maxilion 13
Gato's Homunculus 10
Gato the Automaton 8
Luc 7
Gato's Homunculus 6
Halkad 6 <-------- active player
Max 5

2011-12-06, 09:20 PM

Halkad's eyes flash dangerously as he tries to focus in on whatever the automaton has for a mind. After a moment, he smirks confidently to himself.

[01110011 01110100 01101111 01110000 00100000 01101111 01110010 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100101 00100001]

Move Action: None

Minor Action: Distract against Gato
Effect: Target grants combat advantage to the next creature who attacks it before EoMNT (which will be me, since I am attacking again)

Standard Action: Mind Thrust - Augment 1 against Gato
[roll0] vs Will (1d20+5 normal, +2 for CA)
[roll1] damage, and the target takes a -4 penalty to Will until EoMNT

2011-12-07, 02:46 AM
"With joy, my friend!" The battlemind shouted as he forced his way forward. "Fear my power, automaton!" Sterix challenged Gato before attacking with all the force he could muster.

Move: to J-2
Minor: Battlemind's Demand (augment 1) marking Gato and the lion statue at L-3.
Standard: Steel Unity Strike (daily)

Primary Target: Gato
Primary Attack: [roll0] vs. AC (with the +3 power bonus figured in)
Hit: [roll1] +3 damage (plus a set of replace rolls in case of 1s. [roll2]
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: You assume the steel unity stance. Until the stance ends, you can make the following secondary attack.
(Opportunity Action, Melee weapon
Trigger: An adjacent enemy marked by you moves without shifting on its turn
Secondary Target: The triggering enemy
Secondary Attack: Constitution vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Constitution modifier damage.)

2011-12-07, 03:43 PM
Halkad is able to breach the automaton's mind, lowering its defenses against further attacks and damaging it.

2011-12-08, 02:00 AM
Sterix charges forward and attacks the metal man with all his might. He is intercepted by one of the homunculi, which bites deep into his leg, drawing profuse amounts of blood. Undaunted, he continues forward. Yet again, steel rains down upon Gato, breaching his defenses and striking his body.

As the blow lands upon his chest, Gato begins to emit a faint blue glow. He starts to absorb the ambient magic from the area, and starts to steam as well. Clearly, he has become aggravated. He speaks in a louder, more emotional voice.

"Negative: No, no, no. Goading: You will need to try much harder than that, would-be heroes. Inflammatory: Perhaps you are not the chosen ones after all. Finality: If you do not take this more seriously, you will surely die here."

The homunculus' opportunity attack hits and crits on Sterix, inflicting 13 damage.
Sterix hits and bloodies Gato. He immediately activates some sort of mode, but you are unsure of the exact effects yet.



Character Status:

Gato bloodied
STATUS Marked by Sterix

Homunculus 1 Unharmed
STATUS Marked by Sterix

Homunculus 2

Sterix 19/32 hp 12/12 surges
STATUS resist all 6 UEoNT

Max 10/28 hp 9/9 surges
STATUS bloodied

Wil 17/27 hp 8/8 surges

Adrik 26/26 hp 9/9 surges

Luc 24/24 hp 8/8 surges

Halkad 24/24 hp 7/7 surges


Wil 15 <---------Active Player
Adrik 13
Maxilion 13
Gato's Homunculus 10
Gato the Automaton 8
Luc 7
Gato's Homunculus 6
Halkad 6
Max 5

2011-12-08, 02:46 AM
Adrik nods calmly to Gato. "We will emerge victorious, or die hero's deaths. You want to see our true effort? Very well.". Adrik touches his holy symbol and it flares, sending a beacon of healing light towards Sterix. He then winds up his axe at the nearby Homonculus; his axe glows brightly and rejuvenates Maxmillon as he grunts "There, beastie, do I have your attention now?"

Minor Action: Healing Word on STERIX; he spends a healing surge with [roll0] extra HP gained, and gets +2 to attack rolls until EomNT.

Move: Either none, or shift to J4; whichever is necessary to be in melee range of HOMONCULUS 2

Standard: Healing Strike on Homonculus 2: +7 vs. AC, 2[W] radiant, target is marked for 1 round, and ally within 5 (MAXMILLON) spends a surge and gets a +2 to attack until EomNT.

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]+4 Radiant damage

Back-up Brutal/High crit rolls: [roll3]

2011-12-08, 03:30 AM
Adrik swings a mighty blow, but the cunning homunculus sidesteps it.

Suddenly, the other lion statue bounds forward and attacks in defense of its ally. It manages to pierce Adrik's tough armor, but just barely.

Adrik misses with his attack.
As an immediate reaction, H1 shifts to J4 and attacks Adrik, violating Sterix's Mark on it.
It hits and does 7 damage

Adrik, Sterix, and Hal

The creature is a homunculus, a construct designed to protect a specific object, place, or person. Different types have different abilities to protect their charges, and this type has the ability counterattack. It is unusual, but it appears that the homunculi are designed to protect each other.



Character Status

Gato bloodied
STATUS Marked by Sterix

Homunculus 1 Unharmed
STATUS Marked by Sterix

Homunculus 2

Sterix 29/32 hp 11/12 surges
STATUS resist all 6 UEoNT
+2 to attacks UEoNT (Adrik)

Max 10/28 hp 9/9 surges
STATUS Bloodied

Wil 17/27 hp 8/8 surges

Adrik 19/26 hp 9/9 surges

Luc 24/24 hp 8/8 surges

Halkad 24/24 hp 7/7 surges

2011-12-08, 08:30 AM

Maxillon grunts under the heavy damage he has taken. Shaking it off, he touches a yellow stone on his hammer, mentally expending the energy stored there. He seems to recover slightly, then turns again to Gato.

"I'll be sure to take you apart and see how you work when we are done." He then touches a black gem on the hammer, and a thunderous noise sounds, impacting against Gato.

Minor: Healing Infusion: Restive Formula on self (+1 to AC until end of encounter, can dismiss as a free action to gain temp HP)
Free: End bonus from Healing Infusion to gain 10 temporary hit points (surge value + 3 (Con Modifier))
Standard: Use Thundering Armor on self, with secondary target of Gato. [roll0] [roll1] Push Gato to I1, not sure if that provokes an OA or not from Stx

EDIT: Missed anyway. I gain +1 to AC until EOMNT

2011-12-08, 10:12 AM
Will shrugs, disappointed that he can't use his oath currently, but decides to do his best with what the situation gave him. He quickly moved a couple steps, trying to avoiding any attacks that might come his way. He swung down his sword upon the homunculus, hoping to punish those that attack him.

Move: shift M3
Standard: Bond of retribution, vs AC. On a hit, 1d12+wis, Until ENT, first time an enemy other than the target attacks will, they take 3 radiant damage.
attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

Note: no more damage from avenging echo.


Wil (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=348786), Human Avenger
Init +4 HP 17/27 Bloodied 13 Healing Surge 6 (0 used /8)
AC 17 Fort 13 Reflex 15 Will 16 Speed 6
Str 10 (0) Con 13 (+1) Dex 11 (0) Int 16 (+3) Wis 18 (+4) Cha 8 (-1)

2011-12-08, 02:23 PM
Maxillon goes on the defensive, improving his armor with his artificer magic, but failing to damage Gato.

Wil, cut off from pursuit of his quarry, settles his attention on the homunculus in front of him. After moving into a better position, he lands an impressive blow with his blade.

The homunculus facing Adrik and Max bites Adrik, not wanting to test Max's new armor spell. It succeeds, drawing blood from the stout dwarf.

Gato attempts to move away from Sterix, but before he knows it, he is set upon by the battlemind again. He puts his back against the device and makes a series of gestures with his long fingered hands. Four blue eyes glow malevolently as gas erupts from the construct's hands.

Moving with supernatural swiftness, it follows up its attack with a rapid succession of jabs targeted at Sterix's pressure points.

Max's attack misses. Both armor bonuses are power bonuses, so they don't stack :(

Wil's attack does hit, however.

H1 bites Adrik, doing 7 damage.

Gato shifts to H3, and Sterix uses Blurred Step as an Immediate Reaction. Gato then uses his poison cloud ability, hitting Sterix, Max, and Adrik for 7 poison damage each. The affected homunculus is immune to poison damage.

Gato then spends an action point and attacks Sterix, doing 8 damage and immobilizing him (save ends).



Character Status

Gato bloodied
STATUS Marked by Sterix

Homunculus 1 Unharmed

Homunculus 2
STATUS Marked by Sterix

Sterix 26/32 hp 11/12 surges
STATUS resist all 6 UEoNT
+2 to attacks UEoNT (Adrik)

Max 10/28 hp 9/9 surges
STATUS Bloodied
3 temp hp

Wil 17/27 hp 8/8 surges

Adrik 5/26 hp 9/9 surges
STATUS Bloodied

Luc 24/24 hp 8/8 surges

Halkad 24/24 hp 7/7 surges


Wil 15
Adrik 13
Maxilion 13
Gato's Homunculus H1 10
Gato the Automaton 8
Luc 7 <---------Active Player
Gato's Homunculus H2 6
Halkad 6
Max 5

2011-12-08, 06:22 PM
Luc Octavio

Truly you are a poorly constructed piece of work. You can't even control your temper. Calm down why don't you.
Luc imbues his language with bardic magic and gives Gato a quick jolt of magic.

Move: Walk to J1.
Minor: Majestic Word on Max, spends a healing surge and gains an additional 4 HP.
Standard: Vicious Mockery on Gato
Attack vs Will
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Effect: Gato takes a -2 to attack rolls till the end of my next turn.

2011-12-08, 11:29 PM
Once again, Wil is able to pierce Gato's mental defenses and assault him.

The homunculus locked in combat with Wil makes a quick lunge and bite, but fails to catch him.

Wil hits Gato, H2 misses Wil.


Character Status

Gato bloodied
STATUS Marked by Sterix

Homunculus 1 Unharmed

Homunculus 2
STATUS Marked by Sterix

Sterix 26/32 hp 11/12 surges
STATUS resist all 6 UEoNT
+2 to attacks UEoNT (Adrik)

Max 21/28 hp 8/9 surges
3 temp hp

Wil 17/27 hp 8/8 surges

Adrik 5/26 hp 9/9 surges
STATUS Bloodied

Luc 24/24 hp 8/8 surges

Halkad 24/24 hp 7/7 surges

Wil 15
Adrik 13
Maxilion 13
Gato's Homunculus H1 10
Gato the Automaton 8
Luc 7
Gato's Homunculus H2 6
Halkad 6 <--------------Active Player
Sterix 5

2011-12-09, 01:54 AM

Hal's scan of the automaton reveals that it is badly beaten, and he hopes he can shut it down before it does any further harm to his companions. He looks at Gato's assistants and tries to identify weaknesses in them as well.

Minor Action: None

Move Action: None

Standard Action: Mind Thrust on Gato
[roll0] vs Will (roll does not include the -4 penalty to Will from my last attack, which makes this really +9 attack)

Free Action: Knowledge Check (Arcana) on the Homunculi

Monster Knowledge (DC)
15 = Name, type, and keywords
20 = Powers
25 = Resistances and vulnerabilities

2011-12-09, 04:53 AM

Sterix was undaunted by the automaton's attacks and continued his assault. He slipped into better position before striking out with two more vicious attacks.

Move action: Shift 1 into I-4
Standard Action: Use Conductive defense on H1
attack: [roll0] vs. Reflex (bonus already added in)
hit:[roll1] lightning damage and until the SoMNT the target takes 3 lightning damage whenever it hits one of my allies.

Action point!
Standard Action: Use Iron Fist on Gato.
attack:[roll2] vs. AC
hit:[roll3] damage
effect: I gain resist 3/all until EoMNT.

2011-12-09, 08:15 PM
Hal finds a crack in the automaton's mind, and continues to exploit it.

Sterix electrocutes the Homunculus, following up with another attack that just barely misses its target. Gato continues to grow more unstable, eyes burning with contained arcane energy, and with smoke rising pungently from its joints.

Hal hit, Sterix hit the first attack, but missed the second.

A new round begins.

If you'd rather wait, I will post a map when I get home. But feel free to post if you can tell through the text where everyone is. and I am -finally- off on Sat, so hopefully will be able to very actively post.
Exciting round, everyone!
:3 :3 :3

2011-12-09, 09:02 PM
Adrik grunts as blood pours from his wounds. Not yet. Not quite yet!" he yells as he whirls around, his body flaring with divine light as he swings his axe into one of Gato's guardians. As he does, he shouts to Maxmillon "quickly, friend, finish this!"

Let's hope I hit. I know Wil goes first; I assume he's gonna WTF-pwn H2 though :smalltongue:.

Minor: Healing Word myself, regaining an extra [roll0] HP and gaining +2 attack until the end of my next turn.

Move: Shift into J5, setting up a flank with Max.

Standard: Righteous Brand on Homunculus 1. Does 1[W] damage, and grants Maxmillon +3 attack until the end of my next turn if successful.

Attack: [roll1] (7, +2 from flank, +2 from Healing Word/Battle Cleric's Lore)
Damage: [roll2]

Back-up brutal roll: [roll3]

2011-12-10, 01:18 AM
Adrik puts his all into his attack, hitting the homunculus squarely. It reels from the attack, staggering under the weight of the blow.

H1 is bloodied, we'll see how much with that high crit roll


Character Status
Gato bloodied
STATUS Marked by Sterix

Homunculus 1

Homunculus 2
STATUS Marked by Sterix

Sterix 26/32 hp 11/12 surges
STATUS resist all 3 UEoNT

Max 21/28 hp 8/9 surges
3 temp hp
+3 to attacks v H1

Wil 17/27 hp 8/8 surges

Adrik 18/26 hp 8/9 surges
+2 to attacks UEoNT

Luc 24/24 hp 8/8 surges

Halkad 24/24 hp 7/7 surges
Wil 15 <----------Active Player
Adrik 13
Maxilion 13
Gato's Homunculus H1 10
Gato the Automaton 8
Luc 7
Gato's Homunculus H2 6
Halkad 6
Sterix 5

2011-12-10, 08:40 AM
Wil decided it was time to take a gamble. He moved from his spot, allowing the homunculus to attack. It was time to refocus on his enemy, Gato. Quickly moving around the fray, Wil swung his heavy sword mightily, hoping to punish anyone that would get in his way.

Move: I2, provoking OA from H2.
Standard: Bond of Retribution, vs AC against Gato (oath of enmity target). Hit: 1[w]+wis mod, until ENT, first time an enemy other than the target attacks before ent, target takes 3 radiant damage.

Oath of enmity attack rolls(take the highest):

damage: [roll2]

2011-12-10, 03:33 PM

Maxillon steps towards the construct, using more of his powerful magic, releasing a powerful burst of energy, the uses more of his magic to heal himself.

Move: shift to I3
Standard: Thundering Armor on Self. Gain +1 power to AC until EOMNT
Secondary Effect on Gato (If Gato is downed, then on H1) [roll0] [roll1] Shift Gato to H4 or if I attack H1 to I5
Minor: Healing Infusion: Curative Admixture (does not appear to use a healing surge): target regains healing surge value + 3 HP for 10hp regained.

2011-12-11, 12:50 AM
Wil moves away from the homunculus he was engaged with, easily evading its snapping jaws. He rushes Gato and strikes him with a solid blow. Maxillon's Thundering Armor is not enough to daunt the sturdy automaton, but he rejuvenates himself with his healing magic.

The homunculus in the midst of the fray surrounding Gato moves forward and bites Adrik, sensing his blood in the air. Its powerful jaws again pierce his armor, drawing blood.

Gato sneaks to the other side of the device, and readies another poisonous blast. His hands fly through the elaborate spell even as sparks begin to fly from his deteriorating joints.

While Adrik resists the poison's effects, the other two in the blast, Maxillon and Sterix, are once again exposed to the noxious green gas.

Wil is missed by the OA he provokes, and hits Gato. Maxillon misses with his attack.

H1 shifts to I5 and attacks Adrik, inflicting 11 points of damage.
Gato shifts to G4 and uses his poison blast attack again, hitting Max and Sterix for 13 poison damage, but missing Adrik.


Character Status
Gato bloodied (nearly disabled)
STATUS Marked by Sterix

Homunculus 1
STATUS Bloodied

Homunculus 2
STATUS Marked by Sterix

Sterix 16/32 hp 11/12 surges
STATUS resist all 3 UEoNT

Max 15/28 hp 8/9 surges
3 temp hp
+3 to attacks v H1

Wil 17/27 hp 8/8 surges

Adrik 7/26 hp 8/9 surges
+2 to attacks UEoNT

Luc 24/24 hp 8/8 surges

Halkad 24/24 hp 7/7 surges

Wil 15
Adrik 13
Maxilion 13
Gato's Homunculus H1 10
Gato the Automaton 8
Luc 7 <-----------Active Player
Gato's Homunculus H2 6
Halkad 6
Sterix 5

2011-12-11, 01:41 AM

As Gato moves, Sterix seems to blur after him. Which was normal for Sterix, but when the cloud of gas sprayed across him something wrong happened. A haze surrounded him and everything nearby suffered mental anguish.

Blurred Step to follow Gato. Unbalanced mind to do its thing.
Encounter + Psionic, Psychic
Immediate Reaction, Personal
Trigger: You take damage from an attack
Effect: Until the EoMNT, any creature that enters a square adjacent to me or ends its turn there takes 5 psychic damage.

2011-12-11, 10:09 AM

Sorry for no flowery speech, just tying up lose ends before I leave.
Minor Action:
Majestic Word on Adrik, spends a healing surge and gains an additional 4. In addition I slide him one, let him decide where.
Move Action: Walk to E2.
Staggering Note on Gato
[roll0] vs Will
4 damage, push Gato to H5, then Sterix makes a MBA on him.

Staggering Note
At-Will ✦ Arcane, Implement, Thunder
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: Charisma modifier thunder damage, and you push the target 2 squares. As a free action, an ally of your choice can make a melee basic attack against the target before, after, or during this forced movement.

2011-12-12, 11:34 PM
As the heavily armored of the party shift to the left side of the room, the homunculus, now left alone and not threatened by anyone, looks for a target. It finds one in Halkad, the relatively unarmored and frail-looking psion left alone in the doorway. It charges towards him and snaps its vice-like jaws at him. It cuts deep into his arm and hangs there a moment before he shakes it off. A metallic growl hisses out of the creature.

H2 moves to K5 and attacks Hal, hitting him for 12 damage.


Character StatusGato bloodied (nearly disabled)
STATUS Marked by Sterix

Homunculus 1
STATUS Bloodied

Homunculus 2
STATUS Marked by Sterix

Sterix 16/32 hp 11/12 surges
STATUS resist all 3 UEoNT

Max 15/28 hp 8/9 surges
3 temp hp
+3 to attacks v H1

Wil 17/27 hp 8/8 surges

Adrik 18/26 hp 7/9 surges
+2 to attacks UEoNT

Luc 24/24 hp 8/8 surges

Halkad 12/24 hp 7/7 surges
STATUS Bloodied

InitiativeWil 15
Adrik 13
Maxilion 13
Gato's Homunculus H1 10
Gato the Automaton 8
Luc 7
Gato's Homunculus H2 6
Halkad 6 <-----------Active Player
Sterix 5

2011-12-13, 02:15 AM

Hal's eyes flare pure white light as the blood drips from his arm. He sees that the enemies have closed in around him, and unleashes the full force of his attack on Gato.

[Stop this now or be destroyed forever.]

Move: None
Minor: None
Standard: Mind Thrust on Gato
[roll0] vs Will
[roll1] damage

Mind Thrust
You unleash a psychic assault on your foe’s mental pathways. You can increase the assault’s intensity to weaken your foe’s defenses.
At-Will Augmentable, Implement, Psionic, Psychic
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Hit: 1d10 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage.

[roll2] on Gato

2011-12-13, 04:08 PM

Sterix had a sadistic grin painted on his face, a gleam of madness usually absent from his personality. Those sensitive to psionic forces could feel wrongness radiate off him like heatwaves over a stove. He slid to the side still hounding his enemy. He could sense weakness and it was time to finish this. He struck hard and fast attempting a killing blow.

Minor: none
Move: If Gato is still up, Shift to G-5. Otherwise Shift to H-5.
Standard: Iron Fist on Gato, Unless he's dead then on lion-H1.
attack: [roll0] vs. AC
hit: [roll1]
effect: resist 3 vs all damage until EoMNT.
(as always use Blurred Step/Mind Spike if applicable on opponents turns)

2011-12-14, 03:05 AM
Halkad once again presses into the quickly fracturing mind of Gato, the Automaton. He senses the creature begin to lose control under his psychic duress.

Then, seizing the moment, Sterix makes a swift sword stroke that ends it all. With expert swordsmanship, his blade removes the automaton's head from its shoulders. It clangs loudly upon the floor in the sudden silence of the room.

The body still has the power to clumsily take a swing at the air before collapsing into a pile of broken ceramic and metal. Gato's disembodied head seems to have a bit of power, as its eyes flash and the mouth sputters and coughs up a leaden flask that clatters across the floor. It then powers down, the lights of its eyes going out.

Seeing their master destroyed, the homunculi abandon the fight as the light goes out of their eyes, too. They resume their positions as statues in the center of the room, unless stopped.

Finally, the challenge of body appears to be over.

2011-12-14, 03:40 AM

Halkad blinks his eyes once or twice, the pupils fading from white back to black. "It appears that we have survived once again. Shall we move on to the next room, or do you all need a break?" As he speaks, the wounds on Halkad's arm appear to close and heal, the skin smooth and pink where there were once teeth marks.

Spend 2 healing surges to get back to full

2011-12-14, 04:56 AM

Maxillon walks over to the downed construct, and begins studying it, taking the head in his hands and inspecting every part of it. He also searches the "body" for any clues or valuables.

2011-12-14, 06:38 AM

"I actually do need a break," Wil replied as he looked around. "Question though...if this is over, where is the key?

Taking a short rest if the encounter is over....

2011-12-14, 01:54 PM
The heroes take a short break to nurse their wounds and recuperate. Maxillon finds the key of body in the ruined mess of Gato's body.

The door unlocks itself with a conspicuous click.

2011-12-14, 02:50 PM

Hal stands as still as a statue just a few feet from the door of Spirit. He does not blink or fidget or even shift his weight. He appears completely lost in thought.


I had the same thought. Perhaps it would be best if you remained hidden until we are done with this next ordeal.


Quiet you.

2011-12-14, 04:30 PM

"Yes, a break would be excellent." Sterix voice was dull as he slumped down next to a wall. He was clearly exhausted and reeling from the fight, and possibly the poison gas. From that position Sterix takes note of the leaden flask and stretches out to get it.
What's this?

pick up the flask
use two surges to return to full hp.

2011-12-14, 05:13 PM
The flask is much heavier than anticipated, weighing about twenty pounds, but only the size of a chicken drumstick. The cool lead is smooth to the touch and opaque. It is stoppered by a heavy cap, but there is nothing to stop you from opening it (no wards, locks, etc).

The door of spirit is engraved with the holy triad of gods, as well as other pictures of heavenly scenes. In lieu of a handle, a holy symbol can be inserted into the door and turned to open the door. There is a slot for each of the three gods' symbols on the door, though it likely only takes one symbol to open it.

2011-12-14, 05:58 PM
Wil took two healing surges and recovered his encounter powers during the short rest.

Wil looked at the holy symbol around his neck. He lifted it up, showing the others. "Well, shall I do the honors?"

2011-12-15, 02:02 AM

Hal nods his head toward Wil in assent.

2011-12-15, 01:48 PM
Wil's holy symbol fits easily into the door's engraving, popping it open with a satisfying 'click.'

You feel a flush of hot, balmy air that smells of foreign flowers. It is sweet and intoxicating. Before you can really appreciate it, it fades to a whisper. A man screaming can be heard coming from the area below you -- the area you need all three keys to unlock. This is not the scream of a man in trouble, or even of a sane person, but the soulful, utterly horrific scream of a person who is dying slowly and inexorably. It lasts for a full half minute as the six of you are stricken by its suddenness and intensity.

The air remains warm even as the scream is cut off by a wet squelch, the flowers in the air seeming mocking and inappropriate.

As the door of spirit opens, a room is revealed that looks like it belongs more in the Spire than the catacombs. A slightly raised Dias is painted with dark red 'paint' in an elaborate array. On a table sits a thin book that has the expensive inks, papers, and binding of a ritual book. There are a variety of oils and various other tools of the trade for ritualistic purposes next to the book on the table. A soft-looking couch and thick rug give the room a more relaxed feeling than the other two stark, bare rooms.

2011-12-16, 02:21 PM
Wil took his holy symbol back once the door was unlocked. As the others entered, he observed the inks and oils as well as the book. Noting the ritualistic nature Wil said "I'm not sure I'm the best for the ritualistic stuff. I'm more of a hit things with my divinely given might."

2011-12-16, 04:41 PM
Luc Octavio

Luc nodded,
Understandable Wil. I spent two weeks in a church exchange program, I can try it.
Luc smiled and stepped towards the book, hoping to get a gander at what's inside.

Rolls here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12387483&postcount=111)

2011-12-16, 05:28 PM

Hal chuckles to himself in spite of the ominous situation, "What did you exchange, and what did you get in return?" Halkad gives a broad smile, then looking over Luc's shoulder, adds "I can assist if need be. Most of my mental exercises involve rituals."

2011-12-16, 06:21 PM
The book is divided into two parts: a relatively complex ritual on one part, and a brief text on the ritual.

It seems that the circle is a summoning circle, that can be used in conjunction with the ritual to summon a devil. As you read the text, you uncover the devil's name (not its Name, but a way of calling it) which is Puce.

Puce is an imp, and you are able to cast the ritual in ten minutes' time with the ingredients provided.

Finally, the text describes the test: you are to get the key of spirit from Puce.

2011-12-16, 07:11 PM
Luc Octavio

Luc nods as he reads,
Well Hal, I suppose I could do this on my own. But it would be nice to have assistance, thank you.
Luc begins to prepare the ritual and conveys the intent of the test to his comrades.
A little unsettling, but I think we'll do fine.

2011-12-16, 11:04 PM

You feel a slight tingle as a warm presence slips into your mind, sitting just off center. [Ok, let's coordinate our efforts. If we work together we may be able to pull this ritual off without any problems.]

Hal's mind links with the others as he follows Luc's lead in conducting the ritual.

[roll0] check to conduct the group through their performance of the ritual

2011-12-16, 11:25 PM
Luc Octavio

Feeling the knowledge and power that Hal exuded, Luc smiled,
[A good show of knowledge Hal, I'll not let it be in vain.]

Religion: [roll0]

2011-12-17, 12:50 PM
The bard and Psion get to work mixing oils, burning incense, and reading passages from the ritual book. You feel moderately satisfied that your wards are in place, and begin the second half of the ritual -- the summoning.

After a small sacrifice of burnt ox blood and salamander tail, the circle is filled with smoke and fire. An acrid smell fills the air, and you hear the flapping of wings and howling of ravenous demons.

The smoke clears, and a small humanoid about the size of a ten year old child is left in the ring. He is clearly otherworldly, with dark red skin and black, bird like eyes. Large, fleshy wings sprout from his back. Puce is dressed in his namesake color, a fleshy, muddy purple. The cut of his garments is strange and alien. He wears a fedora with holes cut for his horns, and a suit and jacket with no tie. Shiny black shoes adorn his feet.

"So, who summoned me, eh." the imp says in a nasal voice, thick with a foreign accent.

2011-12-18, 06:35 PM

"Yes, that would be us." Sterix finally said, an audible sigh escaping his lips. "Let's just cut to the chase. I'm sure you are busy and I know we are. We want the Key of Spirit, what hoops do we need to jump through to get it?"

[roll0] Sure to fail Diplomacy check.

2011-12-18, 07:23 PM
Luc Octavio

Luc's face is stricken with panic as Sterix opens his mouth,
Oh no no no.
Luc quickly attempts to cover Sterix's social faux pas.

Please Puce, we'd like the Key of Spirit, as my friend suggested. We realize that we must work through this test to get it, perhaps you'd tell us what you require? What can we do for you?
Luc smiles disarmingly.

Use Words of Friendship, gives me a +5 to my next Diplomacy check, totaling +17.

2011-12-18, 10:37 PM

Hal, still linked to Luc's mind, senses the man mixing up his words and tries to help as well.

Reaching out directly to the Demon's mind, Hal makes his own introductions.

[Puce, please accept my apologies for summoning you here. We seek the Key of Spirit, as my companions have said. Please, tell us what you would ask in order to earn the Key.]


2011-12-19, 07:04 AM
Oh great, ask a demon for a trade. That always goes well, the avenger couldn't help but think. BUt he stood there silently as the others did the talking. We all know what to do if things go awry

2011-12-19, 03:22 PM
"Eheheh..." Puce laughs. "Yeah , I think we could arrange a little something sumthin' -- what d'you got to offer in exchange? I got a lotta great swag from guys who come before you. Eheheh,, so what'll it be eh?" Puce removes a long cigarette from his breast pocket and lights it with a snap of his fingers. The stench curls your toes as he begins to puff on it, beady black eyes darting about the room.

You have one failure and two successes, should you choose to continue to solve as a skill challenge, with diplomacy being 'tapped out' so to speak. If you do want to keep at a skill challenge, we need to hear from the three who havent rolled yet.

2011-12-19, 06:24 PM

Maxillon says little, but looks Puce over for any clues that might help resolve this situation, or give some hint as to what the beast might want.


2011-12-19, 08:08 PM

The table is littered with items. Some were used in the ritual, but a fair amount were not, including a vial of venom, a flask half full of acid, a plate of crushed wolfsbane, a cup of mercury, and some bright red salt.

The imp itself looks very put together. That is, you don't see the tattered clothing, chains, or other signs of misery that devils have in stories; he looks fat and happy. Appealing to his 'refined tastes' could work.

Or, it's said that devils deal in souls. But you don't think you want to go that far. Or do you?

+2 to next skill check from Maxillon's perceptions.

2011-12-19, 08:16 PM

"I'm just a simple artificer of magic, but maybe I can trade some workmanship for the key." Maxillon smiles. "I'm sure not all of the items you've recovered from those that have failed are useful to you, perhaps I can dissasemble those you don't find useful, and make something you would like."

2011-12-20, 07:52 PM
"Eheheh... I like that. Mebbe nex time I get called to this place I'll bring a couple of 'em with me. For now, Mebbe you'd just fix me sumthin. the imp produces a cloud of smoke from his pocket. When it clears, he is holding a golden clockwork elephant. "I jus' need this lil guy wound -- well, more like charged. Think you could do that for me?"

He holds out the seven inch figurine expectantly.

Sterix, Luc, Adrik, Hal, and Wil (insight success)
the imp just cast an illusion. He is holding a silver disc in his hand -- not a toy elephant.

(arcana success - you guys are getting good rolls!)
The disc is a special daemonic device known as a Nightmare Coin. When accepted willingly, the Coin will absorb the recepient's soul, which can then be carried around with ease, since it is caught in a palm-sized disc.

2011-12-21, 12:52 AM

"Oh come on now!" the battlemind snorted. "That's clearly a illusion veiled Nightmare Coin."

He gives the demon a look of disdain and suggests, "How about you give us the key; I give you the key's weight in residuum?"

2011-12-21, 01:34 AM
"Eheheh. Now we're talking the same language." Puce says, pocketing the silver disc and removing a long, thin key from his jacket. "This key's pretty heavy, mortal. I hope you can back up your promise!" He nearly cackles in glee. The key is about eight ounces, and about 13 gp of residuum should cover the weight.

I like that! You pulled a fast one on him. Nicely done, Sterix

2011-12-21, 01:39 AM

Sterix pulls out the lead flask and makes the trade, giving a bit of extra residuum out to show that the offer is made in good faith.

20g of residuum to Puce, in exchange.

2011-12-21, 02:13 AM
The imp is dumbfounded when Sterix pours a few shakes of glimmering golden dust into his greedy outstretched mitts. He has already handed over the key, however, and sees he has been tricked.

"Eheheh, I'll remember this, mortal. Well played; it isn't everyday one of your lot can best me. You've impressed me, though. So, here's a little hint: 'find door number four where there was none before.'" The imp then bows mockingly, and vanishes in a puff of smoke.

2011-12-21, 03:05 AM

Hal claps Sterix heartily on the back, "Well done! I told you that mind of yours was good for more than combat!"

Hal then turns to the others, "So . . . are you all ready for the next step?"

2011-12-21, 11:58 AM
Wil lifted up his full blade, and saluted. "Ready"

2011-12-21, 02:55 PM
You find the central room much as you left it. The large contraption sits in the center quietly, awaiting your keys. The three doors of body, mind, and spirit are on one side, and the entrance steps are on another.

2011-12-21, 10:47 PM

Standing before the large contraption, Hal takes a moment to clear his mind. Ever so gently, he sighs, opens his eyes, and squares his shoulders.

[Maxillon, I believe that you have the Key of Mind and the Key of Body, correct?]

2011-12-23, 02:41 AM
I'm just gonna go ahead and move things forward, since our posting has slowed.

You produce the keys and turn them in the contraption. The ground shakes a moment, and it unfolds into a spiral staircase leading down about twenty feet. It is made of black metal, and seems quite stable.

The air rushing up from there is hot and balmy, and smells of foreign flowers.

You reach the bottom of the stairs, proceeding cautiously. What challenge awaits you this time?

It is balmy and hot down here, and dark, too. Your torches reveal a grisly sight.

A man lies in the center of a square shaped room. He is eviscerated, with organs spilt about in a five foot radius -- it gives you the impression that something was trying to make a scene; the carnage is extraneous. The corpse's face is absolutely unrecognizable, it has been savaged so.

In the corner, trying and failing to avoid your attention, you see a Fey.

She is a type you have never seen nor heard of -- not the foot tall, wasp-like pixies or locust-like sprites. Large, diaphanous butterfly wings sprout from her back, and are folded tightly to her body. Everything about her is bright and vivacious, from her large, intelligent eyes (it is common knowledge that Fey are no more than ravenous beasts, so this surprises you) to her shining, spiky hair. The Fey's skin is pearly white and speckled with freckles. Two fuzzy antennae adorn her brow. She is about four and a half feet tall, and wears a gauzy gown seer hat shimmers in your torchlight.

She looks completely terrified.

2011-12-23, 02:55 AM

Hal suppresses his gorge and scans the room quickly, noting the Fey in the corner. He makes note of everything he sees, filing it in his mind to digest later, then addresses the Fey.

[Who are you? What has happened here? My name is Halkad, student of the Five Precepts. We do not mean you any harm, but we will defend ourselves. Do you speak the Common tongue, or is this your preferred medium of communication?]

[roll0] to see what else I note in the room
[roll1] to try and assess the mood of the Fey being
[roll2] to communicate effectively with the Fey being

2011-12-23, 01:26 PM
"K-k-korosanai de...!" the Fey creature whimpers in a foreign language. It sounds similar to Elvish, but... Wrong.

[W-w-who are you? W-w-what is going on?] You sense sincerity in her pleas. The image of fresh snow, churned into mush beneath running feet and hooves fills your mind. This does not seem to be a bloodthirsty monster, but rather a terrified young woman. Her mind is alien to you, yet familiar. It is complex like a Malgoynian, but she thinks in pictures and phrases more than words.

Your eyes begin to take in the rest of the room -- not just the Fey and the dead body. There is a large wooden cabinet sitting across the room from you, closed. A small workbench with tools on it is the other major article in the room.

2011-12-23, 04:09 PM

Maxillon ignores the fey and goes over to the workbench and cabinet, inspecting them carefully.

2011-12-23, 05:14 PM
The artificer steps around the pile of entrails and examines the cabinet. It opens on oiled hinges and reveals a dazzling array of pendants.

A sign on the door reads:
"Ye who have passed the trials
of the Magician
Take upon yourself a symbol
an insignia all your owne
Fashionne it into a crest ye
can be proud of
Wear it with dignity
and let not dishonour falle upon
the Ensorcelled Spire.

You can choose from a massive array of already made symbols -- each unique -- or fashion your own on the workbench.

It appears that the planned test may be over, but what of the Fey and the corpse?

2011-12-24, 12:36 AM

[You must go. This is clearly not your work, but your kind is hated here.] Sterix attempts to broadcast to any receptive mind, knowing that Halkad would ignore a message intended for the Fey.

He begins to examine everything about the corpse, showing no hint of disgust only interest.

A whole lotta rolls
Arcana: for specific information about the Fey.
Arcana: for possible significance in the killings lay out.
Insight: for a gut feeling about things.
Heal: for CSI kinda information.

2011-12-24, 01:47 AM

The dwarf ignores the body and begins working on an amulet of his own. While lacking materials to make it potently magical, he does work in the weavings of his own infusions and powers, using the amulet much in the way he would use the wires and gemstones on his hammer.

Maxillon's Icon:


2011-12-24, 02:08 AM

Hal looks to one of the others who is used to talking to people [Can you please talk to her? I do not understand what is happening and I need a moment to process]

Hal walks over to Maxillon, who has found comfort in his craft. Hal picks up a handful of silver and copper wires and slouches against the wall, his hands fiddling with the pieces. Moments later, he stops, looks down, and a small smile creases his face. He then affixes the symbol to the front of his robes.


2011-12-24, 06:57 AM
I wouldn't even know what to say. Wil thought to himself as he saw the symbols on the table. After seeing the symbols, he found one to his satisfaction.


2011-12-27, 12:47 PM
Luc Octavio

Luc, having remained silent for so long as the thoughts common amongst his comrades plagued his mind as well, finally spoke again,
Hal, Sterix, could one of you use your psionics to help me converse with her? Though I am a man of many talents, language is yet to be one.
Luc did not look away from the Fey for a minute, enthralled. He'd long been interested in the Fey, it was expected by his Bardic tradition, but he took it to a new level. Their bodies were wonders of science, their work the most impressive of arts, and their ideas. Oh their ideas were the most fantastic sort of whimsy. He loved the Fey and everything about them, and to see this lovely girl, alone and scared, hurt Luc. He needed to help her, he needed to find a way to understand.

In relation to the Fey girl:
Insight: To understand the person:

Arcana: To understand the creature:

Diplomacy: To communicate:

2011-12-27, 05:34 PM

Hal admires his pendant for a second, tracing the shape with his fingers absentmindedly. The echoes of the fey creature's language bounce around his head as he tries to make sense of her language. Hearing Luc's request, Hal breaks from his concentration.

"I will do what I can"

Hal carefully approaches the creature and looks her directly in the face. He tries to form the image of her language in his mind and communicate with her in a way that makes her more comfortable.

[Wa-ta-shi wa Halkad de-su. I am Halkad. O-na-mae wa nan-desu-ka? What is your name? To-mo-da-chi. I am your friend. Dou-shi-ta no? What happened?]

2011-12-27, 11:08 PM

Still pondering the meaning of the murder and the frightened Fey, Sterix rifles through the symbols until one strikes his fancy. It seems like a charm perhaps somehow connected to the Minotaur race. But it's motif of an eye surrounded by geometric figures appeals to him.


2011-12-28, 04:38 PM
"Iya, koro****a nohaatashidewanai. Shinjittekurete..." The Fey's foreign words cascade from her lips, as she barely takes time to breathe between her pleas. Somehow, she seems to trust the duo interacting with her.

[It wasn't me who killed him! The Face Man came and I closed my eyes because I didn't want him to take me and then when I opened them again he was like this and I can't go home because nowthe door is closed and then you came in] her thoughts flood your minds in a torrent. You think she is telling the truth; her big, bright violet eyes show no guile.

2011-12-28, 04:57 PM

"If we're done with the test we should get out of here. I don't want to be around a spot where someone died recently."

2011-12-29, 12:50 AM

"Hardly the sentiment I expected from someone training to investigate 'occurences'." Sterix commented wryly to the artificer.

2011-12-29, 01:13 AM

"I'm smart enoguh to realize that this place was designed to kill us, so no need to investigate its purpose. Guess if we found a plague somewhere, you'd want to get infected by it just to be sure it was fully investigated."

2011-12-29, 01:34 AM

With a placating gesture, Hal addresses his companions, "Sterix, Max, please. There is enough conflict in here already. What is done is done. Now, what do we do about it? I am just as eager as the rest of you to graduate, but maybe do you think this might be related to the dreams we all had? The fey don't normally come here as far as I know. Perhaps we could just inform Ingrid?"

Hal frowns for a second, then turns back to the fey, "Wait, why are you here?"

2011-12-29, 01:43 AM
Luc Octavio

You're like bickering children, my gods.
Luc attempted to approach the Fey,
You'll be fine. We won't hurt you. We just want to help. We'll do our best to get you home.
Luc frowned,
Do any of you have any idea who the "Face Man" could be? Seems like a lead.

2011-12-29, 07:42 AM
Wil just shook his head in response to both the bickering and Luc's question.

"No, I don't know who this Face Man could be.." Then he turned back to the Fey, to await her answer to Halkad.

2011-12-29, 10:44 AM

"I believe that he is the 'Face Man'" Hal says, pointing to the corpse.

2011-12-29, 01:43 PM
The Fey answers you as best as she can.

[The door was open so I came in here because I was bein chased by a Femo-Man and I didn't think he would follow me and he didn't but this strange person was here and then the Face Man came and took his face and left the room. The door was already closed so I couldn't go back and now you're going to help me?] She looks hopefully at the two interacting with her with big eyes. Her wings have relaxed a bit; no longer tight against her body, they flutter softly.

The body certainly looks mutilated enough to have had its "face stolen."

2011-12-29, 02:27 PM

"Ah, so the 'Face-Man' is more of the 'no-face man' or 'face stealing man.' To me that points to some kind of changeling. Thoughts?"

The battlemind was happy to get on with the real investigation, his demeanor changing entirely as a result.

2012-01-01, 08:28 PM

"Where was this door, wee lass?"

2012-01-04, 05:17 PM
The fey attempts to smile, but seems somewhat nervous still. She almost looks like she expects to be put on a spit and roasted at any moment.

[The Face Man is not from my woods. We have terrible things there like Femo-Men and Kamukamu Plants, but nothing like the Face Man.] She visibly shudders, or maybe shivers You notice that the balmy heat and scent of flowers are gone now. The Fey is wearing a light and loose garment -- certainly she is not dressed for the weather here. There is a faint floral scent coming from her, similar to the other.

[The door was just right here but then it closed and now I can't see it. They say you aren't supposed to go through the doors because you can't come back but the Kosubi and Subi still do and they never come back I dont think but it was an emergency because I was going to get eaten if I stayed and I thought the door was too small for the Femo-Man and I was right because he stopped chasing me and I think I'm safe now. Am I safe now? Are you going to eat me? Please don't eat me."

2012-01-04, 05:59 PM
Luc Octavio

Calm yourself dearest, we won't eat you.
Luc smiles and removes his cloak,
You look cold, put this on. We're going to figure out what to do about you as soon as we can. I promise you that you're safe now.

Luc then looks to his comrades,
We're gonna have to figure out something to do with her, we can't let anybody know she's here. I mean that, nobody can know.
He looks serious and eyes everybody,
Sound good?

2012-01-04, 07:01 PM
Will shrugs. "I certainly have no qualms. Question is, what are we going to do. Just leave her here, and hope the next that take the test do the same? Or do we try and smuggle her somewhere.?

2012-01-04, 09:15 PM

"We take her to the headmaster, and see what he will do with her. Otherwise, we leave her here to her fate."

2012-01-05, 02:32 PM

"I must say, I have to agree with Max here. The headmaster charged us with this specific task on this specific day." Halkad pauses for a moment, as if listening to something in the distance.

"Possibly he knew that something had happened and he intended to lead us on this path."

Hal looks at the creature again, noting her mannerisms, trying to pick out clues from her speech, her appearance.

"Do you think we could disguise her so that she would not stand out?"

2012-01-05, 02:39 PM

"Whatever we do, we must be circumspect. She is Fey and our duty is clear that we must keep the Wyld out of the City."

2012-01-05, 05:55 PM
The Fey girl wraps herself in the cloak offered to her by Luc. It engulfs her handily, covering her wings and body. She pushes the hood out from her face and off her antennae, which jut from the hood like cattails.

[Thank you... for not eating me and for the funny coat. Its nice and warm, and smells a little bit like you - but not like it stinks or anything - and why do you have to hide me because I am really good at hiding like this one time I hid from my brothers and sisters for a whole afternoon and they couldn't find me because I was in a tree and even when they looked at me I am really good at being still.] Though you have your doubts about the peppy little Fey being still for any length of time, the cloak seems to cover her enough that a cursory glance would not reveal her nature.

Explaining how your party increased by one to Ingrid, however, might be another story.

There are a few possibilities for places to deposit her, should that be your intention: the gardens, the dormitory, or somewhere else.

The gardens are a huge expanse of greenery more like a forest contained in the Ensorcelled Spire grounds. Here, the occasional beast makes travel a little dangerous, and allows Magicians to hone their skills on live, deadly targets. It also hosts many rumors, from the Hanged Man - a supposed tree possessed by an old teacher of the school where people allegedly come to get any one question answered - to the Pool of Life - where the Headmaster supposedly goes to drink in order to prolong his life. Needless to say, it is a mysterious place.

The dormitory is better known to you, but has significantly more traffic. It would not be impossible to smuggle the Fey in, should you choose to. You are unsure how much she understands the situation she is in, however, and might or might not get herself into trouble.

You could also take her somewhere else, like to the Headmaster or leave her here.

2012-01-05, 06:10 PM
Luc Octavio

Luc chuckles at the bubbly Fey,
I'm sure you're a phenomenal hider. But this time I think you're gonna need our help.

He turns to his comrades,
How about we take her to the gardens, that'll probably be more like home for her and she can hide better. You can tell the Headmaster and if he seems none to keen on the idea one of us can get her out of here. Or perhaps we could do some investigating around the testing chambers, maybe we can find how she got here?
He looks hopeful,
With the cloak nobody will figure her out, we can sneak her out easy.

2012-01-05, 08:00 PM

[The gardens seem like a wonderful idea Luc. Can you talk our way past Ingrid?]

2012-01-07, 03:32 AM
The Fey seems to accept the situation. She bundles up in the cloak and stands up, ready to leave the murder scene.

Do you plan on distracting Ingrid and smuggling the Fey out, explaining her presence to Ingrid, or something else?

Anything else that you want to do before leaving the catacombs?

2012-01-07, 06:16 AM
Wil remains silent, not really caring what they do with the Fey. After they make the decision, he finally speaks up. Yes, how are we going to get this past Ingrid?

2012-01-07, 04:11 PM

"Oh I think having the Fey stand to the side somewhere while we inform Ingrid of the murder ought to result in an opportunity to sneak her out."

2012-01-07, 06:07 PM

"As meek as she may look, I don't trust any fey, let alone enough to sneak one away. We should inform Ingrid and suggest we take her to the headmaster."

2012-01-07, 11:17 PM
Luc Octavio

What do you mean you don't trust Fey! This is the first you've ever even meet!
Luc looks flabbergasted that Max could say that,
What could she possibly do that we couldn't handle?
We're not telling Ingrid. The Headmaster, maybe, but nobody else. They'd try and hurt her.
Luc is not pleased by that notion.

2012-01-08, 12:38 AM

"He doesn't trust Fey because they are utterly alien denizens of the Wyld and represent everything we've been trained to isolate and remove. Or have you forgotten what we've been trained to do as Magicians?"

Sterix viewed the bard with incredulity, how had this man passed the basic indoctrination classes?

2012-01-08, 09:46 AM

"Aye, she's meek, and pretty, but fey are dangerous. Hiding one in the school is even more dangerous for you personally, and probably a violation of dozens of rules that I never bothered to look at because I never thought there'd be a fey we'd want to keep."

2012-01-08, 12:58 PM
Luc Octavio

But even if she is a Fey, she's still a person. She needs our help and I intend to help her. It's easy to hate the Fey and fear them, but that's before. Now we've meet one, what could she possibly due to us? We are trained to handle her and their are six of us. We've just proven that we can handle this, so what's the issue?
Luc was getting angry, why couldn't they just agree with him? He wasn't used to meeting opposition.

2012-01-08, 01:11 PM

Hal had drifted off in his thoughts again, and turns back to face the group.

"We all agree that we need to take her to the headmaster, correct? Well if so, why don't we just do that. We are trained to handle the Fey, and we are escorting her, whether as a prisoner or a guest, to the headmaster. We also do need to report the murder, regardless of whether there is one of the Wyld here or not. It seems that all that is left is semantics."

"I can keep Ingrid occupied with the murder if you all want to go ahead. I will catch up later."

2012-01-08, 01:47 PM
So it's agreed then, Wil inquired. If so, we should get going, before someone comes to check if we've died or not.

2012-01-10, 07:40 PM

"I'm not comfortable with it, but if we're going to do it, let's get on with it."

2012-01-10, 08:29 PM
Luc Octavio

Thank you,
Luc sighs and gestures towards the Fey,
Alright, we're leaving, come along now please.
He smiles a bit and offers his hand to help the Fey up the stairs. He then looks as if he was stricken with a thought,
I don't believe we've introduced ourselves, I am Luc, what is your name little Fey?

2012-01-11, 02:25 AM
The Fey responds brightly, seeming to have forgotten about the dreadful situation she finds herself in.
"Morihime Haruko." she indicates herself as she says it, "Haruko dake tte iiyo."

She goes along with Luc.

As you leave the confines of the catacombs, you are surprised how much time has flown by; the sun is high in the sky, beginning it's nightly descent.

Ingrid is nowhere to be found, and the coast is clear. Perhaps she had other matters to attend to?

What do you do from here?

2012-01-11, 07:09 AM

"I don't like this...there's something going on here, and I fear it has to do with the fey and the faceless man. We should hurry to the Headmaster." Taking words to action, the dwarf runs towards the stairs on the most direct route to the Headmaster's office.

2012-01-11, 12:49 PM

[Agreed] Hal sends to the group. [This is too strange for my liking.] Hal follows Maxillon to the Headmaster's office, hoping that they will be granted access.

2012-01-11, 01:31 PM
As you make your way hurriedly through the grounds, you do not encounter any curious passers-by. The large, impressive doors of the Spire welcome you.

You enter the building, intent on getting to the Headmaster's office as quickly as possible -- and you meet the first living thing you've seen since exiting the catacombs. A stern-looking man, carrying himself haughtily and wearing teacher's robes casts his disapproving glare upon you. The man is middle aged, with high cheekbones and pointy ears -- he looks like a half-elf. He slowly comes closer to the party, meeting you at the foot of the steps, and speaks in a dry, deep voice. "And what is your business here, students?"

He might be eyeing Haruko suspiciously, but maybe that is your imagination.

2012-01-11, 02:55 PM

"Yes, the Headmaster sent us to complete our Magician trials earlier today," Hal holds up his pendant to show the teacher, "and he asked us to return to his office when we were finished. We were just on our way there right now." Hal smiles broadly and does his best to clear his mind of all stray thoughts.

2012-01-11, 04:51 PM
"... Congratulations on your achievement, students." The man says slowly. There is something vaguely unsettling about him, but you cannot place it. "I shall take no more of your... Valuable time."

With that, he passes you and enters a door that leads to one of the back rooms.

As you continue up the stairs, the air grows heavy again - as it did upon your first meeting with the Headmaster. His door stands before you.

Do you need to discuss anything before you go in, or are you all ready to go?

2012-01-12, 03:01 AM
Sterix goes right in whether anybody discusses or not. He has been looking vaguely uneasy ever since the run in with the professor.

2012-01-12, 06:11 PM
Sterix goes straight to the doors and practically throws them open. He steps into the Headmaster's room and is brought face-to-face with the man himself.

You hadn't quite realized how tall the man was when last you met - perhaps because he was seated. The Headmaster stands nearly seven and a half feet, towering above you as you walk into his room. It seems he was preparing some residuum for a ritual; you see a table in between him and the door with six neat piles of glimmering golden dust, each coupled with a small token like a tuft of down or a small bone.

His gaze raises from his work and rests upon you, Sterix. Dark glasses flash in the light, and his expression is expectant, but he utters neither a sound of surprise nor a greeting.

2012-01-12, 06:26 PM

Hal peers curiously at the small tokens on the table, then tries to gauge the Headmaster's reaction to the party and their Fey guest.


2012-01-12, 08:47 PM

"Sir, we have a problem." Sterix spoke up after swallowing his own nervousness. "In the amulet room at the end of our trial there was a mystery waiting for us. A dead body, rather ghastly, and a very frightened creature." He motions toward the Fey.

2012-01-13, 02:27 AM
Hal studies the Headmaster, searching for any indication of his mental state. He seems serene, and maybe pleased that his students have passed their test. You see no sign of alarm at the Fey --

-- the Fey?

Sterix indicates the Fey with a wave of his hand only to be greeted by empty space. Panic wells up briefly in all of you as you discover that she is missing.

Hal (or any perception check over 17)
You see Haruko has slipped off and is doing an incredibly impressive job of blending into a coatrack. She is standing stiff as a board, and the coat is ruffled and wrinkled just as though it were just tossed there. No sign of her other than an errant bare foot poking from beneath the coat belies her presence.

2012-01-13, 02:42 AM

[Haruko!] Hal thinks to the Fey [Kimasu! Come over here. We are trying to help you. Why are you afraid? The Headmaster would be someone who could return you to the Wyld.]

2012-01-13, 07:08 AM

"This is why you do not trust a fey, and why we should had dispatched her or left her where we found her." He moves calmly over to the hidden fey, and pulls the coat off of her. "Come on out lass, don't make this more difficult."


2012-01-13, 08:38 AM
Wil, noticing the fey simply in passing, decides not to say anything. He wanted to see the reaction of the headmaster and the mere mention of Haruko.

He has a passive perception of 19

2012-01-13, 04:02 PM
The Fey, Haruko, is revealed with a peep of dismay. She looks scared again, stammering something with a bunch of "k" sounds over and over. However, she does comes forward to stand before the Headmaster.

His passive mein falls for a moment at the shock of seeing such a creature here.

"A dead body and a Fey?" he says incredulously, "did you not feel capable of taking care of the problem there? When Fey are about there are sure to be dead bodies. Still, perhaps it was wise of you to bring her to me: we can study her, see what she knows. Perhaps an answer to the Fey Menace lies in these petite bones." He begins to speak more to himself than to you. Almost dismissively, he waves to the stacs of residuum.

"Leave the amulets you collected here, and I shall enchant them with a basic protection. As a Magician grows, do too does his amulet. But for now, leave them and -- take the rest of the day off. You will report to Ingrid again tomorrow afternoon for Magician's training." Serming to be distracted by the recent prize placed before him, the Headmaster quickly tells you what is expected if you and dismisses you.

You are dismissed. Do you stick around, return to the dorms, or something else?

2012-01-13, 04:18 PM

Max drops off his amulet and nods respectfully before heading back to the dorm. He spennds the rest of the day tinkering with his hammer and its enhancements.

2012-01-14, 02:47 PM
Wil does the same, placing his amulet in front of the headmaster. He left without a word to go back to the dorm and meditate on the day's events.

2012-01-14, 05:59 PM

Sterix nods to the headmaster and leaves his amulet. He leaves quietly but the fate of the fey does worry him. Still it was a fey, and they were creatures of the wyld. None of his concern anymore.

2012-01-15, 02:55 AM

Hal reluctantly removes the amulet from his cloak and sighs while placing it on the headmaster's desk next to the others. He spares a brief glance for Haruko, then, to the headmaster, [We promised her that we would protect her. She came here by accident and does not want to hurt anyone.]

2012-01-15, 04:01 AM
[It speaks?] The Headmaster thinks in surprise, calculating. His 'voice' is cold and dry, like a glacier.[Never you mind. The Fey will be taken into custody -- it won't be killed. You have your orders, Magician.] He finishes with an edge of steel to his thoughts. Clearly, the man is used to being obeyed.

2012-01-15, 05:57 AM

Hal nods his head and exits the office, heading back to his rooms. Along the way he cannot shake the feeling that something is wrong, and keeps his eyes out for anything out of the ordinary.

2012-01-15, 05:43 PM
Luc Octavio

When can I come back for her?
Luc sighs, placing his amulet with the others. He had picked a simple solid circle from the table as they left.
I promised to help her back home.
He seems tired.

2012-01-16, 01:00 AM
The Headmaster informs you that you may see the Fey "After it has taught us all it can." The impression of dismissal is heavy, as though the Headmaster wishes to get you out of his hair; he doesn't seem concerned that you care about the Fey's fate. Perhaps you will be able to use that in the future.

For now, it seems Haruko is in the Headmaster's hands.


You all spend the rest of the day in a state of nervous uneasiness. There is an electricity in the air that only you seem able to perceive. Perhaps the Headmaster was right. Perhaps a storm is coming.

This concludes our first adventure. Yay. If you would all be interested, you may post a in-between of what you want to accomplish in the next week of your characters' lives. In large strokes, you will be training with Ingrid and learning more about being Magicians.

You will advance to level two! Yay. Please post in the OOC thread (a link in my sig exists should you require one) with your level two sheet.

You receive 100gp for whatever you want from the Spire for graduation. You may spend this, use your residuum, or do anything else you want in your in-between post.

I will give us a few days to catch up, should we need it, and start the next chapter of Malgoyne and the Ensorcelled Spire: The Gardens on Wednesday or Thursday (in this thread).

If you have any questions or want to do a little more with the Headmaster, that is okay, too --- I just wanted to move things along a bit because it seems that not everyone is concerned with Haruko.

Finally, is everyone still here? It feels like we've lost Adrik.

2012-01-16, 08:57 AM

Maxillon spends the next week in deep study, trying to understand the resonance energy of healing. He works on developing new infusions and tools to use, and finally settles on a strange device that looks like a steel eye dropper. He doesn't tell anyone what exactly it will do, but he seems to prize it.

2012-01-16, 11:45 AM

Hal spends his time working out new ways to avoid getting hurt. He prides himself in staying out of trouble, but only when he was tested did he realize how flimsy his cloth really was.

With enough effort (much to the annoyance of first-year students who sparred with him) Hal devised a way that he could simply discourage all but the most willful attackers from harming him.

2012-01-16, 07:01 PM
Luc Octavio

Luc's spent much of his free time worrying and thinking about what was going on with Haruko. He poured over every research report he could find about the Fey, anything about the Headmaster and anything about anything. He spent long nights in the library, his research and anxiety eventually compounded into a reeking beacon that attracted the attention of a Book Imp, Abza, who tried to sway him. He failed. Luc was anxious, but his wit and will were easily enough to best the lowly imp and take it for his own study. Abza's assistance in the library sped Luc's work a bit and he even found time to learn Infernal.

2012-01-16, 10:16 PM

Wil spends much of his time in the training room when he could, practicing his skill with his weapon. However, his mind wasn't completely focused on this task. He too was distracted somewhat by the fate of the fey. His swings weren't quite as powerful as they should've been. He kept trying to shrug this odd worry off. After all, they were trained to handle these creatures, and they did. But was it enough?

2012-01-16, 10:37 PM
Sterix also spent his time in the training room attempting to master a new method of attacking without using his innate psionic power. It went pretty well and he now feels confident in its use.

2012-01-17, 02:44 PM
Your training goes well, even if it is marred by worry over the Fey, Haruko's, fate. A week passes, and you feel stronger than before; you feel a little more worthy of the title Magician.

It is the start of a new week, and you find yourselves gathered before the Headmaster once again.

"There is a delicate matter which requires the secrecy that I have created your party to uphold. Four students have gone missing, one after the other, over this past week. Our searches of the grounds and common hideouts throughout Malgoyne have proven fruitless.

"You must find these students. A panic could break out if something has happened to them, so report directly back to me when you discover them.

"Time is of the essence, and Makgoyne is a large place -- I recommend that you seek the counsel of a diviner. The best available is cloistered in the Gardens. You will find it in a great willow tree near a brook, deep in the forest, and it will answer any questions you have about the missing students. Do this, and do yore Spire proud." He finishes and gives you a moment to ask for clarification before dismissing you.

Sheaves of paper containing profiles of the four missing students have been provided to you: you are searching for a set of 13 year old twins named Mikael and Hansel, a 9 year old girl named Abigail, and a 15 year old girl named Hanna.

All are students of very average grades and ability. What's your first move?

2012-01-17, 09:32 PM
Luc Octavio

To the Gardens then. We've little time to waist fellows, and these are young ones. So the risk is that much greater. Haste, make haste.
Luc strides towards the door, his Book Imp Abza in tow, when he stops and turns.
Headmaster, though I hate to intrude. How is Haruko doing? Is she well, has your research proved fruitful?
He looks worried and frowns.

2012-01-18, 12:48 AM

Sterix nods at the suggestion to head to the gardens and brushes by Luc on his way out, not bothering to hear about the fey.

2012-01-18, 07:26 AM

"As cold as it may sound, you are the one that said we need to make haste," Wil said to Luc. "You can worry about the fey once we're done. We should go now."

2012-01-18, 08:54 AM

Max seems very grumpy today, he says almost nothing except a gruff good morning, and then heads for the gardens as soon as it is suggested.

2012-01-19, 12:56 AM

Having had the week to reflect in silence on what he learned through his trials, Hal has once again assumed a mask of serenity and detachment. He barely nods ascent to the Headmaster's suggestion before following Sterix out the door and toward the gardens.

2012-01-19, 09:46 PM
Luc Octavio

Luc frowns,
I'd really like to know, but I suppose you're right. I've waited a week, I can wait a bit longer I guess. Quickly then.
He steps quickly through the door and beckons the others, his cloak billowing as he exits. He makes his way out where they can regroup and figure out what they need before they leave.
Are we all prepared to go?

2012-01-21, 06:07 PM
Raising his fullblade the avenger replied in the affirmative. Aye!

2012-01-22, 03:51 AM
I am so sorry, everyone. It hasn't snowed like that in a long time here, and apparently Comcast was not up to the tasking weathering the storm. I am back in business now, and it looks like the weather is getting warmer.

You leave the Headmaster's Quarters and make your way down the tower. The way to the gardens is long, and you wind through a fair portion of the grounds before coming to the main path leading into the gardens.

There is a black iron fence encircling the area, with the thick vegetation of the garden up against it. The gate is open, and you see the teacher from earlier leaving the woods. He pretends not to notice you and walks hurriedly in the opposite direction.

It is early in the morning, and the winds are strong and cold.

2012-01-22, 11:08 AM
Luc Octavio

Luc spys the teacher and makes a beeline to him,
Sir, excuse me sir! I need to speak with you sir!
Luc takes a brisk pace towards the teacher, he wouldn't miss an obvious lead like this, oh no. Abza the book imp reluctantly scampers along beside him.

2012-01-22, 01:41 PM

(the teacher that accosted us on the way to the Headmaster's office?)

Max nods towards Luc. "This will be fun. How many superiors do you want to piss off today?"

2012-01-23, 02:10 AM

"Superior my eye!" Sterix motions to his amulet. "We're Magicians now. The Headmaster is still our superior but the instructors? Just equals worthy of respect."

2012-01-23, 07:07 AM
You follow the instructor a short ways and call out to him. He attempts to ignor you at first, but then wheels about to face you, saying, "What is it you need to ask me so desperately, student, that you must accost me like this?" He uses the same haughty, unfriendly tone he used back at the Spire last week.

2012-01-23, 04:21 PM
The headmaster charged us with an important assignment, Wil boldly replied. And the way you exited the garden attracted our attention. And in such a way that make us believe you might be involved. Wil's tone was even and rather neutral, hoping this would avoid any issue of thinking the teacher was being accused of anything.

2012-01-23, 05:42 PM
"I might be involved? Involved in what, boy?" The man's voice is impatient. "I was in the Gardens to query the Hanged Man. After learning what I came to learn, I left. It really was an important question; I am in a hurry. Is that a sufficient answer for you?"

2012-01-26, 02:52 PM

Hal nods to the man. "Our apologies. Please continue on your way." Hal then turns and continues toward the gardens.

Projecting his thoughts to the rest of the group, Hal asks [First, I don't trust that guy. Second, how do we approach the Hanged Man?]

2012-01-26, 06:55 PM

The battlemind chimed in using thought speech as well. [He's a sourpuss at the very least. As for The Hanged Man, I believe Instructor Jarniel mentioned him in a lecture once. Let me see... what did he say..]

Arcana check to recall details of the Hanged Man.

2012-01-26, 07:23 PM
Sterix The Hanged Man is a legendary oracle, said to be living in the Gardens, where only the desperate are able to find him. He is capable of answering any question, and divining the future. A powerful seer, most stories about him involve the questioner meeting some unfortunate fate as they try to cause the future foretold by him to not come to pass.

The man sneers unattractively, and goes on his way. the road into the woods is now clear, and the sense of foreboding is felt in the pit of your stomachs. Something is not right, and the electricity in the air makes your hair on the back of your neck stand up.

2012-01-26, 07:39 PM

Hal nods to Sterix and takes a position near the middle of the group as they make their way to the Gardens. [Well, time to prove our worth as Magicians.]

2012-01-26, 07:51 PM

"You fools do not understand that being a magician means little to other magicians. These teachers know we are students recently raised to this status. Learn your place, and put your pride in check."

2012-01-26, 08:09 PM
Luc Octavio

[I get the feeling we'll see him later, yet again.]

Luc then looks to Max,
"I'm getting tired of your bitterness. No matter how long they've been Magicians we are now their equals. We deserve their respect. I think you've not yet come to terms with your place."
Luc sneers, Maxillion's constant downing was becoming a drain.

2012-01-26, 08:10 PM
"We Should probably get going and find the hanging man if we're going to reach these students," Wil said to the others. "Pride or no, we have a job to do."

2012-01-26, 08:14 PM

"Or perhaps you have your head too full of your new rank. A man of that teacher's experience and skill could turn you upside down and into a frog before you could think of what to do...that is worth respect. Until you match their power, you should respect them...but then again, I know humans do not respect their betters as dwarven youth are taught to." Max smiles at Luc, knowing that he is riling his companion.

2012-01-26, 08:28 PM
Luc Octavio

You think you're better than me?! I've got a mind to give you a thrashing you obnoxious, self righteous twit! I'll blast that grin right off your bearded mug!
Luc lashes out, his anger rising. Was this really what Max wanted?

2012-01-26, 08:41 PM

"I've made no claims to being better than you. More respectful, yes, but no claims to being better." Max shook his head. "You are a hotheaded youth that is certain, perhaps some careful thinking would do you good. We should find the oracle." Max leads the way into the gardens, searching for the hanged man

2012-01-26, 08:42 PM

Hal shakes his head as well. "Save your strength and confusion for the Hanging Man. I'm sure we will need both if we are to get through this next task placed before us."

2012-01-26, 08:53 PM
Luc Octavio

"And you are a bitter old man. Perhaps some time away from your toys would do you good."
Luc silences himself and retreats to the rear of the group, plucking his book imp from the ground and placing it to rest on his back pack.
"This is your fault I'm sure."
He mutters bitterly to Abza, practicing his newly learned Infernal language skills.

2012-01-26, 09:26 PM
"I think the dwarf is right! You don't respect me at'all. An imp can't live on one meal a day..." the greedy imp whines petulantly.

The group makes its way deeper into the gardens, following the path. The wind rustles the leaves and branches of the trees, making odd noises. Wilderness survival was never a part of your training at the Spire, having little place in the aggressively civilized Malgoyne, and soon the chirps and howls of the flora and fauna have you all on edge. The path splits in three at a small clearing. You have been walking for about twenty minutes.

To one side, the path meanders down a grassy hill, where the sound of babbling water can be heard. It is overgrown and rocky.

To the other, the path climbs a short while, smooth and well-worn.

Straight ahead, it deteriorates into a game trail, the brush and grasses almost obscuring the ground completely, and the canopy reaching low, giving about four feet of clearance above the ground.

2012-01-26, 09:37 PM

Without saying a word, the dwarf bends over the path. If the teacher came through here recently, we should be able to find his tracks. He begins searching for any such tracks.


2012-01-26, 10:05 PM
Immediately, the dwarf, Maxillon, is able to find the traces of a humanoid passing from the route that leads to the babbling.