View Full Version : Two questions about gameplay!

2011-11-28, 04:49 PM
My first question involves the logicstics of throwing another player character-As an attack! The Speedball Special. I am a Barbarian who will be able to reach 30+ Strength and I desire to chuck my comrade, a dwarf cleric who is adorned in spikes, primarly, a large head spike which i'd be using as a spear type, thrown weapon.

How would we even roll for this? Whose turn would it go on? Who would roll to hit, and how? All that jazz is confusing.

Also, with the same character, i'd like to have some sort of charge-knock down ability. Like a bullrush mixxed with a trip attempt.

I just imagine my Barbarian, Tharic the Illiterate, charging some guy and knocking him to the floor. Is there a system in place for that?

2011-11-28, 05:04 PM
Overrun (players handbook p. 57) lets you knock opponents prone but you need a feat to stop them from just stepping out of the way.

2011-11-28, 05:16 PM
There's a feat for it in Races of Stone. Not that it should take a feat for such a marginal trick, but you can steal the mechanics from there.

2011-11-28, 05:22 PM
The races of stone feats allow you to throw allies, I think there is another one for enemies and then there is the epic distant shot, so you can toss enemies into the sun.