View Full Version : abjuration wizard

big teej
2011-11-28, 10:39 PM
greetings playgrounders,

I'm working on a wizard for an off-campus game I get to play in.

it's a generalist wizard, but I am focusing most of my arcane might on Abjuration and Evocation.

however, looking at the permanency list (and having checked the persist metamagic)

I'm not that impressed, given that my ultimate goal is to put more permanent wards in place,

such as....

if any unauthorized person or persons touches my spellbook, I want to unleash the combined might of SEVERAL spells and wards and nastyness on them, (including several symbol spells, explosive runes, and anythin else I can think of)

but..... I can't quite figure out how to do this without blowing my spells for the day just on protecting my spellbook or my home.

also, the game will start at level 4, so the earlier I can get my hands on your suggestion the better.

if you've got any questions please let me know and I"ll do my best to field them.

tangentially related, how do YOU protect your spellbook?

Safety Sword
2011-11-28, 11:00 PM
how do YOU protect your spellbook?

Be a wizard. Carry spell book.

Get into Initiate of the Seven Fold Veil prestige class. Laugh at my enemies.

That's about it :smallwink:

Doughnut Master
2011-11-28, 11:17 PM
Well, first, consider and perhaps talk to your DM. If they're not going to go after your spellbook, then you don't even have to protect it.

If so, Hoard Gullet is good. And gross.

big teej
2011-11-28, 11:23 PM
Be a wizard. Carry spell book.

Get into Initiate of the Seven Fold Veil prestige class. Laugh at my enemies.

That's about it :smallwink:

Well, first, consider and perhaps talk to your DM. If they're not going to go after your spellbook, then you don't even have to protect it.

If so, Hoard Gullet is good. And gross.

while undoubtably effective, niether really accomplishes the aim of blowing anybody messing with my stuff to kingdom come.

and that's a fair point, I should check with my DM.

provided he's not gonna be after my book, I'll be shifting gears into protecting my house/tent/castle/tower/whatever.

Doughnut Master
2011-11-28, 11:32 PM
Well that's just how I protect mine.

The nice thing about explosive runes is that they're permanent. You could also set up a Geas trap to send the snoop on a series of seemingly innocuous but actually very dangerous set of tasks. "Go into my library and read the book on the 3rd shelf, far left." (The library is filled with books filled with explosive runes).

Generally, it's better to have a system that a)wont destroy your book if you use it b)automatically resets or is reusable. Sure, 100 explosive runes will do the trick, but a wily opponent would just send some poor schmuck to get blown to kingdom come and then walk in and take the book himself.

2011-11-28, 11:35 PM
tangentially related, how do YOU protect your spellbook?

Put it in your head. (Eidetic Spellcaster)

big teej
2011-11-28, 11:42 PM
Well that's just how I protect mine.

The nice thing about explosive runes is that they're permanent. You could also set up a Geas trap to send the snoop on a series of seemingly innocuous but actually very dangerous set of tasks. "Go into my library and read the book on the 3rd shelf, far left." (The library is filled with books filled with explosive runes).

Generally, it's better to have a system that a)wont destroy your book if you use it b)automatically resets or is reusable. Sure, 100 explosive runes will do the trick, but a wily opponent would just send some poor schmuck to get blown to kingdom come and then walk in and take the book himself.

oooh I like that. :smallbiggrin:

given my rather limited resources, I'm kinda working around the idea of
Glyph of Warding
false book - glyph of warding + explosive runes
wand of alarm

but I love the idea of using the geas and other symbol-spells later on, along with the "boom-box" I've read about on these forums.

2011-11-29, 12:05 AM
For a simple spell, I recommend a Magic Mouth (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/magicMouth.htm) spell set to yell "THIEF!"" whenever an intruder violates the proper way to open your book. It alerts you to the theft without risking the death of your party's chaotic/stupid rogue. Complete Arcane also has a whole section on spellbook protections (pages 140-141), if you have access to it, and I'm a big fan of the "Possum Pouch" wondrous item (Complete Adventurer, 134) as a relatively cheap but effective defense.

big teej
2011-11-29, 12:09 AM
For a simple spell, I recommend a Magic Mouth (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/magicMouth.htm) spell set to yell "THIEF!"" whenever an intruder violates the proper way to open your book. It alerts you to the theft without risking the death of your party's chaotic/stupid rogue. Complete Arcane also has a whole section on spellbook protections (pages 140-141), if you have access to it, and I'm a big fan of the "Possum Pouch" wondrous item (Complete Adventurer, 134) as a relatively cheap but effective defense.

I approve of this idea as well :smallbiggrin:

alas, I don't have any complete except "adventurer" at this time...

my library is a work in progress.

2011-11-29, 12:12 AM
There's a big problem with using Explosive Runes for this - they damage the object they're on too, so your spellbook gets destroyed along with the thief.

2011-11-29, 12:13 AM
Dragon Magic has the hoard gullet spell, which lets you store things in your body. If they can get it out of you, chances are they've also killed you anyway. Once you can reliably get it to last 24 hours (easy for a level 1 hours/level spell) that's pretty much the end all of spellbook protection, unless you're worried about somebody taking it while you prepare spells for the day.

2011-11-29, 01:12 AM
There's a big problem with using Explosive Runes for this - they damage the object they're on too, so your spellbook gets destroyed along with the thief.

Clearly, your spellbook has to be tattooed on the flesh of a mindraped illumian.

big teej
2011-11-29, 01:30 AM
There's a big problem with using Explosive Runes for this - they damage the object they're on too, so your spellbook gets destroyed along with the thief.

that's why explosive runes is on the "decoy" spellbook

2011-11-29, 01:30 AM
Why Explosive Runes your real spellbook? Wear a fake in plain view around your waist, and use the tattooed spellbook rules from CArc to keep a Secret Chest spell on your person at all times, where your real spellbook is stored.

2011-11-29, 01:40 AM
I know this is only tangentially related, but I was always a fan of playing a Sorcerer (or any other spontaneous caster), and carrying around a fake spellbook. The look of surprise you get from the NPCs when they realize you can still blow them up without your spellbook is priceless xD

Soren Hero
2011-11-29, 02:03 AM
you could shrink it down via shrink item and also store it in an alchemical tooth, from one of the Eberron books iirc...they'd have to hold you down/kill you to take it away, which as a wizard shouldn't be easy

2011-11-29, 07:37 AM
There's a big problem with using Explosive Runes for this - they damage the object they're on too, so your spellbook gets destroyed along with the thief.

Make the spellbook out of riverine (3 lb spellbook = 6000 GP, Stormwrack). Although explosive runes is a force effect, riverine (also a force effect) is immune to all damage, and is only vulnerable to things like disintegrate or disjunction.

Teej, if I recall, you don't have access to the MIC? Otherwise, Glyph Seals = total win for you, take Craft Wondrous Item and attach a few dozen to your spellbook. If carrying around a book is too dowdy and gauche for you, the Lore Gem (7500 GP, MIC) can be used as a spellbook, and may be easier to protect as a "worn" item rather than a "carried" item. Both Glyph Seals and Lore Gems appear in earlier sourcebooks, but I think they're all Forgotten Realms sourcebooks, and I don't think that's on your list of sources, either.

2011-11-29, 07:48 AM
A spellbook made of Riverine... Good luck with the whole writing in it thing :smalltongue:

2011-11-29, 08:21 AM
1. Carry a fake spellbook on your person.
2. Carry your real spellbooks (at level 4 you don't have the money for a BBB) in a Handy Harversack or in a backpack sturdily attached to your person at all times.
3. Trap your fake spellbook with Sepia Snake Sigils and Explosive Runes.
4. Tattoo a Teleportation/Pass Wall/Telekinesis etc. spell on your skin so you can prepare them without a book.

Optional: Have a second fake spellbook in the backpack. Have a third fake spellbook shrunk and worn around your neck. Carry your REAL spellbook shrunk and in some hidden pouch of your robe (or strapped to your stockings if you are a female Wizard)

2011-11-29, 11:44 AM
Making your spellbook go boom. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/traps.htm#tableCostModifiersforMagicDeviceTraps)

big teej
2011-11-29, 01:41 PM
lets see here...

oh before I forget, my DM said he "might" go after my spellbook, so I will be implementing as many of these as I can.

you could shrink it down via shrink item and also store it in an alchemical tooth, from one of the Eberron books iirc...they'd have to hold you down/kill you to take it away, which as a wizard shouldn't be easy

I like this plan alot, unfortunately, I don't know if I have an alchemical tooth, I might be stuck using one of the alchemical capsuls from Dungeonscape.

Make the spellbook out of riverine (3 lb spellbook = 6000 GP, Stormwrack). Although explosive runes is a force effect, riverine (also a force effect) is immune to all damage, and is only vulnerable to things like disintegrate or disjunction.

Teej, if I recall, you don't have access to the MIC? Otherwise, Glyph Seals = total win for you, take Craft Wondrous Item and attach a few dozen to your spellbook. If carrying around a book is too dowdy and gauche for you, the Lore Gem (7500 GP, MIC) can be used as a spellbook, and may be easier to protect as a "worn" item rather than a "carried" item. Both Glyph Seals and Lore Gems appear in earlier sourcebooks, but I think they're all Forgotten Realms sourcebooks, and I don't think that's on your list of sources, either.

you are correct, I don't have any of those sources. :smallfrown:

however, you just moved all of those books up several slots on my "to-purchase" list. :smallsmile:

A spellbook made of Riverine... Good luck with the whole writing in it thing :smalltongue:

adamantine chisel? :smalltongue:


1. Carry a fake spellbook on your person.
2. Carry your real spellbooks (at level 4 you don't have the money for a BBB) in a Handy Harversack or in a backpack sturdily attached to your person at all times.
3. Trap your fake spellbook with Sepia Snake Sigils and Explosive Runes.
4. Tattoo a Teleportation/Pass Wall/Telekinesis etc. spell on your skin so you can prepare them without a book.

Optional: Have a second fake spellbook in the backpack. Have a third fake spellbook shrunk and worn around your neck. Carry your REAL spellbook shrunk and in some hidden pouch of your robe (or strapped to your stockings if you are a female Wizard)

I like these alot, and these will most certainly be getting used. :smallamused:

Making your spellbook go boom. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/traps.htm#tableCostModifiersforMagicDeviceTraps)

thankyou very, very much :nale:

2011-11-29, 06:41 PM
Also worth noting (if you have the book): Planar Handbook has fireproof and waterproof spellbooks (50gp and 40gp respectively) that are designed to survive the respective elemental planes. It may not seem like much, but if you need to carry a (non-decoy) spellbook, or just want a safe backup, its cheap and effective.

big teej
2011-11-29, 07:28 PM
Also worth noting (if you have the book): Planar Handbook has fireproof and waterproof spellbooks (50gp and 40gp respectively) that are designed to survive the respective elemental planes. It may not seem like much, but if you need to carry a (non-decoy) spellbook, or just want a safe backup, its cheap and effective.

I wish.... but alas, I do not.

big teej
2011-12-02, 07:06 PM

I'm finally getting around to rolling the wizard and I'm currently booby trapping my decoys, so, if anybody else wants to put forth ideas and suggestions, nows the time. :smallbiggrin:

2011-12-03, 10:12 PM
I took a couple levels as Geometer, My spellbook looked like a deck of Magic Cards, of which I carried 2. One hidden and the second in an obvious easy to see place. The fake deck had a geas placed on the outside, which commanded you to read each and very single card in the pack, 1 at a time. Each card had a different Symbol: Effect trap on it, as well as a BUNCH of Explosive runes. I've killed 2 snoopy party members, and 16 thieves to date with it.