View Full Version : A plane hopping Illithid Pirate's crew ideas!

2011-11-29, 11:52 AM
Hey guys im currently plotting out the IRL campaign im running and ive just finished the first story arc, the second piece (Probably going from level 10+) is what im working on now. So far all I have is the main antagonist- The Astral Pirate Dreadlock. Hes a swashbuckling Mindflayer reaving havoc on the planes with his crew on his ship that looks like this- http://lost.spelljammer.org/ShatteredFractine/shipyard/docks/shipyd30/ships/cargo/nautiloid.jpg Its a nautiloid from Spell Jammer but for this campaign its a Planar Pirate ship.

So im thinking he pulls up in the rougher parts of Sigil or the City of Brass etc and recruits his crew, the reason im turning to you guys is for help coming up with what these crew members could be! From all over the Planes who would join his ship? Im looking for races mainly but if you have any more fleshed out Outsider NPC ideas they are of course welcome too :smallsmile:

Also any other comments or ideas for the Captain or campaign would be great, not the most fleshed out thing ever as it just came to me during my lunch break, still havent thought of his motivations or story line as of yet!

As always thanks in advance :smallbiggrin: