View Full Version : Rural DM vs Number Cruncher

2011-11-30, 04:32 PM
Situation in a nutshell;
Moved here a while ago, only one gaming group in town. DM's style was;

1) NPC says to party, "Kill him for me!"
2) 2 round battle against weak enemies, maybe 5-10hp damage to the whole party.
3) NPC says, "Thanks! Now have 10,000gp each!"

Oh, we where 4th lvl, by the way. All books and items up for grabs, no restrictions. I got bored fast and the other players (8 of them!) liked the game but only came because the only other thing to do in town is get drunk or shoot gophers (or both). I offered the DM, call him Tank, a chance to be a PC for awhile, give him a break you know, since he has been so dedicated to the group (Only a little sarcasm). He fell for it :smallbiggrin:

Little did I know he was a CRAZY power gamer. He is on welfare and does nothing all day but optimise, and he is so use to not having restrictions that he accepts none I try to impose. He will mearly say, "The DM's job is to make the players have fun! This is what everyone wants! No restricions! Stop being a crappy DM!"
The others (none of whom are power gamers) enjoy my more balanced and challenging game, but Tank incists that they hate it and are only being nice. He owns all the books, so we pretty much have to go to his place to game, and they are all friends from WAY back so separating from this douche is a no go path.

Thus, my multi-tiered conundrum;
-The only way to DM is either to dificult for the majority of the party or to easy for one of the party. (Standard power gamer issue, discussed lots elsewhere)
-I get berated constantly by Tank for being a "bad DM" because I impose balance and challenge to the game.
-We all have no choice but to put up with all this because it is that or nothing, and I don't want to ruin their age old friendship.

Sad part is, outside the gaming table, Tank is a great guy! Break out the dice, though, and he becomes a total %&#*, even his childhood friends think so. This has been ongoing for about a year now and I am officially at my wits end. Can't talk sense to someone who has none. I have read a great number of forums, this and others, and tried everything to no avail. Anything you are willing to offer at this point will be welcome!

2011-11-30, 04:54 PM
Well, the only pieces of advise I have to offer given the restrictions are rather obvious. Ask him to give tips to the other players to make them stronger (You can of course help with this as well), fudge the occasional die roll (Not too often, get caught and it will be bad), and tailor encounters to challenge him. Let's see him break the game when he's low level and the monsters realistically go after the squishy caster. (Which I assume he is. Melee can be too strong as well, but are more easily countered. If the party is famous, it is NOT unrealistic or unfair for NPCs targeting them to do some research.)