View Full Version : What makes a Battle more exciting?

2011-11-30, 11:08 PM
Right now I'm in the middle of setting up a battle coming up, well so far it seems to being two battles actually. The thing is they don't know that it's coming.

The question that I'm asking here is how do you make it more exciting, I know enough to have a few ideas about it, however it would be nice to have other's opinions on it to see if there is something that might make the event more enjoyable.

The background behind this is as follows. The kingdom ruled over by the Royal family Carvaron. Peace has been upheld for for nearly a generation, however that is about to change when the influential Baron Arlange instigates a revolt against the royal family.

He has raised an army to attack the capital and managed to keep it unseen from the eyes of the royal family.

Currently the Players are in the city on business and are going to be pulled into this civil war. What I have planned so far is that the surprise attack devastates to garrison at the city. After hard fighting the royal family, remaining forces, and civilians who took refuge in the castle manage to escape via boats, the players are most likely going to be with them when this happens, however it is possible for them to join the Baron's side.

The boats flee to the Carvaron's ancestral home of Kivenek, which was once a bustleing city before the Carvaeron's became royalty and moved to the capital.

The castle isw a three tiered fortress situated on an island, acessable only by a narrow bridge. The Castle is also garrisoned by the Kivenek knights, who are sworn to be the protecters of the Carvaron's and the guardians of the fortress and they join up with the remaining royal forces.

The Baron knows this and immeadietly heads there after finding that the royal family escaped.

The Carvaron's are attempting to either defeat the enemy forces in a siege battle, or wait until general Manare arrives.

So thoughts?

2011-11-30, 11:25 PM
1) Variety. If the PCs are making full attack after full attack against identical faceless mooks, that sucks. If each round is different than every other round, that's ideal.

2) Choices. In tune with the previous, PCs should have relevant choices and decisions they can make that contribute tangibly to the outcome. If it's all straightforward and connect-the-dots, even if #1 is satisfied it won't be that exciting. I recommend having various tradeoffs the PCs can make - one way may be safe but the other faster, or they can avoid engaging this one enemy but they know he'll be trouble later on if they don't.

3) Awesomeness. Make the scene suitably epic, and players will forgive a lot. Have at least one thing that tailors to the specific strength of each PC, so they have a chance to show off and shine. Not that everything should be easy, but occasional moments of glory will lift everyone's mood.