View Full Version : Shape Soulmeld?

2011-11-30, 11:14 PM
Okay, I can't find it. Can someone give the source or quote the source for use with a warlock?

2011-11-30, 11:20 PM
It's a feat from Magic of Incarnum. It gives you access to Soulmelds from the same book; there's about 50 or so to choose from, and each grabs a different power, so you'd have to get the book yourself to look through them.

2011-11-30, 11:23 PM
It's a feat from Magic of Incarnum. It gives you access to Soulmelds from the same book; there's about 50 or so to choose from, and each grabs a different power, so you'd have to get the book yourself to look through them.

Wow, research fail. The website I check didn't have it up, so I didn't bother looking. Thought it would of been listed under "Inarcanum Feats"

2011-11-30, 11:28 PM
feats are feats you can invest Essentia in to improve their effect. Shape Soulmeld isn't one, because you can't put Essentia into it. (Though you can usually put Essentia into the soulmeld you get [I]from the feat.)

In other words, not all feats in MoI are [Incarnum] feats.

2011-11-30, 11:40 PM
feats are feats you can invest Essentia in to improve their effect. Shape Soulmeld isn't one, because you can't put Essentia into it. (Though you can usually put Essentia into the soulmeld you get [I]from the feat.)

In other words, not all feats in MoI are [Incarnum] feats.

Wow, should of read the passage more thoroughly. Derp.:smalleek:

2011-11-30, 11:48 PM
It's from Magic of Incarnum. If you take the feat, then you get to pick 1 of the soulmelds from the entire list of soulmelds in the book and gain the benefit from it.

Considering the fact that you can use it to gain any soulmeld in there, the Magic of Incarnum book actually has some of the most diverse feat options in any of the books.

Possible benefits of the feat:

protection from divinations
walk on water
detect undead within 30 ft
resistance to fire 10
immunity to disease and being sickened or nauseated
can't be flanked
constant feather fall
+4 bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks
+4 bonus on Bluff and Hide checks
+4 bonus on Jump and Move Silently checks
Detect magic within 10 feet
Low-light vision
Uncanny Dodge
+4 bonus on Decipher Script, Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device
Fly up to 10 feet as a move action
25% chance to resist a sneak attack or critical hit
10% concealment from any nonadjacent attacker
+2 deflection bonus to AC vs. evil attackers
Resistance 10 to different energy types based on alignment
-------> C=electricity E=Acid G=Cold L=Fire
Protection from mental control and possession (Planar Ward Soulmeld)

that's many of the better benefits that can be chosen through the feat, but there are several other good choices


My favorites are the Mage's Spectacles which give +4 to UMD and are popular for both Factotums, Artificers and some Rogues. The Planar Ward soulmeld is also very useful since it allows you to resist ongoing control over your character from all sorts of sources. I've used it to justify using a Chosen race character from Eberron along with choosing it for a character who was walking around with an evil intelligent sword that the character was trying to keep hidden in order to destroy it in the future.

2011-11-30, 11:54 PM
You can take another feat, a psionic power, or one of a few spells to bind the soulmeld you take to one of your body's item slots (also called 'chakras').

I personally enjoy the phase cloak for this if you're psionic, as you can use augmentation to get it a half-dozen levels early or better.

2011-12-01, 01:41 AM
You can take another feat, a psionic power, or one of a few spells to bind the soulmeld you take to one of your body's item slots (also called 'chakras').

I personally enjoy the phase cloak for this if you're psionic, as you can use augmentation to get it a half-dozen levels early or better.

This is one of parts that confused me about the chakras. Would seem kind of overpowered if you got the chakra part too, since it alot grant bonus feats. Who would ever take Imp Unarmed Strike if you could get a Shape Soulmend feat that would do that and more?

2011-12-01, 01:45 AM
This is one of parts that confused me about the chakras. Would seem kind of overpowered if you got the chakra part too, since it alot grant bonus feats. Who would ever take Imp Unarmed Strike if you could get a Shape Soulmend feat that would do that and more?Shape Soulmeld allows you to shape a soulmeld on a chakra slot, but the Open Chakra feats, the Open Chakra spells, and Psionic Open Chakra all allow you to bind your soulmelds to the appropriate slots.

Unbound soulmelds can coexist with magic items (though not other soulmelds), but bound soulmelds take up the appropriate item slot, unless you take yet ANOTHER feat that allows you to wear a magic item on a single bound chakra slot.

So basically you have to either use class levels, two feats, or a feat and a spell or psionic power to get the benefits of a single feat plus a bit.

2011-12-01, 03:24 AM

I hate to do this to this thread, I really do, but when I see Shape Soulmeld and Warlock in the same sentence, one thing comes to mind.

Yea, those of you who know what's coming up, I'll just spoiler it.

There's a long-standing debate about how the Strongheart Vest works with Hellfire Warlock. Some say that DR does not equal immunity and it works. Some say that because you are preventing the damage, or have effectively become immune to it, then it doesn't work.

Basically, Strongheart Vest gives you damage reduction against stat damage. Hellfire Blast deals 1 point of Con damage to you per use.

Please don't get into this debate again here, because it's been hashed out multiple times, and gotten nowhere. I'm putting this down because the OP likely came across something like this, and I'm wanting to inform him that this may not necessarily work, depending on your GM's ruling.

2011-12-01, 08:01 AM
There are a lot of good chakra binds, also, available as early as level 6.

2011-12-01, 09:24 AM

I hate to do this to this thread, I really do, but when I see Shape Soulmeld and Warlock in the same sentence, one thing comes to mind.

Yea, those of you who know what's coming up, I'll just spoiler it.

There's a long-standing debate about how the Strongheart Vest works with Hellfire Warlock. Some say that DR does not equal immunity and it works. Some say that because you are preventing the damage, or have effectively become immune to it, then it doesn't work.

Basically, Strongheart Vest gives you damage reduction against stat damage. Hellfire Blast deals 1 point of Con damage to you per use.

Please don't get into this debate again here, because it's been hashed out multiple times, and gotten nowhere. I'm putting this down because the OP likely came across something like this, and I'm wanting to inform him that this may not necessarily work, depending on your GM's ruling.

DM says yes. I am sure my various WotC Rule Lawyers would agree.

Even if it did not work, I would allow it for my players, since Warlock is not a "omfg wtfbbq op" class. I do something similiar for Monks and VoP in my campaign, but very few people in my group play Monks for anything but attempting to break the game. I never allow monks.

2011-12-01, 09:34 AM
DM says yes. I am sure my various WotC Rule Lawyers would agree.

Even if it did not work, I would allow it for my players, since Warlock is not a "omfg wtfbbq op" class. I do something similiar for Monks and VoP in my campaign, but very few people in my group play Monks for anything but attempting to break the game. I never allow monks.

Please elaborate on that one. It sounds hilarious or sad depending on how they go about it. Possibly both.

2011-12-01, 09:37 AM
Please elaborate on that one. It sounds hilarious or sad depending on how they go about it. Possibly both.

Agreed. Do they think Monks are overpowered (and you're trying to save them) or are they really good optimizers? Or is the rest of the group really bad at making things that work?

2011-12-01, 09:46 AM
Various dips in monk do have their uses. Getting into Drunken Master isn't bad on an Ubercharger.

2011-12-01, 10:13 AM
Please elaborate on that one. It sounds hilarious or sad depending on how they go about it. Possibly both.

Agreed. Do they think Monks are overpowered (and you're trying to save them) or are they really good optimizers? Or is the rest of the group really bad at making things that work?

Oh alright. Goes like this.

So we got 2 of the best DnDers/Magicers in the club. All high power. they know some good tricks, but they always play Monk. They say its good! I point out to them that the best VoP does is balance out not having items, but they don't listen. They show me these Lizardfolk Monks with VoP, and I'm all like "Where's the spellcasting?". Then I hide my Half-Nymph Ur-Priest/RKV to avoid people finding out how versatile this toon can be.

I do think the rest of the group aren't power gamers or anything, and I really do try to save them. I've never though I'd have to say "Play a Sword Sage" so much in my life. A third monk was my much older brother, who had levels in Hulking Hurler so describing him as a Monk really sounds silly. It should be noted that I put the most research into making my characters, which is why I can be lurking around here to find out what the hell to do with a new class.

So I do allow VoP, and I suggest it to Monks who couldn't be persuaded to the Good side of the Force. I give similar tips to a bunch of the other players, like a dip into Sword Sage for the sneak-attack heavy Rogue, or the Vest for the Warlock, and "Play a Warblade, you might like it".

2011-12-01, 10:16 AM
Snowbluff and Shneekey: you will not convince each other, so you may as well take it to PMs instead of clogging this thread.

As far as the chakra binds, a Warlock can UMD items with the various open chakra spells. You could probably also get one into Soulcaster with sufficient manipulation.