View Full Version : Spell Storing weapons

2011-12-01, 03:13 PM
Probably the answer to my question is very boring and stupid, but still I ask:
what should I do with Spell Storing weapons?
I just can't imagine somebody not being hit by a spell stored in a weapon that has already hit him.
Lets go technical: the power says that when you strike you can cast the spell stored on the person hit. I therefore take it that the target must be a legal one, you cannot store a "dominate person" and cast it on an animal. But what happens with a lightning bolt?
Does the target have a reflex save? Were it to be a fortitude I would have no problem but...
Other case, a spell with the touch range, it would normally have a contact hit required, but I already have hit.
In short I have no idea how to actually use this essential power for weapons.

P.S. I am playing pathfinder, I do not know if the problem exists in other versions.

2011-12-01, 03:22 PM
Well, Spell Storing allows a spellcaster to store a single targeted spell of up to 3rd level in the weapon, so Lightning Bolt (or any area spell) is out. I believe it's the same with Touch Spells, but I'm not sure here.

A Dominate Person would just do nothing, that's the same as if you tried to cast it on an animal directly.

2011-12-01, 05:23 PM
Yah, as long as it's a specific target by nature of the spell there are a lot of choices. Most obvious are the touch spells... shocking grasp, ghoul's touch, blindness, hold person, etc., but don't forget about other ones... like Magic Missile. It's a targeted spell and a handy source of damage at that.

In our game my DM agreed that not all targeted spells are damaging ones against creatures, but could still have a use. For example, my wizard has spell storing on his staff. He'll keep it for utility spells too... like Knock. I strike the door, and the spell goes off against the target (door). Useful, and on a side note impressive where the 'weak' wizard opens with a tap the door the musclebound fighter or lockpicky rogue couldn't open ;)

Of course some DMs may rule it is only for combat spells against creatures, but the main requirement is that the spell is lower than 3rd level and targeted, so with a DM that lets their players some creative latitude, spell storing weapons can be more than you expect.

2011-12-01, 06:51 PM
Yah, as long as it's a specific target by nature of the spell there are a lot of choices. Most obvious are the touch spells... shocking grasp, ghoul's touch, blindness, hold person, etc., but don't forget about other ones... like Magic Missile. It's a targeted spell and a handy source of damage at that.

My personal favorite is scorching ray modified with the searing spell feat. Score a hit and you can light off a bonus 12d6 of (nearly) untyped damage.:smallamused:

2011-12-04, 06:09 AM
Thanks guy's. Exactly what I wanted