View Full Version : Bell Trap

2011-12-01, 04:24 PM
What is it"?

2011-12-01, 04:33 PM
Very descriptive.

I think it's an alarm though. The other one I can think off would drop a large churchbell drop over/on someone...

2011-12-01, 04:35 PM
or a term from mundane plumbing, used to describe the kind of gas trap on a sewer line that was in use before the elbow joint that you see used everywhere today.

2011-12-01, 04:36 PM
Perhaps linked to a doorbell? *ding-dong-BOOM*

2011-12-01, 04:43 PM
Or perhaps something from old Saturday Night Live skits...



Landshark! <chomp>

2011-12-01, 05:14 PM
I thought bell traps were little cage thingys to catch bells in their natural habitat.

2011-12-01, 05:24 PM
IIRC that the bell trap is a CR 1/2 trap that rings a bell when triggered. It can be made with high enough survival check.


Booby Trap (DMG2 p41)
A Booby Trap is a CR ˝ Trap. It has a simple effect, such as a cord to trip someone or ring a bell. Setting up a Booby Trap requires a Craft (trapmaking) check vs. DC 20 and 1 minute’s work. This can be accelerated to 1 Full Round by taking a –10 penalty on the check.If the check misses by 5 or more, then the trapmaker sets the trap off on himself/herself.

Bobby traps require 50 gp worth of parts. Alternatively, the parts can be scrounged from the surrounding area with a Survival check vs. DC 20 and 10 minutes ofwork.

2011-12-01, 06:33 PM
Bobby traps require 50 gp worth of parts. Alternatively, the parts can be scrounged from the surrounding area with a Survival check vs. DC 20 and 10 minutes ofwork.

And you know there are Players who will want to set up a trap with scrounged materials, thereby making a 50gp item, then use disable device to take it apart and sell it for 50% vaue at a store. =)

2011-12-01, 07:14 PM
And you know there are Players who will want to set up a trap with scrounged materials, thereby making a 50gp item, then use disable device to take it apart and sell it for 50% vaue at a store. =)

Inf Moneyz :D

2011-12-01, 07:23 PM
Inf Moneyz :D
Well... 10 minutes to make 25 gp is decent but not great.

2011-12-01, 07:38 PM
Well... 10 minutes to make 25 gp is decent but not great.

Eight hour working day, that's 1200Gp/day, which lets say... level three? Should be possible by taking ten on both checks with decent stats and no feat investment. You start breaking WBL very quickly, from an initial investment of exactly 0gp.

2011-12-01, 07:42 PM
Eight hour working day, that's 1200Gp/day, which lets say... level three? Should be possible by taking ten on both checks with decent stats and no feat investment. You start breaking WBL very quickly, from an initial investment of exactly 0gp.

Take Endurance and you could go 24/7 with a fairly average roll and a decent constitution score.

2011-12-01, 09:18 PM
Let's say you don't scrounge. A simple booby trap consisting of a rope tied across your typical 5ft. wide dungeon hallway would require 2500ft. of rope. Those are some large knots.:smalleek:

2011-12-01, 09:26 PM
Let's say you don't scrounge. A simple booby trap consisting of a rope tied across your typical 5ft. wide dungeon hallway would require 2500ft. of rope. Those are some large knots.:smalleek:

It goes off and you are smothered in 800 pounds of rope and begin to suffocate. :belkar:

2011-12-01, 09:26 PM
There's also a Grimtooth trap where adventurers climb up into a giant bell room with a gold clapper, which starts swinging around so the clapper smacks into the walls and 'rings' the bell every other round if anyone touches the gold. It deafens and tosses adventurers around so they're weak for the inevitable encounter with trolls or whatever that come after they hear the trap going off.

2011-12-02, 06:53 AM
Eight hour working day, that's 1200Gp/day, which lets say... level three? Should be possible by taking ten on both checks with decent stats and no feat investment. You start breaking WBL very quickly, from an initial investment of exactly 0gp.

But you would have to go finding traps all day...