View Full Version : my epic level demigod druid is being shown up by the melee guy, am i doing it wrong?

2011-12-02, 05:22 PM
so, my character is a druid 18/natures warrior4 with a divine rank of two or 3, i forget honestly. i have the i have the earth and wind salient abilties. my character is basically a druid of the elements, rather than of plants and animals. my basic strategy in a fight is supposed to be summon an elemental monolith, concentrate of that with a skill trick, buff the monolith and then wildshape into an elemental and fight things.

but the party has a warblade20/swordsage2 thats pretty much overshadowing everyone in the party, even the wizard/archmage. Last session we were attacked by 3 adamantine golems, theyre somthing like CR35 each, it was ment to be a cut scene kind of thing, but this warblade walked up to one (litterally, his magic carpet stopped functioning due to the AMF they produce) and then killed one in a single turn, and then did the vast majority of the work on the second before he was killed, though, being that we're epic level demigods, that didn't really phase him. meanwhile i did...nothing in this fight, and it made me realise somthing, i'm pretty much useless in most fights, at best i distract the enemies from attacking the warblade and heal him when i can.

anyway, to the point, after the warblade killed 1 1/2 CR35s and an elder dragon god killed the last one, we double leveled and i have no idea what to do, i considered finishing off natures warrior and then taking a level of swordsage, just to have some options for when i'm punching things as an elemental, but the warblade and the DM were...not happy about this idea, the warblade claimed i was trying to steal his "thing" and the DM started swearing at me, and he's the wholesome church-going type who never swears. so thats pretty much out.

so any idea on what i can do to be more effective?

Howler Dagger
2011-12-02, 05:25 PM
A simple, 4 part plan.

1. Distract the Warblade.
2. Wildshape
3. Eat him
4. Win inevitable OOC argument
5. Booby trap the stalemate resolution button

2011-12-02, 05:35 PM
How many of your turns are you using to buff before combat? If the answer is more than 1, you are indeed going to look like you are being shown up. This is because most combat lasts around 1-4 rounds, and in epic even less.

Summoning your elemental monolith and then buffing it takes longer then most combat does. The solution is to pre-buff yourself and your animal companion with persisted buffs and constantly be in your wildshape form of choice. NOTE: Wildshape does not help if you are unbuffed; it is extremely detrimental to your health to enter combat unbuffed. You should either have persisted or extended buffs on yourself at all times.

2011-12-02, 05:36 PM
Do keep in mind that this is all based on one fight, and a fight in which the enemy's abilities neutralize many of a druid's most powerful options. I suspect that you and your monolith friend will find other ways to contribute.

You have an animal companion, yes? Cast shapechange on him. Suddenly, he's a hundred useful companions in one.

You have major SR-No spells that can be brought into a fight with a magic-immune creature. Cometfall and Bombardment come to mind.

I would consider one character getting the limelight in an encounter no big deal, unless it persists in every situation. Remember that the warblade/swordsage is good at hitting things and that's about it. You've got so much else going on.

2011-12-02, 05:46 PM
WOAH. What was your DM's issue? For someone like you described to swear... he really disliked something. Check what that was... FAST.

Also, do you have Natural spell? Are you trying to kill it melee? Because if you're not a melee character, find out what you are. Take your role in the party, and don't cut into others'. The fact that you as a druid AREN'T overshadowing is a GOOD thing.

2011-12-02, 06:49 PM
They are being silly, both of them. However, comply with their wishes and just add moar Druid prestige classes. Planar Sheppard shouldn't be out of order in Epic. Alternatively just finish normal Druid, so you can start getting bonus Epic feats.

Also try to get some Epic spellcasting going. Proceed to kill everyone to Baator and back.

2011-12-02, 07:36 PM
Golems with antimagic fields is a very specific situation that's supposed to favor nonmagical melee, and a Warblade/Swordsage is about as good as you're going to get at nonmagical melee. The tier system doesn't mean that the high tiers are better at everything than everyone in a lower tier; it mostly just means that the high tiers are good at a larger variety of things.

2011-12-02, 07:39 PM
Do keep in mind that this is all based on one fight, and a fight in which the enemy's abilities neutralize many of a druid's most powerful options. I suspect that you and your monolith friend will find other ways to contribute.

thats untrue, he's shown us all up in every fight, its just that this one pretty much faerie fired the problem.

it usually takes me two rounds to buff, greater magic fang on the monolith and on me and my animal companion, if its in the fight

i'd use my animal companion (the elemental companion varient) more but on a few occasions he's been one shotted.

bombardment is pretty much the only way i've hurt things, and i'm built to melee things. this makes me sad

and my DMs issue with the sword sage level was because he's frustrated at how the warblade is walking over other demigods like so much trash, and he's never experienced ToB before.

our gaming group is usually a "tier 4 at most" kind of group, with the warblade's player and me being the only ones with any real system mastery, but one other guy has been picking up on it (the wizard/archmage) and all the players, aside from one (the poor guys playing a single classed dragon shaman) optimised our characters. and the DM has very little system mastery, or commen sense when it comes to rulings "no, you're leadership mooks cant summon you're huge air elementals you spent 200k gold on because they cant see you fighting the C+ sized dragon god in the air, you're too far away."

2011-12-02, 07:51 PM
What tactics is the Warblade/Swordsage employing? Or are you too unfamiliar with ToB classes to be sure?

He may be cheating. Or using questionable tactics. Does he use White Raven Tactics on himself?

Prebuffing is going to be your friend, and I'm pretty sure elemental forms are not your optimal choice. May want to start shifting into something more potent, although I understand you want to keep your flavor...

2011-12-02, 07:55 PM
That's just an issue with the DM then. I had the same problem my first time DM'ing. I couldn't see past making challenges tougher than by buffing HP, SR, and the like. If everything can be slain by the Warblade, he needs to widen his scope of enemies and tactics. I once had a near party wipe of level 5's because of two imps attacking at night. It was then that I learned the importance of not just dropping in enemies and rolling initiative.

2011-12-02, 07:56 PM
Yeah why are you casting Greater Magic Fang in battle? Doesn't it have the same duration as Greater Magic Weapon (hours/level)?

You should be focusing on long duration buffs, and finding some way to persist buffs that aren't long duration by default. That combined with a good wildshape form and animal companion should give you plenty of melee power. With swift actions you can put up still more buffs, or battlefield control and debuffs (though the high saves/resistances/immunities at epic makes debuffing much less effective)

Wings of Peace
2011-12-02, 08:10 PM
Are you using Venomfire for your melee attacks? If not there's a good way to boost your damage right there.

2011-12-02, 08:15 PM
Are you using Venomfire for your melee attacks? If not there's a good way to boost your damage right there.

That's a good idea, but if he keeps his flavor he'll need an elemental form that naturally produces poison. I don't know of any, sadly.

2011-12-02, 08:19 PM
What tactics is the Warblade/Swordsage employing? Or are you too unfamiliar with ToB classes to be sure?

He may be cheating. Or using questionable tactics. Does he use White Raven Tactics on himself?

nah, he's legit, the salient ability that makes all his attacks touch attacks + avalanche of blades = dead things

he built this character as effectively as he could...because he was afraid of being useless in a party with a druid and a wizard/archmage. the irony of the situation DOES amuse me.

i have no hard feelings towards the warblade, h's a good friend and his actual character is fun, its just that i dont like being stuck as his personal healer who hits things with rocks sometimes.

so, what is this venomfire thing i just saw wings of peace mention?

2011-12-02, 08:19 PM
That's a good idea, but if he keeps his flavor he'll need an elemental form that naturally produces poison. I don't know of any, sadly.Are there any feats that add half-elemental or elemental creature on to wildshape forms?

2011-12-02, 08:25 PM

so, what is this venomfire thing i just saw wings of peace mention?

It's a spell from Serpent Kingdoms. Only works on targets who naturally produce venom (forms like fleshraker are optimal low level choice, but that's not relevant here) and turns the venom caustic, adding 1d6 acid damage per caster level (no cap!) to the attack's damage.

Lasts hour/level IIRC, and only a 3rd level spell. At your level, it's an all-day buff.

2011-12-02, 08:36 PM
It's a spell from Serpent Kingdoms. Only works on targets who naturally produce venom (forms like fleshraker are optimal low level choice, but that's not relevant here) and turns the venom caustic, adding 1d6 acid damage per caster level (no cap!) to the attack's damage.

Lasts hour/level IIRC, and only a 3rd level spell. At your level, it's an all-day buff.Totally worth Empowering and Maximizing.

2011-12-02, 08:42 PM
it usually takes me two rounds to buff, greater magic fang on the monolith and on me and my animal companion, if its in the fight

This is your biggest mistake. You don't cast in combat if you're going melee. Not like that. Either the buffs are already up or you use quickened spells.

Do tell me about this ability of his that lets him attack as touch attacks. That's a pretty big deal, and of course don't expect to outmelee the melee guy if all your melee is magical.

Akal Saris
2011-12-02, 09:01 PM
On a sidenote, I have to agree that the random 1 level of swordsage seems kind of cheesy and out of character. It's not likely to make you any stronger or more effective either, since your ToB level will be so low. I'm just drop it and take another druid level instead.

As others have said, learn what buffs can last all day and which should be cast in combat, preferably quickened. You don't need to spend a round to wildshape, you can stay in a form for 22 hours a day already. You don't need 2 rounds to cast greater magic fang, because that already lasts 20 hours for you and your pet. Instead, you might cast Nature's Avatar on your companion (SpC), assuming your DM will let you cast it on an elemental - I can't remember if it would work or not, but it's a swift action to cast anyhow.

Try simply using your standard/full actions for fighting each round instead of casting, and only use buffs/heals with your swift actions. And it shouldn't matter too much if your elemental companion dies or not - that means he's absorbing damage that would otherwise be taken by a PC, and you can get him back the next day anyhow.

2011-12-02, 09:07 PM
Do remember you are supposed to form a bond with your AC. Depending on how much roleplaying there is in your games, you might want to actually mope around for an hour or two when it dies.

But yeah, learn to use Quicken to open up your standard actions.

2011-12-02, 09:19 PM
Are there any feats that add half-elemental or elemental creature on to wildshape forms?

Wildshape is obsolete. Use shapechange. Faster. More versatile. Better.

2011-12-02, 09:29 PM
Wildshape is obsolete. Use shapechange. Faster. More versatile. Better.Sad but true.

2011-12-02, 09:47 PM
Wildshape is obsolete. Use shapechange. Faster. More versatile. Better.I was thinking Earth Elemental Titanic Warbeast Fleshraker dinosaur with Venomfire.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-12-02, 09:49 PM
I was thinking Earth Elemental Titanic Warbeast Fleshraker dinosaur with Venomfire.

Earth elemental isn't a template.

And Wildshape doesn't allow templates either.

2011-12-02, 09:54 PM
Earth elemental isn't a template.

And Wildshape doesn't allow templates either.

There's a half-elemental template in Manual of the Planes. But yeah, Wildshape not working for templates kills that regardless.

2011-12-02, 10:07 PM
Earth elemental isn't a template.

And Wildshape doesn't allow templates either.Um...Did nobody notice when I asked if nobody knew of an elemental template feat?

And earth elemental creature is definitely a template. It's in the Manual of the Planes. My CrystalKeep .pdf told me so.

Although I suppose the no templates thing (other than the feat I asked about for an earth elemental fleshraker) means that you can't get titanic warbeast druids.

In which case, advanced fleshraker, high as you can get it.

2011-12-02, 10:10 PM
What about that line of spells that basically turns a person into an elemental? I can't seem to find them or remember the names, but could you turn into an advanced fleshraker or something, then cast those spells for the buffs giving you the elemental buffs/flavor on top of it?

2011-12-02, 10:25 PM
That's a good idea, but if he keeps his flavor he'll need an elemental form that naturally produces poison. I don't know of any, sadly.

Taint Elemental comes to mind:smallconfused: not exactly poison but... damn is it crippling sometimes to have taint :smallfrown:

2011-12-03, 01:54 AM
What about that line of spells that basically turns a person into an elemental? I can't seem to find them or remember the names, but could you turn into an advanced fleshraker or something, then cast those spells for the buffs giving you the elemental buffs/flavor on top of it?

Heart of Air, Water, Fire, and Earth? That would let him keep his flavor, and duration hour/level means you can buff them when you wake up, and have them until you go to sleep. (They're from Complete Mage in case anybody was wondering)

2011-12-03, 04:56 AM
Yeah why are you casting Greater Magic Fang in battle? Doesn't it have the same duration as Greater Magic Weapon (hours/level)?

Worse. GMF is on the permanency list. And Superior Magic Fang is *WAY* better to cast mid-combat, and that's while still getting the exact same benefits of GMF.

2011-12-03, 06:03 AM
That's just an issue with the DM then. I had the same problem my first time DM'ing. I couldn't see past making challenges tougher than by buffing HP, SR, and the like. If everything can be slain by the Warblade, he needs to widen his scope of enemies and tactics. I once had a near party wipe of level 5's because of two imps attacking at night. It was then that I learned the importance of not just dropping in enemies and rolling initiative.

This. If the warblade is effective in every encounter, I would say it's pretty clear that the DM is only making certain types of encounters. It's probably not intentional, and there's not a lot you can do about it. I would suggest helping your DM out a bit. Have him over for a few beers and work out a hypothetical campaign together, one with widely varied encounters. That might help him think more broadly and deal with ToB better.

But I second the not-taking-swordsage train. You'll never get better than him by following him around.

2011-12-03, 06:11 AM
Do you not have epic spellcasting? I think getting/using epic spellcasting could solve a lot of your problems. The system is complicated, but powerful (largely out-of combat, but still...)

2011-12-03, 07:02 AM
Heart of Air, Water, Fire, and Earth? That would let him keep his flavor, and duration hour/level means you can buff them when you wake up, and have them until you go to sleep. (They're from Complete Mage in case anybody was wondering)
There's also elemental body in SC.

But yeah. Hours/lvl buffs in the morning, quickened buffs in combat, go to town.

2011-12-03, 07:16 AM
Focus on what you do best: spellcasting. As has been mentioned, epic spellcasting is your ticket to permanent awesome, so you can use that. With the rules I know it's possible to make permanent epic spells that have all kinds of extreme effects, but as a druid, here's an easy one you can make. Craft a mythal. Center it on an oak tree somewhere. Cast Acorn of Far Travel (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20040710a). You are now, at all times, treated as though you're inside your custom-created mythal, because you are always treated as though you're standing beneath that particular oak tree's canopy.

Now, you have an arbitrary number of Prevalent Spells on you at all times - Prevalent Spells being a mythal feature that means everyone in the mythal is subject to those spells. Stick all the buffs you normally use into your mythal as prevalent spells, and get any other buffs you think would be convenient to have always-on. You also have an arbitrary number of Arointed Spells - spells that automatically fail if cast within the mythal or on someone within the mythal (like, you, at all times). Throw in any really nasty effect you really, really don't want cast on you, ever. You can then have a number of Prevalent Powers - these are spells that automatically get cast when certain conditions are met. You could, for example, have a prevalent power that automatically casts heal on anyone that drops to a certain number of HP, from what I'm reading. Which leads into Keyed Powers - this is sort of an option you can attach to the earlier powers, which means they only work on subjects with certain characteristics. Make that a characteristic unique to yourself, and your mythal only benefits you, even if for some reason you find yourself needing to fight within the actual mythal.

To mitigate the now-astronomical spellcraft check you need to make, you can start by making the mythal corruptible, which isn't as bad as it sounds - it just means that after a hundred years, the mythal starts falling apart. Big deal, in a hundred years you'll be MUCH higher level and you can make an even better one. And making it corruptible reduces the 'cost' by 3/4. After that, start adding on other mitigating factors, the most obvious being to gather up a gaggle of spellcasting followers and have them pour all their spells into the ritual to reduce the spellcraft check as seen here. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/developingEpicSpells.htm) Consider Gating or otherwise Calling or Summoning in some creatures with high level spell slots - each 9th level spell you use in the ritual will reduce the spellcraft DC by 17. Huge numbers of lowbies are useful too - you mentioned Leadership, I believe. Put all those low level followers to use - make them Adepts or some other spellcasting class, and have them contribute whatever spells they are capable of. Figure out how many participants you'll need in your ritual, procure them, then create your mythal.

Edit: Somehow, I failed to mention Vanguard spells. These you can activate with a command word, at-will. Throw in some spells you want to be able to cast at-will, as many times per day as you like. No, there's no limit to what level spell it is. And, it specifically says it activates as a standard action. So if you've got a spell you're normally a little reluctant to cast because of a full-round action, make it a vanguard spell. Or even better, a spell that takes more than a round to cast. Consider making elemental swarm into a vanguard spell, and now you can cast it at-will as a standard action instead of 10 minute casting time. Of course, there's probably better choices out there too.

Another note: I honestly don't see anything in the mythal creation rules (by the way, read the details in Lost Empires of Faerun, page 45) that says you even have to have anyone that can cast the spells you put into the mythal. This means you can put in ANY spell. I don't even see any limitations on spells with xp components or expensive material components. As far as I can tell, by RAW, you can create a mythal with Wish as a Vanguard Spell, allowing you to cast an xp-free Wish every round as a standard action. Granted, you probably shouldn't do this, but it does mean you can make use of other highly beneficial spells. Make sure to throw in spells druids don't normally have access to. Greater Teleport as a vanguard, and some offensive ones like Dimensional Anchor and any variants you think might be useful, and Forcecage.

2011-12-03, 08:02 AM
mabye you or the dm should ask the warblade to make a weaker character? you did say that the other players are feeling useless and you getting stronger probably isn't going to help that. also epic is really really borked.

2011-12-03, 09:17 AM
It should be noted that the damage output of Martial adepts has a really high baseline. Pretty much anything that spends a round within his reach will die.

I would not suggest eating him, since if you fail, he'll kill you. If you succeed, he'll cut his way out of you. Then kill you. You are going to have have to b a little more clever than that.

2011-12-03, 09:28 AM
I once had a near party wipe of level 5's because of two imps attacking at night. It was then that I learned the importance of not just dropping in enemies and rolling initiative.
In retroperspective: What were you thinking?!?! :smallbiggrin:

2011-12-03, 10:36 AM
You have major SR-No spells that can be brought into a fight with a magic-immune creature. Cometfall and Bombardment come to mind.

If anyone else suggests this, keep in mind that epic golems Immunity To Magic specifically wards off ALL magic.

2011-12-03, 10:44 AM
If anyone else suggests this, keep in mind that epic golems Immunity To Magic specifically wards off ALL magic.

Right. Well, if more golems show up, leave them to the Warblade I guess (Or Call in Outsiders to fight for you without magic). But if everything they fight has magic immunity, that just shows lack of imagination on the DM's part.

2011-12-03, 11:21 AM
Heart of Air, Water, Fire, and Earth? That would let him keep his flavor, and duration hour/level means you can buff them when you wake up, and have them until you go to sleep. (They're from Complete Mage in case anybody was wondering)

Okay that's why I wasn't finding them in Spell Compendium. Those are the spells I was thinking about. Just use those with a more normal shapechange/wildshape form, and fluff it as you being so in tune with the elements that you and everything you turn into is elemental.

2011-12-03, 11:32 AM
If anyone else suggests this, keep in mind that epic golems Immunity To Magic specifically wards off ALL magic.

If that were the case it would be immune to its own construction. Like anything else ported in from 3.0, it needs to be updated to be consistent with 3.5's design principles.

2011-12-03, 11:47 AM
What is your list of "Up All Day" Buffs? Please tell it to us. The ones you cast at the beginning of the day.

What form is your 'always in this form' melee combat form? By this point, I'd have, for my all day buffs...

Segojan’s armor
Kuo-Toa Skin
Heart of Air
Heart of Water
Heart of Earth
Heart of Fire
Cloud Wings
Greater Magic Fang
Scales of the Sealord (not necessarily this one)
Greater Luminous Armor
Cloak of the Sea
Energy Immunity (at least one of these if they don't stack. perhaps all of them if they do...)
Superior Resistance

Perhaps more, if possible.

2011-12-03, 12:01 PM
I would not suggest eating him, since if you fail, he'll kill you. If you succeed, he'll cut his way out of you. Then kill you. You are going to have have to b a little more clever than that.

Only if he has a light weapon in his hands (or belt I think you are allowed to draw a weapon when you succeed a grapple check) when swallowed, or I think there is also a feat that allows using larger weapons when grappled (which is the condition you are in in the stomach^^

2011-12-03, 12:06 PM
Only if he has a light weapon in his hands (or belt I think you are allowed to draw a weapon when you succeed a grapple check) when swallowed, or I think there is also a feat that allows using larger weapons when grappled (which is the condition you are in in the stomach^^Swallow Whole is why the gods invented tree tokens.

2011-12-03, 12:29 PM
He could attack with gauntlet, spiked gauntlet, or armor spikes, couldn't he? Don't most high optimization melee people have at least one of those?

2011-12-03, 12:41 PM
It sounds like you have a party mostly geared towards magic and magic enhances melee. Warblades are pretty damn strong melee's who don't need to rely on magic to shine. Your GM is probably picking encounters with innate defenses to magic, leaving the warblade the only character who isn't weak to the monster.

As for solutions. I have personally never had a problem with another player doing something strong or being successful. Even if it meant I didn't get a chance to shine. It is more of a group game to me. But having said that, your main problem is you have given up power for fluff.

An elemental focused druid lacks a lot of content and therefore gives up a lot of strength.

So the solution is to either give up on your fluff or instead work with your GM to create new content to support your roleplay choices or refluff druid content with an elemental theme. Examples instead of that venom fang thing refluff it to add acid damage to earth elemenatls or lightning damage to air elemental natural attacks. Instead of animal growth, elemental growth. Instead of Nature's Avatar, Elemental Avatar. Ect ect.

You have further limited yourself by choosing to focus melee.

The main strength of a druid is it is versatile. It can be battle field control through summoning and terrain control and control style spells and base pets.

It can be melee through wild shape and spell buffs and pets.

It can be a mage type.

And it can do any of this on the fly.

Your specific druid... not so much.

Now don't get me wrong, a druid can specialize. Giving up a little bit of options in one area for greater strength in another. BUT as I mentioned, your choice of elemental style druid lacks the content to be a worthy trade off.

So either give it up or work with your GM to create new content and refluff old content.

2011-12-03, 12:50 PM
Only if he has a light weapon in his hands (or belt I think you are allowed to draw a weapon when you succeed a grapple check) when swallowed, or I think there is also a feat that allows using larger weapons when grappled (which is the condition you are in in the stomach^^

Depends. He could use his fist (if he was smart, he has 2 levels in unarmed SS, for the free Imp Unarmed). Or use that Mongoose stance (or whatever, afb), to use any weapon he feels like. Or use maneuvers to force your attempt at eating him to fail. Magic seems like the best way to go, since trying to go melee against him would remove any sort of advantage you have.

2011-12-03, 01:06 PM
Though you need to be able to move to be able to initiate a maneuver if I remember correctly and you are only able to move during a grapple if you win the grapple check.
So get enough grapple which is pretty easy for a druid and win ^^

2011-12-03, 01:08 PM
Since when was this about PvP? I don't think attack and kill the warblade is the answer he's looking for.

2011-12-03, 01:12 PM
Though you need to be able to move to be able to initiate a maneuver if I remember correctly and you are only able to move during a grapple if you win the grapple check.
So get enough grapple which is pretty easy for a druid and win ^^

I never said he need to initiate a maneuver. He has plenty of time to escape from your stomach if you were to eat him. He has ways of forcing failure of the requisite attacks you need to get a grapple.

Since when was this about PvP? I don't think attack and kill the warblade is the answer he's looking for.

Someone suggested eating him would solve the OP's problems.

2011-12-03, 01:13 PM
Someone suggested eating him would solve the OP's problems.

Something tells me it will only cause more.

The Glyphstone
2011-12-03, 01:17 PM
Something tells me it will only cause more.

Like indigestion?:smallbiggrin:

2011-12-03, 01:19 PM
Like indigestion?:smallbiggrin:

Yes! and I know from personal experience that indigestion is not fun.

I think Mnemnosyne and the elemental themed day-long buffs and potentially reflavoring old buff spells are his best bet, personally.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-12-03, 02:08 PM
Though you need to be able to move to be able to initiate a maneuver if I remember correctly and you are only able to move during a grapple if you win the grapple check.
So get enough grapple which is pretty easy for a druid and win ^^

Have you been listening to the guy (I believe it's Doc Roc, but I may be mistaken) who thinks that if you're grappling, you can't move?

2011-12-03, 02:34 PM
Part of your problem is that Salient Divine Abilities are not created equally. You mentioned you have the 'earth and wind' abilities- I assume that's Divine Air Mastery and Divine Earth Mastery? They're flavorful, alright, but they're also pretty bad. You don't get much out of them you couldn't also easily do with your spells or wildshape. The Warblade, on the other hand, has probably Irresistible Blows. Which not only lets him make all attacks with a chosen weapon as touch attacks, every hit forces a save against stun. That is *far* more directly combat-applicable (and completely trivializes a number of opponents whose AC comes only from Natural Armor- those Adamantine Golems, by the book, have a mighty AC of SEVEN against him. ..so I've gotta lay that one at your DM's feet for not realizing the Warblade could shred them. Also they're only CR 25, although they don't actually come with an AMF so that might rate an additional CR or 2.)

Things that would make you more powerful if you get a chance to select more SDAs or change the ones you have:
Divine Druid- get the Extraordinary and Supernatural abilities of anything you Wildshape to, become able to Shape into Magical Beasts. "Some deities can take more forms" - ask your DM if you can use this to change to anything of the Elemental type or perhaps anything with an elemental Subtype, not just the four fundamental Elemental creatures (and then restrain the urge to abuse being an Elemental Weird or an Efreet or a Noble Djinn.)
Automatic Metamagic: Pick a metamagic. You can add it to all your spells, if you want to, for no level adjustment. Doesn't work on Epic metamagics. Automatic Quicken? Automatic Persist? Go for it.
Power of Nature: Create tornadoes, hurricanes, thunderstorms, earthquakes.. I'm a bit surprised you didn't go for this one sooner. Look up what tornado/hurricane-force winds do in D&D sometime, they're pretty nasty against smaller opponents.

2011-12-03, 02:41 PM
Have you been listening to the guy (I believe it's Doc Roc, but I may be mistaken) who thinks that if you're grappling, you can't move?

Yeah, I do not think the book is very specific on that. I mean, does it mean "not able to take a move action", not able to move as in paralyzed or stunned, or not able to leave the square?

2011-12-03, 03:47 PM
Like indigestion?:smallbiggrin:

There is only one cure... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XghJuH6GSCo) :smallwink:

My only question is why would gods be adventuring? It doesn't make sense... Thats what Clerics are for :smallconfused:

2011-12-03, 05:01 PM
If anyone else suggests this, keep in mind that epic golems Immunity To Magic specifically wards off ALL magic.

All magical effects. Thankfully Instantaneous Conjurations produce non-magical effects, and they form the bulk of the SR:No crowd.

2011-12-03, 05:05 PM
Or just blast the ceiling over them and drop the roof down. If you are in a big enough dungeon, you can cause some serious damage.

2011-12-03, 10:55 PM
The Iconic Feat "I am not left handed" seems pretty lacklaster. It's hard to tell without knowing how long combat in the system lasts, but unless it's like over 10 rounds, getting one focus point per round you can use to reduce AC by 1 per point is just... meh. Compared to the other iconic feats, or even the non-iconic feats that aren't so restricted, this is pretty meh.

I think you grabbed the wrong thread here.

2011-12-04, 12:11 AM
I think you grabbed the wrong thread here.

You're right. Don't know how I did that.