View Full Version : Orimaal: The Flooded World IC

2011-12-02, 08:59 PM
Rhythmic wing beats of incoming Skylander (http://chattydm.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/airship.jpg), the humming of the Orc (http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2011/144/0/5/concept_airship_by_shelbs2-d3h4rvu.jpg) engines, and wooshing of the propellers on Dwarven (http://images.wikia.com/finalfantasy/images/b/b8/FFIX-redrose.jpg) air-crafts merge with the noise of the bustling city and the ever-persistent humming of the apparatus that keeps the Skylander city above the ground. There are very few Gnomish (http://mykeamend.com/new/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/vernian_airship_web.jpg) and Stronghand (http://th02.deviantart.net/fs19/PRE/i/2007/282/4/2/Harq___Airship_ConceptPainting_by_A_Nessessary_Stu dio.jpg) skyships because of the war and racial hatred, but every once in a while you can spot one.

Today is a special day for Yegae, the Skylander Capitol. Every ten years, the great Elven City-Ship Enoreth's Wisdom (http://webecoist.momtastic.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/sky-cities-castle-in-the-sky.jpg) makes its pass, allowing for exorbitant amounts of trade, and a massive festival to boot! Many Captains seeking their fortunes flock to this great land every year to see what they can buy or sell. Even the most xenophobic member of this society looks forward to the prosperity of this time.

Many criminals gather on this day however. Looting, robbery, and pick-pocketing are all excellent ways to make a quick bit of gold before the victim has any idea of what happened. Many shop owners, ship captains, and wealthy nobles hire freelancers and mercenaries to guard their valuables. One particular guards-woman is nearly a spec of a thing. Her name is Ms. Pond, or Pebble, depending on who is speaking. She is manning a crows nest of a local Skylander ship, overlooking the merchant's stall who owns it. Near this same ship, on the same over-extended dock is a thin, smirk-striken face of a young avian. He is tasked with flying high above the markets with his footbow, just in case anyone tries to get fresh with one of the merchants in the particular guild that owns this outdoor docking station. His name is Ka-As-Zair, or 'Skree' as most people call him. Standing near the exit, where is 'special attack' cannot destroy any architecture or transportation, there is a narrow-bearded man keeping watch, his name is Greysky. A golden-brown gleam seems to cover his skin and sparkle in the sunlight, and to some, it almost looks like the scales of a Dragon. They would be right of course, but many do not know this. And then there is the monstrous to some, powerful to others, striking to all, Oda the Dragon-man. He looks like a breed between Dragon and Humanoid. An orange and blue tint covers his face, neck, and head, leaving room for a short snout filled to the brim with teeth. He is simply enjoying the sights as he passes through the open stalls and soothing sunlight.

All is calm as one of the fifteen arms extending off of the Skylander floating city occupied by all the people above bounces and gleams with life. Elves, Humans, Dwarves, and Orcs alike observe craftsmen, artisans, and all manner of professionals buying and selling all sorts of wares. After a hard day's work of guard duty and window shopping, the night's festivities occur. The shop owners close up for the day, lay out all manners of tables and chairs, and bring the biggest meal any of you have seen. Elven wines and exotic dishes cover the wooden tables, Dwarven mead flows like a river, and even the highly sought after Darfallen's 'Feast of the Seven Whales' is served right before your eyes. It is a glorious sight for all to behold.

Pebble, Skree, Oda, and Michael are all seated at the same table as a happy-go-lucky Gnome, two Skylander mercenaries, an Orcish guard with one eye slashed out, and a mystical looking Elf woman. You are all engaged into different conversations, small talk and general story telling. The Orc remains all but silent, the Gnome-Bard begins rattling off every story he can think of about the festival, the Sun Elves, and the Skylander city, the Skylander mercenary-couple comment on all of the food and how well the city looks lit up, and the Elf is silently observing unless spoken directly to.

Alright! Lets start this off with some dialogue. Whomever has the best role-play will get a nice little prize! :smallwink:


2011-12-02, 10:20 PM
This was a strange day for Pebble, usually she was a member of the thieves that today she was trying to prevent, just this time last year she had made almost 100 gold pieces by robbing pompous, drunk and overly wealthily nobles as they blindly walked around the stalls and shops of this great festival.

This year however things were much different, Pebble had applied to work as a guard for the local authorities, this gave her the constant income she required to get by, however as hard as she had tried to get today off work she was unable... Due to this she had been required to spend most of her day spent on the watch for thieves, when in fact she had been wanting to spend the day doing some thieving of her own.

The irony made her smile as she allied the last of the sweet oils and turned to leave for the banquet meal. As she did she felt inside the inner pocket of her chain shirt, she had been watching for overly rich people all day and reached in several pockets of drunk men whilst "helping them" but she couldn't remember if she had been successful... It had been a long day after all.

Slight of Hand Roll:
Did she manage to steal anything whilst on duty?
Slight of hand check D20 + 16 1d20+16

Before attending the banquet table Pebble makes a quick visit to freshen up in a rest room: she rubs the dust and muck off of her face, re-combs and plats her hair and finally uses some of the sweet smelling oils she had managed to buy of a merchant whilst on guard duty today.

An attendant showed her to her seat and acrobatically she jumped up onto the very high chair they had allocated her. The chair was a nesessity so she could reach the table as easily as the other, much larger, people who she was sat with.
Immediately she recognised the people at the table she had been assigned with on guard today, specifically the two with scaly skin. It had been years since her encounter with the dragon but anything with scales still gave her the heeby jeebies... As well there was a very loud Gnome accross from her that was dominating the conversation to whom most people were listening politely or having their own seperate conversations.
All apart from the orc she had just sat down next to, he seemed distant.
"Not a fan of bards tales?" She smirked up at him with a friendly smile.
"Me neither to be honest, although I bet you have a few tales of your own..."

Waiting for him to respond she takes a long knife out from under the skirt of her armour and uses the extra reach it provides her to skewer a large piece of meat. Then quickly putting it onto her knee she wraps it up in a piece of linen to give to her dog later she turns back to the orc.

She makes a gesture towards his eye with her head.
"Looks abit of a doosey that..."

2011-12-02, 10:46 PM
The Orc grunts positively in response to the little Halfling's question regarding his stories. You can easily tell that he has seen his share of the battle field, but something seems.. calm about him. He is no barbarian to say the least, strange considering all the other Adamintine Orcs are brutal creatures.

When questioned about his eye, he merely smiles a bestial smile and says 'It was a gift.' before reaching into his scabbard and snagging a large chunk of the blubbery whale meat and slapping it down on his plate.

'You ever hear of Grummush little one?' He asks.. politely. Needless to say, his demeanor throws you off a tiny bit.

You were in a crows nest all day! xD You cannot steal anything from fifty feet in the air. Plus, if you got caught, that would pretty much end your character's involvement with the rest of the party right there.

Alright, I am settign a post limit now. You may only post TWICE after the PLAYER with the LOWEST number of posts. In other words, Pebble doesn't post until someone posts again, then you can post twice before having to wait until everyone posts again.

2011-12-02, 11:59 PM
Michael pushes the food around his plate, his eyes distant as the gnome prattles on. Festival time again. Everyone's favorite time of year, gather together, have fun, make money. Used to be fun. Arnasess did love to disguise himself and walk the markets...

The ghost of a smile passes his face. The bard takes that as encouragement and launches into another tale.

At least it gave me a chance to make a little coin identifying magic goods. Amazing what people fish out of the sea. The old world must have been filled with nothing but ancient temples and magic crypts. Wish they would be more careful about it though. Two swords, a shield, and those strange gloves, all cursed. Who knows what would have happened if some fool had put them on! And that helmet...hopefully they won't still try to slip it into market and on to some fool...Not in my hands.

I'll sleep better with the coins though, golden pillows are best.

Think the mercs at that table used to work for a black. Have to watch them, bloody pirates.

He takes a few absent minded bites, nodding politely to those who speak to him.

The gnome can talk, sure he never let's the truth ruin a good story. Has nothing on old Arnasess, though. The old dragons are even worse, he said. Always carrying on about the old world. Land stretching as far as the eye can see, flying for days without seeing water. Unless they just like telling stories to entertain. Must have been something though, they keep finding things...

He belatedly raises his mug to a toast he did not hear. Gah, ale got warm. He holds it close to his mouth and blows gently, a stream of condensation left in the wake of his breath. Dew forms on the outside of the mug.

How long will I wander around, wallowing in the slough of despond? I ask that every year...answer is always one more. The festival, benchmark of my failure, as a son, a student, and a man. Bottom's up.

He drops his fork and pushes his plate away, the bountiful food mangled but mostly uneaten.

What was that? Grummush?

know religion [roll0]

I promise he won't be this depressing all the time, he just needs something worth doing. Emo dragon-boy would be too depressing to play.

2011-12-03, 12:36 AM
Pebble was slightly put off her food by the idea that he considered a gouged eye a gift but then she had only met a few orcs before, all of them were equally barbaric.

Another man interjected from their side of the table who had been contributing, if you could call the occasional nod and acknowledgement of toasts contributing. As he did she turned to face him, and thier eyes met, flinching and tightening her grip on the long knife she was still holding she darted her vision away from him.
Catching control of herself again, almost immediately, however it was obvious to all who had been watching around the table she had taken a strange reaction to looking directly into the mans face.

His eyes... He has the same eyes...

Pebble now controlling herself again, gave the man a quick look of apology and turned back to the orc, he had already started explaining to the pair of them who Grummush was; either not noticing the look that had passed between Pebble and Michael or choosing to ignore it.

As he began talking she listened but didn't really pay attention as she was mostly concentrating on the thoughts running through her head:

I hope I didn't offend him but he is deffinatly some sort of Dragon... Maybe dragons can disguise themselves as humanoids... Have dragons ever attacked a sky city before?
Maybe the city is going to be attacked... There are two of them and both working for the city watch... are they infiltrating?

She couldn't help herself, every fibre of her body wanted to unsheathe her bow from her back and grip it between her now white knuckles. She prayed that people weren't watching her hands.

Its ok most people dont pay attention to what people do with her hands, he wont notice... Now just calm down, loosen your hands girl! PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!

white rider
2011-12-03, 01:26 PM
Skree carefully noted the growing tension, thinking of possible escape routes. The halfling will have to go first, Skree thought, she looks to be the best with a bow. Than one of the magic users, or the Orc. By than, I will be in the air, and there I can glide away.
Once Skree had a plan, he began to speak. Exactly how long do you think that gnome will go on?, Skree asks the huge dragon-man, I think that he has been talking for at least an hour. In a quieter voice Skree asks, Anyhow, you don't look like you come from around here. Where are you from? Actually, what are you? Human, elf, dwarf, you don't fit in.

2011-12-05, 11:10 AM

The dragon-thing chuckles a bit at Skree's question and raises a mug towards the halfling fiercely gripping the table with a grin, acknowledging the rising tensions.

"The hell of it is, I don't really know. Around the time of the Flood I got caught in a very sticky situation. I was..."

Oda glances at the orc and decides to avoid any specifics that might needlessly antagonize him.

"...it was a sticky situation! Even back then they didn't make 'em like me anymore: I was a hobgoblin. Anyway, I found myself the library of some dragon or another that had recently bitten the dust, found a scrap of weird dragon magic that I thought might get me out of the fix I was in, and gave it a try. Next thing I knew, my ugly mug had been replaced with the handsome lizardy face you see before you now."

He takes a swig from his mug, turns around, and taps a waitress on the shoulder.

"Another round for the table, please. Anyway, don't worry about it: I can't burn down the place with an errant sneeze, and I don't have a terrible, draconic lust for gold. Only a perfectly ordinary, healthy, regular guy's terrible lust for gold. Forget about me."

Oda makes an expansive gesture at the bustling streets.

"I mean, look at this! Why do we only do this every ten years? It's the way things ought to be. Elves, dwarves, orcs, gnomes, humans, whatever- even crazy-looking dragon things- all of us get together and have a bash. Why do we bother with all the fighting and the raiding and the backstabbing when the time that everyone's happiest is when we're getting together and making each other filthy rich? Are we only allowed to be sane once a decade?"

2011-12-05, 11:24 AM
The dragon-man's words snap Michael out of his thoughts. He gives a bitter smile. "People are people. The 'sanity' as you say can't last. The wonder is that everyone can get along as often as the festival occurs. They'll all go home and plot to kill each other as usual, the goods traded peacefully the week before no deterrent. Those that wait that long anyhow. They hire all us guards for a reason."

Touched by dragon magic...not sure I've seen one like him. Interesting.

Hmm, halfling watching me. Should be more concerned by the orc. Grummush isn't known for mannerly followers.

2011-12-05, 11:47 AM
Pebble listens to the Dragon... Hob... Thing...
However she was yet to be at all persuaded to trust either of them.

She eyed the people around the table... Most had noticed her flinch, a feeling of embarrassment and nerves filled her chest and she almost wanted to cry.

Why do I have to sit here with these things, these evil horrid beasts that attack and kill people and we just have to let them...

Glaring at the Thing... (Oda)
"So do you consider it a gift?"
She squeaked; barely audible above the gnome, who now was talking louder as he had lost all the attention he felt he deserved.
"Being a dragon, thing..."

Although to phrase the question to both of them she gave the other dragon a quick glare. She knew she was being impolite but she did not hae the sufferance to hold her tongue any longer.

2011-12-05, 12:13 PM
Maaaaan, you guys rock at role playing.

The male Skylander mercenary looks toward Oda with a look of disgust.

'We don' do this er'y year because we don' wan' any of your kind stinking up the place!' says the man, obviously drunk before he even sat at the table. His partner seemed to attempt to calm him down, but it only aggravated him more, 'I mean, look a' you all! A brute of an Orc without the decency to cover his disgusting scar, this ugly dragon-thing, tha' tiny gill-faced creature in tha' corner, and tha' Gnome tha' won' shut the 'ell up *hic*'

The Orc stands and shouts in the man's face, 'Watch your tongue you half wit before I rip it from your slime-covered throat!'

The two men star at each other for a moment, tension is rising.

2011-12-05, 01:11 PM
Michael leans back as the conflict brews. I really do hate being right.

He speaks with resolve he doesn't feel, just loudly enough to be hear. "The whole terrible spectacle of all these strangers who need killing will pass much faster is you sit down and resume drinking. They'll still have blood in their veins in a few days, kill each other then like civilized folk and let the rest of us enjoy the party." Having to police the guards, great gig. Might be time to find a new table. Can probably slow them down if it gets too far though.

diplomacy [roll0]

He'll lead with slow breath if a fight breaks out, keep things under control till someone in charge can settle it. 15' cone, Reflex DC 20, slowed for 2 rounds, 1 on save.

white rider
2011-12-05, 03:28 PM
"Yes, please. Just sit down and finish your ale. No sense in spilling good drink over a small disagreement."
aid another roll for diplomacy: [roll0]
Although Skree appears calm, he notes the rising tension with alarm. Alright, alright. I will have to shoot to incapacitate first and take off as fast as possible. One of the mercenaries, than try to knock them unconscious. Maybe land on one and hold him down...
readied action to take flight if things turn bad (moving 20 ft up and 20 ft out)

2011-12-05, 05:56 PM
Oda rises out of his chair, commanding the attention of the entire table.

"Listen, you two. If you're looking for a scrap, that's fine. I'll take the both of you outside, check you for weapons, let you have a good old-fashioned punch-up, congratulate the winner and patch up the loser as best I can. Not my idea of a good time, but if that's just how you party- sure. You can be sure I'll be impartial, because I dislike you both equally. But I like the peace of the festival. I like my tasty whale cutlets and my heady dwarven mead. And if you ruin that by brawling here, then I will shove an extremely large, very sharp sword into the first guy to throw a punch.


We can keep eating, you two cool down, and I buy you each a double whiskey.

Which of those sounds good?"

2011-12-05, 09:18 PM
The mercenary woman drug her assumed lover off to the side to cool down, apologizing the entire way. The Orc laughed heartily at the retreat, but the man was too inebriated to respond properly.

2011-12-05, 09:37 PM
At the commotion Pebble drops to her feet next to the table.
Worried that the raging orc might do something stupid she did not want to be anywhere near him if things kicked off.

Great I can see bugger all from down here.

Pebble decides to wait out the rabble under the table... Nice and safe.

Its not long till everything ends and as the orc takes his seat again Pebble hops back up and tumbles gracefully into her chair once again. Removing her knife once more she stabs into another piece of meat and puts it onto her plate, not because she was hungry, just for its impression.

As she sits back at the table the rest of the party may (or may not) depending on your characters perception (and their interest in my character) that Pebbles scarf is now pulled tight around her neck covering up her gills.

"You still didn't answer my question..." She smirks.

2011-12-06, 02:55 AM
"Mmm. I didn't. Sorry about that.
...don't really think of it that way one way or another, really. It was certainly convenient at the time. It's not a lot of fun when it gives drunks a hankering to take a swing at me- or when it makes cute halflings eyeball me like I'm about to stab the waiter. Eyesight's better than it was before, which is nice. I mean, I just don't think of it as a badge of honor or mark of shame. Stuff happened, now I have scales."

The dragon-man shrugs expansively and takes a bite of some sautéed salmon.

"It's just not a big deal, as far as I'm concerned. How do you feel about being a blonde?"

2011-12-06, 05:16 AM
Pft... Eye sights better... Blonde... Im a bloody Brunette...

"You should be ashamed, having the same blood as murderers running through your veins..."
Control now wakening as the anger shows in her voice, Pebble cannot stop herself, she just wants to get out all the horrible and evil things she has needed to vent for so long.
"Your kind, lurking beneath the waves or on islands, chasing down traders and travellers... Destroying their livelihoods and killing them just for scraps of gold... Its despicable!"

Btw Pebble has NO IDEA that there are different types of dragon, she also thinks all dragons are evil.

2011-12-06, 05:19 AM
'Amen' grunts the Orc. The Gnome has all but quieted himself after the previous series of events, 'Damned things almost killed my people.'

2011-12-06, 08:25 AM
Michael rolls his eye before he catches himself. Best proceed with a bit of tack...not too much though. Can't let the insult, or ignorance stand.

"Dragons beneath the waves hunting halflings? Tell me, what do they look like? Black scales, perhaps?"

He leans forward, continuing without waiting for confirmation. "Blacks are wicked and cruel, enemies to all but themselves. If you had stood in the presence of a metallic dragon, you would be unable to even think your words. So please, endevor to learn of that which you speak. Ignorance is no crime, failing to correct it though, that can be...problematic."

I've spoken my peace, let it lie. Too much attention anyway. Bloody festival. He grunts and pokes his food again before pushing the plate away, hoping that he could soon be away from the festivities.

2011-12-06, 02:11 PM
(The profile picture on your sheet looks more like a dirty blonde than a brunette.)

"My kind?"

Oda looks at Pebble like she's grown a second head.

"You have a problem with dragons, I get that. I sympathize: dragons cause a lot of problems and kill a lot of people. But why does that mean you have a problem with me? My only connection with them is that I look like one. If a lion killed your village, would you spend the rest of your life kicking housecats? If a roc savaged your skyship, would you be wigging out at Feathers over there?"

He nods at Skree.

"Anyway. I'm here, I've never hunted down a trader, destroyed anyone's livelihood, or killed someone just for gold. Even though I look like a dragon. Please learn to deal with that.

Incidentally, the brown-haired gentleman over there is correct. Only about half of all dragons are vicious bastards. The rest are pretty decent. They're even color-coded for the convenience of us mortals. If you don't believe the two of us, I think there's a public library a few doors down that was funded by a gold dragon's donation. They have a plaque and everything."

...an interesting brown-haired gentleman indeed, even if he is a bit of a grump. Are those scales?

2011-12-06, 03:34 PM
'In my eyes, any Dragon is scum.' The Orc grunts, eyeing Oda with his one good eye, 'Even your precious Gold Dragons. What right do they have to police the world? None. Whole troop of mine got slaughtered by one of them scalys. Bastard claimed we were too close to his territory.'

2011-12-06, 04:18 PM
Michael looks annoyed at the orc's outburst. "Yes, I'm sure your party was completely innocent. Followers of Grummush are SO well know for their mannerly bearing and respect for the property rights of their neighbors. I suppose your troop was accustomed to leaving quietly when informed of borders? They surely wouldn't have been foolish enough to draw blades, that would just be insulting."

He stands and leans forward on the table, leveling his glare on the orc. "Now, it's beginning to sound like you just want to start a fight. Fair enough, though I would second the suggestion about taking it outside. Too many tables in the way here. If not, sit down and enjoy your drink. There's enough stupid in the world without us trying to make more here."

2011-12-07, 06:02 AM
Pebble's face relaxes from its deep scowl and for a moment she is lost in what the two men are saying to her... Almost immediatelly snapping out she thinks of all the things she had never even considered or bothered to investigate.

"Shut the hell up orc I am sick of your blood lust!"
Jumping up out of her seat again the halfling lands gracefully on the table, running across she manages to skip between the many plates of food to stand as close as she can to both of the scaled men.

Staring them in the eyes with a look of pleading emotions:
"Are you telling me you know the dragon that killed my dearest friends, are you telling me that dragons are not all evil?"
She did not quite understand just what these two men were telling her, and this stupid orc would not spoil her discovering the truth...
"I don't understand sirs: a dragon killed everything I knew, left me in a world I know nothing about and I no longer even know where my family are... All I have is hatred and you are telling me that I am wrong..."

Pebble can see it in their eyes, they pity her... They pity that she is ignorant and stupid. With a sigh she collapses down onto the edge of the table... sitting and attempting to take in what she has just learnt, how different things now were...

2011-12-07, 10:04 AM
Michael's eyes soften. One so open, willing to learn and change despite old hatred...this is a rare thing.perhaps I can do some good here, repay an infinitesimal portion of what I was given.

"I was once in the service of a good dragon. We had a sky ship, trading freely with all peoples, carrying goods from beneath the waves. More than a few of your people counted us friends. All that was lost to a group of black dragons."

His face grows sad, he stares as the table. "They are at constant war with the copper dragons. You see, both swim, both have grown rich and numerous under the waves of our world. The bronze where friends of my master, frequently trading artifacts from the temples of the old world. We were caught in their struggle. There were...few survivors." His mouth closes, clearly he feels much more, but will not say.

white rider
2011-12-07, 08:57 PM
"Yes, there are many types of dragons, each with their own beliefs. Some are the epitome of kind and good, others are the deepest embodiment of evil. The chromatic dragons are vile and keen, and even the smallest should be feared and destroyed. But just as some humans are evil and some good, the metallic dragons are a great force for purity in the world. Personally, though, I stay away from all of them. They are the most powerful creatures in the world, and history writes itself around them. Get too close, and you might get pulled in and never get out. No, I prefer a calmer life.

2011-12-08, 02:39 PM
Dumbfounded by the Raptorian and the... Thing... Pebble hops of the table, turning to the two Dragon creatures as she leaves.
"I am sorry if I have offended you, I need some time to think..."

Turning again Pebble heads towards the restrooms.

Bloody... damn... Festival!...
Should have just robbed everyone and ...
All those ... Stupid scaley deamons making me hate...
Kill every last damn one of them...

Upon entering the restroom she makes her way to the sinks and soaks her face with water; making sure not to get her hair wet.

Should have stayed in the water...
If I just wait here I can slip out later when the festival is over...
I will just take a seat in here on this sofa, why do womens restrooms always have sofas?..
Its a crazy world we live in...

2011-12-08, 02:48 PM
The Orc chuckles at the scoldings of the Halfling and the dragon-activists.

'Oh boy, you should speak to Ga-Gurroon' he laughed in a condescending manner.

2011-12-08, 02:54 PM
Michael just grunts and nods as the halfling departs. Not hungry anyhow, perhaps it is time to depart as well. Not that anywhere else is likely to be better. Perhaps I should check out that library sometime? Better than sitting here until some fool tries to start another fight...and he's talking again. Bother.

"And who might Ga-Gurroon be, that we should talk to him?

2011-12-08, 03:02 PM
'He is that damned trader hiring mercenaries for his ship. He trades with the Dragons, well, at least that is what he wants people to believe.' the Orc grunts, 'You all would fit perfectly into his little merc band.'

white rider
2011-12-08, 03:41 PM
Skree mutters to himself, "Hrmm, dragons, you say. I'm not sure if I want to be involved in that. They are not to be trifled with, and each one has many enemies. Of course, the job does sound like it could be profitable." Finally, after much inner debate, he says, "Tell me a bit more about this 'Ga-Gurroon'.

2011-12-08, 07:13 PM
Oh, boy. Did I ever step on a land mine here--!?

Oda watches as the halfling vaults the table and dances across it to address him directly, then says her peice and slumps down beside him. He gives her a real look for the first time.

Something's going on with this girl. I had her pegged as a real boozehound and not much else, and clearly there's some truth to that- she's been pickling herself long enough that her skin is yellowed. But even three sheets to the wind she skipped her way across the table without disturbing a thing.
That's a nice bow, good clothes. A few subtly mismatched pieces to her 'look': I'd bet money that if I shined a Detect Magic on her she'd glow like a lightbulb. Is that the glint of mithral under there?
This chick is a somebody. Or used to be.

Oda looks at the halfling thoughtfully, hand on his chin, letting the others speak their piece as the gears turn in his head. When Pebble stands to leave the table, Oda stands to follow, and puts a hand in her shoulder before she's halfway to the washroom.

"Clearly you've been through some terribly hard times. But tell me that by taking away your hatred of dragons I took away the only thing left to you, and I'll call you a liar. You don't move like someone helpless: you skipped your way across that table without so much as disturbing a teaspoon. Just standing there I can tell you've got more grace than any three big folk put together. I'll bet you're a crack shot with that bow you've got on your back, and if the lightness of your step and your carefully drab ensemble is any indication, you're one sneaky mother goose when you want to be.

Thus: you've got ability, training, and talent. Dragon or no dragon, family or no family, you are doing miles better than the typical farmer or peasant of Orimaal, because you have the power to have some say in your own destiny. Don't collapse into a quivering heap just because you don't hate someone anymore- that would be doing yourself a disservice. Pull yourself together, do some real thinking, and decide what it is you want to do with your life- then do it! There's not a man, halfling or elf in a hundred who even has that opportunity- but I can tell you do. Don't waste it."

His piece spoken, he leaves the halfling to wash in peace and returns to the table.

"Mercenary work, hmmm? Where could I find this Ga-Garoon?"

2011-12-08, 09:46 PM
Everyone is in a bit of an awe by the little speech Oda gave to the Halfling woman. As you turn to ask your question, the Gnome begins to run his little mouth again. The Orc slapped his hand over the little man's mouth and shouts 'Shush little one!'

Turning toward you all, he slowly states 'You truly want to meet Ga'Gurron?'

2011-12-09, 01:37 AM
"Sure, why not. I've seen enough work aboard ship that I can be well compensated for it."

And anyone claiming a direct business relationship with a dragon is serious business- someone well worth checking out even if I don't take the job.

2011-12-09, 03:46 AM
After hearing a glimpse of the conversation with the mercenary Pebble is very intrigued as to whether she will be able to meet more dragons herself.

Giving Oda a disenfranchised nod so that he would allow her to leave she continued heading to the rest room,

This dragon... thing...
Who does he think he is with his flouncy speeches...
Does he think he has suffered as I have...
I bet he takes a job with that merc, hes not better than the rest of us...

"I wonder what hes upto."
Pebble mutters to herself as she peeks back at the table through a crack in the door.

Checks to eve's drop on the conversation from a distance through a crack in the restroom door.
Listen [roll0]
Spot [roll1]
Sense Motive [roll2]
Hide [roll3]

Essentially she is looking for visual ques, attempting to listen (although she is a long way away, sensing the general motive of the people through body language and also still trying to remain hidden.

2011-12-09, 08:17 AM
Michael leans back in his seat. "I'll meet him. You obvious dislike endears him to me already."

Still have to eat. Going to be one merc job or another I suppose...and maybe others escaped, are still working the trade routes...no, don't get your hopes up, not again.

2011-12-09, 10:50 AM
Oda finishes up his meal with some rapidity but without rudeness.

Hmmm. I'm not as sure as Mr. Grouchy seems to be. It's kind of odd that he's willing to talk this guy up to potential new hires if he really doesn't like him.

white rider
2011-12-13, 10:05 AM
Skree finishes his meal and stands up
"Yes, let us go meet this man. He seems like the kind of person that I could work for."