View Full Version : Whosoever Strays

2011-12-02, 10:08 PM
The walls of the fortress about you are crushing. Despite their lack of proximity to your position, with how crowded the keep is with soldiers bearing the white cloak upon their back, and upon their chests stand the five-tipped star, hollowed at the center for a sun to set in, the tnedrils of which spring outwards past the star's points, the emblem of the Sublime order of the Holy Markís Valore. Before you stands an old man. Broad at the shoulders, lookingvery ready and able to kill in spite of his age and size. Corded muscle wraps around his body, veining his craggy neck. His age-ruined fingers are clasped together as he stares at you, and the seal upon his broad, mahogany desk.
"So, Ross Bourne. It would appear that by this paper, I could be easily supplanted. 'Meet any requests this man makes, and aid him in his quests to rid the Eradanian nation of the cults. Follow his guidance, and his wisdom.' Now, should I supplant this postion which I have held for forty years, to be advised by a nubile child, based on the signature of a man who has been a member of the Order for less time than I have led the Fist? No. I will allow you to operate independently, but you will work under mycomand. You will not be granted the hundred man legion he says you should be. If you take issue with my orders, leave. Your collar-holders in the Capital cannot help you here. Take you issue?"

2011-12-02, 10:59 PM
"Issue I take not, Sir. I was looking forward to the aforementioned provisions, but I am grateful for whatever you deem fit to give."

This denial left a small speck of bitterness in Ross's mouth. I really could have used those men and supplies, and the cooperation would have made things go by much more smoothly. Knowing the man wasn't to be persuaded, Ross took his leave.

While walking around, trying to collect his thoughts and decide on his next course of action, Ross is suddenly knocked down to the ground. The wyrmling he rescued seems to have become attached to him. Keith manages to heft the wyrmling off of Ross, and helps him to his feet.

2011-12-02, 11:15 PM
"Thank you, Keith. The Order didn't accept my request for men and supplies, so I guess we'll just have to tough it up by ourselves. If you ever want to leave, if things get too tough for you, I won't keep you. You have your own life to lead, and this is my fight."

"That's nice of ya and all, but aren't ya forgetting that I promised I'd stick with ya?" Keith walked over to Ross and put his arm around him, speaking a bit more quitely. "Ya saved my life, and I am indebted to ya." Keith walked over to the wyrmling and fed it some meat from a pouch on his waist. "Plus, I'll stay with ya as long as I like." A small grin formed on Keith's face.

"Thank you, again. Our next course of action is to ride to Eneba, in the west. Cultist symbologies have been allegedly spotted there. As we get there, we-" Ross is cut off by Keith.

"Woo finally! I've been itching for some action! Come on, let's hit the tavern tonight. Tomorrow, we ride!" Keith heads off before Ross has a chance to say anything.

I thought I was the one in charge. A slight sigh escapes Ross' lips as he motions to the wyrmling and they follow Keith.

2011-12-02, 11:23 PM
A rowdy night in the tavern, followed by a dusty day on the road. By the time you ride into the town, Keith following close behind you and the Wyrmling trotting along between the two horses, sunset is arriving. In the grassy plains of Eradan, night comes suddenly, and you estimate at best half an hour before light flees the land. A large building at the center of town marks itself as both the town's impromptu hall and mayor's home, as well as the inn.

2011-12-02, 11:41 PM
Ross walks back to where Keith and his own horse were standing.

"It appears that the mayor is heading to bed, but on the other side there is an inn we can stay at for the night. The Mayor offered to pay for our room for the night, but I told him I'll get it. Nice man, he is."

"Wait, ya gave up free room and board? Yar crazy! Or stupidly rich. Wait, are ya rich? How come ya never told me?" Keith droned on and on with question after question as they tied up their horses and went inside.

"Hello?" Ross's voice echoed in the small lobby. After a brief silence, a woman comes out from a door behind the desk.

"Oh hello there! I'm sorry for being late! Master is heading to bed, and..." She looks up at Ross. "Oh, you're the one who wanted to see Master. He runs the inn here. You really don't need to pay for your room you know. Master is a very generous man."

"I'd feel guilty having free room and board. I'd like to pay for it."

"Okay, if you insist. Now, we only have one room left for the night, so you're going to have to share." Ross pulls out a few coins and sets it on the desk and she leads them into the room. Tired, somehow, after a long boring day of riding here, Ross quickly takes his armor off and lays down on one side of the bed, falling asleep almost instantly. Keith decided to stay up for a little bit longer to sharpen his weapons, but soon found himself nodding off and climbed onto the other side of the bed.

2011-12-03, 12:16 AM
The morning has arrived, and you are sitting in the currently empty common room of the inn next to Keith, who nudges you with a chuckle as the mayor enters. He is a large man. Very large. Past Success, and into gluttony in his size. His voice and face are both kind.

"Thank the two of you, so much for coming here. We've had...a few people go missing over the past few weeks. And that fist, coated in blood, was stamped right into the stables they took our boys from. That's all we have so far, but if you wanna talk to someone else, you can head up to old widow Adawas home. She had her hands in it all, years and years ago, but she confessed and had a man of Markis cleanse her. That was way back before the Fist got so tough. So...thank you again, and I'll spare no expense in keeping you two comfortable."

2011-12-03, 01:12 AM
"If you insist on the hospitality, we shall graciously accept it." Ross replies. "This is a very serious issue and it needs to be dealt with promptly and effectively."

"Which is where we come in!" Keith blurts out.

The Mayor lets off a soft chuckle. "That's the kind of spirit we need around here! Adawa lives on the east side of town, the only house without windows. She feels they are, oh how did she put it... 'Gateways to Evil' or something like that."

"What a weirdo. Oof!" Ross elbowed Keith in the side. "Okay okay, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it in a bad way anyway."

"Please excuse my companion. He can be a little out of hand at times."

"It's all good. Now, if you need anything from the merchants, have them bill me. Go along now, the sooner you start, the better." The Mayor hurriedly, but kindly, saw Ross and Keith out.

Once outside, they headed over to the merchant's stand and looked about for a few minutes before Keith bought a bit of smoked deer jerky. Sharing some with Ross they quickly headed over to the widow's windowless house. The wooden planks making up the makeshift porch warp and squeak with every step. Ross brings up his hand, and knocks thrice on the door.

"Hello? Adawa?"

"Hello? Is Adawas home?"

2011-12-06, 05:27 PM
The door creaks open, just slightly, as the year's first snowfall continues. The day is dreary, and grey, and already the grass of the plains has been wrapped in snow.
The cragged face of an old woman peers briefly through the crack in the door.
"My name, is Adawa. Who are you?"
Her voice, despite her age, is smooth.

2011-12-07, 03:27 PM
"My name is Ross Valore Bourne, of the Order of Markís Valore. I have been sent to check out any reported cultist activity in the area. I am sent your way from the Mayor in hope of obtaining any information about the cults that could help me help the town. If there is any information that you may have, anything at all, I will gladly hear you through."

2012-01-14, 01:06 PM
There's a brief pause, and the door re-closes partially, before her smooth voice slips out again.
"Come in, both of you."
As she admits you, she guides you through the main room of the small, three-room building, into a makeshift kitchen, where she directs both of you to sit at a small oaken table, large enough to seat four. The kitchen is slightly grungy but not beyond normalcy. Soot stains line the walls and cooking implements, surprisingly many, hang crooked from hooks on the walls. With only two chairs at the table, she casually sits upon the ground, as though its second nature. Her voice takes on a small hint of noticeable fear.
"I'm always happy to assist men from the Fist. How can I help you boys?"

2012-01-14, 01:49 PM
"Before we get started, perhaps we could have a drink? Water or tea will suffice for me, and the same for my companion." Ross introduced themselves as Adawa prepared the water for tea. "We have been given word about possible cultist activity in this region. When we questioned the Mayor, he pointed us in your direction. Said you were involved in it at one point in your life. Perhaps you might have seen any indications of activity as of late?" A moment of silence. "We are not here to kill or arrest you, if that possibility is holding back possible crucial details."

Keith made it a challenge to stay quiet. In fact, he was quite surprised how collected and calm Ross was about the whole situation. Here they are, investigating cults, and he acts like it's nothing out of the norm. Cults! Keith shivered. But he sipped some of the tea and consumed the last of the deer jerky.

2012-01-14, 02:25 PM
She nods slowly, her salt and pepper gray hair falling into her face.
"I've seen the signs. It's not in town, it feels more distant than that. But I do know it's here...Talk to some of the village boys, they're always wandering the plain, they might have seen something and never known it."
She stood, then paused.
"And please, don't let your superiors know about my past."

2012-01-14, 02:36 PM
"We thank you for your time and hospitality. And by my word, you shall remain anonymous in my reports. Come Keith, let's not take up any more of this lady's time."

They headed out of the door back into the town. The snow that had started falling earlier had picked up a bit, and Keith wasn't prepared for the cold.

"Brrr..... How are you not-" he shivered loudly and rubbed his arms together to stay warm. "-cold?"

Keith hadn't really noticed the cold. Perhaps the aura from Markís' scimitar's gem was providing a small bit of cold protection. He took off his cloak and draped it around Keith's shoulders. "That should help."

As they got to the other side of the town, Keith spotted a few kids running into a side alley. "This way!" Keith took off without warning, and fell face first into the snow. "GAH! PFFFFT SNOW IT'S COLD COLD WET" He stood up, unamused. Glaring at Ross, who was starting to grin, he shook the snow off and continued the pursuit, this time more carefully.

2012-01-14, 03:42 PM
The three, dirt encrusted young boys dip around a corner in the short alleyway, going behind what looks to be a cobbler's shop. Even with the weight of your armor, it isn't difficult to keep up with them, and as you turn the corner they're within five or six feet of Ross, who stands not too far ahead of Keith.

2012-01-14, 03:59 PM
"Excuse me! I wish to talk to you!" Ross shouts out ahead to the boys. The boys, looking back and seeing a looming figure in armor chasing toward them, let out a small cry. What was once a simple game of tag turned out, to them, to be a run for their life.

"Let me settle this." Keith sprints ahead of Ross, tackling one of the boys down into a snow bank.

At least he had the decency to soften the fall for the kid. Ross thought to himself. As he caught up, Ross put his hand on the shoulder of the kid struggling to loosen himself from Keith's grasp, trying to calm him down.

2012-01-19, 06:08 PM
The free of the two children dashes out of sight, already yelling for someone, screaming and crying, barely coherent. The other, covered in snow appears too frightened to speak, whimpering and jabbering, but he clearly means to do nothing but ingratiate himself to you and tell you what he knows.

2012-01-19, 06:17 PM
Ross crouched down to be more eye level with the whimpering kid. "I deeply apologize for my companions... rash behaviour toward you. I promise he meant nothing more than to get your attention. I have a question for you, and perhaps, based on your response, a few more. Do you know anything about cults, black magic, or have seen or experienced anything..." Ross thinks carefully. "... unusual happening around here lately? Maybe a strange disappearance, or strange sudden appearance, of anybody or anything, some strange vibe in the air you can't quite explain, or anything along those natures?" Ross turned to Keith real quick, handed him a few silver, and told him to go get some more jerky. Happy to oblige, Keith rushes off with a grin on him face. Bringing his attention back to the kid, it appears he's calmed down a bit.

2012-01-19, 06:29 PM
The boy continues sniffling for a few moments, before he settles down fully. In the town square you can hear some hushed yelling, but the boy begins to speak, unsteadily at first. He babbles on for a moment about how Adawa used to be into that stuff but isn't anymore, and then starts to talk about how his friend's big brother comes back from the plains smelling funny sometimes, and he just feels bad to be around.

2012-01-19, 06:33 PM
"What do you mean about 'feels bad'? Almost like bad luck or evil feeling? And does he smell similar to smoke and some form of, perhaps, incense?"

2012-01-19, 06:39 PM
He looks confused and shuffles his feet, staring at them.
"Just unhappy, it makes me sad...and kinda like the bonfires at Belteen, when we roast a goat"

2012-01-19, 06:42 PM
"Where does he live? It could help me greatly to talk to him directly."

2012-01-19, 06:43 PM
"Above the cobbler shop.."
Just as he finished speaking, the shouts from the village main grow louder, and there's a loud crash, followed by a few more shouts.

2012-01-19, 06:46 PM
Looking in the direction of the crash, Ross gets up, hands the boy a few silver pieces for helping him, and he heads off to check out the commotion. I hope this isn't Keith's doing, he's already a handful...

2012-01-19, 06:54 PM
A burly man with the look of hard work to him stands, an arm around the second boy, his shoulders heaving as he roars curses at Keith, who is about twenty feet from him and staggering back, another piece of firewood flying just past his head.
"You Fists are all the same! Throwing children around! Bullying us like we're your property and slicing thumbs up! Well I'm done with it!" He roars, stamping towards Keith, whose face is frozen in fear. He just stands, stammering nonsense.

2012-01-19, 07:04 PM
Carefully leaping over scattered logs of wood, Ross heads over and steps between Keith and the large man.

"Calm down! You've misunderstood the situation. He had no ill intent in his actions. We just wanted to talk to them. My companion here, he gets... hyperactive at times. I just finished talking with the kid he knocked over, and he's just fine, no harm done. And certainly no sliced thumbs, as you put it. If you don't believe me, talk to him yourself. He's right over there." Ross points at the kid buy an apple from a street vendor. "Please, there is no reason for such anger."

2012-01-19, 08:11 PM
The man continues his roaring, unabated.
"Do you think it matters? You Fists have been acting like you're our lords for years now! I'm done with this!"
A crowd of onlookers has gathered, their eyes shining with equal parts fear and anger.
The man stamps towards you, unarmed, but murder in his eyes in spite of your armor and blade.

2012-01-19, 08:15 PM
The man continues his roaring, unabated.
"Do you think it matters? You Fists have been acting like you're our lords for years now! I'm done with this!"
A crowd of onlookers has gathered, their eyes shining with equal parts fear and anger.
The man stamps towards you, unarmed, but murder in his eyes in spite of your armor and blade.

2012-01-19, 08:24 PM
Ross motions for Keith to stay behind him. "I don't know your past experiences with us, but I assure you that the two of us don't mean any harm. We are here to help. I don't want to hurt you, but if you attack me, know that I will defend myself." Ross hands Keith his scimitar, not wanting to succumb to any anger and pull the scimitar on the unarmed man. If he wants a battle, he'll get one. I tried reasoning with him, but I can see there is no use. If I can just suppress him, perhaps he'll come to his senses.

2012-01-26, 07:13 PM
The man halts, seeing the glow of the scimitar, and the weapon. He bites his lip, some fear coming into his eyes, and he retreats a few steps, before simply dashing away, child in tow. Fortunately, the last child had pointed the house of his friend out to you, and, Markis willing, you may have a lead.

2012-01-26, 07:40 PM
Ross breathes a heavy sigh of relief. It looks like Markís' weapon, without even having to wield it myself, intimidated him. What power... At least he didn't have to duel with the man. It would have left a bad taste in his mouth, but he did give ample warning. Taking the weapon back from Keith, Ross motions him to follow and they proceed to head to the indicated house.

2012-01-26, 07:52 PM
As you knock upon the door to the squat, mud brick house, you can nearly feel the eyes of other villagers upon you. There is noticeable tension in the air, and a brief delay. Just as the air seems to thicken to the point that you would feel immovable, the door slowly creaks open, revealing the frightened face of a relatively young, bearded man, who is perhaps in his twenties.

2012-01-26, 08:01 PM
As you knock upon the door to the squat, mud brick house, you can nearly feel the eyes of other villagers upon you. There is noticeable tension in the air, and a brief delay. Just as the air seems to thicken to the point that you would feel immovable, the door slowly creaks open, revealing the frightened face of a relatively young, bearded man, who is perhaps in his twenties.

2012-01-26, 08:11 PM
"Hello, my name is Ross Bourne." He paused. I'll leave it at that, just so I don't scare the kid. "This is my companion Keith. What is your name?"

2012-01-26, 08:28 PM
The man nods, sheepishly, murmuring.
"I'm Jack Cobbler. Can..." His eyes move to your emblem. "Can I help either of you at all? It is my honor to do so."

2012-01-27, 02:37 AM
Noting the quick but smooth hesitation, Ross feels he needs this man, Jack, to trust him before he'll say anything of value.
"Hello Jack. Have you been out in the plains lately? There should be some good game out there this time of year." It was a long shot, but he had to start somewhere.