View Full Version : The House

2011-12-03, 01:59 AM
"Here it is," the wizard says, carefully unwrapping the silk scarf surrounding a small jet-black gem. "It shouldn't give you any problems -- the dragon's soul is trapped as long as the gem remains whole." He carefully rewraps it, places it in a box, and hands it to you.

"Here are the scrolls of plane shift. One to take you to Celestia, where you will find the angel Anahera -- give her the gem, complements of Felix, and request that she keep it safe. The second plane shift will bring you back here where I will pay you the agreed sum. Any questions? No? Off you go, then!"


One moment you are standing in the wizard's study and the next you find yourself....not in Celestia.

You’re standing at the edge of a dark wood, at night. Rain lashes down, soaking you almost instantly as the wind blows the icy cold drops painfully into your face. Lightning crawls across the sky, providing eerie, flickering lighting.

Behind you, you can hear the pines creak and groan above the rumble of thunder as they sway in the storm, seeming ready to topple any moment.

In front of you looms a house. It might once have been a grand manor house, but it now has fallen into disrepair. The woods have grown up around it, the trees pressing in towards it, almost reaching for it with their branches. The tightly-shuttered windows, boarded-up door, and peeling paint all indicate the house has not been lived in for many years. One shutter has come loose and slowly swings back and forth in the wind, creaking slightly.

Lady Moreta
2011-12-03, 06:40 AM
Selene hastily pulled the hood up on her cloak and looked around. "Well," she said matter-of-factly, this isn't where we were meant to end up." She took a couple of steps forwards and squinted at the dark house through the rain. "Uninviting sort of place, isn't it."

2011-12-03, 10:54 AM
Eric freezes. He gives a few glances around, seeming to sort of buckle in on himself. After a few moments, he falls to the ground and starts quietly whimpering.

"No. It can't be. Not here, not now, oh, Hells and Abyss, NO!"

His shivering obviously conveys his utter dismay at what has transpired.

hmm. Just realized I never picked a color. Dark Slate Grey for me! :smallbiggrin:

spot: [roll0]

Owl spot:[roll2]
Owl listen:[roll3]

2011-12-03, 12:46 PM
EricThe house has clearly been abandoned for years -- the paint is peeling and portions of the walls look rotted. Behind you, the trees almost seem to be reaching towards the group, although you're not sure if that's just a trick of your eyes. You can't hear anything over the wind and rain.

Serece mutters I do not sense anything out of the ordinary -- aside from being here.

Lady Moreta
2011-12-03, 08:16 PM
Selene looked down at Eric's over-reaction with a slightly bemused expression. Clearly the little halfling was terrified by something, though she wasn't entirely sure what was so bad about the house, uninviting though it was. Still, he obviously was upset. Selene knelt in the muddy ground and put a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Eric, what's wrong? This clearly isn't Celestia, but there's nothing stopping us from simply using the other scroll. We can return to Felix and try again. At the very least, I think, his magic needs some work." Her lips curled up into a wry smile and she squeezed Eric's shoulder comfortingly.

Golden Ladybug
2011-12-03, 08:23 PM
"Well, I'll admit it: I was expecting Celestia to be a little more friendly looking" Stefan jokes, trying to lift everyones fallen spirits. Taking off the Mechanus Helmet he wore and placing it carefully on the ground, he strides over to Eric and claps the Wizard on the back.

"Don't worry, my friend, nothing is wrong now that cannot be fixed. Even if that demon you're so worried about has found you, you have friends at your side. Be calm, at least until we determine why we've arrived here, rather than in Celestia"

Should I make a... Diplomacy check? Or does giving encouraging words require no skills checks to suceed :smalleek:

I'll make a diplomacy anyway, although it has no bearing on how you respond Eledragon. Suppose it would show just how encouraging his encouraging words are


2011-12-03, 10:07 PM
After having been calmed, he gets a hard expression on his face, whipping the scroll out of his back pocket and starts intoning the syllables that activates the magic inscribed within.

target is back from whence we came.
caster check, just in case:[roll0]

2011-12-03, 10:48 PM
You feel the sharp tug of a plane shift again, but instead of appearing back on the Material Plane, you find yourself exactly where you started, feeling like you've just slammed into a solid wall.

Lady Moreta
2011-12-04, 12:59 AM
Selene sighed and rubbed her nose, "Well, that went well," she said sarcastically. "We'll have to find a way out of here somehow, I suggest we start with that house."

Golden Ladybug
2011-12-04, 02:15 AM
"Ugh...I Suppose we must" Stefan replies, climbing to his feet after being knocked down by the sudden failure of the Plane Shift "Its the only structure around, perhaps it is the reason we have been drawn here"

Collecting his helmet from the ground, and after making sure that his three companion were unharmed when the spell failed, Stefan strode purposely towards the doorway of the groaning and debilitated house.

Taking a deep breath, and steeling himself for whatever might occur, Stefan knocked on the door.

Minstrel Wyrm
2011-12-04, 12:43 PM
So far, the young dwarf had just stood there, peering from the old house to the gloomy forest and back. Her hands had crept to her weapons, but merely hovered near them.

When the small wizard tore out the arcane scroll and began to read out the travel spell, her head turned to him. Her body language seemed hopeful, but of course the dwarven battle-mask concealed the look on her face. Still, the slumping of her shoulders when the spell failed to take them back was as clear as spoken words ...

At the sight of the human warrior walking up to the old house, Cerrdwen finally breaks her silence, worry in her voice.

"Are you really sure that's a good idea? Looks like bad stone to me, that house ..."

2011-12-04, 07:33 PM
As Stefan strode up to the house, he stepped onto the porch -- and nearly put his foot though a rotting board. Fortunately, he managed to catch himself, but anyone approaching the house should probably be careful...

Lady Moreta
2011-12-04, 08:14 PM
"You all right?" Selene asks casually. Warned by Stefan's mishap, her own approach is much slower and more careful and she watches the ground closely for any other danger spots.

I don't know if spot or search is more appropriate here, to find any other rotting boards or anything else of the sort, so I'll roll both.

Spot: [roll0]
Search: [roll1]

2011-12-06, 01:26 AM
Selene does find several rotten boards, but now that you're aware of them, you can avoid them if you're careful where you step.

Golden Ladybug
2011-12-06, 07:04 AM
"Seems like this House is a deathtrap, eh, Selene?" Stefan says, laughing while he extracts his foot from the rotten, wood boards. Rather than returning to the doorway, he turns back and attempts to reassure his other companions. He attempts to find the words that will raise their spirits, and put the dark thoughts that are filling even his mind at rest, but there are none...

"I agree with you, Cerrdwen, this place gives me just as bad a feeling as you. But we can't just stay out in the rain like this, and since that Scroll failed...well, we don't really have much of a choice" Sighing, and looking back apologetically at his friends, Stefan turned and once again made to knock on the door, this time looking out for any more loose or rotting boards.

Spot [roll0]
Search [roll1]
Reflex Save [roll2]


2011-12-06, 08:46 AM
Eric, shaken by the failure of the scroll, cautiously walks across the boards.



Reflex: [roll4]

Lady Moreta
2011-12-06, 08:00 PM
Selene chuckled, "I don't know about a deathtrap, but it certainly isn't making life easy either." She picks her way through the rotted boards and joins Stefan at the door.

2011-12-07, 01:35 AM
You safely cross the rotten planks of the porch. There is no reply to Stefan's knock.

(Fortunately, while the scroll did not work, the magic writing remains -- it is still usable, if you can figure out why it did not work this time.)

Minstrel Wyrm
2011-12-07, 07:22 AM
Reluctantly Cerrdwen follows her companions, though apparently still unconvinced. She looks back at the forest for a moment, then starts to carefully investigate the rotten boards of the porch, testing each step beforehand.

"Watchful Eye, don't turn away now ..." she quietly mutters on the way to the others.

Search for unsafe porch boards: [roll0]

2011-12-07, 10:10 PM
Fortunately for Cerrdwen, the others have noted where the worst of the rotten boards are, so she's able to get somewhat near the door safely (there's limited non-rotten places to stand right next to it). There has still been no reply to Stefan's knock.

Lady Moreta
2011-12-08, 01:59 AM
Selene sighed aloud, "I don't think we're going to get an answer." She said. "I still think this is our best bet for finding out why we ended up here and why the spell didn't work... but I think we're going to have to take matters into our own hands."

Golden Ladybug
2011-12-08, 06:46 AM
"I suppose we'll have to" Stefan sighs, and turns the doorhandle, pushing the wooden door inwards, the sound of screeching hinges making him grit his teeth. Suddenly gripped by a black feeling, a forbiddance that seemed to grow the longer the door remained open. His thoughts went to those behind him, and he knew that he couldn't risk their safety. He had to protect them as much as he had sworn to protect any other being.

Drawing his sword, which shed a small electrical glow as always, sparks running along its length. Hefting his shield from his back in a smooth motion, he stood ready to face anything "Stay behind me for now, in case there is something in here that isn't appreciative of our prescence"

Turning back towards his companions, he grinned "I'm sure there will be nothing, but be careful just the same"

And with that, he took his first steps into the House.

Lady Moreta
2011-12-08, 09:07 PM
"More than happy to stand behind you." Selene said, grinning widely.

2011-12-10, 11:51 PM
Stefan pushes the door inward -- and meets unexpected resistance. You can probably open it if you put your shoulder into it (Str check) or you can try to determine what's blocking it (Search).

Golden Ladybug
2011-12-11, 02:00 AM
"Hmm...seems like the door is stuck" Stefan muttered, as he attempted to turn the handle. He grimaced under his helmet, the feeling of foreboding growing. That didn't mean what he had already said was any less true, of course; they didn't have much choice, not with the storm. They needed shelter, and this house was the only shelter on offer.

Hiding his scowl from the others, he started looking for a way of dislodging whatever blocked the door. If he couldn't find whatever was in the way, he was prepared to try and smash the door open. He'd sworn to protect these three just as much as he had any other, and if he could protect them by simply getting them out of the rain...

I'll take 20 on my search check, thanks. However, with a modifier of +1 I might not even find it anyway, so...

Strength Check [roll0]

Haha, oh wow, that is just brilliant. I am not going to be opening this door, not even a little bit :smallbiggrin:

2011-12-11, 02:12 AM
Stefan After a careful examination, you determine that the door has been boarded up -- from the inside. It looks like the inhabitants of the house were trying quite hard to keep someone -- or something -- out.

Golden Ladybug
2011-12-11, 02:22 AM
His efforts to open the door in vain, Stefan takes a few steps back to consider the situation. With the realisation that the door had been boarded up from the inside, the feeling of foreboding peaked. Something was very wrong about this place.

Now, it came to a decision; risk the woods, and try to find another place to wait out the storm...or take shelter here. He knew which he'd prefer, but he also knew that he couldn't justify pushing the others into the woods based on nothing more than a bad feeling

"Eric, can you see if there is anything magic around? I'm going to see if theres another way in..." He said, already moving along the porch, avoiding the rotted boards as best he could.

If the shutter that is flapping in the wind is on ground level, Stefan will look through that, but otherwise he'll search for a back door or something.

If he can't find anything, he'll go back to the front door and try to force it open again. Or break a window.

Lady Moreta
2011-12-11, 03:11 AM
"I'll go with you." Selene offered, "Save you from falling through any more floorboards," she added, grinning widely. She didn't seem particularly concerned about the situation they were in, but was still careful about examining the boards.

Search: [roll0]

2011-12-11, 10:12 AM
Eric starts examining his surroundings carefully and thoughtfully, giving careful attention to everything, even the grass and creaky boards.

Search to find something interesting: [roll0]
" owl: [roll1]
Search to watch for boards:[roll2]
"owl: [roll3]
Spellcraft: [roll4]
Know: Arcana: [roll5]
Know: Religion: [roll6]
Know: The Planes: [roll7]
Know: Local (might as well:smallbiggrin:):[roll8]

Minstrel Wyrm
2011-12-11, 12:53 PM
"You're doing it again!" Cerrdwen looks at Stefan, her arms crossed and protest in her voice. "You really don't have to do everything alone and on your own. Shoulder our work, and we'll start to rust!"

There's a touch of worry to the exasperation in her voice, though, and not for the first time.

"Leave stubborn architecture to an equally stubborn dwarf, all right?" With that, she steps up to the door and begins to carefully examine the troublesome thing.

"Dumb wooden doors. Stone would be more sensible. Doesn't warp from wetness, too. Hmph."

Not sure what rolls might be helping in overcoming the door, so here you go:

Search: [roll0]

Knowledge (Architecture and engineering): [roll1]

Intimidate: [roll2] ... :smallbiggrin: Okay, just kidding. Though she might be tempted if the door remains stubborn ... ahem.

2012-01-18, 11:54 PM
Unfortunately for Stefan, the window with the broken shutter is on the second floor and out of easy reach. He and Selene are able to navigate the porch without further incident, and pick their way around to the back of the house, where they find a small, rather scraggly herb garden, what looks like an outhouse, and a backdoor to the house. The trees continue to creak and groan alarmingly in the wind.

Meanwhile, Eric thinks hard, and concludes that this is not any plane he's heard of, and therefore likely to be a (relatively) unknown demiplane. He's not sure what would have interfered with the spell, but it must have been extremely powerful -- it's doubtful any individual mage would be strong enough.

And finally, Cerrdwen doesn't have much luck with the door -- it's definitely barred from the inside and, while it might be possible to break it down, glaring at it doesn't seem to be working.

Lady Moreta
2012-01-19, 12:29 AM
Selene glances once at the trees creaking and groaning, then looks back at Stefan.

"Perhaps we'll have better luck with the back door?" She suggests, moving carefully up to it and inspecting the door itself.

Search: [roll0] for broken floor boards, anything likely to kill me... the door...

Do you want me to make some sort of roll to find out if it's locked?

2012-01-21, 11:23 PM
A simple dirt path leads up to the door -- muddy boots is the most danger you see there.

Well, generally if you want to find out it's locked, you just try the handle. If you're worried about it being trapped or something, Search is probably your best bet (I thought you were just searching the path, but if you wanted to search the door, too, let me know and you can use the same roll (or roll again if you prefer)).

Lady Moreta
2012-01-22, 09:30 AM
Moving up the path, being careful of the mud, Selene eyed the door, looked over her shoulder at Stefan and grinned. Reaching out, she grasped the handle and tried the door.

Yeah, I don't really what I meant :smalltongue: we'll just go with trying the handle for now.

2012-02-13, 10:15 PM
The handle turns and the door opens, although you have to pull to get past the rusty hinges.

The door opens onto a large kitchen, briefly illuminated by a bolt of lightning from outside. The kitchen is lavishly appointed, but covered with a thick layer of dust. Two doors lead further into the house.

Lady Moreta
2012-02-16, 01:46 AM
Selene looked down at her dusty hands with an expression of mild disgust. Shrugging, she dusted the dirt from her palms and stepped forwards to allow Stefan to enter the house behind her. She looked curiously around the kitchen, then eyed the two doors. Turning to the man behind her, she said, with a grin

"Which would you prefer? Door number one, or door number two?"

2012-02-17, 12:44 PM
Following the others, Eric glances around the room, searching for anything suspicous.


alas, my posting will be inhibited until Tuesday. I won't be able to reliably post.

2012-02-17, 10:00 PM
(I'll scrounge up a map sometime in the next couple of days so you can see where the doors are.)

Eric finds that the kitchen is covered by a thick layer of dust, and that underneath the dust, it looks as if someone had recently cleaned up from a meal -- there are no dirty dishes, but there are dishes stacked next to a washtub.

Golden Ladybug
2012-02-18, 12:49 AM
I really need to start subscribing to threads, so I know when people post :smallamused:

Stefan gripped the hilt of his sword, and loosened the blade in its scabbard. Then, noticing what he was doing, he pulled his hand away from the weapon. It was just an empty house; No need for that, it would only serve to alarm the others.

The Kitchen they entered into hadn't been used in a very long time, but despite that, Stefan still couldn't shake that sense of foreboding that had been accompanying him since they arrived here. Oh well, there wasn't much that could be done besides move forward...

"Oh, I'm partial to door number two" The Paladin says, grinning reassuringly at his companion. Once again, he moves in front of Selene to block any dangers that might arise from opening the door.

He reaches out for the door handle, and pulls it open.

Lady Moreta
2012-02-18, 02:47 AM
Selene grinned to herself as the paladin fidgeted with his sword. It didn't take a genius to recognise that this house was making them nervous. And let's face it, an empty house, in the middle of nowhere, on a plane not the one they were supposed to be on - it was just one great big recipe for creepy. And while there wasn't a lot she could do about that, she could let him know he wasn't alone.

Peering around the paladin in the doorway, Selene trailed her fingers through the dust, then let her hand come to rest on the rapier at her side. She'd never admit it to anyone, but it made her feel better.

"Well? Did we win a prize?"

2012-02-25, 03:56 PM
Finally got a chance to put together a map:


Which door (right or bottom) did you want?

Lady Moreta
2012-02-26, 12:09 AM
Coming in from there, Selene would have said the door at the bottom was 'one' and the door at the side was 'two' - so Stefan said door number two, which makes it the one on the right.

Golden Ladybug
2012-02-26, 06:09 AM
The door on the right it is, then.

That said, any change on the status of our Prize(s) for opening door number 2? :smallbiggrin:

2012-03-24, 10:04 PM
OOCDamnit...I just figured out why none of my games were updating...

I wrote up a bunch of posts based on what I could remember of where the game was on the weekend my internet quit entirely, then forgot to post them when it came back up :smallredface::smallsigh::smallmad:

The door opens easily and soundlessly, leading out to a long hallway. The floors and walls are wood paneling, and the hall is bare except for a ratty red rug running along part of middle of the hall.

Like so:

Golden Ladybug
2012-03-25, 01:49 AM
Holding his Shield defensively, the Armored Warrior slowly walked forwards, eyeing the door to his right. He held his sword tightly in his right hand, prepared to draw the blade and defend Selene if need be.

Stefan's eyes flickered slightly as he approached the rug, taking in any lingering auras in the hallway, his eyes darting in every direction. After viewing the corridor, the Paladin kicked at the ratty rug with his boot, trying to displace it from its place on the floor.

"Knowing our luck so far, there's probably a trap door underneath this thing, eh?" He told his companion in explanation, fighting hard to keep his grinning face from showing the unease he was feeling.

Under his helmet, the Knight was bathed in sweat.

Yay, we're back :smallsmile:

Active Spot Check to see if I can catch sight of the ghoulies I'm certain dwell within this house [roll0]
Active Listen Check [roll1]

Aaaand, use Detect Evil on everything :smallsmile:

Lady Moreta
2012-03-26, 02:47 AM
Selene looked up at the paladin and tried to restrain her laughter. It was obvious he was nervous and her laughing in his face probably wouldn't help.

"There probably is." She agreed equably. "How about you stand there and don't touch anything, and I'll check."

Resting one hand lightly on Stefan's armoured wrist, she slid past him and knelt gracefully on the dusty floor.

Search: (for traps and anything else entertaining :smallwink:)

2012-03-26, 08:02 AM
Eric, noticing the door before the rug, decides to try the knob.

"I'm going to see what's through here!" he calls to the others.

Spots, searches, and listens (in order of Eric, owl)
spots: [roll0]
searches: [roll2]
listens: [roll4]

2012-04-08, 01:52 AM
Stefan You don't see any movement, and don't hear anything other than the faint creaking of the house in the wind. The more alarming finding, however, is that the entire house seems to be faintly evil...

Selene -- shockingly, there don't seem to be any traps on or under the rug.

Eric -- were those rolls for the door before opening it or the room beyond the door?

Lady Moreta
2012-04-08, 04:56 AM
A slight frown marred Selene's features as she looked down at the rug beneath her hands. A slight twitch and it was gone and her usual unflappable calm back in place before she turned to look at her companions.

"Nothing." She said lightly. Then, "you know, it's such an obvious place for a trap... I think I'm even more suspicious now than I was before. She dusted off her hands, rocked back on her heels and rose to her feet in one smooth movement. Catching sight of the paladin's face, she grimaced inwardly, he didn't look happy. Perhaps she should lay off the levity for a while.

"Eric? Anything behind door number - what are we up to now?"

Golden Ladybug
2012-04-08, 06:23 AM
"Oh, only three..." The Paladin replied absentmindedly, as he looked around. If he had not been wearing his Helmet, the expression on his face would have betrayed his unease. Something was wrong with this house. Very wrong.

"Eric, be careful" The Knight said to the Mage, barely talking above a Whisper "I don't think its safe here. The whole place is pinging as Evil, and that means either something very bad happened here once, or something even worse is still here and I'm picking up on it"

Shouldering his Shield, Stefan reached out and raised his arm protectively across Selene's body, and looked back at Eric in concern. These two were his friends, and under his protection, and he wasn't going to let them get hurt if he could help it.

With a single, practiced motion, he drew his sword, and the weapon sprang to life in his hands, shedding a nimbus of light as Lightning crackled around the blade.

"We either go back and regroup with Cerrdwen, or we keep going forward and try to figure out what the hell is going on here. What do you two want to do?" He asked them, eyeing the hallway around him with distrust.

Lady Moreta
2012-04-08, 07:47 AM
"The house is evil?" An eyebrow goes up and for the first time, Selene looks dumbfounded. "Oh dear..." she shakes her head, looking almost disappointed, as if this is familiar.

Something dragged us off course and landed us here, and I suspect the answers are going to be in this house, evil or not. I suggest we find the right door to get us to the entrance and back to Cerrdwen. I'll check the other door from the kitchen and see where that goes. The faster we're all together, I think the happier we'll be."

Another light smile and Selene steps back out of the hall, crosses the dusty kitchen and stops before the door they didn't open. Hand hovering over the knob, she pauses just long enough to glance back at Stefan and Eric. He did say the house was evil...

"Perhaps a little caution this time Selene," she murmured under her breath, checking the door carefully before opening it.

Search:[roll0] - the second door, only opening it if nothing nasty pops up.

2012-04-08, 09:21 AM
The rolls were to detect any danger before I opened the door. If there was anything strange, I would not open it.

"W-we shouldn't leave anybody behind", Eric mumbles, frightened at the thought of being alone in this forsaken place.

"Lets g-go back for Cerrdwen.", he says as he lets go of the handle.

Leave the door shut, but tell me if I sensed anything, please.

2012-04-08, 03:12 PM
Selene The door seems perfectly normal.

Eric The door seemed perfectly normal.

Niezck --*poke poke*

Lady Moreta
2012-04-09, 01:33 AM
Unable to see anything immediately dangerous, Selene shrugs and opens the door.

Question: are we able to get a sense of the layout of the house? I'm wanting to get an idea of which direction the front of the house is in, so we can get through to Cerrdwen fast as possible.

2012-04-09, 01:41 AM
Wait, which door? I've been assuming Cerrdwen followed you around to the back of the house (and I could have sworn I said something to that effect at one point, but it's possible I forgot).

Lady Moreta
2012-04-09, 04:13 AM
Wait, which door? I've been assuming Cerrdwen followed you around to the back of the house (and I could have sworn I said something to that effect at one point, but it's possible I forgot).

The other door in the kitchen. The one we didn't go through... and I thought Cerrdwen stayed at the front of the house trying to get in that way... but now that you say it, I'm wondering if perhaps I'm wrong...

Golden Ladybug
2012-04-09, 08:53 AM
The way I remember it, Cerrdwen was still trying to win her stare off with the front door :smallamused:

Anyway, after looking over the log, after the Stare off was when Ministrel Wyrm had to opt out, and we haven't really mentioned Cerrdwen since then. So, if we want to fiat Cerrdwen into being with us, I'm fine with that, or she could still be out the front doing things.

Or, we could ask Niezck what he'd like to do?

2012-04-22, 01:07 PM
"Somebody say my name?" Cerrdwen asks, walking in and standing right behind Eric.

2012-04-22, 01:13 PM
Eric whips around, startled.

"Where in the Nine did you come from?"
he seems to think for a moment before shrugging and waiting for suggestions.

Welcome. I hope you have a good ol' time. :smallwink:

2012-04-22, 06:55 PM

Okay, now that you're all together, remind me what door you want to go through?

Lady Moreta
2012-04-23, 12:26 AM
Selene wanted to open the other door in the kitchen. The one on the opposite wall to the boarded up window.

Golden Ladybug
2012-04-23, 02:12 AM
Okay, so we back track from this Corridor into the Kitchen, where Selene opens the other door. Sounds good

The Knight retreated back into the Kitchen with the others, keeping his Sword unsheathed and his Shield held up in readiness.

He looks over at Selene, nodding in agreement as she opens the other door "Good Idea; we don't want anything to sneak up on us"

2012-05-13, 02:04 PM

The door opens with a loud creak, and you find yourselves looking into a grand, although dusty, hall. Hunting trophies line the walls, and several stuffed animals stand as mute testimony to the hunting prowess of whoever owned this house. The pride of the room is clearly a giant bear, standing on its hind legs and snarling. Its glassy eyes catch your light, making it appear alive for a second.

Lady Moreta
2012-05-16, 02:08 AM
Selene took a couple of steps into the room, eyeing the bear with an expression just this side of wary.

"Creepy." She said mildly. Looking around, she turns back to the open door with an expression of disgust. Shoving one foot through the dust on the floor, she speaks

"Well, do we want to continue looking around here, or shall we go back to the hallway?"

2012-05-16, 03:30 PM
"Let's keep looking here. It might be fun! You know, the bear could come alive and try to eat us and raaaaaargh," Cerrdwen answers, doing her best impersonation of a bear.

2012-05-16, 03:41 PM
Selene You could almost swear that the bear....twitched....at Cerrdwen's comment, but when you look again, it's in exactly the same spot it always was.

2012-05-16, 05:06 PM
Eric jumps at the mention of the bear. He appears frightened by the massive, hairy monster 4 times larger than him.

"I don't trust that thing. Swear I saw it move!"

2012-05-16, 05:09 PM
Eric jumps at the mention of the bear. He appears frightened by the massive, hairy monster 4 times larger than him.

"I don't trust that thing. Swear I saw it move!"

spots and searches:
owl spot:[roll1]
owl search:[roll3]

Lady Moreta
2012-05-16, 09:12 PM
'Fun?' Selene mouths the word in disbelief, looking at Stefan over Cerrdwen's head. She eyes the bear warily, a slight frown forming between her eyes. After staring hard at it for a few seconds, she moves carefully over and examines the bear itself, finally resorting to a few muttered words and a spell.

Search: [roll0]
and casting detect magic because I am suspicious.

Golden Ladybug
2012-05-19, 06:30 PM
"You saw it move?" Stefan asked, incredulous; had they been trapped here by a magic bear trophy?

"Okay, everyone, be on your guard" He said, moving towards the bear with his sword outstretched, his eyes glowing as he considered the creature

Okay, really should start pressing the "subscribe" button and not just checking threads I know I posted in until they've gone a week or so without posts :smalltongue:

Oh, and Detect Evil!

2012-07-04, 05:50 PM
Maybe it was just a trick of your eyes? Nothing seems to be moving, other than you all, right now.

The bear doesn't appear to be magic, nor do you find any hinges or other ways of making it move. Maybe it was just a trick of your eyes?

However, in examining the bear, you do notice something wedged deep in its mouth -- it looks like a crumpled up ball of paper.

Remember how the whole house was faintly evil? Well, it still is.

Lady Moreta
2012-07-04, 10:55 PM
Selene glares at the bear for a moment, before shooting a calculating look over her shoulder. The last thing she wants is to appear spooked by a bear that cannot possibly have moved. Then again, it's not like they're even supposed to be here. She sighs, her shoulders dropping slightly as she speaks over her shoulder,

"There are no hinges, or any other way I can find that could possibly let this thing move. Nor is it magic. But..." she hesitates, clearly reluctant to finish her sentence. "I thought I saw it move as well. Then again..." Selene's voice trails off again, this time with clear curiosity, as she stands on her toes, fingers reaching for something in the bear's mouth. She pauses, fingers hovering over the bear, but not quite touching. "There's something in its mouth. Looks like a ball of paper." She sounds baffled.

I would like to search the bear's mouth/paper for traps before I try and pull it out please :smallsmile:
And for that matter, Selene would prefer to use her hand of the mage (ie: mage hand) to retrieve the paper, rather than touching it herself - because she and I are suspicious.

2012-07-04, 11:16 PM
Eric, looking wary, says "Hold on a moment." He pulls out a twisted wand, and making some gestures, produces a cone-shaped light out of the end of it. He shines the wand on the bear and the piece of paper.

burning a charge of my Detect Magic wand.