View Full Version : Purchasing pets in D&D 3.5

2011-12-03, 04:41 AM
Hello, all. I was wondering if there was a WoTC source on prices for purchasing/training/rearing animals and less intelligent magical beasts such as dragonnes and owlbears and dire animals. I'm hoping to play a character who starts out with some sort of overly pampered pet without being a ranger or a druid.

2011-12-03, 04:49 AM
The prices for animals are all over the place. Some in the PHB equipment section, some in the MM, most of them entirely DM fiat. Still, for the mundane pets a first-level can start out with, it shouldn't be too much.

Actually getting your pet to do what you want it to is entirely the purview of Handle Animal (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/handleAnimal.htm). Keep your score high, you should be good to go.

Little Brother
2011-12-03, 06:39 AM
Hello, all. I was wondering if there was a WoTC source on prices for purchasing/training/rearing animals and less intelligent magical beasts such as dragonnes and owlbears and dire animals. I'm hoping to play a character who starts out with some sort of overly pampered pet without being a ranger or a druid.Wild Cohort/Draconic Cohort, or see if your DM will let you take a Pseudodragon under Wild Cohort-ish abilities, given that the entry says they love, nay expect being pampered, and are sorta like useful cats that look like dragons, but without the fur and allergies.

But, yeah, buying a pet=bad idea, unless you're pulling a Bubs. Simply cannot keep up.

2011-12-03, 06:45 AM
Buy? Kill the parents, take the kids! :D

(my party now has 3 baby thunderbirds this way, as well as dragon and lodestone marauder eggs <.<)

2011-12-03, 11:38 AM
It's not 3.5, but either the pathfinder srd (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/goods-and-services) has the price for a lot of lesser animals, that could be pampered.
I might be a bit off in this, but I am thinking that you are not looking for a combat companion, but rather more to the point, an animal pet. There were brief rules for them in the Arms and Equipment Guide, but that's 3.0.
Not too much luck in 3.5 for having something that isn't really combat related in some way.
Might want to look into Magebred animals anyway.

lord pringle
2011-12-03, 11:44 AM
Wild Cohort/Draconic Cohort, or see if your DM will let you take a Pseudodragon under Wild Cohort-ish abilities, given that the entry says they love, nay expect being pampered, and are sorta like useful cats that look like dragons, but without the fur and allergies.

But how many adventurers have to deal with allergies?

God wizard: Oh sorry I'd love to storm The Bloody Gates of Dal'thrumnak today but the pollen count is high.

2011-12-03, 11:53 AM
Here's a handbook that discusses this topic extensively:


2011-12-03, 06:05 PM
Warbeasts cost almost nothing, so anything without a pre-established price can be bought for little-to-nothing.

A warbeast titanic fleshraker, for instance, can be bought for about 2000 gp.

2011-12-03, 06:09 PM
On the other hand, if you want to use a creature with a SPECIFIC written down price in the books, a Dire Eagle (not Giant Eagle, but Dire Eagle) is a positive STEAL...

2011-12-03, 06:16 PM
I read the title to this and thought it was going to be about making an exotic pet trading company for some reason...

Now I am disappointed.

2011-12-04, 03:56 PM
Warbeasts cost almost nothing, so anything without a pre-established price can be bought for little-to-nothing.

A warbeast titanic fleshraker, for instance, can be bought for about 2000 gp.

Titanic template? Where's that come from?

I read the title to this and thought it was going to be about making an exotic pet trading company for some reason...

Now I am disappointed.

There's one of those on the random encounters section of the old 3.x section of the WOTC website.

If'n you're still interested.

2011-12-04, 04:04 PM
Titanic template? Where's that come from?Monster Manual II, page 217, IIRC.

It gives the animal 25 HD and makes it Gargantuan sized.