View Full Version : [3.P] Were-Jaguar help

2011-12-03, 09:08 PM
I need helps selecting thematic and power appropriate feats as well as possible builds for a character I am creating. So far the build is Barbarian 2/Alchemist 3 with the Scarred Rager ACF for barbarian, with Vivisectionist, Beastmorph, and Rage Chemist for Alchemist. For the Beastmorph acf, I am only getting the first part with the Alter Self, not the rest. only discovery I've chosen so far for Alchemist is Feral Mutagen.

Basically the character is this: Ki'la, female half-orc barbarian who is in a tribe that venerate the Jaguar as the perfect predator. Not only that, but they have a strain of jaguar lycanthropy in the tribe and they go through a rite of initiation for the honor of getting infected. There is a high chance of death. Ki'la was to go through it but she couldn't, she was too afraid and thus was banished from the tribe. Shamed, she went in search of a way to recreate the jaguar lycanthrope disease and use it on herself as a way of redeeming herself. So far, she has succeeded...temporarily.

The Fluff of her mutagen is that she becomes a were-jaguar temporarily but gets lost in the madness of it all. She's looking for a way to perfect it and make it permanent.

Onto the crunch. I have no idea what feats to get for her nor how to build her after level 5. I was thinking of hopping back and forth between alchemist and barbarian but I don't know. I don't know of any PrC that would fit her. Can anyone help me?

Oh, and sources from 3.5 and pathfinder are allowed.

2011-12-03, 09:43 PM
You could take Bear Warrior at whatever level you qualify and ask your DM to switch the bonuses around to +4 STR, +8 DEX and +2 CON to be more in line with a jaguar's abilities. You won't really have to worry about all the dead levels if you only take the first level, if your DMs okay with that. The only problem is that if you take more Alchemist levels it'll take a lot longer to get the requisite +7 BAB.