View Full Version : spell casting buff for melee-types

2011-12-04, 10:12 AM
Just for fun I'm making an elf ranger with the shooting star AFC. Looking through the ranger spells (which there are an insane amount of), I quickly realized that even with the shooting star AFC I would never ever be able to use all of the cool, but often situational, spells rangers have access to. I'm guessing it's similar for a paladin.

Would it be reasonable to allow ranger and paladins to cast spells spontaneously (like a beguiler, dread necro, etc)? It would give the classes a small (and needed!) versatility boost, but more then that I think it would up the fun by a lot. Fluff-wise I think it's better as well - rangers are all about survival, and one never knows what something will be needed to survive. Similarly, paladins should be able to fight the good fight on the fly, responding to evil as needed. Thoughts?

Edit: I thought this would be a good, no problem way to give rangers and paladins a little boost, but as Flickerdart pointed out it could become a problem with some AFC's and spell list stacking. So I modify my idea to this: each day when preparing spells, the character may select a number of spells equal to 1/2 class level from all known spell lists to cast spontaneously from. This (I hope) would stomp out outright abuse, but still allow for some amount of spontaneity.

2011-12-04, 11:06 AM
Spontaneous casting from an enormous list would probably be enough to leverage Paladin and Ranger up to T3, especially when combined with Battle Blessing or Mystic Ranger. None of their spells should be close to gamebreaking, and they don't get very many, but be careful of the ways to add extra spells to your list such as Sword of the Arcane Order or knowstones. I would recommend that the spontaneous casting only come from the general list, and any extra spells you learn on top of that have to be prepared as normal.

Silva Stormrage
2011-12-04, 02:23 PM
I think it would be balanced. It would probably boost ranger to tier 3 and paladin to tier 4 (maybe tier 3 with battle blessing). They don't really have any super powerful spells and as you said most of them are really situational. I would allow it if one of my players suggested it.