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2011-12-04, 12:49 PM
* For anyone who wishes to read this campaign *
I've put together a PDF compilation (shared via Google Docs) that will make reading this campaign MUCH easier. In the PDF I break down the campaign into chapters. Each chapter is essentially an encounter plus some pre- and post-encounter plot. I've also included a few "DM thoughts" to the beginning of each chapter's title page that while is more or less addressed to the players of the campaign could be interesting for others. Currently the compilation includes Chapter 1 through 7, which for reference gets through the first 16 pages of the online thread.
The Red Hands - Chapter 1 through 7 PDF (https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B-CRfmQ87SChMGNJWVpGQzJockE)


The five of you find yourselves in the Red Hands command center this morning. You've been asked to join the leader of the Red Hands, Dakaran, in what is affectionately called the "war room" at the heart of the command center. As you enter the war room you find yourselves in a large, open room. The wall opposite the door you just entered you notice is completely lined with books. A pretty human woman that appears to be in her mid-forties is standing at a desk in front of the wall of books, going through a stack of scrolls, and seemingly ignoring your presence. In the center of the room is a massive table that is covered with a very detailed map of Kaldor. Various markers, models, and papers are placed on the map table. As you look around the room Dakaran enters from doorway that a moment ago seemed to just be a part of the wall. He is an impressive looking human, muscular and clean cut with mostly gray hair, wearing relatively plain clothes and a sword on his side. You also note that he's wearing a white armband on his left arm with the symbol of the Red Hands on it. As he walks towards you, the woman that you previously noticed in the room looks up from her scrolls and walks over to meet him.

"Dakaran, here are the mission specs for the new recruits," she says as she hands him a scroll and a small bag. Dakaran tosses the bag on the map table, then takes the scroll with his right hand. He unrolls it with the stump at the end of his left arm, as he no longer has a left hand. Dakaran looks briefly over the scroll and says, "Yes, thank you Delise. Please bring the clients into the war room." Dakaran flashes a very fond smile at Delise as she leaves the room, which she recipricates.

Turning away from Delise, Dakaran walks up to the map table and gestures for you all to join him. "Good morning, recruits. I trust you're all ready for your first mission as a Red Hand. Delise will return with your clients in a moment. Until then, since you already know me, you may want to introduce yourselves to each other as you'll all be working together for the forseeable future. It's hard for a teammate to trust you if they don't know your name, eh." Pointing to the bag he tossed on the map table Dakaran adds, "Oh and grab a Red Hands band from the bag."

You all have met Dakaran, as he personally meets with all recruits before taking them on. If he can't trust you, he won't entrust anyone else's life to you.

The Red Hands bands in the bag are a stretchy cloth-like material. The bands themselves are white with the symbol of the Red Hands, a red colored open left hand, in the center. Essentially the bands are kind of like Survivor buffs if any of you have seen those. They can easily be a folded in on itself to be worn as an armband, headband, waistband, (and will still display the symbol) or worn unrolled on the head kind of like a dew rag. The band more or less easily identifies you to people as a member of the Red Hands. With wearing it comes a little more respect from most if not all commoners that you will interact with. Some shop keepers may even be willing to offer small discounts on their goods to members of the Red Hands. That all being said, your character doesn't need to wear it, it is up to you.

When you go to buy something and are wearing your Red Hands band, if you want a small discount make a streetwise check to find a vendor that sells that item and will give you a discount. You'll need to make a streetwise check for each unique item that you want at a discount. Also, unless you specify otherwise, you'll be searching for a 10% discount.

For reference, it is general knowledge that Dakaran is the leader of the Red Hands, that the common folk generally regard Dakaran very highly, and that the ruling class look down on Dakaran for his popularity and influence. There are many rumors floating about regarding how and why Dakaran left his position as a Royal Knight, but the real truth is only partially known to the public. All that is truly known to the public at large is that Dakaran lost his left hand during his final mission for the Royal Knights and served as inspiration for the name of his organization.
Sariel Debreyne/Megatron46
Dakaran knows your full name and where you are from. Despite the large amount of propaganda that permeates the upper classes regarding Dakaran and the Red Hands over time you had begun to discern some of the truth behind Dakaran's leaving the Royal Knights. The key fact that most do not know is that Dakaran lost his hand battling a red dragon that had threatened Dragonshold years ago and that the dragon had gotten as far as it had because it was working with one of the ruling houses. You do not possess any clues as to which house, although you are fairly certain it was not your own.

2011-12-04, 01:43 PM
Sariel steps forward and reaches for an armband. She places it on her upper left arm and ties it tightly. Thankyou Dakaran. I shall wear this with pride. she nods her head slightly to the leader of the Red Hands. She turns to the others in the room, mail gleaming and speaks in her soft voice, I am Sariel Debreyne, tactician and warrior, I am pleased to meet you all. as you look at her you are drawn to her violet eyes, intense and passionate, which are at odds with her cool, almost detached posture. Similarly she gives a slight nod of her head to you all, although not as deep as she gave to Dakaran.

2011-12-04, 03:27 PM
Zachar - Deva Avenger

Zachar has mostly powder white skin, but with lines and patches of dark blue on his face that give his features a very angular appearance. He wears a bright red shirt and pants, without armor. Slung through a couple of leather loops on his back, is a large double bladed axe with a spear tip extending from between the blades. Around his neck is a beaded chain with a small replica of the breastplate that is shown outside all temples to Erathis. His face shows no expression. He stands very still, not moving at all until he reaches to the bag to pull out a red-hand band.

"Thank you," he says in a low somber voice. As he ties the band around his arm, he introduces himself, "I am Zachar, warrior for Erathis. I will do what I can to deserve this band."

2011-12-04, 04:25 PM
Leolamin takes a band from the bag. Thank pack leader Darakan. I shall wear this why I serve in this pack. He turns to the others. I'm please that the spirits lead me to serve in this pack. I am Leolamin of the Sunrise. You can call me Leo if you prefer, Ah Sunrise like the new beginning in site this is for all of us. I hope my abilities will serve this pack well. Leo knells before the group and when hr is done he ties the band as a dew rag.

2011-12-05, 06:55 AM

Grabbing the bag, Saeros pulls out the the the band and ties it around his left bicep. "It is an honor to wear the mark of the band" he says and walks around the room inspecting the maps.

2011-12-05, 11:17 AM

The druidess takes the band out of the bag, and wraps it around her shoulder.

"It is an honor to serve under you, sir." Analash has a stern, expressionless look on her features, and doesn't look like she is going to say much more than that.

2011-12-05, 11:52 AM
Delise soon returns to the war room with a dark haired dwarf and a young dragonborn. Dakaran shakes both of their hands and welcomes them as the dwarf and dragonborn look around the room with interest. "So," Dakaran says addressing the dwarf, "Ornan, I'll let you brief the team that I'm assigning to your plight."

Ornan runs a hand down his braided beard and starts, "Well, the reason I came to the Red Hand is to protect ma village and clear ma farmhand's name." Ornan indicates the young dragonborn at his side and continues, "We live 'n a small farmin' community, in House Modin's lands. Recently in a rocky region near our community the ruins of an old dwarven hold was discovered. I guess a few kids snuck off to play and found some ol' relics or somemat like that, but regardless, soon after tha' a team o' archaeologists arrived in town and started excavatin' the site. They 'scovered a centuries old dwarven hold that was partially destroyed and almost completely buried. Not long after they uncovered the entrance into the hold they were attacked by a gob of kobolds. Seems the kobolds have taken to capturin' the hold and are now using it as some sort of base o' operations. They've started raiding farms and ranches... stealin'... and killin'. The farmers and villagers are terrified that they'll be next" Ornan takes a breath and shares a quick nod with his farmhand. "Now, I'm the sort of man who doesn't like to judge a book by its cover. I don't got no problem havin' a dragonborn workin' for me, but some of ma neighbors are a little more... well they're friggin' idiots. They got it in their heads that ma farmhand, Rakkon, here somehow tipped off some clan o' kobolds and had them move into the hold."

Taking advantage in a pause in Ornan's speech, Rakkon pipes in, "I didn't bring the kobolds! I wouldn't do that to Ornan or the other good folks on his farm. They've been good to me even at some cost to themselves. Please, you have to help me clear my name!" Rakkon's voice sounds desperate. The dragonborn had endured a lot of hate in his short lifetime already and the pressure of these accusations was clearly getting to him.

Ornan puts a hand on Rakkon's arm for a moment and continues, "Please, we had heard that the Red Hands were a bunch that help folks o' all races, but even if that ain't true, what is true is that people are dying and we need help. House Modin says that they'll look into the issue 'when they can'... but we all know what that means. They don't care 'bout some small farmin' community. We don't provide food for the upper class so they don't care a lick. We need your help. For Rakkon's sake and our farms, will you help us?"

Background Reference
House Modin is a dwarven house and currently the most powerful house and Lord Modin is currently viewed as next in line for king. The current king, King Ajax IX, is of House Ajax, a human house. In Kalidor, succession of the king must transfer to a new house so despite the power that House Ajax has, they are on the decline.

There is a major prejudice in the kingdom of Kaldor against dragonborn for the role they placed a couple centuries ago when a band of dragons attempted to conquer the continent with an army of kobolds and dragonborn. Years later it came to light that many of the dragonborn under the dragons' rule were treated more like slaves and many were forced into service. Because of this dragonborn were slowed allowed back into Kalidor, but a large prejudice remains.

Kobolds on the other hand were well known to be willing minions in the dragons' war and are globally despised. Despite that fact many large kobold tribes exist around the continent. Kobolds are not a common sight in Kalidor, but it isn't unheard of. While kobolds are a threat, since the war of the dragons they are almost always only spotted in tribal units. The dragon leaders of the old war had managed to unite nearly all of the continent's kobold clans under them. Left to themselves small tribes are about the largest unit they will organize to.

2011-12-05, 03:48 PM
Sariel- Eladrin Warlord

Sariel's gaze is fixed on each speaker in turn; dwarf, dragonborn and back to dwarf again. Although her demeanour doesn't outwardly change, her eyes flash with rage at the mention of House Modin and the casual acceptance that a Great House will do nothing to help those in need. Poor boy, feared and hated by those too ignorant to judge people on their own merits. She steps forward and places her hand lightly on Rakkon's shoulder, looking into his face she speaks, Fear not Rakkon, you can trust us to help in any way we can. She turns to the dwarf, Master Ornan it is not enough that you are in need, your livelihoods in danger and your people threatened and that House Modin does nothing! The Red Hands care where others do not. Sariel takes a step a back and places her hand on the sword at her hip. What can you tell us of these kobolds? Numbers? Tactics? Anything at all may be of help.

2011-12-05, 04:50 PM
Ornan gives Sariel an appreciative smile, while Rakkon seems to have a slightly most shocked look. He clearly isn't used to someone so quickly being willing to help him. He does manage a smile as well though.

Ornan replies, "Wise questions, lass. Numbers I cannae say exactly. Ol' Mardun's farm were raided the latest. He managed to survive as he 'n his farmhands holded up in a secure cellar. He claimed that there were thousands of 'em, but Mardun's known to be a bit o' an exaggerator. He keeps tellin' me 'bout this fish he caught once as a boy that he swears was the size of a young dragon..." Ornan shakes his head and chuckles but quickly brings himself back from his memory. "Now I don't think there's some thousand kobolds or I don't think we'd be here talkin' to ya, but Mardun's farmhands did say that there were plenty of them. From what I can gather from others that survived raids the kobolds show up in mass and just seem to swarm the place. I've heard of a few real brutes in the packs, but from what I can tell they just overwhelm."

2011-12-05, 05:59 PM
Leo listens to the plight of the farmers intently and nods at Sariel's promise.
I can't speak for my pack-brothers or my other pack-sister, but I promise I will slay the kobolds and clear the name of your farmhand. I swear this on my honor as a warden. Even as he said this a tiny voice sneered in head Is this the same honor you were acting on when you went hunting and left your village or did you think when you regained your powers as a warden that you suddenly got new honor? He shakes his head and continues
The numbers shouldn't be too great for this pack to handle if we hunt together with trust. Still...a wise hunter knows the hunting grounds like his own home. Do you have a map of this hold and if you don't would the archaeologists have one?

2011-12-05, 07:03 PM
"Thank you," Rakkon replies, his smile growing.

Ornan ponders for a moment then answers "A map? Hrm... I don't believe so. We didn't even know the hold was there until recently. I don't think anyone in the community was aware of it either. As for the archaeologists..." Ornan's voice trails off for a moment as he lowers his head. "... they did not survive the initial attack. I think all I can offer is what one of the neighbor's boys told me shortly before the kobolds arrived. He and some friends wanted ta check out the dig and see what the archaeologists were doing. The boys were told that the excavation was making good progress. They had uncovered a partial stairway on the surface and had dug a shaft through some ruin that led into the actual hold. The boy said that they had dug out a big pit searching for relics and that's where they managed to dig the shaft down. I'm afraid that's all I can offer you as I never went out there maself."

2011-12-05, 09:05 PM
Zachar - Deva Avenger

Zachar stares straight at the table top as he listens to the dwarf and dragonborn describe the situation. Finally he looks up at the dwarf, "The archaeologists would certainly have mapped what they'd found so far. Perhaps you can direct us to where they were camped when they were killed. The map may still be there. If not, it will at least give us a starting point to look for this stairway."

2011-12-05, 09:30 PM
Ornan scratches his beard for a moment before responding. "Hrm. A good thought, ma tall friend. They camped half way 'tween the excavation site and the central village of our community. When you travel to tha excavation site, the archaeologist's camp will be on your way. You won't miss it."

2011-12-06, 01:29 AM

"Something has caused these beings to attack en mase, and that is what is more important than the attack. Restore the balance, and there will be no further attacks. Everyone has their place in the world." The druidess doesn't seem to be talking to anyone in particular, just speaking out loud.

2011-12-06, 08:58 AM

Feeling content with the amount of information given, Saeros steps towards the door. He starts checking his longbow, arrows, and gear. Satisfied with his check, he stands ready to head out.

2011-12-06, 10:47 AM
Sariel- Eladrin Warlord

Sariel pauses at the comment made by Analash, it had not occured to her why the kobolds were attacking, just that they were. She nods her head in the direction of the druidess, acknowledging her comment before speaking again, She is right, we should be aware of what could have sparked this tribe of kobolds so it does not happen again once we have put a stop to them. She formally turns to Dakaran, Is there any formality or tradition The Red Hands observe when accepting a request such as this? She touches the band on her arm, almost as if she can't quite believe it is there, linking her to others who feel the same as she. As Saeros moves, Sariel unconciously checks her own weapons and equipment, readying herself to leave when ever the group, Rakkon and Ornan are ready. You see the formality within her ease slightly as she relaxes with the familiarity of the equipment check.

2011-12-06, 12:28 PM
The Red Hands War Room
Looking at Delise, Dakaran comments, "I'm glad to see our new recruits have some good heads on them." Turning back to you Dakaran says, "Rakkon here wants to pay for our services himself to help prove his innocence to his community, but honestly I think that's ridiculous for a man to have to pay for his innocence, but sadly I believe that Rakkon will have to pay something in order to convince the others in his community. On that note, I've decided to quarter our fee for Rakkon so he can still honestly claim to have paid to help his community, but we're keeping that bit to ourselves. Don't worry though, you'll still all get a full wage. So, your mission is to clear the kobolds out of the excavated dwarven hold, search for clues as to what could be driving the kobolds, and report back to me when you've completed your mission. Sariel, to answer your question we do not sit on formality or ceremony here. Our actions for our fellow men and women are what distinguish us." Dakaran flashes the eladrin a smile. "Now, dismissed!"

Ornan's and Rakkon's Farming Community
The five of you depart with Ornan and Rakkon for their farming community. When you all safely arrive at Ornan's property he points you in the direction of the excavation site and part ways with you there. He tells you that the archeologists' camp site is on your path and you won't miss it.

Archaeologists' Camp Site
You make your way through some rocky terrain to the archaeologists' camp site. As you approach you see a large, blown over tent and papers scattered throughout the site. There is an overturned table under a canopy that had been set up. The site appears to have been searched and picked over as you find nothing of value. You see that many papers have scattered to the winds, but as luck would have it you do manage to find some sketches and notes regarding the excavation site. There are kobold tracks at the site leading from and to the direction of the excavation site, but no blood or bodies. After taking the useful notes and map sketchings you continue on your way to the excavation site.

Argram's Journal Page 12
We finally finished expanding the narrow sight line into the dwarven hold into a full, open shaft. This afternoon we'll begin exploring the antechamber.

Kallie got to go down the shaft first as she won our game of dice at lunch... The antechamber was breathetaking. The tapestries in the hall are incredible. They're hand-woven visual records of some of the area's historical dwarven warlords. There is even a large statue of the first dwarven lord to set foot on what is now House Modin's lands. Unfortunately time has been much better to the tapestries than the statue's legs have taken severe damage. We will have to be careful. I fear that just a bit of pressure may send the sculpture tumbling over.
Detailed Mapping of the Excavated Portion of the Hold
Dwarven Hold Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdGlOT0pZY2pGaEU2eFZ2a0ZxV1F6d FE)

I'm just having you all "take 20" searching the camp site as time is not currently pressing on you. You did not miss anything as there was nothing of value to find.
Excavation Site
As you get approach the excavation site, you see it atop a small hill, just where Ornan and Rakkon said it would be. The north and west sides of the site are inaccessible due to high piles of unstable rubble. It seems that the excavation team had put up a wall which seems to block most of the site off, but is only about 8 feet high and does seem climbable. There are two openings into the site that you can see. The northeast corner of the site seems blocked by a cluster of bolders, roughly 5 feet in height, but look climbable as well. The southwest corner of the site seems to have a more open access, but bits of rubble lie strewn about the opening. Unfortunately since the excavation site is on a small hill and the rocks in the terrain around aren't nearly big enough to use as cover the kobolds see you coming and begin to mobilize amid chatter as you close in.

Since you know the draconic language you are able to understand the cries and chatter that you hear. What you hear is mostly useless. The kobolds are simply shouting at each other to get in place and to psych themselves up to defend their "home". The only real piece of intelligence that you can glean is that the kobolds are placing a good deal of importance on protecting the shaft down into the hold.
tigerusthegreat, it's your turn.

Here is the turn order, but I'll always post who's turn it so this is more just for your reference.
Analash (tigerusthegreat) [19+2] = (21)
Kobold Minions 2, then 8 [17+3] = (20)
Saeros (Palabalo) [11+6] = (17)
Kobold Minion 1 [13+3] = (16)
Leolamin (humson) [10+5] = (15)
Kobold Slinger 2 [12+3] = (15)
Kobold Minions 4, then 7 [11,3] = (14)
Sariel (Megatron46) [8+3] = (11)
Kobold Minion 5 [8,3] = (11)
Kobold Slinger 1 [8,3] = (11)
Zachar (dariathalon) [7+2] = (9)
Kobold Minion 3 [5,3] = (8)
Kobold Slinger 3 [4,3] = (7)
Kobold Minion 6 [1,3] = (4)

Battle Map
You'll notice that you all aren't on the map yet. At the start of your turn include which cell you want to start at. You can choose any cell in the bottom row or the far right column. Please let me know if you have any questions. You'll find descriptions of the terrain to the right of the map and you'll find general character info below the map, including the statuses of your enemies. One major note is that there is a 5 foot drop from the grass/dirt level to the clay level of the excavation site. I've listed the required DC checks to make if you choose to climb a wall, boulder, or to climb up or down the 5 foot drop that's been dug out for the excavation site.
Map: Encounter 1 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)

Oh, and if you're wondering, yes, you all start with 1 Action Point.

2011-12-06, 01:26 PM

The druidess has a fire light in her eyes as the battle is joined. She finally has enemies to face, and unleashes the powers of nature against them. The winds from the north howl, and an icy wind blasts down around the kobolds.

With those powers inacted, she leaps into the arm, and returns to the ground as a beautiful tigeress, snarling at her enemies.

Starting at D11
Standard: Chill Wind: Each creature in burst 1 centered on G5; Wisdom vs Fortitude
[roll0] [roll1] slide to F4 (trying to drop him down the hole)
[roll2] [roll3] slide to F5
Minor: Shift into Beast Form (Tiger)

2011-12-06, 02:10 PM
A swirling force of icy, cutting wind whirls about and drags two kobold slingers towards its epicenter. One of the kobolds lets out a screech as he is dragged down into the large open shaft.

A kobold from down in the excavation pit comes storming up the stairs and straight for Analash. With his javelin ready he drives the point home into her.

Another kobold from the far wall moves closer to Analash and standing at the top of a small staircase, tosses one of his javelin's at her, but the spear falls to the side, missing her by a fair margin.

Slinger S2 takes 1 point of damage from Analash's Chill Wind, then another 7 points of damage from the falling down the shaft.

Slinger S3 takes 2 points of damage and is moved to F5.

Kobold M2 moves to D10 and deals 4 points of damage to Analash.

Kobold M8 moves to F9 and misses with his attack.
It's Palabalo's turn.
Encounter 1 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)

2011-12-06, 02:33 PM

Marking his target and firing his bow he sends two arrows at the kobold in front of Analash.

Minor action designate hunters quarry M2
At will "twin strike" [roll0] damage [roll1]
2nd attack [roll2] damage [roll3]
Hunters quarry damage [roll4]

2011-12-06, 03:20 PM
The kobold standing in front of Analash had pulled his javelin back from her, pleased with his strike, and allowed himself a quick glance at the blood on the tip of his weapon. This was the last sight he held as two arrows loosed from Saeros' bow in quick succession flew straight and true into his eyes and put the kobold down for good.

From down in the excavation pit, a kobold, after seeing one of his tribemates dragged down into the shaft by an icy torrent of air decided that he wouldn't have the same fate and swiftly moved up the staircase to assault the source of the cold magic. As the kobold reaches the top of the stairs he throws a javelin at Analash and it finds its mark.

Saeros deals 22 damage to Minion M2, absolutely destroying him.

Minion M1 moves to E9 and throws a javelin at Analash, hitting her for 4 damage.
It is now humson's turn.
Encounter 1 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)

2011-12-06, 06:47 PM
Leo is surprised as he sees his pack sister unleash the power of nature. He mentally kicked himself. He should have known she was blessed! There was a time when he could smell the raw power of pri-. his own thought was cut short.
"A cat" he says aloud "why did it have to be a cat." His complaint was stopped when she was hit with a javelin. Didn't they have respect for a wise being who was so versed in nature. She was the Land! With a howl he charges into battle. He draws his hammer and shield and aims the former for the kobold's face. With another howl the full wraith of nature designates all the kobold surrounding them as his eternal prey. they would attack others at their own peril.
Starts at E12
Draws weapons
moves to E10
attacks M1 with Weight of Earth
attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2011-12-06, 11:21 PM
Leolamin's hammer connects with the kobolds head with a sickening thud and it collapses to the ground.

Seeing yet another of his brethren killed, a kobold near Leolamin attempts to avenge the death by throwing a javelin at Leolamin. Unfortunately the kobold steps on his own tail while winding up to throw and simply drops his javelin. Rage fills the kobold in place of embarrassment and he flees down the stairway to stand between the interlopers and the shaft to the hold.

Leolamin kills Minion M1. Leolamin marks Minion M3 and Minion M8.

Minion M4 targets Leolamin with a thrown javelin attack but epic fails. Minion M4 then moves to E7.
It's Megatron46's turn!
Encounter 1 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)

2011-12-07, 03:07 AM
Seeing her allies begin the attack, Sariel quickly assess the battle. Readying her sword she steps forward and vanishes, reappearing on top of the wall next to two of the kobolds. Her sword snakes out, flickering out at one of the kobolds

Move- Fey Step to H9
Standard- Basic Attack on Minion 7 in I10
Attack- [roll0] vs AC
Damage- [roll1]

2011-12-07, 09:10 AM
Despite Sariel's surprising appearance the kobold's natural instincts are its saving grace and it manages to parry away her blade with its javelin.

Emboldened by the eladrin's miss a nearby kobold takes aim and hurls a javelin at Sariel. Sariel catches a glimpse of the javelin out of the corner of her eye at the last moment and manages to tilt her head back as the spear flies through her hair over her shoulder and embeds itself in the wall behind her.

From down in the excavation pit a kobold wielding a sling, deciding to not get caught up in the fray near the stairs quickly bounds up out of the pit. Loading his sling he quickly unloads at the elf standing in the rubble. Fortunately for Saeros it seems that the kobold decided to toss quickly instead of steadily, as the shot flew wide.

Sariel's attack misses Minion 7.

Minion 5 throws a javelin at Sariel, but misses. Barely.

Slinger 1 climbs up the pit wall with a successful Athletics check (17+3=20) moving to B4 and attacks Saeros with a ranged sling attack, but misses.

Apparently Megatron isn't the only one who can't hit anything. :smallwink:
It's dariathalon's turn!
Encounter 1 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)

2011-12-07, 07:13 PM
Zachar - Deva Avenger

Zachar races toward the wall, and with a flying leap jumps up, grabbing the top attempting to pull himself up and over in one swift move. Unfortunately, the edge of the wall crumbles beneath his fingers and he drops back down to his feet. He jumps again, this time getting a better grip, and pulls himself over.

He drops just on the other side of the wall and pulls the large spade-like weapon out of the leather loops it usually rests in, readying it for use.

Start in K12.
Move Action: Move to J10, this will include a [roll0] to try to make it over the wall.
Move Action: Failed the first time, so try again. (See OOC thread for new roll)
Minor Action: Ready weapon.
Standard Action: Attack kobold M7 with overwhelming strike. [roll1]. If it hits, this will do [roll2] and Zachar will shift to I9 as part of the hit.

I had to alter this since the first climb check failed, ignore the standard I had originally planned since I had to use two moves to make it over the wall.

2011-12-07, 08:29 PM
Staring down the wild shifter, the kobold in front of Leolamin thrusts his javelin forward and finds its mark.

Seeing Leolamin near the top of the stairs the kobold in front of the shaft loads his sling and fires off a shot straight and true. The bullet explodes in a ploom of sticky goo over the shifter.

The other kobold that was surprised by Sariel's appearance regained its composure and too thrust his javelin at the eladrin, but fortunately for Sariel her wits are about her and she's able to dodge the attack.

Minion 3 attacks Leolamin with a melee attack and hits for 4 damage.

Slinger 3 makes a ranged attack against Leolamin and hits with a special attack of gluepot and Leolamin is immobilized (a successful save will end the effect).

Minion 6 makes a melee attack against Sariel but misses.
It's tigerusthegreat's turn!
Encounter 1 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Analash (tigerusthegreat) [19+2] = (21)
Kobold Minions 2, then 8 [17+3] = (20)
Saeros (Palabalo) [11+6] = (17)
Kobold Minion 1 [13+3] = (16)
Leolamin (humson) [10+5] = (15)
Kobold Slinger 2 [12+3] = (15)
Kobold Minions 4, then 7 [11,3] = (14)
Sariel (Megatron46) [8+3] = (11)
Kobold Minion 5 [8,3] = (11)
Kobold Slinger 1 [8,3] = (11)
Zachar (dariathalon) [7+2] = (9)
Kobold Minion 3 [5,3] = (8)
Kobold Slinger 3 [4,3] = (7)
Kobold Minion 6 [1,3] = (4)

2011-12-07, 10:29 PM

The Tigress shakes off the wounds she's received, and leaps a short distance away, transforming back into the druidess she was a moment ago. Her eyes glow blue again, and the chill winds surround two of the kobolds once again.

With a mighty roar, the ground beneath another group of kobolds, and Leolamin as well, turns to a riptide of water, making their footing uncertain.

Minor: Shift out of Beast Form
Move: Move to D9 (flavored as a jump, but not really a jump)
Standard1: Use Chill Wind on E6. [roll0] slide to F4. [roll1]
[roll2] slide to F8 [roll3]

Use action Point:
Standard2: Use Grasping Tide (Druid) on F9 (Burst 1)
[roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7]
[roll8] [roll9]
[roll10] [roll11]

Secondary Effect: If affected enemy leaves area of effect (burst 1 on F9) I get to make a secondary attack as an opportunity action. Wisdom vs Reflex, effect: knock target prone

2011-12-08, 11:26 AM
As the biting cold wind rips again through the excavation pit the kobold slinger manages to steel himself against the wind, learning his lesson from earlier. The kobold minion however is not so lucky and succumbs to the chill as the wind whips him around. The wind disorients the kobold minion and he falls onto his own javelin, killing him instantly.

The fury of battle has filled the druidess with power as she wields the power of nature. She heroically calls on the power of the tides and a vortex of whirling water appears on the field of battle, pulling another kobold down and claiming its life. Unfortunately for the druidess, while she can wield the powers of nature, nature cannot be truly controlled, and the vortex crashes upon Leolamin as well, dealing considerable damage. The vortex has left the shifter battered and bloodied, but Leolamin's resolve leaves him standing.

Chill wind misses Slinger 3, but kills Minion 4.

Grasping Tide would have hit Minion 4 if it hadn't already been killed, misses Minion 8, kills Minion 3, and unfortunately damages Leolamin for 10 points of damage.

Leolamin is bloodied and is now at 12 HP.

edit: and if he moves out of the burst 1 range with square F9 as the center-point on his next turn he will trigger a secondary attack (as an opportunity attack) from Grasping Tide.

We determined that tigerusthegreat can choose not to use the secondary attack, so Leolamin won't be punished for moving outside of the burst's zone.
It's Palabalo's turn!
Encounter 1 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Analash (tigerusthegreat) [19+2] = (21)
Saeros (Palabalo) [11+6] = (17)
Leolamin (humson) [10+5] = (15)
Kobold Slinger 2 [12+3] = (15)
Sariel (Megatron46) [8+3] = (11)
Kobold Minion 5 [8,3] = (11)
Kobold Slinger 1 [8,3] = (11)
Zachar (dariathalon) [7+2] = (9)
Kobold Slinger 3 [4,3] = (7)
Kobold Minion 6 [1,3] = (4)

2011-12-08, 11:46 AM
Saeros races forward marks his target and sends four arrows at blinding speed at key targets around the battlefield.

Movement: B12 to C7
Minor action: Designate S1 as Hunters Quarry
Note Prime Shot allows for +1 ranged on S1 and S3
Twin Strike: First attack S1 [roll0] Damage [roll1] If hit additional damage [roll2]
Second attack S3 [roll3] Damage [roll4]
Spend Action point: Twin Strike: Third attack M8 [roll5] Damage [roll6]
Fourth attack M5 [roll7] Damage [roll8]

2011-12-08, 12:03 PM
Saeros's first pair of arrows let fly and spectacularly find both marks. The wiley kobold in the excavation pit manages to turn himself and the arrow only makes a shallow hit. The other slinger unforunately for him takes an arrow straight to the chest. Howling in pain he foolishly rips it out and blood pours from the wound.

While the exultation of hitting his marks drives Saeros to loose another pair of arrows they sadly do not find their targets.

Slinger 1 takes 14 points of damage and Slinger 3 takes 1 point of damage. Slinger 1 is bloodied! :smallamused:
It's humson's turn!
Encounter 1 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Analash (tigerusthegreat) [19+2] = (21)
Saeros (Palabalo) [11+6] = (17)
Leolamin (humson) [10+5] = (15)
Kobold Slinger 2 [12+3] = (15)
Sariel (Megatron46) [8+3] = (11)
Kobold Minion 5 [8,3] = (11)
Kobold Slinger 1 [8,3] = (11)
Zachar (dariathalon) [7+2] = (9)
Kobold Slinger 3 [4,3] = (7)
Kobold Minion 6 [1,3] = (4)

2011-12-08, 12:10 PM
A crow circles high over the field of battle awaiting its newly discovered feast to be ready.

Throwing up a dummy post since my latest post doesn't seem to be actually showing up despite the fact that it says that Dakaran posted last on the thread when I look at the forum sub-directory. Usually putting another post will cause the previously non-displaying post to show up. Let's see if that works...

edit: Yes, it worked!

2011-12-08, 07:44 PM
Leolamin wasn't happy. he was irritated. Very irratated. He bloody, wet, and covered with some kind of glue that he did not try to identfy. To make it worse he was standing in a whilpool cause by his own packsister. [color=brown]I'm not your enemy![/brown]
Calling on the power of the sprirt, Leo calmed himself and years of training kicked in. Listening to flow of the water and focusing on it. Leo notice the glue was breaking. He then in one burst of strenth tries to breck free, shifting in the process normally wild looking he becomes much more so. Teeth and hair growing, a savage look appears in his eyes. In the same motion he swings his hammer at a kobold.

Saving throw #1 [roll0]
minor action longtooth shifting +2 damage until the end of the encounter and regen 2 when booldied
Wieght of earth M8 [roll1]
saving throw#2 9 if the first on save ignore this one) [roll2]

2011-12-08, 09:54 PM
While Leolamin can't seem to free himself from the sicky goo fired by one of the kobold slingers the waters surrounding him subside and he builds his resolve to finish this fight. Despite being locked into his current position Leolamin swings his hammer with the weight of the earth and deals a crushing blow to the kobold within reach, killing it swiftly.

An infuriated kobold slinger rises up out of the shaft, letting loose a loud yell of rage. Narrowing its eyes it loads its sling and lets fly a bullet towards its newly appointed mortal enemy, the druidess. The bullet strikes the druidess hard and explodes in a fury of fire, leaving Analash singed and bleeding.

Leolamin's attack kills Minion 8.

Leolamin fails his saving throw to end immobilization.

Slinger 2 climbs out of the shaft using the rope ladder and moves to E6.

Slinger 2 attacks Analash dealing 6 fire damage. Analash will also be taking 2 ongoing fire damage (save ends). (I gave the Slinger a -5 attack penalty for superior cover since Analash is on a different level of ground, but sadly a 16 still hits against AC...)

Analash is now at 14 HP and is bloodied.
It's Megatron64's turn!
Encounter 1 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Analash (tigerusthegreat) [19+2] = (21)
Saeros (Palabalo) [11+6] = (17)
Leolamin (humson) [10+5] = (15)
Kobold Slinger 2 [12+3] = (15)
Sariel (Megatron46) [8+3] = (11)
Kobold Minion 5 [8,3] = (11)
Kobold Slinger 1 [8,3] = (11)
Zachar (dariathalon) [7+2] = (9)
Kobold Slinger 3 [4,3] = (7)
Kobold Minion 6 [1,3] = (4)

2011-12-09, 12:34 AM
Sariel whips her head to the side as the javelin flies past and her eyes widen at the fury of nature as Analash unleashes her wild power. As the kobolds retaliate and the druidess begins to burn, Sariel calls out, Stay strong resist the pain and channel it into your anger. she then turns on the kobold facing her. Now you're mine! she snarls and her sword streaks out in a blur.
Minor- Inspiring Word on Analash- Spend Healing Surge + [roll0]
Standard- Basic attack on Minion 6 in I8
Attack- [roll1] v AC
Damage [roll2]

2011-12-09, 09:07 AM
Sariel's inspirational words do more than inspire as Analash feels a surge of her life force returning to her. Her blade streaks in a blur, but her target moves just as fast and manages to avoid the attack.

Seeing Sariel still standing, the minion that previously tossed a javelin through Sariel's hair once again releases a javelin at her. This time the kobolds javelin flies even further away from his target, to its growing frustration.

The Slinger standing beside the excavation pit slings another bullet at Saeros, but the elf is very nimble and deftly avoids the projectile.

Analash spends a healing surge and with Sariel's Inspirational Word bonus regains 9 HP.

Sariel's basic attack misses.

Minion 5 throws a javelin at Sariel, but misses.

Slinger 1 makes a ranged attack against Saeros, but misses.
It's dariathalon's turn!
Encounter 1 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Analash (tigerusthegreat) [19+2] = (21)
Saeros (Palabalo) [11+6] = (17)
Leolamin (humson) [10+5] = (15)
Kobold Slinger 2 [12+3] = (15)
Sariel (Megatron46) [8+3] = (11)
Kobold Minion 5 [8,3] = (11)
Kobold Slinger 1 [8,3] = (11)
Zachar (dariathalon) [7+2] = (9)
Kobold Slinger 3 [4,3] = (7)
Kobold Minion 6 [1,3] = (4)

2011-12-09, 06:14 PM
Zachar - Deva Avenger

Zachar locks eyes with the kobold next to him. "You are finished." He speaks very slowly and deliberately, then thrusts the spear-like top of his gouge at the kobold.

Minor: Oath of Enmity on M7 kobold.
Standard: Overwhelming strike on M7. Oath of enmity gives me two rolls, so take the better of [roll0] or [roll1]. A hit does [roll2] and allows Zachar to shift 1 north.
Move: (only if he hits) Shift another square north, putting him in J8.

2011-12-09, 11:01 PM
Zachar's words hold true as his gouge cuts deeply into the kobold, killing him almost instantly, and in the save fluid movement shifts up the field.

Down in the excavation pit the Slinger nearest the pit moves away from its edge, fearing a trip down it like his companion, and looses a shot at the druidess, but it unfortunately falls short, digging into the excavation pit's wall.

The Minion that Zachar moved toward raises his javelin in defense, but decides to go on the offensive, thrusting it forward and driving it into Zachar.

Zachar kills Minion 7 and moves to J8.

Slinger 3 attacks Analash, but misses.

Minion 6 attacks and hits Zachar, dealing 4 damage.
It's tigerusthegreat's turn!
Encounter 1 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Analash (tigerusthegreat) [19+2] = (21)
Saeros (Palabalo) [11+6] = (17)
Leolamin (humson) [10+5] = (15)
Kobold Slinger 2 [12+3] = (15)
Sariel (Megatron46) [8+3] = (11)
Kobold Minion 5 [8,3] = (11)
Kobold Slinger 1 [8,3] = (11)
Zachar (dariathalon) [7+2] = (9)
Kobold Slinger 3 [4,3] = (7)
Kobold Minion 6 [1,3] = (4)

2011-12-09, 11:19 PM

Analash remains silent, changing again into the tiger, and closing with the slingers, She jumps into the air, and bursts into a thousand biting insects, biting two of the slingers with thousands of little nibbles, before regaining her tiger form.

Minor: Assume Beast Form
Move: move to E8 -> F7
Standard: Use Scattered Form (Encounter). Close Burst 1 affecting both S2 and S3
[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]
Effect: Next ranged or melee attack that damages me deals half damage

2011-12-10, 06:04 PM
Seeing his quarry bloodied invigorates Saeros, He looses an arrow, then turning to the the enemy to his right he fires another hoping to distract the enemy from its target.

Twin Strike
First Attack S1 [roll0] damage [roll1] if hit extra damage [roll2]
Second Attack S2 [roll3] damage [roll4]

2011-12-10, 06:11 PM
With the his experience as an archer he focuses at his quarry willing the arrow at its target.

Elven Accuracy free action reroll first attack [roll0] same damage and quarry damage

2011-12-10, 06:55 PM
Leo desperately tries to breaks free of the glue calling on every spirit he know.

2011-12-10, 07:00 PM
Save vs fire that I forgot to roll at the end of my turn


2011-12-10, 07:46 PM
Analash calls on the powers of nature to quell the fires caught on her as the biting insects she called onto the kobolds sadly have no effect.

Saeros' arrows fly swiftly but their marks are swift as well. Saeros's quarry however cannot escape from him and his arrow lands deep in the kobold slinger in his path. It appears to still be standing, but it is obviously gravely wounded as blood pours out of many holes.

Leolamin musters his strength and breaks free of the glue binding him.

Analash misses her targets, but succeeds at the saving throw.

Saeros deals 9 damage to Slinger 1, who is VERY near death.

Leolamin's saving throw will successfully free him of the glue and is no longer immobilized.

, but since saving throws are made at the end of a turn, unless I'm missing/overlooking something, Leolamin is immobilized until the end of the turn.
It's humson's turn!
Encounter 1 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Analash (tigerusthegreat) [19+2] = (21)
Saeros (Palabalo) [11+6] = (17)
Leolamin (humson) [10+5] = (15)
Kobold Slinger 2 [12+3] = (15)
Sariel (Megatron46) [8+3] = (11)
Kobold Minion 5 [8,3] = (11)
Kobold Slinger 1 [8,3] = (11)
Zachar (dariathalon) [7+2] = (9)
Kobold Slinger 3 [4,3] = (7)
Kobold Minion 6 [1,3] = (4)

2011-12-11, 02:15 AM
Leolamin glad to regain movement moves straight toward the durid and marks her enemies as his enemy. He then direct all his rage and frustration in one blow straight for a kobold' chest.

Move to E7
Mark s2 and 23
rending fury roll two attacks roll v ac
I'll of course use the higher roll. If one hits the target take a -2 attack to targets other then myself. If both hit it takes a -5 attack penalty
damage[roll2] (long tooth shifting is added in)

2011-12-11, 01:09 PM
Leolamin's fury is relentless and his attack crushes the kobold that had been plaguing Analash. The fury fuels Leolamin and the wounds he has endured stop their bleeding.

Leolamin attacks and kills Slinger 2.

Leolamin gains 2 HP from his regeneration. As I understand it, this effect is now over since Leolamin is no longer bloodied.
It's Megatron46's turn!
Encounter 1 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Analash (tigerusthegreat) [19+2] = (21)
Saeros (Palabalo) [11+6] = (17)
Leolamin (humson) [10+5] = (15)
Sariel (Megatron46) [8+3] = (11)
Kobold Minion 5 [8,3] = (11)
Kobold Slinger 1 [8,3] = (11)
Zachar (dariathalon) [7+2] = (9)
Kobold Slinger 3 [4,3] = (7)
Kobold Minion 6 [1,3] = (4)

2011-12-11, 04:15 PM
Nodding her approval as her allies cut down yet more of their enemies, Sariel turns her gaze to the creature that has twice thwarted her already! Shifting her grip on her longsword, she narrows her eyes and notices Zachar slipping up behind her nemesis. Let's see if your luck holds a third time kobold! she snarls. She darts to her left, hoping to throw the kobold off balance, before snapping out with her blade, aiming to cut deep into the kobolds neck.
Move- Shift to H8- flanking M6 with Zachar and granting CA
Standard- basic attack on M6 in I8- [roll0] +2 CA included vs AC Damage- [roll1]

2011-12-11, 05:49 PM
Sariel's persistence sees her rewarded as her blade finally meets her enemy and cuts the kobold cleanly in two.

Seeing his tribemates falling all around to the interlopers, the last minion attempts to retreat closer to the shaft in an effort to protect it. Unfortunately in its haste the kobold looses its footing and falls into the excavation pit rather than cleanly dropping. Spitting clay from its mouth the kobold rises from the ground and prepares to defend the shaft.

The Slinger still out of the excavation pit loads its sling and fires at Saeroes once again... and once again misses his mark.

Sariel kills Minion 6! Hooray!

Minion 5 goes to climb down into the excavation pit, but sadly rolls a 5 on the attempt. The Minion does get into the pit, but lands prone in H6. The 5 foot drop does no damage. Minion 5 uses its standard action to stand up and then uses an at-will minor action to shift 1 square to G5.

Slinger 1 once again fires at Saeros and misses with a 15 vs Saeros' 17 AC.
It's dariathalon's turn!
Encounter 1 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Analash (tigerusthegreat) [19+2] = (21)
Saeros (Palabalo) [11+6] = (17)
Leolamin (humson) [10+5] = (15)
Sariel (Megatron46) [8+3] = (11)
Kobold Minion 5 [8,3] = (11)
Kobold Slinger 1 [8,3] = (11)
Zachar (dariathalon) [7+2] = (9)
Kobold Slinger 3 [4,3] = (7)

2011-12-11, 07:15 PM
Zachar - Deva Avenger

Zachar rushes to give chase. Deciding that after the incident on the wall, he'd be better off not trying to climb again, he hurries around to the stairs taking them two or three at a time. Pulling to a stop next to Leolamin, he points his gouge at the slinger, "You're next."

In one quick tumbling move, Zachar rolls past Leo, and in behind the slinger. As he pulls out of the roll, his weapon swings in a mighty upward thrust into the kobold.

Move: To D7.
Minor: Swear Oath of Enmity on S3.
Standard: Angelic Alacrity.

Effect: Before the attack, Zachar shifts 2 squares to F5.
Attack: S3 [roll0] or [roll1] take the higher roll. Both include +2 CA from flank.
Hit: [roll2] (Edit: Forgot about Censure of Retribution. That damage should be 3 higher, so a total of 19 damage)

2011-12-11, 10:11 PM
Zachar moves in close and deftly puts his gouge to expert use, slicing the kobold with superior precision. The kobold lets out a mighty yell of pain as blood streaks out from where Zachar's weapon struck. The kobold struggles to remain upright and through some form of extreme perseverance manages to do so.

In desperation, the kobold that Zachar just cut open unbelievably slips in behind him, drops his sling, pulls a rusty dagger out of his belt, and attempts to ram it between Zachar's ribs. Sadly, the blood-loss fatigues the kobold and misses his opportunity as Zachar deftly avoids the blade.

Too late does the Slinger realize his mistake and leaves himself open to the enemy shifter.

Zachar deals an awesome 19 points of damage to Slinger 3, and severely bloodies him.

Slinger 3 uses a minor action at-will power to shift 1 square to E5, uses another minor action to draw a dagger, then attacks Zachar and... my terrible roll streak continues as I roll up a natural 2 for the attack.

Since Slinger 3 is marked by Leolamin and decided to attack a different target Leolamin can use Warden's Fury and/or Warden's Grasp.
It's humson's turn to act on the marked Slinger!
Encounter 1 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Analash (tigerusthegreat) [19+2] = (21)
Saeros (Palabalo) [11+6] = (17)
Leolamin (humson) [10+5] = (15)
Sariel (Megatron46) [8+3] = (11)
Kobold Minion 5 [8,3] = (11)
Kobold Slinger 1 [8,3] = (11)
Zachar (dariathalon) [7+2] = (9)
Kobold Slinger 3 [4,3] = (7)

edit: Sorry, I totally missed that humson had marked Slinger 3, I apologize. :smalleek: humson has priority to deal with Slinger 3 and as soon as he does (or decides to pass) it will be tigerusthegreat's turn.

2011-12-12, 03:50 PM
Leolamin's well trained eye see the opening. He swings his hammer straight into to opening.

Wardens fury Strength vs Fort[roll0]
damage [roll1]
if it hit and not kills the him, he will grant combat advantage to everybody

2011-12-12, 05:04 PM
Leolamin's hammer swings wildly after the kobold as he tried to stab Leolamin's companion, but kobold was too quick and avoided the hammer with ease.

Leolamin misses the kobold and now we're back at the top of the order of what I presume will be the last round of combat for our first encounter.
It's tigerusthegreat's turn!
Encounter 1 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Analash (tigerusthegreat) [19+2] = (21)
Saeros (Palabalo) [11+6] = (17)
Leolamin (humson) [10+5] = (15)
Sariel (Megatron46) [8+3] = (11)
Kobold Minion 5 [8,3] = (11)
Kobold Slinger 1 [8,3] = (11)
Zachar (dariathalon) [7+2] = (9)
Kobold Slinger 3 [4,3] = (7)

2011-12-12, 05:15 PM

Analash snarls in her tigeress form. The flies she had broken into now disappeared, no longer shrouding her physical form. She stretches, and returns to her druidess form, smiling grimly at the three remaining kobolds. A chill takes to the air again, and the wind howls again.

Minor: Shift out of Beast Form
Standard: Chill Wind on F5
[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5]

Shift S3 to E4 (hole)
Shift Zachar to E6
Shift M4 to F4 (hole)

2011-12-12, 05:31 PM
The druidess' winds of icy chill cut through the air yet again, but the kobolds alas are no longer able to protect themselves and fall frigid and still to the ground. Zachar, while also ripped upon by the chill, is able to hold himself against it.

Woot! Thank goodness that attack was against Fortitude because the kobolds have terrible Fort, haha. Slinger 3 and the last minion are dead. Only Slinger 1 is left and it's not Palabalo's turn. Oh, and Zachar took 2 damage.
It's Palabalo's turn!
Encounter 1 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
[SPOILER]Analash (tigerusthegreat) [19+2] = (21)
Saeros (Palabalo) [11+6] = (17)
Leolamin (humson) [10+5] = (15)
Sariel (Megatron46) [8+3] = (11)
Kobold Slinger 1 [8,3] = (11)
Zachar (dariathalon) [7+2] = (9)

2011-12-12, 07:08 PM
Steadying his feet Saeros once again sends two arrows at his bloodied quarry.

Twin Strike at S1 [roll0] damage [roll1]
Second Attack [roll2] damage [roll3] If either hit quarry damage [roll4]

2011-12-12, 07:25 PM
Saeros' first arrow lands squarely between the Slinger's eyes, killing it instantly. As the kobold falls to the ground, Saeros' second arrow, which fired a little off course, slices the edge of a small pouch tied to the kobold's belt spilling several gold coins onto the ground.

The last of your enemies are dead. What would you like to do now? You can post in any order at this point.

2011-12-12, 09:04 PM

The druidess goes from kobold to kobold, checking them for valuables or intelligence, and seeing if they are still alive. If they are still alive, she quickly snaps their necks.

2011-12-13, 03:07 AM
From up on the wall, Sariel sees her allies cut down, freeze and impale the remainder of the kobolds and smiles grimly. She steps forward and vanishes, reappearing on the floor of the excavation pit. As the druid searches the bodies, she speaks, I think we should take moment to gather our strength and help our wounded comrades before adventuring down the shaft. She checks to see if anyone needs help with their wounds before turning to the nearest kobold corpse and rummaging through the body to see if there is any information to be gleaned on what tribe they belong to or if they have been given any orders.

I know I used Fey Step in the encounter, but as we're out of Initiative I thought I'd use it for fluff/rp purposes.
To aid with her check for information-
Perception- [roll0]

2011-12-13, 07:58 AM
Zachar - Deva Avenger

Zachar gives Analash a pointed look, but says nothing about the icy winds he has just endured. He instead begins going around the kobold corpses seeking anything that may prove informative, or at least of value.

When he completes that task, he sits down on the edge of the pit, letting his feet dangle over the edge. "I don't know about you, but I could use a few minutes to catch my breath after the battle," he says, even though he shows no outward signs of being winded.

And during a short rest, Zachar will spend a surge to get back to full hp.

2011-12-13, 12:35 PM

Noticing the gold drop from the Slinger, Saeros walks to the kobold and begins searching for anything useful, moving from kobold to kobold, he tosses anything he can find in a pile for anyone to use.

He retrieves his arrows and sits down to check his gear and rest. Seeing his gear in check he begins to forage for food for the group.

Perception [roll0]
Nature [roll1]

2011-12-13, 03:39 PM
After seeing the kolbold fall, Leo sighs breath of relief that no one got to badly hurt. He then shakes like a dog getting water on everyone putting a special attention on the druid. He then lets his natural healing take over. After he heals the sees the elf goes out to get food. Hr follows saying wait packbrother. I will help you. When they are far enough away from the rest of the group use says in elven You fought well packbrother. Im glad to fight alongside you. I hope that sharing a battle with you will a least give me the right for your name

2011-12-13, 04:39 PM
I am Saeros Linwelin, I am also glad to fight alongside you. It gives me comfort knowing you and your hammer have my back.

Saeros returns from foraging and gazes in to the pit in the center of the excavation site.

2011-12-13, 05:16 PM
Analash moves fluidly around the excavation pit finding no kobolds still breathing, but does manage to find several gold coins in waist pouches.

Sariel, after checking her companions, too finds gold pieces among the dead's purses.

Zachar finds a few gold pieces as well. Upon examining the gold Zachar gets the feeling that the coins are very new. They are all shiny, clean, and without any dents or scratches that usually come with use of gold, or at least from jingling in a beltpurse for decent periods of time.

Saeros finds additional gold coins. While holding up several to the sunlight Saeros sees his faint reflection on the coin's surface. Saeros recalls that the last time he saw a coin this clean was when he saw a member of a ruling house making a purchase and was counting his gold. It had looked so blindingly bright and clean, as the coin he now holds in his hand.

As Saeros and Leolamin forage for food Saeros stumbles upon a large picnic basket full of food; fresh fruit, dried meats, some cheese. The basket had a damaged corner, as though it had fallen off of a wagon or something. Regardless, there is no one about and as the old adage goes... "finders keepers".


Between all of you you find a total of 220 gold pieces on the bodies of the slain kobolds. I guess we didn't discuss treasure before. How do you all want to handle this? Are you comfortable splitting gold and then decided on items as we come across them? (Let me know in the OOC thread.) If no one cares or gives me a specific answer I'll just split the gold evenly.

Megatron46: Using Fey Step out of combat for fluff/RP is great. Heck I totally encourage it. We'll just assume enough time passed between uses.

humson: I'm assuming that you're just using healing surges to regain health. How many are you using?

Palabalo: Epic. Just epic.

Moving on: So, are we ready to head down the shaft? Post either here saying something to the effect of heading down the shaft, etc. or post in the OOC thread just to let me know you're ready to move on. Don't feel pressured though if there really is something that you want to do before going down. Oh, also, remember that you all found a map and journal entry regarding the dwarven hold. I've quoted it below for reference.

... [snip] ...
Argram's Journal Page 12
We finally finished expanding the narrow sight line into the dwarven hold into a full, open shaft. This afternoon we'll begin exploring the antechamber.

Kallie got to go down the shaft first as she won our game of dice at lunch... The antechamber was breathetaking. The tapestries in the hall are incredible. They're hand-woven visual records of some of the area's historical dwarven warlords. There is even a large statue of the first dwarven lord to set foot on what is now House Modin's lands. Unfortunately time has been much better to the tapestries than the statue's legs have taken severe damage. We will have to be careful. I fear that just a bit of pressure may send the sculpture tumbling over.
Detailed Mapping of the Excavated Portion of the Hold
Dwarven Hold Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdGlOT0pZY2pGaEU2eFZ2a0ZxV1F6d FE)
... [snip] ...

2011-12-13, 06:21 PM

"Have you rested well enough?" Analash asks of the others, while she stares down the hole. "That kobold I knocked down here got back up in a few moments, so it can't be that deep."

2011-12-13, 08:05 PM
Leo chuckles when Saeros finds the basket. Some poor couple is going to be disappointed hehehe When he gets back he says we found some food if anyone is hungry. Afterwards we should head down the hole He then sits down with the map and journal.

2 surges

2011-12-13, 11:01 PM
Zachar - Deva Avenger

Zachar accepts a bit of food from the abandoned picnic basket. "My thanks to you and to Erathis." He tears a tiny portion of the food he'd taken and holds it to the air, letting the wind carry it away. Then begins eating the rest.

"These coins I found are a little unusual. No marks or anything. You would think that kobold currency would show the usual wear and tear. Curious."

2011-12-14, 12:23 AM
Thankyou my friends, Replies Sariel as the Warden and Ranger return with the discovered food. She takes her share and with dainty, quick bites polishes of her meal. She examines the gold coins the group found, Unusual for kobolds to have such untarnished gold, she looks to Zachar, I agree with you, it doesn't feel right. Still, we may be able to make some use of it... a rare smile flits across her face as she attempts a little joke. If we are all rested, I say we explore this Dwarven Hold. Sariel walks over to the hole and joins Analash, staring down into it.

2011-12-14, 09:42 AM

Well I think everyone is ready. In I go! Saeros grabs the rope and uses it to slow his decent in to the shaft. As he gets to the bottom he tucks and rolls reducing the impact on his feet.

Athletics: (for climbing down) [roll0]
Acrobatics: (trained, reduce fall damage by half of roll) [roll1]

2011-12-14, 12:05 PM
Saeros grabs the edge of the rope ladder and expertly uses it just like a single rope, sliding down it into the shaft, impressing everyone. As Saeros nears the bottom of the shaft he lands and rolls smoothly down a few stairs and comes to a stop. The shaft it seems drops straight down onto a set of stairs. The stairway leading up comes to an abrupt stop as collapse and ruin block the way. The only way to go is down. Looking down the stairs Saeros notices small piles of rubble at the foot of the stairway.

Analash and Sariel come down the ladder stepping off onto the stairs. As they do they begin to hear noises from the entryway at the bottom of the stairs. Leolamin and Zachar are close behind decending into the hold. As the five of you stand in the stairway you hear the voices of several kobolds, then silence. Zachar hears the last of what the kobolds say and understands that they know you are coming and have taken defensive positions.

You all draw your weapons, preparing for the inevitable battle to come. Saeros peers around the corner at the bottom of the stairway, attempting to see if there is a way to sneak up on his enemies, but alas they are hiding behind the large statue, watching the stairs for activity.

So there actually is a rope ladder, haha. I put it on the description of the shaft on the battle map, but I guess I kind of forgot to actually mention it.

So you all climbed down one way or another, landing in Q3 or Q4. You've moved to the bottom of the stairs and I've placed you in what I felt was a position that you would find makes sense given that you're aware of enemies being down there (aka I put melee up front and ranged in the back).

Yup, you're weapons are all ready drawn. I'm such a gracious DM that I decided to save you all a minor action. :smallbiggrin:

This battle map should be a lot less complex than the first. There's some difficult terrain rubble near the stairs, the statue in the middle is an obstacle, and there are tapestries hanging on the walls were indicated. Let me know if you have any questions.

Oh yeah, you all split the gold evenly, which I believe comes to 44 gold per person. And I think we'll do double XP so you all now have 200 XP. Congrats! dariathalon made a good point about treasure being dealed out at a similar pace to support 4e so I'll be keeping an eye out for that as well.
It's Megatron46's turn!
Encounter 2 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Dragonshield 1
Dragonshield 2
Analash (tigerusthegreat)
Zachar (dariathalon)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Dragonshield 3

2011-12-14, 04:19 PM
As she reaches the bottom of the rope ladder Sariel hears the chattering of kobolds...although she can't understand what they say, their meaning is clear. So, you think you can do better than your comrades above? she thinks. She turns to the others, Come my friends, lets give them a taste of our anger and steel, follow me in! She grips her sword and lets out a howl of anger! For the souls you have taken, so you must pay in kind! Leaping through the rubble at the bottom of the stairs, the eladrin charges towards one their enemies, swinging her sword hard, whipping it up trying to take the kobold in the neck.
Move- to K7 through the difficult terrain
Standard- Charge to G8 and attack D3 in F7
Attack- [roll0]- inc +1 for charge
Damage- [roll1]

2011-12-14, 04:34 PM
Sariel's bold charge, while surprising to the kobolds, isn't surprising enough to take them off guard. Sariel's swinging blade rings loudly against the kobold's heavy shield. The kobold locks eyes with Sariel as her blade bounces back from his shield and thumps his sword hand against his heavy scale armor, taunting her.

Sariel's attack misses, but not embarrassingly so.
It's humson's turn!
Encounter 2 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Dragonshield 1
Dragonshield 2
Analash (tigerusthegreat)
Zachar (dariathalon)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Dragonshield 3

2011-12-15, 04:34 PM
Leolamin watches as his packsister launches herself into battle only to be taunted by the kobold. Infuriated by the kobold Leolamin returns the insult with his own taunt; Banging his hammer against his own shield he launches himself into the fray by charging around the otherside of the statue, effectively cutting off the kobolds being able to get at the rest of his pack. Without hesitation Leolamin raises his hammer and violently swings it down upon the nearby kobold warrior. The kobold tries to raise his shield in time, but Leolamin's furious swing is too quick and his hammer sickeningly crunches into the kobold's shoulder. Filled with wrath, Leolamin stares down the kobold with a cold and deadly glare, silently communicating to the kobold that they will battle to the death.

Behind the armored kobolds a taller kobold wearing a large kobold skull on his head like a mask begins shouting and pointing at Sariel and Leolamin. While Leolamin can't understand the kobold he notices that it is holding onto two thin, long strands of string that lead up to the nearest tapestries. Concerned, Leolamin shouts out to his pack, "Beware the boney kobold! He links himself to the tapestries!"

Seeing Sariel's attack deflected by his tribemate, another armored kobold slides forward, sword at the ready, but as the kobold is moving forward it steps on a small jagged piece of the nearby looming statue that had broken off and was on the ground beside it. The kobold howls in rage at the pain in his foot and wildly swings his blade only to smack the adjacent kobold's shield with a loud clang.

The kobold that Leolamin slammed his hammer into recoils in pain, but rolls his shoulder down and in a fluid motion brings his shield back up to barrier himself from the glaring shifter. Recomposing himself he shrugs his shoulder quickly a few times in succession in an effort to taunt Leolamin regarding his attack. The kobold quickly lashes out with his blade and manages to stab Leolamin in the side before he can raise a block.

As humson mentioned in the OOC thread, he (she? I don't know actually and don't want to assume) is busy studying for finals so I am taking this turn. I tried to take the best turn that I could see for humson. Sorry I blocked off the way for our other melee attacker to get in the fray, but I think there is still a way that you can definitely hit a few enemies on your turn. :smallamused:

Leolamin moves to K5.
As a standard action Leolamin charges to square G5 and hits Dragonshield 2 (26 = 19 base +6 standard bonus +1 charge bonus) for 10 damage.
Leolamin marks Dragonshield 2 as a free action.

I rolled a secret perception check for Sariel after her turn, but rolled too low. Leolamin's perception bonus of +4 comes in handy and scores above the DC 17 threshhold to notice the thin strands that the wyrmpriest is holding which lead up to the tapestries nearest to it.

Dragonshield 1 shifts to F8 and attacks Sariel but epicly misses.

Dragonshield 2 attacks Leolamin and hits (25) for 7 damage.
It's tigerusthegreat's turn!
Encounter 2 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Dragonshield 1
Dragonshield 2
Analash (tigerusthegreat)
Zachar (dariathalon)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Dragonshield 3

2011-12-15, 05:43 PM

Analash hurries down the steps, struggling through the rubble. After closing the distance, she calls upon the power of nature, causing a surge of water to form around the kobolds.

Move to K5; Use Grasping Tide on E7 Wis vs Fort
[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7]
Effect: Until EOMNT if target leaves attack's area of effect (burst 1 on E7) I can make an opportunity attack (Wis vs Reflex) to knock them prone.

2011-12-15, 08:23 PM
Analash moves out into the entry and peers through the hulking dwarf statue's arms and legs for a good spot to summon the forces of nature. Analash plants herself squarely and calls upon the power of the tides as a vortex appears on the far side of the statue. The kobolds screen in alarm. While two are swift enough to avoid the pull of the ripping currents, two are not and the waves crash upon them. The kobold that Leolamin previously hit finds himself dripping water and blood now.

Seeing his tribemate so ridiculously miss its target of Sariel the bone-masked kobold points a finger at the eladrin as a glossy white orb appears at its tip then flies speedily at his target. The orb explodes in a burst of frost on Sariel's leg, wounding her. Pleased with himself, the kobold smiles with a wicked row of teeth, then yanks hard on the cords in his hand. With a creak, the tapestries lining the walls pop off their hanging rods and tumble to the ground. Sariel manages to avoid the falling tapestries, but Leolamin becomes trapped beneath one.

Seeing helpless prey, the kobold standing back near the bone-masked wyrmpriest lowers his spear and moves to attack Leolamin. He thrusts his spear into the tapestry covering Leolamin, but miscalculates due to Leolamin trashing about under the large tapestry and the spear brushes mere millimeters from Leolamin's thigh, grazing his the hair on his leg, and barely misses.

Analash hits Dragonshield 1 for 5 damage and Dragonshield 2 for 9 damage. Dragonshield 2 is now bloodied. On a side note, I almost considered not allowing this attack because of the obstacle blocking line of sight to the target square. I decided to allow it because A, the flavor of the statue allowed for a little leeway, and B the power's flavor summons a vortex, Analash doesn't fire a ranged projectile. Also, it doesn't hurt that I think it's important to reward tigerus for not attack teammates. :smallwink:

The wyrmpriest stays at its location and attacks Sariel with a force orb, dealing 9 cold damage.

As a minor action the wyrmpriest spings a trap, knocking all the tapestries to the ground. The squares with tapestries are now difficult terrain. Leolamin is hit by the trap and is now blinded and immobilized (save ends both - fortunately humson can do that at the beginning of the turn).

The Skirmisher moves to F5 and barely misses Leolamin.

It's dariathalon's turn!
Encounter 2 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Dragonshield 1
Dragonshield 2
Analash (tigerusthegreat)
Zachar (dariathalon)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Dragonshield 3

2011-12-15, 09:42 PM
Zachar - Deva Avenger

Zachar reaches behind him, pulling the gouge from his back and readying it for use in one swift movement. He rushes down the stairs, and into the room. Seeing the sides of the passage were full of fallen tapestries, he decides to take the more direct route, right down the middle. He charges toward the statue, twisting at the last moment so his shoulder smacks into the statue's legs attempting to knock it over onto the kobolds.

Minor: Ready Gouge
Move: to K6
Standard: Charge to I7 attempting to bull rush the statue. [roll0] (including +1 from charge).

2011-12-15, 10:35 PM
Zachar's weight and force are more than enough to send the dwarven statue toppling over. The stone legs cracked, then burst under the strain of having a large deva throw itself against it. Both kobolds behind the stone dwarf threw up their shields in desperation. The statue twisted slightly as it fell, allowing for one of the kobolds to push the statue out of the way, but unfortunately that meant the statue's weight fell onto the other kobold, knocking it to the ground under the weight of the statue. As the kobold and statue hit the ground the statue burst into pieces, scattering into pieces of rubble.

Due to dariathalon's awesome roll the statue ended up falling and targeting both kobolds, but only Dragonshield 3 was hit. Dragonshield 3 took 9 damage, was knocked prone and is immobilized (save ends).
It's Palabalo's turn!
Encounter 2 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Dragonshield 1
Dragonshield 2
Analash (tigerusthegreat)
Zachar (dariathalon)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Dragonshield 3

2011-12-16, 09:00 AM
Saeros moves gracefully across the rubble and into the open entryway, with two arrows already knocked in his bow. Spotting the bloody kobold in the middle of

the room Saeros knows his target and releases both arrows straight at the wretched dragonspawn.

Move action moving to K7
Minor action targeting D2 with Hunter's Quarry
Standard action attacking D2 using Twin Strike.
Attack 1 roll [roll0]
Damage 1 roll [roll1]
Attack 2 roll [roll2]
Damage 2 roll [roll3]
Bonus damage for Hunter's Quarry if either attack hits [roll4]

2011-12-16, 03:24 PM
The dragonshield kobold tries to raise its shield in time, but Saeros's arrows are too fast and plunge deep, piercing the armor. With a garbled screech the kobold falls to the ground.

The kobold that was hit by the statue pulls himself to his feet, knocking rubble aside. Enraged, the kobold tightens his grip on his sword and lunges at Sariel and cutting a solid blow in Sariel's side, opening a bloody wound. Leaning back, pleased with the hit, the kobold points his sword mockingly at Sariel.

Saeros kills Dragonshield 2.

Dragonshield 3 uses its move action to stand up out of prone.
Dragonshield 3 attacks Sariel and hits (19 vs AC) for 5 damage and marks Sariel. Sariel is now at 12 HP.
It's Megatron46's turn!
Encounter 2 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Dragonshield 1
Analash (tigerusthegreat)
Zachar (dariathalon)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Dragonshield 3

2011-12-17, 06:48 AM
As her sword clangs off the kobold's shield, Sariel frowns in frustration and is about to take another swing when she is hit by the wyrmpriests magic, still reeling the other kobold slices in to her. Staggering back, she grimaces in pain and swears in elven at the kobold. Gripping her sword tightly she lashes out at the kobold who attacked him, while whispering some words of encouragement to herself to bolster her courage.
Sariel swings her sword again, hacking savagely into the kobold who dared attack her and calls out Analash, strike him now!
Attack- Rousing Assault v D3
Attack- (1d20+6)[19] vAC
Damage- [roll0] 7
Minor- Inspiring Word on self- Gain Healing Surge + 1d6 hp if Rousing Assault hits +2 hp (CHA mod) so 6 + [roll1] 2 +2 hp so Sariel gains 10 hp taking her back up to 22/26
I will see how this goes and then spend AP once I see results
Rolls for AP attack in OOC

2011-12-17, 02:16 PM
Sariel's target screeches in pain as not one, but both of her attacks land severe blows, leaving the kobold with gapping, bloody gashes.

Taking into account all of Sariel's actions, D3 is now bloodied, taking 18 points of damage from Sariel. Sariel is now up to 22 HP and no longer bloodied. D3 is still immobilized and Analash has a +3 to attack against D3 next turn. Sariel is still marked by D3.
It's humson's turn!
* Reminder, Leolamin is blind (save ends) and immobilized (save ends)
Encounter 2 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Dragonshield 1
Analash (tigerusthegreat)
Zachar (dariathalon)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Dragonshield 3

2011-12-18, 11:02 AM
yelping like a dog,Leo flais about trying to rip the tapestry from his face so that he can see.

OOC:save against blinded [roll0]

2011-12-18, 11:13 AM
Managing to get the tapestry from his face and getting his hands out Leo's hammer comes flying into the marked kobold's face. As he does so earth rise to encase his upper body creating a shield Afterward he then tries to get free of the tapestry entangling his lower body.

Shield Strike V K1 [roll0] [roll1]
If that hit I gain a +1 bonus to AC until the end of my turn
Saving throw [roll2]

2011-12-18, 03:55 PM
Leolamin's fury is relentless as his hammer slams into the kobold's head, dealing a vicious blow. The kobold finds himself bleeding heavily from every hole in his head and has a powerful headache now too.

On the other side of the room, the kobolds attack Sariel continue the assault. One of the Dragonshields makes a quick lunge at Sariel's leg and lands a cutting blow.

It's crit central around here, haha. You didn't even need the natural 20 to deal max damage with that roll. :smallsmile:

Leolamin is no longer blind.
Leolamin deals 14 damage to the Skirmisher, which is now bloodied.
Leolamin is no longer immobilized.

Dragonshield 1 attacks Sariel (23 vs AC) and deals 7 damage and marks Sariel, replacing the previous mark from Dragonshield 3.

It's tigerusthegreat's turn!
Encounter 2 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Dragonshield 1
Analash (tigerusthegreat)
Zachar (dariathalon)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Dragonshield 3

2011-12-18, 09:46 PM

Analash leaps into the air, coming down transformed into the form of a beautiful tigeress. She runs deliberately into the fray, nimbly moving over pieces of broken statue. She leaps upon one of the kobolds (d3) trying to rip out his throat with her teeth and claws.

Minor: Wild Shape
Move: move to I6
Standard: charge to G7 (+1 to attack rolls from charge, +3 to attack from warlord, +1 to attack rolls from feat and +2 to damage from feat,) attacking D3
Use Grasping Claws in place of Charge MBA [roll0]
[roll1] Target is slowed until EOMNT

2011-12-19, 01:23 AM
Analash lunges for the bloodied kobold and nearly misses, but her claws grasp the kobold's armor and she pulls him into her waiting jaws and eviscerates her foe.

Enraged by his tribemates' failures the bone-masked wyrmpriest calls out in a series of loud screeches and calls. Suddenly the wyrmpriest's eyes glow with a bright white light and he sucks in a deep breath and he staggers forward. He lets out a great blast of icy breath upon his enemies. Satisfied with the power of his queen, the kobold tries to regain some distance from his foes.

Frightened by the shifter's quick recovery from the tapestry's trap and the power with which he attacked him, the kobold skirmished tries to strike back with his spear by misses, thrusting the spear well over Leolamin's shoulder.

Analash kills Dragonshield 3!

The wyrmpriest calls out to his queen in draconic for the strength to grant him the power to use her icy breath to punish their enemies. Zachar understands what the wyrmpriest says.

The wyrmpriest moves to F7 and uses Dragon Breath, a burst 3 attack vs Fortitude, against Analash, Sariel, and Zachar. The attack hits Analash (25), misses Sariel (10), and hits Zachar (14), and deals 12 damage to those it hits, and half damage (6) on miss. Sariel is at 9 HP, Analash and Zachar are at 16 HP.

The wyrmpriest uses a minor action that allows him to shift 1 square, shifting back to E7.

The skirmisher attacks Leolamin, but misses (10 vs AC).
It's dariathalon's turn!

Encounter 2 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Dragonshield 1
Analash (tigerusthegreat)
Zachar (dariathalon)
Saeros (Palabalo)

2011-12-19, 02:34 AM
Zachar - Deva Avenger

Zachar glares at the kobold. "Your queen will not protect you from the vengeance I will show you!" he speaks in the kobold's own tongue.

He rushes toward the wyrm priest recklessly, even allowing the skirmisher to take a swing at him on his way past. He works his way around behind the wyrm priest, and then takes a mighty swing at him.

Minor: Declare Oath of Emnity on Wyrm Priest.
Move: to F6. This will give skirmisher an Opportunity Attack. (Remember Zachar's defense bonus against bloodied enemies.)
Standard: Angelic Alacrity

Effect: Before you attack, you shift 2 squares (to D7).
Attack: against wyrm priest's AC take the better roll of [roll0] or [roll1]
Hit: [roll2] (add 3 more to that if the skirmisher's opportunity attack hit).
Free: (Edit) Decided to go ahead and spend my action point this round too. See next post for details, since I can't edit rolls into this one.

2011-12-19, 02:45 AM
Zachar - Deva Avenger

Putting a little extra effort in, Zachar spins around with the followthrough from his first swing, and continues the momentum from the first blow into a second on the same target.

Free: Spend action point.
Standard: Overwhelming Strike

Attack: vs. wyrm priest's AC [roll0] or [roll1]
Hit: [roll2] (+3 more if the skirmisher's OA hit).

I'm pretty sure Sariel gives a warlord bonus of some sort to this action point attack, but I don't remember the details, so I didn't add that in. Please add that on too.

2011-12-19, 09:59 AM
Ignoring all danger Zachar throws himself into the fray, speeding towards the kobold wyrmpriest. The nearby skirmisher attempts to protect the wyrmpriest, managing to pierce Zachar with his spear, but that doesn't slow the deva a step.

Zachar's gouge speedily rakes a huge gash across the wyrmpriest's chest. The wyrmpriest screeches in pain as blood pours from the wound. With a fluid, expert motion Zachar whirls his gouge around and brings his gouge down heavily into the wyrmpriest's head, splitting the bone-mask in half and embeds in the kobold's own skull, killing it instantly, and fulfilling his oath.

The skirmisher makes an opportunity attack against Zachar and hits (23) for 2 damage. Zachar is at 14 HP and is now bloodied.

Zachar's first attack rails the wyrmpriest for 24 damage, leaving the wyrmpriest bloodied. Zachar's second attack deals 18 damage, killing the wyrmpriest.
It's Palabalo's turn!
Encounter 2 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Dragonshield 1
Analash (tigerusthegreat)
Zachar (dariathalon)
Saeros (Palabalo)

2011-12-19, 10:15 AM
Saeros knocks an arrow and takes careful aim at the armored kobold. Letting it fly he quickly knocks a second arrow and aiming for the kobold's exposed throat releases the bow string.

Minor action targeting D1 with Hunter's Quarry.
Standard action using encounter power Two-Fanged Strike targeting D1.
Attack 1: [roll0] vs AC
Damage 1: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2] vs AC
Damage 2: [roll3]
If both attacks hit +3 (Wis mod) damage
Hunter's Quarry bonus damage if either attack hits: [roll4]

2011-12-19, 10:43 AM
Saeros's careful aim guided his first arrow to a weak spot in the kobold's armor, allowing it to pierce through. The kobold's knee-jerk reaction to the bolt was all that saved him from certain death as the second arrow, aimed for his throat, caught him in the collar bone instead. The kobold seems to have dodged death, but with the amount of blood that he's losing death may catch up soon.

Both attacks hit so Saeros deals 27 points of damage to Dragonshield 1, leaving D1 severely bloodied.
It's Megatron46's turn!
Encounter 2 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Dragonshield 1
Analash (tigerusthegreat)
Zachar (dariathalon)
Saeros (Palabalo)

2011-12-19, 04:53 PM
Gritting her teeth, Sariel feels the icy breath wash over her and sap her strength, opening the wounds inflicted by the kobolds' swords earlier. She glances down and sees blood seeping out from her armour and dripping onto the floor, spattering on her boots.
She smiles grimly when first an orange and black blur rips out the throat of the enemy to her right and then Zachar flies past her and cuts down the wyrmpriest, then she turns her eyes to the kobold next to her. Her violet eyes almost glowing, Sariel draws on her strength and ignoring her wounds flicks her blade out at the kobold's throat, hoping to finish what the ranger started.

Standard- Viper's Strike on D1
Attack- [roll0]
Damage- [roll1]
If hit, then if D1 shifts before the start of my next turn then an ally of my choice makes an OA

2011-12-19, 05:01 PM
Sariel does indeed finish what the ranger started as her sword effortlessly slices through the kobold. For a moment, the kobold stands with a look of shock on his face before his entire head rolls back off its body. With a thump the beheaded corpse follows the head to the ground in front of Sariel.

Sariel kills Dragonshield 1 easily.
It's humson's turn!
Encounter 2 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Analash (tigerusthegreat)
Zachar (dariathalon)
Saeros (Palabalo)

2011-12-20, 11:57 PM
Seeing his packbrothers and packsisters take out the kobolds, Leo lets out a chuckle even as the scared stabs at him. you shouldn't have done that, little one. He then strikes out quick, hoping to keep him alive. Loelamin of the Sunrise wants answers.

If this attack would kill him, i want it just to knock him out.
Rending fury v AC of k1
damage [roll2]
If one attack hit he take -4 to attack roll not including me or if both hits a -5
I will use the higher roll

2011-12-21, 09:06 AM
It seems that attacking with slight restrain in an effort to keep the kobold alive was enough of an opportunity for the kobold to quickly step out of the path of Leolamin's hammer.

Both of the rolls for attack miss.
It's tigerusthegreat's turn!
Encounter 2 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Analash (tigerusthegreat)
Zachar (dariathalon)
Saeros (Palabalo)

2011-12-21, 06:18 PM

Analash moves towards the last kobold, and purrs.

5ft step towards kobold
Grasping Claws; [roll0]

2011-12-21, 08:06 PM
Analash closes the distance between her and the kobold and rips into the kobold, cutting long bloody gashes into it.

Sensing that it's being cornered, the skirmisher brandishes his spear at his enemies and backs away slowly. The sting of tigress' claws still echoes through the kobold's body. In an effort to extract some revenge the kobold's spear flies out at the tigress, but at an unfortunate moment blood flows down from a wound into the kobold's eyes and he misses by a great margin.

Since you didn't specify I moved Analash to F6, hopefully that's fine. Analash hits the skirmisher for 11 damage. The kobold is still standing, but very bloody.

The skirmisher uses a minor action ability to shift 1 square to E5. The skirmisher attacks Analash, but rolls a 1...
It's dariathalon's turn!
Encounter 2 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Analash (tigerusthegreat)
Zachar (dariathalon)
Saeros (Palabalo)

2011-12-22, 01:41 AM
Zachar - Deva Avenger

Zachar points to the kobold with his gouge, "You're next," he says. He steps forward thrusting the spear-like tip of the weapon at the skirmisher.

Can the kobold really shift to that square? For most creatures, the difficult terrain would stop a 1 square shift from working, he'd either need to have a way to shift 2 squares, or shift to e6 instead since that was the only square of non-difficult terrain around him. I don't think it will really be an issue, but I thought I'd at least point it out.

Move: If needed, move adjacent to the kobold.
Minor: Declare Oath of Enmity
Standard: Overwhelming Strike (attack vs AC) [roll0] or [roll1]. If he was unable to move to the square he wanted to, Zachar would be able to get CA from a flank giving +2 to each of those rolls.

Hit: [roll2] and there's a shift and slide that Zachar won't do this time.

Immediate Interrupt: If the kobold is still standing, Zachar will use his channel divinity (Divine Guidance) to give the next ally who attacks the kobold two rolls and s/he can take the better roll.

2011-12-26, 12:44 AM
The skirmisher stands helpless as the deva's gouge plunges into him. The last bit of life drains from the kobold as he falls into a heap on the stone floor. The echoes of the battle fade in the room and the dust finally settles from the fallen tapestries.

Grr.. I sadly forgot the shift onto the difficult terrain. Thanks for the reminder dariathalon. Either way it doesn't matter as your attack hits even without a Combat Advantage bonus.

The skirmisher is dead and thus ends encounter #2! You all have earned 250 XP.

Current HP
Analash: 16 / 28
Leolamin: 23 / 30
Saeros: 25 / 25
Sariel: 9 / 26
Zachar: 14 / 28
So the room is clear. What do you all want to do?

2011-12-26, 07:11 AM
As the last kobold is cut down, Sariel sinks to one knee and rests her head on the pommel of her sword, taking deep breaths. Those dragonspawn were fiercer than I expected, I must be better prepared when we face them again. She stands and cleans some of her own blood and kobold gore off her sword and armour. Sheathing her blade, the eladrin gathers her strength and speaks aloud, These kobolds fought like fanatics, something precious to them is in these tunnels. What do we know of kobolds that could make them act like this? I know little other than that they are willing followers of dragons. As she finishes speaking, Sariel looks around the excavated entrance hall, examining it to see if she recognises anything from her reading about this place and if it has any connections with kobolds and dragons as well as its obvious dwarven connection.

OOCSpends 3 healing surges to bring her up to full hp and Sariel has 5 surges left
History check for info on kobolds and the site [roll0]

2011-12-27, 11:52 AM
Zachar - Deva Avenger

Zachar moves over to the nearest wall and leans against it. He slowly slid down the wall into a crouch, breathing heavily. After catching his breath, he responds to Sariel, "I wouldn't be surprised if there's a dragon in here deeper. Their priest called out to a queen for strength before he breathed on us with that icy breath."

After a brief rest, he starts to look over the kobold's bodies for anything of value or further evidence of what they were doing down here.

Spend 2 surges to get back to full hp. Now at 3 of 9 used. I'm assuming this also counts as a milestone for the purposes of refreshing action points. Is that right?

2011-12-27, 04:53 PM
Sariel thinks back to her time growing up and studying under a dwarven historian named Benrik Weyhaven. Sariel had always taken to the things that Benrik had taught her and fortunately history was the most important, at least to Benrik.

We must learn from out past so that we do not repeat our mistakes in the future. Benrik always began his lessons with that line and it was etched into Sariel's mind. Sariel's mind wanders for a moment, seeking something useful from Benrik's teachings and settles on a lesson about the Great Dragon War that several centuries ago united together many peoples against a vast dragon horde and their minions. That union would ultimately result in the formation of the kingdom of Kaldor at the end of the Great Dragon War. Benrik especially loved to lecture on his ancestors that fought in the lands that are now of House Modin. Before the Great Dragon War the dwarves of that area were often fighting their neighbors. To protect their clan borders, dwarven chiefs would build hidden underground holds. They could easily send scouts from these holds and often times surprise marauding enemies. In the time of the Great Dragon Wars these holds served the Modin clan and their allies well and were often points of great frustration to the dragon's armies. Many holds had several secret exits which would allow the occupants to surprise their enemies with ambushes, then disappear into the safety of the hold. During the Great Dragon War dragon lords would take the ancient dwarven holds very seriously and would either avoid them when possible or would devote hosts of kobolds to overwhelm the holds once an entrance was discovered.


As Zachar steps over to the slain wyrmpriest his foot crunches down on part of the bone-mask that it had worn and it breaks into a dozen small pieces. Looking over the kobold's body Zachar notices it has a number of tatooed markings of draconic script on it's head that the bone-mask had covered. Turning his head align his head with the script he reads: "First Bound to Naro". As Zachar searches the rest of the kobold's body he finds no more markings, but does pull out a strangely very ornate necklace. The necklace is a find gold chain with a superbly crafted small sculpture made out of gold of a dragon. The body of the dragon is wrapped around and holds in place a spherical pure-white moonstone. Aside from the necklace you find little else of interest until you pull a Potion of Healing out of a belt pouch.

dariathalon, for now I've had you only search the wyrmpriest as I'm waiting to see what the others want to do. If no one else searches the kobolds I'll have Zachar search the rest.

Treasure: So far after searching 1 kobold 200 GP worth of treasure has been found: 1 Potion of Healing (50 GP) and 1 necklace (100 GP moonstone plus 50 GP worth of gold in the necklace).

Action points: We've reached a milestone, so assuming that you all don't decide to take an extended rest you'll all have an additional action point. If you do decide to take an extended rest then you'll all just have 1 action point. Either way, you all have at least 1 action point.

2011-12-27, 08:55 PM
Leo examines the goblins and tries to think of something that will help from his previous experience from goblins .

nature check about goblins [roll0]
spending one surge to bring me back to full

2011-12-27, 10:52 PM
Looking over the bodies of his enemies Leolamin thinks back on his experiences with kobolds. He had fought kobolds like the ones he and his companions had vanquished before with the exception of the kobold that wore the bone-mask and wielded magic. The other kobolds were fierce warriors, but nothing more. None of these kobolds were true leaders. He was once told about his predecessors that fought in the Great Dragon War. Leolamin thinks back on stories he had heard about kobolds that seemed to wield the powers of the mighty dragons themselves. These kobolds, called wyrmpriests, had a very special and powerful bond with dragons. These priests served their masters, which they referred to as their king or queen, with unwavering dedication. In return for that dedication these wyrmpriests were granted power magics that reflected the power of their dragon that they were bonded to. Often the wyrmpriests led hordes of kobold troops at the command of their masters. While the wyrmpriests seemed to be leaders on the battlefield, no evidence existed that these priests were leaders off the battlefield. A live wyrmpriest hasn't been seen in generations inside the borders of Kaldor.

Hey humson, I presume you meant kobolds, not goblins. :smallsmile:

Good rolls guys on history and nature. I was hoping to be able to provide some setting details. Hopefully I'm not overwhelming you all. :smallamused: Seriously though, let me know if it's all too much, I'm willing to dial things back it I'm overloading you all with piles of details.

2011-12-27, 11:17 PM

Licking her wounds, Analash recovers from her injuries, before turning back into her human self, still licking the back of her hand. She seems surprised at the transformation, caught off-guard by it.

She wastes no time looking through the kobolds, methodically snapping the necks of any that remain alive.

"I'm gaining some focus and control. I'm not used to having allies, so forgive my earlier lack of control of the elements."

Spend a healing surge to regain 7 hp

Search the bodies and gib the kobolds.

2011-12-28, 08:43 AM
As Sariel finishes retelling what she knows about the Dwarven holds during the Great Dragon Wars. She listens to both Zachar's words in what he heard the wyrmpriest say and Leolamin's comments on the nature of kobolds. You both sound right, with these ... Wyrmpriests, you said they were called? she looks to the warden for confirmation, historically linked to a dragon and this one, she nudges it with her boot and nodding to Zachar, calling on a queen to aid it. It sounds like there might be an attempt to colonise an old dwarven hold. She pauses for a moment, I don't think we can linger too long, we should catch our breath and explore deeper into this hold before they become too aware of our presence!
She watches impassively as Analash finishes off any kobolds that may still be alive, Your power is dangerous and impressive Analash, it hurts our enemies a great deal, we can endure some lack of control. She smiles slightly at the druidess.

2011-12-28, 11:47 PM

Finishing her search, and smiling at Sariel, Analash leaps on her, transforming into a small, tiger stripped housecat, and perches on her shoulder, purring. After a moment, she leaps off and returns to her druid form.

"That enough control for you?"

2011-12-29, 05:31 AM
As the Druid leaps and her form blurs, Sariel takes a step back and her eyes widen. When the cat lands on her shoulder and begins purring, the eladrin tentatively reaches up a finger when Analash leaps off and shifts shape again. That is impressive indeed, I didn't realise you had many forms, not just the tiger. She grins at Analash in delight at he druidess' shifting forms, What is it like, being a cat?

2011-12-31, 12:05 AM
Analash's search of the other kobold bodies reveals nothing of interest treasure-wise, however she finds one of the kobolds still breathing. With cold precision the druidess slits the kobold's throat with her scythe.

As Zachar continues searching the kobolds he takes a moment to survey the room while some of his companions chat. While looking about the room Zachar notices a pile of unusually placed rubble in the corner of the room. Heading for it he finds a small sack hidden beneath it. Opening the sack, Zachar finds a full vestment. As he runs his hands over it he can feel a surge of divine power flowing through the blessed garment in his hands.

I rolled up more treasure and came up with a level 2 piece of equipment aimed for Zachar. The treasure is a Level 2 Enduring Spirit Vestment from Player's Handbook 2.

The other treasure that was found is up for discussion on how you all want to handle that.

2012-01-01, 11:51 AM
As the others move to investigate the newly discovered vestments in Zachar's hands, Saeros looks around the corner and down the hallway at the northwest side of the room. At the end of the hallway stands a very solid looking door. Calling to the others their attention returns to the task at hand and head down the hallway towards the closed door.

What do you want to do?
Area 3 Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)

Everyone is at full health except Analash who is at 23/28 HP.

All the treasure was found: 1 Potion of Healing, a gold and moonstone necklace worth 150 GP, and a Level 2 Enduring Spirit Vestment are all currently in Zachar's possession. Your characters must speak up if any of you want to hold on to any of the discovered treasure.

For your convenience, here's the link to the map you all found back at the archaeologist's campsite: Dwarven Hold Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdGlOT0pZY2pGaEU2eFZ2a0ZxV1F6d FE)

2012-01-01, 12:51 PM
Zachar - Deva Avenger

Zachar ducks around the corner while Sariel and Analash chat and quickly slips into the vestments he'd found, knowing they wouldn't be of much use to anyone else. When he returns, he holds out the healing potion. "I've already got one of these. If there is anyone who doesn't, I recommend they carry it. It is best for the group if such things are split around. As for the necklace, I can carry it for now, and when we return to town we can decide what to do with it."

If someone speaks up he gladly hands over the potion. If not, he'll tuck it away with his other one for now.

"Well, if we're going to end the threat to the community above, we'll need to continue on." He approaches the door to the next room and begins to look it over for any signs of kobold tricks. The tapestry trap has put him on the lookout for more trouble.

Checking the door [roll0]

2012-01-01, 08:07 PM

Analash also examines the door, looking for any traps or peculiarities, also seeing if it is locked or not.


2012-01-02, 08:33 AM
Leaving her more perceptive allies to check the door for traps, the eladrin draws her sword and readies her shield and steps forward, ready to run forward once the doors are open. As she prepares she speaks, Leolamin, I think you should take the healing potion, as our shield and defence you may need it more than most.

2012-01-02, 07:34 PM
As Leolamin looks over the bodies a thought struck him, which he muttered aloud huh, these are kobold, I thought they were goblins. He started to shrug and then remember the stories of the kobold wyrmpriest. He tells the other the stories ending it with If there are wrympriests in the kingdoms, it could mean the dragons are preparing for war. If the kingdom went to war, could the kingdom houses and peoples unite. Would the common people even fight for the ruling house? this is all troubling news We should mention it to Pack Leader Darakan when we return.
as he walks toward the door nods at his teammates and take the potion, putting it on his belt with a nod toward Zachar. He chuckles at the exchange between Sarial and Analash. He then takes a look at the door also wary of traps.

I'll take the potion
[roll0] perception to check for traps

2012-01-02, 08:07 PM
Analash, Zachar, and Leolamin all examine the door, but find no signs of foul play. The door is closed, but appears to be unlocked. The five of you position yourselves at the door, ready for anything. Zachar and Leolamin position themselves first at the door, followed by Analash and Sariel. Saeros and his bow take up the rear.

What do you do?

2012-01-02, 08:30 PM
Zachar - Deva Avenger

Zachar placed the small vial in Leo's hand, then looked each of his teammates in the eye, making sure they were ready. Whatever was on the other side of this door, he doubted it would be friendly. Once everyone had given the signal he carefully slid the door open and looked in.

2012-01-03, 08:39 AM
Zachar turns the door handle and slides open the door a crack. Peering in he sees a large number of kobolds, some of which seem to be in an anxious discussion. Unfortunately as Zachar leans in to listen further his hand slips off the door handle and it ratchets back with a metallic clank.

Several kobolds screech out in alarm. Two of them are quick on the take and storm across the room. The first kobold to reach the door grabs it and flings it wide. The door slams into the adjacent wall and stops. The kobold that swung open the door slides a pair of short swords from their sheathes and points them menacingly at Zachar.

The other kobold runs across the room while pulling out his own set of short swords and hacks at Zachar, but the deva recovers from his blunder at the door and deftly blocks the attack with his gouge.

Understanding the kobold's language you heard a number of them anxiously discussing whether or not they've been betrayed by "the treacherous mammals".

Sorry dariathalon, I rolled a stealth check for you to see if the kobolds noticed you at the door and got a 2. Into combat we go!

Cleaver 7 runs across the room to D5 (Move), swings open the door (Minor), and draws his weapons (Minor).

Cleaver 4 runs across the room to C5 (Move), draws his weapons (Minor), and attacks Zachar (Standard) but misses with 8 vs AC.

The door is completely open and is in no one's way now. I've revealed the creatures in rows 2 through 5 as that is what you all can presently see.
It's Megatron's turn!
Encounter 3 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Cleaver 7
Cleaver 4
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Cleaver 1
Cleaver 8
Zachar (dariathalon)
Slyblade 1
Cleaver 6
Slyblade 2
Cleaver 5
Cleaver 2
Cleaver 3
Analash (tigerusthegreat)

2012-01-03, 11:08 AM
Seeing the kobolds swing open the door and attack Zachar, Sariel steps forward and vanishes into the fey, reappearing behind the enemy who had attacked the deva. She lashes out with her sword hoping to wound the kobold and leave an opening for Leolamin to follow up her strike.

Move Fey Step to C4
Standard- Warlord's Favour vs Kobold C4
Attack [roll0] inc +2 for flanking vs AC
Damage- [roll1]
If a hit Leo gets +3 to attack that target.

2012-01-03, 11:49 AM
Sariel lashes out at the kobold with her blade. The kobold swings back with his off-hand blade in an attempt to block and catches Sariel's blade, but from the kobold's awkward angle he stumbles and Sariel's blade slides off the kobold's sword and straight into his neck.

As Sariel pulls her blade back out of the now lifeless kobold on the ground she catches a bright gleam out of the corner of her eye. Quickly turning her head she sees a small dragon with gleaming white scales, perched upon a stone chair. The dragon is small in stature at roughly the same size as Sariel, but its claws and teeth look very lethal regardless of their size.

Sariel kills Cleaver 4.

Sariel sees a wyrmling (medium sized dragon) in square H8.
It's humson's turn!
Encounter 3 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Cleaver 7
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Cleaver 1
Cleaver 8
Zachar (dariathalon)
Slyblade 1
Cleaver 6
White Wyrmling
Slyblade 2
Cleaver 5
Cleaver 2
Cleaver 3
Analash (tigerusthegreat)

2012-01-03, 10:23 PM
After the Zachar's hand slips on the handle and the kobold are alerted Leolamin give Zachar a thumbs up and says to him cheerfully Stealthy the follows Sariel stepping forward to deliver a blow to a kobold, marking the kobold as he does so. Even as he swings his hammer he surveys the room, as to not be surprised, he did not enjoy the tapestry.

move to C5
markC2 and c7
[roll0] wieght of earth toward C2
if hit [roll]1d10+4[roll] and target is slowed
minor perception check for traps [roll1]

2012-01-03, 10:37 PM
Leolamin swings his hammer, but his target is able to dodge successfully as Leolamin appears distracted. While Leolamin misses his target he gets a good look around the room. As far as he can tell the room seems free of traps.

Cleaver 2 and 7 are marked by Leolamin. Leolamin misses with his attack. The Perception check is a pretty solid score and Leolamin is pretty certain that he doesn't see/sense any traps.
It's Palabalo's turn!
Encounter 3 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Cleaver 7
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Cleaver 1
Cleaver 8
Zachar (dariathalon)
Slyblade 1
Cleaver 6
White Wyrmling
Slyblade 2
Cleaver 5
Cleaver 2
Cleaver 3
Analash (tigerusthegreat)

2012-01-04, 10:21 AM
Saeros darts nimbly between his allies marks his quarry and fires an arrow towards the cleaver nearest his ally and rotating to his left he fires another arrow at another foul beast.

Move to B4
Mark B1 as quarry
Twin Strike: C1 [roll0] damage [roll1]
C2 [roll2] damage [roll3]
Testing if I can edit

2012-01-04, 10:53 AM
Saeros' focus is unmatched as he strides into the room and immediately puts down two more kobolds. Locking eyes with another nearby kobold, Saeros seems to be calling his next target.

From the far side of the room a seemingly rabid kobold lets out a loud screech and draws a pair of short swords. The kobold launches himself off the wall and dashes across the room, coming to a stop on the remains of what appears to be a mauled dwarf. Looking down quickly at the body the kobold smiles then looks back up and charges at Sariel, leaving bloody footprints in his wake. The kobold swings at the eladrin, but Sariel nimbly avoids the assault.

Slyblade 1 (B1) is the target of Saeros' Hunter's Quarry.
Cleaver 1 and 2 are killed by Saeros, king of the natural 20s. :smallsigh:

Cleaver 8 moves to G4 (move), draws his swords (minor) then charges (standard) Sariel, moving to D4. The basic attack misses (rolled a 10).
It's dariathalon's turn!
Encounter 3 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Cleaver 7
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Cleaver 8
Zachar (dariathalon)
Slyblade 1
Cleaver 6
White Wyrmling
Slyblade 2
Cleaver 5
Cleaver 3
Analash (tigerusthegreat)

2012-01-05, 01:22 AM
Zachar - Deva Avenger

Zachar locks his eyes on the kobold slyblade along the wall. "Your time has come," he says with absolute conviction in his voice. Ignoring the danger of the nearest kobold, Zachar races over to stand next to Sariel, and makes a mighty stab at the kobold, trusting in the glory of Erathis to guide his hand.

Minor: Oath of Enmity on B1.

Move: Along the wall to square C3. If done right, this will only provoke an opportunity attack from cleaver 7, who has both the problem of a hard corner and Leolamin's mark.

Standard: Overwhelming Strike on B1
or [Attack vs AC]1d20+6 (Edit: Since I screwed up this roll, there is a replacement in the OOC. It was a 10, so obviously I'll go with 15, even though I don't have much hope of it hitting either.)
A hit does [roll1] (+3 more if Zachar was hit by an opportunity attack) and allows Zachar to shift 1 and slide the target into his old square. If he hits, Zachar will shift to C2 and slide B1 to C3, into a flank with Sariel.

2012-01-05, 09:22 AM
As Zachar darts from around the corner and along the wall the nearest kobold more a moment considers trying to lash at his heels, but pulls back as his eyes catch Leolamin's dangerous glare. Erathis safely guided Zachar deeper into the room, but unfortunately that guidance did not help Zachar find his mark and his thrust attack misses.

The small white dragon, seeing the strength of the invaders, calls out something in her native tongue with rage. Seeing several of the kobolds ready to spring into action the dragon, in a calmer tone says something to them in draconic. Leaping from the chair she occupied, the dragon swiftly glides to a position behind some of her minions. Her eyes begin to glow with a bright white light as she takes a sharp intake of breath, then releases an incredibly powerful blast of icy wind that rips through the room's entryway and tears into Analash, Saeros, Zachar dealing a severe amount of damage and leaving a layer of frost upon them. One of the dragon's own minions is also caught in the blast and let's out a yell before falling to the ground in a semi-forzen heap.

Slyblade 1 (B1)
Drawing his blades, the kobold Slyblade that Zachar just attacked slides down and faces Zachar squarely. With a shout the Slyblade lunges at Zachar, but it seems the two are destined to trade misses.

Cleaver 6 (C6)
After pulling out both of his swords the kobold that was still deepest in the room runs forward to join the fray. Spinning with his blades wide the kobold cuts into Leolamin with one blade while managing to catch the nearby Sariel with the other.

Slyblade 2 (B2)
The other Slyblade runs to join the first and after drawing his blades lunges at Zachar. One of the kobold's blades just barely catches Zachar in the leg.

Cleaver 5 (C5) and Cleaver 3 (C3)
With their tribemates now forming a wall against the the invaders the remaining two kobolds prepare themselves for battle by drawing their swords and holding them in a defensive position in the event that the invaders have some tricks up their sleeves.

Zachar (Translations for the dragon's speech)
Rage yelling: "The primates betrayed me! They send assassins!"
Calm orders: "Hold you hands, I will weaken them, then you will engulf them!"
Cleaver 7 opts not to make an opportunity attack due to the penalty for attacking around a corner and being marked.

Zachar misses his attack.

The wyrmling uses a free action to give an order to her minions and Slyblade 1 and Cleaver 6 delay their actions until after the wyrmling has acted. The wyrmling moves to E4 and uses a breath attack with close blast 4, which targets all five of you, Cleaver 7 & 8, and Slyblade 1. The attack is against Reflex.
Attack vs Analash: 17 (HIT)
Attack vs Leolamin: 4 (MISS)
Attack vs Saeros: 19 (HIT)
Attack vs Sariel: 6 (MISS)
Attack vs Zachar: 17 (HIT)
Attack vs Cleaver 7: 18 (HIT)
Attack vs Cleaver 8: 8 (MISS)
Attack vs Slyblade 1: 7 (MISS)
Damage: 13 and target is slowed and weakened (save ends both)
Analash (bloodied), Saeros (bloodied), and Zachar take 13 damage and are slowed (move a max of 2 squares) and weakened (deal half damage). A save ends both. You'll need to roll for each condition. Cleaver 7 is dead.

Slyblade 1 shifts to D3 and misses his attack against Zachar.

Cleaver 6 moves to D5 and attacks Leolamin. The attack hits (21 vs AC) Leolamin for 5 damage and because it hit it deals 2 damage to an adjacent enemy so Sariel takes 2 damage.

Slyblade 2 moves to D2 and attacks Zachar. The attack hits (17 vs AC) for 1 damage. Zachar is now also bloodied.

Cleaver 5 moves to G2. Cleaver 3 moves to G5 Cleaver 5 and 3 draw their swords and use total defense.
It's tigerusthegreat's turn!
Encounter 3 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Cleaver 8
Zachar (dariathalon)
Slyblade 1
Cleaver 6
White Wyrmling
Slyblade 2
Cleaver 5
Cleaver 3
Analash (tigerusthegreat)

Edit: I misplayed the wyrmlings blast as if it were a sort of burst. It should not have hit Analash.

2012-01-06, 07:16 AM

Clearly off in her own little world, Analash fails to react with any swiftness. The icy burst that barely misses her brings her back to reality, and ready to defend her allies.

She moves forward and unleashes the power of nature. Water laps at the feet of the dragon and its three close guardians, making their footing unsure.

Move to B6
Use Grasping Tide on E4
[roll=damage] 1d6+4
[roll1] [roll2]
[roll3] [roll4]
[roll5] [roll6]

UEOMNT: If target leaves burst area, I can make an OA (wis vs reflex) to knock them prone.

2012-01-06, 12:00 PM
As the druid's water churns it crashes against the dragon and kobolds. One of the kobolds can't stand against the force of the vortex and with a great splash falls down and impales itself on its own swords. Only one of the kobolds is able to stand against the currents of the spinning water and is unaffected. The other kobold and the dragon herself find themselves loosing skin the the forceful waters.

Cleaver 6 is dead. Cleaver 8 was missed by the attack. Slyblade 1 and the Wyrmling take 8 damage.
It's Megatron46's turn!

Encounter 3 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Cleaver 7
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Cleaver 8
Zachar (dariathalon)
Slyblade 1
White Wyrmling
Slyblade 2
Cleaver 5
Cleaver 3
Analash (tigerusthegreat)

2012-01-06, 02:46 PM
As she lunges and cuts down the kobold in front of her Sariel smiles grimly, but then she catches the flash of white as it soars towards her and her allies. She instinctively cringes in fear at the sight of the dragon, before gathering herself and steadying her nerves, As searing cold pours out of the beats maw she raises her shield and hopes for the best, By the Gods, it is real! We cannot let this creature escape. Amazed that she was not harmed, the eladrin aims for one of the beast's minions to even the odds a little. She swings her blade low, before twisiting her wrist at the last minute hoping to catch the kobold cleaver off guard.

Standard- Rousing Assault against C8
Attack- [roll0] v AC
Damage- [roll1]
Minor- Inspiring Word on Zachar, (as he's in the front line) who can spend a Healing Surge + [roll2] hp If Rousing Assault hits Zachar also gains an extra 2 hp

2012-01-06, 03:10 PM
Sariel's swordswomanship is obvious as her tactic skillfully avoids the kobolds defenses at the last moment and allows her blades to make quick work of the kobold, killing it almost instantly. As Sariel pulls her blade back out of the kobold, Zachar takes heart that they find themselves turning the tide against their enemies. Feeling that, Zachar steels himself to continue to fight.

Sariel does manage to hit the Cleaver and kills Cleaver 8. Zachar gains 11 HP (7 from the surge, +2 from Inspiring Word, and +2 from Rousing Assault for hitting).
It's humson's turn!

Encounter 3 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Cleaver 7
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Zachar (dariathalon)
Slyblade 1
White Wyrmling
Slyblade 2
Cleaver 5
Cleaver 3
Analash (tigerusthegreat)

2012-01-07, 07:26 PM
Leo see the dragon attack his allies and fills him with anger and though he felt guilty about it, anticipation at fighting something as honorable as a dragon. but he also knew he need help. He steps back and takes knee and for the first time in several year Leolamin seeks help from the nature spirits. He says in an loud, echoing Great Ram spirit, help me again! He say this almost pleadingly at first, nothing happens but then spirit appears to Leolamin who looks like a ram an then it nods at the warden It then enter his body. At once Leo starts to change. He grows taller and becomes even furrier then when shifts His feet turns to hoofs and face become angular. Then pair of horns sprout from his forehead and curls to behind his ears. As he stands back up, he smiles to the pack before charging into battle. He speeds around the dragon, feinting at him here and there but not making contact with the creature. He then stops between Sariel and the dragon and with a roar swings his hammer as hard as he can. Calling on the spirits as he does so he marks his enemies

Move back to B5
Minor Leo enters the form of the fearsome ram
Standard Form of the fearsome ram attack Leo shifts 8 squares counter clockwise around the dragon to end up at D4
(here I will mark b1 and the dragon, but I'm not completely sure that I can use a free action during an action like that)
then attacks
attack [roll0]
damage [roll]2d10+4[roll]
if it hits it will push the dragon back to I4 and knocks it prone then Leo shift to G4
if it misses half damage and the dragon is pushed back to F4 and Leo shifts to E4

I might spend a action point

2012-01-08, 12:14 AM
Leolamin's powerful display with the ram spirit is very effective against the white dragon. Leolamin slams the dragon, forcing it back a great distance. Stumbling backwards the dragon gets tangled into its wings and falls over.

The attack hits for 13 damage and knocks the dragon prone in I4.
It's humson's decision! If you want to you an action point do so, otherwise post in the OOC that you don't want to use an action point. If humson decides to not use an action point, Palabalo can take his turn.
Encounter 3 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Cleaver 7
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Zachar (dariathalon)
Slyblade 1
White Wyrmling
Slyblade 2
Cleaver 5
Cleaver 3
Analash (tigerusthegreat)

2012-01-08, 11:18 AM
Laolamin completely gives in to the spirit of the beast that is coursing over his soul. He presses in to attack, trying to keep the beast occupied.

Rending Fury v AC [roll0]
if it hits the dragon takes a -4 attack bonus to attacks that doesn't include Leo as a target, if both attacks hit this penalty is -5

2012-01-08, 03:34 PM
Leolamin continues to be a true force against the draconic foe. Bringing his hammer down again onto the dragon he crushes several bones.

Both of Leolamin's attack rolls hit. The wyrmling takes 13 damage and a -5 penalty to attack rolls against characters other than Leolamin until the end of Leolamin's next turn. The wyrmling is still prone as well. Palabalo, for your reference here are the major points on being prone.
✦ You grant combat advantage to enemies making melee attacks against you.
✦ You get a +2 bonus to all defenses against ranged attacks from nonadjacent enemies.
✦ You’re lying on the ground. (If you’re flying, you safely descend a distance equal to your fly speed. If you don’t reach the ground, you fall.)
✦ You take a –2 penalty to attack rolls.
✦ You can drop prone as a minor action.
It's Palabalo's turn!
Encounter 3 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Cleaver 7
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Zachar (dariathalon)
Slyblade 1
White Wyrmling
Slyblade 2
Cleaver 5
Cleaver 3
Analash (tigerusthegreat)

2012-01-08, 06:02 PM
Saeros looks down at his shaking hands, One hit from this dragon and this is how I feel Taking a second to calm his nerves. He readies his arrows, He knows that these next attacks will not be as effective, I might be able to do something against those cleavers In a blur he fires two arrows streaking towards the two cleavers across the battlefield.

Twin strike C5 attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]
C3 attack [roll2] Damage [roll3]

If hit, weakened = half damage

Save roll [roll4]

2012-01-08, 06:34 PM
Despite the kobold cleavers best efforts to stay protected and out of the fray, Saeros is still able to sink an arrow into each. Both fall unceremoniously lifeless to the ground. Spurred on by the successful attack Saeros manages to shake off the chill left by the dragon.

Despite the +2 defense bonus Saeros still hits both Cleavers and kills them. Saeros is no longer weakened or slowed.
It's dariathalon's turn!

Encounter 3 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Cleaver 7
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Zachar (dariathalon)
Slyblade 1
White Wyrmling
Slyblade 2
Analash (tigerusthegreat)

2012-01-08, 06:58 PM
Zachar - Deva Avenger

The chill of the dragon's breath had frozen Zachar nearly to the bone. Sariel's encouragement had warmed him significantly, but the large chunks of ice that still clung to his clothing slowed him and weakened him significantly. Still, there was work to do here. He stepped around the kobold to the south, and swung the heavy blade of his weapon toward the creature.

As he follows through on the swing, Zachar takes a step back. The gouge still embedded in the creature's side pulls it along for the ride. After pulling the weapon back from the nasty gash, Zachar quickly uses the haft to knock away the remaining chunks of ice from his clothing, making it much easier to move.

Move: Shift to D4

Standard: Overwhelming strike on B1
[roll0] or [roll1]
Hit does [roll2] (includes +6 from censure of retribution, you'll have to apply the half for being weakened, because I don't think the roller knows how to do that) crit! This brings the damage to 22 normally which halves to 11 because of weakened status and allows Zachar to shift to E4 and slide kobold B1 to D4.

Minor: (only available if the first attack kills B1, which I doubt) Use oath of enmity on the dragon.

End of turn save [roll3] (If this is not successful, I may throw in Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes too) (Didn't need the Memory bonus.)

2012-01-09, 07:54 AM
Zachar's gouge rips into the kobold and draps him around the battle field like a rag doll, despite his weakened state. Clearly regaining his edge, Zachar shakes off the powers of the frost.

Enraged at the turn of events and the power of the invaders, the dragon lets out a mighty roar. Glaring at Leolamin as she stands up, she says something in draconic and swings both of her front claws at the shifter. While Leolamin is able to dodge one claw, he is unable to dodge both and is struck. The dragon winces in pain while attacking the shifter. Clearly that hammer has left a mark. With a renewed fury the dragon swings again at the shifter.

The deva is proving to be a worthy foe for the Slyblade. Swiftly moving out of a compromising position the kobold presses the attack against Zachar and swings his blade at him. While the kobold is able to get around the deva's defenses he manages to only scratch his foe. Infuriated he curses at Zachar.

Seeing his brother's pain, the other kobold moves to aid and in stylish cross slash, the Slyblade lashes out with both of his swords, cutting a pair of wicked gashes Zachar across the back.

Zachar deals 9 damage and is now free of the weakened and slowed states.

The wyrmling stands up out of prone (Move) and attacks Leolamin with an at-will that makes two attacks (Standard). Only one of the attacks lands, dealing 8 damage. The wyrmling uses an action point and makes the same attack against Leolamin. Again only one of the attacks lands, and deals another 8 damage.

Slyblade 1 (B1) shifts to D5 (Move) and attacks Zachar (Standard). The attack hits but only deals 1 point of damage...

Slyblade 2 (B2) moves to F3 (Move) and attacks Zachar with combat advantage (Standard). With combat advantage the Slyblades have an at-will that has them make two basic attacks and deal an extra 1d6 damage on top of that. If both attacks hit then the target takes 5 ongoing damage (save ends). Both attacks do hit (I rolled a pair of natural 19s) and deal 1d6 per attack and an extra 1d6 on top of that for 9 damage (6 + 2 + 1). Since both attacks hit Zachar now has 5 ongoing damage (save ends).

Leolamin is now bloodied at 9 HP and Zachar is at 15 HP with 5 ongoing damage.
It's tigerusthegreat's turn!
Encounter 3 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Cleaver 7
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Zachar (dariathalon)
White Wyrmling
Slyblade 1
Slyblade 2
Analash (tigerusthegreat)

2012-01-09, 07:59 AM
Dumb double post...

2012-01-09, 02:09 PM

Analash growls and runs to Saeros, leaping over him, landing in her tiger for in the corner of the room. Seeing a kobold distracted by Leo, she pounces on it, clawing and biting at its throat.

Move: to B2
Minor: Wild Shape
Standard: charge to e2 using Grasping Claws in place of MBA
[roll0](+4 wis +1 from charge + 1 from feat)
[roll1]. (+4 wis, +2 from feat)
Target is slowed until EOMNT

2012-01-09, 02:33 PM
Analash's ferocious tiger form, while extremely intimidating, is unable to scratch the nimble kobold as it deftly dodges the tigress's claws.

Analash's attack misses even with the additional +2 for the flank.

So, is "Ixillin" Analash's name in tiger form? :smallwink:
It's Megatron46's turn!
Encounter 3 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Zachar (dariathalon)
White Wyrmling
Slyblade 1
Slyblade 2
Analash (tigerusthegreat)

2012-01-09, 03:34 PM
As the warden takes on the dragon single handed and knocks it to the ground, Sariel's eyes widen in admiration almost awe at the savage effectiveness of the assault. Stay strong Leolamin, you have hurt the beast! turning her gaze to the kobold next to her, she feints to one side and strikes out with a brutal cut to the slyblade's torso.
Standard- Rousing Assault on B1
Attack- [roll0]
Damage- [roll1]
Minor- Inspiring Word on Leo. Gain a surge + [roll2] hp. Of attacl hits- he gains an extra +2 hp

2012-01-09, 03:43 PM
Sariel's blade cuts deep into the Slyblade's torso which sprays a stream of blood across the ground as it yells out in pain.

Sariel's attack lands and deals 8 damage to the Slyblade, bloodying the kobold.

Leolamin gains 14 HP (7 + 5 + 2) and is up to 23 HP.
It's humson's turn!
Encounter 3 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Zachar (dariathalon)
White Wyrmling
Slyblade 1
Slyblade 2
Analash (tigerusthegreat)

2012-01-09, 10:46 PM
Leolamin takes heart in Sariel's words, calming down slightly. He then hits the earth with his hammer and a wall of earth towards the dragon.

earth shield strike at dragon
If hits +1 to I and push to i4, shifting to H4

2012-01-10, 07:43 AM
As Leolamin's hammer strikes the earth the semi-unstable surroundings of the ancient dwarven hold shake, unbalancing Leolamin. Losing his focus the wall of earth suddenly disintegrates into sand and merely brushes against the dragon's scales.

Sorry about that roll, humson. :smallfrown:
It's Palabalo's turn!
Encounter 3 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Zachar (dariathalon)
White Wyrmling
Slyblade 1
Slyblade 2
Analash (tigerusthegreat)

2012-01-10, 09:16 AM
Moving to the corner Saeros pauses to catch his breath. He levels his bow at the kobold flanking his ally and fires two arrows towards his target.

Move: B2
Second Wind +6 hp, +2 All defenses -1 healing surge
Action Point: Encounter Power: Two Fanged Strike
Two attacks toward B1 Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Attack [roll2] Damage [roll3]
If Either Hit bonus Quarry Damage [roll]1d8[roll]
and If both hit bonus damage equal to wisdom (3)

2012-01-10, 10:05 AM
Wisdom, from his elvish heritage, guides his second arrow

Elven accuracy re rolls second attack [roll0] for 12 + 2 damage if hit

2012-01-10, 10:12 AM
The fatigue from being blasted with frost was greater than Saeros had thought and while he was able to shake off the frost and regain some of himself, his arrows unfortunately could not find their mark. One hit the sword of the kobold target and ricocheted harmlessly onto the ground while the other struck the kobold in the armor, but did no harm.

Sorry Palabalo. :smallfrown: While Saeros regains some health and defenses, both attacks miss Slyblade 1.
It's dariathalon's turn!
Encounter 3 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Zachar (dariathalon)
White Wyrmling
Slyblade 1
Slyblade 2
Analash (tigerusthegreat)

2012-01-10, 08:27 PM
Zachar - Deva Avenger

Zachar grimaces as the two kobolds strike him nearly simultaneously, opening a gaping wound. The pain grows as it continues to bleed, so Zachar makes the quick decision to back out from between them. With a quick duck and roll maneuver, Zachar makes his way over toward Sariel again. As he stands up from the roll, the end of his gouge presses upward hoping to take the kobold next to him off guard.

Zachar slips a hand into his clothing, pulling out a small vial of liquid. He pops the cork with his thumb and pours its contents into his mouth. A cooling sensation spreads through his body, dulling the burning pain caused by the kobolds.

Take 5 ongoing. HP now 10.

Standard: Angelic Alacrity allows Zachar to shift 2 (to C5) then make an attack. [roll0] or [roll1]
If it hits B1 takes [roll2] (includes +6 Censure of Retribution for being hit twice by B2).

Minor: Draw healing potion.

Minor: Drink healing potion. Spend a surge regaining 10 hp. Now at 20 hp.

End of turn save vs. ongoing [roll3] Again, I may choose to use Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes if needed. Not going to use it since it wouldn't make a difference anyway.

2012-01-11, 08:11 AM
Retribution is sweet for Zachar as he ducks, rolls, and thrusts his gouge straight through the kobold's throat, nearly beheading him in the process.

The dragon roars angrily as her faithful lieutenant falls to Zachar's gouge. Turning her attention back to the shifter in front of her the dragon lashes out again at Leolamin with both claws. While one swipes just over Leolamin's head, the other finds its mark and gashes Leolamin on his arm.

The remaining kobold watches as his companion falls, allows himself a brief moment of remorse, then returns to the task at hand. Coming to his queen's aid, the Slyblade moves to aid his queen, calls out something in draconic, and lashes out with a well practiced two-blade cross slash that cuts deep into Leolamin's back. Leolamin howls in rage and pain as blood pours from his wounds.

The Slyblade calls out as a battle cry while attacking Leolamin that roughly translates to "For my Queen!".

Wow, that was a ton of damage, dariathalon! Nice work; That kobold is definitely dead. :smallamused:

The Wyrmling attacks Leolamin with two claw attacks, but only hits with one (23 & 13 vs AC) for 6 damage.

Slyblade 2 shifts to F4 (Move) and with combat advantage attacks Leolamin (Standard). With combat advantage the Slyblade has an at-will that makes two basic attacks and if both hit, the target takes 5 ongoing damage. With combat advantage the Slyblade also deals an extra 1d6 damage. Both attacks hit (23 & 21) vs AC for a total of 13 damage and Leolamin will now be taking 5 ongoing damage (save ends).

Leolamin is now at 4 HP, having lost a total of 19 HP, with the condition of 5 ongoing damage (save ends).
It's tigerusthegreat's turn!

Encounter 3 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Zachar (dariathalon)
White Wyrmling
Slyblade 2
Analash (tigerusthegreat)

2012-01-11, 09:11 AM

The tiger druid seems to grin as her tail swishes back and forth. She runs forward, pouncing on the dragon, trying to help Leo's powerful assault. She purrs with glee, hoping her claws find a soft spot in the dragon's armor.

Standard: Charge to G3 by E2-F2-G3
Use Grasping claws in place of MBA with druid feat.
If hit target is slowed until EOMNT

2012-01-11, 09:50 AM
Analash's claws do find a soft spot in the dragon's hide and digs in deep, drawing blood from the white wyrm. Despite the pain the dragon doesn't make a sound, it merely glares dangerously at the tigress.

Analash to G3, Hit! But you still haven't sunk my battleship. :smallamused: The dragon takes the damage and is now bloodied and slowed.
It's Megatron46's turn!
Encounter 3 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Zachar (dariathalon)
White Wyrmling
Slyblade 2
Analash (tigerusthegreat)

2012-01-11, 10:30 AM
Seeing her allies launch a series of attacks, desprate to bring down their enemies, Sariel takes a deep breath and steels her nerves to face the white beast who has savaged them so badly. She screams out a battle cry and sprints forward, darting past the slyblade and cirlcing Analash she strikes out at the wyrmling, hoping to weaken it enough to assist her allies in cutting it down.

Move- to H3 avoiding OA attacks from B2
Standard- Lead the Attack on the Wyrmling
Attack- (1d20+6)[26] vs AC
Damage- [roll0] and All allies within 5 gain +3 to attack the wyrmling UENT
Viper's Strike against Wyrmling AC
Attack- [roll1] (+3 if it Lead the attack strikes)
Damage- [roll2] and if the wymrling shifts before end of my next turn an ally of my choice gets an OA

2012-01-11, 11:40 AM
All of Sariel's training and experience rush through her body almost with tangible force as time around her seems to someone slow. Like an out-of-body experience, Sariel can see herself move with precision and purpose towards the dragon. Pointing towards the gleaming white dragon with her shielded arm she graps the bloodied sword in her other hands. She strikes hard and fast, trying to find a soft spot in the dragon's underarmor as her swordmasters had taught her to do with any opponent. Steel meets hide as Sariel's blade drives deep into the wyrmling's chest and drives straight into the creature's heart. The dragon's eye's glow with nearly unbearably bright white light, then go dark as blood begins to slide down Sariel's blade. Retracting her sword, Sariel stands as the body of the dragon crashes down at her feet seemingly without a sound.

Wow. Just wow. That was an epic natural 20. For the record, the wyrmling had exactly 29 HP left. I was sure that the dragon would get another turn. I was so excited because when the dragon's life hit bloodied status it's breath encounter attack recharged. Well done, Sariel, well done.
It's Megatron46's decision! Megatron, you spent an Action Point to attack the dragon again, but it was unnecessary as you rocked that thing with your crit. If you want to still use your AP in a different manner, do so, otherwise post to the OOC letting humson know that he can take his turn.

Encounter 3 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Zachar (dariathalon)
Slyblade 2
Analash (tigerusthegreat)

2012-01-12, 09:11 PM
Leolamin screams in pain of the swords cutting him. His is stunned by Sariels well aimed attack. He was was even more surprised when she grabs the potion from his belt and forced the contents down his throat. Renewed by the potion Leolamin roars, hoping his natural regeneration and the Ram Spirit will stop the bleeding and then strike the ground sending a wall of earth to the remaining kobold.

[roll0] saving throw
potion -1 surge and 10(?) hp
I'm assuming that Sarial's doing the potion
Longtooth shifting: regen 2 and +2 damage
weight of earth [roll1]
if hits +1 to ac and [roll2]

2012-01-12, 11:40 PM
Despite the renewed hope that the potion gives Leolamin, his wounds still pain him. As Leolamin reaches out with his hammer he winces in pain and misses the kobold by a large margin.

Leolamin gains 10 HP, but loses 5 due to the ongoing damage and is now at 9 HP. Leolamin obviously misses with his attack, but did mark the kobold.
It's Palabalo's turn!
Encounter 3 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Zachar (dariathalon)
Slyblade 2
Analash (tigerusthegreat)

2012-01-13, 09:18 AM
Saeros walks a step forward, knocks an arrow and pulls back, tensing his back muscles as he has done a thousand times before. He settles on a point just below the chin of the final slyblade.

Move C3
Sure Shot (daily) Attack vs AC [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
I get to reroll attack and keep it and each damage die also

2012-01-13, 09:21 AM
And b2 is my quarry

Attack [roll0]
and rerolling the 1 and 4

2012-01-13, 09:47 AM
The kobold's deity must truly be smiling upon it as Saeros' deadly aim appears to be thrown off course. The kobold shouts something at Saeros which despite the language barrier is clearly offensive.

Eesh, sorry about the Daily miss. That's always a sucky feeling. So swing and a miss and we continue on down the line.
It's dariathalon's turn!
Encounter 3 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Zachar (dariathalon)
Slyblade 2
Analash (tigerusthegreat)

2012-01-13, 02:26 PM
Zachar - Deva Avenger

Blood continues to flow from the wounds Zachar had sustained earlier."Your queen is dead, and now you will join her," Zachar says in the hissing language of the kobolds. He moves forward and stabs at the kobold with his gouge.

Start of turn - take 5 ongoing (down to 15 hp)

Minor: Oath of Enmity on last kobold

Move: to E4

Standard: Overwhelming Strike [roll0] or [roll1] (includes CA from flank). A hit does [roll2].


2012-01-13, 03:25 PM
Zachar's stab catches the kobold in the side and he shouts out in pain.

The kobold throws his blades back up defensively and backs away slowly from Zachar and turns his attention back on Leolamin. Lunging with a blade he pierces Leolamin, drawing more blood from the shifter.

Zachar's attack lands for 9 damage.

The kobold shifts to F5 and attacks Leolamin, hitting him (27) for 4 damag taking him down to 5 HP.
It's tigerusthegreat's turn!
Encounter 3 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Zachar (dariathalon)
Slyblade 2
Analash (tigerusthegreat)

2012-01-13, 04:23 PM

Analash pads forward, twitching her tail. She snarls and claws at the menacing kobold.

move to f4(shift)
Standard: grasping claws [roll0]

2012-01-13, 04:34 PM
Analash's claws rake across the kobold's leg. The kobold winces in pain and glares down at the tiger. With the invaders closing in on him the kobold stands with both swords out in front of him, moving the points back and forth between his adversaries.

Analash hits for 6 damage.
It's Megatron46's turn!
Encounter 3 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Zachar (dariathalon)
Slyblade 2
Analash (tigerusthegreat)

2012-01-13, 04:50 PM
Stunned at slaying the dragon...Sariel shakes her head to clear it when she hears the clash of blades as her allies confront the remaining kobold. Spinning she races round behind the slyblade and attacks, trying to hamstring the creature.
Move- to G6
Standard- Viper's Strike on kobold
Attack [roll0] vs AC
Damage [roll1] and if the kobold shifts before the end of my next turn Analash can make an OA

2012-01-13, 04:56 PM
Sariel's blade rips through the kobold's hamstring and blood begins to run thickly down the kobold's leg. As Sariel comes to a stop on the bearskin rug on the floor she feels a warm sensation rise up in her and feels almost safer somehow.

Sariel's attack hits for 11 and the kobold is now bloodied. Sariel's movement ends in a square covered by a bearskin rug, which as Sariel just discovered seems to be more than just a normal rug. Sariel presently has +1 to all defenses.
It's humson's turn!
Encounter 3 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Zachar (dariathalon)
Slyblade 2
Analash (tigerusthegreat)

2012-01-14, 09:54 AM
Leolamin is still trying make his back stop bleeding with his natural regeneration. Despite the fact that Leo isn't giving up yet, he still feels he's close to death and wonders if he will see wife when he dies
regen two hp
font of life [roll0]
take 5 damage if font of life fails
second wind
I gain 7 hit points and a +2 to my defenses
10 hp
mark the kobold
[roll1] 2nd saving throw

2012-01-14, 07:23 PM
Leolamin's natural healing finally begins to truly work as some of his wounds begin to close.

Leolamin gains 9 HP (from regen and Second Wind) and is free of the ongoing damage.
It's Palabalo's turn!
Encounter 3 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Zachar (dariathalon)
Slyblade 2
Analash (tigerusthegreat)

2012-01-15, 09:38 AM
Saeros fires two arrows at the slyblade hoping to put down this beast.

Twin strike attack [roll0] damage [roll1]
[roll2] damage [roll3]
if either hit [roll4] damage

2012-01-15, 11:52 AM
Zachar - Deva Avenger

Zachar says a quick prayer to Erathis, helping Saeros' arrow fly true.

Remember, I stated Zachar would be using Divine Guidance on the next attack roll against the kobold. This gives Saeros another attack roll and he gets to choose the better of the two rolls.

2012-01-15, 12:34 PM
[roll0] reroll first attack damage as above

2012-01-15, 03:01 PM
With Zachar's help Saeros's arrow finds its mark and buries into the kobold.

The kobold takes 7 damage.
It's dariathalon's turn!
Encounter 3 Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Saeros (Palabalo)
Zachar (dariathalon)
Slyblade 2
Analash (tigerusthegreat)

2012-01-15, 08:29 PM
Zachar - Deva Avenger

Zachar starts a downward thrust with the tip of his weapon, bringing the point of the blade down just in front of the kobold's collarbone. Zachar stops the blade before it fully impales the kobold, drawing just a few drops of blood. He hisses in draconic, "This is your last opportunity to save yourself. Drop your weapons now." As he speaks, a long-forgotten memory of a life as a warrior flashed through Zachar's mind. The past-life lent extra boldness to his words.

Take 5 ongoing. (10 hp left - now bloodied)

Standard: [roll0].

Free: Use Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes to add [roll1] to the intimidate check.


2012-01-16, 01:46 AM
The kobold drops a sword and grabs onto the haft of Zachar's gouge almost instinctively, but the deva is strong and the kobold cannot pull away the weapon. Looking frantically between Zachar and his dead queen the kobold experiences both rage and fear. The kobold tightens his grip on the remaining sword in his hand, momentarily considering fighting, but reconsiders as his sorrow begins to take him. Releasing his grip the other sword drops from his hand. With disdain the kobold looks Zachar in the eyes, but remains silent.

Zachar's intimidate check is successful and the kobold drops his weapons.

You all gain 320 XP for completing this encounter which should now put you all at a total of 770 XP.
What do you want to do.
With the kobold surrendering the encounter is over, but you are all still in the dwarven hold. We're out of combat and turn order so act as you want.

2012-01-16, 03:18 AM

Analash sits, licking the blood from her claws. After a moment she transforms into her human form, still licking her fingers. She silently heads from corpse to corpse snapping the necks of the fallen, not caring if. The kobold that surrenders sees. She piles up anything she finds on the bodies.


2012-01-16, 08:47 AM
Searching the dead archeologists bodies, Saeros knows they don't need any supplies they have. He wanders throughout the cave looking for anything he can find.

Perception [roll0]
Side Note I have Group Awareness "You grant non-elf allys within 5 squares a +1 racial bonus to Perception checks

2012-01-16, 10:40 AM
Leaving the looting to his more perceptive allies, Leolamin goes to the kobold and looks over his equipment taking any thing of value or any weapons the the kobold didn't drop. Afterward he takes rope from his pack and ties up his ankles and wrists. The asks Do you have a name?.

[roll0] perception check to look though the kobolds gear.

2012-01-16, 11:11 AM
Zachar - Deva Avenger

As Leolamin takes over guarding the kobold for a few minutes, Zachar pauses to wrap bandages around his own wounds. He was pretty badly beaten up this time, and needed to take a few minutes to rest.

After a brief respite, Zachar moves back over to Leo and the prisoner. If Leo hasn't gotten the kobold to speak yet, Zachar tries to translate for him in case the kobold doesn't understand the common tongue.

Spending 2 surges. Now at 24/28 hp and 2 surges remaining.

2012-01-16, 12:03 PM
With each crack of a neck the kobold flinches. Analash quietly stalks around the room searching the bodies of the fallen. These kobolds seem to have nothing of value on them. After ensuring the deaths of their enemies Analash looks about the room and notices no other exits other than the door they came through. There had been another hallway in the hold at one point, but it seems to have collapsed in on itself and is completely blocked off.

Saeros, one by one, examines the dead archaeologists. While their bodies are mangled and partly eaten, Saeros can see that two of bodies are that of dwarves, and one is human. While examining the body nearest the pair of stone thrones he notices a chest behind them against the wall. After learning nothing other than that the archaeologists, if they weren't killed by the dragon, they were all at least partially eaten by it. Investigating the chest, Saeros discovers what must be the beginnings of the young wyrmling's hoard. Inside are shiny trinkets and baubles along with gold coins, a black greatbow inlaid with fine gilding across the entire bow in a glowing deep blue color, and a pair of black gloves that appear to have the sheen of fur and claws at the ends of the fingers. Among the trinks and baubles, Saeros notices four rings, each with a crest on them. Three of the rings are identical, made of bronze with a crest on it. The fourth ring is made of silver and has the crest of House Modin.

Leolamin looks over the kobold prisoner and finds nothing of value nor additional weapons. The now tied up kobold stares at Leolamin for a moment after Leolamin asks him a question before muttering something in draconic.

After patching himself up Zachar walks over to Leolamin and the kobold. Hearing the kobold's comment he translates for Leolamin, then asks the question for Leolamin in draconic.

The kobold looks with surprise at the deva for a moment. He wasn't expecting one of his attackers to speak his tongue. Looking back and forth between Leolamin and Zachar the kobold replies in draconic, "I am called Jok of Naro", then turns to look at the slain wyrmling while a look of dispair fills the kobold's face.

This room appear to be the extent that the hold that has been uncovered.

The kobolds don't have any treasure on them. The bodies of the archaeologists don't either. The chest that Saeros found contains various items of no monetary value, 120 gold in coins, a level 3 Frost Weapon (Greatbow), and a level 4 Claw Gloves. The rings don't have much of a value (maybe a few silver coins worth together). As general knowledge for the setting crests are commonly used, and not only by the ruling houses and families. Guilds and certain organizations also have crests. At least the crests of the ruling houses are well known by the majority of the citizens of Kaldor.

The kobold mutters in response to Leolamin a rather derogatory tone, "Primate... I speak very little of your ugly language and I have no desire to learn more."

Now that Zachar is translating for the kobold we'll just assume that what Zachar and the kobold say in draconic is translated by Zachar to the rest of you and what the rest of you say is translated to the kobold by Zachar so that we can just move ahead if any of you want to talk to the kobold without waiting for dariathalon to post "I translate blah, blah, blah".

2012-01-16, 03:56 PM
Content with his allies abilities to interrogate the Kobold. Saeros picks up the frosted great bow

Holding the bow in his hand he knocks an arrow and aiming at the far wall, tests the draw strength. Steadying his aim he releases the arrow.

The arrow flies 10 feet to the right of his chosen target.
Was not expecting that. The draw weight is fine but it is going to take me a bit to get used to the different feel. I think I'm going to wait to use this until I get enough practice.

He proceeds to collect his arrows and begins firing at an old wooden buckler he found in the corner.
I will be respecing my feats next level to swap in weapon prof greatbow for those who were interested.

2012-01-17, 06:17 AM
As her allies interrogate the kobold and search the room, Sariel takes a closer look at the bear skin rug she is standing on, trying to see if she can understand why it feels good to be standing in it.
Perception- [roll0] Inc the +1 from our ranger
Arcana- [roll1]
if these rolls turn out to be rubbish, which I suspect they might, Sariel's got +7 to Intimidate so I can chat to the kobold and others can check out the rug.

2012-01-17, 12:10 PM
Saeros finished his experimental weapon practice, walks over to Sariel, and inspects the rug. "I wonder if it is worth something. Why don't you see if we can get some information about if there are any other kobolds in the area and why they are here."

Standing on it walking around it he looks over the rug in great detail.
Perception, [roll0] and if that's bad Take20 or is it only take 10? Whichever one that plus 8
Oh and healing surge up to 24/25

2012-01-17, 12:26 PM

Analash tries on the gloves that were found, flexing her petite hands in them. They seem to resize themselves to her, and feel almost as if they were made for her. Testing a theory, she transforms into her feline form, and is pleased to find her natural claws seem all the sharper for the gloves that have now melded into her skin. She also felt unexplainably swifter, as the magic in the gauntlets transformed her very sinews into more of an apex predator. Reluctantly, she returned to her human form.

"If nobody minds, I will take these gloves to use. They seem to enhance my tigeress form nicely." She moves to look at the kobold, knowing full well he watched her ensure all his companions were dead. "Have we learned anything useful, or should I tickle him with these?" She brandishes the claws on the end of her new gloves.

2012-01-17, 12:55 PM
Together Saeros and Sariel study the bearskin rug. Saeros eyes cannot see anything out of the ordinary with the rug other than its age. The massive bearskin seems to be in good shape, despite its age. Dust and dirt seem to be embedded in various spots on the rug. Sariel on the other hand inspects the bearskin for arcane properties and almost immediately gets a very strong indication to its purpose. The rug almost seems to tell her that it empowers those that defend the halls of the dwarven hold. Sariel gets the sense that this was masterfully crafted by dwarves and feels as though had any of them been a dwarf that the rug would have given even more than it had to her.

The kobold glares at Analash, his fear slowly being replaced by rage. The kobold doesn't require translation to understand Analash's meaning and bares his teeth at her, but doesn't move further.

Nice natural 20 Megatron. :smallsmile: For that I'll give you the skinny on the rug. It's a Level 1 Wonderous Item that gives +2 to all defenses to dwarves standing on it and +1 to all defenses of non-dwarves standing on it who aren't evil.

2012-01-17, 04:19 PM
Smiling in delight as her knowledge helps her identify the power of the bearskin rug! I have read of this type of item, it's power is great, it will fetch a good price, or help us in our missions...althout may be cumbersome in combat. She bends and rolls up the rug, storing it in her pack to take back with them.
Turning she walks over to the kobold and her allies, resting her hand on the hilt of her longsword she stares at the creature, You would do well to tell us all you know about why you are here, you have seen what we did to your companions and your mistress...

Intimidate- [roll0] to assist any other intimidate rolls which have been made other characters...I can't remember who did what!

2012-01-17, 07:15 PM
The kobold's mind races with all of you pressing and threatening for information. Escape is not an option and the kobold fears that the druidess may rip his throat out regardless of what he says. A rage continues to build in the kobold as he is confused by the eladrin's question. Still, the kobold knows that his only chance of surviving the day is to speak. "I know only what my queen, Naro, wants me to know. Why do you ask me such a thing? You know why we are here. Your master has betrayed Naro and sent you to kill her. Your master will pay for her death. This I promise you."

2012-01-17, 07:31 PM
Zachar - Deva Avenger

Zachar continues to translate what is said. He stands to one side of the kobold, no longer threatening him with a weapon, but still towering over the small creature.

"I believe you are mistaken. We are part of a peacekeeping force and not allied with any dragons, nor is our leader. Who is it that Naro was allied with, that you believe to be our master?"

2012-01-17, 08:10 PM
A deeper confusion continues to set in the kobold's mind. "Peacekeeping force? You were not sent by..." The kobold stops talking abruptly as his mind finally clears through the fog. We were not betrayed? We were not betrayed! These mammals weren't sent by the queen's contact. NO! I've said too much! Forgive me my queen, I dishonor you! The kobold's demeanor changes yet again, but this time to confident. "I know nothing more than that I am a loyal subject to my queen." Without the despair of betrayal weighing on the mind of the kobold he knows that he must keep his queen's secrets or he'll dishonor her further and her death will mean nothing. The thought of being able to protect his queen's honor steels the kobold's resolve.

2012-01-17, 09:14 PM

"Your queen is dead. She cannot be more dishonored than as a heap on the floor. Shame she isn't bigger, or I'd skin her to make a suit of armor, but her paltry hide isn't worth the effort." Analash moves over to the dead dragon, and kicks its head lightly with her foot. "She might make a nice pair of boots, though. What do you think, kobold? Would your queen prefer to be a belt, a hat, or a pair of boots?"

2012-01-17, 10:41 PM
Analash's words flow over the kobold like fuel on a fire. The kobold reaches his breaking point and despite being tied up opens his mouth wide exposing his sharp teeth and lunges. He doesn't lunge at Analash though for her words. The kobold lunges at Sariel with all his might for killing his queen and catches all but Saeros off guard.

Analash just pushed the kobold over the edge. :smallamused: There's no surprise attack round since the kobold is tied up, but only Saeros beat him to the punch on initiative. The kobold is immobilized and at the moment can only make a bite attack. I've moved you all on the map around the kobold as four of you are interrogating him while Saeros is inspecting the rug. Also, I kept track if you healed yourselves and the HP on the battle map should be correct. I raised Leolamin up the 16 HP as his regen works while bloodied and time continued to pass obviously. The power though is now done as he's no longer bloodied and that's how I understand his racial utility to work. Also, any status effects that were in effect before combat stopped I wiped clean.
It's Palabalo's turn!
Encounter 3 (Continued) Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Saeros (Palabalo)
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Zachar (dariathalon)
Analash (tigerusthegreat)

2012-01-17, 11:44 PM
Saeros attempts to grab the Kobold and tie him up with more rope. especially around the dangerous parts.

Grab enemy strength vs reflex [roll0]
Nature check (knots) (it makes sense to me to use this because I would have learned a lot using ropes in the wild.) [roll1]

2012-01-18, 05:35 AM
Taken aback by the kobold's sudden lunge, Sariel strikes out with the pommel of her sword, hoping to knock it unconscious.
Basic melee attack v AC
Attack- [roll0]
Damage- [roll1] to knock him unconcious hopefully

2012-01-18, 10:24 AM
The kobold's fury builds as Saeros grabs him. Wrapping his tail around the elf's leg he twists his body hard and pulls with his tail in the opposite direction. The elf is forced to release him as parts of him are pulled in different directions. Shaking his head, the kobold tries to sink his teeth into Sariel. Sariel at the same time tries to knock the kobold unconscious with the pommel of her blade. Unfortunately for both, they negate each other's actions by both lunging for the other's right side and miss on both counts.

The kobold takes his turn, followed by Sariel. The kobold is free of Saeros' grab, but both miss their attacks. The kobold is still bound by Leolamin's restraints on his ankles and wrists and thus immobilized, but that won't stop him from trying to kill you. :smallamused:
It's humson's turn!
Encounter 3 (Continued) Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Saeros (Palabalo)
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Zachar (dariathalon)
Analash (tigerusthegreat)

2012-01-18, 05:09 PM
seeing his companion (comically) both fail in their attempts to subdue the kobold Leolamin strikes at his chest with the handle of his weapon, hoping to knock the breath out of the creature.

damage [roll1]
non lethal attack!

2012-01-18, 05:32 PM
Leolamin yells out Stand down!

I mark the Kobold

2012-01-18, 06:16 PM
The kobold manages the continue to evade attacks, despite being bound.

It's dariathalon's turn!
Encounter 3 (Continued) Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Saeros (Palabalo)
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Zachar (dariathalon)
Analash (tigerusthegreat)

2012-01-18, 06:41 PM
Zachar - Deva Avenger

Zachar joins in the attempts to knock out the bound kobold. He swings his gouge, attempting to hit him with the flat of the axe-like blade.

Minor: If needed, renew Oath of Enmity.

Standard: Overwhelming Strike [roll0] or [roll1] (includes +2 for flank) attempting to knock out with [roll2]

2012-01-18, 08:53 PM
Zachar's blade slices through the air as the Jok ducks low avoiding the attack.

Zachar's attack misses. What. Is. Happening?! When I first rolled up initiative I felt bad that Analash was last again because I didn't think the round would get to her. Let's see if she can end the streak. :smallbiggrin:
It's tigerusthegreat's turn!

Encounter 3 (Continued) Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuCRfmQ87SChdE9VZV96WE1KUFc1U1VHSnVFUXRTU 2c)
Initiative Order
Saeros (Palabalo)
Slyblade 2
Sariel (Megatron46)
Leolamin (humson)
Zachar (dariathalon)
Analash (tigerusthegreat)

2012-01-18, 09:06 PM

The druidess is mildly amused by the antics of the kobold and her companions' inability to subdue it. She transforms into her tigeress form, and feels the power of her newly enhanced claws almost gouge the floorstones as she touches down gently on all fours. She pounces on the tied up kobold.

Grasping Claws with Combat Advantage from flanking:

2012-01-18, 10:55 PM
The tigress pounces and lands claws first into Jok, ripping deep into the kobold and knocking him to the ground. Jok howls in pain as Analash's claws tear into his skin, but you can see him force a smile through the pain. As the tigress stands atop Jok, blood begins to pour from his wounds onto the floor. The kobold mutters something inaudible as the life seeps out of him. After a moment the life finally drains from the kobold and he lays lifeless on the stone ground between you.

Combat is now officially over as the last enemy is dead.
What do you want to do?
If there's nothing else you wish to do here decide if you want to return to Ornan's village, to the Red Hands command center, or elsewhere.

2012-01-19, 12:05 PM
Shaking her head at the farcical last fight with their prisoner, Now we will learn nothing! The foolish creature could have lived hub for it's crazed to devotion to a beast which killed it's own followers to get to us! Sheathing her sword Sariel turns to the others. Well then, is there any other part of this ruin for us to explore? I feel we have ended the immediate menace of this place. She pauses for a moment, It is clear this dragon and her followers were working with someone, have we gathered anything which could give us clues as to who that would be?

2012-01-19, 01:32 PM
Checking the Kobold for anything of value Saeros says "I have checked the room the best I can, we should head through Oran's village and pending no issues in town lets meet at the Command center tomorrow."

Perception [roll0]

2012-01-19, 01:38 PM
Saeros finds nothing of value on the last kobold. Looking around the room, he gets the sense that there's nothing further of value and nowhere else to go.

2012-01-19, 06:03 PM
Leolamin kneels beside the now dead kobold, and placing his hand on the kobold's forehead. Rest easy, Jok of Naro, may you serve you queen eternally in the great hunting grounds. Standing up, he turns to his companions. I feel we gather enough clues to figure out who let this dragon in. We should go to the village to piece this mystery together

2012-01-20, 10:37 AM
Sariel walks over to the warden and places her hand on his shoulder. You are a noble man, you honour our enemies in a way they would not do for us. Shall we to the village then? Making one last look around, Sariel heads for the doors.

2012-01-20, 10:51 AM

Saeros follows Sariel to the village.

2012-01-20, 10:53 AM

Turning back into her human form, Analash steps over the dead body. Looking at Leo, she glares. "I do not apologize for that. It needed done. It is never wise to leave your enemies alive, especially once their usefulness is gone. He would not tell us anything more than he has, and the tokens we have found here will tell."

She steps over to the dragon corpse and deftly cuts strips of its hide, and removes several of its teeth. She plans to fashion a token out of them, a reminder to herself of the foe she overcame, and to any other dragonfollowers that she was not one to be trifled with.

2012-01-20, 01:46 PM
Zachar - Deva Avenger

Zachar takes one last look at the kobold's body, annoyance on his face. "You may well be right. He might not have said more, but now we'll never know. In the hands of a more skilled interrogator, we might have learned more." He turns away with a sigh, a sign he really didn't want to continue the conversation further. What had been done, was done. He began trudging back toward town with the others.

2012-01-20, 03:55 PM
The five of you depart from the ruins of the dwarven hold and make the uneventful trek back to the small farming town of Ornan, the dwarven farmer, and Rakkon, the dragonborn farmhand. Several young boys spot you coming and run into town ahead of you. Ornan comes to greet you as you walk into town and seeing the scars of battle upon you sends one of the boys running to collect some food and water. A small crowd of people come to greet you as Rakkon presses ahead of them and offers his hand in thanks to each of you for your efforts while asking, "It is done? You have put an end to the kobolds?"

2012-01-20, 04:05 PM

"The kobolds and their queen." Analash holds up several of the dragon teeth she took from the corpse. "Though we do not know their purpose or designs for showing up there. Howeve,r we have rooted them out, as you asked."

2012-01-21, 09:47 AM
Ornan looks at the teeth in Analash's hands and says, "Queen?"

Rakkon's eye widen with fear and disbelief. "Surely you do not mean a dragon?"

At the mention of "dragon" the others standing around begin to buzz with chatter. One of the townsfolk yells out angrily "That dragonborn brought a DRAGON to our community! Get him!"

Before anyone can move towards Rakkon, Ornan jumps to his defense, "If anything, Rolf, this should further clear his name. Rakkon hired the Red Hands to clear out the kobolds. It's one thing to think he'd betray kobolds if you still idiotically believe that Rakkon brought the kobolds here, but a dragonborn in the service of a dragon... even they wouldn't betray a dragon so easily. The threat is gone and Rakkon is innocent. If think that you'll lay hands on an innocent man, I'll hire the Red Hands and it won't be to take care of kobolds if you get my drift."

Ornan's heated threat hangs in the air for a moment and the townsfolk start to disperse. Some thank the Red Hands for their help. One or two even thank Rakkon, albeit quietly. The man who had shouted to get Rakkon, Rolf, glared at the dragonborn, but walked away without another word. Ornan thanks you for helping his farmhand and friend out. "Rolf is a bit of what I like to call a tiny dog. He yips and barks a lot, but even if he tries to bite ya, ya just kick him off, haha."

Rakkon shakes Ornan's hand vigorously and does so with you again. "I cannot thank you again for you help. I have left payment for your deeds with Dakaran, but if there is anything else I can do for you now please let me know. I am your humble servant."

2012-01-21, 10:33 AM
Zachar - Deva Avenger

Zachar breaks away from the group for a few moments as the crowd begins to disperse. He gives a quick nod to the others, letting them know he'll be back shortly. He follows Rolf around the first bend, where he confronts the man. "Good afternoon, friend. Mind if I ask you what all that rabble-rousing was about?"

2012-01-21, 02:50 PM
Leolamin nods at the dragonborn and says, We hope that's we did enough to prove your innocence. I do have one request, though. Can we stay for the night. We have matters to discuss, We suspect the dragon had friends high up, if you know what I mean

2012-01-21, 05:03 PM
The eladrin watches Zachar follow Rolfe and decides not to join him. Having seen him fight, she knows the Deva is more than capable of taking care of what ever business he needed to. Turning to Ornanand catching the end of Leolamin's comment she speaks, A dragon indeed. We have much to discuss away from prying ears, if you have space, as my friend here asks, where we could set up camp. It would be appreciated. As for you Rakkon, you were an innocent man blamed for something you did not do. The Great Houses did nothing to protect you or determin your innocence. That is not acceptable. Others have been implicated in these events, you should not live your life in fear because of the actions of others.... or their ignorance. . With her last comment she throws a glance in the direction Rolfe took. She then speaks again, The Red Hands have taken on the duties neglected by the authorities. We have protected the innocent and saved your homes. Remember The Red Hands will be here for you if you need us.

2012-01-23, 12:54 AM
Rolf looks back at Zachar and responses, "Friend? Well, I suppose you are if you cleared those lizards outta our land. As for rabble-rousing, that's just a matter of opinion. I just want my family safe and if that dragonborn is a threat, then I want him gone." Rolf stops walking and thinks for a moment then asks with a tone of confusion, "The dragonborn really hired you to kill those lizards?"


Rakkon responds to Leolamin and Sariel, "It would be my honor to host you and provide food and shelter. I still can't believe there was a dragon in that hold. I appreciate your efforts on my behalf. House Modin does nothing for those it sees as unimportant. You believe that others are involved? Who? We must stop them!"

2012-01-23, 11:16 AM
Zachar - Deva Avenger

Zachar stops with Rolf. "Yes. He has done much to protect you, your family, and your entire community. We may have been the ones to kill the kobolds and their queen, but without your friend Rakkon hiring us, we wouldn't have even known. I'll grant you that there are some dragonborn that you wouldn't want to have around, but they are in the minority now. Rakkon is one of the good ones. You'd do well to get to know him."

2012-01-23, 12:31 PM
I do not wish to say too much now, but we believe that the dragon and its kobold followers may have had some assistance in setting up their lair within the dwarven ruins. But that is not a discussion for now, we talk more on this matter tomorrow. I do feel you should formally confront House Modin on their failure to do their duty in protecting those living on it's lands. You can call on The Red Hands to testify to the infestation of dragonspawn. As for your hospitality, that would he gratefully received indeed.

2012-01-23, 03:43 PM
Rolf stands silent for a moment, looking at Zachar with a near blank stare. "I don't care to get to know him, or any of his kind. But if you're willing to swear that the dragonborn hired you and had nothing to do with those lizards..." his voice trails off, but you can tell by the expression on his face that he seems to at least be acknowledging what you said.


"Of course," Rakkon replies, "We'll discuss it away from prying ears. Ha! Confront House Modin. You would testify? To who? Those that you would report to belong to House Modin. No, that would do me no good. I would most likely find myself at the target of blame again. However, House Modin should be told about the dragon. While the Houses do little for their lower classes, one of the things they do best is protect our borders from dragons. I gives me great concern that a dragon made it so far into Kaldor. You must have Dakaran inform House Modin upon your return to Dragonhold. Lord Modin is presently at the palace in Dragonhold. His caravans to and from the palace and his estate in his lands run very close to our village. We always know when they go by."

2012-01-23, 08:55 PM

Listening quietly behind Zachar the name Dakaran reminds Saeros of their instructions. Saeros turns to Zachar and says "Weren't we supposed to report back to Dakaran back at the command center once we completed the mission? I wonder if he is waiting to hear from us?"

2012-01-25, 03:01 AM
Sariel turns at Saeros' words, You think we should waste no time and head directly to Dakaran to report this? Rest and gather our strength after we have discussed matters with him?

2012-01-25, 09:42 AM
"Yes I do, we also can use the resources back at the command center to examine the rings we found." Saeros said to Sariel in a whispered tone.

2012-01-25, 11:32 AM

Analash has spent much of the time back in town examining her new gloves. At mention of the leader of the Red Hand, her ears perk up. "it strikes me that anyone who would care about the kobolds and the dragon would be angry at their death. The one we killed was small and we may have angered its parent or whoever convinced I to come here. There is also the concern of the mammals they were working with. We should return to the command center and plot our next move. We are less likely to be intercepted if we reach home before they know what has happened, and we have already let the truth-bird fly by speaking with these villagers, neccesary as it was."

2012-01-25, 07:46 PM
Zachar - Deva Avenger

Zachar nods to Rolf. "I swear it 100 times to Erathis. His sacrifices for this community will be remembered."

Just then he hears the others coming up the road discussing returning to the home base. He glances and notices they've followed behind. "If you'll excuse me, it sounds like my companions are getting ready to depart. I wish you and your family well."

Zachar nods to Saeros. "You're right. We should get back as soon as possible. This news is something I'm sure he'd want to hear about. This could be just the warning signs of a more serious situation on the horizon."

2012-01-25, 08:56 PM
If we do want to head back to report our findings to Packleader Darakan we should start the journy soon. It's no good traviling in the dark. He stops to think But there is wisdom in acting while we still have the element of surprise

2012-01-26, 01:50 PM
Sariel nods her agreement. You show wisdom in your thoughts. We should get back to Dakaran as soon as possible, he needs to hear of this... she glances around and drops her voice, There are matters which we must discuss urgently, matters which best remain out of public knowledge, for now at least! . Her voice hardens as she continues to speak, There will come a time when the people know what the Great Houses are really like, including what depths they will fall to. We cannot talk now, but on our way we shall.

2012-01-26, 04:34 PM
The five of you decide it may be best to return sooner rather than later and depart, saying your farewells those in Ornan and Rakkon's community. Rolf gives Zachar a thoughful look as you leave. Zachar notices Rolf look over in Rakkon's direction, then turn's back to Zachar and nods his head. Zachar gets the feeling that Rolf may actually believe that Rakkon is innocent.

The five of you press hard and travel throughout the night to reach Dragonhold. You reach the Red Hands' command center shortly before dawn, exhausted. The Red Hands' campus is quiet as many are yet to wake that live within while many others are out on missions. You find Dakaran in an empty training yard doing exercizes with a short sword. He's surprisingly nimble for a man in his 50s. As you enter the yard Dakaran spots you. After informing him that you need to speak in private the six of you make your way to the war room. You regale Dakaran of your efforts in the Dwarven Hold dispatching the kobolds and he listens attentively, wondering why you needed to tell him all this in private. When you finally make mention of the wyrmling however his disposition changes and becomes much more serious. Dakaran pulls what appears to be a coin out of his pocket and squeezes it hard between his thumb and forefinger. After a moment Delise, the woman that you saw the first time that you were in the war room, appears with a flash of bright light in the middle of the room. Delise turns swiftly, pointing a wand at you, however after taking stock of the situation she lowers her wand. "What is it?" she asks Dakaran. Replying Dakaran says, "This lot just told me they killed a wyrmling in House Modin's lands." Turning back to the five of you he says, "Tell me everything about the dragon. Did you find any sort of clue as to how it got there? Dragons don't just appear in the middle of Kaldor."

I'm just fastforwarding to a good point so you all don't have to recap in game everything that's happened so far. If you feel there's something that you had really wanted to do prior to the events in this post let me know and we'll do a little retconning, otherwise we'll press on.

2012-01-26, 05:35 PM
As Delise explodes into the room Sariel takes a step back, before recovering her composure and addressing the magic user and Dakaran. As we explored the dwarven ruins we encountered more than we expected, Leolamin informed us of the significance of the Wyrmpriest and when we encountered the wymrling itself, Zachar heard the beast talk about being "betrayed by the mammals". We interrogated a surviving kobold, who also thought we had been assassins sent by "mammals" who were in league with the wyrmling, before realising we were not who he thought we were and refused to speak further....unfortunately we were forced to kill him. The eladrin gestures to the table and the group produce the unminted coins and the rings of the Great Houses...We found these... she picks up the silver ring of Hosue Modin and her voice becomes like steel and her eyes light up anger. First the 'Great' Houses refuse to do their duty and protect those who are in their care, turning a blind eye to injustice and inequality in the land, and then we find this! She hold the ring up to the light, It disgusts me, House Modin is clearly implicated here... she pauses, gathering her thoughts before speaking directly to Dakaran, lowering her voice so only he can hear, Sir, don't you think it's time to reveal exactly how the dragon that took your hand got as far as it did?

2012-01-26, 07:32 PM
As the spellcaster flew into the room Leolamin's hand went to his hammer but he dropped his hand when he dropped hers. He listened intently t Sarial. He picked up one of the non-modin ring and examines it. Now working the forge for Tal, one the best blacksmith in the city, Leo saw many of the house's rings. He tries to remember a noble bearing that crest.

History or streetwise.
history [roll0]
Streetwise [roll1]

2012-01-27, 10:59 AM
Dakaran muses Sariel's question for a moment before replying. While he thinks he looks at the ring in Sariel's hand and a confused expression crosses his face. "Lord Modin is currently in-line to ascend to the throne. Why would he risk bringing a tribe of kobolds let along a young dragon into his own lands?" Dakaran says to no one in particular. "May I?" he says, taking the ring from Sariel. He looks at the ring for just a moment, then hands it to Delise. "Is it real?" he asks her with apprehension thick in his voice.

Delise holds the ring in her left hand and examines it. She taps the ring with her wand and studies the ring for a moment more. "No," she says, "The enchantment the Modins put on their rings isn't here. It's happening again, Dakaran."

Dakaran runs his hand through his short hair and curses. "Sariel, I think you're right. It's time to explain how I really lost my hand. As some of the rumors suggest and as Sariel knows I lost my hand to a red dragon that had managed to make its way all the way to Dragonhold; the first time that's happened in generations. I led the final fight against the beast and paid a heavy price for victory." Dakaran raises his left arm and looks at the stump where his hand used to be, then stretches his bad leg that was scorched in the fight. "What the public doesn't know is that the King himself was involved in the dragon getting into Kaldor. His favor was falling and the people were growing restless. He had once earned the favor of the people by defending the land from threats and unfolded a plan to regain that favor, but by creating a new and even more terrifying threat to drive the people back to him; the threat of another dragon invasion. Things backfired though, the King lost control, and the beast started attacking the city. I and my fellow knights mobilized and killed the dragon, but not before it took over a hundred lives with it. Unfortunately I couldn't prove any of this as there was no hard evidence. The King kept his hands very clean. I suspected that one of the other Great Houses was involved in the scheme helping to get the dragon into Kaldor and taking care of issues that arose, but I was unable to determine which House it was. There were a couple houses that I suspected above the rest, but I was never certain. The worst part was that despite the King losing control over the dragon... who knows what the dragon thought it was doing in Kaldor... despite that his plan worked. The people, especially in Dragonhold were terrified and the King has kept hold of his power much easier in the years that followed, even today despite the horrendous conditions. " Pausing for a moment, then turning back to Delise, Dakaran asks, "You're certain it's fake?"

"Positive," she replies and tosses the ring back onto the table.

"House Modin was never on my list and I think I can safely say that it wasn't them with the discovery of this ring in the dragon's hoard," Dakaran says. Dakaran stands up and begins to pace. He curses again loudly, clearly worried about the situation. Looking over the five of you he asks "Is there anything else that we need to discuss?"


As Leolamin examines one of the bronze rings that are all the same he realizes that the rings don't bear a royal house crest. He thinks hard on his time working on the forge and he remembers once seeing that crest. Once a pair of men had brought an ancient sword to his master, Tal, to examine. They had been from the archaeological department from the Academy of Science and wore that crest upon their clothing as well as silver rings bearing the same crest.

As general knowledge you are all aware that the Academy of Science is the foremost prestidious center of learning and science on the continent. Many great minds work and teach at the academy. While the Academy does teach the majority of the Houses children, they do also take students not of noble birth that show extreme potential as well as foreign students from neighboring lands.

2012-01-27, 01:36 PM

"intrique....i do not enjoy intrique." though she does not have a tail in her human form, it seems that it would be twitching in an annoyed fashion. Her expression is that of a displeased housecat, as if debating between prowling off in a huff or attacking. "I suggest we do what whomever set the trap intends, go to the hoouse and investigate perhaps. Then we watch for the ambush to drop upon us."

2012-01-27, 05:06 PM
Sariel listens intently to Dakaran and Derise, taking in the knowledge she didn't already know, Although it would seem House Modin did not deal with the dragonspawn, they still failed to protect their lands and their people from a threat....they failed! She sighs, But at least they are not guilty of a greater crime. She pauses to think of the alliances and infighting between the Great Houses that she grew up with...trying to remember any feuds between Modin and the other houses.
History check to see if she can remember any details of feuds etc.
History- [roll0]

2012-01-28, 09:18 AM
Zachar - Deva Avenger

Zachar sits stiff as ever as Dakaran relays his story, but there is a burning anger deep in his eyes. It takes him a moment to digest all that the leader has told him, but he finally responds, "What proof did you have that the king had betrayed his people before? I understand there was no hard evidence, but there must have been something that led you back to him. And which other houses did you suspect of being involved? It seems like those would be the best place to continue to investigate this situation."

2012-01-28, 07:41 PM
"Yes, House Modin may be innocent of bringing the dragonspawn, but they did ignore the threat. They'll answer for that some day." Dakaran finishes that last comment, then sits silent for a moment.

Sariel thinks back to her youth to try and come up with and clues to enemies of House Modin. House Modin, a powerful house comprised of mostly dwarves viewed the other dwarven house, House Thornadin as a social rival. The Houses competed often in various aspects of the kingdom. Sariel also recalls her teachings on the other houses and remembers being told that while House Modin didn't necessarily view them as enemies, House Branwyn views House Modin as such. The king before the current one was of House Branwyn and with Lord Modin currently in line for the throne Lord Branwyn's desires for the throne are in jeopardy.

Zachar's question breaks Dakaran from his silence. Responding he says, "Hard proof I only laid eyes on once, but that was all I needed to see. When I was younger an assassin had managed to make his way into the castle of Dragonhold. It was amazing that he got as far as he did, but he was discovered. My commanding officer, myself, and two other knights came upon him as he stood over the lifeless body of a guard to the princess's room. He dashed. Our pursuit ended with my commanding officer outright tackling the man into a door. They crashed through and into a small room that was usually unoccupied, but the king and one of his top advisors were inside. I heard the word "dragon" before they abruptly stopped talking. There was a large map on a table with a path that cut through the countryside and avoided all towns that they quickly swept up after the shock of seeing us waned. My commanding officer outright killed the assassin and we dragged his body away after profusely apologizing to the king and swearing that we saw or heard nothing. Two months after that dragons sightings began and villages started being burned to the ground by a rogue dragon. No one seemed to be able to find it. I put two and two together and began tailing the king's advisor. After nearly a year of infrequent dragon sightings and attacks they attacks began to get more and more frequent and one dragon in particular began making its way to Dragonhold. I overheard the king's advisor talking to someone regarding a dragon that was out of control and heading for Dragonhold. I feld immediately and gathered my men and we went after that dragon. After the battle which cost me my hand I learned that the king's advisor's body had been conveniently found among the dead killed by the dragon. I had planned to make the man disappear myself and question him after that night, but alas my opportunity vanished. That was when I decided to leave the service of the king and form the Red Hands." Realizing that he his story had moved more and more towards a rant Dakaran paused for a moment to catch his breath and calm himself a little. "Well, I suppose I've gone on and on enough about that... To answer your other question, my top suspects were House Thornadin and House Branwyn. Lord Thornadin at the time was next in line for the crown and was likely to be in league with the King. Lord Branwyn was the decendant of the previous king and was vying heavily as well for the crown after King Ajax. Both had motive to solidify the kingdom and prove their value to the king in hopes to further their goals for the crown."

"Dakaran," Delise says, "I know you like your stories, but there are things to attend to. If news of the dragon's death reaches its conspiritors they may come looking for the corpse and any evidence that would point to them."

"Of course, of course!" Dakaran says. "So, you five have obviously had a rough few days and pushed hard through the night to get this news back to me. We'll keep talking if there are matters you wish to discuss further, but I'll send Delise and several others to watch the area dwarven hold for activity. If there's nothing further to discuss then I'll release you to get some well deserved rest."

2012-01-29, 09:11 PM

"By your leave, Commander." Analash bows, and finds her way back ot her room. After cleaning off the dust of travel and the gore that has gotten onto her person and gear, she puts on a long blue dress, and heads out into the city. She is looking for a tanner to do some custom work.

I'd like to use the hide strips I cut from the dragon to make each of the party members an armband, made of white dragonhide, decorated with some of the dragon's teeth.

2012-01-30, 09:32 AM
After setting out in search of a tanner Analash finds one near the Red Hands base of operations. A leather-working apprentice greets Analash with a warm smile. The eagerness in his voice to help a pretty woman is obvious, at least to his fellow apprentices if it isn't to Analash. After hearing her request, the young man says that the work is definitely something their shop could handle. Another apprentice joins the other in examining the strips of dragon leather. They stare in awe for a moment at Analash before going to confer with their master. Analash watches as the two apprentices and their master wonder around the tannery pulling books off shelves, flip through them, then toss them aside. Finally the master pulls a book off the shelf and spends a few minutes reading before nodding at his apprentices. The three of them approach Analash and the master tanner says, "Well lass, it's truly incredible that you came across some dragon leather... incredible..." The man runs his fingers over the strips again. "While I haven't worked with dragon leather before..." The man pauses for a moment then hastilty adds, "and mind you you won't find anyone in the city that has... I have several books on the matter from some of the tanner masters of centuries past. With my experience and this knowledge I have no doubt we can make you some simple bands with it. It would be an honor to gain some experience with dragon leather. I tell you what, in exchange for you letting us work with the leather I'll cut you a deal: half price. I'll charge you 2 gold for the work. And dragon leather is already so tough and durable that it won't take much at all to cure it. I honestly think we can have it done before the day is out. I'll have one of my apprentices here run them out to you when the lot is done." Assuming that Analash agrees the tanners take down the address of Analash and again stare in awe that she gave them an address for the Red Hands. The tanners mutter thanks again as Analash turns and walks out.

tigerus, if for some reason you would decide to go elsewhere or want to discuss something further with the tanners I'll simply edit this post to reflect that. Just let me know.

2012-01-30, 12:00 PM

Analash thanks the tanner for his services, and pays him, dropping five gold coins into his hand. She walks out of the shop, and wanders along the city for a while in thought.

Now there will be talk of that dragonhide. I wonder if that was a wise decision. Nothing to do about it now.

2012-01-30, 03:31 PM
As the druidess leaves, Sariel nods to Dakaran and her friends, I also, will retire. I need time to think regarding what we have discovered.
She leaves and retires to her room. Shedding her gear, Sariel, spends the next few hours cleaning and oiling her armour and sword, ensuring that no evidence of the kobolds or dragon were left...only some scarring of the fierce combat they had experienced. As she cleans, she considers what they have learned and decides to contact an old friend in the morning, to see what he knows.
Settling into her trance, Sariel drifts into her own thoughts, her mind wandering, waiting for morning to arrive...
The plan in the morning is for Sariel to discretely contact Benrik Weyhaven to see if he can shed any light on these shenanigans

2012-01-30, 04:25 PM

Still trying to reason out what all has happened, Saeros decides to continue practicing with his new great bow. The time alone will allow him to process the information. He walks to the archery range and the compound and continues his training. He fires arrow after arrow until darkness comes. Sore from the work, he settles in for the night and plans for the next few days of training and rest.

2012-01-30, 04:27 PM

Still trying to reason out what all has happened, Saeros decides to continue practicing with his new great bow. The time alone will allow him to process the information. He walks to the archery range and the compound and continues his training. He fires arrow after arrow until darkness comes. Sore from the work, he settles in for the night and plans for the next few days of training and rest.

2012-01-30, 07:18 PM
Zachar - Deva Avenger

Zachar takes his leave as well. He is exhausted after the long day of combat and travel, so heads to bed quite soon after their meeting with Dakaran. He wakes up early the next morning with plans to find a merchant willing to buy the moonstone necklace that he carried for the group. It was an attractive trinket, but probably more meant for a wealthy lady than for rough and tumble mercenaries. After his normal morning rituals he leaves the compound to find a merchant in the town proper.

If he finds anyone willing to pay the 150 gp for it, he'll sell it and bring the gold back to split up with the party.

He also plans to use his share of what he's earned so far to replace the healing potion he'd used in the last combat if he can find one.

2012-01-31, 12:48 PM
<Recap: Previously on The Red Hands...>
At the conclusion of speaking with Dakaran he orders Delise to round up a few scouts and to put eyes on the dwarven hold immediately. Delise pops out of the war room the same way she popped in. The five of you depart to tend to your personal needs.

Analash went out after getting cleaned up and put in an order for some dragon-leather bands for the group that would be ready the next day.

Sariel takes leave to clean up and get some rest.

Saeros heads out to the archery range to train with his newly acquired greatbow.

Zachar wisely allows himself to give in to exhaustion and retires to bed.

Leolamin stalks off to do whatever it is that shifters like to do after glorious battle.

<The next morning>
Zachar rises with the dawn, feeling very well rested. He performs his morning rituals and prepares for the day. Zachar exchanges greetings with Saeros as they cross paths in the courtyard before heading into the city to find a merchant. While searching the city, Zachar finds a few merchants who are a little too unsavory for his preference. One even tried to trade him the "Super Incredible Amazing Power Bracelet of Giants" for the necklace. Zachar wonders if the man simply saw him as someone of an uncommon race in Kaldor and just assumed he was a dimit. Zachar ultimately finds a merchant bold enough to support the Red Hands in Dragonhold and willing to purchase the necklace. The merchant, a friendly halfling that deals in jewelry and clothing, said that he'll take the necklace at full price, and a little more to support the Red Hands. The Halfling spills 165 gold into a small pouch and hands it to Zachar in exchange for the necklace. After leaving the friendly halfing Zachar finds an elven alchemist that carries a variety of useful herbs and potions. Zachar finds a shelf of healing potions marked at 50 gold a piece.

Saeros wakes early to continue his new routine of practicing his hand with the greatbow. He finds that he isn't the only one awake as he exchanges greetings with Zachar on his way to the archery range and finds he is not the first to arrive at the range. A young boy, with a wooden training sword strapped to his side, is loosing arrows at a target 50 meters away and seems to at least be hitting within the inner three rings on the target with each arrow. Standing at a nearby target Saeros begins to practice again with his new bow.

While eating breakfast Analash is greeted by both of the leather-working apprentices rushing to be first to tell her that they worked through the night to finish the leather bands that she had requested. While one boy details their efforts the other drops 7 gold onto the table and tries to talk over the other boy explaining that Analash had paid too much. Both of the boys, 15 or 16 by Analash's guess, seem quite taken by her and prattle on and on in detail about their work in hope of impressing her.

Leolamin awakes in the morning on the floor under his bed in his quarters, a small room, in the Red Hands barracks. His belongings are heaped haphazzard in the corner with the exception of his money, which seems to have been meticulously stacked in one tall column with a couple of dried berries placed on top. Unsure of what happened Leolamin crawls out from under his bed and tries to remember what happened.

Upon waking Sariel immediately sets to writing a coded note to Benrik Weyhaven. She finds an aide of the Red Hands and asks him to deliver it without drawing attention. After preparing herself for the day she finds Analash at the breakfast table and is thoroughly amused by the prospect of the two lads hitting on Analash. Analash is still under bombardment from the boys when the aide that Sariel had sent out returned with a note for her. She finishes reading the note and abandons the rest of her breakfast to meet Benrik. Sariel arrives at the location that Benrik's not indicated to find him already there. They hastily discuss the situation as Benrik doesn't have much time before he's expected back at the castle to give a lesson to the youngest child of Lord Modin. As they discussed the archeologists Benrik had asked if Sariel had learned their identities. He had actually heard about a new and exciting new dig and had two friends from the Academy of Science that were going out for initial ground work. Sariel tried to remember the journal entries that they had come across at the archaeologist's campsite and recalled the names Argram and Kallie from the entries. Benrik's head lowered in sadness at the names, which he recognized as his friends. Sariel gave the man a moment of silence, but it was broken shortly by Benrik exclaiming "Three! You said you found three bodies." Anger was clear on his face. "Only Argram and Kallie were sent from the Academy to the dig... the dead human was not with the Academy of Science." A bell tolling in the distance grabs Benrik's attention and he apologetically says that he must depart. He does promise to keep his eyes and ears open as Lord Modin will surely soon learn of a dragon getting into his lands.

I made a streetwise roll for Zachar and got a 19. (I made the roll for you instead of posting a request for you do make a streetwise roll. If you'd prefer to make your own rolls in similar scenarios going forward just let me know.) I had a secret DC for Zachar to find a Red Hands friendly merchant who would offer 10% above value for the necklace and 19 will do it. Based on dariathalon's comment it looks like once Zachar gets back to the Red Hands "campus" each of you will be getting 33 gold. I'm assuming that Zachar picked up a healing potion. Let me know if he decides to grab more. If anyone else wants to purchase a healing potion just post to that effect either here in IC or OOC and you can buy as many as you can afford/want with no problem.

Megatron, if you have any specific questions that you wanted to have Sariel ask Benrik let me know and it'll retroactively be a part of their conversation. I was just trying to push things along a little so that we're all at a good point to push forward soon.

Everyone, if there's anything else that you want to do, I would recommend doing so as tomorrow I plan to move forward with a certain... event, barring any necessary RP that comes up from you all posting. :smallamused:

2012-01-31, 02:12 PM

Analash smiles at the boys, realizing that not that long ago, she would have been glad to have one young man, especially an apprentice with as solid a trade as leatherworking, interested in her, let alone two. She almost hated sending the poor lovestruck boys away, but dreams of a husband and family were long dead in her, and they were far too young besides. "They are exquisite, I am sure my friends, and especially my husband, will love them. Do return the extra coin to you master with my thanks, I intended it to reward his quick and excellent work, and that of his two fine apprentices.". She gives them each a kiss on the cheek and sends them on their way, making sure they take their coin with them.

As the others gather, she makes awordless gift of the dragon leather bands.

2012-01-31, 07:44 PM
Zachar - Deva Avenger

Zachar accepts the gold from the halfling in exchange for the necklace. "Thank you. I will remember this kindness. And if there's anything I can ever do for you, please let me know." He makes a mental note to remember where he found the halfling for future needs.

In the alchemist's shop, Zachar purchases one of the vials labeled as potions of healing and tucks it into his pocket where it would be easy to grab in an emergency.

Everyone can go ahead and add their 33 gp to their sheet so I don't have to track it anymore. Zachar will give it to you as soon as he gets the chance.

I have no problem with you making the occasional roll to speed things up. Especially if you keep rolling so well. :smallbiggrin:

Zachar just buys one potion since he doesn't quite have enough for a second. I would recommend others in the group also grab one if you can afford it, just to be on the safe side.

2012-02-01, 03:06 AM
She gives Benrik's hand a quick clasp before he leaves, when she suddenly speaks, Before you go my friend, do you know of any House other than House Branwyn that may bare House Modin ill will? If not, could you dig around for me old friend? See what you can discover...I will find out about this human.
She bids the historian good bye before making her way back to the Red Hands Compound, remembering how useful the healing poitions were, she stops and picks one up.
Upon her arrival back at the Red Hands, she accepts the dragon band from Analash and ties it around her arm, just below the Red Hands symbol...Where are your new friends Analash? They seem quite taken by you? A slight smile plays around the eladrin's mouth as she asks this.

2012-02-01, 03:09 AM
Sits down and waits for the others, adjusting her new arm band.
Second post so the earlier one I just did will appear :smallannoyed:

2012-02-01, 07:45 AM
Leo groans as he crawls out and stands, taking a second to stand and think he then dons his weapons and amour. He then leaves after putting all his processions in his pack. He puts the berries in a pouch on his belt and walks out. He makes his way out passing where Analash and sariel sit. Good morning packsister I hope your night wasn't as...eventful as mine. Haha he takes paying a visit to his old friend Tal the blacksmith. After exganing greetings he buys a spear from him. He then goes and buys a healing potion from a different merchant and then makes his way back to the compound.

2012-02-01, 09:40 AM
Benrik paused before leaving as Sariel grabbed his hand. He answered her question, "Aside from the obvious rivalry of the other dwarven house, House Thornadin, no house in particular sticks out. But then again, they all are aristocrats, capable of epic levels of deceit. I will keep my ears open for any news."

2012-02-01, 03:40 PM

Saeros walks into the compound after purchasing a healing potion at a local vendor, and waves to the boy he has been practicing with. Man he is a good shot Saeros thinks to himself.

He steps into the command room and sits down patiently. Seeing the armband on the table in front of him he puts it around his left forearm. The fit is perfect.

"My arm bracer just broke and this one is much better. Thank you Analash.

I decided that my arm band was fashioned into an archers arm bracer (protects from the snap of the bow) for flavor sake. Hope thats cool with you Analash

2012-02-01, 03:51 PM
After a day of rest of taking care of business around Dragonhold the five of you have returned to the Red Hands base of operations. As the five of you are enjoying an evening meal together discussing the day's activities a young boy rushes into the dining hall. Saeros recognizes the boy as the archer he met in the archery range. The boy swiftly moves to your table, a little out of breath, and quickly informs you that Dakaran needs you in the war room immediately.

As you enter the war room Dakaran is standing over a polished black stone the size of a fist which is sitting on the edge of the map table in the middle of the room. As you get closer to Dakaran and the stone you can see a lightly glowing rune etched into the surface and you begin to hear Delise's voice with a hint of fear coming from the stone, "... his eyes... they had no color, it was like looking into ivory marbles..." Delise paused for a moment, then continued in a steadier voice, "after that I heard him order someone to teleport them out of there and the next thing I knew I woke up on a cot in a farmhouse with a large bandage tied around my stomach."

Dakaran replies, "I'm glad you're alive and safe, my love. Did the necromancer say anything else? Did anyone say his name?"

Delise responds, "No. At least not that I remember. It gets even worse. Some of the scouts I took with me were distracted in the central village and didn't come to the dig site when I sent up my flare. More of the necromancers lackeys raided the village and managed to kidnap one of the elders. The necromancer was prepared. I don't know how he was prepared so quickly, but he was. Obviously the attack on the village was a diversion, but I have no idea why they took a man... the locals here are terrified. The man that was taken, his family, as well as the community, is asking for help; They're asking for the 'dragonslayers'. Josalyn is still alive and is downstairs right now. She and I are going to head back to the dwarven hold to search for clues and I'll spend some time trying to see if I can find any arcane trail to follow the teleport. Josalyn was in the village fighting off the raiders and knows where they fled into the nearby forest. I'll have them pick up the trail and try to track down the raiders. Of course we want to rescue the elder, but more importantly we need information. Are the 'dragonslayers' here yet?"

"They've just arrived and heard most of what you said," Dakaran replies. "I'm sending them to you and I'll give them the rest of the details that they missed, Delise. Please take care of yourself. I love you."

"And I, you," Delise responds.

The rune on the stone stops glowing and Dakaran lowers his head for a moment before addressing you. "So. Obviously you heard the end of the message. Your mission is to head back to the farming village of Ornan and Rakkon, track down the missing elder, and find out anything you can about the necromancer that attacked the dwarven hold and the village. I have Ethan preparing a carriage and will drive you to the village. Okay, so for what you missed. Delise and three others were scouting the dwarven hold while Josalyn and another scout were in the village in case someone turned up there. She's not sure how, but a necromancer and a unit of raiders appeared and immediately engaged them. After killing one of the scouts the necromancer ran down into the hold. After a couple of minutes he re-emerged holding the head of the dead human archaeologist. By that time the other two scouts had been killed and Delise was bleeding out on the ground with a dagger in her stomach. At the same time Josalyn and another scout were engaged in the village by several raiders. Josalyn survived, but the other scout was killed trying to prevent raiders from taking a village elder."

As Dakaran finishes briefing the five of you Ethan, the boy that had summoned you from your dinner, enters the war room. After Dakaran finishes speaking, Ethan informs you all that the carriage is prepared.

"Very good, thank you Ethan. Time is of the essence so unless there's something of immediate need or concern you leave now."

If there was anything else that any of you wanted to purchase just pay for it, add the items to your inventory, and post in the OOC thread or PM me so I know that you bought something. We'll just assume that your characters all did a little shopping earlier in the day.
The five of you gather your belongings and meet Ethan out in front of the command center, load up, and depart for the farming village in the lands of House Modin. Upon arriving you see Delise walking gingerly towards you, being helped by a young woman that you presume is Josalyn given that she's wearing a pair of short swords and a Red Hands band is wrapped around her right arm. After greeting you and introducing Josalyn, Delise says "I presume Dakaran filled you all in on the situation. We don't have time to waste. You know your mission, yes? Do any of you have any questions before Josalyn shows you where the raiders fled into the forest?"

2012-02-01, 04:40 PM
Leo asks how many raiders attacked? How trained were they. What kind of forces are we looking at here? A well trained military or just a band of raiders?

2012-02-01, 05:19 PM
Delise closes her eyes to think before replying to Leolamin, "I'm not certain. At the excavation site I think there were eight raiders including the necromancer. We killed five. There might have been a mage there too, but he didn't fight. They seemed well trained and organized. The raiders were human. They wore armor, but no symbols to identify themselves. I haven't gotten back out to the site yet, but the farmers that found me said that there weren't any bodies of the enemy; just scorch marks on the ground. Josalyn, how many were in the village?"

"There were four raiders in the village," Josalyn says, "but they were different from the ones that Delise described. The raiders in the village were elves and there also seemed to be several wolves loose in the area creating chaos. Two of the raiders stormed into the elder's home while the other two covered them with arrow-fire. Thomas... he put down one of the raiders that had gone into the elder's home, but was killed by the archers before he could get at the other..." Josalyn curses loudly and fights back a few tears before continuing. "I'm sorry... we were unprepared for an attack. It was quick, it was efficient. That's about all we know about them. Delise and I are lucky to be alive. Fortunately for me when one of the archers pinned me in the leg with an arrow I fell sideways and crumpled behind a barrel before another bolt flew through the air at chest level right where I was standing. I couldn't pursue them as they fled, but I am alive... Thomas..." Josalyn turns quickly and walks away, clearly trying to hide her sadness.

Delise looks after the young woman before turning her attention back to you, "Josalyn's taking this pretty hard. She and Thomas were close friends. They were part of the same unit for the past five years and had trained as aides together with the Red Hands for a few years before that. They're practically siblings... they were practically siblings. That's part of the reason I'm keeping Josalyn with me. I'll have her show you the trail, but we need information. I'm afraid she'd just up and kill, well everyone she could get her blades on."

2012-02-01, 09:47 PM
Leolamin usual cheerful attitudes is gone completely. It obvious that the cheerful part of him is a mask covering up pain and sorrow. A feeling I too familiar with. It's good that you are here to stop her from doing something she'll come to regret. He then walks to where Josylen walked off too and said I know from experience where you are and what you're feeling. I know the grief you're feeling and i know that there's nothing anyone can say that will make the pain go away. Know this though Tomas died for something he believed in and he will always be with you. Honor his memory well. He then places a hand on her shoulder then moves back to the group.

2012-02-02, 09:16 AM
Josalyn's eyes flash from sadness to cold anger. "You're right. Nothing you can say will help with the pain. You know what would help, shifter. Retribution! But that's apparently off the table right now." Despite Leolamin's good efforts, Josalyn pain is still very fresh and fury is bubbling just below the surface. As Leolamin moves to rejoin his group he thinks that for now time may be the best medicine for Josalyn.