View Full Version : Examples of More-Or-Less CR-accurate Mid-level Bruisers?

2011-12-05, 12:03 AM
So I'm working on a bit of brew and I'm aiming for it being somewhat close to properly built for the general CR I'm aiming for, haven't really settled on where, thinking 7-10.

Of course, with how borked the CR system is, I'm not quite sure what to take as good examples as a basis of comparison in that general range.

Are the giants generally about as spot on as WOTC could afford?

I'm particularly interested in non-core examples to look into, as while I have access to most of the library given time, I don't relish going through them all one by one without some guidance.

2011-12-05, 02:16 AM
For MM giants, I find they tend to be a tad underpowered for their cr, namely because their AC is too low (even for a bruiser).

You may want to look at MM3, more specifically, the mountain troll (which is basically a huge fire giant) or the sand giant (a fire giant with better defenses).

2011-12-05, 02:27 AM
MM3, you say? That's conveniently one of the ones I've got better access to. Mostly thanks to loving them fleshrakers.

That reminds me, actually, what do y'all think of the Bloodhulk family?