View Full Version : The Labyrinth IC

2011-12-05, 02:57 AM
Crow walks about the room with a torch in hand naked as the day he was born. He begins to approach one of the doors as it bursts forward and a man covered in smoke bounds out of the room and falls on top of him. This young man is Desh. He has an animal skin on his arm, but not the rest of his body. The two land intertwined in a normally not-so-awkward-position.

Soon after, you hear a loud snap as a half-demon man waltzes out of one of the rooms and witnesses this act. Soon after, there is a smoking coming from the last door. After a bit, you see an Elven woman's foot kick it in. She is covered in the fur, and seems to be the only one who bothered with modern decency.

There is a large hole in the center of the room, seemingly put there on purpose. There are three bails of hay sitting on the north wall, directly by the hole, and a door to the south guarded by two stone statues. The east and west walls are covered by the four doors you all just came out of.

2011-12-05, 09:42 AM
"Well, I'm glad that I'm not the only one who thought of the fire." I say and untangle myself from crow. I take the animalskin and try to cover myself up a bit.

"What do you think is in the pit? I say aloud, and go to look(From a safe distance).

2011-12-05, 09:57 AM
Half-Demon Man

He holds the torch out away from himself, not as a source of light but rather as a possible weapon. "Who are all of you? Did those pigs of guards throw you in these dungeons as well?" There are slight brusies on his wrists, a tell-tale sign that he had been bound recently. He keeps his distance from the rest of the group. While waiting for their responces he tears a hole in his animal skin using a small bit of sharp metal, then puts it on as makeshift clothing.

2011-12-05, 11:00 AM
Crow sighs before heading back into his own "room" and grabbing the animal skins, and using it more like a wraparound jacket or sarong. His voice comes out of the room, "I was at a party until i woke up here, not sure how i got here. I just woke with a killer headache, the name's Crow by the way."

Crow walks out of the room now covered, "more concerned about getting out of there than public decency obviously, no one was around at the time." he looks around, "so, which way, we got two options by the looks of it. Either we try the door, or the pit," he says as he gets a closer look at the hay bails, something may be in them or wrapped around them that could be useful.

"Or we could get to know what we can do before getting out of here, better to get some knowledge ahead of time then not know right?" he continues with a grin.

2011-12-05, 11:41 AM
Half-Demon Man

The demonic man stops his searching for a moment to give off an annoyed sigh just before muttering a pair of words in infernal. "Jozraj vyym..." He continues his searching, hoping to find something of use within, around, or underneath the bails of hay. If anything he would cut the cords that bound the hay into bails if they were still there, collecting them for simple twine or rope. "We're trapped, get used to it."

Jozraj vyym... - Damned fool...

2011-12-05, 12:01 PM
Half-Demon Man

The demonic man stops his searching for a moment to give off an annoyed sigh just before muttering a pair of words in infernal. "Jozraj vyym..." He continues his searching, hoping to find something of use within, around, or underneath the bails of hay. If anything he would cut the cords that bound the hay into bails if they were still there, collecting them for simple twine or rope. "We're trapped, get used to it."

Jozraj vyym... - Damned fool...

Awesome roleplay.

As you unleash the hay, it tumbles into the pit, and you hear a hissing sound as each piece of hay sizzles to an ember.

2011-12-05, 12:09 PM
The elven woman grins lopsidedly. "I'll put it this way - now I know never to get involved with the adventuring sorts again," she says, looking around. "Fancy little room, though, isn't it?" Her gaze falls on her companions. She makes no effort to hide her amusement at their collectively half - naked state. "There should be some strings on those. No need to carve it all up."

She inspects the door, and the statues around it. While she's not quite sure what she's looking for, whatever she finds could have some use.

2011-12-05, 12:25 PM
You see a small stone cup embedded into the floor. It has runes etched into the bottom and sides, and it looks magical in nature. The statues carry no weapons, just simply a massive stone shield.

2011-12-05, 12:32 PM
The elf tries to get the cup out of the floor, using her chisel when needed. "We are not trapped. This is a maze - somehow, I think an actual labyrinth might be too much to hope for. A maze has an entrance and an exit, which may be the same place. We were 'welcomed', however sorry that welcome is. I think this is more likely to be a cruel game than anything else." Her little speech makes her strong elven accent clear - long, rounded, vowels, th's that sound more like t's, and a lilt that seems to be the byproduct of trying to apply the tones of elven to a language that lacks them completely.

2011-12-05, 12:36 PM
Half-Demon Man

Ignoring the broad statement by the elven woman, the demonic man ties the bit of twine or rope together to make a longer length. He ties wraps it into a circle before tieing it onto his side. He approaches the stone door and statues as well. "What sort of writing is that?" His expertise did not cover the writing on the stone cup. Instead he examines the stone shield as well as the door for any sign that either of these were designed to move and if so, how.

2011-12-05, 12:53 PM
"I will tell you as soon as I get in a better position to read it," she replies, too absorbed in her work to bother making eye contact.

2011-12-05, 01:01 PM
The chisel has no effect on the stone cup, it is fixed in place.

As you are all inspecting this, the hay shifts, and a good amount falls into the pit. You hear the familiar sizzling of the hay as it hits.. whatever is in the pit. Then suddenly, you hear a loud popping, crackling noise as a bright light nearly blinds you all, and a blazing orb shoots out violently, bouncing off the walls with such force, it leaves indents. You all have to duck and sway out of the way to avoid being hit.

Reflex Saves for everyone!




Desh is the only one who could not avoid the orb whizzing about his head. It strikes him hard enough that he is now unconscious.

2011-12-05, 01:12 PM
"That cup almost looks dwarven in orgin!" He says, trying to get a better look at the cup. "Be careful! Dwarven runes can have magical effects and you wouldn't want to set one off."

Desh turns to the Half-demon, completley forgettign the predicament he was now in. "You know, Dwarves were one of the first to build large chapels to their gods? They were also the first to use coins as currency and even now coins are still used in most civilized lands as currency. Do you think we'll get a chance to see some? I mean, if the cup is dwarven, then there must be dwarves around here somewhere, right? Or maybe these ruins are dwarven... Think of what we could find in here!"

Before Desh can continue talking, the ball of force hits him in the head, and he collapses with a loud "Oomph".

2011-12-05, 01:29 PM
"Lyattre ret!" The elf hits the ground, just as the orb goes flying over her head to bounce off the wall behind her. "O Zhadeia Paes..." she takes a few deep breaths. "What in the name of the gods was that supposed to be?" she hisses, pushing herself upright.


Lyattre ret!: A shocked expression, sort of like 'holy crap!', though that is not, technically speaking, the translation.

O Zhadeia Paes: Goddess of Dreams

2011-12-05, 01:45 PM
The ball hisses and sizzles, rolling on the ground. Soon, it cools from it's red-hot state to a ball of equal darkness as the pit.

2011-12-05, 02:59 PM
Sorry for the lack of reply, I forgot to put this in my subscriptions
"Guess we've only got one way to go," Crow says, "And it looks like my luck is holding up better here," he says with a grin. He then looks at Desh, "We'll need to wake him up before we move on though."

2011-12-06, 10:33 AM
Asherae nods. She kneels by Desh, reaches out carefully, and then pinches his shoulder. Hard. Her fingernails do not quite draw blood, but you could certainly imagine them doing so.

2011-12-06, 03:16 PM
Asherae nods. She kneels by Desh, reaches out carefully, and then pinches his shoulder. Hard. Her fingernails do not quite draw blood, but you could certainly imagine them doing so.

He is not coming back to consciousness.

You can see a trickle of blood run down his neck.

2011-12-08, 10:19 AM
Half-Demon Man

The red skinned small-horned man leaps out of the path of the flaming sphere, falling prone just to the side of the statue he had been examining. He rises to his feet once the orb has stopped and cooled. The man turns a cold gaze toward Asherae. "E wew lean mailceja anirilan il cilwa ylaala laynyir cillvyilva, synyir calala il cilwa amires illanymefala ane il oeecelair illw irilyvirana vewwalala eo wmailsla." While his elven grammar was flawless, his accent and tone were corrupted by his infernal heritage and familiarity with his own dark tongue. Rather than waiting for her response or the result of the attention paid to the fallen man, the demonic man approaches the orb. He takes note of how it interacts with the stone floor and how deeply it intended said flooring. Taking his chisel in hand, he places the rusted metal against the now darkened orb.

E wew lean mailceja anirilan il cilwa ylaala laynyir cillvyilva, synyir calala il cilwa amires illanymefala ane il oeecelair illw irilyvirana vewwalala eo wmailsla. - I did not realize that a lady uses such language, much less a lady whom ascribes to a foolish and haughty goddess of dreams.

2011-12-08, 11:55 AM
Whatever the horned man said, it makes the elf laugh. "The last time anyone called me a lady was at least seventy years ago," she says. Her demeanor turns serious in an instant. "And I would appreciate it if you did not mock my faith."

She rolls the unconscious human over. "Mmmm. He's bleeding. He's not going to wake for a while. Anyone know the healing arts here?"

2011-12-08, 12:01 PM
"I'm just lucky, good with traps, and have a talent for talking my way out of stuff," Crow says, not grinning now, "I can try some basic first aid if we had some bandages, but we don;t have any around, *sigh* we may have to carry him."

2011-12-08, 01:42 PM
The orb does not react more than rolling around on the floor. As you stare, you see that it has very lightly colored runes covering one side.

Your new 'friend' is still unconscious.

2011-12-08, 01:49 PM
Half-Demon Man

Appears to care more about this orb than the current state of the man who had been struck by it. The demonic man attempts to read the runes he has found on it, looking for clues as to its function.

Wolfgang reads and speaks Common, Infernal, Elven, Draconic, and Dwarven. (He had 16 Int, so he got three bonus languages ontop of his standard two of Common and Infernal)

2011-12-08, 03:03 PM
They are nothing you have ever seen..

2011-12-08, 03:44 PM
"Let's see how much of this I can remember then..." The elf cracks her knuckles and then begins carefully looking for the source of the blood, wiping the trails away with the skin she wears. At points, she stops to adjust the animal skin, trying to keep him warm. When she finds the wound, she takes a deep breath and applies pressure with her bare hands. "Someone help me elevate his legs."

2011-12-08, 05:29 PM
Crow steps forward and lifts his legs.

2011-12-08, 09:34 PM
You find that with a little twine and straw, you can patch him up nicely. Within a few minutes, your friend is awake.

2011-12-08, 09:41 PM
"What happened?" Desh ask, looking around and rubbing his swollen head.

Desh quickly remember where he is though and groans. "I suppose it was too much to ask for this to be a bad dream then?" After gathering himself up and moving the animal skin again to cover his modesty, he looks at the assembled companions.

"Did I introduce myself yet? My name is Desh... Uh, Hi."

2011-12-09, 12:23 AM
"I am Asherae," she replies. She wipes her bloodied hands on the skin she wears and stands. "Glad you're awake. Thought you might be going into shock, and we do not have the capacity to deal with that right now."

2011-12-09, 03:58 PM
Now that everyone is up..

You are all standing in a stone room covered in furs, and some of you, blood.

One of you has a black-ish Orb, there is a pit that incinerates anything that touches it, and there is a tiny bowl-shaped pit in the floor.

Have fun!

2011-12-09, 06:04 PM
"Hm, I wonder," Crow appraoches the statue and feels around, checking specifically for seams in the stone.

2011-12-11, 11:20 AM
Half-Demon Man

The demonic man speaks without breaking his gaze with the orb, "Name's Wolfgang. And I have an idea of how to get out of here." He turns to face the group, still crouched down by where the orb landed. "This thing made a fair dent in the walls and even in Desh. It jumped out of that pit when the hay lit up, so fire must activate it... whatever it is. I bet it can punch a hole clear through that door. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not looking to team up with you lot. I just figure I can't lift that stone shield all by my lonesome. The shield should more than cover one of the doorways, where we'd be hiding and we can use it to direct the orb right into that stone door as it bounces about. Or we can stay in here until one of us looks more tasty than the rest." Wolfgang starts to grin, showing off his sharp rows of teeth and enlarged canines.

2011-12-11, 12:21 PM
Asherae ***** her head to one side thoughtfully. "Did we ever check to see if the door was locked in the first place?" She walks over to the south door and tries it, chisel at the ready. Her torch is still smoldering on the floor where she had dropped it earlier, when the orb had shot around the room.

2011-12-11, 01:36 PM
"Nope, but if it isn't open we can try Wolfy's idea," Crow says, "though now i want to see something with that dip in the floor and the goblet. Mind if i see that orb?".

2011-12-11, 03:49 PM

The demonic man looks directly into Crow's eyes, his own crimson hued orbs appearing to ignite with infernal hellfire the likes of no mortal had seen and survived. "Wolf-gang. Utter that childish name again and I will withdraw any notion that your survival benfits me in the least." The flames remained within his eyes, but his tone calmed slightly. "As of now I hold no claim over this orb, you may do with it as you wish." Wolfgang takes a step back, replacing his chisel with the sharpened bit of metal. He busies himself with a bit of twine, making a handle for his makeshift dagger while watching Crow's idea play out.

2011-12-11, 07:01 PM
"I give everyone a nickname at one point or another, comes from being raised by a gnome," Crow says with a grin, "if it bothers you i will refrain from doing so, but i won't make any promises though. As for my usefulness, can anyone else here say they're good with traps?" He asks simply with a grin.

"Now, let's see what happens when i put this in the goblet," he says, picking up the orb and tossing it into the goblet before backing up towards the wall, urging others to do the same just in case something similar to the pit happens again.

2011-12-14, 10:20 AM
Sorry guys! We are moving this to a new forum because Giants in the Playground is not working on my computer.

I wil have one up soon!

2011-12-15, 04:21 PM
(( I don't know about anyone else, but I am not so invested in this game to be driven to switch forums for it. I am withdrawing if this game cannot continue on GiTP. ))