View Full Version : Optimization Help (Or: Make me a Badass)

2011-12-05, 11:51 AM
Greetings, Playground, long time no see.

I'm in a bit of a pickle with my thralls (gained from the Thrallherd PrC).

Here's my intent:

Thrall #1: Doppelganger (4RHD/4LA) Warshaper 5/Mindspy 5/Unknown Class 1
Total Level: 19 (and I only have 18 determined)
Stats: Undetermined as yet
Notes: None

Thrall #2: Natural Were-Leopard (3RHD/3LA) Warblade 2/Bloodstorm Blade 10
Total Level: 18 (and I only have 6 determined)
Stats: Undetermined as yet
Notes: I was thinking about using a Dwarven War Axe for his main weapon. It's not set in stone, though.

How should I go about building these guys? What feats (other than prerequisites for their PrC's)/skills (other than prerequisites for their PrC's)/items (consider standard WBL from p135 of the DMG) should I take. They'll be filling the role of Beatsticks, if that helps. All non-setting specific books (so no FR, no Eberron, etc.) are fair game.

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: I should note that none of this is set in stone, except for the fact that one is a Doppelganger, one is a Natural Were-Leopard, and that they're both Beatsticks.

2011-12-05, 12:16 PM
If you've got the space for it, Master Thrower + Bloodstorm Blade + Manyshot feat + Stormguard Warrior feat + TWF = ownage.

I built a Factotum/Warblade/Master Thrower/Bloodstorm blade with this combo and 8 Vorpal Daggers. Could throw a crap ton of vorpal daggers each attack.

For the Doppelganger, I'm not sure. Probably improved Trip and a spiked chain for lock down?

2011-12-05, 06:26 PM
Thanks! :smallsmile:

I was hoping for a little more input, though. Beatsticks aren't my strong suit when it comes to optimizing. I do mostly skillmonkeys and the occasional caster.