View Full Version : The Burning Plague IC

2011-12-05, 08:30 PM
Yours is an odd procession that makes its way out of a narrow, high-walled box canyon and once more into the fading midsummer sunlight. A crisp coldness in the air fills the lungs of four of five of the walkers, despite the date being only three weeks past the longest day of the year. Altitude has that effect, especially in here in the Roof of the World. Marching faster than you perhaps normally would, maybe eager to get a hot meal and warm bed after a long time on the road, the group travels towards the rough log palisade of the town of Duvik's Pass.

Fields stretch out on either side of this farming community, into the distance of this mountain valley. Even more so than normal for a small farming village, poverty seems the rule here. In one not-too-distant field it is possible to see an abandoned plow set halfway down a furrow and tilting precariously. There does not appear to have been any recent maintenance of any nearby buildings, and there is not a soul on the rough and untended dirt track to the village.

After a surprisingly short time, the group reaches the vertical logs surrounding the village, save for an opening facing the road where most places would have a gate. As you move to enter, a group of perhaps half a dozen men stride forward to block your entrance, conspicuously armed with spears and bows. Their leader stand before them, a badge on his chest, a longsword on his side and a hand on the hilt. His eyes are steely gray over a mustache of the same color, his hair obscured by a helmet and his frame skinny and emaciated. Looking closely, you see that every man standing before you looks starved and desperate, several have open sores on their faces and they universally look deathly ill, besides clearly not being trained combatants of any stripe.

After a pause, mostly consisting of the two groups sizing each other up, the leader nods and speaks with a raspy voice. " Welcome to Duvik's Pass, folks. Sorry we can't be more hospitable, but times have us on edge. M'names Earl Furrowhand, I'm the constable of this town, and unless you want to catch this hell yourself I'd suggest you take that hand right back and put it in your pocket, elf," He speaks almost sharply at Iaelin, who retracts the proffered hand. "I'll ask you folks to pass through right quick, now. We've had a sickness pass us through, and we've qwarn-tined ourselves so's not to pass it along. Unless you've got yourselves some angles, healers or folks with food or med'cin to spare amongst you, I'll ask you to come with us. We'll escort you to the other side of town, and then you can go about your way. We can't risk this getting spread about, not after how quick it went through all of us.

With a turn on his heel, he walks away, his jury-rigged soldiers forming a loose ring around the group. He speaks over his shoulder as he walks, signs of utter poverty readily apparent on either side of the main street. "All this started about two weeks ago. We had a crazy feller wander into town all cut up and sunburnt and ragged, wearing rags of a preacher's clothes, ranting and raving about a vision from Pelor. We cleaned him up and fed him and such, but he passed out before we could ask him much of anything, and he died after only a couple days of some wicked fever. Never even woke up. Worse luck, he gave it to the healers who tried to treat him, and they gave it to the rest of us. They were the first ones to drop, too, so it's spreading been like a wildfire in a drought. Worst part, we laid him out to be buried, but his body vanished in the night before we could. Left a broken window and that's about it. Someone said is was this tribe of kobolds from across the valley, and I guess that's the only thing that makes sense. Now, I'm sorry we can't put you up for the night, but you can find a place to camp somewhere out here. I'd recommend not going into that farmhouse, though. We've not heard from them in a week or so, and it's best to assume they're no longer among the living, bless their souls. I'd ask you not disturb them. Anyway, have a good night, and Pelor bless you all.

He gestures the "guards" away, and nods politely, and starts turning to go. He pauses for a moment, as if he was thinking of something to say, then stops, shakes his head and starts heading back.

Welcome to the Burning Plague

2011-12-05, 11:21 PM
Sky has a disgusted look written all over his face the moment he sees the open soars and thin bones. He immediately takes the opportunity to raise up his dirty undershirt over his nose and mouth, stick his hands deep into his pockets, and hunches over with a crazed look at all the people with him.

Sky leans over to the shorter elf and whispers loudly
"Eel'in sooner we're through this city the better. Maybe we're best off going 'round." While talking Sky does a double look at the strange looking construct.

2011-12-06, 01:13 AM

Dressed much like the beggar that had the vision, Zalor asks. "Where did the Pelorian come from? That is where your plague started, that is where it will end." The lucidity is momentary, and Zalor seems to talk to himself in a deep tone. "Burning...fire and brimstone, death and the nine hells. They go swiftly to the abyss, like the wood eaten by flames." Looking around at the sick and dying, his voice changes back to normal. "Quarantine only gets you so far, guard. We should look into that farmhouse, at least to check on your missing people."

2011-12-06, 01:32 AM

He is surprised at the sudden lucidity the crazy motherborn just showed.

This one fears no illness. If there is such afflicting this place, perhaps Bahamut's reason for sending this one here has been revealed. It would indeed be wise to investigate the dwelling you speak of. This one will do so before addressing his primary mission for the Platinum Dragon. This one is sorry he cannot treat your illnesses, motherborn. Perhaps some of the Platinum Dragon's other servants will be able to heal you. This one will alert them to your plight when it brings Bahamut's newest guests to them.

2011-12-06, 10:44 AM
Earl turns to speak to Zalor and Devenix, taking off his steel-pot helmet with a muffled sigh of relief to reveal thinning hair, the same white-veined gray
as his mustache. "It looked like he came from the other end of the valley, near the mine. But honestly, where he came from doesn't bother me nearly as much as where he went. It seems off... If the kobolds, scaly bastards that they are, stole 'im, the glass on his window would be broken inwards, not out. And there should have been more than one set of tracks... You can take a look, if you'd like. We can't spare any of our healthy folks to go chasing loons. And the farmhouse... I knew the folks that lived there. Good people. I s'pose they're still there. If you wouldn't mind doing us a favor, they deserve a good burial. They've been dead a week or two, so they probably won't be contagious."

2011-12-06, 06:37 PM

Staying a bit hunched over whilst the group discusses the strange sickness, he listens while taking a look around. It sickened him that these guards were actually amongst the better off of the townsfolk. He almost hoped that the quarry he saught had avoided this region, or at least was unaffected. Not out of any affection for them, but for what they took with them.

However, that was a matter all together separate. He knew if he caught up to them and retrieved her, she would be furious if he had simply ignored these people, even if on the surface it seemed there was litte or nothing he could do for them.

Breaking his silence, a deep, slightly scratchy voice comes out."Yes, we'll... try out best... sir." His rather short time with Sky and Iaellin had done wonders for his social skills, but even still, it came to him as awkward.

2011-12-06, 09:06 PM
Sky looks shocked at Sebastion and stutters out in shock, "Our best? What are you gnbat ak nro rohat? He says there's a plague. Last I checked we ain't no doctors, no healers, and I ain't takkakk ku khhago for these people. Right Eel'in?"

Orcish Translation

For those who speak Orcish
takkakk ku khhago = digging no grave
gnbat ak nro rohat = stupid in the head

2011-12-07, 03:55 PM
"Welcome to Duvik's Pass, folks. Sorry we can't be more hospitable, but times have us on edge. M'names Earl Furrowhand, I'm the constable of this town, and unless you want to catch this hell yourself I'd suggest you take that hand right back and put it in your pocket, elf. I'll ask you folks to pass through right quick, now. We've had a sickness pass us through, and we've qwarn-tined ourselves so's not to pass it along. Unless you've got yourselves some angles, healers or folks with food or med'cin to spare amongst you, I'll ask you to come with us. We'll escort you to the other side of town, and then you can go about your way. We can't risk this getting spread about, not after how quick it went through all of us."

Iaelin, pulls his gloves tight when Earl Asks him to not shake hands.

"Well, Furrowhand," Iaelin Begins, "I am Iaelin Alkhestor Skyfallen, Son of Myaldaen. Me and My companions Sky, Sebastian, Devenix, and Zalor," Iaelin Indicates each as he says their name, "are indeed passing through. Would you mind, If I may ask, telling us what this strange disease is, or where it might have originated from?"

"All this started about two weeks ago. We had a crazy feller wander into town all cut up and sunburnt and ragged, wearing rags of a preacher's clothes, ranting and raving about a vision from Pelor. We cleaned him up and fed him and such, but he passed out before we could ask him much of anything, and he died after only a couple days of some wicked fever. Never even woke up. Worse luck, he gave it to the healers who tried to treat him, and they gave it to the rest of us. They were the first ones to drop, too, so it's spreading been like a wildfire in a drought. Worst part, we laid him out to be buried, but his body vanished in the night before we could. Left a broken window and that's about it. Someone said is was this tribe of kobolds from across the valley, and I guess that's the only thing that makes sense. Now, I'm sorry we can't put you up for the night, but you can find a place to camp somewhere out here. I'd recommend not going into that farmhouse, though. We've not heard from them in a week or so, and it's best to assume they're no longer among the living, bless their souls. I'd ask you not disturb them. Anyway, have a good night, and Pelor bless you all.

As Earl Speaks, Sky whispers to Iaelin:

"Eel'in sooner we're through this city the better. Maybe we're best off going 'round."

"Agreed, Sky. Better to get out of the town to insure we don't contract whatever this is. We have-" Iaelin Clears his throat, "No idea how anyone catches the sickness. We should be careful."

Iaelin Listens and thinks as everyone else speaks.


"Where did the Pelorian come from? That is where your plague started, that is where it will end."
... "Burning...fire and brimstone, death and the nine hells. They go swiftly to the abyss, like the wood eaten by flames."...
"Quarantine only gets you so far, guard. We should look into that farmhouse, at least to check on your missing people."


"It looked like he came from the other end of the valley, near the mine. But honestly, where he came from doesn't bother me nearly as much as where he went. It seems off... If the kobolds, scaly bastards that they are, stole 'im, the glass on his window would be broken inwards, not out. And there should have been more than one set of tracks... You can take a look, if you'd like. We can't spare any of our healthy folks to go chasing loons. And the farmhouse... I knew the folks that lived there. Good people. I s'pose they're still there. If you wouldn't mind doing us a favor, they deserve a good burial. They've been dead a week or two, so they probably won't be contagious."


"This one fears no illness. If there is such afflicting this place, perhaps Bahamut's reason for sending this one here has been revealed. It would indeed be wise to investigate the dwelling you speak of. This one will do so before addressing his primary mission for the Platinum Dragon. This one is sorry he cannot treat your illnesses, motherborn. Perhaps some of the Platinum Dragon's other servants will be able to heal you. This one will alert them to your plight when it brings Bahamut's newest guests to them."


"Yes, we'll... try out best... sir."


"Our best? What are you gnbat ak nro rohat? He says there's a plague. Last I checked we ain't no doctors, no healers, and I ain't takkakk ku khhago for these people. Right Eel'in?"

Iaelin smiles a little at the terms Sky decided to use.

"Your right, Sky. None of us are Healers. Doctor is debatable. But," Iaelin adds, raising his hand and pointing and waggling is index finger, "Let's not be too hasty. Perhaps there IS something of worth in looking into these matters," Iaelin says, with a nod toward Devenix.

"Two good courses of action at this point, If we're going to figure out what's going on, would be to see where the strange traveler broke through the window. If anyone here is good at tracking, or the tracks he left are fresh enough, we may just be able to find him. We should also check the farmhouse, if only to gather some more information on the disease and it's effects. Unless we are certain that we wouldn't Catch the disease from the dead, burial seems like a bad idea if indeed those who live in the farmhouse are dead. All we've seen so far are those who are afflicted but living. If, in fact, this man died from the disease, we could also have some else to worry about," Iaelins eyes light up a bit, "something Undead, perhaps."

"Of course," Iaelin says, That's if we all are really looking to help," Iaelin adds, a sly smile working across his face, looking to each of his companions in turn.

This whole time, Iaelin has been trying to see what he remembers about the area and any kinds of disease he knows of that may be similar to the one running through the townsfolk.

Knowledge checks:


2011-12-07, 07:38 PM
"I ain't goin near no body killed by plague." Sky says clearly spooked and mostly to himself.

2011-12-07, 08:51 PM

This one can perform corpse disposal for you, Constable. Might this one suggest burning, or perhaps better, dissolving, the bodies?

2011-12-07, 09:09 PM
Earl looks at the warforged warrior with an odd look on his face, his head cocked to the side. "I'd rather you not dissolve them... With acid, you mean? Never mind. Just bury them or build a pyre, if it's not too much trouble. They've been dead long enough they shouldn't be contagious."

2011-12-07, 10:50 PM

As you wish, Constable. This one shall incinerate the bodies for you. This one will have no need to build a pyre. Where would you prefer this one to do the cremating?

2011-12-07, 11:23 PM
Earl looks around, somewhat lost. "Ah hell, I dunno. Don't burn down their house, and try to to burn anything else that looks important. Even the field would work, there's no way in hell we'll get it sown this season. You just use that metallic brain-substitute. I trust it well enough. Now, if you'll excuse me, folks, I have a family to try to tend to, and a wife in her last couple days. Lemme know if you need anything, and I'll do my best." With that, he turns to leave.

2011-12-07, 11:28 PM

"Brimstone and Flame." Zalor mutters to himself, heading towards the farmhouse the guard had indicated.

2011-12-07, 11:37 PM

*The warforged nods*

This one would like to get this done promptly so he can turn to his primary mission. When this one returns to Bahamut's temple, he will alert them to your plight, constable so they might send healers to you.

Devenix then walks to the indicated house, ready to remove the bodies for incineration.

2011-12-07, 11:45 PM
Earl waves companionably to the warforged as he walks off, even as he is clearly disconcerted by the madman's ramblings. "I might drop by tomorrow, see you folks off. Good night." As he speaks, the group notices their shadows get noticeably longer as the sun drops towards the horizon.

2011-12-08, 12:16 AM

He nods to the constable as he walks to the farmhouse. He notices the coming darkness and makes sure his sunrods are where he can get them easliy.

2011-12-08, 11:19 PM

Sebastian had never considered himself to be exceptionally intelligent, but at the same time not stupid, however Iaelin's book certainly made him feel that way when he saw a couple pages--and didn't understand a single letter.

The dialogue before him was unlike any he had heard before, made no less easy to comprehend than by warforged's speech pattern. But it seemed to him that they were going to investigate and Devenix was going to be burning things. Somewhere along the way they might try following some tracks. And that was fine with him. Hopefully this could become a good story for Hannah later.

2011-12-09, 12:09 PM
Sky follows the group appearing to be in a foul mood.

2011-12-09, 03:15 PM
"I ain't goin near no body killed by plague." Sky says clearly spooked and mostly to himself.

"No one expects you to, Sky. By the looks of it, Devenix can probably handle any 'handling' that would need to be done."


This one can perform corpse disposal for you, Constable. Might this one suggest burning, or perhaps better, dissolving, the bodies?

Earl looks at the warforged warrior with an odd look on his face, his head cocked to the side. "I'd rather you not dissolve them... With acid, you mean? Never mind. Just bury them or build a pyre, if it's not too much trouble. They've been dead long enough they shouldn't be contagious."


As you wish, Constable. This one shall incinerate the bodies for you. This one will have no need to build a pyre. Where would you prefer this one to do the cremating?

Iaelin Listens, suddenly interested in how the machine man would not have to build a pyre to burn the bodies.

Earl looks around, somewhat lost. "Ah hell, I dunno. Don't burn down their house, and try not to to burn anything else that looks important. Even the field would work, there's no way in hell we'll get it sown this season. You just use that metallic brain-substitute. I trust it well enough. Now, if you'll excuse me, folks, I have a family to try to tend to, and a wife in her last couple days. Lemme know if you need anything, and I'll do my best." With that, he turns to leave.


*The warforged nods*

This one would like to get this done promptly so he can turn to his primary mission. When this one returns to Bahamut's temple, he will alert them to your plight, constable so they might send healers to you.

Devenix then walks to the indicated house, ready to remove the bodies for incineration.

"Hold up, Devenix! I don't to lose a companion already!" Iaelin jokes.


"Brimstone and Flame." Zalor mutters to himself, heading towards the farmhouse the guard had indicated.

Earl waves companionably to the warforged as he walks off, even as he is clearly disconcerted by the madman's ramblings. "I might drop by tomorrow, see you folks off. Good night." As he speaks, the group notices their shadows get noticeably longer as the sun drops towards the horizon.

Sky follows the group appearing to be in a foul mood.

Iaelin Follows suit.

"I am actually quite intrigued by this disease. And by the strange mystery that accompanies it..."

Noticing the look on Sky's face, Iaelin turns a small smile onto his companion of a year.

"Now Sky, No need to look so down. Think of this as a start of an adventure! One that could lead us to fame, to fortune, to knowledge! Besides, helping people out is always a sure way to get food and lodging for an evening. If we could find a cure, I'm sure these people would be more than hospitable. I for one, am starving."

Iaelin (to Zalor, after speaking with Sky):
"Zalor... I've been listening to what you've been saying. I must say, your words speaks of things of extraplanar origins. What do you know about the Abyss and the Nine Hells?"


What do I know about them to allow me to speak with Zalor on this?
Not just my general knowledge of it, but also if I know the type of daemon entity inflicting him.

Iaelin (To Sebastian, after talking with Zalor):

"You seem quite unusual. You've said very little and yet you have followed with us. Where are you headed? What are you looking for?"

2011-12-09, 04:42 PM

"I do not know much about the abyss or the nine hells. his voice deepends "flame and ash, the abyss consumes all and dark ones live gthere. Sear the flesh and drink the marrow sweet.". He shakes his head, and his voice returns to normal "as near as I can tell, or at least that the pelorians told me, a demon has bound itself to my soul. It cannot be exorcised without killing me, and has given me the ability to manipulate fell power. It has gotten stronger the closer we have gotten to this place. It is hard to control him now, which is why you found me on the roadside, as a begar out of my mind.". His eyes roll up in his head, sweat forming from obvsious concentration. "I don't know what it wants or why its here, but even when I control him, he whispers dark things in my ear

2011-12-09, 05:25 PM

Seeming concerned and moved by Zalor's story:

This one is sad to hear of your affliction, Zalor. He promises to aid you in your fight, and to put you out of your misery should you finally lose it or ask him to do so, though he truly hopes such a thing never becomes needful.

2011-12-09, 07:48 PM
The house looks relatively normal as you approach, a nondescript plank and frame structure big enough for a family. The door has no lock, and it is dark inside, the sun now low enough to not provide enough light to see inside. Devenix opens the door and begins to enter, as some of his companions hesitate. The interior is dark enough that those outside cannot see within.

Actions, please.

2011-12-09, 07:50 PM

Sky will probably want to search the house for "clues" and by clues he means valuables that the owners no longer need.

"While our construct friend is burnin' them corpses, I think I'll snoop around for clues to see what happened to these people." Sky says emphasizing oddly certain words.

2011-12-09, 08:06 PM

Devenix strikes a sunrod and sticks it in his belt to keep his hands free.

2011-12-09, 08:36 PM

Entering in behind the warforged Sebastian takes a gander, looking for what clues he could find, being careful not to touch or disturb anything.

2011-12-09, 10:19 PM

Zalor says nothing, and checks the perimeter of the house for anything of interest.

2011-12-10, 10:47 AM
Devenix leads the way into the house, searching from room to room. After going through the drawers, checking under tables and digging into a barrel of dried beans, Sky finds only a pair of daggers, on stashed near the door and another a large and combat-worthy kitchen knife. As he goes to enter the last bedroom, that of the parents, he finds Devenix there, analyzing the bed. The room has evidence, biological and otherwise, of being the room of one or possibly two very sick people who were not being cared for by anyone else. However, the beds are empty and the window broken. Shards of glass litter the floor, and Zalor peers into the window from the outside. Bending down surreptitiously, Sky sees a box of some variety under the bed, but hesitates slightly to snag it, as Devenix is looking at him curiously.

Zalor Only:
You see a single set of tracks leading away through the field, off in the direction you were planning to travel, they come up to the window, then leave, possibly dragging something behind them.

2011-12-10, 12:04 PM
Sky tells Devinix, "Shake your head Devinix, Your eyes are stuck." Before continuing to search for valuables. Sky doesn't care if Devinix is watching him.

2011-12-10, 12:46 PM

"Someone was dragged away from this place." Zalor calls to the inside of the house.

2011-12-10, 01:52 PM

You are incorrect, Sky This one's eyes are adequately functional. As for any valuables you find, this one suggests two rules: 1. If we find the proper owners alive and they ask for their property returned, we return it, and 2. We divide all loot equitably. Follow these rules, this one finds looting... aceptable. This one is not a paladin and lacks a place to shove a stick, unlike you motherborn

He turns his attention to Zalor's statement.

Is this so, Zalor? In that case, the inhabitants of this house may yet live. Or, someone might be using them to spread the disease... that can happen with these 'diseases' you motherborn suffer, correct?

2011-12-10, 02:19 PM
Sky laughs. "You've been following us for about eight hours and already you want a share of the loot?" Sky starts patting himself down mock searching himself for the loot before pulling out the long "combat worthy" kitchen knife he found. "See this stick, tin man? I thinks you have plenty of places that I can shove this into. Better watch your mouth, I ain't wanting to pick a fight with you but you keep on with those insults rock man and we'll see just how many places I can find.""

Sky puts the knife away. "Besides I'm looking for food or stuffs we can trade for food. I ain't eatin' a ration tonight."

2011-12-10, 02:58 PM

As this one said, 'equitable' division of spoils, not nessicarily 'equal.' This one has few needs, for example. As for this one earning his share, you wouldn't even be able to see right now without this one's sunrod. And as far as this one knows, he is the only individual in this group capable of repairing our injuries... or 'healing' as you motherborn call it. That's in addition to his ability with weapons. This one is glad to see you may be remembering these things.

2011-12-10, 07:07 PM

Stopping abruptly between the two quarreling members he is at a loss as to what to do. He only recently learned of 'sarcasm' and was still uncertain if this was indeed one of those situations, or if there was an actual legitamate threat in Sky's words. Finally deciding that regaurdless of which it was, it wasn't going to escalate he just let it go. As far as the morals of looting were concerned he cared not. The dead certainly didn't need anything, and at least he intended on going towards the direction that he assumed the inhabitants had gone in. So he took to an interest in looking over the area Zalor had been searching.

Spot: [roll0]
Search: [roll1]

2011-12-10, 08:14 PM
"You ever been in a house before? Common folk don't strut around with sunrods at night; they use candles" Sky points at a candle that he knocked over earlier in his search, "The only thing you're contributin' to right now is to my headache." Sky says clearly annoyed with the construct.

He continues taking twenty searching the room then moves onto the next room before going to find Iaelin. Anything that looks valuable that he can't get into (like a locked box) he'll just drag towards Iaelin with a shrug. Anything that looks edible too. Like a chicken. :smallwink:

2011-12-11, 01:46 AM
"I do not know much about the abyss or the nine hells. his voice deepends "flame and ash, the abyss consumes all and dark ones live gthere. Sear the flesh and drink the marrow sweet.". He shakes his head, and his voice returns to normal "as near as I can tell, or at least that the pelorians told me, a demon has bound itself to my soul. It cannot be exorcised without killing me, and has given me the ability to manipulate fell power. It has gotten stronger the closer we have gotten to this place. It is hard to control him now, which is why you found me on the roadside, as a begar out of my mind.". His eyes roll up in his head, sweat forming from obvsious concentration. "I don't know what it wants or why its here, but even when I control him, he whispers dark things in my ears.
"Interesting..." Iaelin Remains quiet the rest of the trip to the house, his head buried in his left palm as he thinks.

Once evryone gets to looking around the house, Iaelin does very little, content to follow the others around until he hears Zalor calling.

"Indeed?" Iaelin says to Zalor as he approaches from outside to see the scene.

"Ahh... I see..." Iaelin muses as he looks at the Footprints and markings Zalor points out to him.

" I assume our would be robed stranger has been here... I didn't see any bodies inside, so someone would have had to move them, and I doubt heavily anyone from the village did so. Either that, or those who lived here suffered the same fate as the robed stranger and perhaps were transformed into the Walking dead... Though from the looks of it, that is somewhat unlikely."

Ialein shuffles his cuff links and fixes his rapier's position on his belt as he looks at Zalor, before hearing the quarreling going on inside. He sighs.

"Good old Sky..."

Iaelin looks off in the distance, his eyes trailing along the drag marks left in the ground as he waits for the others to convene outside.

While Waiting:
"So..." Iaelin says to Zalor.
"When did this demon affix itself to you? Has it been with you since birth, or since a more recent event? Can it...speak?"
Iaelin, on a rash impulse, excitedly mutters:

"Ror iy' 'rjankdorj 'rod Y'z koiyrk dy iy'?"

For those who speak Infernal:

Can you understand what I'm saying to you?

2011-12-11, 03:11 PM

The bodies are not here. Let us follow the trail Zalor found.

*Devenix exits the building and goes to investigate the clues outside*

2011-12-11, 08:03 PM
Outside, Devenix sees the same pattern of tracks as Zalor. A wandering set of barefoot prints moving across the half-furrowed field, up to the window, then going back the way it came, dragging a heavy burden. The sheet from the bed is conspicuously absent.

Continuing to search inside, Sky finds a small drawstring canvas pouch, containing eleven copper pieces and one silver, in a drawer in the bedside table. Inside there is also a copy of the Blessed Illuminations, a Pelorian holy text.

2011-12-12, 05:17 PM

Zalor measures the footprints against his own rag-covered feet to see what the size different was.

"I am not sure if its been with me longer than this, but it has only been active for the last few months."

2011-12-13, 12:41 PM
"I am not sure if its been with me longer than this, but it has only been active for the last few months."

"Hmm..." Iaelin doesn't press any further than he already has.

watching Zalor measure his foot against the prints in the ground, Iaelin notices Devenix coming out of the building.

"Not getting along well with Sky?" He grins before continuing without giving Devenix time to reply,
"If we're interested in figuring out the cause of this disease, I think the best thing to do would be to follow this trail. My guess is the strange traveler may be the one to blame for this path."

Looking to Sebastian, Iaelin gives a small nod.

"Sebastian? Is there anything you can do to help us in catching this strange man? I have magic, of course, but I know no spells that can help us in tracking. Since you are also traveling with us, I feel it... Prudent to ask of your skills."

2011-12-13, 07:12 PM

Skills, skills... the idea raced through his mind. Just what was he good at? He never really thought about it before, he simply did what he had to do to survive or to have fun. He certainly hadn't had a proper job before. He couldn't read or write aside from his own name and Hanah's. Finally he settled on his eyes, ears, and his overpowering strength.

To his mind his ability to transform into a Jaguar wasn't a skill of his. It was "Kitty"'s as that was the name Hannah had given the large feline. To him they simply cohabitated the same body, to call Kitty's strength his own would be a lie.

"My eyes and ears are better than most-- and I have never been beaten in raw strength." With that he flexed his bicep which was easily as big around as his friend's head.

2011-12-14, 10:09 AM
Continuing to search inside, Sky finds a small drawstring canvas pouch, containing eleven copper pieces and one silver, in a drawer in the bedside table. Inside there is also a copy of the Blessed Illuminations, a Pelorian holy text.

Sky snags the drawstring canvas pouch and the book. He picks up the chest and satisfied that nothing else of value is in the house walks outside to find Iaelin.

"Searched everywhere; no sign of the key. Found a book too, not sure if it's worth something." Sky seems to notice everyone outside at this point and looks back at Iaelin, "What are we doing? I thought we were gonna get dinner."

2011-12-15, 04:10 PM

It would be wise to find out what happened to these people. This one als promised his services in corpse removal. He must therefore fulfil that task, unless the 'corpses' prove to be alive or to have been disposed of by some other means.

2011-12-16, 10:40 PM
Departing the house, utterly devoid of bodies, you set out following the tracks. They are fairly easy to track over the furrowed fields, and the dragged burden of your quarry only makes it more so. The light shed by Devenix's sunrod allows the group to continue as the sun dips below the horizon. The dim, few lights of Duvik's Pass begin to go out as your marching takes you past the edge of cultivation and towards the far end of the valley.

The wide, clear fields give way to light forest and loose bushes as the stars begin to come out, along with a beautiful full moon. There are light rustles, and the occasional movement near the edges of your vision, but nothing shows itself clearly.

The tracks remain easily followed, but Sebastian and Sky have a sense of unease, which is odd, as they are the most at home in a wooded setting at night.

At one point Iaellin believes he sees yellow eyes glinting off at the edge of the shadows cast by the torch, but a closer look reveals nothing.


2011-12-16, 11:05 PM
After Iaellin convinces Sky to go along he stows the items he found the bests he can and starts taking point. It is apparent that Sky has previous training in tracking.


[roll0] Spot
[roll1] Listen

Sky is gaining track at 2nd level.

Mini Stat Block

CN medium humanoid (shapeshifter)
Init +2; Senses Listen +3, Spot +1
Languages Common, Orc
AC 13 (+2 dex, +2 Armor, -1 flaw) touch 11, flat-footed 11
HP 15 (1D12+3)
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1
Speed 30 Feet
Melee Unarmed Strike +4 (1d3+3/x2)
Ranged Sling +3 (1d4+3/x2)
Attack Options Improved Grab, Rage
Combat Gear Acid Flask, Potion of Enlarge Person
Base Atk +1; Grp +8
Abilities Str 16, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 8

2011-12-17, 05:48 PM

The forest was different for some reason. Maybe because it wasn't his own, or maybe because he was suddenly sharing it with companions, possibly something else. In any case, he was on edge; the lack of conversation allowed his ears to retain their efficiency. His eyes kept being distracted by the warforged unnatural movements and the moon glinting off of his metallic plating.

2011-12-17, 08:01 PM
As the procession pauses in a small clearing to take a drink, Iaellin sees a pair of shapes in the bushes on the edge of his vision. Looking closer, he watches a pair of wolves, one grey and one near-black, pace towards him, a rumbling growl coming from their chests. Sebastian hears this as well, and whirls to face the threat as the rest of the party passes around waterskins.

The wolves stand ten feet apart, and are visibly ill and rangy, one covered in red sores and the other with patches of fur missing. They are about twenty feet apart from the group.

I'll have a basic map up later tonight, but Sebastian and Iaellin get actions, then the wolves, then the rest of the party. I'll switch to just alternating after that.

2011-12-17, 11:13 PM

Holding himself firm in a readied posture with his spear set in front of him he quietly calls back to his allies "We're not alone... wolves... they don't seem friendly..."

Standard Action: Ready an attack against a wolf should it attack us.
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1] x2 if the wolf charges.

edit: copied in from the OOC thread to keep it together

rolling for critical confirmation...
extra damage should it hit

for a total of one very dead wolf 37 damage should an 18 hit as well.

Sebastian (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=347875)
M TN Half-Orc Shapeshifter, Level 1, Init +1, HP 12/12, DR 3/Bludgeoning, Speed 30/50
AC 13, Touch 13, Flat-footed 10, Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +4, Base Attack Bonus 0
Spear +5 (1d8+7, x3)
Wis to AC (+1 Dex, +2 Misc)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 6
Condition None

2011-12-18, 03:40 AM
{table=head]_|A_|B_|C_|D_|E_|F_|G_|H_|I_|J_|K_|L_|M_|N_|O_|P_| Q_|R_|A_

This should be fairly decipherable. T's are trees, #'s are light undergrowth. Names are fairly simple as well.

2011-12-18, 09:34 PM
Iaelin, who also notices the wolves, smirks and steps up next to Sebastian.

"He's right. Seems we have some feral wolves trying to find their next meal.."

His smirk Disappears and his hands raise up, the fingers of his left hand spread, his right carrying multicolored sand. His brow is furrowed, ready to begin casting as soon as the wolves get too close.

Standard: Readied action to cast Color spray at the first wolf to approach Iaelin.
If possible, he will put both wolves in the AoE, unless that would hit Sebastian.

First wolf to approach Iaelin means as soon as it gets within 10 feet of him.
Spell save: Will DC 15


Iaelin Skyfallen
M TN Grey Elf Conjurer, Level 1, Init +3, HP 4/4, Speed 30
AC 13, Touch 13, Flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3
(+3 Dex)
Base Attack Bonus 0
Quarterstaff -1 (1d6-1/x2)
Rapier -1 (1d6-1/18-20)
Dagger -1 (1d4-1/19-20) or Dagger(Thrown) +3 (1d4-1/19-20)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 12
Spells Prepared (4/3)
0th- Acid Splash (1), Detect Magic (1), Light (1), Ray of Frost (1)
1st- Feather Fall (1), Summon Monster 1 (1), Color Spray (1)

2011-12-18, 10:19 PM
Surprise Round

The first wolf, grey of fur with visible sores around its face and eyes, lopes towards Sebastian, but jinks away before he can land a blow. It snarls ferociously, its eyes gleaming with the savage joy of the hunt.

Its companion, with patchy black fur, closes the gap between itself and Iaellin in three huge bounds. Its fur falls off in visible chunks as it leaps, its jaw moving to close on Iaellin's throat. In the middle of a flying leap, however, a jet of shining lights erupt from the wizard's outstretched hand, illuminating the thin canopy above in a rainbow of light. The wolf skids to a limp stop at Iaellin's feet, twitching gently.

As the rest of the party startles, dropping the waterskin and grabbing at weapons, a third wolf charges from the bushes behind Sky, racing to his side and tearing at his calf with its fangs. He stumbles slightly, but does not fall.

{table=head]_|A_|B_|C_|D_|E_|F_|G_|H_|I_|J_|K_|L_|M_|N_|O_|P_| Q_|R_|A_

A little X means that the character in question is disabled, dead, or otherwise unable to contribute to combat as anything more than a speed bump. Also, thank you for posting your mini-statsheets. It helps more than you can imagine.

Sky takes 5 damage.

2011-12-18, 10:35 PM
Sky's world slows down for him as the rage builds inside of him. To those nearby he doesn't scream or yell instead he appears... more focused. You watch as he struggles with the wolf trying to get it to kindly remove it's teeth from his calf. The wolf let's go right as Sky brings a hard elbow down and the two separate. Sky assumes a hunched stance and growls loudly at the wolf.


Free: Rage
Standard: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If Sky hits he starts grappling as a free action (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#improvedGrab).

Step 3. Opposed Grapple: (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/specialAttacks.htm#grapple) [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Mini Stat Block

CN medium humanoid (shapeshifter)
Init +2; Senses Listen +3, Spot +1
Languages Common, Orc
AC 11 (+2 dex, +2 Armor, -1 flaw, -2 rage) touch 11, flat-footed 11
HP 12/17 (1D12+5)
Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +3
Speed 30 Feet
Melee Unarmed Strike +6 (1d3+5/x2)
Ranged Sling +3 (1d4+5/x2)
Attack Options Improved Grab, Rage
Combat Gear Acid Flask, Potion of Enlarge Person
Base Atk +1; Grp +10
Abilities Str 20, Dex 15, Con 20, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 8

2011-12-18, 11:00 PM

His spell complete, Iaelin sees the wolf slink around Sebastian, and then the other coming up from behind the group.
"Look out! Behind!" Iaelin calls to the group when they turn to face the first threat.
"Sebastian, take care of this wolf if you can! My stun will not last long!" he calls to Sebastian, motioning to the wolf he knocked out.

Quickly, he pulls out a small bag and a candle. A small flick of the wrist and the candle is lit.
"Pih Iq Tro Roenojgy Viujteajc!" he calls, blowing the candle out at the end.

free: 5-foot step to I4.
Standard: Summon Monster I to summon a celestial dog in L7.
Telling Celestial dog to attack the wolf. (Rolling)
[roll=Attack]1d20[/roll +2 [] +2 (Flank) []
Attack - (1d20)[9] +2 [11] +2 (Flank) [13]
[roll0] +1 [4] +1 (If wolf is Evil) [5]

Celestial Dog (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/dog.htm)
Stat Box:

Iaelin Skyfallen
M TN Grey Elf Conjurer, Level 1, Init +3, HP 4/4, Speed 30
AC 13, Touch 13, Flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3
(+3 Dex)
Base Attack Bonus 0
Quarterstaff -1 (1d6-1/x2)
Rapier -1 (1d6-1/18-20)
Dagger -1 (1d4-1/19-20) or Dagger(Thrown) +3 (1d4-1/19-20)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 12
Spells Prepared (4:4/3:2)
0th- Acid Splash (1), Detect Magic (1), Light (1), Ray of Frost (1)
1st- Feather Fall (1), Summon Monster 1 (1), Color Spray (0/1)

2011-12-19, 12:14 AM
Round 1

Sky swipes at the wolf, trying to get a hold or land a blow, but it wriggles away, dancing and leaping. Sky sees his own blood on the beast's fangs as it growls and snaps.

The wolf then whirls as a yellow, shining dog appears behind it and leaps for its throat. They shift back and forth, snapping and pawing, but neither appear hurt.

Need actions from Sebastian, Zalor and Devenix. I'm aware that Tigerus is somewhat unavailable, so I'll DMPC Zalor in about 12 hours.

2011-12-19, 06:36 PM

Zalor cackles evilly, his voice dropping low. "Beastie souuls are almost as delicious as men's souls." He opens his palm, and a spear of black energy forms, and throws it at one of the wolves.

Eldritch blast (spear) on the wolf at H1 250ft range

Mini stats

CE medium humanoid
Init +2; Senses Listen -1, Spot -1
Languages Common
AC 13 (+3 dex) touch 13, flat-footed 10
HP 6 (1D6)
Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +1
Speed 30 Feet
Melee Spear +0 (1d6/x2)
Ranged Eldritch Blast +3 (1d6/x2)
Attack Options Invocations (Eldritch Spear 250ft rng)
Combat Gear Potion of Cure Light Wounds
Base Atk +0; Grp +0
Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 18

2011-12-20, 11:28 AM
Need actions from Devenix and Sebastian.

I'd DMPC them, but my home computer with the majority of the notes has biggest, hairiest, ugliest motherfudger of a virus I've ever fought screwing up the works, so that might take some time to sort out. So, you get a little bit of bonus time. Use it well.

2011-12-21, 12:30 AM
Round 1 Con't

Sebastian lunges forward, his entire seven-foot tall frame driving the spear towards the darting wolf.

Five foot-step to H2, standard action to attack with the spear.
Attack: [roll0]

Devenix reacts without any humanlike hesitation, whipping the long, thin sword out of its sheath and stepping forward to end the downed wolf's life humanely. The spatter of blood that hits his metallic chest does not concern him.

Five-foot step to I4 while drawing the rapier, full-round action to coup de grace the downed wolf in H5.

Automatic Hit.
Damage: [roll2]

2011-12-21, 12:39 AM
Round 2

Sebastian's spear hits true, pinning the dancing wolf to the ground with a faint whimper. He uses a bare foot to yank the spear out a whirls around for a new target.

Devenix also strikes true with his thin blade, driving directly into the beast's heart. A trickle of blood passes through its lips, but it remains still.

As the shining dog disappears, the last remaining wolf leaps again at Sky, its paws against his chest and its jaws snapping at his face and forearms. He braces a foot back, however, and throws the beast off before it can drive him to the ground and finish him.

{table=head]_|A_|B_|C_|D_|E_|F_|G_|H_|I_|J_|K_|L_|M_|N_|O_|P_| Q_|R_|A_

Sky takes 3 damage

2011-12-21, 03:50 AM
"These damned things aren't giving up, are they?" Iaelin says, turning to face the wolf attack Sky.

"Your not eating him tonight!" Iaelin says.

"ney Iq QLICt!" A beam of light blue energy springs from Iaelin's outstretched finger.

Standard action: Cast Ray of Frost at the wolf attacking Sky.



Iaelin Skyfallen
M TN Grey Elf Conjurer, Level 1, Init +3, HP 4/4, Speed 30
AC 13, Touch 13, Flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3
(+3 Dex)
Base Attack Bonus 0
Quarterstaff -1 (1d6-1/x2)
Rapier -1 (1d6-1/18-20)
Dagger -1 (1d4-1/19-20) or Dagger(Thrown) +3 (1d4-1/19-20)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 12
Spells Prepared (4:4/3:2)
0th- Acid Splash (1), Detect Magic (1), Light (1), Ray of Frost (1)
1st- Feather Fall (1), Summon Monster 1 (0/1), Color Spray (0/1)

2011-12-21, 05:59 AM

Hp: 14/14 AC: 20 (T 10, FF 20) DR 2/adamantine Saves Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +0, Warforged Immunities
Attack: +4 rapier (1d6+3, 18-20) or Breath Weapon (5ft line, 1d8 any one energy type of acid, cold, electrcity, or fire)

Stance: Martial Spirit
Manuvers Readied: Moment of Perfect Mind, Crusader's Strike, Charging Minotaur, Stone Bones, Douse the Flames,Leading the Attack

Manuvers Granted: Moment of Perfect Mind, Charging Minotaur, Leading the Attack

Waiting for new map to post actions. Also, just realized I'll have to roll for another granted manuver. However, the I'll put the two points of healing martial stance produced when I hit that wolf into Sky.

2011-12-22, 10:19 PM

Sky is barely able to recover from the first wolf when the second sets upon him. Growling loudly, Sky braces a foot back and grabs the wolf by the scruff of his neck and throws him hard to the ground.

Standard: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If Sky hits he starts grappling as a free action.

Step 3. Opposed Grapple: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Mini Stat Block

CN medium humanoid (shapeshifter)
Init +2; Senses Listen +3, Spot +1
Languages Common, Orc
AC 11 (+2 dex, +2 Armor, -1 flaw, -2 rage) touch 11, flat-footed 11
HP 11/17 (1D12+5)
Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +3
Speed 30 Feet
Melee Unarmed Strike +6 (1d3+5/x2)
Ranged Sling +3 (1d4+5/x2)
Attack Options Improved Grab, Rage
Combat Gear Acid Flask, Potion of Enlarge Person
Base Atk +1; Grp +10
Abilities Str 20, Dex 15, Con 20, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 8

2011-12-22, 10:45 PM
Sorry for the double post. My first post wasn't showing up. Feel free to ignore this post.

My first post seemed to have vanished.

Standard: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If Sky hits he starts grappling as a free action.

Step 3. Opposed Grapple: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Mini Stat Block

CN medium humanoid (shapeshifter)
Init +2; Senses Listen +3, Spot +1
Languages Common, Orc
AC 11 (+2 dex, +2 Armor, -1 flaw, -2 rage) touch 11, flat-footed 11
HP 9/17 (1D12+5)
Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +3
Speed 30 Feet
Melee Unarmed Strike +6 (1d3+5/x2)
Ranged Sling +3 (1d4+5/x2)
Attack Options Improved Grab, Rage
Combat Gear Acid Flask, Potion of Enlarge Person
Base Atk +1; Grp +10
Abilities Str 20, Dex 15, Con 20, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 8

2011-12-22, 11:59 PM
Round 2 Con't

A blue flash appears as Iaellin gestures with his hand. The wolf tries to duck, but the ray collides with it's chest. A sheet of ice forms across its neck and front legs, but it growls deeper and seems unfazed, beyond a slight catch in its stride.

Before it can retaliate, Sky is upon it, striking with his powerful arms and wrapping around it in a clinch before slamming it to the ground. The wolf barks furiously, but its thrashing and snapping are to no avail. With a calm proficiency, Sky squeezes the wolf's throat until the thrashing slows, weakens and is finally still.

All three wolves are incapacitated or dead. Well done, that was a "Very Difficult" encounter. I'll give you a couple posts to do mercy strokes, discuss, etc. Then we're moving on.

2011-12-23, 04:26 PM
Sky waits until he hears the neck break before "prematurely" ending his rage. He then unceremoniously drops the wolf, stands up, and glares at Iaelin. Blood flows freely from his wounds and onto the ground. After a pause he seems to change his mind about telling Iaelin off.

"Well at least we have ourselves a healer." Sky says sardonically before walking over to Devenix "Time to earn your keep you hgnot kuht hohag. Patch me up quick, these wounds burn." When Sky says the word "quick" he emphasizes it with a light slap against Devenix's right arm as if to get you started on your task.

Mini Stat Block

CN medium humanoid (shapeshifter)
Init +2; Senses Listen +3, Spot +1
Languages Common, Orc
AC 14 (+2 dex, +2 Armor, -1 flaw) touch 11, flat-footed 11
HP 9/15 (1D12+3)
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1
Speed 30 Feet
Melee Unarmed Strike +4 (1d3+3/x2)
Ranged Sling +3 (1d4+3/x2)
Attack Options Improved Grab, Rage
Combat Gear Acid Flask, Potion of Enlarge Person
Base Atk +1; Grp +8
Abilities Str 16, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 8

2011-12-23, 10:20 PM
This one can only heal when he strikes a foe. By finishing those wolves off so quickly, you removed my ability to heal. Unless any of those wolves are still alive?

2011-12-24, 03:23 PM
Sky stares dumbly at Devenix for a couple of long seconds. "You..you.. need to strike a dying creature in order to heal me?" Sky looks around at the wolves on the ground and back at Devenix, with a confused, maybe torn look on his face; finally he says in his normal gruff voice, "Not sure how I feel about that. Doesn't seem right." Sky grumbles angrily finally and walks away from Devenix over to Iaelin.

While staring at Iaelin, Sky rips off part of his cloak and uses it to wrap around his still bleeding wounds. Sky doesn't take his eyes off Iaelin as he patches himself up. His eyes seem to communicate the following message to Iaelin: "This entire situation, having to deal with these strangers, all your fault" or maybe "Having to deal with this situation better be worth it."

Intimidate: [roll0] (joking.... kinda..)

2011-12-27, 01:48 AM
No, the foe needn't be dying. Any foe will suffice.

2011-12-29, 12:07 AM

Zalor seems lost in thought over the dead wolves.

2011-12-29, 01:09 PM
After delivering a couple of mercy strokes to the wolves, you clean your weapons and continue to follow the tracks, with Sky limping slightly. It is now fully night, and the only light comes from Devenix's flickering sunrod and the beautiful moon overhead. The woods begin to thin out again, and your trail takes you slightly uphill, towards the mountains on what was the far side of the valley. No other living creatures come near you, but you hear a coyote call from off in the distance, and various other night sounds.

After a while, Devenix's sunrod flickers out, just as the trail leaves the easily- tracked soft dirt of the valley floor for the rocky slopes of the foothills. You continue in the same direction for a short while, noticing the odd sign of human life -or something else- broken barrels, a two-wheeled cart and a footpath leading in the same direction you're going. Devenix and Sebastian both hear whispers, maybe from the wind, maybe not.

Devenix Only:
You believe the whispers to say, in Draconic, "They're here, get ready".

2011-12-30, 03:21 AM
Sky stares dumbly at Devenix for a couple of long seconds. "You..you.. need to strike a dying creature in order to heal me?" Sky looks around at the wolves on the ground and back at Devenix, with a confused, maybe torn look on his face; finally he says in his normal gruff voice, "Not sure how I feel about that. Doesn't seem right." Sky grumbles angrily finally and walks away from Devenix over to Iaelin.

While staring at Iaelin, Sky rips off part of his cloak and uses it to wrap around his still bleeding wounds. Sky doesn't take his eyes off Iaelin as he patches himself up. His eyes seem to communicate the following message to Iaelin: "This entire situation, having to deal with these strangers, all your fault" or maybe "Having to deal with this situation better be worth it."

Intimidate: [roll0] (joking.... kinda..)

Iaelin backs away from Sky's venomous glare.
"It's not like we have anything better to do, Sky... Sometimes exploring the world requires a sort of give and take," Iaelin Says.

as the group continues, with Devenix Light out, Iaelin sighs.
"No one else has a light?" he asks.
"Otherwise I may just have to conjure one."

2011-12-30, 06:37 AM

When the first sunrod goes out, he lights a second one. (another six hours of light)

The kobolds seem to have noticed us.

(Shouting, in Draconic)
Unra drnii Raelii yw Poenieliondr, drnii Bachedrunraonli Tyhuekyra, Myniyzi Anyonhumyichfiimy! Zii stylii dry pohuunrak anyon dry niunmy Wychty!

In the Name of Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon, Show Yourselves! We come to bring you to his Fold!

2011-12-30, 08:19 AM
"The..The kwhat?" Sky says before Devenix starts shouting.

2011-12-30, 06:34 PM
After Devenix shouts, substantially louder than most humans could, there's not a sound but the whistling of the wind for a full minute. Then, all at once, a shower of arrows and throwing-darts lands directly in front of the group, clattering off the rocks. A log falls directly behind, trailing ropes. More draconic shouts are heard from behind, sounding frustrated and angry.

Out of the darkness before you comes a trio of Kobolds, one in front with one to each side, slightly back. The one in front looks supremely confident, a hand crossbow in one hand and a scepter topped with a skull in the other. The kobold to his left is shrouded in darkness, with a hood over it's head and black leather armor covering its frame. The last one is clinking and rustling with the chainmail that covers it, a longspear in its hand and a sword at it's side. Many more shapes move in the darkness, but it's not clear how many.

The trio stops at the edge of the light cast by Devenix's sunrod. In broken Common, the leader says "So, we have we some town-folk? Good to have know. Now. You no want painfilled deathness, yes? We does not wants to have kill you. We no want fighting. You leave, take Bachedrunraon-ling with you, no hurt today. Children we have. Children town has. None get hurt, yes? Now GO!" With his last word, he fires the hand crossbow directly over Iaellin's head and hisses. His companions stay silent, but glare threateningly at the party.

The Draconic:
The shouts are mostly disparaging comments and threats from and directed towards people you cannot see.
Bachedrunraon-ling: Follower (child) of the Platinum One.

2011-12-31, 03:13 AM
"Can we leave Bak-e drun rayon-ling with you?" Sky says with a very friendly smile. "He doesn't eat much."

2011-12-31, 09:44 PM
The lead kobold hisses and spits at Sky. "No! Bachedrunraon-ling not welcome here. Town-place brought evil light-shadow-whispering-death one to us, Druneliedr in her five glories did not protect us. Eggs broken. Children gone. Whispers at night. In want, need, we call on Bachedrunraon for to help, though he very evil to us. But he do nothing! We make offer, leave Druneliedr, take up he flag, but children still gone. Eggs still broken. Children still gone. No, take Bachedrunraon-ling and go. Much work to do."

2012-01-02, 05:37 PM
(speaking in common so his companions can understand what's going on)

If you prayed to the Platinum Dragon, then our arival is the asnwer to your prayers. Where is the thing that brought this death to you, we could start by slaying it for you. Afterwards, we could bring further aid from the temple, or bring you to the temple for that aid.

2012-01-02, 05:46 PM
Sky leans over to Iaelin and whispers, "Whats this platinum dragon Bach-man is talking about?"

2012-01-05, 12:31 AM
"He is speaking of his God, Sky. Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon. And, unfortunately, Kobolds are not very fond of Bahamut. Or his followers, for that matter. If we are lucky, we might be able to get some information out of them at the least. The way things are going though, a tactical retreat might be the best option."

2012-01-07, 06:13 PM

Zalor seems lost in his own world during the conversation, clearly struggling with his not-so-inner demons.

2012-01-08, 08:38 PM
The lead kobold hisses again, this time almost like a sigh. At a gesture, a pair of kobolds emerge from the shadows to roll the log, previously intended to flatten you, closer, as another underling procures a similar seat for the chief. His warrior stand nearby, trying to loom as only a creature under four feet tall can. The chief rubs his face, a remarkably humanoid gesture, and gestures for you to sit. The underling with the seat lights a torch and plants it in the ground to compliment the sunrod.

"Bachedrunraon has no do nothing yet... but if you he has sented, and you want to kill shadow-dark-whispering-one, we no get in way. Think it good-will, will listen to you talk of Bachedrunraon. All Bachedrunraon-ling love talk. But, if you make trouble..." He makes a bashing gesture with one hand "There many more of us." He gestures into the darkness behind him "Us home is thousand-step along path of this. Town-wet-skins dig deep, look for silver there. They die, all red and sick, so we take, keep eggs warm. Mine goes deep-deep-deep, shadow-dark-whispering-one lives there. When he come... we send three warriors. One come back, tell us leave shadow-one alone. Then he kill self, with broken stick of spear. We no bother since."

2012-01-10, 08:00 PM

Snapping back to reality, Zalor muses. "Perhaps this danger is one that would require our combined strengths. It certainly troubles both our peoples, and is powerful enough to cause immense harm to both our kinds." He paces before the Chief, remaining surprisingly coherent for some time. "What aid could you give us if we face off against this dark one?"


2012-01-11, 08:31 PM
The kobold chief regards Zalor with some consideration.

"Aid... I am not sure what to give. My warriors cannot fight this. They saw brave fighter, maked like...what word is... Baonbabaidr... , hold with strings, makes move? Little cloth man, have hand inside? Saw brave warrior maked like this, tell warning, then kill self. None of warriors will fight dark-shadow-whisper-one, except I-self and Pounk Ehuli there." He gestures towards the tallish kobold clothed and steel, who puffs up slightly at the mention.

"But, there is one who could give help. Cannot show here, not a myliech yrai... but he not as bad as rest of he filthy kind. He is Kraylii, old man of woods. Live four-tens hundred steps north along the cliff behind me, then fifteen hundred steps downstream of little ice-creek. Go to him, he give help. He hate Dark-shadow one like we do, help us heal hurt. He like peace, will help end fight. Go, be there when sun up."

Draconic Translations for Devenix:
Baonbabaidr: puppet
Kraylii: Gnome
myliech yrai: Small One (Kobolds, referencing the size difference between them and dragons)

2012-01-12, 05:07 AM
Devenix nods.

It would appear this foe is a stealer of wills. *to his companions* The potential ally the speak of is a gnome. If they speak well of him, he is likely deserving of the praise. In anycase, we should meet with this wiseman. *to the kobolds, in common so as to allow everyone to understand the conversation* Once we find and speak with this old man, shall we return to speak with you, or should we proceed directly to the lair of our foe?

2012-01-12, 07:59 PM
The chieftain begins to respond, but a series of moans behind him cuts him off. A hissing scream sounds behind the chieftain, stunningly close. He swears in draconic, reloading his small crossbow and flourishing his scepter. The cloaked companion vanishes into the darkness and the large warrior steps in front of his chief, his eyes and spear darting around for a target.

The other nearby kobolds, many more than you had previously seen, scream and scatter, running towards the valley floor like rats pouring out of an overturned barrel.

A shadowy, shambling figure, then another, stumble into the ring of light projected by the torch and sunrod. Several more follow behind them, moaning and incoherent. They are all human-sized and naked, and of varying ages and sexes. The kobold leader fires at the nearest one, hitting it directly in the chest, but it makes no sign of noticing.

Initiative: You.

{table=head]_|A_|B_|C_|D_|E_|F_|G_|H_|I_|J_|K_|L_|M_|N_|O_|P_| Q_|R_|A_

Kc: Kobold Chief
Kw: Kobold Warrior
X: Impassable terrain (Boulders)
S: Shambling figures
Names as normal.

2012-01-12, 08:12 PM

All signs of composure disappear in Zalor. "These things have no tasty souls...they must be purged..." His eyes burn with fire, which is soon matched by the black flames that surround his hand. Pointing at one of the beings, he shoots a ray of the flame at it, hoping to decimate the hooded being.

Mini stats

CE medium humanoid
Init +2; Senses Listen -1, Spot -1
Languages Common
AC 13 (+3 dex) touch 13, flat-footed 10
HP 6 (1D6)
Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +1
Speed 30 Feet
Melee Spear +0 (1d6/x2)
Ranged Eldritch Blast +3 (1d6/x2)
Attack Options Invocations (Eldritch Spear 250ft rng)
Combat Gear Potion of Cure Light Wounds
Base Atk +0; Grp +0
Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 18

(Move to L6
rolls from OOC: attack: 20 damage; 6 )

2012-01-13, 07:45 PM
Sky squints into the darkness at the things moving forward with a confused look on his face. He doesn't seem to react.

Standard Action: Ready an action to grapple one if they come within a five foot step reach of Sky.

Mini Stat Block

CN medium humanoid (shapeshifter)
Init +2; Senses Listen +3, Spot +1
Languages Common, Orc
AC 14 (+2 dex, +2 Armor, -1 flaw) touch 11, flat-footed 11
HP 9/15 (1D12+3)
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1
Speed 30 Feet
Melee Unarmed Strike +4 (1d3+3/x2)
Ranged Sling +3 (1d4+3/x2)
Attack Options Improved Grab, Rage
Combat Gear Acid Flask, Potion of Enlarge Person
Base Atk +1; Grp +8
Abilities Str 16, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 8

2012-01-16, 04:49 PM
DMPCing Devenix and Sebastian.


Move to L4, attack figure in L3 with spear, held 2-handed. I'm assuming your consensus is to commence face-beating? Reasoning: Sebastian fights kinda like this. Also, nasty rotting figures aren't something you want to bite.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]


Move to H5 while drawing longsword, ready an action to attack first enemy to get into range. Reasoning: protecting a legitimate authority who has shown openness to speak of Bahamut.

If someone can work the Maneuvers for me, I can change the readied action to an appropriate maneuver.

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2012-01-16, 05:01 PM
Round 1 Con't

Zalor is the first to react, leaping to the side and throwing a bolt of black flames at the creature to the left. The flames dance across its flesh, and the skin peels back, but it advances unharmed. That is, until Sebastian leaps forward, growling like a predator and rams his spear into its chest. It does not fall, however, but grabs the spear and pulls itself up along its length, snapping at Sebastian's face.

Devenix steps forward to join the Kobold chief and his bodyguard, his shield up under his eyes and his sword out, waiting for a target.

Sky, on the other hand, remains oddly still, staring at the creatures and seemingly not reacting. Iaellin, however, notices that the tendons along his neck are tense and he is anything but unaware.

{table=head]_|A_|B_|C_|D_|E_|F_|G_|H_|I_|J_|K_|L_|M_|N_|O_|P_| Q_|R_|A_

Kc: Kobold Chief
Kw: Kobold Warrior
X: Impassable terrain (Boulders)
S: Shambling figures
Names as normal.

2012-01-17, 12:28 AM

"More monsters?" Iaelin calls out, exasperated.
"I;m almost out of spell power!"

Looking for an opening, he analyzes the situation.

"I... am useless," he realizes.

He raises his hands quietly, concentrating on watching his targets and waiting for an opening to strike.

[roll0] checking for whether or not they are undead. What do I know about these creatures?

Standard action: Preparing to cast Acid Splash at the first enemy to approach either Iealin or Sky.


Iaelin Skyfallen
M TN Grey Elf Conjurer, Level 1, Init +3, HP 4/4, Speed 30
AC 13, Touch 13, Flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3
(+3 Dex)
Base Attack Bonus 0
Quarterstaff -1 (1d6-1/x2)
Rapier -1 (1d6-1/18-20)
Dagger -1 (1d4-1/19-20) or Dagger(Thrown) +3 (1d4-1/19-20)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 12
Spells Prepared (4/3)
0th- Acid Splash (1), Detect Magic (1), Light (1), Ray of Frost (0)
1st- Feather Fall (1), Summon Monster 1 (0), Color Spray (0)

2012-01-17, 06:14 PM
Stat Block:


Hp: 14 AC: 20 (Touch 10, Flat Footed 20) DR 2/adamantine
Saves: Fort +6, Reflex +0, Will +0
Living Constuct Traits, Dragonborn Traits
Attack (longsword) +4 (1d8+3 slashing) and Slam -1 (1d4+3 bludegoning) OR breath weapon (5ft line 1d8 damage any of acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage) reflex DC 14 for 1/2 damage every 1d4 rounds
Active Stance: Martial Spirit
Granted Manuvers: Moment of Perfect Mind, Crusader's Strike

Readied Manuvers: as granted, plus Stone Bones, Douse the Flames, Leading the Attack

Steely Resolve used 0 of 5 max points
Furious Counterstrike bonus: +0

2012-01-18, 11:49 AM
Round 2

The creatures advance, save for the one impaled on Sebastian's spear, which stiffly and awkwardly batters at the shapeshifter.

The Kobold warrior lunges as a figure advances, striking scorpion-quick with his longspear. The chieftain fires his crossbow at the creature struck by his bodyguard, hitting it in the shoulder.

Devenix slashes at a creature that stumbles too close, taking off a hand at the wrist. No blood flows from the wound.

{table=head]_|A_|B_|C_|D_|E_|F_|G_|H_|I_|J_|K_|L_|M_|N_|O_|P_| Q_|R_|A_

Initiative: You. Everyone has a full round of actions. I'm currently working on finding a replacement for Sebastian.

2012-01-18, 12:23 PM
"I... am useless," he realizes.

Sky suddenly see's the creatures for what they are: undead. He visibly pales.

"Eal'in... what in the orbhugago tahahhroha u hak ohobrhakn have you done gotten us into?" Sky says clearly spooked.

Comically he pulls out the long "combat worthy" kitchen knife as a way of defending himself and takes a step backward (H8) and appears to use Iealin as a shield for a moment.

Standard: Ready an action to attack anything that moves closer to Sky.

Mini Stat Block

CN medium humanoid (shapeshifter)
Init +2; Senses Listen +3, Spot +1
Languages Common, Orc
AC 14 (+2 dex, +2 Armor, -1 flaw) touch 11, flat-footed 11
HP 11/15 (1D12+3)
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1
Speed 30 Feet
Melee Unarmed Strike +4 (1d3+3/x2)
Ranged Sling +3 (1d4+3/x2)
Attack Options Improved Grab, Rage
Combat Gear Acid Flask, Potion of Enlarge Person
Base Atk +1; Grp +8
Abilities Str 16, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 8

2012-01-18, 01:03 PM
When Devenix hits something, an ally (within 20 ft, iirc) can be healed for 2 points. Which character was still injured again? I lost track

2012-01-18, 01:05 PM
When Devenix hits something, an ally (within 20 ft, iirc) can be healed for 2 points. Which character was still injured again? I lost track


Sky was the only one attacked by the wolves.

2012-01-18, 09:25 PM
As Devenix strikes the undead abomination, Sky feels sufficently heartened to shake off some of his earlier wounds. (heal 2 hp)

As promised, when I strike things, I can grant healing!

2012-01-18, 09:29 PM

Zalor concentrates, sweat breaking out on his brow. Another beam of black flame burns from his hands.

Attack J3

2012-01-18, 09:54 PM

Seeing two additional creatures nearing the chief, Devenix 5-ft steps to square I-4 And attacks the monsters:

first the one in I-3 with his longsword: [roll0] for [roll1] slashing damage

then the one in J-3 with his slam: [roll2] for [roll3] bludeoning damage.

For each hit, he'll heal Sky for 2 points of damage.

Stat Block

Hp: 14 AC: 20 (Touch 10, Flat Footed 20) DR 2/adamantine
Saves: Fort +6, Reflex +0, Will +0
Living Constuct Traits, Dragonborn Traits
Attack (longsword) +4 (1d8+3 slashing) and Slam -1 (1d4+3 bludegoning) OR breath weapon (5ft line 1d8 damage any of acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage) reflex DC 14 for 1/2 damage every 1d4 rounds
Active Stance: Martial Spirit
Granted Manuvers: Moment of Perfect Mind, Crusader's Strike, Douse the Flames

Readied Manuvers: as granted, plus Stone Bones, Leading the Attack

Steely Resolve used 0 of 5 max points
Furious Counterstrike bonus: +0

2012-01-22, 06:21 PM
"Eal'in... what in the orbhugago tahahhroha u hak ohobrhakn have you done gotten us into?"

"What have I gotten us Into? It seems a Quarrel with a Necromancer," Iaelin says. an angry look crosses his face as he steps back next to sky and fires off a spell at the Zombie closest to Devenix.

Free action: 5 foot step to G8.
Standard action: Acid Splash at the zombie next to Devenix.


Iaelin Skyfallen
M TN Grey Elf Conjurer, Level 1, Init +3, HP 4/4, Speed 30
AC 13, Touch 13, Flat-footed 10, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3
(+3 Dex)
Base Attack Bonus 0
Quarterstaff -1 (1d6-1/x2)
Rapier -1 (1d6-1/18-20)
Dagger -1 (1d4-1/19-20) or Dagger(Thrown) +3 (1d4-1/19-20)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 12
Spells Prepared (4/3)
0th- Acid Splash (1), Detect Magic (1), Light (1), Ray of Frost (0)
1st- Feather Fall (1), Summon Monster 1 (0), Color Spray (0)

2012-01-24, 09:32 PM
Round 3

Sky draws his long knife and glares intimidatingly at the creatures, but makes no move to attack, even as Iaellin ducks behind him and hurls a clear liquid at one creature. It lands at the shambling figure's feet and hisses and steams.

Zalor thrusts another spear of flame, this time striking the creature impaled on Sebastian's spear in the side. As the flames eat away the flesh, he can clearly see ribs poking through the charred skin. The visual is short-lived, though, as Sebastian drops his spear, dropping to his hands and knees as his form ripples and changes into that of a large leopard that savages the rotting figure, tearing it apart. It thrashes at first, but is soon still. As it ceases shuddering, Zalor sees the slightest wisp of a human face, as if made of mist, lift from the creature's head and dissipate.

As a pair of creatures step towards the chief, Devenix interposes his body between them. His sword flashes out, catching one at the knee. It staggers as a major tendon is cut, but moans and rights itself as if through sheer force of will. His blow with his adamantine forehead barely misses the second creature. It's just as well, though, as the kobold guard hits the creature squarely in the chest with his spear, cracking its ribcage. The two creatures facing Devenix both strike, but the one blow that hits is weak, and he hardly feels it through his heavy plating.

The creature attacked by Iaellin steps through the clear fluid without any ill effect but steaming feet to attack the kobold chief. He drops his crossbow and strikes with his scepter, shouting words in draconic you cannot quite hear. The creature screams and begins to glow. A light, as if from a great fire, shines from its mouth and eyes and its feet lift slightly off the ground. As the sound and light build, the kobold staggers back in shock, before the creature explodes in a gout of platinum-colored flames, the body sublimating into dust.. A deep voice comes from all places at once, vibrating all present from gut to soul.
Myonstni unmy drnii eramyziihu dry anyonhu bahueanihumy...

Such is the answer to your prayers...

You recognize the effect as that of a powerful cleric destroying undead.
Also, you take one damage from zombie nibbling on your shield arm.

{table=head]_|A_|B_|C_|D_|E_|F_|G_|H_|I_|J_|K_|L_|M_|N_|O_|P_| Q_|R_|A_
X is dead/disabled bodies

2012-01-24, 10:55 PM
Sky looks terrified while watching Sebastian turn into a leopard, panicked when he watches a human soul leave the zombie's body, he starts to giggle when the zombie starts to scream and glow, and when the voice starts booming Sky flips the dagger in his hand with a huge smile on his face.

"Eeeeel'lin... I'm hallucinatin' again" Sky says before charging forward to join the fray.

Full Round Action: Charge to H4 attacking I3
[roll0] for [roll1]Slashing


About seven months back Sky went a little overboard on a certain Mushroom PowderBoVD and every now and then suffers from "flashbacks" in which he begins hallucinating for short periods of time. He has a tendency to do stupid stupider things during this time period.


Devinix has hit twice this battle correct? This means that Sky has healed for 4 hit points total.

Mini Stat Block

CN medium humanoid (shapeshifter)
Init +2; Senses Listen +3, Spot +1
Languages Common, Orc
AC 11 (+2 dex, +2 Armor, -1 flaw, -2 charging) touch 9, flat-footed 9
HP 13/15 (1D12+3)
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1
Speed 30 Feet
Melee Combat Worthy Kitchen Knife +6 (1d4+3/19-20)
Ranged Sling +3 (1d4+3/x2)
Attack Options Improved Grab, Rage
Combat Gear Acid Flask, Potion of Enlarge Person
Base Atk +1; Grp +8
Abilities Str 16, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 8

2012-01-24, 10:58 PM

"I think our own tools are too weak to fight these. Divine magic seems to hurt them, but little else."

With that he fires another blast of fire.


2012-01-25, 12:00 AM

I'll put the one point of damage into my steely resolve pool.

Put my longsword attack and my slam attack into the zombie in I-3, unless it drops from the first in which case my second attack will go into its neighbor.

Longsword attack: [roll0]
for [roll1] slashing damage

and slam (headbutt): [roll2]
for [roll3] bludegoning damage

[note, both are enhanced by my furious counterstrike]

I'll put 2 points of healing per hit into sky. Unless he's okay, in which case I'll put it into the chief (if he's injured) or myself.

Stat Block

Hp: 14 AC: 20 (Touch 10, Flat Footed 20) DR 2/adamantine
Saves: Fort +6, Reflex +0, Will +0
Living Constuct Traits, Dragonborn Traits
Attack (longsword) +4 (1d8+3 slashing) and Slam -1 (1d4+3 bludegoning) OR breath weapon (5ft line 1d8 damage any of acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage) reflex DC 14 for 1/2 damage every 1d4 rounds
Active Stance: Martial Spirit
Granted Manuvers: Moment of Perfect Mind, Crusader's Strike, Douse the Flames, Leading the Attack

Readied Manuvers: as granted, plus Stone Bones

Steely Resolve used 1 of 5 max points
Furious Counterstrike bonus: +1