View Full Version : The fastest sprint

2011-12-06, 08:15 PM
What is the furthest a character on the ground can move in one turn? Ignoring teleportation, fly, etc.

The furthest I know of is Druid in Cheetah form with Expeditious Retreat and Haste cast, which gets it 1,600 ft.

2011-12-06, 08:17 PM
I believe Chuck e' Cheese used a persisted footsteps of the divine combined with your tricks and its expended use.

Gives you speed boosts for one round based on rounds it has left. You can hit insane speeds with a day's worth of rounds.

2011-12-06, 08:21 PM
Also Haste and Expeditious Retreat don't stack as they are both Enhancement bonuses.

2011-12-06, 08:21 PM

Footsteps of the divine (complete champion) allows you to shorten the remaining duration to one round to get +10ft/level for each round remaining. Combined with persist and other duration increasers, this gives a ridiculous bonus.

2011-12-06, 08:23 PM
Also Haste and Expeditious Retreat don't stack as they are both Enhancement bonuses.

Ah, I see what you mean. Well, that cuts down on things by a bit.

I see that another had already come before, one far more worthy than myself. Also, I now desperately want to play Chuck E. Cheese and cast Air Walk to pass by Spelljammer ships in space.

2011-12-06, 08:30 PM
That was actually errata'd into no longer working, IIRC, by adding the [D] tag onto Footsteps of the Divine, but it's still pretty nifty. :smallamused:

Big Fau
2011-12-06, 09:51 PM
That was actually errata'd into no longer working, IIRC, by adding the [D] tag onto Footsteps of the Divine, but it's still pretty nifty. :smallamused:

It still works, but to a significantly smaller scale. Persist isn't usable, so it becomes a matter of "how many times can I fit Extend spell onto a single casting?" and "how many times can I use Travel Devotion+Divine Impetus today?"

Other versions use Celerity, just in case.

2011-12-07, 03:59 AM
Add the Quick trait and a level of barbarian for an additional 20ft movement which get multiplied by Cheetah.

2011-12-07, 06:43 AM
Add the Quick trait and a level of barbarian for an additional 20ft movement which get multiplied by Cheetah.
Or, use Ranger as the base and get Wildshape:Cheeta AND Fast Movement in the same package.

2011-12-07, 08:10 AM
If you allow more than one character to get involved then you can use a relay of Nightsong Enforcers.
This PrC (CAd) gets a class features called "Grant Move Action" which allows the Enforcer to spend their move action to allow all allies within 30 feet to take an extra move action.
If you have an arbitrarily-long chain of Nightsong Enforcers X feet apart (where X=your base movement rate) then they can all chorus "Go, go go!" and propel you from one end of the line to the other in a single round.
Note that the Marshal has a similar class feature but in the Marshal's case it explicitly states that no-one can benefit from it twice in the same round while the Nightsong Enforcer has no such caveat.

Of course, you may not like the bit about having to send your arbitrary number of assistants out in front of you.

In that case, I would recommend 94 kobolds Nightsong Enforcers with the Swarmfighting feat (which IIRC allows you to fit twice as many small creatures into the same fighting space).
If my ad-hoc diagrams are correct then these kobolds can all form up in a circle such that they are all with 30' of each other. Each then uses Grant Move Action to send the rest of the pack forward one movement, then uses his own move action to catch up.
Even without any other speed enhancers, this pack of kobolds are covering 94*30=2820 feet in a round.
Kobolds are the race of choice becuase they're small creatures with a base land speed of 30 (and no LA). Plus the mental image is always more hilarious when it includes kobolds.

And I know the question did specify movement on the ground but I think I would be letting everyone down if I didn't at least mention that Dragonwrought Kobolds with the Draconic Wings feet could form up into a sphere instead of a circle. I'm not sure I can be bothered to accurately translate that into 5-foot-cubes but thats around 210 kobolds or 6,300' for the Kobold Formation Flying Squadron.

Of course if you only want to here suggestions that are manageable by a single character then none of this will help. But I hope you will nevertheless cherish the mental image of the Kobold Formation Flying Squadron as much as I do. :smallbiggrin:

2011-12-07, 09:08 AM
An human sorcerer 20 with run (feat), something that grant Freedom of movement or preventing him from being dazzed, and 3 spells : expedious retreat (PHB), celerity, lesser (PHB2) and celerity,greater (PHB2) can do 5100ft in a round. (60 * 4 * 13 + 60 * 36)

But then there will be no spell left.

Sorry for posting false proposition.

Big Fau
2011-12-07, 09:15 AM
An human sorcerer 20 with run (feat), something that grant Freedom of movement or preventing him from being dazzed, and 3 spells : expedious retreat (PHB), celerity, lesser (PHB2) and celerity,greater (PHB2) can do 5100ft in a round. (60 * 4 * 13 + 60 * 36)

But then there will be no spell left.

You can't cast both Lesser and Greater Celerity in the same round (Immediate action casting time), eve with the Arcane Fusion spell. An RKV could, but they don't get easy access to Celerity. And even if the Sorcerer could, that still isn't as fast a Chuck can be (even after errata nerfs).