View Full Version : Made a Synthesist, is it Balanced?

2011-12-06, 09:29 PM
So I made a Synthesist Summoner today for a level 15 campaign. I had played in this campaign from 1-15 with a Rogue over the past two years. For different reasons he may or may not be resurrected.

Point being I've wanted to make a character, just in case.

So I made this Synthesist using Pathfinder rules and...well he looks like a monster. I've only played lower levels in Pathfinder. (The previous game was in a different system, we are now converting.) So idk how he stacks up against others of his level, but just by looking at him...he's scary.

I want to play him, but I wont if he's going to overshadow the rest of the party.

He's got 6 attacks, over 30 Str, each doing 1d8+1d6(acid)+15ish. Near a +30 to hit.

Over 200hp(Half temp albiet), saves in the high teens, AC near 40.

Didn't even really try to make him silly, so I have a feeling somethings wrong with the Synthesist archetype...

So is this about on par with others, or should I try to reel him in a little? My group isn't the best at min/maxing, but they try, so expect average characters/above average for them.

Thoughts, ideas, complaints?

2011-12-06, 10:02 PM
Post the other PCs' stats/classes, give some indication of their optimization level and the party roles already covered. Otherwise, we really don't have anything to go on.

2011-12-06, 10:05 PM
Don't have the builds, and I gave indication. They don't optimize heavily. So about average. Maybe a little above for a couple. Others are Fighter (Archer), a Paladin, and another undetermined. (They also died.)

2011-12-06, 10:22 PM
Your stats are pretty average for a level 15 fighting-sort except for the really high AC, and even that isn't really...obscene, just high.

2011-12-07, 12:57 AM
well, your hp is high and all your saves being in the high teens is unusual. AC is high, as said.
6 attacks is a lot, though you don't do a lot of damage per attack.

The problem is that on top of that you are casting spells at discounted level.

2011-12-07, 07:12 AM
If you feel that you are going to be over the top - reign yourself in.

2011-12-07, 08:38 AM
Sure, your eidolon is powerful. One unlucky dispell dismissal (chose the wrong one) and your party will quickly learn that it is not unbalanced, though.

2011-12-07, 08:55 AM
*Reign, my mistake.

And dispel doesn't exactly work, but a dismissal will. Though I have a will save which is very high.

2011-12-07, 10:29 AM
Well, lets compare it to a Barbarian.

A level 15 Barbarian should have about a 35 strength when raging (18 base, 2 race, 3 levels, 6 belt, 6 rage). He'll be power attacking all the time (I assume you won't, with 3/4 BAB)

Assume a greatsword, maybe a +1 holy, we have 2d6+2d6+31 (12 power attack, 18 strength, +1). Assuming he has the pounce rage power, he can pounce just like you, and gets 3 attacks per round. So, our very under-optimized Barbarian (I didn't even choose more than one rage power, and one feat) is doing 12d6+93 damage if he hits with everything. That's compared to your 6d8 + 6d6 + 90. About the same, and if we tried we could make the Barbarian do much more.

However, his attack bonus is +24/+19/+14, yours should be +19/+19/+19/+19/+19/+19 (10 from str, 11 from BAB, -2 from Multiattack). So, your attack bonuses are on par with the underpowered Barbarian.

Of course, he'll break through damage reduction like it's nothing, while it will cripple you.

Your AC and saves will be higher, and your HP marginally higher (but not much higher than his Rage HP). His rage HP go away at the end of the battle, your eidolon ones stay, but only you can heal them (and you're not that great at it with your spells per day).

A properly built Barbarian will do more damage and better deal with high AC and damage reduction.

You have better defenses than that Barbarian. And you have spell casting. Overall, you're probably a bit more powerful, but casters are always more powerful than non-casters, so that's normal. I think you're fine.

2011-12-07, 12:03 PM
Thank you good sir, for the very thorough analysis.

Keep in mind though that all of my statistics I provided are without items. So a +3 Amulet of Might Fists, Belt of Giant Strength, etc, are all things I would have.

But still, I think your right in that It is fairly powerful, but as long as I don't push it, I shouldn't be overshadowing my other players. Although the evolution surge spells are crazy powerful considering what you can do with those evolution points...

Akal Saris
2011-12-07, 12:57 PM
In terms of combat potential, you're probably on par with a well-made paladin or barbarian.

I think where the synthesist will come out ahead is in greater flexibility in other situations, thanks to spell-casting and summon monster spells. So you'll probably be able to contribute to many more situations than the other melees over time.