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2011-12-08, 03:26 PM
You start in the country of Greater Donkeywrath a long standing absolutist republic. In the outskirts of Lesser Donkeywrath there has been a catastrophic event of some kind. All scrying of the area has been blocked, and it has not been visited by anyone of the capitol yet, and that is where you come in. You have been selected due to your amazing accomplishments for a expedition in to the changed landscape. You may decide where you are spesificly in the town and what you plan to do, but you all have orders to join up leave later today.

Talking in Character should be done in Purple.

2011-12-08, 07:21 PM
Balk, Thax and Revnik are waiting at the tavern.

Thax is flitting around, telling stories of his adventures, particularly to the young ladies, and coming back to their table at least once each round of drinks. He was a small thing, light on his feat, and able to sing loud enough for everyone in the bar to hear him. His swords shone in the light, but despite his impressive friends and fine swords, most thought him a harmless storryteller. Regardless, his looks and speach were fine, and many were fascinated with him.

Balk has an odd look on his face, showing his enjoyment of the hustle and life around him, combined with an impatience to be moving on. This look was comon on his face. No one approached him though. Even when shrunken down to a smaller size, he still made the locals uneasy, and his face, after years of battle, was nothing to brag about. His Tiefling traits were evident, making him shunned all the more, though none were bold enough to give him so much as a dirty look, hiding any such look in their mugs of beer so as to not give offense. His wings, black as night and feathery, he kept curled tight against his back, but made no real effort to hide. He knew who he was, and was not asshamed of who some ancestor might of been; he is not his ansestors, he is himself.

Revnik seemed bored, but kept their drinks cold and impressed a few people himself by playing with some fire in his hands. His coat looked dirty, though of great quality and durability, and his blonde hair was always slightly tossled. When he sat, he lounged back into the chair. When he spoke, he leaned in, just a hair too close. He actually smelled faintly of soap, and he neither sweaty or dirty, and yet somehow he looked like he should stink of the road, or of sweat, or of dust, or of smoke, or of a forge: it changed with the light.

They did not talk much among themselves, having already decided to meet up with the group they had heard was forming to investigate The Troubles. This was a part of the world Balk had never seen, and he was interested in traveling it and meeting its people. Thax said he had been there and that it was wonderful, though you could never tell with him if he was telling a harmless story or telling you a fact. Revnik said he had been there before meeting Thax, and that it was nothing special. He rarely lied, but you had to take his judgments with a grain of salt.

2011-12-09, 12:55 AM
Hooded Figure

A hooded figure wanders the streets aimlessly, just letting his feet take him wherever. He looks around at the people and the goods being peddled around, as well as the shops, hoping his eyes would catch something interesting. But then again, for someone who has been almost everywhere, it is a hard thing to find something new. But then again, the opposite is almost always true as well; even though he has been to almost all the corners of the planes and in other planes of existence, the most interesting things always appear in the places you don't expect to find them: in the places you have been to over and over.

He turns right into a side street and notices some children playing with cloth dolls. One of them is crying; apparently the others are teasing her because she does not have her own doll. The hooded figure goes closer and a hand appears from inside his cloak with a doll that looks to be made of glass, but upon touching it, it is soft and elastic. He hands it to the little girl, who wipes her eyes from tears, looks at the doll, and looks up at him with a smile.

"Th..thank yoo, mister!" she says before running off towards the others and bragging about her new toy. When she points out where she got it, the hooded figure is nowhere to be seen.


He stands atop one of the rooftops overlooking the appointed place of meeting, looking at the direction of their destination. A smile appears on his face. Indeed, there's always something to be found, and I found something rare this time: an innocent one's smile. Now what do you hold interesting for me?

2011-12-09, 02:03 AM
He stands with divine grace, he moves easily through the crowds, he is certain. Some would call him arrogant, but that's not what he is, he knows his capabilities. He has studied the magic arcane, he is a subject of the Coatls and he knows he is good. He wears simple clothing, the most fancy is his belt on which certain runes are grafted and a single pure colored feather is intertwined in it, someone who checks the feather could maybe notice it was a Coatl-feather, something that shows part of his status. He wears a hat, which shows everything under the eyes. His hair is tied into a ponytail and looks like it is pure gold, he seems relaxed, able to react to everything. His skin is a nice warm teint of pink, his eyes are azureblue and his hands and body are gloved. When a part of his coat is blown a bit up by the wind you can see more protective runes in the layer as well as a dagger in a sheath in the coat.

Slowly he moves over the market taking in the sights, talking to some merchants and people on the street. Since he is seemingly unarmed they talk to him, he is an easy talker, people enjoy conversation with him, as he enjoys talking. Still he seems wary, his eyes flit from one side to the other, impossible to follow for others, but certain if someone experienced and carefully looking would check it. And so he makes his way to the inn where he was supposed to meet.

Coming there he asks the innkeeper for a can of watered down wine, he needs to be in control, as all magic users need to be. He was send here in a two-fold mission, by both organisations he works for. He sits down in a corner, looking into the crowd, puts his head on the tabel, ungloves his hands and smiles. It seems like the smile warms everyone, the innkeeper gives him his wine. He pays for it and fills a cup. Some onlookers see him making a small sign, a little movement of his lips and he starts drinking.

2011-12-09, 04:46 PM
Cool intros everyone.

The established meeting point for the adventurers planing to save the world is at the southeast gate you all visited there a day earlier for a pep talk from the leader of the public safety organisation. He gave you all a run down of what was at stake on this job (the innocent people, the country, and the world) he rambled on for hours. Afterwards the Marshal gave you all a shorter more informative report on what they know "So far it covers an area about 2300 miles in diameter and some force in it is destroying large towns and then quickly retreating to its ever expanding domain"

2011-12-09, 05:21 PM

Captain Thax, though enjoying the attention of the patrons, speaks upWell, I think it time I met the leaders here. We are all nobility in our own rights, well except Revnik, so its right rude of me not to call on the local royals. I don't suppose either of you want to accompany me? The other two know the glint in his eye, know they will only hold him back, and know that they will not likely enjoy it, and shake their heads. I shall journey alone then. I am off! Adressing the crowd of his new friends. Alas, our time is short, but perhaps I will chance here again. I truely hope I will. Goodby my new friends! He says wiith a Twinkle in his eye, that many think intended just for them.

Thax heads towards the largest building he can find, assuming it to be the castle (Untrained Knowlege (local) Check) 1d20+10 and approaches the first guard or attendant who tries to stop or question him.

Why hello. I am Captain Thax, the Merciful, Lord of the Ship Resolute and King over the Unclaimed Sea, and I am here to call upon [insert the name of the local royalty] to pay my respects.
I can roll for intimidate, diplomacy, buff (though these statments are all true), make the man beat a Will Save DC 26 or be facinated, whatever you like. Let me know when I should use any of these.

Balk stands up, done enjoying the bustle of the inn, and wishing to pass some time in sparring. No one her elooked in any mood for a friendly fight, so he decided to find a fighters guild or gym or rough area of town if need be. True, few would jump one his size, but only those bold enough to try would be worth fighting.Revnik, I'm going to get some excersize. You're welcome to come too. Revnik shook his head, and lounged more into his chair, taking a deep chug of ale, eyeing the women who had lost interest in their group once Thax had left. Revnik left the Inn, wandering. He could ask for directions, but was not desperate enough to stoop to that. There is no shame in asking, but the average person here did not smile at him, and getting anything usefull would be like pulling teeth without pliers. He wanders towards the open areas, square building likely to have a courtyard, and dark back alleys, each in turn. 1d20+2.

Seeing his friends depart, he dinks another round, but grows bored. He doesn't bother trying to strike up a conversation with anyone, assuming that it would not go well. He decides to wander the streets, with nothing specific in mind, but (secretly) hoping to find something neat and new or someone who will talk to him. He wanders randomly, killing any rat or mouse he sees with a flash of light, fire, and ice that kills instantly. This is a habit of his, believing from his time on ships that vermin are always pests, and that he leaves the world a little better in his wake while doing this. He moves quickly, though anyone watching would simultaniously think that he is stideing slowly. He is ovbiously not trying to move fast, he just simple covers four times as much ground as you would expect from his lumbering, suffling, walk.

2011-12-10, 02:25 AM
You find the castle. The guards already know who you are and can't be facinated because they are immune to mind affecting effects.

Unfortunately no one dares to attack you. Not entirely based on his size, but also because of the strict laws of this society.

GuyFawkes sees you, and he unlike the others staring about he knows you are not as you appear from the pep talk you both attended.

We should wait for some of the others that have not posted yet

I did not even roll. :smallconfused:

2011-12-11, 07:39 AM
Dhagrin stands silently by the southeast gate. He stares towards that which he has been called to protect, massive, spiked arms at his sides. Unlike most of his kind, his metallic hide is translucent and shimmering with purples and reds like an approaching sunset. A sash seemingly woven from strands of silver adorns Dhagrin's waist while an amulet of unworked jade hangs from his neck. A simple leather ring decorated with silver stars sits atop his head, around which two tiny prisms slowly circle, one pale green, the other orange. A ratty-looking hooded cloak partially covers the ensemble, but it's parted slightly in the breeze and leaving most of Dhagrin's possessions on display.

Like an immense stone and steel grotesque, Dhagrin stands unmoving, unflinching. His eyes burn like two cut emeralds held to the sun as he looks out towards the lands of Lesser Donkeywrath. Here and there a stray arc of electricity will pop and hiss, leaping towards the ground with great speed. Dhagrin has been by the gates since the morning before, withdrawn into his own mind and contemplating the events to come. In all his years, he had learned surprisingly little of the world, and he understands even less. Dhagrin does know, however, that if he and others like him had been summoned to this place, only a truly foul fate could await them.

Sorry for such a lackluster introductory post, everyone. Now that I've finally manage to get a post in here, perhaps we can move forward a touch.

2011-12-11, 10:04 PM
Perhaps we can go up until the first combat, and if I don't hear from them by then they will be to late.

2011-12-12, 02:11 AM
After having enjoyed his wine he stands up. Puts his hat on and puts some coins on the table. Than he moves out towards the meeting point, waiting for everyone else to arrive. When he arrives there he will lean to the wall, looking relaxed while keeping an eye on his surroundings, even though he is completely sure that he can handle everything his face shows a smile that does not reach his eyes, he is serious trying to see everything around him.

2011-12-12, 11:20 AM
You see nothing out of place. However emotionally there is a fair amount of unease among the people, but that is of course because they they know somewhere there countrymen are being attacked.

2011-12-12, 11:35 AM
Thax, realizing that he let time slip away from him on his way to the palace, decides not to press the issue and meet at the appointed place.

Balk, disapointed with the lack of sufficiant training grounds, though impressed at the lack of street thugs, heads to their meeting place with time to spare.

Revnik, bored from the town, is ready to go, but has no desire to be early. He laps the city again, and heads to the meeting place.

2011-12-12, 11:55 AM
Hooded Figure

The figure on the rooftop continues to muse on what that dark cloud on the horizon is hiding, and as he does so, he forgets the passage of time. He soon notices that a large assembly had already formed down below at their appointed meeting place. He stands up and walks down the roof, but as he goes on, his feet ceases to touch the roof and he seems to be walking on air, and upon reaching the edge, he gently floats down to the alleyway below and silently makes his way towards the gate.

As he arrives, he looks at those gathered there, a rather curious bunch. He stands near the hulking figure of steel and stone by the wall and silently waits.

2011-12-12, 12:06 PM
A guard captain walks up to the slowly growing team of heros and hands Dhagrin a map. This is the most updated map we have of the east I hope it serves you well, and I think I speak for all of Donkeywrath when I complement you on your bravery. He signals to one of his men and they both begin to open the gate.

2011-12-12, 01:57 PM
Balk and Revnik allow Thax to do their introductions, as he was good at it and always seemed to enjoy himself.

Thax speaks up, easily heard by all in the group despite his small size. Hello hello! I am Captain Thax, the Merciful, captain of the Resolute and King of the unclaimed sea. Perhaps you have heard of me? This formidable fortress of stalwert strength is Balk, Chief of the Wanak Tribe. This unassuming genleman is the worldly Revnik, whose demure demeaner belies his boundless mastery of the elemental and physical forces. We have arrived to assist and investigate this hidden horror plauging the land. We are, of course, pleased to be working with you all. Balk shifts and Revnik rolls his eyes, but neither responds to Thax's fun. They long since learned to pick their battles with him, and his verbose style was unchainable.

Balk, Thax and Revnik look at the map. Balk adresses the group. Shall we travel by foot, or by air? I can carry any who need a lift, and we can cover more ground that way.

2011-12-12, 02:35 PM
]It appears that this is intended to be more roll than role, so I'm putting any plesantries spoiler, so as not to clog up the thread. If I am wrong, and there is to be more role play, let me know and I will have my guys become more chatty
It shall be more role play at the beginning, but as soon as a certain point is reached It will be almost all puzzles and hack n' slash.

2011-12-13, 02:00 AM

They call me Banarea. I am a mage extraordinaire. Instead of my predecessor, Captain Thax, almost no one will have heard from me. I would like to keep it that way. My service needs no help, I am just doing what I was asked to do by both the orders I work for. If you need magical back-up ask me, if someone needs a bit more diplomatic touch, go ahead and ask me, just please know that I'm just doing my duty.
Baranea says before standing again against the wall. Silently watching the others, checking their responses.

2011-12-13, 02:52 AM
The golem-like creature finally moves, but only enough to face the group, and speaks. "I suppose this is the time for introductions, then, is it? Very well; I am called Dhagrin Copperclaw, though I have no fancy titles or awards. I've no idea whether any of you have heard of me, and I don't particularly care." His toothless jaw moves as if articulating, but he seems to have no lips with which to pronounce the words.

"Please do not take this as animosity towards any of you on my part, as this is instead the much more dangerous trapping of apathy. It is, unfortunately, one of my few vices." While the translucent creature talks, small bursts of electricity continue to pop and hiss away from his body, arcing towards the ground.

"I have studied the way of the Arcane and the way of the Sublime, and through them I have attained mastership of my body. My abilities focus primarily on strengthening myself and others, with a bit of life-enhancing and life-prolonging abilities to extend my endurance. I prefer to do my combat as close to the enemy as possible, when violence is necessary, though I am capable of a small number of ranged magics." The vocal grotesque ceases movement again, once more resembling an odd and expensive art piece.

2011-12-13, 03:24 AM
Hooded Figure

The hooded figure stands still as each of the men present introduce themselves. When everyone is done, he simply addresses them in a cold, calm, voice without even taking his hood off. "Daedalus. A pleasure to be working with you. I assume people of your calibre can take to the skies, and as such, those who cannot can take Master Balk's offer. It is best we set off now," is all he says before walking towards the opened city gates in an effortless manner that makes him seem to be floating.

2011-12-13, 08:36 AM
Balk and Revnik seem impressed by Copperclaw, though slightly dismissive of Banarea, neither having a great love of magics. Thax reacts gracefully to all.

With a look at Copperclaw and Banarea, Balk deactivates his Anti-Magic Field, assuming it would inconveniance Banarea and might even hurt Copperclaw if he got too close. Balk is not educated in the ways of golems.

Balk continues. Welcome all. I can fly about 18 miles an hour (160 fly speed) and can carry all of you if you like. Revnik, please take point and scout our flanks as well.

Balk removes his Ring of Compression, growing to Huge size. He checks his Ring of Expansion in his pouch, ready in case his companions prove heavier than they look.

Revnik nodds, and glowing wings of pure light burst from his armor with a small shower of cool, glowing sparks. He lifts off, circling overhead, scouting the area. (flight speed 360). He never gets out of sight of the others, and flies very high, 500 feet above the ground as a minimum.

Thax climbs into Balk's shoulder, wraps a cord from Balk's armor around his hand, and starts talking as if Balk is a ship leaving harbor. All aboad who's coming aboard. Battendown the hatches and steer clear fo the poop deck. We need full sail, Master Balk, and a calm wind on our rudder. Keep your eye's peeled for enemies, and keep the cannons laoded, we may....... He continues, but it is clear that he is mostly speaking for his own amusement now, and Balk is obviously tuning him out.

2011-12-13, 09:27 AM
No offense, but I can take creatures with me with a higher speed. Though I need to touch them. Walking the winds is a lovely way to travel if you know how it goes. Everyone just needs to will it. Baranea says a small smile on his face.


Is it magic? If yes: [roll0]
If No, is something changing visibly?


I can cast windwalk to up to 6 extra characters, any takers?

Spell Description: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/windWalk.htm

@the DM

Does AMF also negate psionics? Or do we not use SR = PR?

2011-12-13, 09:44 AM
Balk, with the slightest of grimace at magic used on him by another, agrees. That will get us there faster, and keep us less easily observable than otherwise. Thax, go grab Revnik and have him come back down.

The pixie flits up and Revnik meets him. After a brief explaination, they return to the ground, ready to travel.

The ANtimagic Field is an Ex ability of the Barbarian, with caster level 20. But I can surpress it at will, and will do so now. http://dungeons.wikia.com/wiki/Barbarian,_Tome_(3.5e_Class)

2011-12-13, 09:52 AM

Upon hearing the mage speak of the particular spell, Daedalus turns back towards him. "Ah, yes that is certainly faster than what I could manage on my own. And if what you are saying is the same magic that I am thinking about, then I advise everyone to take it as I believe he has enough for all of us. And it would be wise for us to go at practically the same pace."

2011-12-13, 09:56 AM

I can share it with 6 guys at once. Form half a circle in front of me and reach out. As soon as I touch you you will feel light. That's in a positive way. Think light thoughts after that and we will really fly through the sky. He says while touching his belt.

Than he waits untill the persons are formed up around him, at least the ones that would like to share.

2011-12-13, 10:08 AM
Balk returns the Ring of Compression tohis hand, making it easier to touch hands in the circle.

Balk, Revnik, and Thax circle up. Thinking light thoughts is easy, since they each fly on a regular basis. That's fortunate too, since it is usually hard for a Huge sized barbarian to think light thoughts.

I checked, and AMF will should not affect the golum/construct. The ghost from teh Thrallherder though would dissapear, so Balk will keep it lowered unless otherwise noted. Once they start flying, he will use his Ring of Invisibility and follow the others, since even oscured in clouds, he is large and noticable.

2011-12-13, 10:14 AM

The still hooded Daedalus positions himself on the other side of Banarea opposite the hulking figure of Balk and touches the mage's hand for the spell. He is certainly used to this, and he in facts questions himself why he did not bring that particular scroll along for today. Brushing his thoughts aside, he focuses on himself, waiting to feel that distinct feeling of slowly turning into vapor.

2011-12-13, 12:24 PM
Does AMF also negate psionics? Or do we not use SR = PR?


A few guards wave as you all float in to the air, and by the way this will make the map kind of difficult to read.

2011-12-13, 12:25 PM

A few guards wave as you all float in to the air, and by the way this will make the map kind of difficult to read.

In this case everything is negated in an AMF, which means that your rings are also negated.

2011-12-13, 01:43 PM
OOCIf you mean my rings, it is a class feature of the Tome Barbarianthat the AMF does not affect effects already active on me or affect the items I wear or hold. As for reading the map, I assume we got a good look at it, pointed ourselves in the right direction, and will stop when we see devastation or something...is that wrong?

2011-12-13, 01:58 PM

That makes the Tome Barbarian more overpowered than expected.

2011-12-13, 02:43 PM
"If we are to travel by air, then I would much prefer to accept your offer, Banarea. For all that I have achieved in my life, I'm afraid that I can fly at only a fraction of the speed your propose." The creature gets into position, reaching out an oversized, spike-studded hand.

2011-12-13, 06:30 PM
How long will you fly before looking at the map?

2011-12-14, 01:37 AM

He starts chanting in a strange language, no one can really make anything from it. As soon as his movements stop his eyes start glowing with a pure white light. Softly he touches the hands of the others. His body stays solid though, while he sees that the body of the others seems more translucent and misty. The pleasurable sensation of being one with the wind is shared around.

Good old times. Banarea says softly before looking at the others.
It's not hard people, some of you maybe know what this is, but it's simply being one with the wind. If you will it so, you can move as fast as the wind, you can stay solid, as I am, or more misty like you all are. After that, the one with the map needs to be in front, and show us the way, I do suggest him to be solid at least so we can follow him. After that Banarea waits for you all to answer or act.


We can read and fly at once. I mean you can stay normal, even though it costs some time to become it. It does means that since the spell works for 20 hours we can take small stops every couple of minutes (10 minutes for example). How far is it precisely?

Man I love the Warsnake build :P spontaneously cast every cleric spell there is got to be one of the best things there can be. Especially coupled with the huge amount of spells I have :smallbiggrin:

2011-12-14, 03:59 AM

We can read and fly at once. I mean you can stay normal, even though it costs some time to become it. It does means that since the spell works for 20 hours we can take small stops every couple of minutes (10 minutes for example). How far is it precisely?

Man I love the Warsnake build :P spontaneously cast every cleric spell there is got to be one of the best things there can be. Especially coupled with the huge amount of spells I have :smallbiggrin:

Yes you can make stops. The trip is almost 1000 mi. so you could make it in two hours if you did 36 total min of map checking witch would have only a small chance of error, but keep in mind that every second you waste many acres of countryside may be at risk.

2011-12-14, 04:38 AM
Yes you can make stops. The trip is almost 1000 mi. so you could make it in two hours if you did 36 total min of map checking witch would have only a small chance of error, but keep in mind that every second you waste many acres of countryside may be at risk.

It's 60 mil/hour, so 20 hours is more appropriate. 1000 miles is a lot.

2011-12-14, 12:37 PM
It's 60 mil/hour, so 20 hours is more appropriate. 1000 miles is a lot.

I thought it was 600 mi./hr. for some reason aright so if 20 hrs. are spent you could have a total of 3 hrs. of map checking time

2011-12-15, 08:05 AM
Revnik looks up, a surprised look on hi face. He obviously had been distracted and is just now snaping back to attention.

Wait, how far away is this? I can get us a lot closer, if you're ok with having to reorient ourselves. Plane shift will get us closer, maybe put us right where we want to be, maybe not, but should cut the distance in half at the worst. Would you like to do that instead and then look at the map to see how close I got us?

Revnik atunes himself to the Astral Plane in preparation. If a stopover is nessesary in a neighboring plane, he will stop in the Plane of Air as a safe momentary layover. He summons an Air Elemental, Elder, who keeps his winds calm at Revnik's request, and Revnik checks with the Elder that there is nothing untoward going on on the Plane of Air at the moment.

2011-12-16, 12:55 AM

"That would be fine as well. Anything to move us faster."

2011-12-16, 01:47 AM

I agree, if you have the fastest way it's the better. The sooner we have solved this the better it is. You have my blessing. Banarea says while floating a little bit above the ground.

2011-12-16, 02:55 AM
"You've mine as well." says Copperclaw.

2011-12-16, 08:38 AM
[assuming that the Elder Elemental of Air doesn't have any dire warnings against traveling to the plane of air]

Revnik uses the link already in effect, joining the hands of all his companions, and casts plane shift, transporting them all to the Plane of Air. 6 seconds later, he casts plane shift again, returning to their own plane, and attempting to reach the place on the map 250 miles away from the border they were going to Since there is a wide range of error on this, with most being between 200 and 300 miles from the destination, I wanted to not end up 500 miles into the problem. If we end up more than 250 miles away (after checking the map again and maybe doing some quick flight to determine location) I will re-do the double Plane Shift untill we are less than 250 miles from our destination. The Plane shift puts them [roll0] miles to the Degrees on a compas, 360 is North, 90 is East, etc) [roll1] of the destination he picked.

Geography rolls to check the map.
Revnik [roll2]
Thax [roll3]

2011-12-16, 10:51 AM
The air elemental does not tell you of any danger on his plane, but upon trying to transport yourselves back to the material plane directly in to the disaster area you experience a planer disturbance sending you twice the distance away and unless you beat a DC 30 will save you also take 10d10 damage from a flux in spacetime. You are around the area you started.

2011-12-19, 01:01 PM
Revnik cries out, as everyone stumbles back to the regular plane.

Something is odd, though I have no idea what could have caused it. I think we were shunted away from the front, though even that's hard to tell. This kind of travel isn't an exact science. Sorry about the rough landing.

Revnik, Thax, and Balk consult the map [using the geogrpahy checks above] and determine which general direction to go in, and that they are ~500 miles away.

Revnik continues, I don't think we shoiuld try my mode of travel again. Lets continue using the wind walk spell you cast earlier, it should last a good while yet. Revnik, Balk, and Thax all begin to lift off with the wind walk spell. Revnik summons a djinn who will wind walk with them as a vanguard, and will summon a new one as each one disapears (16 round durations).

2011-12-19, 07:36 PM
Damage delt to your characters from the travel
Revnik [roll0]
Thax [roll1]
Balk [roll2]

2011-12-20, 02:07 AM
OOC: Damage is for all? As the willsave is?

If so: Will: [roll0] with if I fail [roll1] damage


Let's put full haste to this plan. Banarea starts moving swiftly into the air.
If it's only 500 miles it's not that much to travel.

2011-12-20, 03:39 AM

"Yes, it would be better to fly it from here," he replies and starts off as well.

Will Save: [roll0]
Damage if fail: [roll1]

2011-12-20, 12:40 PM
DC for the Will save 40 is Revnik, Thax, and Balk should roll I just rolled for damage but did not know there will saves.

Other than that you travel uninterrupted eventually you see it and a few miles closer then expected the landscape starts to radiate colors you have never seen and the everything looks odd from molecular distortion it is almost like another plane and you may see more with a spot check.

2011-12-20, 02:23 PM
Will Saves and Spot Checks
Will Saves...is the save 30 or 40? you origonally said 30, but then just said 40.


Spot Checks

I revnik takes damage, he will start hiting himself with his fire ability to gain health. Balk hast fast healing. Thax can start to play his music trick to heal everyone. Also, remember you all get a +2 moral bonus on saves and skill checks from Thax. [I can't change it here, but please subtract 2 from Thax's results, I accidentally gave him the bonus twice when doing my math]

Also knowlege checks

Balk (nature) [roll]1d20+9
Thax(the planes)1d20+8
Revnik(the planes)1d20+22

Balk, Revnik, and Thax all take off towards their goal with their companions.

2011-12-20, 02:42 PM

As the group approaches their destination, Daedalus could notice the distortion that is affecting the surroundings. He focuses on it to see more of it.

Spot: [roll0]
Knowledge checks to identify the effect:
arcana: [roll1]
the planes: [roll2]

2011-12-20, 08:39 PM
Will Saves and Spot Checks
Will Saves...is the save 30 or 40? you origonally said 30, but then just said 40.

Spot Checks

I revnik takes damage, he will start hiting himself with his fire ability to gain health. Balk hast fast healing. Thax can start to play his music trick to heal everyone. Also, remember you all get a +2 moral bonus on saves and skill checks from Thax. [I can't change it here, but please subtract 2 from Thax's results, I accidentally gave him the bonus twice when doing my math]

Balk, Revnik, and Thax all take off towards their goal with their companions.
I guess I will change the save back to back to DC30. You do not possess the right Knowledge skill to identify anything.


As the group approaches their destination, Daedalus could notice the distortion that is affecting the surroundings. He focuses on it to see more of it.

Spot: [roll0]

You do not possess the right Knowledge skill to identify anything.

The 4 of you all see a bit of movement

2011-12-21, 02:43 AM
Dhagrin follows the other silently, having no need to be heard at the moment.

2011-12-21, 09:46 AM
Revnik summons a Couatl, instructs it to cast invisibility on itself, and to investigate.

Thax turns invisibile, but can eb heard fliting around to try to look everywhere.

Balk holds his weapon and waits.

2011-12-21, 09:08 PM
You see the Couatl fly almost to the horizon and then drop from the sky after you hear a low pitch hum sound followed by a bright light.

2011-12-21, 09:39 PM
From almost directly below you, a long ripple in the fabric of the plane appears. As the ripples subside slightly, it is apparent that it is, in fact, seven smaller ripples, each the size of an average adult. After but a few seconds, the waves form into people, each flying, and in a loose delta formation.

Each wears a dark navy cloak, speckled with faint turquoise stars, and a simple bamboo hat. Their leader glances around as if to make sure his team is all there before glancing up at those using wind walk.

The leader swoops up in front of you, motioning his group to keep on the lookout. He removes his hat to show a surprisingly young face, but with deep, blue and red swirls within his eyes, betraying his experiences.

"It seems I have arrived rather late. The marshal was kind enough to provide me with a backup map and directions. I am known as Vector. This," he gestures at his group of six, "is my squad."

"Meta." A blond haired woman glances up and throws a casual salute with a smirk on her face. "She specializes in defense and summoning."

"Psych." A blond haired man, who is easily seen as Meta's twin, tilts his head up and nods with a small smile. "He is our demolitions and destruction expert."

"Time." He sighs and looks up, a mop of dark hair falling to one side. "He is a skirmisher, and has a some interesting abilities."

"Sword." A young girl snaps her head up at the mention of her name before waving and smiling cheerfully. "Our other skirmisher. However, her abilities stem from the Sublime Way."

"Dusk." A sullen, dark eyed boy slowly stares upwards with a raised eyebrow and nods. "He is what some would call a gish, one blends psionics and melee."

"And Ghost." As the final figure turned to see the party, it was apparent from the twisting strands of ectoplasm and soft mist that she was, in fact, a ghost. She gave a small wave and smile before turning her deep blue eyes back to the phenomenon. "She is our scout."

Vector grins. "So, have you discovered anything new about this particular... thing?"

Various Checks
Spot: [roll0]
Knowledge (dungeoneering): [roll2]
Knowledge (psionics): [roll4]
Knowledge (local): [roll8]

2011-12-22, 06:24 AM
OOC: Your hear and just in time for the first battle. :smallsmile:
We have one last player missing, but they have not responded since the 2nd page of the recruit thread. :smallconfused::smallfrown:

With your spot check you see the end of the bright flash that killed the Couatl out of the corner of your eye right as you appear and depending on what form of transportation you use you may have a problem as the other players did so please tell me what power you used

2011-12-22, 10:41 AM
OOC: Greater Psionic Teleport. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/teleportPsionicGreater.htm) Great power... :)

2011-12-22, 12:13 PM
You suffer some minor discomfort on your way through spacetime and end up a bit outside the border that the party just crossed.

2011-12-27, 08:32 PM
"What magic is this, that would kill a couatl with such ease?" asks the flying monolith.

2011-12-27, 09:00 PM
"A very strong kind, apparently." Vector mutters under his breath. More clearly, he addresses the group. "We can't just wait here. We need to know what's going on."

With a few hand gestures, he directs his group to fan out, spreading themselves across the sky, ready to act upon any instance of danger.

Vector motions to Ghost. "I want you to cloak and go down there. Report back anything you find."

She nods with a smile, slowly disappearing from normal view.

If you can see ethereal creatures, you can still see her flying down towards the surface, looking around.

2011-12-28, 12:14 AM

"Maybe it's better for us to enter on foot. Whatever this magical effect is, it doesn't seem like it has openings from above anyway. And maybe it reacts to magic as well."

2011-12-28, 02:57 AM

Let's hope we are safe. But I do not think so. Let's wait for the scout, after that we will travel on. I will mourn for Brother Couatl later.

2011-12-28, 12:23 PM
Revnik looks taken aback at the fall of the monster, but in surprise rather than sadness. In his experience, there is always another monster to summon.

After a look around, Balk sits silently, awaiting the return of the scout.

Thax flits around, obviously on alert, though he still chatters on to himself and anone who will listen about the noble beast and how poetically it fell. Balka nd Revnik pay him no mind, though his chattering has become a sor tof comfort to them.

2011-12-28, 05:20 PM
Your ghost ally is spotted by the entity in question. It lets out a similar burst of light and your ghost girl must make a will save.

2011-12-28, 05:29 PM
Can she tell what hit her?

2011-12-28, 10:49 PM
The will save is partially successful your ally disappears. As for your question yes she sees the thing before it releases the blast of light, but that does not mean you know.

2011-12-28, 10:59 PM
OOC: I have telepathy out to 105 ft. When I said "report," I assumed via telepathy. Also, can we see the entity? What does it look like?

2011-12-29, 12:06 AM
You hear that there is a floating figure with 3 appendages that is distorting the space around itself then your ally disappears and you lose mental connection.

2011-12-29, 12:40 AM
How about the others? Do we see what happened as well?

2011-12-29, 02:55 AM
You see another flash of light and then the thing begins to move towards you. You can hardly see it at this distance but the air around it swirls with faint colors.

By the way anybody with divine casting gets a brief distorted mental message say something like "Insert name here" I'm a being in employ of "Insert deity here". We are having connection troubles and will not likely be able to create any interventions or speak mentally to you until later, however most of your spells should remain functional.

2011-12-29, 03:17 AM

"Heads up people! Something's coming!"

As he says the words, he flicks his right hand in a series of forms and sharp motion under his cloak and readies himself. Those who could see emanations of magic would see some sort of cubical barrier form around him.

Cast a 5ft x 5ft x 6ft immovable barrier around himself.

2011-12-29, 03:57 AM
you seem to have a harder time bringing up your barrier but do it anyways.

factor determining whether you fail

2011-12-29, 02:01 PM
Revnik watches the Ghost. If it is being teleported, Revnik will know it (though not know how or where) and chooses to not allow the teleportation, through his currently active attunement with the Astral Plane (Travel Attunement).

Revnik summons [roll0] Avorals, hoping their Spell resistance will protect them. He instructs them to stay with the group, but to stand in the front. Revnik then shifts to the plane of Shadow (darkness atunement) and deceases the light to dim lighting, making himself invisible. He prepares to cast Shwdow Evocation, casting a fireball at the thing (will save 23 for 1/5 damage, reflex save 23 for half damage) when it reaches Long range (1040 feet).
If it hits, he wil do that every round until the beast reached medium range (260 feet). Catser level is 16 and spell level is 5. damage rolls as needed. The Fire Attunement Ex abiltiy deals double damage as fire damage, and these have not been doubled (as 2-times-10d6 is different from 20d6, and I don't know how to double a dice roll) [roll1].

If he seems to dodge it or not be hurt by it twice in a row Revnik will cast Ice Storm instead (will save 23 for 1/5 damage). He will do this until the thing reaches medium range (260 feet)
damage rolls as needed, 3d6 bludgoning and 2d6 cold damage. The Fire Attunement Ex abiltiy deals double damage as fire damage, and these have not been doubled (as 2-times-10d6 is different from 20d6, and I don't know how to double a dice roll)


Thax goes invisible and takes flight, speaking quiet words of encouragement to the group.

Balk stands, and flexes his wings, activating his antimagic field while carefully standing away from the rest of the group.

2011-12-29, 02:04 PM
oops, ok, so I did double the damage dice for the fireballs by making them 20d6 instead of 10d6 times 2. please round all fireball damage down to the nearest round number...that should be fair.

2011-12-29, 02:37 PM
The teleportation is not prevented. Your Avorals seem explain they were a bit harmed on the way over to the material plane like you were during the plane shift. Your first fireball initiates combat everybody roll initiative. The fireball does seem to be harming it in some way because it is recoiling from it, but it appears to have no burn marks or at least very little it is hard to tell at a distance.

2011-12-29, 03:59 PM
Revnik pauses a moment, and tosses the Pixie his helm of telepathy.

I maybe should have tried this first, but try to talk to it.

He next casts Ice Storm, positioning it 50 feet in fron fo the thing, not hitting it but making it have to fly throguh it to continue.

Thax puts on the Helm of telepathy, grumbles about its size not fitting right, and then tries to communicate with the thing. He also tells the rest of them to hold the attack if the thing stops it approach.

Bluff Roll [roll0]
Let me tell you [activation phrase for the ring of glibness] about your mistake! We come as emesaries, and you damage our first two ambasadors! Then you dare move towards us. That fire was a simple warning, but heed it! Halt! We request parley. Stay where you are and speak with me. Failing to do so would be unwise for you and hinder your cause. You want to speak to us before moving anywhere or attackign anything!

Initiative rolls
Balk [roll1]
Thax [roll2]


2011-12-29, 04:11 PM
Balk removes his ring of compression, puts on his ring of expansion (now gargantuan size), and activates his ring of invisibility.

Revnik may change tacticts once the thing enters medium range and closer, so let me know when it gets that close.

2011-12-29, 04:18 PM
[roll0] auto reroll if 10 or under is rolled and takes best of both rolls [roll1].
I have made no mistake I can sense your hostility and, I have only fallowed the path that best suits the goals of the Ikswobel. If you wish to pass by me unharmed I will allow it this once.

Also Revnik has already cast the fireball so he cannot cast ice storm until next turn you can change rings for your move action though.

2011-12-29, 04:35 PM
Thax Truely, we were sent to investigate, and any hostility is at seeing the apparent death of our minion and the disapearance of our teamate. Our hostile appearance is in preparation for the unknown. Tell us of the Ikswobel and tell us of yourself, so that we can properly adress you and properly converse with the Ikswobel. I'm sure the Ikswobel would be displeased if you sent us in blind, and the Ikswobel would be simmilarly dismayed if you forced a fight with those who the Ikswobel would rather speak to. The Ikswobel wants to see us.

2011-12-29, 04:57 PM
Dhagrin is confused at all of this, but decides it would be best to prepare for battle just the same.


I'm assuming that all of that conversing was done telepathically, and as such Dhagrin is unable to hear or understand it. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

2011-12-29, 05:16 PM
Reply to Thax Firstly the Ikswobel does not wish to see you because it can already see you can already see you. Secondly the Ikswobel is a not like anything you have ever seen I wish I could explain it to you, but this new form of communication using thoughts for speech limits me in what I can say because most of my thoughts are to alien for you to understand. Thirdly I don't think you understand the Ikswobel's intentions it likely would be unswayed by emesaries it's plans will factor in for the safety of your races and cultures, but he will not merciful to those that interrupt its work.

And now I Have a question for you. What is it you plan to accomplish if you survive the search for the Ikswoblel? Its location is unknown even to me and its power unstoppable with diplomacy.

Dhagrin and everyone else can hear the opponent in their heads. You cannot hear Thax telepathically, but I imagine that he is one of those folks than like to hear themselves talk.

2011-12-30, 03:22 AM

Initiative: [roll0]
Daedalus is prepared to strike, but holds back as he notices the attempt at a conversation by the pixie. He readies an attack if the situation gets out of hand.

Ready Barrier Spears, 3 spears as a full action. Spears are at at-will size, and are immovable, effectively pinning the creature in place if hit with one, until the barrier is destroyed. Barriers have 1,000 HP and hardness of 25. Attacks are ranged touch.

Spear 1
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Spear 2
Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

Spear 3
Attack: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

2011-12-30, 08:58 AM
Thax replies in almost perfect honesty. Our actions when we reach the Ikswoblel are not yet determined. If, as you say, ti si working for the good of us and ours, then we may join it. If it is working against us, then the meeting will be far less cordial. Thus far, all we can see is that (1) it destoys large areas of our land, presumably killing the established inhabitants, (2) it cloaks its actions is secrecy, and (3) it killed (or you did as its agent) the first investigator and banished the second. Bring back the ghost who had acted as a scout.

2011-12-30, 10:25 AM
Bringing back your ally is not an easy task because after I transport her she was left under the jurisdiction of the Ikswobel so I may not bring her back without the proper authorisation. (Even though talking is a free action I would say that a round has passed) now another creature come out of a rift. It looks similar to the other thing.

2011-12-30, 12:07 PM
Vector makes a few hand signals to his group, ordering them to ready themselves against any hostile action. He also uses the time of negotiations to create a mental link between the entire party.

Manifest mindlink (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/mindlink.htm) between all PCs. You can now talk to each other telepathically.


2011-12-30, 07:42 PM
"What sort of emissary needs permission to undo its own actions?" asks the warforged, scorn and derision in his normally monotone voice.

By "looks similar to the other thing" do you mean that both figures are three-limbed rainbow blobs?

2011-12-30, 11:10 PM
It is not a mater of permission, but a matter of dimensional travel. And now that my associate has chosen to observe me I can no longer offer you passage.


2012-01-01, 03:28 PM
"Well then." Vector smiles grimly. "If you won't offer passage, then I guess we'll just have to make our own passage."

Vector seems to fade away, unseen. A few seconds later, a deep violet circle forms around the two rainbow creatures. It pulses once before sending out a torrent of purple flames, crackling with negative energy.
HP: 251/251
Vigor HP: 204/250
PP: 301/387

Overchanneling Damage: [roll0]

Free: Fade into invisibility (Ring of Invisibililty)
Swift: Augmented Temporal Acceleration
Round 1
Swift: Quickened Share Pain (w/ psicrystal)
Move: Regain psionic focus
Standard: Overchannel(3) Augmented Vigor, shared with psicrystal (125 temp HP each, effectively 250 temp HP)

Round 2
Swift: Quickened True Seeing
Move: Regain psionic focus
Standard: Augmented Precognition, Defensive (+7 insight bonus to AC and saves)

Standard: Overchannel (3) Augmented Stygian Conflageration ([roll1] negative levels in a 40 ft radius, centered between the two rainbow creatures, hitting both) SR check, if needed: [roll2]

Move: Readied to fly above the two, 50 ft away, if they attack me.

Likewise, Meta fades into nothingness. A large ripple appears in the air, before forming into the shape of a winged ectoplasmic beast, turning to stare around, and three unearthly women, each wielding a glowing blue greatsword. Only a fraction of a second later, a eruption of ectoplasm erupts from the feet of the first rainbow creature, lashing upwards, intent on capture.
HP: 180/180
PP: 216/284

Free: Fade into invisibility (Ring of Invisibility)
Swift: Augmented Temporal Acceleration
Round 1
Swift: Personal Astral Construct, Lvl 9
Full: Augmented Planar Champion (3 sybillic guardians)

Standard: Augmented Ectoplasmic Cocoon, targeting Rainbow 1 (DC 28 Ref or be wrapped in an ectoplasmic cocoon, helpless)

Move: Readied to fly to the right the two, 50 ft away, if they attack me.

Sword shifts her position in the air before gliding forwards, dark shadows swirling around her. She flips out both her blades, concentrating for a second. A brilliant multicolored wall springs into existence directly behind her two enemies.
Swift: Enter stance Child of Shadow

Move: Fly 20 ft forwards, gaining 20% miss chance (from stance)

Standard: Initiate Prismatic Wall (DC 27 against various effects) directly behind Rainbow 1 & 2.

Psych fades away with a small grin. A moment later, the second rainbow creature feels an inordinately powerful force pushing it backwards.
HP: 180/180
PP: 255/284

Free: Fade into invisibility (Ring of Invisibility)
Swift: Temporal Acceleration
Round 1:
Standard: Moment of Prescience, Psionic (+18 to any roll)

Standard: Telekinetic Maneuver (bull rush, use Int rather than Str. Opposed Str check, expend Moment of P. [roll3]) Push Rainbow 2 back into Prismatic Wall (see below)

This round basically consists of a debuff (6 negative levels give -6 to pretty much everything, including checks and saves), followed by a save-or-suck (ectoplasmic cocoon) against Rainbow 1, and an indirect save-or-die (bull rush into Prismatic Wall).

The summons, Time and Dusk will make their moves after I know what happens to the two rainbow creatures.

2012-01-02, 12:27 PM
They appear to be resistant to the level drain and the telekinetic passes through them as if they were incorporeal.

2012-01-02, 01:28 PM
OOC: My apologies for not being online.

Initiative: [roll0]


Banarea casts a simple spell and starts shining as a bright light, after that he looks towards the others.

He casts Greater Luminous Armor

2012-01-02, 03:26 PM
First opponent

move action
uses a dimension door like ability to go 100ft behind the party

standard action
shots three rays
1st directed at Dhagrin [roll0]
will save DC 30, success you take [roll1], fail you take [roll2] and everywhere you move (even in the air) is considered difficult terrain
2nd directed at Thax [roll3]
fort save DC 30, success you take [roll4], fail you take [roll5] and you begin to suffocate
3rd direcred at Banarea [roll6]
ref save DC 30, success you take [roll7], fail you take [roll8] and all your equipment is subject to the attack you can make new saves for magic items but all mundane are probably fried

2012-01-02, 03:56 PM
They appear to be resistant to the level drain and the telekinetic passes through them as if they were incorporeal.

If they actually were incorporeal, then they are affected anyway. Telekinetic Maneuver is Psychokinesis [Force].

2012-01-02, 05:07 PM
If they actually were incorporeal, then they are affected anyway. Telekinetic Maneuver is Psychokinesis [Force].

They are not incorporeal

2012-01-02, 06:49 PM
As the ray strikes him, Dhagrin can feel the assault on his mind. He focuses his thoughts and tries to force the effects away.

Is the ray a touch-attack? If not, it misses him. If so, here's the save:

Will Save:

2012-01-02, 08:57 PM
Rays are generally touch attacks I would tell if it was not

2012-01-03, 01:22 AM

He tries to evade the ray as good as he can, noticing that it was fired from behind him. And barely makes it as the ray hits his arm.


2012-01-03, 02:15 AM
Alright after captain Thax makes his save he may take his turn along with Revnik and Balk.

2012-01-03, 02:28 PM
Thax parries (if allowed, or evades through cover if not allowed) the shot.
Your hospitality is deplorable. Not introducing your new friend and the party favors you send us are embarasing!

(All actions assume the first is still alive, otherwise the action is towards the surviving one)

One of the Avorals
goes to Dahagrin and one goes to Banarea to Lay Hand on Banarea, up to 66 hp. If Dahagrin is affected by the fail penalty from the ray, his Avoreal casts Dispel Magic ont he effect. Otherwise he casts lay on hadn up to 66 hp.

The third Avoral moves to a place 80 feet from the attacking enemy and casts Lighting Bolt at the attacking enemy.
ranged touch attack
DC 16 for half damage

The Fourth casts an Empowered Magic Missle at the attacking one, and then move towards the OTHER one (this is the only action towards the non- attacking one while theattackign one is still alive) in the hopes of drawing his fire.


Balk currently Gargantuan and invisible, charges the creature that shot them with rays, flying through the air on his wings and making a full round attack at the end of his charge (Tome Blitz feat ability), swinging his +5 Wounding Spiked Chain ferociously. He is currently 40 feet away from the thing, which is within his mele range.
attack/damage rolls
[roll4] +1 CON damage

[roll6]+1 CON damage

[roll8]+1 CON damage

[roll10]+1 CON damage

(Assuming the first is still alive, otherwise this action is towards the surviving one)

Revnik shifts to the Cold Attunement as a standard action (if you think these shifts wshould be a move or full action, let me know), granting him another attack roudn at -10 initiative (I will take his "extra turn" right before my next turn after everyone and the enemies attack again.) He then moves to a position 80 feet from the attacking monster.

(Assuming the first is still alive, otherwise this action is towards the surviving one)

Thax, invisible, Charges at the attacking beast, making a flyby attack (through the Whirlwind Feat), with both weapons, ending 40feet above the thing. Really, you embarase yourself with your dishonesty and disloyalty. I bet your mother is ashamed of you.
Damage roll if monster has Dex <33 (bluff roll for damage if I have the "edge" on the opponent, and Weapon Finesse giveds me the edge if I have the higher Dex)
Damage roll if monster has Dex >32

Rapier (Ghosttouched)
damage roll if monster has Dex <33
Damage roll if monster has Dex >32

If it hits:

"Tie-Down (Ex): It's hard to move about when fighting a swashbuckler. Anyone she strikes in melee combat during her turn must make an opposed attack roll. If they fail, they are treated as Entangled until the start of her next turn. If they fail by 10 or more, they are also unable to move around (but can still act, they just can't move from one square to another). "

"En Garde! (Ex): Swashbucklers are amazing at dueling with their foes. Whenever she strikes someone who [has dexterity <33], they drop whatever is in their hands. "

2012-01-03, 08:22 PM
Thax parries (if allowed, or evades through cover if not allowed) the shot.
Your hospitality is deplorable. Not introducing your new friend and the party favors you send us are embarasing!

(All actions assume the first is still alive, otherwise the action is towards the surviving one)

One of the Avorals
goes to Dahagrin and one goes to Banarea to Lay Hand on Banarea, up to 66 hp. If Dahagrin is affected by the fail penalty from the ray, his Avoreal casts Dispel Magic ont he effect. Otherwise he casts lay on hadn up to 66 hp.

The third Avoral moves to a place 80 feet from the attacking enemy and casts Lighting Bolt at the attacking enemy.
ranged touch attack
DC 16 for half damage

The Fourth casts an Empowered Magic Missle at the attacking one, and then move towards the OTHER one (this is the only action towards the non- attacking one while theattackign one is still alive) in the hopes of drawing his fire.


Balk currently Gargantuan and invisible, charges the creature that shot them with rays, flying through the air on his wings and making a full round attack at the end of his charge (Tome Blitz feat ability), swinging his +5 Wounding Spiked Chain ferociously. He is currently 40 feet away from the thing, which is within his mele range.
attack/damage rolls
[roll4] +1 CON damage

[roll6]+1 CON damage

[roll8]+1 CON damage

[roll10]+1 CON damage

(Assuming the first is still alive, otherwise this action is towards the surviving one)

Revnik shifts to the Cold Attunement as a standard action (if you think these shifts wshould be a move or full action, let me know), granting him another attack roudn at -10 initiative (I will take his "extra turn" right before my next turn after everyone and the enemies attack again.) He then moves to a position 80 feet from the attacking monster.

(Assuming the first is still alive, otherwise this action is towards the surviving one)

Thax, invisible, Charges at the attacking beast, making a flyby attack (through the Whirlwind Feat), with both weapons, ending 40feet above the thing. Really, you embarase yourself with your dishonesty and disloyalty. I bet your mother is ashamed of you.
Damage roll if monster has Dex <33 (bluff roll for damage if I have the "edge" on the opponent, and Weapon Finesse giveds me the edge if I have the higher Dex)
Damage roll if monster has Dex >32

Rapier (Ghosttouched)
damage roll if monster has Dex <33
Damage roll if monster has Dex >32

If it hits:

"Tie-Down (Ex): It's hard to move about when fighting a swashbuckler. Anyone she strikes in melee combat during her turn must make an opposed attack roll. If they fail, they are treated as Entangled until the start of her next turn. If they fail by 10 or more, they are also unable to move around (but can still act, they just can't move from one square to another). "

"En Garde! (Ex): Swashbucklers are amazing at dueling with their foes. Whenever she strikes someone who [has dexterity <33], they drop whatever is in their hands. "

The 1st opponent talking to ThaxYour talking was interesting a first, but I realize that I am too uneducated on the social behavior of this plane to properly understand you. Just as you seem to be incapable of understanding me.

The lightning bolt misses.

The magic missile works.

Balks 3rd attack misses and the crit and con damage is ignored.

Thax has more dex so the greater damage value was used, tie-down is ineffective, En Garde! does nothing since your opponent holds nothing.

Is Revnik going to continue shooting spells as you planed before?

2012-01-03, 11:52 PM
2nd opponent touches the prismatic wall, it sploshes to the ground as if it were a liquid and then turns and then fades from the visible spectrum of color everyone touching the ground make a ref save DC 30 and everyone make a fort save DC 32.Fail ref save : you are wedged [roll0] ft. into the ground taking [roll1] bludgeoning damage per ft. To be removed from the ground you need spend a full round action and make a str check DC 5 per ft. unless you have a burrow speed in which case it takes a move action and no str check.
Succeed ref save : avoid the above effect.
Fail ref save : take [roll2] damage.
Succeed fort save : take half the above damage round up

2012-01-04, 11:26 AM
Upon his three stikes that hit the Monster, Balk uses his free intimidate Checks.


The monster is also subject to his Great Blow ability, and must make a single Fort save DC 35, or be stunned for one round.

Balk is unaffected by the Monster's attack.

Thax takes 23 damage.

Revnik takes 45 damage.

The Avorals each take 45 damage (they are at 22 hp).

2012-01-04, 01:10 PM
The intimidate check is ineffective and this is the fort save [roll0].

2012-01-04, 03:15 PM
Because of Thax hitting the beast twice, Revnik is able to take two attacks of opportunity against it (He could have done it for Balk's hits, but did not move close enough in time). Even in a fight, he manages to blend into the environment, catching the Mosnter flat footed.

Tome Feat Weapon Finesse allows for Opportunist AoO's when an opponent is struck.
Tome Feat Hoard Breaker gived the Combat Reflexes=like ability of extra AoO's by Dex bonus.
Tome TWF allows fr all attacks to be made with both weapons.
Tome Ghost Step makes all opponents flat footed in relation to my attacks.

Fire Atttuenment (ex) doubles all damage as fire damage.

Slashing Attunment (ex) adds my Level to all damage as slashing Damage AND deals 1d6 to anyone who provokes an AoO, regardless of if I take the attack.

Force Attunement (ex) allows me to convert any damage into force damage.
Bludgining Attument (ex) allows me to deal half damage if I miss, as bludgoning damage AND decreases the natural armor of an opponent by 1 each time bludgoning damage is done (allowing for negative Natural Armor values, this will only happen if I miss, as my weapons are slashing).
Peircing Attunemnt (ex) allows me to ignore damage reduction, hardness, energy resistance, spell resistance, and deflection, sacred, and profane bonuses to AC.

[roll0] slashing, doubled with fire damage

Battle Ax
[roll2] slashing, doubled with fire damage=56

[roll4]Force damage, doubled with fire damage=52

[roll5] slashing, doubled with fire damage

Battle Ax
[roll7]slashing, doubled with fire damage=62

[roll9]Force damage, doubled with fire damage=58

Confirm crits if needed, i hate that you can't add rols after posting, so i'll throw them all up now

2012-01-04, 06:14 PM
2nd Attack hits, the automatic slashing damage hits, the natural armor is not reduced from the missed attacks.

2012-01-05, 03:28 AM

As soon as he could react, Daedalus quickly flicks his wrist in a a fast sequence of movement and points at the creature that is farther from the group, then does the same wrist movement again, but this time points it at the closer creature. He then brings up his hand with the index and middle finger extended in front of his face, then points at the closer creature. After he does so, a controlled explosion occurs, to the more observant, two to be exact, in rapid succestion.

Full action barrier creation lets me create at will barriers up to a number equal to my attacks from BAB, 3.

First Barrier

Create immovable barrier at the farther rainbow blob thingy (I'm assuming that is creature 2) that covers partially its body, preferably the lower half or appendages if it has any.

Touch attack: [roll0]

If it hits, creature is pinned in place unless it chooses to rip off its appendage or it destroys the barrier. Barrier has 1,000 HP, AC of 10, and hardness of 25.

Second and Third Barrier

Create immovable 9.5x9.5x9.5 ft barrier and a 10x10x10 ft barrier on top of each other around the closer rainbow blob thingy (creature 1) then explode the inner barrier then the outer barrier.

Damage 1: [roll1] (+13 from Advent of a New World, +Int mod to all rolls; +13 from Advent of a New World, +Int mod to damage when imploding barriers within another barrier)
Damage 2: [roll2] (+13 from Advent of a New World, +Int mod to all rolls)

Damage is purely magical, not subject to ER and SR.

2012-01-05, 09:36 AM
Actions if we must first become corporeal:
Dhagrin begins to become more substantial, while simultaneously preparing to dodge anything the creatures might throw at him.

Swift action to use Minor Shapeshift, granting Dhagrin 20 temporary HP, Standard action to ready a Move action to drop 30ft downwards if an attack looks like it's coming towards Dhagrin.

Becoming substantial (through windwalk), 4 rounds until completion.
Actions if we are already corporeal:
Dhagrin begins muttering something in seeming gibberish and flailing his left arm back and forth. A shimmering force of some sort coats the monolith's body before winking out of sight just as over a half-dozen copies of Dhagrin wink into sight.

Swift action to cast shield, granting Dhagrin a +9 Shield bonus to AC, Standard action to cast mirror image, creating eight illusory images (no save to disbelieve). Roll randomly to determine if Dhagrin or a copy is attacked (copies have AC 15 and are destroyed instantly if they take any damage).

2012-01-05, 12:00 PM

As soon as he could react, Daedalus quickly flicks his wrist in a a fast sequence of movement and points at the creature that is farther from the group, then does the same wrist movement again, but this time points it at the closer creature. He then brings up his hand with the index and middle finger extended in front of his face, then points at the closer creature. After he does so, a controlled explosion occurs, to the more observant, two to be exact, in rapid succestion.

Full action barrier creation lets me create at will barriers up to a number equal to my attacks from BAB, 3.

First Barrier

Create immovable barrier at the farther rainbow blob thingy (I'm assuming that is creature 2) that covers partially its body, preferably the lower half or appendages if it has any.

Touch attack: [roll0]

If it hits, creature is pinned in place unless it chooses to rip off its appendage or it destroys the barrier. Barrier has 1,000 HP, AC of 10, and hardness of 25.

Second and Third Barrier

Create immovable 9.5x9.5x9.5 ft barrier and a 10x10x10 ft barrier on top of each other around the closer rainbow blob thingy (creature 1) then explode the inner barrier then the outer barrier.

Damage 1: [roll1] (+13 from Advent of a New World, +Int mod to all rolls; +13 from Advent of a New World, +Int mod to damage when imploding barriers within another barrier)
Damage 2: [roll2] (+13 from Advent of a New World, +Int mod to all rolls)

Damage is purely magical, not subject to ER and SR.
immovable barrier misses and why don't the other 2 barriers have attack rolls or saves?

Actions if we must first become corporeal:
Dhagrin begins to become more substantial, while simultaneously preparing to dodge anything the creatures might throw at him.

Swift action to use Minor Shapeshift, granting Dhagrin 20 temporary HP, Standard action to ready a Move action to drop 30ft downwards if an attack looks like it's coming towards Dhagrin.

Becoming substantial (through windwalk), 4 rounds until completion.
Actions if we are already corporeal:
Dhagrin begins muttering something in seeming gibberish and flailing his left arm back and forth. A shimmering force of some sort coats the monolith's body before winking out of sight just as over a half-dozen copies of Dhagrin wink into sight.

Swift action to cast shield, granting Dhagrin a +9 Shield bonus to AC, Standard action to cast mirror image, creating eight illusory images (no save to disbelieve). Roll randomly to determine if Dhagrin or a copy is attacked (copies have AC 15 and are destroyed instantly if they take any damage).
Alright you will be using option 2.

2012-01-16, 09:21 PM
Vector narrows his eyes at the actions of his enemies and decides on a different approach. A quick flick of the hand sends a pulsating lozenge of compressed force energy at the two, detonating with a barely audible ripple. A second, more forceful wave evokes three resounding cracks of sonic energy that slam into the second creature.
HP: 251/251
Vigor HP: 174/250
PP: 259/387

Overchannel Damage: [roll0]

Swift: Overchannel (2) Quickened Augmented Amethyst Burst (9d6 force, 20 ft radius, centered between the two, DC 30 Reflex half)

Move: Regain Psionic Focus)

Standard: Overchannel (2) Augmented Energy Barrage (8d6 sonic, 3 ten foot radius spreads, all centered on Rainbow 2, DC 33 Reflex half)

Psych follows his leader's example and sends two howling missiles, one of lightning and one of cold, at each of the beasts. These impact, simultaneously electrocuting and freezing them.
HP: 180/180
PP: 219/284

Swift: Quickened Empowered Energy Missile (15d6 lightning, targeted to both, DC 29 Reflex half)

Move: Regain Psionic Focus

Standard: Empowered Energy Missile (24d6+24 cold, targeted to both, DC 33 Fort half)

Meta sniffs in disdain, summoning up another creature of ectoplasm. She then fires an exploding orb of crystal at the second creature.
HP: 180/180
PP: 146/284

Swift: Personal Astral Construct, Lv 9

Move: Regain Psionic Focus

Standard: Augmented Hail of Crystals (5d4 bludgeoning touch attack, 18d4 slashing in 10 ft radius, targeted on Rainbow 2, DC 26 Reflex half)

The two astral constructs, towering creatures of ectoplasm and held together by pure psionic energy, pop into existence only a few feet away from each of the rainbow-hued things. They pause only for a moment before slamming their powerful fists into their master's enemies.
HP: 144/144

Full: Full attack Rainbow 1



This astral construct has the improved grab and constrict abilities, which allow it to make a grapple check if it hits.
Grapple Check (if needed): [roll16]

HP: 144/144

Full: Full attack Rainbow 2



This astral construct has the improved grab and constrict abilities, which allow it to make a grapple check if it hits.
Grapple Check (if needed): [roll23]

Time, not having the luxury of long ranged blasting, merely rolled his eyes before hefting his large falchion in his hands. He swooped around in a tight arc, stopping only to slice at the first creature with a powerfully driven and temporally enhanced blow.
HP: 153/153

Free: Enter Greater Flow of Time (+6 Dex, Wis, 1d20 reroll each round)

Swift: Enter stance Child of Shadows.

Move: Dive toward and swoop back away from Rainbow 2 using Spring Attack.

Standard: Initiate Ruby Nightmare Blade with Temporal Strike. x2 damage if concentration check meets AC (in this case, touch AC).
Concentration: [roll24]
Concentration reroll (if better than previous): [roll25]
Touch Attack: [roll26]
Critical, if applicable (15-20): [roll27]
Damage: [roll28]

2012-01-17, 12:25 AM
well the already downed rainbow one seems to be even more badly damaged but still moving (how are you effecting both they are several hundred ft. apart). Rainbow 2 looks hurt not like rainbow 1 though.

fort saves [roll0] ref saves [roll1],[roll2],[roll3],[roll4],[roll5],[roll6] if the 1d20+14 rolled for the hail of crystals was an attack roll it misses otherwise I don't know what it is for also when the are grappled they do not resist and allow themselves to be grabbed.

For its turn rainbow 2 uses the contact crated by the grapple to use a draining touch allowing it to assume a humanoid shape while the astral construct becomes a blob, fort save 32 negates the astral construct turning into a blob but the the rainbow still changes shape. If the astral construct can still maintain a grapple the rainbow uses its dimension door like effect to move out of its grapple and out of its reach.

2012-01-17, 08:43 AM
I was unaware that one had moved away. In that case, everything is on rainbow 2, except for energy missile, which still affects both.

Hail of crystals functions similar to meteor swarm in that you can hit a creature with it before the projectile explodes.

With those saves, most damage is halved, leaving 222 damage from powers and 182 from the two astral constructs (you did say the things allowed them to hit... :P), which is a total of 404 points of damage against rainbow 2 and 130 points of damage to rainbow 1.

With the astral constructs, constructs are immune to effects that require fort saves unless it works on objects or is (harmless). But just in case, fort save: [roll0]

2012-01-17, 10:43 AM
Revnik sees the first monster go down and the second one change forms. He takes his "extra" turn to rush the second one. He Charges and attacks the second one with his weapons. As a free action, he hits the monster, and himself, with ice.

Attack1[roll0] Ghost Touch, ignores deflection, sacred, and profane bonuses to AC, and hits as if defender is flat footed)
Damage 1[roll1] TIMES 2.5 (fire and slashing damage). Ignores DR. Missed attack does half damage.

Attack2[roll2] Ghost Touch, ignores deflection, sacred, and profane bonuses to AC, and hits as if defender is flat footed)
Damage 2[roll3] TIMES 2.5 (fire and slashing damage). Ignores DR. Missed attack does half damage.

Ice damage to the monster and ice healing to Revnik = 32

The avoral closes on the first beast and watches it, with an empowered magaic missle readied in case the first monster seems to be a threat.

Balk, too far away to reach the second monster, attacks the first monster on the ground and then flies 160 feet closer to the second beast. (200 feet away)

Full Round attack (taken as a standard attack)

Damage [roll5]

Damage [roll7]

Damage [roll9]

Damage [roll10]

Thax Runs, covering 280 feet, getting closer to the second monster (80 away)

Revnik takes his "normal" turn to attack with a full roudn attack, and hit it again with the ice.

Ghost Touch, ignores deflection, sacred, and profane bonuses to AC, and hits as if defender is flat footed)

Ignores DR. Missed attack does half damage.


Damage 1[roll12] TIMES 2.5 (fire and slashing damage).


Damage 2[roll14] TIMES 2.5 (fire and slashing damage).


Damage 1[roll16] TIMES 2.5 (fire and slashing damage).


Damage 2[roll18] TIMES 2.5 (fire and slashing damage).


Damage 1[roll20] TIMES 2.5 (fire and slashing damage).


Damage 2[roll22] TIMES 2.5 (fire and slashing damage).


Damage 1[roll24] TIMES 2.5 (fire and slashing damage).


Damage 2[roll26] TIMES 2.5 (fire and slashing damage).

Ice damage to the monster and ice healing to Revnik = 32

2012-01-17, 11:28 AM

The fort save is even for objects so the astral construct is now a blob. If the other astral construct is attacking rainbow 2 it also must make a save. In the case of both constructs failing there saves rainbow 2's humanoid form also comes with more defined features and it seems more beefy.


All of Revnik's first turn attacks hit all of his second turn attacks miss.

2012-01-17, 07:35 PM
Other save: [roll0]

2012-01-18, 02:10 AM

Don't be scared allies of mine, I will try to get into the fight. Banarea says while starting to cast.

When he is done he starts to grow larger, and his visuals start to change.

He casts shapechange to change into a Balor

When he is done a Balor is standing where Banarea was standing a bit before. The sword and whip in it's hands.

2012-01-18, 10:56 PM
your shapechange goes as planed.

semi-secret DM roll

2012-01-19, 04:48 AM
The warforged focuses all of his energy, concentrating for the next single attack. A magical sheen courses up and down his body, pooling in his massive fists. With an unintelligible shout, Dhagrin rushes at the multicolored monstrosity before him, attempting to land a devastating blow fueled by his own life force.

Swift action to use Minor Shapeshift, granting Dhagrin 20 temporary HP, Free action to use Shocking Fist (sacrificing 8hp), Free action to use Arcane Strike (sacrificing greater teleport, Full-round action to initiate Battle Leader's Charge (a charge that doesn't provoke AoOs and deals an extra 10 damage) against the nearest of the rainblobs using Power Attack for -7, Free action to trigger the Bloodstone enhancement (only if the attack itself deals damage, however).

The above is assuming that the nearest of the rainblobs is within 140ft; should this not be the case, Dhagrin will instead use Minor Shapeshift followed by flying 70ft closer and casting acid sheathe.

Dhagrin's Potential Attack:
Unarmed Attack:

Unarmed Damage:
[roll1] Bludgeoning (maybe Piercing, too; the text is somewhat unclear)

Shocking Fist Damage:
[roll2] Electricity

Arcane Strike Damage:
[roll3] Untyped

Bloodstone Damage:
[roll4] +50% (55) Untyped (Any damage this deals will be given to Dhagrin as temporary HP lasting 1 hour.)
Dhagrin's Statistics:
Dhagrin Copperclaw (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=350456)
Male True Neutral Warforged Overwhelming Attack Monk 1/Martial Abrupt Jaunt Conjurer 1/ Warblade 4/Abjurant Champion 5/Jade Phoenix Mage 9, Level 20, Init +10, HP 195/195, 8+12 Temp DR 10/Evil, Speed 30ft, 70ft Fly (G)
AC 51, Touch 31, Flat-footed 46, Fort +25, Ref +24, Will +20, Base Attack Bonus +19/+14/+9/+4
Unarmed Strike, +5 +33 (12d8+17, 20/x2)
Slam +23 (1d8+4, 20/x2)
Twilight Composite Plating, +1 (+6 Armor, +9 Shield, +7 Dex, +5 Natural, +5 Deflect, +1 Insight, +10 Misc, -2 Charging)
Abilities Str 26, Dex 20, Con 20, Int 28, Wis 16, Cha 14
ConditionUnder the effects of the following spells:

1st - Shield (40 minute duration)
2nd - Heart of Water (42 hour duration, used Rod of Extend)
2nd - Mirror Image (20 minute duration, 8 duplicates remain)
3rd - Greater Mage Armor (42 hour duration)
3rd - Greater Magic Weapon (42 hour duration)
3rd - Greater Mighty Wallop (42 hour duration)
4th - Heart of Earth (42 hour duration, used Rod of Extend)
6th - Superior Resistance (48 hour duration)
7th - Energy Absorption (42 hour duration)

Unarmed Strike charged with an Empowered Vampiric Touch (maybe).
Currently in Mystic Phoenix Stance (expended Wall of Stone for DR10/Evil).

2012-01-19, 06:00 AM

With the first creature down for the count, Daedalus focuses his attacks on the second rainbow monster, repeating his hand gestures and pointing at his target, after which another set of explosion is seen.

As full action, create 3 at-will sized immovable barriers around rainbob 2. 10x10x10 ft largest and succeedingly smaller by 1 inch each. He will then implode them starting from the smallest to the largest barrier.

Damage 1: [roll0]
Damage 2: [roll1]
Damage 3: [roll2]

Fort save 33 to half damage for each attack.

2012-01-20, 07:49 PM
second one is deadish too now.

2012-01-24, 12:44 PM

With both creatures down, but seems to be still living, Daedalus surrounds both with his barriers and moves them close to each other. He then descends closer to the two creatures. "What do you have in mind for them? Take them as hostage? Interrogate them? Finish them off?" he addresses his companions.

Cast movable barriers around both and use Remote Control to move both of them and place them near each other on the ground. Cast Parameter Override to make the barrier surrounding him from immovable type to movable, then cast Remote Control to control its fall and direct it towards the two.

2012-01-26, 10:04 AM
Dhagrin begins flying towards the fallen creatures on his immense, gray wings. "I think that we should keep them alive, for now. Perhaps they have some information we could use, as you suggested... Though my concern for time may lead to their sudden departure from this plane."

2012-01-26, 01:36 PM

"By that you mean their deaths?" he replies.

2012-01-26, 01:37 PM
"...Yes. Yes, that's what I mean."

2012-01-26, 01:43 PM

"Well, if you're really intent on keeping them alive for information, maybe some of us can spare some healing. That's if you have enough for the day. And as far as these two are telling me, it's going to be a long one." He does a few movements with his hand and paces around.

"Though information would really be helpful. The question now is would these two provide it? Or do any of you have some sort of ability to extract the information we need by force if necessary?"

2012-01-26, 05:31 PM
Thax pipes up, Let me see what I can do.

The pixie, standing as tall as he can,

Purple Blob 1 and Purple Blob 2, lets try this again! We are coming to investigate, and do not appreciate being attacked or having our teamates kidnapped! You are going to tell us what is going on here, what you are, who or what you are working for, and what it is trying to accomplish. You will then tell us where our friends is, and if you can't bring him back, you will tell us how to retreive him!

Bluff [roll0]
Gather Information [roll1]

If that doesn't work to get information from the things, he will continue.

Ok, you don't talk to us, you lose the right to both get away. If either of you talk, one can leave, and the one that talks gets to chose who lives and who dies. No one talks, no one lives.

New Bluff [roll4]

Gather Information [roll5]

If they are unresponsive from a need for healing, then the avoral will heal them just enough to get them talking.

2012-01-27, 12:33 AM
It takes a few seconds but the become responsive.
charisma check this time with a +4 synergy bonus[roll0] as before auto reroll if 10 or under is rolled so [roll1]. "we have learned all that is necessarily from you with far less intrusive methods, but when you pry in to our secrets with your crowbar of a tongue we feel we must take harsh measures to hide our plans."

When you try your intimidation and it is noneffective here is there response "If your attacks could truly harm us then we would have died several times over already."

2012-01-27, 08:04 AM
Vector grimaces. "If we cannot get answers from you in one way, we will get it in another." He holds out his hand, closing his eyes in concentration. A slight crackle of psionic energy courses around him, as a tendril of mental energy probes the two creatures.

Augmented Dominate, Psionic (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/dominatePsionic.htm)
DC 31 Will negates.

PP: 240/387

2012-01-27, 11:28 AM

Daedalus hold out one hand in front of him, directed towards Vector. "Wait, let me release my barriers before you do anything." With a mere thought he releases his barriers on both creatures. "You may proceed."

2012-01-27, 11:56 AM
Vector grimaces. "If we cannot get answers from you in one way, we will get it in another." He holds out his hand, closing his eyes in concentration. A slight crackle of psionic energy courses around him, as a tendril of mental energy probes the two creatures.

Augmented Dominate, Psionic (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/dominatePsionic.htm)
DC 31 Will negates.

PP: 240/387

Will saves with +4 synergy bonus blob 1 [roll0], blob 2 [roll1]

2012-01-27, 08:59 PM
Grimacing as his attempts to control the two fail, he suddenly become thoughtful. "If these two will not tell me where my companion has gone... then perhaps I will have to find out myself."

He crosses his legs, not bothering to sit on the ground, and floats in the air, supported by psionic energy. He begins to meditate, focusing his energies to search the knowledge of the multiverse for the answer to a single question: "Where is Ghost?"

Manifesting Divination, Psionic. This takes ten minutes, so be patient. Also, 01-10 indicates failure, 11-100 indicates success:
For clarification, Ghost is my ghost esper knight that got shifted away to god dm-knows-where.

2012-01-27, 10:30 PM
Grimacing as his attempts to control the two fail, he suddenly become thoughtful. "If these two will not tell me where my companion has gone... then perhaps I will have to find out myself."

He crosses his legs, not bothering to sit on the ground, and floats in the air, supported by psionic energy. He begins to meditate, focusing his energies to search the knowledge of the multiverse for the answer to a single question: "Where is Ghost?"

Manifesting Divination, Psionic. This takes ten minutes, so be patient. Also, 01-10 indicates failure, 11-100 indicates success:
For clarification, Ghost is my ghost esper knight that got shifted away to god dm-knows-where.

In a place none can be even when they are there. Then you see a brief flash of a boarded up mine shaft.

2012-01-29, 08:44 PM
Vector frowns. In a place where no one can be even when they are there? Quite the conundrum.

Standing up, he sighes. "She's in 'a place where no one can be even when they are there. Which is to say I have no idea where she is."

He motions to Meta. "See if you can reach her with a Correspond."

Meta nods once, then focuses, reaching across the planes to the mind of their scout. "Where are you? Try to get out if you can, but we can extract you if need be."

Manifesting Correspond. This allows for interplanar communication (two-way).

2012-01-29, 09:48 PM
Vector frowns. In a place where no one can be even when they are there? Quite the conundrum.

Standing up, he sighes. "She's in 'a place where no one can be even when they are there. Which is to say I have no idea where she is."

He motions to Meta. "See if you can reach her with a Correspond."

Meta nods once, then focuses, reaching across the planes to the mind of their scout. "Where are you? Try to get out if you can, but we can extract you if need be."

Manifesting Correspond. This allows for interplanar communication (two-way).

You hear no response.

2012-01-30, 12:36 AM

"Nothing still?" he asks Vector. He then turns to the others. "Well, any other ideas?"

2012-01-30, 01:41 AM

Only that I think I am in over my head. I am not able to withstand or do what you are all doing here. I will help as best as I can, but I have the feeling I will not be of much use. Banarea says in his dark Balor voice.

2012-01-30, 10:15 AM
Revnik switches to the Travel Attunemtn and summons a Hound Archon, having it detect evil on the creatures and commubnicate the results.

Balk, having watched in silence stands to his full height and with his Antimagic Aura active, grabs the closer of the beats in his hand.

2012-01-30, 11:51 AM
Revnik switches to the Travel Attunemtn and summons a Hound Archon, having it detect evil on the creatures and commubnicate the results.

Balk, having watched in silence stands to his full height and with his Antimagic Aura active, grabs the closer of the beats in his hand.

You detect no evil and interrupt no magic.

2012-01-30, 12:14 PM

"If no one else has any ideas on how to handle these two, it is best to be moving on. We are wasting precious time. I can cage them here for a while, or drag them along if you want to. As for your missing comrade, we shall have to look for her on our own, but not without going too much out of our way. I trust you lot, as well as her, understood this as part of the hazards we would have to face."

2012-01-30, 01:08 PM
Balk drops the thing.

These are fools, best dealt with by a swift smack. We can't make them feel that, apparently, so we would ignore them and leave them to their foolishness. But, they are causing trouble. We should bind, banish, take them with us, or send them back for study in the houses of such studies. Can we do any of those effectively? I tire of these things, but don't want them causing more trouble. He takes a few smacks at the thing for good measure, "Casting" as a Spell Like Ability Mage's Disjunction in the process.

2012-01-30, 02:33 PM

"My barriers should be able to hold them. They prevent travel of any kind into or out of them, casting magic into our out of them, and they're quite sturdy. Perhaps it is also best if we just take them along, to be sure they cannot escape and warn the others, though I doubt they still need the warning. Rather, to prevent them from going back and give information regarding us."

2012-01-30, 09:57 PM
"Let us move on then," Vector nods. "I trust Ghost to take care of herself. And I trust that your barriers will keep them in check."

He stretches once, then motions for his group to get in formation. A single spot is left open. "Where to now?"

2012-01-31, 12:22 AM

With that, Daedalus does his usual hand movements and encloses both creatures in barriers. To be safe, he shrinks his barriers to follow the contour of the creatures to not allow them room to move and attack his barriers.

Cast at-will sized movable barriers on both blobs. Then use Form Manipulation to shape his barriers to that of the creature inside it.

"We should just continue on our direction earlier."

2012-01-31, 08:28 AM
Thax pipes up

Yup, I'm done with these guys. Can we wind walk again? Or are we moving at our normal speed? I trust teleporting is still out.

2012-01-31, 10:56 AM
The blobs after a few minuets seam to be revitalized but don't escape there barriers.

2012-01-31, 01:35 PM

"It seems we could still do that. However, from here on would be dangerous, and a minute of time waiting for us to re-materialize to be able to attack or cast spells would cost us in the case of an ambush. I think it is best to fly using our normal modes of flight, but not too high, in case we enter some sort of dead magic zone."

2012-01-31, 09:25 PM
"I agree; we must sacrifice whatever speed we would gain for an increased ability to respond. Shall we proceed, then?" Dhagrin begins flying upwards, away from the blobs.

2012-02-01, 01:19 AM

Daedalus steps in between the two creatures, then forms a barrier around himself, then two rod shaped barriers to connect the creatures' barriers to his own before taking to the air after Dhagrin.

Create at will sized movable barrier around himself, then two small rod shaped ones (movable) to connect the two barriers to his own. Then use remote control technique to move his barrier and fly.

2012-02-01, 11:25 AM
If you are all in agreement with this plan of leaving with the blobs in force fields where do you wish to go. On the horizon there are hills to the left, some hills to the right, and plains between them.

2012-02-01, 04:36 PM
Balk puts on his expansion ring, and then motions for Thax and Revnik to climb on his now massive back. The two small compatriots do so, and Balk motions that the others can get of him as well, if they wish (his AMF is deactivated). He coments briefly that his flights is by wing, not magic, and that he can move faster than soem fo the smaller fliers.

Once everyone is ready and those who wish a ride have done so, Balk heads out. He suggests sticking to the plains. because he is more confortable on the planes. He imagines they have little hope of sneaking in, and he figures they will make better time over them plains, as well as picking it since it is the goegraphic center, allowing for changes of course later, as needed.

Captain Thax searches the monsters for valueable items, not expecting to find anything, but priding himself on being careful not to leave valuable tools behind.

2012-02-01, 06:04 PM
In order to search the blobs you would be required to make a search check to find something on them and they are in barriers right now.

2012-02-02, 09:39 AM
Thax speaks up.

before we go, lets search the things, open up the portals, will you?


my search boosting feat, in case its relevent.

2012-02-02, 10:53 AM

Daedalus creates a few ring shaped barriers around the creature's appendages and the body to bind them before releasing the barriers that fully surrounded them.

2012-02-02, 11:11 AM
They don't seem to have anything on them, but being jelloy blobs Thax can put a rapier through them and feel hard objects inside them, but at this point it is hard to tell whether you are performing a cavity search or an autopsy.

2012-02-03, 08:59 AM
Thax, curious about what is in the blobs but not keep to get the blob stuff all over himself, communicates with Revnik.

Hey Revnik, get one of your buddies in here to pull these hard hings out. They're like rocks inside evilpudding.

Revnik summons an Avoral, who digs with his hands into the blob to try to pull out whatever is in there for examination.

if they are nothing, then lets get on the road, I don't mean to slow us down if its not important clues or valueable look.

2012-02-03, 12:56 PM
The Avoral pulls out a triangular shape still covered in the goo but as soon as it is removed it disappears along with the blob itself. "Dang!" the other blob says "That does not kill us so don't think you can beat us by taking those." I braces itself for its probing.

2012-02-03, 01:08 PM
The warforged considers the blob's reaction carefully.

Sense Motive:

2012-02-04, 02:08 AM
It looks like it kills them, but even if it doesn't it at least banishes them in some way so you defiantly don't think it's a bad thing. It also seems like the blob is very afraid now despite its lack in ability to portray proper emotions.

2012-02-06, 06:35 PM
Vir looks at the second blob, noting its obvious concern and its initial explitive reaction.

I did that without a reason; I didn't even care about him. You are about to ge the opportunity to make me like or hate you.

You are now going to answer our previous questions. If you don't answer them, We rip our your...well, you know. If your answers aren't satisfying enough, We do the samer thing. If you Answer the questions well enough, I promise that none of us will be probing you anytime soon.

2012-02-07, 12:21 AM
[COLOR="Purple"]"I don't think you understand that I cannot tell you anything another force prevents it. So it seems my expedition is over"/COLOR]

You can tell despite similar appearance this one was the original that almost let you pass which is why he is slightly nicer unlike the other one that insulted Thax, still your enemy though just making the distinction in case you thought you were talking to the same one the whole time and it was just having mood swings.

2012-02-07, 10:59 AM
Look, you got weird bosses that mind control you, make you do things, maybe theyn like it for you to sign bar songs while dressed like kobolds...none of my business. Either assist us in our expedition, by act, information, or otherwise, or we rip you little geometric heart out!

If he still can't, then....
Thax will say Fine, not your fault if you're compelled. Bind him up sheild lord, if you'd be so kind, and leave him. He's useless to us. But Blobbo, remember us with fear, and remember us for this kindness.

If you want a bluff check, here it is, but he wasn't bluffing as he was planning to kill him, and just changed his mind, so I don't think a bluff check is needed.


2012-02-07, 11:05 AM
The blob can't do squat so you can trap him and leave.

2012-02-07, 11:48 AM

Daedalus nods at Thax's proposition and surrounds the blob with his barrier, again manipulating it to mimic its shape. "Right then, let us be on our way."

2012-02-08, 08:38 AM
Balk again grows, offering all who want to ride a spot. Vir and Revnik climb on. Vir starts yelling things as if to insinuate that Balk is an air ship and that Vir is the captain. Apparently there are many hatches that need battening down....

Balk starts flying with any riders to the fields int eh middle.

2012-02-08, 11:01 AM
After traveling for a time you should all make a spot check.

2012-02-08, 11:21 AM
Spot Checks

2012-02-08, 12:19 PM
Spot Check:


2012-02-08, 07:09 PM
Dhagrin's Spot check:

2012-02-08, 07:38 PM
The only decent spot mod left in my group... :P

2012-02-09, 11:29 AM
Those of you that got over 30 seean old boarded up mine shaft in the side of the hill on your right, its the first building you have seen in this area.

2012-02-09, 12:04 PM

Flying along towards the plains, Daedalus spots a boarded up mineshaft on the hills to the right. He signals towards the others and points at the direction of the mine.

"Should we check it out?"

2012-02-09, 12:11 PM
Thax looks down,

I say go for it. Doesn't look much like a hideout stronghold, but it could have clues or people who can answer a question. If its empty, we move on.

Balk grunts, and moves to fly over the mine, not lowing his altitude yet, waiting for someoen else ot agree with the loud Sprite before entering.

2012-02-09, 12:18 PM
Nodding his approval, Dhagrin follows Balk down.

2012-02-09, 12:26 PM

Daedalus nods and descends towards the mine. He keeps his eyes and ears open, and is on the ready should anything happen.

2012-02-09, 03:46 PM
Balk lands and looks at the opening, judging whether he will fit in his Large, Huge, or Gargantuan sizes. He adds and removes rings as needed to fit.

Ravnik and Thax draw their weapons and looka round.

2012-02-09, 07:54 PM
As you get close Vector sees the same mine shaft from his divination this area apart from the odd coloration from before has a humming noise that seems to come from nowhere.

2012-02-09, 08:13 PM
Vector's eyes widen as he sees the mine shaft, and his vision from earlier flashes through his mind. A boarded up mineshaft... Could it be...?

He nods his agreement to the others, but holds out a hand to signal his allies to wait. "Since our last... incident, I feel it is prudent to send in a more disposable scout to test the outer contents of this structure."

He motions to Meta, who nods and forms from astral strands, a small, glowing construct. This creature flies out to the side of the mineshaft, attempting to gain entrance.

2012-02-09, 08:26 PM
Your astral construct begins tearing down the boards and you hear an old man yelling and screaming "GET BACK I'M NOT THE ONE YOUR LOOKING FOR SPARE ME!"

2012-02-09, 08:49 PM
Vector flies in front of the mineshaft and waves at the construct to stop. He speaks to the old man calmly, and without threat. "Please, calm down. We mean you no harm. We simply wish to find a missing companion.

He smiles lightly and continues, "If you would be so kind, could you perhaps enlighten us on this place? Where are we?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]
You have got to be kidding me... :smallannoyed: It's a good thing that skill checks don't have natural 1's... :smalltongue:

2012-02-09, 11:07 PM

"Do not be afraid. We are here to help. Please tell us what ha s happened here?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2012-02-09, 11:47 PM
"Oh other survivors, get it quickly!" the rest of the boards magically fly off and reassemble after you enter. You are greeted by an elderly man in a tattered blue doublet.

2012-02-10, 01:12 AM

Daedalus enters and scans the inside, but still does not drop his barrier. "We are actually not survivors. We came from the outside. Please tell us, what happened here?"

2012-02-10, 09:02 AM
Thax fibs (its technically true after all), saying, I am a surviver, actually, but I was just passing through this area when something...horrible...attacked, or happened, or something.....I met up with these heros afterwards and have traveled a short way with them. What happened to us?

Can Balk fit in at Large size? If so then, he puts on his ring of reduction...let me know.

2012-02-10, 01:00 PM
"Ah where to start... well first off my name is Rich Burdoff. I was a transmutation teacher at a school in Lesser Donkeywrath my town was the forth taken over, and I was the only one to escape and remain sane. This is because I have developed a spell to increase ones own intelligence by using transmutation magic to just increase the size of the brain and move cells containing horrible memories in to areas of the brain not used to store memory." You can see is head is slightly larger than average. "I assume that you met a patrol on your way here if I understand you correctly. Those things that you met are fragments of a being from a world where names and language never existed, but it was recently named Ikswobel. This Iksobel witch is the hive mind of all manners of odd shaped blobs of light is so powerful it broke the dimensional boundary. Unlike the planer boundary beyond the dimensional boundary lies a separate multiplanerverse that does not use laws like gravity, conservation of energy, or any laws of magic and does not contain the four elements or matter in general. I don't know how it is even possible for them to be here seeing that their presence contradicts science."

Balk must turn medium to get in.

2012-02-10, 02:18 PM

"That is terrible news. So, you mean to say this, Iskwobel, broke through to our dimension from another dimension that has no such thing as magic or gravity? Hmm, so is it the cause of all this distortion around here? That this thing punched a hole connecting their dimension to ours?"

2012-02-10, 03:22 PM
"Yes and even more terrible is the fact I have studied these creatures for weeks of time and I know almost nothing about them but they learn about us rapidly."

2012-02-10, 03:29 PM
Forgot to ask but is there anyone with this man inside that they can see?

2012-02-10, 04:34 PM
Balk will have to remain outside, he can't get smaller than large.

Revnik says,Do we have any idea what they want or why their here?

2012-02-10, 11:24 PM
Forgot to ask but is there anyone with this man inside that they can see?
There are no others and the mine seams to be empty other then a bed.

Balk will have to remain outside, he can't get smaller than large. Polymorphing balk to be a human, elf, or dwarf would work the old wizard has the means to do it.

Revnik says,Do we have any idea what they want or why their here?"If I were to guess probably just continue aggressively exploring the planes ruining the landscape in the process until they learned whatever they need to know to manipulate, destroy, or something. There motives are unclear but they are trying to learn about us."

2012-02-10, 11:52 PM

"It seems that from those two blobs we met, they cannot be reasoned well either. It is as if they are all controlled by this Iskwobel thing, correct? Are all of them blob-like creatures? Or are there more?"

2012-02-11, 01:43 AM
"I know almost nothing of Ikswobel apart from its name and rank among the dimensional invaders. From what I understand the invaders melt into a blob as they get further from there point of origin and they can resist this melting when the land is more distorted and this distortion seems to grow everyday making me need to find a new hiding spot every so often. I learned this only because I first see puddles slide pass by my hideout, then blobs, then floating blobs, but this is actually a very gradual process."

2012-02-11, 02:09 AM

"I see. That is very much helpful. Well, the only thing we can do is find the source of this and do what we can. This cannot continue to go further. Do you know where the center of this distortion is?"

2012-02-11, 06:18 AM
"I know the general direction, but the problem with distortion is the fact that it... will... distorts things like maps, roads, and landmarks so there is no sure way to go."

2012-02-11, 06:44 AM

"Hmm. That is a problem. Well, please just show the way, and we'll figure something out." Just follow the blobs, maybe, he smiles. "And is there anything else you know that might be helpful against them?"

2012-02-12, 01:58 AM
"Well I think the path would be southeast and my best advice for fighting them would be to fight them with there own power because if they come from a place where they have no physical bodies they likely still don't need one now except to pick up objects and such.

2012-02-12, 07:40 PM
Vector made a decision. Striding up to the man, he nodded his thanks. "We thank you for your help, but there is one more thing I must ask of you. One of my fellow adventurers and friends was recently... disappeared by the Ikswobel. My divinations have led me to believe that she is here, in this mineshaft. With your permission, I would like to seek and retrieve her, if possble."

2012-02-13, 03:27 AM
"Well your ally is not here although you are free to check." The moment he finishes his sentence you start to hear a noise like a gust of wind but much louder than normal and you see a light from deep in the mine. "Another portal, run while you still can!" The wizard casts fly and removes his reassembling barrier from the mine enterance.

2012-02-13, 05:26 AM

"Portal? What do you mean?" he tries to ask him before he leaves.

2012-02-13, 05:42 AM
"Run don't think." You hear him say as he is finished casting fly.

Ghost must make a will save.

2012-02-13, 07:22 PM
Will save: [roll0]

2012-02-14, 12:11 AM

He shakes his head and turns around towards the source of the noise. He moves forward and looks to investigate.

Spot check: [roll0]

2012-02-14, 02:21 AM
You see a small orb slowly expanding it seems to be made of some supernatural substance, it lies at the back of the mine and has a blurry shape inside it. The wizard yells one more time to flee before he is outside the mines.

2012-02-14, 03:54 AM
Checks to identify the orb.

Arcane: [roll0]
Spellcraft: [roll1]
The Planes: [roll2]
Int check: [roll3]

2012-02-14, 10:45 AM
Your int check tells you that the orb is the portal the old wizard is running from the spherical shape probably allows travelers to move in and out of the portal from any angle.

2012-02-14, 12:01 PM

Daedalus looks at his companions. "Seems like a portal to somewhere. Want to find out where that leads to?"

2012-02-14, 03:15 PM
"I am simply overwhelmed with curiosity." says Dhagrin, finally joining in on the conversation. "Would you like to test the portal in some way before hurling your flesh through it? If it leads to the Ikswobel's home plane then it could be hostile beyond imagination, so much so that even your barriers won't protect you."

2012-02-14, 03:50 PM

"Of course you are right. Well I could send a small barrier and see if it survives the trip." He flicks his wrist and forms a small barrier near the orb and lets it float towards it.

Cast 1 foot circular movable barrier and move it towards the orb. Daedalus can sense his barrier if it is destroyed or not.

2012-02-15, 04:13 AM
"Halt bubble?" a voice says from within the portal (concentration check DC 40 to continue moving the barrier) "You have broken 8 of Ikswobel's rules trying to enter a restricted portal, trying to enter a portal without training, trying to enter a portal without permission, trying to enter a portal when another is exiting, trying to enter a portal when not on the list of approved portal using races, trying to enter a portal when made of an improper substances, not being of one of the approved races, and not being to the Ikswobel's liking. Summoner of this bubble you are an accomplice for commanding this bubble to brake these laws. As well all of you have broken the rules witnessing a classified event, ploting against Ikswobel, spying, and the murder of 2 scouts. As punishment you all will be used as material and/or fuel."

2012-02-15, 09:51 AM

"Fuel? This should be interesting. You have broken 10 of my rules. Entering without permission into our plane, punching a hole into our plane, warping the surrounding area, taking over of peaceful towns and villages, killing of innocent citizens, warping the minds of innocent citizens, continuing to expand this warped space into our lands, kidnapping of a person without provocation, attacking my companions, and looking horribly bad. How do you plead?" He does not let his barrier advance any further.

2012-02-15, 02:51 PM
Let me tell you, disembodied voice, you are sorely mistaken. We came to learn and parley with Ikswobel or its representitives. We were kidnapped and attacked by these representitives, and deended ourselves. We also were told be them that we couldn't kill them, and we left one of them safe and sound, as he requested. We now approach this portal thing you made in order to again attempt to learn and parley with you, asd well as to rescue our kidnapped comrad. Now come explain yourselves and return our companion. We respect your rules, but you have inferior jurisdiction here to ourselves, and we will not akcquiese to your requests until you explain yourself in peaceful discourse.


2012-02-15, 03:58 PM
The opposed negotiator auto succeeds. "In your plane there is a thing called hierarchy or food chain in witch the strong dominate the week so after learning this we decided to adopt this custom from your world. Now whether or not it is in your best interest for my plane to fallow these laws of nature is not up to you because we would have acted the same way if your food chain had never existed. Although we are at a disadvantage fighting in a new plane system we have won most of our battles. So as the more powerful race I assert my masters ruling at a higher priority."

2012-02-16, 08:16 AM
Revnik growls,
This is rediculous...talking to them is a waste of time. lets either destroy them all or just walk on and ignore them.

2012-02-16, 11:25 AM
"Well that is certainly an option, but I am not the one missing a ghost. I assumed that you came to find this being we probably would have given this ghost thing back to you after examination, but now that you are criminals and my platoon is now prepared to go through this portal you would not be with this ally for very much longer."

The entire platoon exits the smallish portal all at once by leaving it from different directions. 8 look like green outlines of humanoids others look like the blobs with a somewhat humanoid form.

2012-02-16, 12:53 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

2012-02-16, 02:48 PM
Initiatives reduced from the need to properly adapt to your world.

2012-02-16, 04:44 PM



2012-02-16, 04:48 PM
As soon Thax can make a free action, he will go invisible. I am unclear on the rules for timing of free actions during an opponent's turn, please tell me in a spoiler whether he manages to go invisible before the first monsters attack, or after.

2012-02-16, 05:02 PM
Free actions are always on your turn, so...yeah.

2012-02-16, 05:20 PM
Thax with his initiative of 28 will turn invisible after the Non-Blobs

2012-02-16, 09:50 PM
Vector: [roll0]
Meta: [roll1]
Psych: [roll2]
Sword: [roll3]
Time: [roll4]
Dusk: [roll5]

2012-02-17, 12:02 AM
The order is Vector and his teemates (I said share initiative scores last time), then non-blobs, then Revnik's group, then Daedalus, then blobs

2012-02-17, 05:43 AM
Seeing the rest of the group readying themselves for a fight, Dhagrin does the same.

Casting nerveskitter as an immediate action (this specific spell can be cast even while flat-footed).


2012-02-17, 08:12 AM
Thats cool, he'll go invisible after.

Rules debate, though irrelevent because I beleive strongly that on any topic on whihc there is any small debate at all, DM's ruling wins IC without question.
Many free actions can be done on an oppoennt's turn...they are faster than immediate actions anyway, but the rules are unclear on it. Some specificaly imply they are to be used on an opponent's turn, some specifically imply they are to be used on your turn. This one does not say. It does seem odd that I can do it many times (possibly infinite, depending on the DM) on my turn, and then have to sit still while someone walks towards me.

2012-02-17, 02:26 PM
Allright lyndworm goes after ieatfood7

Also if thax's ability says it can be used anytime it can, but otherwise free actions are only on your turn

2012-02-20, 04:27 AM
I guess it's non blobs turn first.

There are enough to attack all but three of you those three are Balk, Meta, and Dusk.

Everyone else str checks DC 30

If you succeed nothing happens.

If you failYou are transported next to your attacker and take [roll0] damage it has no type

2012-02-20, 06:38 AM
Dhagrin is instantly transported next to one of the blobs, reeling from the energy wave that forced his movement.

Dhagrin auto-fails the Strength check with only a 26 Strength (+8 modifier).

2012-02-20, 08:48 AM
Unless it is an extraordinary effect, then it does not affect Daedalus. Otherwise, he autofails the check and takes the damage.

2012-02-20, 02:10 PM
Revnik and Thax are shunted to an enemy and damaged by the effect.

I'm not sure that anyone here has a +10 modifier to STR to be able to possibly resist that..Banlk "only" has a STR of 37 when in Gigantic size, so his +13 modifier would have given him a.....20% chance of resisting it?

on a sidetopic, I should have chosen to give Revnik immunity from untyped damage ;) honestly, its a class option in his stupid stupid OP class.

2012-02-20, 05:49 PM
This is an extraordinary ability for Daedalus purposes, and now it is Revnik, Balk, and Thax's turns.

2012-02-20, 07:46 PM
Revnik staggers under the hit, not used to being touched by the attacks of others. He uses a Standard Action to Attune himself to Cold, wishing he had remembered to do that after summoning that last Avoral with the other blobs, and making a note to always be in Cold attunement between fights, unless untherwise indicated.

He will take his extra turn after eevryone else and before the blobs go again.

Also, what are the distances between al the monsters? I can take this turn without knowing, but I will need to know for next turn. a Map would help.

Balk, roars, angered at the ambush, and at not having been included in the first attack. He Charges at whichever of the human looking things will allow him to have the most opponents in his threatened area (40 foot radius) and attacks with surprising speed and force.

His AMF is active.





If the enemy is killed, then he gets a fear aura, gets a 5 foot step, and a cleave attack against another foe. That attack would only deal 6d6+29 damage.

Thax declares himself to the enemies: You have made a grave mistake and a bitter enemy. You will not get another chance until you beg for it.

He goes invisible and then focuses in on the blob who grabbed him and unleashes a rain of blows on it.

Does her get the +2 to hit for being invisible if he is using hiw rapier wit to use a bluf check insteand of an attack roll? I assumed not, but add +2 if you feel like it.







The blob drops anythign in its "hands"...which I assume is nothing.

The blob is entangled, unless it can win at an opposed attack roll.

All enemies perceiving him must make a Will save DC 27 or be panicked for [roll20] rounds and then cower for 9 rounds.

Alle enemies perceiving must make a Will Save DC 23 (-4 modifier for my assumption that none of these things are attracted to male pixies) or be facinated until struck.

2012-02-21, 12:13 PM
squares are 5ft.
s=stone wall
h=human shaped outline thing

Balk misses
Thax hits 4 times dealing a total of 148 damage after special defenses are applied. Opposed attack roll (Tie-Down does work on these more human like ones) [roll0]. Everything auto succeeds will saves.

2012-02-21, 06:29 PM
Dhagrin twists his left hand into a shape of arcane power, shouting "Fethos!" as a shimmering bubble-like aura appears around him, and then vanishes. His fists begin to glow with an arcane light, and Dhagrin's entire body begins to spark and crackle with electrical energy. With a roar, the warforged begins to wail on the shapes around him.

Swift action to cast shield. Free action to burn a prepared reverse gravity to Arcane Strike. Free action to burn 20hp to Shocking Fist. Full-round action to full-attack the human-shaped deal in E2 (any remaining attacks shift to the blob in D1, should the human-shaped deal fall), Power Attacking for -7.

Dhagrin's Potential Attacks:
Unarmed Attack 1:

Unarmed Damage 1:
[roll1] Bludgeoning (maybe Piercing, too; the text is somewhat unclear)

Shocking Fist Damage:
[roll2] Electricity

Arcane Strike Damage 1:
[roll3] Untyped

Bloodstone Damage:
[roll4] +50% (93) Untyped (Any damage this deals will be given to Dhagrin as temporary HP lasting 1 hour. If this attack misses, the damage is instead done on the next attack, and so on.)

Unarmed Attack 2:

Unarmed Damage 2:
[roll6] Bludgeoning (maybe Piercing, too; the text is somewhat unclear)

Arcane Strike Damage 2:
[roll7] Untyped

Unarmed Attack 3:

Unarmed Damage 3:
[roll9] Bludgeoning (maybe Piercing, too; the text is somewhat unclear)

Arcane Strike Damage 3:
[roll10] Untyped

Slam Attack:

Slam Damage:
[roll12] Bludgeoning and Piercing

Arcane Strike Damage 4:
[roll13] Untyped
Dhagrin's Statistics:
Dhagrin Copperclaw (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=350456)
Male TN Warforged Monk 1/Conjurer 1/Warblade 4/Abjurant Champion 5/Jade Phoenix Mage 9, Level 20, Init +10, HP 133/195 DR 10/Evil, Speed 30ft, 70ft Fly (G)
AC 53, Touch 33, Flat-footed 46, Fort +25, Ref +24, Will +20, Base Attack Bonus +19/+14/+9/+4
Unarmed Strike, +5 +33 (12d8+17, 20/x2)
Slam +23 (1d8+4, 20/x2)
Twilight Composite Plating, +1 (+6 Armor, +9 Shield, +5 Dex, +2 Dodge, +5 Natural, +5 Deflect, +1 Insight, +10 Misc)
Abilities Str 26, Dex 20, Con 20, Int 28, Wis 16, Cha 14
Condition Under the effects of the following spells:

1st - Shield (40 minute duration)
2nd - Heart of Water (42 hour duration, used Rod of Extend)
3rd - Greater Mage Armor (42 hour duration)
3rd - Greater Magic Weapon (42 hour duration)
3rd - Greater Mighty Wallop (42 hour duration)
4th - Heart of Earth (42 hour duration, used Rod of Extend)
6th - Superior Resistance (48 hour duration)
7th - Energy Absorption (42 hour duration)

Unarmed Strike charged with an Empowered Vampiric Touch (if every attack misses).
Currently in Mystic Phoenix Stance (expended Wall of Stone for DR10/Evil).

2012-02-21, 08:42 PM
All misses and just remembered because of being a monk you have to be lawful not a big problem though you can change it if you want.

2012-02-22, 12:11 AM

Daedalus is taken by surprise by the attack, nevertheless he recovers and proceeds to make a barrier around him and around his enemies, then implodes the ones he formed around his enemies.

Create at will barriers around him and around the enemies B1 to D1 and E2 to E4. Then he implodes the barriers around his enemies.

Damage 1: [roll0]
Damage 2: [roll1]

Fort 33 to half damage.

2012-02-22, 11:30 AM
fort saves b1, e2, and e4 auto success d1 [roll0]

2012-02-22, 11:57 AM
Just to clarify, C1 and E3 are also included in the range of the implosion.

2012-02-22, 07:46 PM
Here are there rolls c1 [roll0], e3 [roll1]

For the blobs turn they use the extraordinary means of travel they posses to try and move you but, it seems to be ineffective. For clarification this travel was not used earlier to move you to a spot surrounding one of the non-blobs.

2012-02-23, 02:41 PM
Non-blobs turn they all attempt to grapple Revnik and shove him trough the portal


The non-blob in b1 moves through the stone to reach b5 then assists in grappling the grapple check is [roll0]. If grappled they will pass you to the non-blob in square d3 who will be helped by surrounding foes making a second grapple of [roll1] to throw Revnik trough the portal. The non-blob in b2 does nothing.

Miscalculated the grapple checks they should both be 1 lower.

And Revnik can take his extra turn if he is successful in not being thrown in the portal the non-blobs have a similar bonus turn that they can use first because of higher initiative.

2012-02-28, 01:15 PM
sorry for the delay, family events and sick in bed with no internet.

If the Blob's attempt to teleport us triggers AoO....
Revnik takes an attack of Opportunity against each of the blobs.
Revnik attacks against the opponent's flat footed AC, has Ghost Touch, ignores deflection, DR, and all the other stuff from before (including how he's supposed to do Con damage on any hit and is supposed to do half damage and lower the target's AC on a miss)


Damage1[roll]1d6+38 TIMES 2.5

Damage1[roll3] TIMES 2.5 +16
[roll4] TIMES 2.5


Damage1[roll]1d6+38 TIMES 2.5 +16

Damage1[roll8] TIMES 2.5 +16
[roll9] TIMES 2.5


Damage1[roll]1d6+38 TIMES 2.5 +16

Damage1[roll13] TIMES 2.5 +16
[roll14] TIMES 2.5


Damage1[roll]1d6+38 TIMES 2.5 +16
[roll16] TIMES 2.5

Damage1[roll18] TIMES 2.5 +16
[roll19] TIMES 2.5

Revnik attempts to make his AoO against the monster trying to grapple him. in response to the grapple attempt.....

Damage1[roll]1d6+38 TIMES 2.5 +16
[roll21] TIMES 2.5

Damage1[roll23] TIMES 2.5 +16
[roll24] TIMES 2.5

2012-02-28, 01:18 PM
for the mistakenly coded rolls, in order


2012-02-28, 01:35 PM
If the thing is still attempting to grapple Revnik, it must succeed on a touch attack. If that succeeds, He will autofailt the opposed grapple check. If they toss him in the portal, he causes any teleport effect to fail to send him anywhere (though I know you're using "non teleport" effects sometimes to teleport people places). Let me know how that all goes for him before I post everyone's actions.

I undertsand that no new touch attack would be required to pass him to another grappler, nor would he geta new AoO, but correct me if I'm wrong on those

2012-02-29, 12:18 AM
The failed teleportation does not provoke AoO's

The grappling AoO's miss and do half damage

Touch attack in order to grapple including flanking bonus subtract 3 if you can't be flanked through some ability [roll0] if it misses a different one will attack so here are 2 more rolls [roll1] [roll2] if the additional attacks are needed then those non blobs that missed can't assist in grappling you and you can subtract 3 from the first grapple roll per miss

You do get an AoO when being passed to the other non blob, but you can't attack when grappled unless you have light weapons

If you get thrown into the portal I will tell you what happens in spoilers marked DON'T READ, but of course you can read them because they are intended for you

After determining whether or not Revnik went through the portal he may take his turn as well as your other characters

2012-02-29, 09:11 AM
After seeing that the first thing is able to grapple Revnik, Thax attempts to Foil Action the second creture's grapple, hopefully making him drop Revnik.

I think you have soemthign that belong to me!

ranged touch attack for foil action [roll0].

If that doesn't work, then Revnik is sucessfully grappled and thrown at the portal.

he will take his extra turn and his nromal turn both after Thax and Balk, since I want to post on time, but don't knwo where Revnik is.

Thax is invisible (my rolls below assume they can still see me, add +2 to attacks if they cannot) and utilized the Tome, Whirlwind attack, moving in a giant circle (auto succeeding at tumbling the whole time to avoid AoO's) to end up where he started and have hit each enemy. He worries whether he can hit without getting his bluff bonus to everyone, but hopes that they can't see him and that their flat footed AC is low enough.
attack 1 [roll1]
damage 1 [roll0]

attack 2 [roll2]
damage 2 [roll1]

attack 1 [roll3]
damage 1 [roll2]

attack 2 [roll4]
damage 2 [roll3]

attack 1 [roll5]
damage 1 [roll4]

attack 2 [roll6]
damage 2 [roll5]

attack 1 [roll7]
damage 1 [roll6]

attack 2 [roll8]
damage 2 [roll7]

attack 1 [roll9]
damage 1 [roll8]plus bluff check damage[roll10]

attack 2 [roll11]
damage 2 [roll9]plus(bluff check damage from above a second time)

attack 1 [roll12]
damage 1 [roll10]

attack 2 [roll13]
damage 2 [roll11]

attack 1 [roll14]
damage 1 [roll12]

attack 2 [roll15]
damage 2 [roll13]

attack 1 [roll16]
damage 1 [roll14]

attack 2 [roll17]
damage 2 [roll15]

attack 1 [roll18]
damage 1 [roll16]

attack 2 [roll19]
damage 2 [roll17]

attack 1 [roll20]
damage 1 [roll18]

attack 2 [roll21]
damage 2 [roll19]

attack 1 [roll22]
damage 1 [roll20]

attack 2 [roll23]
damage 2 [roll21]

attack 1 [roll24]
damage 1 [roll22]

attack 2 [roll25]
damage 2 [roll23]

Balk can reach literally anyone in the area (so please tell me when an AoO is triggered, as I don't trust my ability to understand when these unusual things trigger AoO's), but attacks the one at B5, as he does not prefer to be surrounded.

one the firts hit, fort save = 35 or stunned for one round




2012-02-29, 09:18 AM
no idea what happened with those rolls....no idea at all...every one fo them is wrong, and some don't even show up.....stupid coding....here are the rolls

Foil Action touch attack

Thax whirlwind attacks

attack 1 [roll1]
damage 1 [roll]1d8+15

attack 2
damage 2 [roll3]

attack 1 [roll4]
damage 1 [roll]1d8+15

attack 2
damage 2 [roll6]

attack 1 [roll7]
damage 1 [roll]1d8+15

attack 2
damage 2 [roll9]

attattack 1 [roll10]
damage 1 [roll]1d8+15

attack 2
damage 2 [roll12]

attack 1 [roll13]
damage 1 [roll]1d20+86

attack 2
damage 2 [roll15]

attack 1 [roll16]
damage 1 [roll]1d8+30

attack 2
damage 2 [roll18]

attack 1 [roll19]
damage 1 [roll]1d8+15

attack 2
damage 2 [roll21]

attack 1 [roll22]
damage 1 [roll]1d8+15

attack 2
damage 2 [roll24]

attack 1 [roll25]
damage 1 [roll]1d8+15

attack 2
damage 2 [roll27]

attack 1 [roll28]
damage 1 [roll]1d8+15

attack 2
damage 2 [roll30]

attack 1 [roll31]
damage 1 [roll]1d8+15

attack 2
damage 2 [roll33]

attack 1 [roll34]
damage 1 [roll]1d8+15

attack 2 [roll35]
damage 2 [roll36]

2012-02-29, 09:23 AM
too many dice rolls...this is crap...sorry for having to deal with my coding problems.

here are Thax's damage dice from above, in order.

damage 1 [roll0]

damage 1 [roll1]

damage 1 [roll2]

damage 1 [roll3]

damage 1 [roll4]

damage 1 [roll5]

damage 1 [roll6]

damage 1 [roll7]

damage 1 [roll8]

damage 1 [roll9]

damage 1 [roll10]

damage 1 [roll11]

and here are Balks rolls....

one the firts hit, fort save = 35 or stunned for one round




2012-02-29, 11:22 AM
The foil misses

Because of balks reach he gets AoO's on the 2 non blobs that grapple Revnik

Thax gets 6 hits

Balk misses

This is if balk fails to kill those grappling Revnik
DON'T READAfter entering your senses are bombarded with distortion you see strobe lights, you feel painful itching, you hear loud ringing, you taste meat burnt to a crisp, and you smell an odd chemical smell. Your mind is is greeted by a very blurred telepathy. It feels like the transmitted message to many different thoughts at once, but you can pick out a few things like "welcome" "prisoner" "conquest" "savior" and "Ikswoblel"

2012-02-29, 12:48 PM
Balk hasn't HIT them yet, let along killed them, but here goes nothing. I am very confused though, as flat footed or touch attacks don't seem to have any better luck hitting them than regular attacks, and removing their deflection bonus doesn't either....so confused

Balk's attacks

attack [roll0]

attack [roll2]

2012-02-29, 01:51 PM
Those miss to and don't worry I promised to show you there stats in the end so you will see why you can't hit them, but for now take Revniks turns in the other dimension then Lyndworm can go.

2012-02-29, 02:37 PM
OTHER DIMENTION ?do not read?

Revnik has traveled the planes, and tries to figure out what is going on.

Knowlege the planes [roll0] (I think the roll messed up, should be a +20 on that as the modifier.

Wihtout being able to see anything to fight, and realizing it might be the air artoudn him in sentient for all he knows, he plays it cool for the moment, healing himself, then switching to the Travel Attunement to try to phane shift his way home.

2012-02-29, 03:22 PM
DON'T READWith your Knowlage check you realize that sense this is a different dimension so you can only shift to planes that exist in this dimension. More thought flow by like "you" "hear" "me" "you" "disoriented"

2012-03-01, 08:46 AM
Revnik is sucked through the portal, and the battle continues without him for the time being.

DO NOT READRevnik speaks out, I can hear you, where are we, and what do you want from me?

2012-03-01, 12:25 PM
DON'T READ"good" "wait" "senses" "will return" "we" "inside Ikswobel" "need you" "stay" "until" "complete"

2012-03-01, 07:52 PM
Snarling his frustration, the warforged continues to punch about with abandon, sparks flying.

Swift action to use Minor Shapeshift to gain 20 temporary hit points. Free action to burn a prepared greater shadow conjuration to Arcane Strike. Free action to burn 20hp to Shocking Fist. Full-round action to full-attack the human-shaped deal in E2 (any remaining attacks shift to the blob in D1, should the human-shaped deal fall), Power Attacking for -7.

Dhagrin's Potential Attacks:
Unarmed Attack 1:

Unarmed Damage 1:
[roll1] Bludgeoning (maybe Piercing, too; the text is somewhat unclear)

Shocking Fist Damage:
[roll2] Electricity

Arcane Strike Damage 1:
[roll3] Untyped

Bloodstone Damage:
[roll4] +50% (81) Untyped (Any damage this deals will be given to Dhagrin as temporary HP lasting 1 hour. If this attack misses, the damage is instead done on the next attack, and so on.)

Unarmed Attack 2:

Unarmed Damage 2:
[roll6] Bludgeoning (maybe Piercing, too; the text is somewhat unclear)

Arcane Strike Damage 2:
[roll7] Untyped

Unarmed Attack 3:

Unarmed Damage 3:
[roll9] Bludgeoning (maybe Piercing, too; the text is somewhat unclear)

Arcane Strike Damage 3:
[roll10] Untyped

Slam Attack:

Slam Damage:
[roll12] Bludgeoning and Piercing

Arcane Strike Damage 4:
[roll13] Untyped
Dhagrin's Statistics:
Dhagrin Copperclaw (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=350456)
Male TN Warforged Monk 1/Conjurer 1/Warblade 4/Abjurant Champion 5/Jade Phoenix Mage 9, Level 20, Init +10, HP 133/195 DR 10/Evil, Speed 30ft, 70ft Fly (G)
AC 53, Touch 33, Flat-footed 46, Fort +25, Ref +24, Will +20, Base Attack Bonus +19/+14/+9/+4
Unarmed Strike, +5 +33 (12d8+17, 20/x2)
Slam +23 (1d8+4, 20/x2)
Twilight Composite Plating, +1 (+6 Armor, +9 Shield, +5 Dex, +2 Dodge, +5 Natural, +5 Deflect, +1 Insight, +10 Misc)
Abilities Str 26, Dex 20, Con 20, Int 28, Wis 16, Cha 14
Condition Under the effects of the following spells:

1st - Shield (40 minute duration)
2nd - Heart of Water (42 hour duration, used Rod of Extend)
3rd - Greater Mage Armor (42 hour duration)
3rd - Greater Magic Weapon (42 hour duration)
3rd - Greater Mighty Wallop (42 hour duration)
4th - Heart of Earth (42 hour duration, used Rod of Extend)
6th - Superior Resistance (48 hour duration)
7th - Energy Absorption (42 hour duration)

Unarmed Strike charged with an Empowered Vampiric Touch (if every attack misses).
Currently in Mystic Phoenix Stance (expended Wall of Stone for DR10/Evil).