View Full Version : Epic 3.P Gestalt Campaign Help

2011-12-08, 11:16 PM
Just spoke to the DM, and he wants to be a player (he DMs a lot), so I am the new DM... Yay...

I decided on an all-Drow party campaign in Menzoberranzen during the Drizzt novels, with cameos to them. How it is going to work is it starts with Io meeting them in the Eberron-verse, begging for their help. Apparently, the timeline has been epically screwed up. Apparently, a drow priestess stole an artifact that holds all of Lolth's power.

The party will be aided by major NPCs like Drizzt and Jarlaxle in Menzoberranzen. I want these NPCs to be difficult to kill should the situation arise. I know Jaraxle will be a Swashbuckler//Rogue and Drizzt will be a Mystic Ranger//Barbarian, but other NPCs in FR are lost to me.

If anyone has ideas for the campaign and/or NPCs who should help the party, please post them