View Full Version : Looking for a good hook on gaining the dark creature template.

Lictor of Thrax
2011-12-09, 12:54 AM
I'm considering bypassing the purchase of an Umbral Collar and instead actually convert my character to a dark creature template through a story hook.

Problem is, I've been having trouble finding a lot of information about how exactly someone becomes a dark creature (outside of the spell that then promptly kills you). First and foremost, if there's any books that might have some good literature on the shadow plane or dark creature templates, besides the manual of the planes or lords of madness.

If there isn't anything nifty that I could read up on (even dragon mag articles are an option), I guess I was wondering if anyone had any good ideas on how to go about this? Any gods/dieties/beings that it might be good to make an attempt to commune with or what-have-you.

Anyhow, thanks in advance for any ideas.

2011-12-09, 12:57 AM
the Dark template means you're a denizen of the shadow plane, taking it after character creation would require DM allowance and then it would be up to him to determine how it would be done.

The best bet is just to hang out on and survive the shadow plane for a few years at least, I'd guess.

2011-12-09, 12:59 AM
There's always the "sacrifice a bunch of virgins and ask the local god nicely"...


2011-12-09, 01:12 AM
Check out the Cormyr: Tearing of the Weave adventure. It includes a new Magical Location, a "Failed Shadow Gate" that has a chance of getting you the dark template. It's worth 5,000 gp, and basically, by walking through the gate, you have to make a DC 20 Will save (which you can choose to fail).

The effect if you fail will grant you the dark template 1/day, lasting for 10 minutes (calling it up is a standard action supernatural ability). However, there's a 50% chance that you'll instead be knocked down to -9 HP and die in one round rather than getting the template.

Once you've survived ten trips through this portal (you can just go back and forth if you have somebody on hand to heal you back up), the template is considered to be "always on" but your alignment flips over to Evil.

Backstory to the item:

"When a character passes through the gate, he briefly enters the Plane of Shadow - but just for a stuttering instant, long enough for a seed of shadow to become implanted in the character. By the time the character reaches the opposite side a second later and wades into the pile of fleshless bones there, the change is already under way.

The character feels a film of cold flow over him. His skin and equipment appear somewhat blurred. He can try to resist the effect (Will DC 20) or allow it to proceed. Those who resist and succeed throw off all further effects and come to no harm, but gain no benefit.

Those who leave themselves open to the change or who resist and fail are subsumed by shadow. This effect either grants a character the dark template, which he can call upon one a day, or kills him through incomplete subsumption. Half of those who make the trip die in this fashion. Their skin and equipment mist away in a stream of fleeting shadow."

Lictor of Thrax
2011-12-09, 01:42 AM
Check out the Cormyr: Tearing of the Weave adventure. It includes a new Magical Location, a "Failed Shadow Gate" that has a chance of getting you the dark template. It's worth 5,000 gp, and basically, by walking through the gate, you have to make a DC 20 Will save (which you can choose to fail).

The effect if you fail will grant you the dark template 1/day, lasting for 10 minutes (calling it up is a standard action supernatural ability). However, there's a 50% chance that you'll instead be knocked down to -9 HP and die in one round rather than getting the template.

Once you've survived ten trips through this portal (you can just go back and forth if you have somebody on hand to heal you back up), the template is considered to be "always on" but your alignment flips over to Evil.

Backstory to the item:

"When a character passes through the gate, he briefly enters the Plane of Shadow - but just for a stuttering instant, long enough for a seed of shadow to become implanted in the character. By the time the character reaches the opposite side a second later and wades into the pile of fleshless bones there, the change is already under way.

The character feels a film of cold flow over him. His skin and equipment appear somewhat blurred. He can try to resist the effect (Will DC 20) or allow it to proceed. Those who resist and succeed throw off all further effects and come to no harm, but gain no benefit.

Those who leave themselves open to the change or who resist and fail are subsumed by shadow. This effect either grants a character the dark template, which he can call upon one a day, or kills him through incomplete subsumption. Half of those who make the trip die in this fashion. Their skin and equipment mist away in a stream of fleeting shadow."


And to Aegis013 - Yeah, it would totally be something I'd work out with the DM. My DM already knows that my character is researching the planes and interested in the shadows. He's totally cool with coming up with a way to do this if it's what I want to do. I was just hoping to find some material (or good ideas) to pitch to him as a way to earn the template.