View Full Version : [DnD 3.5] Questions about Cleric Domains

2011-12-09, 03:15 PM
First off, am I correct in understanding that a cleric without a deity can select any two domains, as long as they don't go against alignment?

Do they still get all the spells and granted powers if they have no deity?

And finally, is there anything against a non-elf picking the Elf Domain?


2011-12-09, 03:37 PM
depends on how much fluff you're willing to sacrifice for power.
you can just be a "cleric of a cause" and pick any two strong domains:
popular choices are Undeath and Planning, for the bonus feats, or Travel(Freedom of Movement and good spells like fly and teleport) or Magic domains for using scrolls and such.
About the elf domain... i don't really know, but taking the Elf domain without being an elf... well, again, depends on how much do you care about fluff

2011-12-09, 03:52 PM
You can take elf if you play a cleric of a concept with out being an elf. You just have to revere elves.

Might I assume this is for a Cleric archer build?

2011-12-09, 03:59 PM
Cleric archer, more or less.

Neraph Fighter 1/Cleric 1(planning to go into Prestige Paladin). He's using thrown weapons though(annulats).

I originally had it as straight Fighter 2, before being suggested to add Cleric and such. I thought about taking the Elf Domain to pick up Point Blank Shot for free so I could use another feat slot for Precise Shot(dropping Fighter 2 cost me Precise Shot).